(1-3)World's Strongest Warrior Reincarnates As An Overpowered Princess

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before we start the name is at the top right of the screen The Story begins with Kim Young wondering if she has succeeded after the master of the final floor has vanquished as the clear condition of the Epic Quest has been fulfilled she wonders really it's truly the end now however the monster in the game cannot believe he lost to a human and thinks this cannot be happening he whes about his grand plan not being concluded yet she asks him is he really talking about a grand plan well if world domination is such a big deal he cannot really die with Grace she is quick to add its really uncreative the system tells him the king of waves and healing expresses regret that he is now returning to the original world and the malicious blood cult leader sniffles with tears she asks him why is he crying it's just the end of the story they have been through enough together haven't they and it seems like it's time to say goodbye the system asks her how she could say such a thing she simply replies oh they're getting old now and requests them to let her just go home she lets them know her dog is waiting for her her malty Cerberus must be eagerly waiting for her alone the system points out that when The Possession ends the dog won't remember the time he has been waiting she tells them that's right she's the one waiting and she's dying to see her dog at home that's when the monster lets her know he will seek revenge she admits he is quite persistent but tells him to seek revenge from the uncreative author not her he warns her since she has destroyed his wish he will also destroy her strongest wish she attacks him with her sword and tells him if he's going to die then he should die quickly instead of cursing around she reminds him how many people he has killed and talks about revenge as if it's some wish others don't have that luxury he should die he gives her an evil smile and tells her in the next life his revenge will be fulfilled she will forever remain there she thinks he's already talking about next life huh but she is done as long as she clears the quest she is out he can curse all he wants but she's still one the other users praise her for her wisdom and the Lord of Temptation tempts her to dream of puppies 100 times more however the malicious blood cult leader subtly suggests that he should become a dog she calls him a grandfather and asks him how old is he he's offended and says that he's not a grandfather but a figure of reverse age transformation she says what can she do anyway both she and the old man are over 100 years old anyway the malicious blood cult leader urges her to quickly claim her clear rewards and turns away she agrees that there's no delay and asks the system to go to the quest window and demand them to quickly give her rewards however the system provides her with Emer mergency notice there has been an error in the system and they are urgently updating it they deeply appreciate her patience she wonders what's this this is a new notification isn't it the system further informs her that currently she cannot access the status window she goes berserk and screams at them then what about the rewards will the rewards be given properly the system sends another notification that the system is currently undergoing an update she should wait a moment she shouts at them and demands to know what nonsense this is she wants her rewards right now and to go back they instead provide her with a new notification that the author of srank hunter gets stronger with regression has released their new work they ask her how about enjoying the author's next work called what if the hunter becomes the villainous Duchess lover right now she's sweating as she asks why such a cheap title for the next work the system tells her Quest conditions have been met and congratulates her on clearing the Epic Quest successfully however due to a system error the content of the rewards will be changed previous clear reward was possession end and and then returned to the original world but the changed clear reward is repossession end and the repossession as another novel protagonist she's so clueless that she cannot find the right words to ask the system alert responds by apologizing and that it seems due to the current system error it may be difficult to provide the promised reward to return back to her world instead it will give her an even better reward it will repossess her as the protagonist of her next work as rank Hunter becomes the villainous Duchess the system is quick to add that they believe she will be satisfied as this novel is also entertaining she literally loses it upon hearing it and screams at them to call the management team or call the author the ruler of the final floor The regressor Who annihilates the owner of the tower she was actually in a state of possession in the fantasy novel the rank hunter gets stronger every regression the day she took the civil service exam in South Korea she studied for 4 years and 7 months and finally passed celebrating with a meal out she got into a car accident and died and then she got possessed in the novel she had been reading during her 4 years and 7 months of her exam preparation at first it was fun to become an s rank Hunter and turn into munchkin also she made a contract after snatching away the top three rankings of the thrones from their original work despite having such overpowering stats e young never managed to defeat the boss even once as the antagonist and final boss of the novel she possessed was just too strong with no weakness and Incredibly diverse attack patterns there was no strategy to defeat them plus since the novel was unfinished the matter to clear the game was unknown nevertheless Kim e young succeeded she managed to devise a strategy to defeat the final boss after 58 regressions she has entered the new novel with a new face and wonder so what do they do now even though she was supposed to return to the original world and all she is furious that instead of giving out the rewards for completing the quest while dying they are making her possess another novel again she calls for the quest window and it appears it provides her with information that she is now incarnated as the infamous villainous Renee magget the daughter of the strongest martial artist of the lambish Empire she has been falsely accused of murdering the St lion Caris and hiding her body and now she is imprisoned in an underground dungeon and she has to find a way to escape from the prison at all costs she thinks luckily through the quest window she can at least roughly understand the situation the system Remains the Same only the world has changed and judging by the title and the quest content of the novel it seems like she is incarnated into a romance fantasy novel she wonders what should she do she hates romance she reads the other information provided by the system and wonders if there is a balanced patch going on she has never encountered this before every time the system displayed an intricate level of perfection it felt so meticulously crafted to the point where it seemed like everything was tailored just for her she she thinks the fact that the system which used to be so meticulous is now showing such sloppy Behavior she believes it probably means that this wasn't a planned Incarnation perhaps it's indeed the work of that owner of the tower pulling some tricks she thinks so that curse in the end was powerful enough to cause errors in the system but there is no point in just thinking while trapped so she should start with the quest she knows she needs to escape from this prison then she can also escape from this incarn she decides to First experiment to see the extent of her abilities the malicious blood Lord suggests her to start by breaking everything while the king of waves and healing advises caution and tries to restrain the malicious blood Lord she asked them what do they know about this world and demand them to explain it to her the Lord of Temptation says that this world is connected to their Homeland the demon realm where they were born she wonders if it's just a typical fantasy world world isn't it anyway that's just beside the point she asks could they check their stats as anyone's stats changed the malicious blood Lord says that they have fallen from being able to Traverse continents to being able to split mountains the tempting Sovereign says that it's worse than the underworld but better than the previous one the king of waves and healings is watered that their stats have significantly decreased she asks them how much worse the stats have gotten the king of waves and healing team says they cannot use the resurrection of water skill here she tells them that's okay since she could hardly use it in her past life anyway and then asks if everyone is okay then they all nod in agreement she believes so basically her abilities are just slightly worse than before and that she just needs to worry about the standard of this world with seemingly effortless strength she dismantles the prison cell shattering its hinges as if they were mere fragile obstacles she wonders if perhaps there is no need to worry after all the lambish Empire's Greatest Warrior the iron-blooded Marquez macus the Empire's only Duke who has built up honor with his exceptional swordsmanship for centuries the macus family has consistently produced numerous foreign Masters but now faces the imminent threat of downfall the only Saint in the Empire and the fiance of the Crown Prince Ryan Caris the noble daughter of the macus disappeared on the outskirts of the macus duche even the most likely suspect is Rene macus the disgraced Noble woman and the Empire's worst villainous she is the daughter of the maurus Duke anti maurus the Marquess of maurus orders his men to prepare for the battle he adds she may be an unparalleled skilled fighter but there's a palpable tension in the air his brother kol maurus the Second Son of the maurus Duke has already drawn out his sword antie adds when the count reaches three they need to attack together the count starts they all get ready to attack but just as they count three Renee appears from the basement all Lively and energetic noticing they are accompanied by so many people later they are settled in the living room and her brother's demand she spit it out who got her out of the prison she casually replies she did just because that prison was poorly guarded he thinks to herself seriously how many times are they going to to ask the same question they need to progress the quest instead of wasting time here Auntie asks her so whose skill was that exceptional agility and demands to know the name of that brat who's helping her she thinks to herself he's got quite the voice he asks her if that's the guy who killed carus did she hire him he observes her dismissive demeanor and asks if she is even listening to him koll replies on her behalf and says looks like she's not listening brother she is however busy observing their affinity and believes even with the broken status screens their Affinity is Rock Bottom the system tells her she has two older brothers and she needs to develop her relationship with those two in order to secure a better future anti-affinity is 800 and Carol Affinity is 600 clear reward partial restoration of status screens the system tells her she has been accused of murdering St lion Caris and she needs to make someone believe in her innocence clear conditions are to create a Believer glear and reward is prestige plus 30 she mumbles about how she is tasked with taking care of these Bratz affinities and her crumbling reputation Auntie asks her what is she saying she replies he doesn't need to know but thanks for his concern and then remembers about Affinity she needs to watch her manners if she needs to raise Affinity this causes him to be mad who believes it seems like she has completely lost lost her mind while Krill tries to distract him so the situation doesn't worsen and she is busy thinking let's forget about these guys and focus on raising Prestige she tells him that's beside the point but she's just saying because she doesn't really understand the current situation she is in she asks them why they would think she killed that Saint Auntie asks why does he think she killed the saint is she really saying that nonsense he reminds her she was the one spreading rumors about killing the saint he adds she even disappeared from their family estate and the whole world suspects she is the one behind it he says even if they imprisoned her for centuries it's uncertain if the family's honor will be preserved yet she managed to escape prison again he asks her how far does she intend to disgrace their family name she simply replies all right she got the information he mentioned and asks so where's the evidence is there a body he says wasn't it dismembered is it still in attacked did she hide the body and evidence that's why she's quite confident she ignores his tantrum and simply asks so nothing's been found yet koll replies well there's no solid evidence but she is the only suspect no one else came even close to being a suspect atie reminds them just her having a grudge against carus is a challenging issue in itself antie questions if it wasn't her then who could have killed someone so virtuous atie tells her it's not even too late now if she confesses and reveals the location of the body His Highness the prince might forgive her at least until the audience trial he reminds her that father was going to the Palace to preserve the family's honor to some extent so if she has any last bit of conscience left she should speak up she wonders why are they bringing up the prince instead of the emperor here koll asks her what is with her reaction he reminds her that the prince is personally overseeing this case she says no but why would the prince go to such lengths usually but she's cut off by Auntie who questions is she still under the illusion that His Highness will favor her he is quick to add it's been over 3 years since His Highness got engaged to carus lion and she should get rid of the illusion that there will be an opportunity he says enough with the family nonsense and isn't she tired of this unrequited love she realizes so that's what happened Renee loved the prince too much so she tried several times to kill his fiance she thinks it's too obvious to even think about but something does not seem right she remembers the quest log said she was accused of so that could only mean one possibility that Renee did not kill her she believes the system May lack Consciousness and shame but it does not lie fiction doesn't lie to its readers but it can certainly intentionally conceal the truth she wonders so who could have done it then she tells her brother so she has got a rough idea of this situation and asks them to listen to her she says well the saint could have left on her own Auntie rubs his face with his palm while koll looks at her