The First 48: Taken for a Ride (S18, E2) | Full Episode | A&E

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<i> [dramatic music]</i> <i> ♪ </i> - Yeah. <i> male narrator: A young father, gunned down...</i> - So we got one, two, three, four cartridge cases. <i> narrator: In front of an elementary school.</i> <i> ♪ </i> - Oh, no. Oh, oh. - Oh, my God. - Person that fired these shots obviously had no regard for the safety of the children at the school. <i> narrator: A familiar name.</i> - Oh, yeah, that's him right there. <i> narrator: A man who's slipped</i> <i> through a detective's fingers before.</i> - You and I may not have met, but I've known who you are for a while. - Is that the dude that got out of your car? <i> narrator: And the clock is ticking.</i> <i> [dramatic music]</i> <i> For homicide detectives,</i> <i> their chance of solving a murder</i> <i> is cut in half</i> <i> if they don't get a lead</i> <i> within the first 48 hours.</i> <i> ♪ </i> <i> ♪ </i> <i> Atlanta, Georgia,</i> <i> 9:30 a.m.,</i> <i> the Pittsburg neighborhood,</i> <i> outside of an elementary school,</i> <i> gunshots ring out.</i> [sirens wailing] <i> narrator: Patrol and EMS race to the scene...</i> <i> and find the man dead on the sidewalk.</i> <i> ♪ </i> - ME's been called? - Yeah. <i> narrator: Detective Kevin Leonpacher</i> <i> will lead the investigation.</i> - The victim is right there. - All right. [sighs] <i> ♪</i> ♪ Rodney Stafford. - Rodney, yeah. - How did we get him identified? - The mother's on the scene. - The mother's on the scene? - Yes. - She saw him? - Yes. <i> [somber music]</i> <i> narrator: 25-year-old Rodney Stafford</i> <i> leaves behind five sisters, his mother,</i> <i> and a two-year-old son.</i> <i> He recently got a commercial driver's license</i> <i> to start working as a truck driver.</i> <i> ♪ </i> - How was he shot? In the head? - Yeah, right above the left eye. - Here. Yeah. - OK. And a single gunshot wound, that we know of? - Yeah, that's it. - OK. <i> ♪</i> ♪ - Here is a cell phone. <i> narrator: $300 and a cell phone</i> <i> were retrieved from the victim's pockets.</i> - Any of the cartridge cases? So we got... one, two, three, four cartridge cases. 9MM? <i> [dramatic music]</i> <i> ♪ </i> - OK, There's two witnesses. One is over here. - OK. <i> narrator: One of the witnesses</i> <i> has been transported to homicide,</i> <i> but a friend of Rodney's is still on scene.</i> - First off, what do you call him? - OK. <i> narrator: He says Rodney goes by the nickname Man Man.</i> - Walk me through it today, kind of tell me what happened. - [distorted voice] OK, yes... <i> ♪</i> ♪ - I mean, did he say something to him? <i> ♪ </i> - And are you aware of Man Man having any problems in the neighborhood with anybody else? <i> ♪ </i> - Hey, Brett. He said he was walking on foot with the victim when the shooting occurred. Let me see what the family has to say. <i> ♪</i> ♪ Are you aware of any situations that your son may have had, any beefs? <i> narrator: Rodney's sister says a friend</i> <i> saw something suspicious just before the shooting.</i> <i> narrator: They saw a black car with out-of-state tags</i> <i> drop someone off.</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ - I'll be in touch, OK? - Yes, we got the cams secure. Had several witnesses out here. - When I heard the name Demiko Jones, I immediately associated that with two other cases I've worked in the past-- two other homicide cases I've worked in the past where his name popped up. I was never able to prove that he was directly involved in those other cases, but I am familiar <i> with who he is, and I do already have lineups</i> with his picture in 'em, so we're gonna find out pretty quickly with the witnesses that we have as to whether or not that's an actual suspect. <i> narrator: As the team wraps the scene...</i> - Surveillance cameras on the house, right there, facing down. <i> ♪</i> ♪ And then another one on the porch. <i> narrator: The cameras face the street</i> <i> where Rodney was gunned down.</i> - Hey, sir, I'm Detective Kevin Leonpacher. Do you mind if I come in and try to take a look at your video? I'm somewhat of an expert on video stuff. <i> narrator: He gets a copy of the video.