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everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video as you can see by my look I'm a little bit more disarrayed than usual I will admit usually when I'm starting my video barefaced I look a little bit busted but today I feel a little bit more busted because my hair is like really greasy right now TMI but like you can see it it's not a secret but today we are going to be transforming ourselves hopefully by the end of this video I look nothing like I look right now this is going to be kind of like a quarantine glow-up I've been seeing some of that Oh going around YouTube now and like more at the beginning of the quarantine when it was first starting just like little quarantine Globes because when your quarantine they said quarantine in four times in one sentence but I'm gonna say it again when your quarantine we tend to not really get ready I don't know about you guys maybe you're with me maybe you're not but like I really only get ready when I'm filming a video other than that I look a lot like this just fine cuz like what am I getting ready for but I feel very like I need to get used to getting ready again and honestly I'd like to I'd like to get glammed for no reason today so that's what we're gonna do I don't know if this video should be called quarantine glow-up or the world might be opening up again glow-up either way even if the world is opening up because it kind of is I still don't want to go out so I'm just gonna call it a quarantine glove cuz mine is not ending yet and yeah we're just gonna have some fun getting ready so if you guys are excited to see this keep watching if you're not excited to see this I'm sorry let's get into this right now it's time to take care of our personal hygiene there's so much wrong with this many things first of all I'm wearing fluffy socks with Skechers which is really strange now I'm not saying to glow-up you have to shave legs but I am definitely someone who does shave my legs fairly regularly but I will say I definitely went many many weeks now without shaving them so I would personally like to shave them but this isn't a must do and I'm also gonna wash my hair no usually I would just do this off camera and you guys would probably prefer if I didn't do it off camera but I wanted to incorporate a bath bomb so I'm gonna be putting this bath bomb in my bath I thought you guys might want to see it and it's a flame because hopefully by the end of this we're fired get it okay now the main event let's put in the back wall okay let's see [Music] oh it's like a pretty orange tangerine color okay guys fresh of the tub now I am smooth and so smooth that when I sat down I almost flew off like a slip and slide but I have to dry my hair I love oh my gosh I was just gonna say I love getting out of the tub with freshly washed and now I'm looking like it looks like a rat's nest we'll see how we can transform it I thought that a fun hairstyle would do we would do is like the crimps that I've been doing lately cuz I've had a lot of questions about how I do that hair style and it's like super super simple like so easy you guys are gonna be like that's it okay so I'm going to dry really quickly and I'm looking into that also just really quickly one thing that I do is they dry my hair with cold air just because I try to do is like little heat on my hair as possible so I do cold alright there we go my hair is completely blow dried out and now I'm going to put in some crimps so basically if you guys have ever seen me do my hair I always spray it with the got to be guardian angel he protected spray now I've literally been using this since grade 7 is the only heat protectant I've ever used I have no idea if it's like really great or if it's like really bad all I know is that I have used this since grade 7 and I haven't strayed away from it not even once or maybe I think I had that resume one for a bit but then I went back to this I don't know why but this is what I use so I always part my hair down the middle so I'm just gonna do that and then I'm gonna section my hair into a top half and a bottom half just gonna take a wig cap and push that through here bring this side he's protected this side and then brush that through I love to use a wet brush I think that a wet brush just does a really good job at not pulling on your hair because the bristles are like all these little poke outs are like more further apart and like less firm okay so now that we're backed up a little bit I'll show you guys the tool I use so I got it on Amazon like a very long time ago it's just like a three section crimper and it opens like this smoke just came out oh my gosh oops I set it to the wrong heat too hot this is basically how I do it I'll kind of show you guys it's pretty basic I think it takes a little bit of getting used to every time I use it like I will admit when I first start the crimps at the beginning will be a lot worse than the ones at the end so I just hold it up as close to my head and then drop it down and you have to make sure not to pull too tight at this end piece so that the hair can like fully go into the machine because if I for instance if I just like keep holding it's not gonna be able to crimp it down its gonna stay open so you got to give it some room to close when I move it you can see there's a little bit of a crease in the line right there so you drop it down there and then I like to push it close to my head so that these crimps will