as if she has lost her mind koll tells her to use her brain and reminds her Caris was scheduled to marry the prince in a month would someone like that suddenly disappear on their own Rene thinks then the possibilities increase as she might have run away because she did not want to get married aun he asks her does the Saint seem like someone who would throw such a petty tantrum and tells her not to equate herself with her Ren says why such a narrow view where you can be useful she warns him that with such a petty heart he cannot do much she notices koll seems to respond better than expected and wonders if she should exaggerate it a bit more she adds but the saint must have struggled a lot and he inquires what does she mean she reminds him he said himself that the same Saint is very kind so she probably ran away because she did not like the prince but was too weak to reject him face to face she gives them an evil grin and says so what about investigating the prince for now koll starts laughing and the system informs her that Carol's favorability has increased by 10 Renee says to Auntie not to just doubt her even if others don't know her he is her brother so how about trusting her for once he says is she trying to emphasize their blood relationship now she corrects him it's not an emphasis it's basic isn't it just once trusting and embracing each other as a family auntie thanks for a moment but then tells her if she had shown a gesture of trust even once he would have believed her but their family has given her chances repeatedly with the belief that she will come to her senses someday and the result is this she says well since there's a record she guesses it cannot be helped however she extends an offer to them to just give her one month if they give her just one month she will prove her innocence both the brothers are taken AB back by her by her demand but atie composes himself and asks her if she even knows what she will do Renee tells him to stop it and just trust her for once she smiles at him and asks if he's getting nervous because he knows she might be right he clenches his fist and says fine if she can prove her innocence he will do anything even stake his name she tells koll he is the witness he eagerly agrees the system then asks her if she would like to check the quest she does as she has been waiting the quest shows that she made a deal with Auntie to prove her innocence within 1 month and prove that she did not kill the saint and the clear condition is to prove innocence clear reward is she can make one wish to Auntie she notices Kel favorability went up and thinks ool's favorability goes up too but but the problem lies for her why isn't atie's favorability going up she thinks even if his own brother's innocence is proven his favorability doesn't increase and what hidden settings does he have anyway atie abruptly turns and finds his sister with her hand extended who asks him to take care of it for a month he asks her what does she mean by take care it might be wise to prepare for failure even now he shakes her hand she tells him okay thanks for worrying about about it koll says it seems like something has changed atie looks at his hand and thinks he did not plan to shake hands but he couldn't avoid her hand he thinks as a top tier sword expert he couldn't avoid the hand of a civilian who knows nothing about swordsmanship even when he held her hand he couldn't feel anything no skills no kindness but a moment ago he almost drew his sword without realizing and just reached out his hand he wonders why what on Earth is this later Rene thinks what should she do now she lacks too much information so even if she tries to move she doesn't know anything she decides to start by obtaining some information sources and thinks there must be someone at this large Mansion who is somewhat friendly towards her right however the maids treat her very badly and misbehave with her and tell her to stop tarnishing the Duke's name any further she wonders how did Renee even survive here as they are treating someone like this with such contempt on top of that her favorability drops even if she meets anyone she decides to give up on getting information from this Mansion but one thing needs to be said she holds the maid's hand and asks her to at least tell her her way to the room the Mansion is just too big for human decency when she steps in her room she is surprised as the room is actually nice compared to the treatment huh she says let's start by changing out of these comfortable clothes upon exploring her closet she discovers an array of dresses accompanied by matching jewelry and shoes she is mad as these dresses look to her as fancy looking candy wrappers she figured that Duke would be wealthy since he is a Duke but to spend this much on this she thinks it is sweet for a noble woman like this she wonders if with this kind of wealth he could easily buy information sources with money right actually it's easy for her to create ad admirers the malicious blood priest has the Grandpa's sorcery and the Lord of Temptation has the Grandpa's skill but now during the adjustment of status the combat transport skill was triggered in the middle of a battle in the war resulting in the death of the direct subordinate now skill usage must be suspended she thinks now it's possible to kill everyone like back then and it's a situation where it might be possible to regress like back then she knows they need to move cautiously and decides first to confirm if the saint is really dead as there are no bodies no evidence no witness she thinks either the saint ran away or was murder but nobody knows for sure if the saint is alive she needs to get her statement if she's dead she needs to catch the culprit and solve the quest if she proceeds step by step like this she will eventually be able to leave this world she asked the king of waves and healing if they can find the Saint the king of wave and healing replies if he has her belongings he can track her the malicious blood priest asks if it's okay to just blame anyone for the crime the Lord of Temptation boasts about his expertise in his field reny warns him he is saying some dangerous things it seems like there's someone here who also deals with the sacred so the old tempter might get caught the Lord of Temptation cannot handle the shocking matching she tells them she thinks she should leave here it seems like she won't be be able to get any information sources even if she spends money here the king of waves and healing expresses concern about whether it's safe she arrogantly says oh who she as an s-rank Hunter and the regressionist who cleared the top Tower the malicious blood priest scoffs at the idea that everyone who meets her is in danger the Lord of Temptation laughs uor isly at the joke from the malicious blood priest the cunning Lord of blood suggests going to the missing scene she tells him it's a good idea but she doesn't know where the missing scene is the astute Lord of blood makes a sharp observation she says it's true but she cannot give up even can be used for evil in this world she goes to her brother atie to get the report of the incident she tells him if he doesn't want to remain as a family suspected of murdering the saint so he should cooperate quietly this causes him to be furious who asks if she is threatening him he then s eyes and says he can give her the report however taking a guard with her is a condition she tells him she doesn't need that if it's his guys they will just be a burden he asks her if she doesn't understand the meaning of the condition she points out at his closest associate and says that person will do since they will be watching her anyway and Reporting back wouldn't it put his mind more at ease to send a closest associate she also demands him to lend a carriage too she arrives at the place where the saint was last seen it's outside the duche of maurus according to the report 10 days ago the saint disappeared while providing healing services in this slum it is still unclear whether she was kidnapped or disappeared melson priest approaches her and asks what is going on here she observes the priest and thinks it looks like he's doing something extravagant right and also notices the book he's carrying and wonders what that luminous book is she lets know she is here to reveal the true culprit and asks them to cooperate the priest's men question that did not they say the Duke's daughter was the culprit and now they're claiming there's another culprit she tells them it's not a claim it's a fact because she did not kill the saint she is quick to remind them that they also have no evidence or witnesses that she is the culprit since they don't have the ability to find the saint they probably haven't found her yet she hopes they understand that she means to join forces for good she has a plan that she's just going to suck up their information and investigate on her own the priest men say what she says is also correct and looks like they're ready to work with her but the priest notices and doesn't like it and questions how they can believe the young lady's claim of Innocence she smiles and thinks look at this guy looking at him it looks like he's not good with his bare mouth she guesses her security is being questioned and lets them know she brought donations like this and has literally brought lots of jewels and treasures the priest's greedy eyes sparkle with light upon seeing the jewels he apologizes for not knowing her true feelings and asks if there's anything he can help her with first of all she asks him if he has any of lion Caris belongings the longer he has something the better he smiles and says then there's nothing like this scripture it belongs to the Saint he asks if there's anything else she needs she thinks is it expected the more money spent the faster it becomes she tells him she wants to look around the tent where lady Caris stayed when she arrives at the tent she notices it's neat Frugal at the level of advertising that she is a saint the associate she brought along calls for her he asks her about the donation she says why is there a problem because as she remembers thanks to it she also got the scriptures he says no that's not it he thought she hated the church he seems hesitant and says because something like that happened with the Archbishop she wonders what he is talking about again and asks for him to go on he apologizes and says it must have been something she doesn't want to think about again she tells him no keep going she has done many things that she cannot remember he reminds her when the Archbishop declared lady Caris a saint on that occasion the young lady poured champagne into the archbishop's face she sharply Cuts him off and says says enough and tells him to say no more she thinks this body lived a very hard life he adds that it wasn't because of the Saint the Archbishop said she had committed a very indecent act he says that's what happened still people did not believe it and what the Archbishop did was in vain he asks her if that was also a misunderstanding right she tells him to think whatever he likes isn't everyone like that by now anyway think what they like and do what they like she thinks to herself no one listens to someone without a bad reputation she then tells him she will investigate her so he should go out and wait the old memories resurfaces in past life her previous life even in countless regressions it was something she had experienced several times moreover it will be something she will experience in the future in this situation facts are of no use the truth is what they want to hear because what they don't want to hear is a lie she knows she cannot trust anything other than herself and since she came in the body is her is there anyone else in this world who can trust her as much as she does she thinks no matter what suspicious or false accusations are thrown at her she will still believe in Renee even if she was a really bad kid what would she have done in this world everyone sees her as a bad person so she should become a bad person she makes a promise to Renee that she will listen to her for from now on she will never doubt Renee on the other hand the priest informs San anad who asked if the daughter of the Duke came to visit the priest tells him they say they are conducting a direct investigation to prove their innocence the priest thinks he would have never thought that His Highness the Crown Prince would send Satan a person who earned the title of mercenary King at the age of 20 he is the head of the Shira Guild the continent's best mercenary Guild one of the only two SW Masters in the Empire there are endless titles that describe him including the light of the ramisha Empire but he thinks it takes a person like this to be able to investigate a case like this Satan asks the priest if he believes that she has come here to prove her innocence he replies he doesn't believe it completely but he thinks there will be a lot of backlash from them if they don't give them a chance at all satan believes he must have taken a bribe not surprising however what surprising is the fact that Renee came all this way and investigated in person he thinks it seems like she was quite impatient he recalls the rumors he has heard about her cutting off vik counts Kelsey's hair making the Saints trip of course there are definitely some unclear Parts but he knows it has nothing to do with him he instructs the priest to refrain from giving her any information in particular the fact that there are witnesses must be hidden when the priest tries to say something he cuts him off by saying this is what the Crown Prince ordered he then says let's go and meet the Duke's daughter now the priest collapses without any sign he didn't even feel any magic he thinks this is the energy of a dream demon he pushes off the dream demon and pulls out his sword quickly he thinks to himself he who is the sword master can barely withstand it then it must surely be a power comparable to that of a high ranking demon he thinks who on Earth could summon this level of demons moreover in a place with so many priests he can feel it and believes this person is surely stronger than the Crown Prince in this uncertain and unstable world the one and the only thing that supported Satan which allowed the War Orphan to survive without ever seeming strange was war due to this he pursued and coveted only Power like a devout believer even though he hails as the mercenary King for building the continent's largest mercenary Guild even when he amassed wealth and power through the consolidation of the upper class he continued to feel a burning thirst it is like looking up at the sun shining down into a dry well the only thing that can relieve the endless thirst however as that thirst grows longer is overwhelming strength more overpowering than even the continent's mightiest Crown Prince he steps out of his tent and notices the entire area fell into Slumber that is impossible with just one dream demon the en energy is strongest there