</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ - I'm done, so I'm gonna run back to headquarters to try to interview this witness. <i> ♪</i> ♪ - [whispering] Where am I? <i> ♪</i> ♪ That's Demiko Jones. <i> narrator: 25-year-old Demiko Jones</i> <i> pled guilty to attempted robbery and battery in 2009.</i> - Organization is huge for me. I have to keep everything in its place. As I get started, I like to make sure that I have proper names of everybody and start filing them in categories of witnesses or suspects. I think I've always suffered from a certain degree of OCD. Now that I have kids, nothing's ever in its place. I can't be OCD at home, and in my position in homicide here, I can be OCD at work, so... <i> ♪</i> ♪ I'm trying to play the surveillance video. [keyboard clacks] All right. - All right, nice view of the porch. <i> narrator: Before interviewing the other witness,</i> <i> detectives scan through the video from the crime scene.</i> <i> ♪ </i> - This is the two guys walking up. That's my-- - Victim on the left. - Yep. <i> ♪ </i> - Who's that? <i> narrator: Another camera shows a man in a hooded sweatshirt</i> <i> walking toward Rodney and his friend.</i> <i> ♪ </i> <i> As the victim nears the corner where he was murdered--</i> <i> ♪ </i> - Boom. - Boom. Boom, boom. - Oh, my God. <i> ♪</i> ♪ So, the shooting happens, he runs that way, and then he comes back, and then goes down Mary. <i> ♪ </i> The victim and his buddy were walking southbound on Welch Street, right here. Our victim and his friend have just stopped right here out of camera view, and then our suspect shooter-- you see, he's drawing a pistol from the right side of his waistband. He's taking aim...boom. <i> ♪ </i> What the video doesn't show is right where the victim got shot. That inter--that corner of that intersection is not in view of the surveillance camera's position along the outside of that house, so, the video doesn't answer all of the questions. It's just enough to, you know, hopefully give us some good leads, but-- I gotta start trying to get to the witness. The day is creeping away, it's already almost 4:00. <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> She was identified as a potential eye witness</i> <i> to the actual shooting.</i> <i> ♪ </i> Hey, listen, I appreciate your patience. - Mm-hmm. <i> ♪</i> ♪ - This is where the shooting happened. - Mm-hmm. - Right over here. <i> narrator: She says she heard the shooting</i> <i> from several streets away.</i> <i> narrator: Moments later...</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> narrator: A man with a gun walked towards her.</i> - OK. So you really don't know if the dude you saw is the one who pulled the trigger or not? - Mm-hmm. - OK. Um... <i> ♪ </i> Let me show you this real quick. Do you recognize that dude in that clothing right there? <i> ♪ </i> <i> ♪ </i> <i> ♪ </i> <i> ♪ </i> - Let me ask you this, you know a dude named Demiko? - Uh-uh. - Let me show you some pictures, OK? See if you recognize anybody. <i> ♪ </i> - OK. <i> narrator: She claims Demiko was watching detectives</i> <i> work the crime scene.</i> - And he's not the dude that you saw, though, walking past you? - Uh-uh. - OK. <i> ♪ </i> - You-- - He's a new father? - Mm-hmm. <i> [somber music]</i> <i> ♪ </i> - All right. <i> Unfortunately, she didn't pick him out</i> <i> as being the guy that was running away</i> <i> from the crime scene, but now I can prove</i> that Demiko was in the neighborhood, at least after the murder, but what I really need to know is where he was just before the murder occurred and what he was doing right at the time the murder occurred. <i> [dramatic music]</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> narrator: The next morning.</i> - It's important to look through any communication that the victim had leading up to his death. <i> narrator: Leonpacher turns to the victim's cell phone</i> <i> to try and retrace the last days he was alive.