A NEW HENCHMAN IS BORN... (A Fortnite Film)

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[Music] remarkable it is clear that my henchmen are not quite up to the challenge I will require men who can contend with this renegade shadow him you wanted to see me yes sir please have a seat and make yourself comfortable I'm front standing what can I do for you straight to business very well long have you served as commander in Eko doling out my orders to your specially equipped teams but now I require you to take on a greater challenge and what's that training my henchmen do be well better uh no offence in but those guys it would take a miracle to get them up to snuff right now it's quantity over quality and that works except it does not clearly I am entrusting you with this mission just as I entrusted your father with his he never questioned it no matter how impossible it seemed despite it costing him my relationship with his only son dad tell me can you follow his example Turk all right him I'll do it excellent in that case we need to get you fitted for your new uniform uniform of course that rugged look may suit your brand of guerrilla warfare but around the agency we prefer a more elegant approach yeah yeah just no ties all right wearing those makes me feel like I'm the one who's hooked all right no ties [Music] hey Biggs do you know what this is all about heck if I know wedge I'll just be glad when it's over you're telling me I'm so hungry I could eat a fish stick you're always hungry greetings men I'm commander Turk welcome to basic training basic training my guy we've been in the agency for months now exactly and you have no skills to show for it whatsoever hey now that ain't fair which happens to be quite good at knocking stuck candy bars free from the vending machine it's true that's not the type of skill I'm talking about now I've put together a compilation video of what not to do as a henchman as long as you do the exact opposite of what these guys do you should all be said capiche so we're watching a movie well yeah awesome I love movie days thanks mr. Turk it's commander Turk now just sit there and shut up every week we follow the head of a major fashion as they secretly disguise themselves to find out what's really happening in their base of operations this is secret boss the agency M is the de facto leader of ego otherwise known as ghost a massive organization that combats the forces of the fiendish shadow group in the hopes of establishing peace and prosperity this week M is going undercover among agency personnel as Mike a lowly henchman my new put on an air of mystery is I have your employees are hesitant to approach you generally this separation of boss and employee is necessary but it does make understanding the plight of the common man particularly hard I look forward to hearing what they have to say when they are free of fear we've put hidden cameras in the agency's halls and no one knows that Mike is their boss M I'm Mike nice to yes I see and to you as well ah [Music] comrade er what's the scuttlebutt do none of you speak the common tongue really this isn't working it seems that our recruitment requirement substant beneath my notice this is something that I would not have found out wear it not for this program do you think I've been employing a bunch of mumbling buffoons speak English wanna speak it's not what it looks like it is now apparent that bonding with my fellows will be harder than I assumed hey they're inch man you feelin all right oh yes I'm fine thank you for asking what's your name I'm Mike you might have heard of me I sure however you're someone new here too aren't you yeah I guess you could say that what are your thoughts on em the boss man he's alright I guess he's a bit of a grumpy guys though well perhaps he has a good reason for being grumpy all the time back atcha did you ever think of that sky did you ah the new guy Mike he seems a little on edge but it's understandable I guess the life of a henchman is hard and often short nice out here doesn't the fresh air make you feel alive I suppose well I live out here so I can't get enough of it you live out here do you not have an apartment or something we can play some whatnot hey miss having a real bad at all let me get by fine I see what should we do oh I know want to do some LARPing with me yeah yeah LARPing it stands for live-action role-playing where we can be have anybody you want for instance I'll be a wizard I win Daggerfall and this is my familiar Holly the brave Skye reminds me of myself when I was younger perhaps I've underestimated her little does she know when I take a role I go all out very well I'll be a Barden marasmus the cunning Mary for short aboard interesting choice but okay what type of adventure shall we go up on today Mary well sky one first wouldn't you like to hear my newest song did he just have that thing in his pocket or what Wow all right yeah listen to me listen to me listen to me people Mary's here sky ones here always here townspeople venturing here venturing there combating evil there's nothing here we can take on Solaris repave oh I'm a wizard oh how awesome look at Michael his name's Holly he's my best friend he loves hats but he's also quite ferocious so don't send you 200 why do you stop please sky would let's be real I'm the bard here