and realizes that it's the Saints tent over there approaching the location his eyes widen in shock sensing the profound and intense energy that pervades the surroundings he thinks it strange as if it already surpassed his limits he has never experienced such an energy before he realizes it's beyond human understanding and isn't as close to a natural disaster he cannot even Dare to Compare it to the Crown Prince as this is someone whom no body would dare to harm he cannot afford to miss such a golden opportunity he needs to find who it is he thinks what he has achieved so far has not been his goal only becoming stronger gives him satisfaction more he wants to feel more he steps in the tent and screams for the person to show himself nevertheless he begins to feel dizzy and before long he collapses onto the floor succumbing to unconsciousness our female protagonist notices him and thinks what about this kitten moments ago system notification popped up they apologize sincerely for any inconvenience caused to the possessed person the synchronization of possession and system adjustment has been completed she thinks no wonder it has sealed half of her abilities this must be designed to be solved later as a quest she wonders why it is so annoying she sigh and thinks she should be satisfied with this much and asks if they find the saint with this scripture sister water she asks the tempting old man if he can summon a demon here would it be trouble in front of the priests the Lord of Temptation gets angry and tells her not to ignore him she smiles and says all right then let's ask the priest for a short nap and all the demons surround her back to the present Satan is unconscious she has settled him in the bed and is sitting next to him thinking he's really pretty he reminds her of a cat she used to have next door Blackie some time ago the king of waves and healing admires the appearance of Satan with her she thinks there's something about these eyes that particularly catches her heart the leader of the vicious blood cult says she really genuinely appreciates Beauty Renee replies well that could be the reason the Lord of Temptation playfully suggests that he noticed her admiration when summoning demons hinting that she has a fondness for handsome men she mutes the Lord of Temptation and thinks what nonsense is he saying system alerts her that the Lord of Temptation has sent her a private message in exchange for 100 years reprieve from the afterlife the Lord of Temptation demands to know how she can mute him just because he said she likes handsome men she covers her ears and says it's so loud stop it please stop and think the system must be crazy why does it use private chat she tells them to concentrate now they need to decide what to do with with this guy the Lord of Temptation complains that he doesn't like him since he fell asleep she checks his stats and believes they are pretty strong she then realizes no wonder the dreamer demon had a hard time after all strength is everything Lord of Temptation says how about killing him right now she says let's keep him alive for now as she quite likes him she thinks because it's the first time someone whose affection toward Renee is not negative she thinks well well he's not only pretty and cute but also seems obedient right looking at his favorability it seems that he's not someone who only judges people by listening to others the leader of vicious blood senses something ominous is going to happen she thinks judging by his title he must have a lot of information and since he is a swordmaster he doesn't have to worry about falling over and dying she convinces herself these will be all in her favor so she could have him she says good she has has decided he is hers from now on the leader of vicious blood is confused and asks what that means she replies she is going to make him her subordinate he's like a perfect pet for her more like a human companion right the leader of vicious blood strongly threatens to get angry if she doesn't kill the guy right away she tells him to do whatever he wants and asks the Lord of Temptation if he came up with anything the Lord of Temptation gives her the report of the dream demons she checks it and says mostly there's nothing special but realizes there is a witness the Lord of Temptation delivers the witness information to her she thinks look at this there's a witness and they hid it from her they are going to swallow everything up and then clean their mouth thinking that it was also the orders of the Crown Prince and this guy makes her more Furious she excitedly ends up hitting him in the nose she is shocked she hit him without even realizing it the Lord of temp ation snorts and asks if he might die because of that the leader of the vicious blood agrees and says he is speaking the truth for the first time in a while the king of waves and healing rebukes the human companion saying that the face is important but this may be too much the king of waves and healing reprimands and says it is excessive to prioritize appearance for human companions the Lord of Temptation says it's okay because they are more handsome she tells the guys it is enough the leader of the vicious blood cult shakes his head as if he's tired of this she mutes all of them but decides to unmute sister water since she needs her help with the treatment she decides to fix her mistake but she will scold him separately later she Whispers to him she will see him soon and calls him her companion and leaves in Satan's dream Renee refers to him as Blackie and tells him it's time to get punished for making his master angry he's confused confused and asks what is she talking about her response to that is that she is his master from today and if he does not wake up she will punish him he is still confused and repeats once against the question what is she talking about he asks her who the hell is she slowly and gradually he regains his Consciousness with the help of water sister but his nose hurts and he wonders why does his nose hurt he slowly recalls what happened earlier and thinks about his energy and wonders what happened to his energy his eyes then land on Renee who is sitting next to him and asks him if he is up now he addresses her as the daughter of Duke maurus she says he seems to know her and inquires if they have met before he explains to her they have never met before and thinks it's a completely different atmosphere than he has heard but he closes his eyes as if trying to remember something when she's too much into his personal space he kindly requests if she can please step back she simply Whispers he remembers he asks her what she says her spirit and places her hand on his he notices when she put her hand on his no more than that and the feeling came rushing back he cannot believe it his eyes widen in shock when he realizes it feels like she seems to know what conclusion his mind came to because she confirms yes the person he came for is her he asks her if she was the one who who summoned a high ranking demon she says she thought his wisdom stat was high but he's a bit stupid he's still confused so she changes the topic and asks if he followed the Crown Prince orders and refers to him as Blackie her blue eyes become darker and her gaze focused and calculated and she questions him why did not he not announce that there was a witness he seems reluctant to reply and chooses to act ignorant and says he has no idea what she is talking about the next moment she is in his face and warns him that they shouldn't waste each other's time she just met the witness in person and heard everything she asks what is the last Act of the saint and who was the one who told him to cover it up but what annoys her the most is she grabs his jaw and lets him know that they hid it and pretended they did not know she knows the saint was not kidnapped she left on her own which means there was absolutely no reason for her to be locked in a dungeon it seems like he is flustered because of her close proximity as he easily reveals that the Crown Prince assumed that Saint left because she threatened her she leans into him and Whispers he is more obedient than she thinks right she doesn't think he's scared she asks him if she doesn't look like Cerberus the other Lords all witness this in awe she says well there is a record about her in the past so it is a reasonable guess but it's not true he reminds her that the Crown Prince must must have a different opinion about her she guesses so too the new bride disappeared just before her wedding hiding the only witness in that situation either could be because he is the one who turned his back and can't trust anyone because his fiance disappeared or because he is the one whose reputation is linked to his fiance they believe it's one of the two Satan says that's quite different from the rumors he heard that she has been in love with the Crown Prince for a long time list listening to her he thinks it's rather close to hate him she responds to him by claiming she doesn't like him anymore no she hates him she believes no matter how much of a twist it may have been why would she even like the guy who framed her he remains quiet for some time as if having an internal debate but then confesses to her that he has one thing to tell her he reveals the Crown Prince and the Saint the two are known to be lovers of the century but the reality is different their engagement was nothing more than a contractual relationship he further adds it was an engagement decided only because it was necessary she claims she knew they were not in love with each other but then she realizes he is giving her secrets and asks why is he telling her that all of a sudden he gives her an innocent smile she lets him know whatever it may be if what he says is true it makes sense it was an engagement out of necessity he must have wanted to eliminate any circumstances that would make him suspect that he was the one who kidnapped and murdered his fiance she also knows she was a thorn in his throat so he got rid of it she sigh in relief and says now that she has figured out everything she needed to know she has to go just as she turns to leave Satan halts her in her tracks with a demanding question seeking to know if she happens to be a demon she replies what is he talking about of course she's a human he wants to know then how did she get to such a state with her human body he Narrows his eyes as he says that was the power that could not exist that energy no matter what he thinks wasn't something that a person could have it's not just strong but a very dark power that seems to Harbor an old Grudge he demands to know what did she have to go through to have this kind of power she tells him all he has to do is die 58 times he is taken aback by her answer and Whispers what she says or the other alternative could be to try to save the world he wonders if this is a joke he reveals to her that he has heard that the lady has never held a sword before he wants to know why is she hiding her power with that much power the Empire no he corrects it's a power that can unify the continent she simply replies what is she going to do with unification she is not interested in that at all he says he knew it she only follows the path of the sword she thinks what is he talking about she just wants to go home he grabs the blanket tightly and reveals that he has decided that he will serve his lady as she will be his teacher they both remain in awkward silence for some moments her mind turns blank trying to contemplate if she heard right while he looks more than eager to be a student Satan answer ad who is he he has achieved countless achievements to the point where he is called the light of the Empire he has received both a lot of hate and admiration because he is a commoner of Unknown Origin the only thing he's interested in is the part of the sword but the desire to overcome his own limitations is another but even the Crown Prince who was said to be the strongest in the Empire wasn't enough for him he thought his highness was stronger than him but that's all the difference in skill doesn't overwhelm him when he lost his goal boredom overwhelmed him he had no interest in anything but one day he encountered a light that illuminated his forgotten longing and it is called Renee maurus the system reveals San favorability has increased by 200 once again he requests her to please teach him a great lesson the system tells Renee an unexpected option occurs a mercenary King has asked her to accept him as a disciple would she accept that offer she's busy contemplating what to do while he thinks is she going to serve him as a teacher reney thinks she has never made made anything like that let alone a disciple in her long life no matter how many years it takes the end is the same anyway she reveals it's hard to live alone but she hates taking responsibility for other people's lives she wonders if this guy is worth enough to overturn that idea he looks at her with puppy eyes as he's waiting for her answer it seems like she must have come up with her decision as the system says the selection is compat she responds no the system tells her that she has responded no and Satan's favorability has decreased by 100 he has a sad expression on his face as he questions does she perhaps not like him she tells him that she likes him she Ponders that it's just that she has her own ways he asks her then why before she turns around and waves him goodbye as she mentions that she does not like having someone take responsibility for this he calls out to her asking for a minute he stares at her as she becomes surprised Ur rised noting that he is shocking her she is aware that his eyes are very similar to their cutest Cerberus in her world the system tells her that since he is so handsome it recommends her that she listens to him she decides to hear him as she asks him to say it he tells her that he is stuck at the moment as even after rigorous training and even when he met the Crown Prince who said to be the strongest person on the continent he could feel nothing but the moment he laid his eyes on her he saw something awaken she questions what is that something he slightly blushes unable to respond she becomes shocked pondering that cannot be the case he tries to speak to her as she thinks that this baby who was just born earlier she is shocked as she cannot believe he is having feelings for her who was born a long time ago before he asks her to teach him telling him that it's definitely a compliment and this is the first time that he feels like he wanted to compete with someone like this she seems annoyed at the constellation who told her to listen to him she mentions that she is grateful for that and thanks him but he nervously tells her that he is not asking her to accept him he mentions that if she accepts him as her discipline he will also help her both materially and spiritually he will get her anything that she wants and listen to her every command she wonders if he is the perfect person to use as a source of information