have a second to cool while still being like scrunched if that makes sense I'm trying to like explain in great detail what I do because I know people have been curious about it but honestly I don't think there's too much exciting about what I'm doing and I'll probably leave it for like five seconds each spot maybe not even that I just don't like when my hair gets too hot and you can tell because it'll smell you know I don't know if it's the heat protectant burning or if it's my hair but it'll let you know see that there we go the first ones done I just love how it looks it looks so wavy and fun definitely get Shakira vibes from it so then I basically just continue doing that all the way around my head [Music] [Music] but so these are the crimps that I've been doing so much lately I'm literally obsessed with it I love how fluffy my hair is and I like that I don't have to like spend too much time styling it or doing too much with it like it just Falls it's pretty effortless and I don't know I really like it so usually right now I would go on to do my makeup but I want to change into my outfit now so let's go and try on some outfits and see which one we're going to wear you guys are probably wondering what am i hiding behind me you might have already been able to tell but this video is in fact sponsored by thredUP now I work the thread up once before in the past if you guys don't know what thread up is or if you haven't seen that video it's basically at the world's largest online thrift store all the brands that we love at a highly discounted price like up to 90 percent off retail price it's amazing and not only that I absolutely love thrift shopping and like all the thrift stores are closed so it's so nice to be able to do so online also as you guys can see I kind of destroyed my box it's very cute packaging but I'm not gonna lie I ripped into it so quickly as soon as I got it and chip has been jumping in this box and burying his bone in it I don't know why I have so many pieces to try on and show you guys we're gonna be able to find our outfit today and it is all sustainable they're all secondhand clothing and it also says on the app many features about the clothing which I'll show you guys really quickly so in my last video I showed you guys my shopping experience but in this one I didn't really so just in case this is the only one that you've seen I want to show you guys how easy it is to like put little specifications and things on the thredUP app so blink let's do this so as you can see I've been shopping for sweatpants so so I'm not scrolling through every single size because this isn't like a normal shopping online experience you can't just click whatever size you want it is the size it is so I like to go in two sizes and then just pick all my sizes that I want to see just so it cuts out all of the other things so I don't get like excited about a product and then it's not available in my size and then say hypothetically there's a brand you really excited we're looking for you can just write it in and everything from that brand in your size will come up it's that simple and new pieces are constantly being added like if you check today and then you check tomorrow there's going to be a ton of different things so yeah it makes shopping very simple so with this video being sponsored of course you guys get a deal on things so using my code Mia maples 30 you can get an extra 30 percent off your purchase and that's on top of already all the low prices so I'll make sure to leave that in the description box so you guys can use it if you want ok let's try on some clothes silk pants they're from Topshop I got them for $14.99 an estimated retail price was $76 so pretty crazy so let me throw these ones on should I jump into everything maybe I should ok ok so here are these pants on they feel like brand-new they're so so soft I can honestly say I have no pants like this already ok I think this would be a cute pairing this is from fashion Nova I got it for $5.99 it was originally $12 their estimated retail price it's just like a nice cropped little black v-neck we'll see how it looks with these pants ok here is that black top on I think it looks very very cute with these pants I don't know if this is the outfit I'm gonna stick to but I definitely like these pieces I'm gonna try a different pair of pants why don't you try a skirt this is a mid-length polka dot skirt camus skirt doesn't have a brand on it the estimated price was $36 think it's gonna look really cute with this top so let's put it on okay here's this this is exactly what I thought it was going to look like I am loving mid length skirts by the way this is a cute outfit but I want to try on something a little bit more casual I have some jeans to try these ones are from Abercrombie & Fitch originally the retail price was estimated at around $78 so let's see how these fit ok these are kind of like a boyfriend style jean they kind of stay a little bit loose they're so like well fitting for me like seriously a hundred percent that you don't even gap at the back they're not gapping anywhere they're a little bit cropped kind of like a 7/8 this is a halter top from Hollister let's see what looks like I'm gonna pull out a Britney Spears moment like that material that can like pull it's like ruched all over the place okay I think that these army green pants would be cute I know I want to be like dressed up but I also want to be comfortable and these pants look so so comfortable