you're quite off-key sky wouldn't it sky stories yeah [Music] that could have gone better I will have to learn to be more patient with my underlings no no no this one goes there that one goes there right all right sir Tech is one of my more infuriating employees Mike sucks he doesn't know floppy disks from a disk drive don't know why and put him on duty with me probably to punish me again so how do you like this job tech yeah it's not all bad get used to staring at a screen all day I sure do miss seeing all the strange characters on welcoming duty yes I heard you were removed from the front desk did you're not collecting tendencies hey it's a medical condition alright I can't help it now anyways you're gonna wanna make sure the servers can't blah blah blah babble jargon babble technology battle down why didn't you guys tell that Mike was in I'm definitely gonna get fired now that felt good hello I'm Mike the henchman oh hey Mike I'm Harry and this here is Jack hey Mike you new here - yes I just started it well welcome to the team us henchmen gotta stick together indeed I am glad you two seem to be able to speak I was getting worried there for a moment so what do you think of your boss em he's cool I guess I've only talked to him once before well I assure you he is indeed cool oh really have you spoken to him a lot then oh yes plenty of times he's a real bang-up fella huh well that's good to hear I heard he had a bit of a mean streak I even heard heard what Harry well I heard that he's got a collection of statues downstairs but the thing is these statues used to be people who told you about that I mean that's quite a ridiculous story whoever told you that must have been pulling your leg right some guys who come in here just don't really fit the henchmen vibe you know Jackson natural but Mike he's a little sketchy in fact em did tell us there was a mole in the organization I better keep an eye on him was their boss pretending to be a henchman anyway in the end I think I learned a lot about what my people are looking for in a boss deck I'm reinstating you to the front desk really oh man I thought I was fired for sure thank you so much Jim just do jumping jacks or something to keep your mind occupied will do absolutely and sky I've made the necessary arrangements you will find your very own room just down the hall yes well run along now there's still work to be done you got it boss you're the best the best yes I like that [Music] okay so the slurp tank will go over there and the conference table will go there yes yes it's really coming along you wanted to see me sir oh well yes I'm so glad you could make it Gary you were at my birthday party really I mean yes of course Gary you are the first official shadow henchman of this new base how do you feel good you're darn right you do together we are going to do great things great terrible things sir yes sir are you like that a total lack of input just straight to the overalls you're a true soldier I'm just here to hench I know you have to be honest I did not realize that hench was fur I'm fairly sure it is why else would we be called henchmen how about that you've given me a fun little task and now I shall return the favor Gary the henchman is ready to serve right first things first I'm going to give you a designation and sports you shall be known as hex Linga what do you want uh okay but I thought you said I was the first henchman here what you want to be called entra21 please that won't do people will think my force is made up of like five guys which rented happens to be true right now but it's all about image I guess that makes sense it does trust me now on to your mission you ready for this 21 you are to beat with drum roll please - leader of the agency that guy doesn't he like turn people to gold and stuff oh that's all just rumors and hearsay those rumors happen to be true but you are in no danger I assure you besides you are delivering good news what's the message tell him that I am very sorry that I couldn't make it and that something came up also Skye is here well that sounds like something he'd get mad about it'll be fine now off you go 21 inch away I'll see you when you return yeah more like if I return you called for me boss ah yes henchman 24 thank you for joining me here of course boss 24 you survived fusions assaults on the agency I want to know how oh that well agent missiles told us all to protect the lower levels while he handled the guys landing on the roof and that obviously ended in failure yeah me and the boys put up a good fight but there were just too many of them so this does beg the question of how you are still alive well a piece of rubble fell on me and I got knocked out I only came to after the battle was over why must you lie to me boss no surveillance tape survived the fire I saw you cowering in fear and then running from the battle I'm sorry boss just I saw fusion turned another guy to dust literally I wasn't prepared for that your cowardice and jibby today's and now so stem eyes and for that you should pay oh man here it comes however I have come to accept that there was little you could have done weak as you are oh that's me alright mmm buddy you're not off the hook yet 24 in order to make up for your failure a task for you anything for your boss rabbit I've gotten reports ex-agent sky has