the system says yes as she mentions that she has decided that she will accept him as her discipline she Pond that he should know that he survived only thanks to his face Satan favorability increases up to 200 as the system informs her that he has become her discipline and fame has increased by 100 as well as she receives a tip which is that the more she makes relationship with others the more her reputation will increase she also receives the notification that she got her first discipline and questions how about she increases her relationship with her students he calls her as master and thanks her she seems awkward with it as she asks him to call her only lady as he used to as she seems to be getting Goosebumps she questions that he said he would help her in any way materially and spiritually she questions that she would like to ask him something he tells her that he will answer anything she finds it a bit burdensome that he agreed to it so well she wonders if it is really what laan people are like she tells him that the Crown Prince and the saint if he knows anything about those two then he should please tell her she also states that since he is in a position to receive orders from the Crown Prince she asks if he thinks that it'll be difficult to answer her question he responds no as he does not have any intention to hide anything from his teacher mentioning that he did not even offer his loyalty to the Crown Prince she Ponders that it is really burden but it also seems comfortable she tells him that she would like to ask him for a favor he tells her that before he mentions it he recommends that it's better to not be an enemy with the Crown Prince as he has a political position she Pats him questioning if he is worried about her mentioning that he is really the same as Cerberus he responds that he is not someone to be taken lightly she asks him to not worry and her and just answer her she Ponders that his explanation was as exactly like she guessed the saint lion Caris has received the grace of balua and is called the Incarnation of the god thanks to her power and character she is loved by all the Empire The Crown Prince gained strong support from the people of the Empire through his engagement to a saint every effort was made to avoid damaging the engagement relationship he does not mind seeing blood even for just putting out a smallest spark however in such a situation The Disappearance of a saint occurred in addition there was even an eyewitness testimony that the saint disappeared on her own she tells him that the eyewitness story bother s her no matter how much she thinks about it the last witness the youngest priest he was nursing a saint who was struggling maybe even if it was a revelation she continues that he said that he heard the saint sleeping talk that she had to leave she said that she had to go mentioning that it was dangerous and she had to leave quickly the witness wondered if she asleep talking and told her that his Royal Highness the Crown Prince will protect the saint so she could rest assured she responded that she had to go and if she did not go then it would be dangerous after that the saint disappeared while the priest was asleep and then they reported it to the Crown Prince she questions what was on Earth so dangerous that the saint ran away that night she Ponders that if she became a saint would not she be able to protect her own body with her holy Powers vicious cult blood leader says that points out it is because she is the standard for strength Lord of Temptation said that if she was that strong she would not have suffered king of waves and healing said to ask Renee if she thinks if there is no one as strong as she is in the country she told everyone to please be quiet all constellations mute he mentioned that if the new bride disappears before her wedding saying it is dangerous then most people will be suspicious of her fiance the Crown Prince was concerned about such situation moreover there were competitors she questions what does he mean by competitor he responds that a prince princess who enjoys the support of the emperor and Nobles it in Von ramish in fact she is the grand Prince only individual and political opponent currently there are only two members of the royal family left excluding the emperor he questions if she knew about it she asks if there's some circumstances she wonders that the situation where she returned 58 times in the hunter series and then became possessed in the romance series she calls out to him and tells him this is a bit embarrassing missing if he asks her what happened she tells him that in order to clear the murder charge she has to find the saint and show that she is still alive but it is a bit hard to bring back a kind who left because she said it was dangerous she continues mentioning that she thinks it is too much she feels that her throat is dry now he calls out to her as she tells him do not look at her like that because she's not a good person as he thinks he tells her that he does not know how the rumor got so wrong WR and he will go right now and make Corrections she asks him to not do it and just stay still she tells him that she is here to prove her innocence right and now that she sees it the problem seems to be the Crown Prince so she guesses that she can solve that first she covers his eyes with her hands as he mentions that he does not quite understand how she plans to solve it he grabs her hand as he asks if she could teach him she's lost of words as she Ponders she regrets this she tells him that it is not difficult just meet him and negotiate he mentions but the prince will never listen to her she asks him who said that she tells him that she prefers physical communication over words as she pulls his nose he questions if she is planning to use force and tells her that he thinks it is a good choice since the Crown Prince will be no match for her she tells him it is not like that and asks what does he even think of her as she tells him that if he thinks thinks about it it is something similar to a threat but it is not a life threat she tells him that if she wants to negotiate she has to meet the Crown Prince first and as he said the Crown Prince will absolutely ignore her words or any meeting however if he invades the Imperial family things will become more Troublesome but she really needs to see the guy who accused her of being the culprit based on his suspicions without any clear physical evidence she questions if he knows how to get a guy who will not leave the house she shows his fist as she mentions that she is going to set the house on fire telling him that as a matter of fact it also blows Sparks at his feet he calls out to her questioning if it would be okay if he asks her one question she responds all right as he asks why does she want to take him to the Duke residence she Ponders it is of course because of the quest she knows that relationship bothers her and wonders if there are any more relationships that can get better here she tells him because she wants to become friends with him he asks her if they are getting any closer he tells her that she does not have to feel pressure to teach her because he's learning just by being around her she questions if he thinks that she will be burdened by him telling him that is just his illusion she tells him that it is much faster to know how things going if he is by her side he questions if that is the reason and tells her it might be better if he does not accompany her she asks him why is that the case he mentions that she is the famous daughter of the only Duke in the Empire and compared to him he is just the insignificant commoner he states that just by taking him with her she will definitely be someone to him she seems confused as she questions what does this mean he tells her that the fact that she is taking him to the temple is sure to make him someone to her she asks him what is he talking about he mentions that the aristocrats gaze upon a commoner born swordmaster is not flattering the Nazo family is a prestigious swordsmanship line Edge so it will add more weight he continues that she may have rejected their advances preferring not to mingle with them and although she has remained in the nightly ranks the fact remains that they seem to want to Brand him with a stamp of commoner she seems confused as she Ponders it's not simply because of her prowess in the battle she knows that they probably fear that if she gains even more influence it would be dangerous for them so they are trying to undermine her and exploit her weaknesses she Pond the people are the same wherever one go even from her perspective she is familiar with this kind of thing as many people feared and revered her from her power but the same time they hoped for her downfall at times they wanted to exploit her with sweet words and gestures and they even desire to betray her to seize her Fame in this World she's aware that it is not about her but about the role she plays she wonders that this one seems particularly passionate she wonders if the priest has not seen her being avoided before she thought that associating with someone like her who is often called a willingness would tarnish her reputation but his reputation was so impressive that she made that concern seem laughable before departing he tells her that he is done with the preparation as she tells him he did a good job and asks him to move on the reputation was increased she pers that there is a limit to overdoing it and knows that it is ironic that someone who is doing so well unlike the villainous feels stifled she wonders how could they think that they could outshine her she's aware that usually it is the opposite she calls out to him and questions that they say he is called the light of the Empire he tells her yes it is true even though he finds it embarrassing she knows that she was thinking of just leaving it alone but since it is getting serious and as a senior with a similar life she desires to say a word of advice she tells him that even her as a noble is a disgrace to Nazo but he is the light of the Empire as a commoner she points at him and tells him even if he is tired and fed up he should not avoid it and be confident she tells him that he does not need to care about anyone's opinion as it is just making fools look important and tells him to hold his ground if he keeps frowning then he will get wrinkles she tells him that since no one will care about him from now on he does not have time to worry about those who dislike him and whom he dislikes she tells him that he should believe in his reputation and Li boldly doing what they dislike he should have confidence in himself like she did in the old days he currently blushes as he Ponders that he feels like the annoying lethargy has lessened she also mentions that he is her guest now so if he does not feel at ease and carefully then it will be awkward for her since they make a real housework Enthusiast at home they should not look suspicious she's aware that as expected it was the right choice to take him as a mentor his favorability has increased by 50 after boosting so much to him just as she arrived she ended up running into these guys she does him but since he decided to help her with her work for a while they should not start a fight for no reason mentioning that she is telling the truth except for the Priestly nonsense he calls out to her and asks her if she even has a sense of being a lady he tells her that not only does she come in on this terrible night but she also brought a man into the house she is aware that he was going to react like this she questions if his ears are clogged he begins to argue with her mentioning that she's speaking in such a rude tone she asks him to do as he pleases she tells him to keep chirping loudly all day long and questions if he is perhaps a chick he becomes annoyed as he curses at her she tells him that if anyone hears they might think that she is living as a lady in questions does just wearing a clean dress solve anything she looks at the maid as she points at them telling them that they ignore what she says as if it is nothing and then his brother cannot even handle one little sister without getting frustrated as she points at him she mentions that he should not treat her like a lady but treat her like a human being at least her brother tells her that she is his little sister and no matter how much she tries to act tough she's still a lady he mentions that no matter how much that person may be a prince investigator and a swordmaster a commoner still is the same she grabs his hand as he tells her that she should now go to her room she tells him that seadan is the only swordmaster in this Empire questioning why should they care about his status and instead of worrying about that they should focus on learning something new and improving themselves she tells him that if they invited such a person as a guest then they should come running to them on their own as those fools have empty heads every last one of them they got in trouble even to their families representative Troublemaker her brother tells her even if that is the case thus she think that she is in a position to invite anyone right now he tells her that even if she claim innocence how dare she bring some riffraff man into the house she questions what is it to him telling him that she brought someone to prove her innocence and even if he is not going to clear her name then he should shut his trap and stay quiet anti favorability has increased by 50 KIRO favorability has increased by 20 she wonders how about that as she knows this is something that they call a smooth talking bond from experience the constellations talk talk about finding the new hatch chick adorable she asks if it is all her brother has to say and should they go her brother shouts that they cannot stay here kol's favorability has increased by 20 she does seem that she is busy with the guest so he should stop bothering her and read the newspaper tomorrow morning and if he does come back after that she will gladly participate in the tournament he questioned whether she mean by the newspaper telling that he understands nothing koll mentioned that this looks like a disaster and states that it is the first time that he has seen her handle things so confidently Auntie ask him if he trust what he is saying Caroll responds that even if she's crazy if the mercenary King acknowledges her does not that carry some credibility he mentions that if her innocence is revealed it would be good for their family too an he clenches his fist knowing that kind of rwer is already circulating and he is extremely uneasy just waiting he thinks if what she said is true so if the only suspect disappears as well then he wonders how can he find lion the next morning begins as the sunlight is dazzling she wakes up as she wonders if the sunlight was always this warm she is aware that the warmth that could not fall in the tower where only monsters roamed she thinks that place seems to be truly over now she is aware that