A New Season

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so yes so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] worship singers this morning and our worship community instrumentalist so let's celebrate together and celebrate the great things and how god has blessed our church and our lives so let's worship together [Music] [Music] so [Music] is [Music] he has [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you'll be faithful forever [Music] [Music] me [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] high [Music] [Applause] [Music] and just when [Music] [Music] you picked me [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] no choice but to believe [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] forever [Music] i am i am free [Music] am free [Music] i [Music] i [Music] am turning [Music] up [Music] my name is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my [Applause] you may be seated luke chapter 4 verses uh 14 jesus returned to galilee and the power of the spirit and news about him spread through the whole countryside he taught in their synagogues and everyone praised him he went to nazareth where he had been brought up and on the sabbath day he went into the synagogue as was his custom and he stood up to read the scroll the prophet isaiah was handed to him unrolling it he found the place where it is written the spirit of the lord is on me because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind to really to to release the oppressed to proclaim the year of the lord's favor then he rolled up the scroll gave it back to the attendant and sat down the eyes of the of everyone in the synagogue were fastened to him and he began by saying to them today the scripture is fulfilled in your hearing amen what we want to do right now we welcome you and we thank you so much for coming thank you for those who are watching online but we want to have a time of prayer just a moment of prayer so if you have a need if you would like to come to the altar you feel free to do that uh if you have a praise at thanksgiving you can do that as well we also want to pray for and dedicate all of the sunday school classes the kids club hawthorne community bible school so there's a lot of things that are happening so if you are involved in any way with any of these ministries with children's ministry with the hawthorne community bible school sunday school classes we want to pray for you as well and then we also want to remember our nation in prayer as it is the weekend of 9 11. so praise god let's go to the throne of grace together as a body of believers heavenly father we thank you so much for all that you've done we thank you god that we can come before you and we can open up our hearts to you and we can thank god we can thank you lord for a great salvation we can thank you for all the wonderful things that you have done we can thank you for our families we can thank you father for your provision we can thank you god for your healing touch so many things that you have done we say thank you thank you thank you and we just pray god that you would work in the hearts of all of your precious people god as people are watching online and as people are here in service lord you know the needs of the great needs that your people face and we pray god for wisdom we pray for blessing we pray for provision we pray god for guidance lord that your people would know the way in which they should go we pray god that you would touch loved ones who are sick god that you would raise them up for your glory and lord that as we trust you and as we look to you that we will see you do marvelous things in and through our lives we thank you god for our country god we thank you lord even as it's a a sobering weekend lord thinking of 9 11 and all that was lost 20 years ago the precious people we pray for families lord that are still grieving and we ask god that you would strengthen we ask that you and encourage we pray that the gospel would make its way into people's hearts and lives that they would see that there is hope in the savior a living savior and so we pray for that lord we ask god that you would bless our missionary families we thank you god for those who are serving you here and abroad and we pray for wisdom and strength and guidance and direction so that they would know the next steps for their ministry but we pray for them god those who need a touch from you those who need wisdom and guidance reacts that you would do your work lord and that you would glorify your name we pray god for those who've been affected by these recent storms god it was um very difficult and we asked god that you would have mercy and again that you would make a way and that you will provide and that you would bring your people through and help us lord to draw closer to you today whatever we have need of as we enter into a new week lord we open up our hearts to you and we say have your way in our lives use us for your glory strengthen us and equip us lord for all the great things you have in store so we thank you and we commit all the requests that are presented to you we commit them to you knowing that we have a god who hears and answers prayer in jesus name amen amen god bless you [Music] amen please stand as we lift our voices to the king of kings our great savior [Music] [Music] [Music] in the darkness we were waiting without hope without light till from heaven you came running there with mercy in your eyes to fulfill the law and prophets to a virgin came the word from a throne of endless glory to a cradle [Music] praise the father praise the son [Music] god of glory [Music] to reveal the kingdom [Music] you did not despise the cross or even in your knowing this was our salvation jesus foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] moved for is for the land had conquered death [Music] [Music] now [Music] is [Music] me [Applause] [Music] three [Music] [Music] three [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey man how good was that it just that was so good to hear everyone singing and praising and so we're here to do today and so it's just good to have everyone here worshiping together and those of you who are at home worshiping at home with us so we thank you also for dialing in or whatever kind of service you have at home but uh anyway we have a lot of uh announcements today so uh i encourage you to grab a bulletin look on the website because you're not gonna remember everything i say but i do wanna highlight some things because there are a lot of things coming up this week because things are starting back up as we speak for instance bagel time i hope everyone enjoyed that yes it's good to be happy for that so i'm glad you guys are enjoying that and we thank everyone who put the hard work into that and if you didn't know hawthorne if you hear it later had a little e coli warning that we did everything was taken care of that over there they use all bottled water for the coffee and stuff i just want to highlight that so in case you hear about it later you don't get worried if you had a cup of coffee over there so our team went out and got all bottled water and that's what we use for our coffee and everything so we are safe next sunday we'll begin our new fall sermon series in the book of philippians rejoicing in difficult times with pastor john's message on abounding love and then our sunday series will be from first john fellowship with god and pastor mark will be kicking that off the starting place started today it's meeting right now as we speak and then the second meeting will be next week so if that's something you would like to attend you could still do that catch the second half of it next week hawthorne bible school does not start tomorrow but does start the following week so if you want to partake in our monday night bible school sign ups are now you can do it online there's information in the back so please grab some of the brochures for you and for maybe a friend that you think would want to go or a family member membership class is coming up that's at the end of september the 26th and october 3rd so we encourage you to become a member if you're not adult bible school started today women's bible star studies start this week there's a lot of different things going on so again i just encourage you to look either online or at the bulletin okay but let's stand up together now and just welcome one another now we're going to we're going to pray for our offering even though we don't take the traditional offering we do have it the boxes in the back you can give online there's several ways that you can give but we really want to thank you for your faithfulness throughout the summer of giving and as you look at the new building the fruits of uh of the faithfulness too so we're very thankful for you as uh you have given and for whatever is given in the future so we just thank you let's pray dear lord we do thank you god for your faithfulness lord you are you are the great provider lord you've always provided our needs and we uh we thank you for that lord and we thank you for how you use your people lord to continue your ministry to move forward through their gifts lord so we just pray now that you uh bless this time of giving lord and that we do that we give with joyful hearts lord knowing that all these gifts will be used to further your kingdom and to bring you glory and we pray this in jesus name amen the lord always provides amen i know we're in a new season september means new school new jobs you know new homes but we're going to sing a new song that's the title of the song today so let's stand up and worship together and praise god for this new season that we're in right now and give it all to him [Music] i wanna sing a new song and shout it out louder than me let the whole world thing [Music] there is a can place his face changed in his presence and touched by his grace is [Music] the whole [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the [Music] let the whole world see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh amen and we clapped again for our choir [Applause] we're back amen uh musicians we thank god for them praise god it's good to be in the house of the lord right it's good to be in the house of the lord and we are so grateful to uh just have the opportunity to lift up and continue to lift up the name of jesus to glorify him for all that he is doing and um it is a new season by god's grace we've we've come and we're in the month of september and there's a lot of new things that are happening we have our bible studies starting up we have community bible school we have our adult classes we have children's ministry obviously and things that we're just excited about the lord working and having his way so i want to encourage us so that we continue to keep our hearts open to the great things that he wants to do in this season let me just pray for a moment and then we'll get into and look at luke chapter four let's pray together father we just thank you so much and praise you and i thank you for all that you are doing i thank you god for an opportunity to lift up your name in song and we just pray god that now you will be speaking to us through your word and we thank you also for all the workers for the adult bible classes for the children's ministry for community bible school all of the people who are laboring in various ways may your grace continue to help us as we lift up the name of jesus christ amen amen luke chapter four so my encouragement to us and my thought just coming in is really to help us so that we continue to move forward as a church but we want to what we want to look at is we want to look at the life of christ and look