</i> [text alerts chiming] - I turned off airplane mode, now all these messages are coming in, so... [text alerts chiming] Ooh. [text alert chiming] There is a large number of text messages in the phone that are extremely indicative of the victim's involvement in narcotics distribution. Here's a text message from someone named Shay, and it says, "If you see me in the street, keep walkin'. You dead to me." <i> ♪ </i> Try calling Shay, see what's up. <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> [line trilling]</i> <i> - You have reached the voicemail box of--</i> - I'm not ready to leave a message for her yet. <i> ♪ </i> <i> [line trilling]</i> <i> narrator: Leonpacher tries other numbers</i> <i> that were texting with the victim.</i> - Hey, this is Detective Kevin Leonpacher. I'm investigating Man Man's shooting. - Yeah. Do you know Rodney Stafford? <i> ♪ </i> <i> [line trilling]</i> <i> - You have reached the voicemail box of--</i> [dialing numbers] - Yeah, so last call that my victim received was from a contact stored as "Bald Head." <i> [line trilling]</i> - Hey, this is Detective Kevin Leonpacher. I'm with Atlanta police homicide. <i> - Hello?</i>■ - Did you hear about Man Man getting shot? - Well, listen, I'm going through his phone and you're the last one who called him. I was hoping you could tell me something about that. - Did he tell you anything about where he was going or who he was going to see, or-- <i> [dramatic music]</i> - Yeah. If you hear something, then call me. - OK, take care.<i> - All right, bye.</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ - He said that he had heard rumors in the neighborhood that the car involved in the murder was a black car with an out-of-state tag. I don't think that this is a coincidence. I know that Demiko is associated with this black car, but I'd like to have just a little bit more before I go track him down and try to bring him in. <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> narrator: As the second day of the investigation</i> <i> draws to a close...</i> [phone ringing] - Leonpacher. Yeah. <i> narrator: A call comes in with some new information.</i> - I got it. Thank you. Bye-bye. <i> ♪</i> ♪ That was a tipster that just called and said that Demiko may have been connected to a rival drug dealer in the neighborhood where Rodney was killed, and that could potentially be a reason for him being targeted in this homicide, but there's no proof of that right now, it's really just a hunch. I still need to talk to a few more people to get a better understanding of what he was involved in. <i> ♪ </i> <i> narrator: In the first 48, Atlanta homicide responded</i> <i> to the murder of Rodney Stafford,</i> <i> learned he was ambushed while walking down the street</i> <i> with a friend,</i> <i> identified a person of interest, Demiko Jones,</i> <i> whose car was spotted just before the shooting,</i> <i> and discovered video of the suspect</i> <i> firing at Rodney.</i> <i> Four days later, without a new lead...</i> - I'm gonna have to get down to the ballistics lab to see if we can find any matches between the gun that fired these shell casings and any other crime scenes. <i> ♪ </i> <i> [phone ringing]</i> Leonpacher. <i> narrator: Rodney's mother calls in.</i> - All right, bye-bye. <i> ♪ </i> She said that Demiko and some of the other guys that may be involved in this thing are standing out off of Rockwell Street. Would be nice if I had another reason to compel him to come forward, but I think that if we can find him out there it'll be a good thing to just try to talk to him, lock him into a statement. [intercom chirps] People involved in the homicide on Friday may be in the area of Rockwell and Humphries. The car that was also rumored to have been involved may be in that area as well. <i> - Copy. En route.