Satan must have woken up soon she thinks since the people in that Mansion do do not seem likely to provide any guests she should go and find some herself she is aware that she has given him proper mental training but he still seems intimidated and she's also aware that it has been a while since someone visited and she did not even notice someone had come suddenly she has a passive skill that is both convenient and inconvenient it is called heightened senses heighten senses are the passive skills which maximizes all senses to the point where she can ins itively detect the surrounding situation in the tower whether it is no king or whatever else she had to leave as a gerrow always keeping her skills on with enemies rushing in from all directions however true to its name the heightened senses scale meant she could not sleep deeply or enjoy meals properly so she called this skill beggar maker however after coming to this world she kept this skill turned off as that is why she knew when sedan was coming as she received a faint warning the reason she turned it off is simple in this world it seems that there is no one who can even touch the tip of her hair king of waves and healing advises her not to let her guard down nevertheless and Lord of Temptation laughs mentioning that even if she lets her guard down it will not be just a sneeze she turns off the chat as the maids barge in her name is iren and the reputation is 12 maid strength is three she Ponders that her likeability is off the charts no matter when she sees it she asks them what is going on as the maid tells her to come down and it really bothers her how her likeability is reflected in her attitude she tells them eats to speak as the maids begins to grin the question if she is really asking because she does not know also questioning how many people does she think would be looking for her in this Mansion besides the young master who wants to school her they question if there are any others she wonders that this is something else and wonders why are they so interested in this she thinks of them as some ants the maids tell her that it seems like she does not know her status they tell her that she is not a lady but she's a disgrace mentioning that she cannot even handle a sword and then he tells that she hopes she has a good personality and hopes that she also has a good reputation questioning all she knows how to do is pose beautifully right she's aware that it is very normal to blame others but this does not happen once or twice she tells them that they only believe the numbers and the truth does not matter for them she tells them that she has been thinking what should she do with them and question if she should buy them out with money or give them a good deal she questions that it seems like power is the most important thing here right the maid asks her what can she even do telling her that it is the young master who has the power not the young lady she questions does that mean that she is unable to before she stands up and glares at the maid telling her that the maid does not know her yet the maid suddenly becomes terrified and falls down to the ground she begins to ask for help realizing that she is unable to breathe Renee blows her breath towards the maid activating the skill which puts the target into a sleep State the maid passes out as the other maid becomes shocked she tells them that she did not die but is sleeping one maid begins to beg and asks to spare her Renee tells the maid that she is boring she Ponders that yesterday she talked to San lightly in fact she said that because like him she went through many times of being ignored and when she was weak they ignored her more than once and when she regained her strength she was thrown to her death even when she was weak and strong there was no comfort for her she asked me why are they so foolish mentioning that they are so weak so why do they bully the weak she P her after all she was the one who used Force the constellation talks mentioning that he supports and says that she does not have to worry about anything she responds status okay as it is just a rest period She tells them that thanks to all of them she did not have time to get frustrated she asks the maid where is she going as the maid trembles telling her that she should come to the restaurant immediately and can get ready before coming Renee tells the maid that she will go now and the maid can take care of the maids who are asleep she's aware that now if this news gets out her Maids will not bother her anymore she opens the door and she mentions that she is more generous than she was in her previous life as she finds Satan standing outside he mentions that he felt a bloody mood so he went out and came here she questions did he really feel it he does not seem very well as he questions if she is all right she flinches as she questions why cannot she be okay and if he is going to blame on her too she tells him this is too much even for the common people he asks her why would he do that she does him with everyone she might hear say that it was her fault he calls her his dear lady and tells her even now has he treated her this way before she tells him right and mentions it is okay she tells him that Auntie asked her to meet him so they should go and meet him meanwhile he asks Renee to explain to her as he hits the sword on a newspaper the newspaper is about the saint escaping at dawn she's eating as she tells him that he is loud and asks him what is he on Earth asking her to explain again he questions what does she mean by this article she asked him what is there to explain cannot he read and asks if he wants her to read it for him Satan asks him to calm down she also tells the Duke do not make a fuss the Duke questioned how dare he speak rumors against his majesty the crown Brown Prince and asks if they have ever thought about how much trouble their family would face if an article like this was published he questions what is the position of her father and who is still in the Imperial Palace Renee teases him as she grabs some meat mentioning that he seems to be sensitive because his stomach is empty she tells him that he can take a bite but he refuses she tells him that she will prove her innocence and questions did not he see the priest testimony the name was a joke but she was not lying the Duke questions if this testimony is truthful say it in responds that he is not sure as he questions is not there a good reason why His Highness the Crown Prince wants to bury these rumors the Duke finds it weird and asks if he did not investigate the case in the name of his majesty as when he listens he is sure that he has turned his back on this case say it in response that he is not loyal to His Highness the grand Prince as his poly conducting the investigation because it is his order as an imperial knight to uncover the truth so he's just doing his job the Duke questions so his leaking case evidence to his younger sister who was accused and asks if this is his investigation say it in response it is weird and asks if the Duke is uncomfortable with him because he is a commoner helping his sister or if he is comfortable with her sister charges being cleared she seems to be surprised knowing that he is doing a good job job the Duke mentions that he did not know that he was a friend of his younger sister also stating that it is normal not to know because there is no such thing he looks at Renee and tells her that he will do it now she Pond that she heard that he feels embarrassed when he speaks she points at her brother and tells him that it is his turn now the Duke questions his turn she mentions yes and asks him to apologize questioning if he has forgotten that he was rude to her guests yesterday the Duke apologizes to him telling him what happened yesterday was his fault seadan does the deal that he does not need to apologize because there is someone else he should apologize to Renee asks him to apologize to her too as the Duke questions why she tells him that he was being rude to her too yesterday and he was screaming like a gorilla he tells her that she is also rude as because of her their family is classified as the family that killed a saint but even without Witness is being called This is unfair and questions if he is that cowardly he becomes angry as he tells her that the reason she is implicated as a suspect is because of her habitual Behavior he tells her that there is still a lack of actual evidence for the veracity of the article and if she brings a more concrete evidence then he will apologize to her then she seems to be really angry the evil blood sect Master mentions that it will turn this bastard into Rubble the master of way aves and healing will quietly prepare boiling water the master of Destruction prepares a magic circle to summon the Demon Lord of course she is very upset as she wonders when will this damned situation end he tells him that he's done talking and he is eaten all the food right as it is time to get ready for the guests she is aware that someone will be here soon the king of waves in healing has informed her that the guest had set foot in this Mansion the Duke asks her if she invited someone again she tells him this time it is a guest who came on their own feet and in other words it is an intruder his Duke asks her what did she even mean by that before the door bursts open the butler runs inside telling the Duke that he has got some urgent news he whispers into his Duke ears as his Duke stands up Suddenly questioning what she has done say it in questions if there were other guests beside him she tells him that somehow he knows well in Marcus which is in the garden passage The Vicious blood priest is grumbling about why there are so many handsome guys in this world the lot of Seduction opens the back of special popcorn fried in Hellfire at the appearance of San's rival she wonders why is he his rival realizing that she got the words wrong she knows that they finally meet the man greets her as he is trin's Beloved the Crown Prince of the ramish Empire ishir VOR ramish she greets him as she tells him him it is an honor to meet him she has a feeling about him right from the start his strength is 890 and his ability is 910 his endurance is 910 and his luck is 886 and wisdom is 810 she has a good feeling that the system is going to make them terribly entangled his favorability rating has dropped by 10 as she wonders what the heck his favorability rating drops when she just greeted him she finds it ridiculous she wondered if he is not going to accept her handshake then he should just kick her out as he should not be treating people like this the Duke questions what brought his majesty here as he did not even contact him she is glad that atie came right on time ishir mentions that it is strange suddenly he grabs Rene's chin as he mentions that she does not even try to hide the fact that she has changed and questions who is she rayin is shocked as she pushes his hand aside she tells him to not touch her body without her permission he asks her to not provoke him and just tell him what she wants as she must have something to say she is aware that he is the strongest and Empire and realizes that still he is no match for her ishir looks at his hand before he clenches his fist he mentions it does not matter now as he is sure that she is the culprit she is aware that he is acting up and knows this is probably too much for an ordinary person to bear and she does not know what to do she tells her it is not an exaggeration it is basic right and tells him it is about believing in and protecting his family even if it is just once atie stands in front of her atie tells his majesty that he does not think this kind of attitude is appropriate for a person who has never even learned swordsmanship she notices that he is shaking as she realizes he is still helping her she finds it so bad that she is also trembling she places her hand on her brother's shoulder as his majesty takes out his sword questioning if they have not ever learned to use a sword and if he is telling him that someone like that is standing perfectly fine on two legs he states that one lion disappeared they could not confirm that the princess was the real culprit because of the report that there was no trace of her he mentions if she is this skilled then everything makes sense and asks where is Lion she responds it is none of her business though his majesty question questions if she's asking him to believe that she tells him that on the contrary she has a question for him and questions what did he do to the saintess he asks her how dare she question him he decides to take out his sword as she laughs questioning did the greatest swordmaster in the world gets scared of a civilian he launches at her before Satan gets in the way his majesty tells him to get out of the way but he responds that cannot be because he does not think that she is the criminal The Majestic questions if he is siding with the author now as he responds he is not siding with anyone the Majesty states that no one in this Empire hates lion as much as he does he shouts it in such a situation lion disappeared and Renee had the power to execute her he questions if he wants to say someone here Satan asks his majesty to calm down and talk it out mentioning that if a person of this level of skill kills someone rationally does he not know there are more efficient ways he tells his majesty that he really wants to find the scientist then now is the time for the two of them to cooperate Renee is aware that if Satan had not stopped her then she would have hit him too she Ponders of course she was going to adjust her strengths the Majesty tells her that she is suspicious to him and questions how is she going to explain that she responds he was the one who hired the witness first because of that he framed her as the culprit and she even went to jail she tells him that she hopes he understands that she did it out of desperation she tells him that this conversation seems like it is going to be long so they should move over there as they are going inside his Duke grabs on to her and tells her that she's a skilled person so what does this mean she tells Satan to go as she Pond that atie stopped his majesty his favorability rating is still low and she knows that he will not believe her with a negative favorability ability rating she tells him it is none of his business as he mentions he has the right to know if it concerns his brother she tells him that she knows it very well and asks them when did they become too close she thinks that he is not qualified she uses his activation skill and puts him to deep sleep when she activates her breath of a stalo to make atie sleep atie loses Consciousness and collapses on to reny ISS your questions was it a magic Swordsman while Satan cannot believe he actually got to see the young lady's abilities she replies to the crown Prince's earlier question that it doesn't matter now isn't he here to take down the article isier reminds her that the situation