2 Nights Alone in the Wild with a Tarp and a LifeStraw - a lil Wild Camping Adventure in the Forest

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oh hello world was I'm here in this beautiful Forest Valley for the weekend and I've got my top and a life straw let's go [Music] it's really pretty traumatized this morning [Music] [Applause] hi guys I'm here for two nights I've got my top so if I manage to stay out for two nights this will be the first time that I've done a multi night trip with my top so that'll be fun and I've also bought with me a life straw so I'm not carrying any water while I'm hiking which is totally a different way of hiking for me but I'm really enjoying it because with my winter gear it's quite heavy and it's nice not to carry either wait for the water and of course in Winter I'm not needing as much water anyway while I'm hiking not like summer so it's the end of November at the moment which means it is going to be dark in a couple hours so let's go find some water we'll give this store a try and then find somewhere to pitch for the night so you open the cap and think through it [Music] yeah so a lovely full refreshing drink only trouble is it's awkward as hell it's just not practical to be getting down on the ground like this for this reason I have bought a little tiny collapsible cup much easier whether it defeats the object or not having to carry a little cup as well with a live score possibly so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to fill up my water bottles from this stream because I do need a way of transporting water from the stream to where I'm pigeon for the evening and then we'll sort that water out when we're at camp and I'm going to go get my top up because it'll be dark soon this looks really good [Music] DD super light Ridgeline Let's Get It Up [Music] so cozy I love it I've got a new bit of gear today this is a DD Magic Carpet I thought I'd bring it instead of my usual cheeky camo top all in because that tends to let a little bit of water through when you're sitting on it and everything's really wet at the moment so hopefully this should be totally waterproof it's the XL size so see how we get on with it all set up in here really liking that ground top I think it's going to keep me nice and dry I don't think anything's going to come through that and I've got the top fairly low so the ground maybe three quarters of a meter because I think it's gonna rain and I don't want the rain coming in like last time when I tried with the top so yeah really nice love it [Music] and look at my view [Music] all right I'm gonna get these clothes back on and then I'm going to show you how I intend to use the life straw at Camp I've got my cook set here and I've actually brought two titanium pans now these pans being titanium are really light so it's not much for the spring too so I've got that to cook my pasta in but what I thought was I could use this one for my water [Applause] I can just drink it straight from that so that is my drinking cup really and of course for cooking I don't need to filter my water because the ax of cooking itself boiling it is going to take out any nasties that might be in there rain size [Applause] so dozy it's only six o'clock feels like nine or ten round in the dark for hours making me sleepy but look at these Stars you guys I'm so lucky [Music] such a beautiful night [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh good morning you guys feeling pretty traumatized this morning because look slug has attacked me in the night I don't know if it's still in there somewhere so I went to take my eye mask off and it was all stuck to my hair hmm so I don't know if there's like a dead slug in my hair now and I'm kind of too scared to prod around to find out I should have bought my little head bug net I didn't bring it because it's winter I should have oh maybe it's in the hood what am I supposed to do with that got it on my hand as well dried up slug juice look it's my pillow well snugged up and here's the culprit unfortunately I don't think he's survived the audio anyway slug traumas aside had a really nice sleep I didn't wake up till eight o'clock and I must have slept really deeply to have a slug calling all over me and not noticed I don't think it even rained in the night and I've been nice and sheltered down here as well so I'm gonna have a bit of breakfast get packed up and then we'll get on on a little Adventure up to this beautiful Lake higher up in the valley so that's night one with the top all done it was really gorgeous and I loved using the DD Magic Carpet as a ground sheet that worked really well I'm really enjoying using the lifestore as well it worked really well with a little Park a camp and I love just having it on my waistband here a stream or a puddle even like whenever I want to so that's really cool I'm just trying to find a way through this Tangled massive Woods onto a path and heading up to the lake [Music] we are currently on a really easy track up to the lake it's really really dark today like it feels like and just get up in the morning and the sun's not quite up yet it's gorgeous I think we'll go a bit further and stop for lunch and then we'll get to the lake in the afternoon wow look at that they're beautiful [Music] so I'm just looking for some water now so I can make my lunch should have got some when we were at that little mini waterfall back there but I did think too so now I've got to find some there is water down there but that's going to be pure bog down there so stay a little bit higher Lindsay up here so I'm going to take water and put in my bottle and take it back down into the forest and have lunch down there by the way it's down there buddy get some water and go there so back down here in the woods I'm gonna stop for my lunch I'm actually gonna try and make a little tiny mini shelter with my ground top with the magic carpet I don't know if it'll work but I'll try [Applause] yeah that's all right it's just a tiny little bit of shelter so I can cook out of the wind and if the sky's open and there's a big downpour I can't sit and eat my lunch out the rain just to quit temporary thing but I think that's all right actually all fed and watered it is half past 12 so I'm gonna get this down and get down to the lake because it's gonna be dark in a few hours again it feels like it hasn't really gotten light yet it's nice though it's kind of Moody I like it all right let's go [Music] foreign [Music] it's a bit crazy now to be fair I mean can't be camping in here look all these trees coming down sketchy trouble I'm having is that it's a crazy mess the Fallen trees in there they look really unstable it's not safe and then out the tree it's just kind of squelchy and that's not safe either because the water level rises it's just gonna come over hmm that beautiful though