</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ - You know Demiko Jones? - Light--light-skinned. - I'll show you his picture. <i> ♪</i> ♪ [indistinct radio chatter] - This is Demiko Jones. He's got dreadlocks and he's got a tattoo on his neck. <i> ♪</i> ♪ [siren wailing] - Oh, yeah, that's him right there. That's it. <i> [dramatic music]</i> <i> ♪ </i> <i> [droning music]</i> <i> ♪ </i> <i> [dramatic music]</i> <i> ♪ </i> [siren chirps] - The car we're looking for just made the corner, so they pulled him over. <i> ♪ </i> - What's your name? - Here, since you don't have any ID on you-- - bro house. No, sir. - Put your hands behind your back. - He doesn't have his license on him so he's being detained right now. <i> ♪ </i> You and I have never met before, have we? - No. - Yeah. I'm Kevin Leonpacher, I work homicide, and, um, you and I may not have met, but your name's actually come up before. I've known who you are for a while. <i> ♪ </i> I got the picture of Demiko right there in front of me, and I'm like--[laughs] "That's him right there. - [laughs] <i> - He was nervous.</i> I think he drove my killer over there, let him out a block away. - Yo, man, go in there and get up in his brain, man. - You want to play? <i> - Yes.</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ - Hey, Miko. You all right, man? - I know Pittsburgh had its share of homicides in the past year or so, but I'm talking about Man Man, and that's why you're here. So, whenever I talk to someone, I like to start-- I like to try to start off on a right foot. I see you got some water, you got some chips, and the thing is, is this isn't adversarial. - Because you didn't pull the trigger. - There ain't a whole lot of cars cruising around right at the time that Man Man got gunned down, but your car was. <i> ♪</i> ♪ - Everybody saying dude got out your car. - Mm-hmm. - What's the dude's name? That's a pretty simple question. <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> [dramatic music]</i> - All right. - OK, and that-- that's fair enough. You gave him a ride. <i> narrator: Demiko says he left Phil</i> <i> at a job training center</i> <i> in the neighborhood of the murder.</i> - Did he call you later to get him somewhere else after that? - So if you see a picture of him, would you be able to recognize him today? [indistinct chatter] - I wondered why Miko has stayed out of jail as long as he had with his name being implicated in so many different things. The answer is because he's smart. <i> He's doing exactly what I thought that he would do.</i> <i> He would say, "Yes, I gave somebody a ride,</i> <i> "I dropped him off, and I have no idea</i> <i> what happened after that."</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ All right, so let's look anybody named Phillip, maybe 25 years old. <i> ♪ </i> <i> narrator: Leonpacher prints several photos of men</i> <i> matching Demiko's description of "Phil."</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ - So we'll see-- see what happens. <i> ♪</i> ♪ Do you see the Phil that you dropped off? - Nah. No. <i> ♪</i> ♪ - OK. - All right. You say he's about 6'3"? - OK. <i> ♪</i> ♪ Well, maybe I can narrow the search parameters down a little bit. <i> ♪</i> ♪ [sighs] <i> ♪ </i> All right, um, let me run this past you real quick. - OK. All right. <i> ♪</i> ♪ I think you're taking me for a ride. <i> ♪ </i> Now I feel like we've hit a turning point in our conversation. <i> ♪ </i> <i> narrator: Leonpacher shows a photo of the shooter</i> <i> in the surveillance video.</i> - Is that the dude that got outta your car? <i> ♪ </i> I'm asking you, is that the dude that got outta your car? - Yes. Yes. <i> ♪ </i> - That's a split second later. Do you see that-- you know what that is? - What does that have to do with me? - He gets outta your car, and he guns a man down in cold blood! That's what it's got to do with you! - What does that have to do with me? - You're casing the neighborhood! - I dropped him off at-- - You're looking for him, Demiko! - Looking for him for what? - You're looking for him to kill him! - What? - Sit down! - What in the hell? - Sit down! <i> ♪</i> ♪ - Sit down! - What in the hell? - Sit down! - Man, I'm-- - Sit down! - We done. - Sit down. - Prove to me that I had something to do-- - I'll tell--listen to me. Let's both--listen, let's both calm down. - You can't make me believe that. - Let's both calm down. Let's both calm down. - You can't make me believe that. <i> ♪ </i> - Now, explain to me how you think you're not involved when this man gets out of your car, and then