is also important and wants her to answer properly he questions what is that power has she really sold her soul to the devil Renee raises her hand in the air in a dismissive way taunting that she sold her soul too this is what happened after dying about 58 times and coming back to life iser's face contorts into anger as he utters playing with words looks like she can afford it she believes even if she tells him it's still going to be a mess he then Alters his inquiry to inquire about how many types of magic she can use adding that even if it's an energy that can withstand it he thinks she can use the sword quite well and wants to know to what level she asks why does she have to explain her abilities to him one by one moreover she thinks he's misunderstanding something she did not become his subordinate because the goal of finding the saint was the same he shrugs it off and says okay he won't ask more questions about her skills but why did she hide it because he believes if it was known that she was a magic swordswoman she would have been treated well it would have been possible to succeed to the dukum or receive a title and start a new family rather than treating Marcus as a sham like now she becomes angry thinking is he trying to say that the reason she is called a shame is because she is considered weak the principle of the law of the Jungle the strong prey on the weak and rule over them according to the words of the tempter the world is crazy about the law of the Jungle the original owner of this continent was a monster demonic beasts reproduce faster and are stronger than humans but humans are smart the humans who joined hands pushed out the monsters the built walls and created a country monsters were pushed out of the borders drawn by humans and the sovereignty of the continent was taken away in this way the human era opened and a period of Revival began humans stood across the border and pointed their swords at each other over the resources of a land where danger had disappeared the rule was to subdue monsters and war with humans it was the irisha Empire that grew in size by pursuing the law of the fittest she thinks in a world where war and competition are frequent it's also why this family has turned to power there's also the fact that the Crown Prince prioritizes the newly minted Powerhouse over his fiance she also thinks how a young daughter is treated as a disgrace to her family because she is considered weak and it's because of the strangeness of this world she says is it so if she had just revealed her powers she could have aimed for the position of Marcus successor the crown Prince ads and he wouldn't have to face this boring ridicule however she lets him know she is not interested in anything His Highness said she questions what one would do when they become the successors and setting up a new family is just a hassle she adds that about power and honor she actually is really just tired she gently nudges Auntie who is unconscious on the chair causing both him and the chair to topple over she claims to those who don't know how to measure a person's value other than strength she has no intention of being treated well by them her eyes Harden as she reminds him he ignored her belittled her did not treat her like a person she thinks it's a little bit useful because she feels more like she has become more useful and stronger but it's gross to think of people treating her like the palm of their hand ishir says just for that reason still sounds like she doesn't know anything about the world she smirks and says what about the world she taunts him that she feels regret dripping from what she said earlier what if she had agreed with him would he have taken advantage of her by Beth roding her instead of a saint he stands up abruptly and slams his hand on the table his eyes Ablaze with Red Fury and his face contorted in Anger she teases him what he is angry doesn't he think she told the truth he turns his attention to Satan and calls him for his rescue however he just FS ignorance she tells him not to blame sadan and reminds him of that in the first place sadan didn't even swear loyalty to his highness she also clarifies that she is not at all interested in what the relationship between His Highness and the saint was because proving her innocence is more important to her she sigh because she misses her dog and wants to go back quickly and see him her eyes widen with determination as she convinces herself to move on quickly okay she tells herself to focus again it doesn't matter if she's strong or not she points an accusatory finger at him and tells him she is not the real culprit she will send him an article as well she knows the simplest way to remove suspicion of murder is borrowing the words of someone with more credibility than her just like the Crown Prince he asks her is she really innocent but she utters rather she would like to ask his majesty the other way raking his hand through his hair in urgency he he questions if she thinks he is crazy she is his finance and why would he kill the person who would one day become the Empress of the Empire she silently Whispers there was a reason to kill the saint wanted to leave him she adds the Crown Prince is suspicious of him she understands she guesses the idea was to catch him first since he had done something so far but if his intention is to blame her for what he did he definitely doesn't want to go along with it she lets him know publishing the article would be a Counterattack while proving her innocence because they would have to bring out a new suspect the Crown Prince she declares from now on she will check one by one to see if he's truly innocent why doesn't he show off his insights iser's eyes Blaze with intensity as he says he doesn't know where she heard such nonsense but it's gibberish she questions is there a proof because it could be true he failed to coers the Saint who was about to leave and all that His Highness could gain from marrying the saint would have vanished Like A Midsummer Night's Dream so in the end he ended up killing her his teeth clenched tightly together a testament to the intensity of his anger but on the other hand she remains calm and smiles gracefully questioning what he thinks of her hypothesis he shouts at her claiming that the saint has never tried to leave him in response she questions is there evidence His Highness because she can prove and show evidence that it's it's not her his entire body trembles his eyes Blazing Red with Fury as he sternly warns her to listen carefully he States let him make it clear if there's anyone truly innocent in this world it would be him she observes his emotions are flowing very roughly lately and if she were the culprit she wouldn't fluctuate to this extent she asks all the other people in the system what do they all think should she trust him but they are all sulking because of how she treated them earlier she expresses her displeasure and says what's with these old men surrender and call them cowards she raises her hands in a shrug it off Manner and says fine this will never end like this and offers him to call a temporary truce and to take a step back she tells him to call off his Knights and she would release his Envoy he mutters that's not within his authority she reminds him isn't it His Highness who's in charge of the investigation into the Saints disappearance he size and says even if he takes responsibility he needs conclusive evidence that it's not her she thinks he's always making such a fuss she puts a paper on the table and questions would this suffice then and let them know it's the last place the saint was found in she clarifies this is the evidence that the saint was alive until recently and isn't this more significant than anything else she reveals it's because the reason for the Saints disappearance was the fact that she vanished from masha's ter territory which had to become a sight of unrest she states while she was detained underground the saint was spotted in another area she smiles maniacally claiming that with all that if the saint isn't that it means she is innocent on the other hand isier doesn't seem as pleased and demands to know where did she get this information from she frowns because is he really just concerned about the source of information here the king of waves and healing looks disappointed wishing he had found it sooner but Renee assures him it's not his fault after a moment of silence the Crown Prince States if they truly can find the traces of the saint here the suspicion will be lifted she reminds him they still need to verify it however he tells her to wait here until then this causes her to seee with Fury as she Ponders what the hell is this guy trying to do sneaking in an extra spoonful of information into what she has gathered isir tells her it seems like she's not understanding the current situation but even if she suspects him she's currently the most likely suspect she employs her magic to sear the address onto his hand she tells him he's the one who seems to be not understanding the situation she still believes he is the most likely suspect and this is the information she has found herself she smiles and says they should compromise and go together since they're both suspicious of each other it's better than dying alone right while the Crown Prince is still shocked and wonders was it because of her pure strength that she managed to overpower him he questions how he can be sure that she won't stab him in the back as they walk together she responds with another question of her own asking what guarantee does she have of his trustworthiness she adds to be honest if she had intended to kill the saint would she be dead by now as he is aware of her abilities now she raises her hand with the intention of shaking his and declares truce agreed he just wipes his face and thinks such nonsense she lets him know she will shake hands for truce but if he dares to try anything funny she will be right behind him ready to strike and she will even pass on other information to the princess if he tries anything sneaky Satan approaches with his handkerchief and begins wiping her hand explaining that she had just held his highness's hand and he wishes to clean it off isir looks at them and as she leaves he questions since when did he become her lap dog Satan tells him to watch his language he states he doesn't know what the lady promised him to suddenly change his attitude but he will surely regret it however San declares he regrets even briefly following His Highness more he adds that Renee is different from him it would be almost disrespectful to compare them ishir says that sounds quite disrespectful he says yes exactly Renee would not exhibit such a reaction as he turns to leave ishir warns him his words seem quite sharp he says it's just his mood as they ride on Horseback His Highness accelerates swiftly maneuvering next to Renee he asks her is everything okay unable to understand she questions what does he mean he lets her know they are out of the masha's territory confused she questions if there is a reason why it wouldn't be okay he reveals she is famous for never leaving the territory unless it's for a banquet she is surprised to hear this and explains that she cannot spend her whole life confined to the territory he says it is surprising to hear such words from her there's nothing surprising about it she states reminding him he has no reason to know about her and thinks just like she doesn't know much about Renee she wonders why Renee has so many surprising aspects she thought she was just a stubborn villain but the more she knows the more more complicated she seems he claims he knows enough about her to know that she doesn't usually wear such clothes she never wears anything other than dresses she tells him no she actually prefers these clothes and feels a bit sorry for Renee for changing her taste but honestly Renee has been wearing dresses all this time and all the clothes she is wearing now is from Auntie ish wants to know if that is the case why didn't she dress like that before she asks why would she and says she will tell him now while she is at it she doesn't love him anymore it's better now that there's one less rotten person right isier is surprised to hear this coming directly from her mouth she asks if he thought she would always chase after him she lets him know once this is over she wouldn't appear before him again so he needs to not worry she apologizes to Renee in her mind and lets him know that she promises she will never love him again from now on she will make it as if her crush on him never existed he somehow looks angry by her determination not to love him anymore he asks what she is going to do from now on she doesn't understand what he means by that he asks if she is planning to cling to someone else like she did to him it's not San or is it the Lord of Temptation senses a strange Aura annoyed she questions what on Earth is he talking about he replies San is a good night and his subordinate but yesterday he saw him hovering around her did he appeal to her pathetic sense of sympathy or did he try to impress her by showing off his strength she becomes mad and says she cannot figure out what he's thinking and he should focus on his own business she crosses him and ends up being next to sadan sadan Smiles at her and assures her they should arrive in a few hours now she is pissed off because it's still that long and they are going too slow he apologizes to her but she mutters apologies should come from that direction and glances at the prince she believes the more time passes the more incomprehensible it becomes really he questions what she means but she just mumbles to herself why did she ever like that brat she wonders how she should really stay away from these kinds of people Sayan says with utmost seriousness that if only she gives the command he will get rid of them she says if that's what he was going to do he should have done it earlier however she realizes it sounds like treason are they supposed to say it he lets her know he follows her not the prince she tells him it's still going to be treas him he notices she seems anxious and says he may be overthinking it but she seems more anxious than usual she tries to assure him it's probably because of her overthinking and just tells him not to worry she's fine she activates her blessing of water skill and eliminates all accumulated fatigue from tiang Jaja and enhances his physical abilities she thinks she pretended not to be but San is right she is anxious right now it's been quite a while since the main quest appeared and the completion of the special Quest is approaching but the Epic Quest which ends The Possession hasn't appeared yet the Epic Quest orders her to stop the tower's master who seeks to bring destruction to the world and the master of Decay is on the top floor of the Tower clear conditions are to banish the master of Decay from the top floor of the Tower and reward upon completion is being returned to the original World