at you know just the beginnings of his ministry and see what god did and what he was doing how god sent him and how he came to proclaim a message and then also transitioning from that how now god is working in and through us the body of believers to continue to take this message forward it's a new season it's a new day it's new opportunities that god wants to continue to unfold before us and we want to be in a place where we can be a blessing be a channel blessing a conduit of blessing so that people can taste and see for themselves that the lord is good amen so in luke chapter 4 after the temptation of jesus and after he returns from the wilderness from the tempting he says in luke chapter 4 verse 14 the bible says jesus returned to galilee in the power of the spirit and news about him spread throughout the whole countryside he taught in their synagogues and everyone praised him he went to nazareth where he had been brought up and on the sabbath day he went into the synagogue as was his custom and he stood up to read and the scroll of the prophet isaiah was handed to him and unrolling it he found the place where it is written and this is a quotation from the old testament from isaiah 61 it says the spirit of the lord is on me because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind to release the oppressed and to proclaim the year of the lord's favor and then he rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant and sat down in the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him and he began by saying to them today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing and all spoke well of him and they were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips isn't this joseph's son they asked and jesus said to them surely you will quote this proverb to me physician heal thyself do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in capernaum and then he goes through and talks about a couple of instances where god showed forth his power and his glory through people who were non-israelites you know um so he performed some miracles back then in the old testament and it says in verse 28 that all the people in synagogue were furious when they heard this because um this message had come to the gentiles and and so they were furious they got up and drove him out of town and they took him to the brow of the hill on which he built the town was built in order to throw him down a cliff but he walked right through the crowd and went on his way and then goes forward to talk about how jesus is going to continue to do uh miracles and he's going to continue to help people heal do all kinds of wonderful things and so as you read through the gospel accounts and as you look through it you see as jesus walked this earth that he came for a purpose the bible talks about in the old testament in the old testament about a suffering servant who would come and who would come and he would bring forth salvation to all mankind it talks about in that in the book of isaiah in chapters 42 and 49 in chapter 50 in chapter 53 in other words this messiah this anointed one this christ was going to come and he was going to bear the transgression of many and so what you have as jesus comes and he begins and he's fulfilling that which has been spoken about him it talks about how the spirit of the lord was upon him and how he was anointed to do these good works and to preach this gospel so jesus christ was sent he was sent by the father for a specific purpose and as we go through and as you read about the and we read the different accounts in the gospel you read about all the wonderful things he was doing but all of this was to testify to the greatness and to the goodness of god and he came with a purpose going down further in luke chapter 4 drop down to verse number 40 it says when the sun was setting the people brought to jesus all who had various kinds of sickness and laying his hands on each of them he healed them moreover demons came out of many people shouting you are the son of god but he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak because they knew that he was the christ and at daybreak jesus went out to a solitary place and the people were looking for him and when they came to where he was they tried to keep him from leaving them but he said i must preach the good news of the kingdom of god to the other towns also because that is why i was sent and he kept on preaching in the synagogues of judea so notice he said i must preach the good news of the kingdom of god to the other towns also because that is why i was sent other places in the scripture there talks about how the son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost he came not to do his will the gospel of john says but he came to do the will of the father who sent him and so you have these scriptures where jesus is declaring and even pronounces and predicts his death in jerusalem he knows what's going to take place but it's going to take place in order to bring salvation to all of mankind and so you have the message you have jesus he's sent to proclaim and to declare and to show forth the kingdom of god and usher in a new way of life for all those who would believe and who would trust in him and so you have this gospel message that was being proclaimed by christ as he ministered to the people around him and then not only that after he does that now he begins to commission his disciples those who are following him giving them authority that they're going to also continue to do what he has begun and so as you go forward in luke and you look at luke chapter 10 for instance just go forward in your bible a little bit again we have jesus the messiah the anointed one he came and he was sent and he begins to send out others he begins to send out his disciples those whom he has appointed in luke chapter 10. after this the