been spotted in the vicinity of pleasant park I've also heard that there may be a shadow base there I want you to find the truth of the situation and report back to me do you think she got captured I'm not sure what to think that is why I'm sending you now let us stop talking in circles you have your mission that will be all yeah you got it boss I won't fail you again I mean [Music] [Music] okay I get in scope the place out get eyes on sky a dip easy as pie I don't want to be golden I really hope he doesn't turn me golden huh did he see me what's a shadow it's been doing so far from his base he totally saw me oh man this is not good hey you what are you doing here me what are you doing here I'm an I'm an official agency business that's what well I'm doing the same only alter stuff hey that makes us enemies right yeah today you will face the wrath of shadow then you shall face the wrath of ghosts bring it on oh man out of ammo I thought you guys were supposed to have pinpoint accuracy being robots and all dude I'm not a robot [Music] you're pretty good Gary huh Aunt Mildred what no it's me the bother oh brother you can't beat me I'll show you you're pretty good boys boys boys what are you doing here nothing what have I told you about all this roughhousing and tom foolery not to do those things exactly oh if you're going to play at war then you leave me no choice dad no you can't it's already done you're both being shipped off to henchman Academy dude weak yes very weak but a little discipline goes a long way it will make you strong right but most dads would like take away our game boys not send us off to become nameless mooks I have spoken weak wow I can't believe it's really you after all these years I know I never thought I'd see you again so you joined up with ghost huh yeah I started with an internship and just kind of grew into the world I guess how do you start in shadow well I actually flunked out of henchman Academy but Kaos agent was taking pretty much anyone who showed up to his front door most of them are dead now let me guess killed by fusion yeah how'd you know same thing happened to us it's messed up geez hey I know we're both on opposite sides of this conflict and all but what do you want to put that all aside and I don't know hang out are you kidding I would give anything to not have to talk to your boss that dude scares the crap out of me are you come on brother let's get out of here [Music] guard duty is so boring I can't wait for my shift to be over I have a name you know sorry it's hard to tell you guys apart sometimes uh-huh typical nice talking to you too sheesh what's his deal yeah he's probably just having a bad day your husband certainly isn't easy now you ready brother sure am sig this has been a long time coming indeed it has finally the day of the henchmen is upon us at last we will reveal ourselves to the agency at last we will have revenge are you quoting Star Wars right now sorry it seemed appropriate try to keep it professional we want to be taken seriously when this all goes down sure my mistake all right then follow my lead the clock I can't wait to get home and play some stardew valley no I don't think there will be time for that huh what do you has been doing agent Skye you're under arrest [Music] enjoy your stay hmm this is so not cool they got you too huh whoa sorry I really someone was in here with me you're a ball right that is correct sky we've met once before actually you know sorry there's just lots of people in the agency and every day I feel like I see a new face or helmet in your case right anyway Joe need you what's going on it appears the Benjamin have revolted or perhaps more likely a nefarious group has entered their ranks hey wonder if this is happening all over the island that would require an immense amount of planning if so let us hope this is an isolated incident any longer we have to bust out of here I agree but how do you intend to do that they took our weapons it just so happens I have a check up my sleeve Oh what are you doing tiny concentration what that your small haha so watch your step now if you'll excuse me I just have to jump through the meal impressive most impressive I have my moments now come on let's get to the bottom of this plot taking orders from a little girl stranger things have happened keep that helmet filter down William yes ma'am wait we lied that would have been nice to know earlier him greetings am or should I call you - I am sig and I come before you today on behalf of all henchmen everywhere who is this buffoon sir third name sounds familiar it may surprise you to know that I've been a part of the agency since its inception what do I see benefits do I get made an agent no just because I'm not unique and don't have some dumb gimmick I along with all of my brothers and treated as disposable well not anymore oh wow I remember that guy he used to always clog the toilets charming to show that we mean business my brothers and I have taken over the shark and we have two of your agents held hostage if you want sky and April returned then you will have to meet our demands not sky we just got her back calm down there's more our demands are as follows first we want nametags so that we can be easily identified by name second um sig we lost the prisoners wait what yeah they escaped don't don't