A Mower That Quits When Hot

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goody tubes Bruce here well today we've got an unusual problem it shows up in about five percent of troubles with lawn mowers and small equipment mostly I think mostly lawn work and what this one does is that it starts pretty good and then after it heats up for five or ten minutes and the owner lets go of the bar it won't start again and sometimes it's heat buildup in the coil that provides the high energy spark a spark plug and so let me show you what we've got and we'll get to it oh and say so this is a very very common type of a lawn mower it's a Briggs and Stratton newer model without the primer button here usually it's sometimes and the older ones had a primer button here and you can even see there's a cutout for it here on the on the air cleaner cover so the first thing I did with this mower you check all the basics of course the air filter if it's clean make sure it's got oil and it's not heating up because there's no oil in it make sure the gas is okay so I did all that and it's still it still is acting up when it's hot it's done second so anyway we'll get this up on the hoist and look at the coil off you good we'll take a dish baking dish excuse me so these are probably 5/16 there's three of them I'll show you that maybe one two and three we'll take those off and hopefully we can just rotate the tank back like that so we don't have to disconnect any gas lines or anything like that now I'll just connect the shroud and I think those are 3/8 this Lamar was made in 2012 1206 1.4 so the 14th of June right there June 2012 forgot one oil filler tube right there it's just a 5/16 to just push that back down again so you don't get any contamination now that's just your thing and here is the coil right there and I hope I have one that fits it's a new model so it might not have one but you never know oh and I'm going to forget further I'm going to just need a break on the handle up here on the hand up here I'm going to just tie that back so that it releases the little break that holds the plywood okay so now that should come out of here one thing and that's the shutoff switch there's a wire that comes off of the coil over to the shutoff switch and that just pulls out if you can see that they push down on the tab and it just pulls it right there push down on the tab there and push the wire in the hole so now that should come off excuse me there how we up to see you got one I'm not sure if I do going to go through this and see if I got something that's going to fit it's partially about their the radius of the flywheel and then also of the bolts that are drilled into it I think just about any one of these are going to work I'd like to get something a little more modern so as you've seen I don't have the exact style but I do have one with the same holes drilled in it so I'm just going to pull the wire for the shutoff off the one though I think is bad and we'll stick it on the new one with that whoops right I just stuck that under there do that again Hank that and we'll see if we can get it back on them the more I need more than one hand excuse me I think you saw that one second around the wire on this side of the two little cutters I'll show you that I ran the wire on this side this this is the pillar I'm talking about and I ran the wire on this side of the pillar and then over to the shutoff switch that's the same wire that was on the old one okay so now I'm going to tighten this up and we'll here's a business card so I've got a business card in between the coil and the flywheel oh it's hard for you to see and then I'm going to rotate the coil and then let the magnets pull it in oh I'll go right around there we go you can actually hear it okay now I'm going to tighten those up and you see that oh yeah just nice good and firm hand tighten it helps to have the rubber hammer handle on this one great I'll turn this and this should come out perfect now I'm just going to see if we're generating a spark I have the bail closed I'm just going to rotate this to see if I've got a spark here yeah hopefully you saw that no put it back together again egg just put everything loose in now and I'll take that back you so the good thing about putting your Knutson belts into a pan or something is that when you run out of nuts and bolts you should be done working and a good firm hand tight is all you need on these will forget your you're building down plastic right and I'll get you the part number for that coil all right I'll be back in a bit folks all right guys now we're going to test this up okay guys Bruce here so now we've delivered this a lot more to its owner and we're going to do a test we'll start it up we'll let it run for a few minutes and then we'll test it and see if it restarts when it's hot that was the original problem so anyway I'll put you down and we'll start it up and we'll go to step two okay well let it sit for a minute and we'll come back what all right guys it's been a few minutes we'll train thanks for watching guys
Channel: Bruce's Shop
Views: 384,826
Rating: 4.7552204 out of 5
Keywords: Briggs and Stratton, Repair, Handyman, mower quits, Bruce, Bruce Pender, Engine, mower quits when hot, B&S, mower, lawn mower
Id: ldeSd6RYaKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2015
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