lord appointed 72 others and he sent them in chapter 10 verse 1. after this he's the lord appointed 72 others and he sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go he told them the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few ask the lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into his harvest field go i'm sending you out like lambs among wolves and then he goes into just continuing to encourage them how he how they are to conduct themselves when they carry this gospel so jesus begins to dispense authority to his disciples and he tells them and he sends them ahead to all the places where he is about to go but this good news this gospel of the kingdom is continuing to be going forward jesus christ is continuing to be exalted and the message is continuing to be proclaimed and so what happens at the end we read through the gospel of luke and all the gospel accounts and it talks about how at the end there's a great commission that takes place and he commissions his disciples to go forward and to carry this good news to carry this gospel to carry this message look at luke chapter 24. again so we're just looking at the scripture and we're just walking through here because jesus was sent and he is sending and he's doing the work through us in luke chapter 24 verse 45 after he appears to the disciples he says then he opened their minds luke 24 verse 45 so that they could understand the scriptures he told them this is what is written the messiah or the christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations beginning at jerusalem you are witnesses of these things i am going to send you what my father has promised speaking of the holy spirit the comforter but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high so repentance forgiveness of sins right hanging jesus he's sending us forth he's sending them forth to be his witnesses stay wait you're going to be clothed with power god is going to give you the power the authority to do what he wants you to do it's not going to be by our intellect or by our own understanding or by our striving but it's going to be by his power and by his authority that he is now helping and working through the church to bring us to a place where we can have an impact to those around us and so as we think about that as we think about the messiah who came in fulfillment of prophecy of scripture as we think about the one who came and he died for our sins the son of man came not to be not to be uh not to dot not to be not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many as we think about this son of man the son of god who did all these things and how he has commissioned us to go forward with this same gospel we want to ask god to help us so that we are in the place where we can be a greater blessing to those around us as you read about and you look in the old testament and you read about the priests and how they were consecrated for service in the book of exodus it talks about how god consecrated the priest aaron and his sons to do the works of service to minister in the tabernacle so that they can bring forth the offerings and that they can bring these things before god so god can atone for the sins of the people god anointed them for service and to do a work for him god anointed jesus as well in acts chapter 10 if you could put that verse up to acts chapter 10 verse 34. this is what the bible says in the book of acts this was a momentous time in the early church because the gospel was coming to the gentiles it says then begin then peter began to speak and he said i now realize how true it is that god does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right you know the message god sent to the people of israel announcing the good news of peace through jesus christ who is lord of all you know what has happened throughout the province of judea beginning in galilee after the baptism that john preached how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy spirit and power and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil because god was with him so we have this one jesus the christ the messiah the anointed one and he went around doing good and he went around healing and he went around healing all who are under the power of the devil because the bible says that god was with him well we can be encouraged today to know that god is with us as well the bible talks about in the new testament how christ has anointed us in the book of second corinthians and it says he has set his seal upon us the spirit guaranteeing he's a deposit guaranteeing what is to come god has set his seal upon us upon the church of jesus christ if you name the name of christ the holy spirit lives inside of you and you do not belong to yourself anymore we have been bought with a price with precious blood and now what god is doing is that even as through christ the work of god was finished on earth he did what he had to do so now through his people he is calling us and he is commissioning us to continue to carry forth that message to those who need who need to hear the good news the gospel of jesus christ and so we want to be a people by the grace of god who are focused and who are consecrated unto god's service and no matter what you do no matter where you work no matter what your job situation is no matter if you're in school it does not matter as a believer as a follower of christ we are all ambassadors and personal representatives of him amen wherever we go wherever we live whatever the situation wherever i go i'm taking the presence of the lord with me because christ lives inside of me and when christ has a hold of my heart we want him to have a hold of every single aspect of our lives god i give myself to you therefore i beseech you brethren by the mercies of god to present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to god this