the only Quest that will send her back to the original world is the Epic Quest she thinks maybe the genre is different or there's a prerequisite quest to clear first just in case she's moving fast but still the Quest for return hasn't appeared yet even if she complains the system is still unresponsive in times like these she cannot help but feel overwhelmed with anxiety the Lord of waves and healings believes that the system error will be fixed when the quest is completed the Lord of Temptation suggests that to alleviate anxiety she could try dreaming of her dog discretly she tells him she appreciates the sentiment but she will pass it seems like it might worsen the situation the malicious leader of blood advises that in times of anxiety it is best to reduce thoughts and focus focus on physical activity she agrees with him right now she should focus on proving her innocence still she cannot help but continue to think about it she tells herself surely she won't be stuck here forever right the note she had contain the name of the last location where the saint was spotted a plain ordinary Place neither small nor Lord somewhere it's likely to be a knight has captured a man and informs the prince that he has caught the one who took the same home Renee thinks if it weren't for the prince men swarming the area they would have found her immediately as water what a waste of time the man introduces himself as Derek the Crown Prince points his sword at him and warns him if he doesn't want that name carved on his Tombstone it's better to speak the truth about the saint he admits it's true that the Saints stayed at their house for a while but if it weren't for the flyer that he was just shown he wouldn't have known it is your question s why did she follow him does he have a patient at his house thinking that she might have gone there for healing purposes he says no he just offered to let her stay for over a day and then he Trails off ishir asks and what Rene steps in between them and instructs the man to guide them to his house he looks surprised and says his house she says yeah and why is he so surprised the man agrees to do so but seems hesitant his eyes low Lord as if he's hiding something when they arrive at his house for a moment they all remain in stunned silence overwhelmed by the sheer opulence of his house reney wonders if a person who usually runs away lives in such a luxurious house the mayor of U okay requests an official appearance but personally he Sparkles his eyes at this residence saying it suits his taste even more The Vicious bloody cult leader suggests seizing this house she's annoyed because these old old men are spewing nonsense again suddenly A peculiar scent tickles her nose prompting her to inquire Satan do he smell something strange she says somewhere there's a smell of something strange and familiar wondering if it's coming from Satan she smells him too and comments he smells like lavender she concludes that there's a suspicious smell in this house the vicious blood cult leader completely agrees and the Lord of Temptation smells corruption she believes Lees this must be the saint and rushes towards the direction of the house following the increasingly potent scent when she arrives in front of the imposing door she realizes it's emanating from there just when she intends to open the door Satan comes from behind asking if she has formed something the prince appears too and warns her it might be a bit tricky if she acts on her own she urges them to hurry there is something when Satan comes next to her he smells it too and says says is it just him or is it he Trails off but the prince confirms his suspicion when he declares it is a corpse the prince is on his knees grieving as he claims it's not him he doesn't know anything about it seedan still feels the warmth From the Ashes Renee claims it takes 2 to 3 hours to completely burn a person judging by the heat emanating from the corpse it burned approximately 20 minutes ago she is mad because when the course was burning they were were wandering around the village it was a very close call she believes if isier hadn't brought the knights and if she had acted alone perhaps she could have saved her the famous bloody professor says if he had done that the quest would have gone wrong for her the queen of waves and healings Comforts her saying she did nothing wrong she sze and thinks she doesn't know what will happen to the quest but it's not just a matter of a quest it's about human lives Satan questions if it is the body of the saint Renee doesn't know but she could feel the holy power from that corpse people with holy powers are rare if one possesses such strong holy power it remains even after death she looks at the corpse it looks so twisted and horrible it hasn't been long since she burned probably during the time when she rode with these two from the territory even though this proves that the saint was alive until just recently the prince silently Whispers why was she killed what could she have possibly done wrong he States this is the engagement ring he gave to her Renee inquires if he is sure he reveals he cannot be mistaken because he personally ordered it the ring is Enchanted with the highest grade protective spill it can never be destroyed by ordinary external forces so that's why only the ring remains special Quest explanation is cleared the clear condition is to prove innocence clear reward is to be able to make one wish to the Crown Prince the system lets her know the quest is able to be completed despite someone's death the queen of waves and healing Comforts her but she assures her it's okay because she has seen many people burn to death the owner of the tower also enjoyed burning people if her colleagues were caught there was only one side to be seen by midnight the sight of her comrades burning to death at the top of the tower and Below The Madness of monsters is dancing she realizes that's why this smell felt familiar to her it's the scent she smelled to the point of getting tired of it in her past life Renee and Satan's attention turns towards the side Derek mentions that it is unfair as the saint left at dawn the Crown Prince questions then he should explain whose corpse is that the Crown Prince has grabbed him from the collar as Derek states he does not know either and asks the Crown Prince to listen to him for a moment the Crown Prince lifts him up as he asks for help Satan intervenes asking the Crown Prince to come down Derek states that he hasn't even been confirmed as the culprit yet ishir is filled with annoyance as he pushes Dage but San catches him sidon gets down on one knee as he asks what time did the Saint leave yesterday Derek responds that she left early yesterday morning without saying a word and mentions what he is saying is true Renee calls out to Satan and asks if he can please leave for a moment he asks her if she is intending to interrogate him herself she responds yes and asks sadan to make sure no one comes in including the Crown Prince she then calls out to Derek and mentions that from now on he's going to be honest very very much she activates a skill which is the whisper of Bilo this puts the Target in advance the effectiveness is inversely proportional to the target's mental resistance and if interrupted during casting the effect becomes unstable she thinks that this skill is convenient but there is a big risk if they choose the wrong target that is why she cannot use it on someone as big as Satan she commands him to think about his last memory with the saint he states that all he sees is Darkness she Pond that she thinks this guy will work well he also states that he sees strong resentment too she smirks realizing that it seems like he has already been hit with a similar skill Derek calls out to her and states that he cannot feel her holy power she questions what as he States this is not holy power it is dark magic she Pond that she is aware of that too as a saint would not have gotten this far with just one demon however she thinks the fact that she can use skills related to Demons which are difficult to find indicates that a skilled individual is involved for sure she wonders about exactly who and what they're aiming for by committing such Acts the queen of waves and hearing raises her hand as she questions what is wrong the queen of waves and hearing says that the Crown Prince is now trying to destroy evidence Rene seems annoyed as she rushes to him she calls out to him and mentions that he probably has something to say to her doesn't he he questions what is she talking about she argues that she slams the table mentioning about the Saints will stating that it was found the queen of waves and healing with witnessed It Through The Eyes of the spirits he questions if she has a spy within his Knighthood she responds no they should just say it was a keen intuition he tells her that her behavior cannot be simply explained by a keen intuition he takes out his sword as he mentions it is clear that she is colluding with his Knights or keeping an eye on him he smiles before he places his sword at her neck he tells her he does not like either option she smirks questioning what can he do if he were in her position he probably would have done the same as she did he states that he has never been in her position though causing her to be annoyed he tells her that the reason he did not show her the will was to protect her she responds that it is quite bold of him to say that it is for her sake he wonders if she can remain nonchalant after reading this as he hands her the will she takes it away from him as it is written that during that time her life was staying like a white cloth for the mission for the Empire and for those who trust her she couldn't say anything until now but she cannot bear it any longer she continues to read it as it is said a false engagement with someone who does not love her someone who wants to kill her because of that engagement these two facts began to gnaw at her soul but even so she was able to forgive those two people no matter how much they hurt her she can willingly love them however there was someone she could not forgive the one being swayed by the situation is none other than her therefore before Renee clenches her fist she mentions that they are done for as they have boarded a sinking ship now and that ship is sinking completely he states that he has no idea what she's talking about she yells at him questioning what is he saying if the world finds out about this accusation he and she both are finished she is aware her Quest too will be finished her main quest which told her that she has now possessed the body of Renee maurus the infamous daughter of the highest ranking martial artist in the lambdaa Empire her clear conditions were to reach Fame clear reward she is aware that subquests had a couple of failures without significant consequences but for the main quest the aftermath of failure is unpredictable moreover the clear reward is the item she needs most right now she's aware that she has been so careful in trying to follow the or original novel she knows that she is not the time to carefully step on a stepping stone she's the type to break it Lord of temperatures asks if breaking the stepping stone would not actually make things worse she Ponders as she expected things are about to go downhill soon and she needs to do something about it the Crown Prince tells her that as long as she keeps quiet about it there would not be any leaks she trembles as she continues that this is not something lion would do as long lion was so stubbornly attached to him she mentions that someone must have intervened and manipulated this and asks if he still does not feel a sense of Crisis she wonders and that too by a skilled individual with ill intentions towards Lion and the Crown Prince he tells her that all his nights are tight lipped and he will not announce anything about the corpse until he can confirm if it is really lion she looks at him as she wonders if he has a brain in his head she points at him as she itions if he is so confident about it then how about he makes a bet the bet about whether the contents of this will spread or not he smirks as he questions if she wants to bet in the current situation she asks is it only him who does not understand the current situation why is he so confidently seeking help without believing in anything she tells him that this is a trap set up to frame both him and her questioning is not that the case she tells him because his majesty hid the will and believes in the knights she asks if he really thinks all of this will go as planned she turns around as she states that she assures him it will not be long before the entire Empire learns about this will he tells her it seems even if he were to die soon this will continue to spread questioning what exactly does his Knights receive about this she again tells him to make a bet as he should trust his own Knights stating that she will trust her own experiences he mentions that he accepts the bad and if he wins then she should follow his words without objection and even though it is unlikely but if by chance she wins then she states that they should make it so that His Highness follows her words she tells him who does not seem like it will take long as she states there they come the nightly order in his favor he is surprised as the knights appear since mentioning the will of the saint is currently being distributed throughout the entire Empire she has been known as an indirect murderer of the saintess and her reputation has decreased by 50 the knights look upon her with eyes of distrust the commoners of the Empire are remembering about her suspicions she is aware that she won the bet but she's not happy at all a subquest is given which is one body in a board she has cleared her name of the murderer of the saintess but she has soon caught up in another misunderstanding she and is isir will be known as the perpetrators who drove the saintess to her death and to overcome this crisis she must cooperate with ishir and gain his trust the clear condition is to receive the token of trust from isier she Pond that these surely are some odd quests the Malaysian bloodthirsty rat priest looks at her with eyes full of sympathy and the king of waves and healing is eager to embrace her tightly the Lord of Temptation wants her to be his she is aware that is as soon as lion's will was made public she returned to the mansion as if fleeing sadan and isier both told her to go back she finds that very harsh and above all she looks around and wonders why does she have to receive such looks for something that she did not even do she knows that sadan also went to the Palace to try to rectify the situation only punishing quests or giving orders to kill a quest where she has to clear up this misunderstanding she finds it really frustrating someone knocks on the door questioning if he can come in she questions if it is krill and invites him in he steps inside the room as he asks her what is she doing he