estimated retail was around $60 so let's see how this outfit looks I also feel like this outfit kind of goes with my hair are you guys so if I have enticed you at all to try out thredUP make sure to go over there and use my coupon code at Mia Maples 30 for 30% off it will be down written in the description box okay but now we have one thing we haven't taken care of and that is this face let's do some makeup oh my gosh okay you know what's one thing that I was not anticipating with doing a transformation Quarantine glow up is that I'm so not used to like getting so ready that I'm like genuinely getting exhausted like it's been like four to five hours of getting ready and for what like I'm literally just going to be working with chip tonight trying to teach him some dog agility and like he's not gonna appreciate this so I don't know I don't know if I'll get used to this getting ready thing but okay we cannot stop yet we must finish what we started let's do some makeup I want to do a couple tips and tricks that I've been seeing lately and it's called like plastic surgery DIY like no we're absolutely not getting plastic surgery or filler Botox are anything of that sort but there's ways to do your makeup that I've seen amber Scholes did a video on it and I'm sure there's other people who have done so videos on it where you can do your makeup a certain way to basically look like you've gotten work done concept right so we are going to be trying a few of those hacks and see if they work first things first though I'm going to do my foundation as you guys may or may not know I love the Giorgio Armani luminous silk foundation this is like my biggest makeup splurge that I frequent like I don't just run out of this and not get it again like this is goto I love this foundation this has changed how I've used foundations it's so light I used to go very full coverage and it would feel like full coverage whereas this is full coverage or like medium to full but it feels super light so I really really like this I do kind of wish that it came in like a few shades lighter too because this is like the lightest shade I can get or confined and it's still a little bit dark for me that being said I was initially gonna fake tan in this video but if you've been following me for a long time you know how fake tanning goes for me it goes really bad so I just thought I would save us both the laughs or the disappointment and just not bother fake tanning we're just going to be paper white today um okay so this is where it starts by the way so instead of concealing like in a triangle apparently you're just supposed to conceal here and then up your eye apparently it's supposed to look like kind of like that fox eye surgery where people get their pinned up like this I wonder if it hurts to blink I'm also just going to highlight where I would normally highlight now the under eye thing is a little bit weird to me because I'm going to blend it in and I feel like it's gonna disperse itself where my concealer always goes like I'm gonna take this piece and I'm obviously gonna drag it under here like I'm not just gonna put it there cuz like the bulk of my discolorations like kind of in the middle as well so does that just kind of diminish where I'm putting it I need you guys's help I don't know am i doing anything different or am I just tricking myself I'm not even tricking myself because I'm onto myself like that but I feel like I need the concealer over here maybe the bulk of it will be in the spots that I said it and then in that case it will be good okay nothing too exciting here I'm just going to set that with the Laura Mercier translucent setting powder I am going to set it kind of in like the direction where I put it I think guys I don't think that was gonna make a difference see this hack might not but trust me there's going to be a you that I think will actually make a difference okay so now I'm going to contour and highlight and I like to use the contour from this Natasha Jeannot palette now if you haven't seen my full face the most expensive products from Sephora you're probably thinking I'm pretty bougie right now with my Armani foundation and Natasha to known a contour and I will give it up for them Ronnie foundation because maybe that is the more bougie side of me coming out because I do love that foundation but this one's truly just me trying to get my money's worth because I bought it for that video and I'm not just gonna not use this expensive palette so I'm trying to like use it up but honestly I'm gonna be completely real with you guys I don't really like it I think the contour is way too cool tone and not pigmented enough like I feel like you have to put a lot of product on your face for it to actually do anything so I'm not super keen on it also contouring the nose was like a life hack for the plastic-surgery thingy but I actually do that everyday anyways I contour my nose it's something I've been doing for a very long time blush this is the Milani Luminoso blush I love this one this is the only blush that I use I use it every single day just putting that all over and I even put it on my nose a little highlight from flower cosmetics I use this one this you can probably tell I'm just gonna use the same brush and I'm just gonna put that on my cheeks and whatever we're trying to be bougie let's put them on the temples too and I love to put the exclamation point on the nose now I lately have been like doing it crooked and then my nose