say it on camera sorry folks we're having technical difficulties I will send another tape with my demands day sounds like the Hegeman are taking over let's not be too hasty now sick in his Erica do not seem to be their brightest bulbs they managed to lose their only bargaining chips that is allowed in sky and agent 8-ball ample opportunity to correct this mess themselves this way looks like they've got the whole place on lockdown did you hear sig told the boss aw he's telling it like it is that's for sure the sick guy sounds like he's in charge around here we have to find him good idea let's arm ourselves before taking him on though the guards quarters we'll have some weapons who can use back in action the agents I found them switch to stop student yeah well so much for stealth let's find sig and stop this madness No [Music] well done agent sky agent 8-ball you've once again proven y-m finds you oh so special you must be the famous sake we've heard so much about it's time to put a stop to whatever this revolution is you may kill me but my ideas are eternal henchmen everywhere we'll fight and die for my cause what's gotten into you are you insane is it insane to want a little respect some decency Skye you didn't even know my name despite me being the one to rebuild your room after fusion burnt the old one down do I get thanks no wait you really did that we henchmen do many things that go unnoticed but not anymore now we fight back as Harry would have Harry the Huntsman he was a friend of me all souls he passed away oh so you remember his name yes Harry was the best of us and now we follow his example [Applause] this is not the way huh hurry what is happening now first shrinking and now ghosts is this really the first time you've seen a ghost a bull this is pretty common stuff please I'm trying to have an important talk here oh damn sig you have been misguided while it is true that we henchmen have been mistreated you must work towards change peacefully not for violence but Harry no you're right the agency may be in the wrong but would these actions I am no better than them I will tell my men to stand down I am glad you see reason and you agents please convince your boss that the henchmans lies are not expendable that they deserve to be valued we will all right of course all life deserves respect Benjamin our valued part of this organization it's time they're treated as such Oh you might want to start by helping those guys out in the hall a few of them are pretty close to joining me here aegeon sky a Junaid bomb I see you made it out of that mess in one piece indeed with the little help we were able to convince sequin lay down his arms wonderful I assume he is locked in the cell meant for you then well actually we were hoping you could let bygones be bygones well you know yeah he raised some valid points sure he went about it in the wrong way but henchmen have it hard which is why it is our job to make sure that they're being treated well I see I do indeed know the plight they face oh yeah that's right you went undercover as when a while back remember when we sung together that was fun yes after that experience I thought I had made the necessary changes to assure absolute loyalty but it appears I did not go far enough very well sake can go free I will not take retribution against him it seems like we all learned a valuable lesson today I know why he sure did from now on everyone wears a nametag well I was thinking more that you should always respect your friend a man but that works too [Music] ah isn't this the life you said it no worries no responsibilities why I could skip around this field with you for hours bro what do you mean hours we've been skipping for three weeks what dude I thought you'd do that dude why would I be okay with that I don't know I thought it was a little excessive myself but I figured as long as you kept going it was all cool oh cool do you know what happens to shadow henchmen that disobey orders they get fired that doesn't sound so bad from a cannon into the storm you think that's bad let's go Simon get turned into gold statues and left to rot for eternity geez and we're supposed to be the bad guys I know pretty messed up world we're living in well maybe that won't happen as long as we accomplish our missions we can just say it took a long time hey that's actually not a bad idea I was supposed to check out the shutter base at pleasant park and find out his sky was there oh dude she totally is Kaos agent to sky is on our side that was actually what I was supposed to tell your boss oh snap did we just solve both of our missions in two lines of dialogue yeah I guess we did I wish we had figured that out weeks ago good luck with the whole not turning to gold things if I don't see you again it's been an honor [Music] [Music] almost there boss boss quiet down engine you'll scare the fish oh sorry fishing in a way is an art form wouldn't you agree uh I guess yeah not convinced allow me to explain you see the action of casting the rod is similar to the artist's application of the paint to the paintbrush the precise positioning of the lure on the water surface is when that brush makes contact with canvas from there the artist and the fisherman alike become lost in their art their sport until their patience is rewarded [Music] wow that sure is a