complains that her brother just came in and she's just lying there so indifferently she questions what should she do and asks him to say whatever he has to say from there he tells her that first of all all the murder charges against her husband dropped and father informed him she questions so what now even though other charges have Arisen he also tells her that their entire family is coming up to the capitals and it looks like they're planning to force their way through he tells her to get ready as she Rises she Ponders forcing their way through she likes the sound of that she tells him that he does not seem that angry though he asks her if she is angry she tells him she is not as much as Auntie he had told her that she's good at this as it is a skill to have all these new charges piled up like this the malicious bloodthirsty priest suggests that he will secretly strike down that noisy chick he mentions that is because he likes lion Renee is shocked as she questions atie with the saint he responds she knew that too that Auntie has been in a one-sided love with her for 10 years she Ponders that Renee probably knew it he questions how she could forget that and states that is why Auntie specially scolded her more Krill asks her to stop bothering lion a bit she Ponders that is right is not it still she wonders if it is not overreacting to think that her own younger brother committed a Perfect Crime she thinks that he really fell deeply in love she suddenly mentions wait a moment as she remembers something she states but the saint was engaged to the Crown Prince which means that their brother is not even a potential match for her realizing that there must have been complicated circumstances she wonders so how do they resolve Auntie's situation this time she is aware that the quest is saying that these accusations are all misunderstandings aborted and wonders is it a misunderstanding that Renee has been bothering her all this time or is it a misunderstanding that the saint died she calls out to Krill and questions if he also thinks that she killed the saint he responds that he does not think she would have directly killed her she mentions but still she wrote in the will that she was having a hard time because of her so it is almost as if she died because of her she mentioned so in the end she is the one who killed her as her mood becomes sad Grill tells her that she has been really strange lately as her memory getting worse does not help either he states that he does not know what it does not seem like a matter of intelligence but her temperament does seem a bit deadened she tells him that a person died so it is natural for tempers to die is that not supposed to be a case he becomes frustrated telling her there she goes exactly this kind of remark that is what is really strange about her nowadays he also tells her and above all she never really intended to kill the saint she questions what does he mean by this before she suddenly grabs on to him telling him to tell her more she questions what is he saying as he States those assassin she did not send them it is just known that she didn't she wonders the person who sent assassins to the the saint it is not her right he asks her why does she keep on pretending to not know as she tells him to forget about it she questions if it was not her then who sent them does he know about it the saint is like a guardian of the Empire wouldn't it Mak sense for someone with a grudge against the empire or the emperor to want everyone to die together among them there may be extreme supporters of the princess who would rather see the Empire fall than see the Crown Prince Ascend the throne she questions if he is sure that it was not her he tells her that if she was smart enough to send assassins everyone would know if she were a person from the chagus family she tells him that when it comes to Lion he loses her mind and that is why he locked her up and interrogated her she yells then why is it known that she sent them he tells her that she seated herself at the party that she sent assassin and that she's such a dangerous person so they should be careful she questions why did she do that as he responds how would he know she begins to hate him as she questions cannot he or Auntie shut their mouths as older brothers mentioning if she were not naive they both should have made efforts the seducing Lord warns that the sword under her pillow is sharp the king of waves and healing is preparing to heal koll she Ponders that according to kols Renee has Twisted someone else's sin onto himself having been constantly ignored at home for being weak she must have been afraid of being ignored even outside and that she knows that she is someone so frightening that she can kill a saint who W is loved by all so they should not treat her lightly she's a strong person she wonders if this is what she wanted to assert the malicious bloodthirsty priest mutters under his breath the king of waves and healing lets out a regretful sigh the seducing Lord bites his tongue she is aware the more she does start the more she will isolate herself and she just seems like a physically ground child raised without even properly learning how to protect oneself like a child Krill asks her but why is she so strong as he thought it was a sword to the throat not a pillow cural Affinity has increased by 30 points she finds it seriously distracting she calls out his name as she tells him that they should try to make things right now even if it is late he questions if he is included before she smacks him on the head telling him that he is also at fault he complains what did he do wrong when she's the one causing all the trouble she tells him charge of neglect and the charge of miscounting a woman she tells him that he knew how she was being treated in this household she Ponders seems like he knows what he has done and that is probably why he even came here to tell her himself she puts him on the head as she wonders well said there seems to be a room for Redemption he launches out at her telling her why she's all of a sudden treating him like a child she tells him to just be grateful and States but still he has to take responsibility and they will take responsibility and resolve this matter they will be the one to set things right so from now on he also has to watch over her as her older brother he questions as her older brother as she responds yes as they are a family after all even though they were at odds before but from now on something like that even if they fall they should at least try and someday she will return to her former self with his help anytime knowing that she can rely on him to straighten out this household without any regrets at the townhouse of the Marquez magaret family in rahas the capital of the ramish Empire she gets a Deja Vu as she wonders why the room is as big as marquis's Mansion she locks the door as she is aware the room is not important right now and decides to move on with what she's doing the king of waves and Healing Hands her something they found she thanks the king of waves and healing she remembers that hearing caroll's words reminded her of something she Pond people with as many grievances as Renee need a place to pour out their hearts but since Renee had no one around she Ponders would not there be something in a diary instead she is aware that she was treated too much like a notorious villain and she had not thought that Renee might not have sent the Assassin if it were not for that mistress she might have thought of it sooner she wonders but where was that the king of waves and healing testifies that it was under the mattress she questions just there it's a wonder it was never found she questions that did nobody clean there at all she opens it as she has Tears In Her Eyes wishing that she will make sure Renee walks on a flower path she decides to start with the most recent one it is questioned why does nobody believe what she said she never laid a hand on Lion even her father says he believes her but she can feel that he does not she thinks that it seems to be warm before she was imprisoned and decides to look at something's older another one is that this girl told your keeps talking to her she got so angry at being ignored that she lied without thinking wondering what should she do she should not have done that at that time she should not have said that she was the one who sent poison to the saintess but if she did not it seemed like Talia would look down on her guess what kind of person is she she keeps provoking and egging on Renee she decides to focus on Lion first Leon is really annoying always pretending to be nice yesterday she said that she wanted to have tea with her so she only had one cupen left she went hoping to at least see her face but as expected it was annoying Leanne brought a cake she made saying she tested her new oven she said she knows she's not the one who sent the Assassin wondering what does she know she said that she was too busy to send one and lion laughed Renee wondered why does isier like such a person she seems so foolish in the end she could not refuse Lion's request to meet again today but they decided to meet secretly in case isier finds out and scolds them and wishing no one heard their conversation right another one is written that shinin is suspicious she thought it was strange since he tried to touch her last time it seems like the temple is completely corrupt she ended up getting angry at lion and realizes she should not have done that she thinks that she got frustrated because the dog kept insisting on staying there she wonders why cannot she make such a convincing argument she suggested confiding in isier but lion refused she knows isier does not love her and he will not oppose shinjin for her Renee closes the book and wonders what should she do now as well as she thinks what is going on she's aware that if this diary is to be believed then the situation changes completely she knows lion knew that Renee had not attempted the assassination she knows in fact Renee and Leanne were each other's only friends though she doubted it Renee really was just a child without a temple people just wanted to believe she was a willingness and wonders is that the reason why she came here among so many people there was no one to help her she and lion because the evil she too could not possibly stop on their own was too great she wonders where on Earth has lion disappeared to wishing for someone to help them she wonders who would try to harm such young children sitting idly by and just thinking won't help her find the culprit she's aware that she currently lacks too much information about this world and there are many ways to gather information and the most important thing is to know where to dig in the main quest is that she is now possessed by the notorious villainess and the distinguished daughter of the Marques magaret family in the ramish Empire the clear condition is to reach a reputation of 500 so above all completing this Quest and finding the original story is the priority she is having a cup of tea as Krill questions if this is for Real she responds yes all of this for real she is aware that showing the diary to koll was a kind of Adventure she wonders if he did not believe even after reading the diary she was thinking of convincing him by force but she knows that will not be necessary he asks her why did she only tell him now she questions would he have believed her he tells her of course he would but she's aware that he would not have believed she Ponders at least he has some Consciousness now he tells her that he does not fully believe it yet but he will try to believe her for now he asks her to not get him wrong he has not forgive her for disgracing their family name he states that his only goal is to clear their family's dishonor she calls out to him as she mentions he is not very honest she tells him to come down and sit back down as she forces him he wonders what kind of strength is that as he finds her really strong she thanks him for finally believing her she is aware that if he had believed her sooner many things would have been different she is also aware that the one who should be apologizing is not her so for now on she will just have to be satisfied with this she states that she is aware it is still hard to believe everything so she should prove her words by hosting a party he tells her the kind of party that she is talking about can only be held by his father or elder brother and at best he can only host a tea party or a small gathering she asks him why is that the case as he questioned why is she asking she tells him that she is from the marquest family so why would not it be possible he does her daughters because father fevers his brother more than them he States anyway even his brother cannot just hold one whenever he wants father dislikes wasting money so there has to be a significant occasion where it needs to be a birthday to have a party he states that she knows this too then why is she asking it again she is aware that the scale of the party Renee asked kol for was like this not only the promotion Nobles and Regional Lots but also influential minor Nobles could attend in other words a party where as many people as or possible can attend and see her she is aware that with the rumors about her might die down a bit and questions how significant does the occasion needs to be to convince him he tells her to try entering the top level of Sword experts if it is that then father would gladly agree she asks him but why have not he had one he tells her because he's only intermediate she calls out to him as she questions he honestly hates Auntie does not he she states that she will give that Auntie guy a piece of her mind kirol Margaret's favorability towards her has increased by 10 she Ponders this guy really wears his thoughts on his face as he questions how is she going to do that she smirks as she states she can do it he finds it strange wondering why does he feel a chill down his spine as if he is facing a demon the Lord of Temptation Smiles wickedly she tells him that he could just do that top level thing or whatever the king of waves and healing shakes their head in disapproval and the cruel blood priest looks at the victim and licks their lips
Channel: Manhwa Mayhem
Views: 74,120
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Keywords: manhwa capped, manhwa mayhem, manhwa recapped, miss manhwa, manhwa recap, manhwa recaps, manhwa, manga recap, manga recaps, manhwa cap, the manhwa man, manga, anime, recap manhwa, recap manga, anistory, mystery manhwa, seth manhwa recaps, aniworld, logan manhwa recap, manhwa tower, romantic fangirl recaps, manga secrets, real recap, manhwas, mangas, recap, princess manhwa, overpowered manhwa, strongest warrior manhwa, world manhwa, world princess manhwa, manhwa warrior, manhua
Id: huvG8iXivj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 44sec (7544 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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