so the lake is a no-go there's just nowhere it's all boggy and just crazy trees falling down everywhere so I'm gonna have to find somewhere else to pitch so I better get move on let's go all right guys gorgeous it's really really pretty but it's exposed to the wind on the other hand no big trees that can put me up here and the ground looks a bit more promising so I find somewhere to pitch and it looks like we're gonna have windy Mountain views for the evening instead of the lake that is fine by me cheers go for that bit of ground so I'm gonna whip up a top tent I think because of the wind Top tent has never let me down foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's nothing to take it into it's just it's just air what to do what to do I don't know [Applause] oh God Jesus Christ right I need to think for a minute okay I've had to give up on that idea um it just won't go up it's like the ground's too holy and I can't get the pegs to hold or because it's so lumpy the tension's not right and it just won't hold itself up so and the thing is because I've come away from the Big Trees there's nothing here that I could sort of use with the top but I wanted to be away from the Big Trees because then I don't have to worry about anything falling down so it's not going particularly well it's half past two I've got about an hour I'm not sure what to do to be honest with you I don't know I think I'm gonna have to head back down I think by the time I get down there I'm gonna be pitching in the dark look how gorgeous this is up here still not found anywhere to Camp though okay I think this might be flat enough down here I really hope so because I am now [Music] try that again shall we foreign [Music] can't make it any higher probably if I could make the checking pole higher [Applause] I can get more attention but it won't go any higher so I don't understand why my trekking pole weren't going higher than this because this is the same brand that I've always used got the same paracord here I'm gonna try and pull the back out [Applause] um it looks kind of rubbish [Applause] right let's try and get inside this bad boy get this ground sheet down pretty cool huh the jungle in here at the moment so we are in inside the top and it's all right actually um if the pole comes down it's not the end of the world because providing it stays pegged in I'll stay dry and protected from the wind so I'll just have to keep putting it up but I think it will do for tonight if they I'm gonna sort my stuff out just a little bit wonky donkey in here but I think it'll be cozy once I'm in my little Nook I'm gonna make dinner first though hey oh it feels like home now snugs are welcome [Music] that looks like a jellyfish [Music] nevermind day [Music] foreign [Music] not cool you guys hello you guys I've had my dinner so I'm gonna start getting ready for bed I think hopefully I won't be murdered by a slug in my sleep only time will tell so I will see you guys in the morning bye [Applause] foreign campers it is the most gorgeous still and soggy drippy but beautiful morning I absolutely love it I've had about nine hours of sleep which is amazing I've still sort of haven't woken up properly yet yeah I'm well rested the rain really came down last night really heavy and my top left it stayed up all night with no assistance from myself at all so I'm quite surprised about that actually because the drain is a bit floppy and not as tall as I'd like it did absolutely fine so yeah that is another win for the top tent it has still never let me down it is sagging this morning because it's wet and the thing is with top tents although you get a lot of square footage on the ground because it's a pyramid when it starts to sag the wolves come in and it can feel a little bit claustrophobic also the inside is covered in condensation so it feels a bit like you can't really move because you don't want to touch the sides and get all your clothes are wet it's a bit of a jumbled mess in there this morning so I'm just sitting by the door and not looking at it it's fine I was having a bit of anxiety last night about slugs after the night before so I put earplugs in not because it was noisy I actually wanted to listen out for rain so I could film it but I ended up putting ear plugs in because I was so worried about slugs going in my ears not the big fat ones but tiny tiny little ones and there's been a few little ones around this morning I even had one on my hands tiny cute little thing but you just don't know where they're gonna slide into so I thought if I at least block my ears up that's something anyway I'm just gonna continue sitting here for a little while and take in these beautiful views it's so nice now that I'm not panicking about getting a shelter up to be able to just sit and really appreciate where I am and all the nature that surrounding me and just how very beautiful it is and although this trip didn't go as planned as it so often doesn't I've ended up in an absolutely stunning camp sport and I don't think I could have beaten this actually down by the lake so I'm really pleased and it just goes to show if things aren't going to plan don't worry too much because you might end up somewhere even more gorgeous [Music] thank you [Music] just packing up now and a word of praise for the outfit Hunker movie always love the outfit hunger movie bags I've had my foot end sticking out from the top all night taking a battery in from that really heavy rain and I stayed lovely and cozy and dry my sleeping bags all dry so yeah that's amazing also the ground top what is it the Magic Carpet has done spectacularly well as well not let a drop of water through on some really soggy grounds though loving my gear on this trip really good I am on my way ain't it pretty so a multi-night trip with a top is of course entirely possible but it can be challenging so I guess it depends how much frustration you're willing to deal with on a trip but I have loved this weekend it has been difficult at times but it's also been nourishing and good for the soul and I would rather any day to do this with my weekend than to sit at home scrolling through social media and watching rubbish on the TV so I've got a hike back to my car now I was thinking what I'm gonna do for the rest of the hike is use my life straw as I'm assuming it's intended so directly from the Water Source without a cup so I will leave you with that guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you again soon [Music] all right desperate times and all that [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: WildBeare
Views: 219,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wild camping, hiking, adventure, tarp, lifestraw, solo camping, female hiker
Id: L_Og2UGBa0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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