moments later-- - Hey, man, this like-- - Moments later the muzzle flash is going off, Demiko. - Do you--do you see why I brought you in here? <i> ♪ </i> <i> ♪ </i> - Out of fairness to you, I'm gonna let you know that I'm gonna be retrieving your phone records from the phone company, so I'm gonna be largely focusing on the calls between, like, say 9:00 and 10:00. <i> ♪ </i> - All right. He's only being booked in on traffic violation of driving on a suspended license, and then he'll stand a very good chance of bonding out on that charge within a few hours. I'm not prepared right now to go ahead and take the warrant out for him. <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> - I have no idea who the shooter is.</i> <i> One thing's for sure, I've looked</i> for every type of Phillip that I can fathom, and I haven't had any luck. I think that problem is it's a red herring. I think Demiko led us on a wild goose chase for the better part of eight hours. <i> ♪ </i> At some point it may be worth just releasing the footage of the crime-- of the shooter to the media and put it out on Crime Stoppers and see if we get any tips. <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> Demiko thinks he's smarter than us,</i> <i> looking for this mystery character,</i> <i> and it was all because he covered for the person</i> <i> that got out of the car.</i> <i> ♪ </i> <i> narrator: While the team waits for Demiko's phone records...</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ - Thanks for coming. <i> narrator: Leonpacher holds a press conference</i> <i> with Rodney's mother,</i> <i> hoping to get a name on the shooter.</i> - It was exactly one week ago today at 9:30 in the morning that 25-year-old Rodney "Man Man" Stafford was shot and killed right here at this intersection. <i> [somber music]</i> As you can see, we're right across the street from Gideon Elementary School, so the person that fired these shots obviously had no regard for the safety of the children at the school or the people on the street. We've got some excellent video surveillance footage of that shooting and we're hoping that someone that views this footage will be helpful in identifying the person that actually shot and killed Man Man. <i> ♪ </i> - I really want the killer to be brought to justice, because this--it was-- he didn't deserve to die like that. <i> ♪ </i> My grandson is only two years old, and he was really used to his dad, and he actually asks for him every day, and I don't know what to tell him. <i> ♪ </i> He was a good person. Everybody--everybody that knew him loved him, and he was a excellent father, and that's how he wanted, to see his son grow up. <i> ♪ </i> - We hope that the heinousness of this type of crime, happening right here across from the school, will be that extra incentive for anyone that has information to come forward and help us make this identification. <i> ♪ </i> <i> narrator: One week later, no leads have come in</i> <i> on the shooter's identity.</i> - Cyber Crimes just returned my results from getting Demiko's phone processed, so I'm super excited to take a look at what they got. He told me that he recovered a bunch of text messages and other data. <i> ♪ </i> Let's see here. Feel like a kid on Christmas, getting this data back. <i> ♪</i> ♪ All right, so he got a text message that says, "Is [bleep] alive?" And he replied back immediately, "No." <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> ♪</i> ♪ - This happened at 11:33 a.m., which was exactly two hours after the murder. So two hours after the murder, he's getting a text message from someone saying, "Is he alive?" and Demiko's replying back, "No." <i> ♪ </i> <i> narrator: Detective Kevin Leonpacher</i> <i> looks up the number Demiko was texting with...</i> <i> and gets a name.</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ - It looks like he's got a real simple municipal court warrant. That's exactly what I need to get our fugitive squad to go out and pick him up. I don't know if he's the killer or not. You know, can't force myself into a boxed way of thinking. What I can do though is head home and shake up a martini, just to get the-- you know, the juices flowing and see if I can think of another angle on this whole thing. It's gonna be a Grey Goose Martini with a little bit of vermouth and some jalapeño olives. Little bit spicy, perfectly smooth. <i> ♪ </i> [indistinct radio chatter] <i> ♪ </i> <i> narrator: After searching for the man for over a week...