looks crooked so let me like actually focus sometimes I'll do it on the side a little and then I'll look and I'm like oh here I was trying to make my nose look straight and I made it crooked nice okay eyebrows are kind of difficult because the hack is I'm supposed to basically remove my eyebrow up to there and then draw it straighter up but honestly I don't really want to shave my eyebrows I've been growing them out for a while and they're kind of a lot of work there was one where you could like grab this hair and then pull it back and did you see how that this it more how it goes up like that but oh my gosh I don't think I have a bobby pin strong enough to actually hold my head like that so I'm just gonna brush my eyebrows up a lot like this try and get those wispy hairs up because originally I could do them down like that or I could push them up just to ensure that that stays in place I'm just gonna use a brow gel and push them up I don't know what I should do with my eyebrows like are they good can you guys let me know like should I leave them should I do something to them should I honestly cut the tails off like I get it that probably be fun to watch but can you actually think of me like is that good for me honestly because I understand it might be entertaining but like this is my real life like would it be good in my real life eyeliner hack so apparently if you stop your eyeliner from like usually obviously when I do eyeliner I'll go right to here and I'll pull it up but apparently if you start here and start going up it's like an illusion that your eyes are more like whoo whatever that means so I'm gonna try that we'll see how it goes not sure I feel like it'll just look like I missed my eye will see where I would usually go would be a lot lower than that and I see how there's like a gap right there like usually I would just go and attach that but I'm actually gonna make the line like up higher if it works it works and you just attach it as if nothing's wrong one thing I like to do to make my eyes look wider is I don't bring the eyeliner all the way in I just stop it literally halfway you guys ask me sometimes about my eyeliner and that's kind of maybe what I do not maybe but like do you think that that's what you guys are talking about cuz sometimes you guys are like wow your eyeliner looks really good and I'm just like I don't know because I'm like don't think I'm doing anything too different but that is something that maybe you didn't know I only go to the middle I think is a little bit different like I think most people go all the way in the baby's crying hold on hello hello Oh a Niblick chip is like licking my toes but I'll try and do this again I think I just get so used to like the eyeliner I do every day that as soon as I change it up I'm like just not really into it to be honest I'm gonna take that contour color and I'm just going to like mess this up a little sometimes I like to do that when I really you know mess it up I'm just gonna mess it up some more so basically what it is is it doesn't attach all the way to the bottom it just goes a little bit higher than that okay now I'm gonna take the Maybelline lash sensational mascara this one's starting to dry out a little bit but I think it should be okay who would think that such a small difference would really throw off the balance of my face because this is feeling weird okay the more I'm looking the more I kind of see it like I think it is kind of lifting my eyes a little like I don't think I would add this to my every day should I though let me know now we're going to be applying lipstick now I really want to add a little bit of like a darker lip liner and then I'm going to add the Burt's Bees 501 blush face and that I wear pretty much every day but I want to outline it I'm going to outline a little bit dramatic there we go and then I'm just going to put this in the inside it's not too dark instantly second-guessing myself what does three shades darker than usual whoa alright guys so here is the finished transformation this took way too long and honestly all I did was really get ready did I do too many like makeup hacks not really clearly I have completely forgotten how to get ready I'm gonna have to try again some other time okay do the people that are still here thank you so much for watching make sure to go over to thread up and use my code at Mia Maples 30 for 30 percent off your purchase it will be linked down below I appreciate you guys watching make sure to let me know also down below what you guys would like to see next is it another glow up is it a glow up with a theme I think that we should do more globes of monochromatic I remember when I did that and I kind of fell off it but I'm ready to jump back in orange would be fun anyways as always thank you for watching and I will see you guys on Sunday bye [Music]
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 531,248
Rating: 4.9362836 out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, transformation, glow up, quarantine glow up, 24 hour glow up, hair transformation, getting my life together, makeup hacks, trying tik Tok makeup hacks, TikTok makeup, thredup haul, thrift shopping, styling my thrifting pieces, how I do my hair, how I crimp my hair, how to keep your hair healthy, transforming my look, get ready with me, get glam with me, makeup, hair, outfit, shopping
Id: feqBFdxS7sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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