is your spiritual act of worship so the father sent his son jesus christ came in fulfillment of prophecy to fulfill and to do what god called him to do to sacrifice his life for the sins of all humanity it is finished he did what he had to do now the church has an awesome responsibility to continue to carry forth the banner the name of jesus christ going into all the world baptizing teaching right proclaiming the gospel doing what god has called us to do so that we might see god manifest himself in the lives of other human beings in the lives of our family members in the lives of people who we work with we want to see god do a good work and so now what are the challenges in other words we know that god has set a seal upon us we know that he has granted us and given us his spirit we know that when we walk this life we walk this road that there is suffering there's pain there's things that we have to go through that's involved with naming the name of christ with being a christian but as we go forward what are the challenges that we face we can either be knocked off path in terms of okay well this is the path that god wants us to go down but things happen and we begin to you know falter in our faith and we begin to despair or even more so probably more prevalent is the fact that we can get easily distracted by the things that's going on in our world in other words things are always happening around us amen there's things going on there's situations there's things that's happening in the world in our economy there's all kinds of things going on but what we want to do is by god's grace is we want to have the right mindset so that we're focused and that we're fixing our eyes on jesus christ we're not easily distracted because of the stuff that's going on around us anybody hear me we're not easily distracted because of situations that i face on my job or things that i'm going through in school no i have determined and i've made up my mind i'm going to follow jesus there is no turning back and what we want to do is we want to carry that forward as a church body and say god help us now as we relate to other people that they would see through my life that god is real that he's not just a concept that he's not just somebody that i'm talking about in scripture from scripture but this gospel is living to me there's things that god is doing in my life and i can testify i'm a witness to the goodness of god and god wants to do that through his church so as a result of what he is doing so as a result of what christ is working in and through us i want to encourage us to know that we are we can be competent as ministers of a new covenant we have everything that we need in christ jesus this is what it says here let me just before we get to that verse in second corinthians but it says this in colossians chapter 2 it says for in christ all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form and you have been given fullness in christ who is the head over every power and authority that's colossians 2 verses 9 and 10. in christ all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form and you have been given fullness in christ who is the head over every power and authority in him you will also circumcise in the putting off of the sinful nature not with the circumcision done by the hands of men but with the circumcision done by christ so we are complete another translation says we are complete in him everything that we need we find in the person of jesus christ everything that we need he has given us everything that we need to live a life of power and of godliness and he's going to continue to help us but we are sufficient everything we are competent as ministers of a new covenant in second corinthians it says there's such confidence we have through christ before god not that we are competent in ourselves not that we are competent in ourselves not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves but our competence comes from god he has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant not of the letter but of the spirit for the letter kills but the spirit gives life so god by his spirit wants to continue to work and he has given us everything that we need in this new season with new opportunities with new problems even with new things that will come our way god has given us everything that we need he has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant this new covenant of which jesus christ is the mediator and so we can be encouraged and we can know and we don't have to walk in condemnation we don't have to walk in guilt we don't have to let our past dictate the success of our future in god god can help us and as we give everything to him we're saying god i'm coming to you i'm bringing myself to you i'm consecrating myself to you i'm offering up myself to you as your son as your daughter god i want you to use me for your great name i want you to use me wherever i go that people will see that they would sense the aroma of christ on my life and god wants to do that and god wants to help us in this new season and so we don't have to be discouraged we don't have to be dismayed so as christ walked this earth and as christ imparted to his disciples and as the holy spirit came on the day of pentecost and he came as the helper the comforter the counselor the teacher god has given us everything that we need we have the word of god we have the holy spirit we have the fellowship of the saints how many thank god for the church right thank god that we're able to come together and to build up and to encourage one another the bible says as long as it's called today because we need the encouragement not only of the lord directly as we commune with him but we need the encouragement within the body of christ god has placed us together in this season for a reason and so as you look out and as as things