</i> - So this morning the guy that Demiko was texting with walked right in the front doors of police headquarters. <i> ♪ </i> - What's up, man? - [distorted voice] Yeah. - So, let me ask you this, three weeks ago, did you know about a murder that happened? - So here's my problem. We know Miko was involved. <i> ♪</i> ♪ Demiko had his phone on him when he was arrested on the traffic charge. - Mm-hmm. - We sent it off to our cyber crimes unit. Not only did they get all of his calls, they were able to go back and get text messages as well, and that's what brought us to your doorstep. See, right here, this is the one I want you to read. He's sending that to you. That's 10:37. That's an hour after the murder occurred. - He's texting you, "Tell him the [bleep] gone." It looks like he's texting you, saying, "Hey, man, [bleep] dead, he didn't make it." <i> ♪ </i> <i> narrator: He says that on the morning of the murder</i> <i> Demiko dropped a man off at his apartment.</i> <i> narrator: He says he left his phone with Demiko's friend.</i> - How many times has this dude been in your house? <i> ♪ </i> <i> - So, how do we know who this guy is?</i> You know what I'm saying? <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> narrator: Detectives show him</i> <i> the surveillance footage of the shooter.</i> - That's the same dude that showed up at your house? <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> ♪ </i> <i> narrator: He identifies the shooter as Demiko's friend.</i> <i> ♪ </i> - Oh, man. - There's a Todd Richardson went down... two years ago in 2013, and came out in 2015. <i> narrator: 27-year-old Todd Richardson</i> <i> has multiple convictions,</i> <i>including possession of cocaine with intent to distribute</i> <i> and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.</i> - Oh, oh! [claps hands] Got 'em in a police report together. 2011. - [laughs] - Look at this, look. - Todd and Demiko. - Bam! - That's a wonderful thing. - There's the connection, son. <i> narrator: In 2011, Todd Richardson</i> <i> and Demiko Jones were arrested together in a stolen car.</i> - I'ma start working on a lineup. - Get the lineup, have him pick 'em, get the warrant today. - Oh, man! Is it my birthday? Did I miss it on the calendar? - Yeah. - I'm gonna construct a photo lineup, a six-pack, so I can show it to our witness, <i> and see if he can identify Todd Richardson</i> <i> as the man he knows as T-Rich or Todd.</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ Whenever you're ready, just go ahead and flip through those and see if you recognize anybody. <i> ♪</i> ♪ - That's him. It's Todd. <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> narrator: The witness identifies Todd Richardson</i> <i> as the man Demiko Jones brought to his apartment.</i> <i> ♪ </i> - Warrant's going out today. - I hope that's what we're doing right here, right? <i> ♪</i> ♪ It was a big interview with him identifying Todd Richardson as the guy that Demiko brought over and the guy that he gave the after-action report to about Rodney being dead. <i> narrator: Leonpacher types up murder warrants</i> <i> for Todd Richardson and Demiko Jones.</i> <i> [dramatic music]</i> - Start working on getting these guys behind bars, which is where they definitely belong. <i> [tense music]</i> <i> [police radio chirps]</i> <i> [indistinct radio chatter]</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> narrator: Two weeks later...</i> - I was just on my way in to go work my extra job, and I got a phone call from our fugitive squad saying that they found Demiko Jones. <i> ♪ </i> <i> They took him into custody at his probation appointment</i> <i> and brought him back over here to headquarters.