nice painting you got there boss what can I do for you henchman hmm you're not wearing your name tag name tag I never got a name tag I've always just called 24 around here did you not get the memo after six revolution name tags were to be implemented until tech descend this ruling in an email but it seems he's failed me I will have a stern talking to him one that he will not forget I don't know about any of that because I was out on the mission actually oh I see then my anger was misplaced remind me what mission was this you sent me to find out about sky in the shadow base it doesn't Park it took me three weeks but I've got the information you requested they're both there Kaos agent to sky joined up with us cause this information took you three weeks to come by yeah you are willfully behind sky has rejoined the agency and Kaos agent is dead what isn't it yes a of me completely and henchman 24 while you did fail me I am NOT without mercy you're not no I have seen the errors of my ways when it comes to henchmen and they're expendable nature yeah you have yes you may give your life but not your job pension you are fired but being a henchman is all I know well you don't have to go home but you can't ends here okay could I uh keep the uniform that would be highly irregular why well when I thought you were going to kill me earlier I mean if I use that used Oh get out of my sight yes boss sir hello Kaos agent I'm back anyone here hello yes ah did someone just shush me whoa chill sky it's me twenty-one uh Gary the henchman I worked with you in Kaos agent for about a week oh I totally remember you uh whatever what are you hiding from anyway are there enemies around here no rocks and I are just playing hide and seek hidin hide and seek don't you have more important things to do not really besides you have to take time off once in a while what's going on the last time I saw you you are all doom and gloom over your buddy dying and now you're some chipper chipmunk don't call me that fine it's chaos agent around I've got to report to him Oh agent he he's gone what no way yes way sorry man what am I going to do now without a BA stands for am I even a henchman maybe you could join the agency and get turned to gold yeah hard pass you might be comfortable with working with that lunatic but I'm not suit yourself now can you get out of here you're totally gonna give away my cover yeah sure oh hey Rox skies right over there [Music] oh hey hey you rat fire - actually my boss died so same thing kind of bummer yeah well I assume you're here for the same thing as me yeah time to visit dear old dad yes how can I let me guess you were fired for your incompetence yeah kind of uh-huh it seems the henchmen Academy's standards have slipped what a shame and I suppose you're here to get a roof over your heads and a belly full of food yes please that'd be nice you're right that would be nice unfortunately the world isn't nice and neither am i get a job man we have the worst dad ever I know right charge spare change please get a job Wow real original what are you our dad yeah poseur oh I guess this is it we're gonna die poor and hungry in a gutter or henchmen were meant to be expendable not to me huh here you go lads make it last Wow thank you yeah thanks you're the first person that hasn't spit on us eh you mate gross but now I saw your plight and figured that this is a prime opportunity for all of us it is indeed you see storm clouds are a Bruin the likes of which I haven't seen in many a year aka prime pirated weather unfortunately a lot of my crew have settled down cool Cove it won't be so quick to sail without captain Blackheart again are you saying what I think you're saying how would you lads like to be pirates I'll take that as a yes all right crew we have seas to sail [Music] there you have it any questions oh wow I was not expecting that yes you yeah how did you get the camera there to record all that that's classified next question why did that guy sound like Kermit the Frog I think he was trying to sound like Ray Romano but you know what these aren't really the questions I had in mind can we be pirates to listen the video was obviously a bad idea that's my fault let's forget it ever happened okay instead we'll be doing field exercises they'll be grueling Oh long dang and so crushingly difficult well let's begin hey um mr. Tuerck we uh we really liked the video actually we did yeah man all right we did in fact can we watch more of them please I really felt a breakthrough coming on it huh so my training methods are getting through after all huh well all right then one more episode [Applause]
Channel: NewScapePro 3 - Fortnite Shorts, Films & Skits!
Views: 3,190,758
Rating: 4.8816209 out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, fortnite short film, A NEW HENCHMAN IS BORN, THE HENCHMAN TAKE OVER, gold henchman, HENCHMAN ORIGIN STORY, HENCHMAN fortnite, HENCHMAN, fortnite season 2, fortnite chapter 2 season 2, SHADOW, GHOST, SHADOW midas, GHOST midas, SHADOW fortnite, GHOST fortnite, midas, gold midas, meowscles, battle pass, fortnite origin story, season 2 battle pass, chapter 2 season 2, fortnite, fortnite chapter 3, new season fortnite, brutus, fortnite movie, newscapepro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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