as there's knees that arise and as things come up whatever's going on in your own personal life just continue to be mindful that there is a work for us to do paul says it to the church of corinth like this to be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the lord because your labor in the lord is not in vain your labor in the lord and so as we're doing life and as we're taking care of our responsibilities do not forget that the lord has something to do through us using our gifts and talents there's things that he's called us to do there's works of service so what is our place what is it that he wants to do how does he want you to fit into this local body such that we are a blessing and that we're seeing the kingdom of god continue to go forward and if that's what it's all about amen giving god glory living for him but also being used by him to be a blessing to other people and when we do that it just brings so much blessing when we're not so consumed with what's going on in our own lives god can free us even though we go through stuff go to go through things we're not bound up hallelujah we're not held back just because i've got some problems and some issues god is so much bigger and so we want to be a people as god helps us we want to go forward we want to be a blessing and we want to see our church be a blessing in this new season as things continue to open up as the word of god goes forward we want to encourage you to take advantage in this season of the opportunities that may come your way now you may be here today you may not have given your life to jesus christ or you may be listening online and jesus christ you have not made him your god and your savior but there's always an opportunity and there's an opportunity today even right now to make that decision in other words jesus said that you must be born again he that hath the son hath life he that hath not the son hath not life life comes through a relationship with jesus christ god has made a way he has given us direct access through the sacrifice of his son and all we have to do by his grace is bow our hearts and humble ourselves and say god i acknowledge and i am a sinner and i need a savior so i want to pray for those who would want to make that decision and then i'm going to pray a prayer for all of those who have already made that choice but we're saying okay god continue to do a work in and through me in this season of my life so if you will by your hearts i just want to say a word of prayer first for those who who may not know christ perhaps you have not given your heart to him and but you want to do it right now so even as i say these words just consider this for yourselves god i just thank you for your grace i thank you for sending your son jesus christ to die for my sin i acknowledge that i'm a sinner and that i need a savior and i pray god that now you would change my life and you would uh make all things new your word says if anyone be in christ jesus he is a new creation she is a new creation the old has gone the new has come i praise you and i thank you god for a newness in my life as i bow my heart to you acknowledging that i'm not smart enough to make it through this world but you know all things and you do all things well so i give my heart to you in jesus name and god i want to pray lord for uh all of us all of the people who might be listening they know you they're walking with you but perhaps they're in a lot of despair right now perhaps there's a lot of discouragement maybe there's sickness maybe there's situations that are overwhelming and we don't deny the reality of the situations that we face but we acknowledge the reality that we serve a god who is greater than any situation and i pray god for my brothers and sisters and for those who are listening that you would work in their hearts and in their lives that as they lean upon you and trust in you and as we continue to consecrate ourselves to you saying god here am i change my heart lead me work in me help me in every single way god that you would work in your people and that they would know the joy of serving you and the peace that passes all understanding and that they will know the strength that you give on a daily basis because you are able you are more than able to help us so i thank you for that and i pray for my brothers and sisters that you would work working marriages working homes working working as children and young people god working our younger generation god working our young adults work work father in all kinds of situations jesus you said the father is always at work you was at work and the father was always at work and i pray god that you would be working in the lives of your people that they might see the glory of god in every single situation so i thank you for this i thank you for our church pray god that you would help us as we move out in this new season as we launch out and as things open up and as bible studies i pray that there will be a hunger and a thirst for righteousness and that you oh god we get all the praise and all the glory i ask all this in jesus precious name amen amen so if you have any any questions if in terms of what it means to continue to follow the lord kind of in the next steps you know we're here we're here to talk with you we're here to pray with you we're here to encourage you but we love you amen and we love what god is doing and we love what god is doing through our church family so if you can stand pastor scott's gonna give us our benediction amen from romans 15 verse 13 god's word says now may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the holy spirit god bless so over you
Channel: Hawthorne Gospel Church
Views: 790
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 55sec (4075 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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