</i> <i> ♪ </i> Maybe I'll bring him a water and a bag of chips. What do you think he eats, Cheetos? - Punk like him, man, likes barbecue potato chips. <i> ♪ </i> - Now everything's changed. Now I know the truth, so it's just gonna be a matter of whether or not he's willing to-- to spit it out. <i> ♪ </i> - This is for you, man. Have your selection of delicious chips. <i> ♪</i> ♪ They tell you what you were charged with? - You're charged with murder. <i> ♪ </i> - I want to talk to you about that. You weren't being straight with us last time, and you didn't tell us everything by a long shot. <i> ♪ </i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ - You just lying for somebody that just got out of prison, that killed a man! <i> ♪ </i> - OK. All right. <i> ♪</i> ♪ Before, during, and after, right? Those are the three prongs you have to be concerned with. What's your involvement before the murder, what's your involvement during the murder, what's your involvement after? <i> ♪</i> ♪ - You knew he'd shoot-- you know he shot him, though. We gonna show you knew he killed him. <i> ♪ </i> - This--the murder happened at 9:30 a.m. 10:37 a.m., what's that message right there? <i> ♪</i> ♪ - You gave after-action updates. "Tell him the dude's gone." <i> ♪ </i> - Was the motive to rob Man Man or was it an assassination plot to ambush, to surprise, and to murder him at the corner of Mary and Welch? <i> ♪ </i> <i> ♪ </i> - Who's that? <i> ♪ </i> - The truth is you dropped a killer off two blocks from the scene at which he shot and killed Man Man, and then you returned back to the crime scene and gave after-action updates about his being dead or alive. That's the truth. That's the truth. <i> ♪ </i> - Yeah. - Me too. Um, well, we got a wagon on the way. <i> ♪ </i> He admitted to, um, the dude's name being Todd. He admitted to driving the killer to the crime scene, and the killer goes two blocks and commits a murder. He admitted enough for his arrest. - Now we just need to find Todd Richardson. <i> ♪ </i> <i> narrator: Two months after Rodney's murder...</i> <i> [dramatic music]</i> <i> - Fugitive detective tracked down</i> our suspect Todd Richardson to a house in northwest Atlanta. Eventually, they saw him coming down the driveway, and they all swarmed in and picked him up. <i> ♪ </i> Ready, man? - Yeah. <i> ♪ </i> - Hey, man. I'm Kevin Leonpacher. You doing all right? - Yes, sir. <i> ♪</i> ♪ - I'm sure you have some questions about what led us to you. I have questions for you, obviously, but the one thing I want you to know is that you're in control. - Hey, bro, listen, there's two sides to every story, you understand? <i> ♪</i> ♪ Sometimes three or four. <i> ♪ </i> - So you want to start a conversation? <i> ♪ </i> - I want to talk to my lawyer first. - Cool. - OK. - That'll work. <i> ♪ </i> - That might be the shortest interview I've ever conducted. <i> ♪ </i> I think that this was a robbery attempt motivated by a dispute over drug distribution, escalated to a murder, and the dominos begin to fall, and brought us here today where Demiko's in jail and Todd's on his way. It's a good feeling knowing that they're both behind bars now, and hopefully we can keep 'em there. <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> ♪</i> ♪ <i> [line trilling]</i> <i> - Hello?</i>■ - Miss Stafford. <i> - Hi, Investigator Kevin.</i> - So listen, I just wanted to let you know that Todd Richardson was taken into custody. He's believed to be the trigger man, so hopefully that brings you a little bit of closure. <i> - Yes, thank you, Jesus.</i> <i> ♪ </i>
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Views: 208,632
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, 48 hours, crime, true crime, crime investigation, solving crime, police, detectives, attorneys, after the first 48, police procedure, first 48, first 48 hours, the first 48 hours, 1st 48, dion graham, the first 48 clips, watch first 48, watch a&e new series, a&e crime shows, a&e tv shows, interrogation raw, watch The First 48, stream The First 48, a+e networks, crime scene, Taken for a Ride, the first 48 full episode
Id: OcqxrCCm2N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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