A More Elegant Life - The Hugo Jacomet Story

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[Music] bloggers are blogging journalists are reporting we are courageous gentlemen who are preachers we preach for a more elegant life people have a strange image of that is just about glamour and sloped screens and perturbative designers this is not my field my field is about craftsmanship artisans all the gestures and all of a sudden this came into my life as an inspiration crafting a suit a bespoke suit by hand requires 60 to 80 hours two to three fittings it's a long process if it's really industrial the same suit who is the same fabric can be crafted in probably 45 minutes people are coming back to some tradition but in my opinion is even more it's even deeper than that my strong belief in that people are in search of a spiritual experience to buy something that will survive them already gusto sense ability to do this kind of job you need to be sensitive you need to be passionate him you need to understand it I've not been raised at all in a luxury world or in the fashion world and from humble family typical middle-class French family I have memories of my grandfather the shoemaker I was fascinated by the tools that he was using and my mother was a seamstress the hadn't long carrier before as a freelance artist as a stage designer as a director so I've been doing all sorts of different things but was the always the same idea do things that I want to do don't let anyone interfere with my life the moment I really deep dive in this handcraft artisanal thing was around 2007 I became totally interested and almost obsessed by everything that was hum made and so I wrote let's say ten articles about this book soup making and I said okay I'm gonna call this Teresa Germany the first day I had 17 readers after a couple of weeks I searched my name on the web and I discovered to my surprise that my blog was the one among the top 10 fastest growing blogs in the world we try to explain to a new generation of gentlemen why it is important of course to dress well and to be at your best in your life but also people are start to be thirsty again for some more personalized thing every charity it's may that one by one yes and all the church have different of course the world is going so fast right now and this office is a school of patience because it again weaving this kind of fabric is extremely slow you don't just buy a shirt you buy the tradition I think that people start to have enough of the ready to world in which we live ready - we're ready to eat ready to think your most and I believe it's a reaction to this mechanized industrialized world if you buy something and you don't know what is behind all the tradition of the expertise or the know-how all the suffering all the hours this is called frugality for me just buying this because you have the money this is vulgarity now on the other hand if you do the same thing but you understand what is behind you understand the tradition you understand the gesture then all of a sudden the experience change and it connects you to something that is bigger than your own life [Music] I believe that people are right for the people I speak to they rediscover the virtues of waiting the virtues of humility because there's a huge paradox in this book when you are in the fitting room with your tailor no matter if you are a prince or the simple guy around the corner when the tailor is measuring you he knows every detail of your body at very humble experience had this intuition that we were part of something way bigger than what we see so I started reading on my own different things losing myself in some researches I found some curves all these practices had basically the same thing you are God and you have to believe in yourself and in your potential people need some spirituality they need something that is larger than life when they don't see it in religion they find it everywhere they can [Music] the common denominator of all this is that at the end always that was disappointment we are all of us the sinful not loyal that's the nature the only thing I ended up was confusion I still had this idea that something bigger was embracing us but I couldn't find my way I clearly remember one day I was in a difficult situation even taking a little bit of drugs and I remember one night I was so desperate as if the sky was closed as if my universe became meaningless and that's the first time I directly spoke to the law well sir if you do exist that's the moments to send me signs because I'm really struggling it's my life I'm not happy I needed this sense of purpose for my life and I mean making money doing fields all this was not enough one day in 2011 I received a tweet from this woman saying I'm an American journalist I'm interested in what you do you go and I actually met on Twitter so that was a very short introduction you go as an author and he has a voice on min style I had asked him if he needed someone to write for his publication from a woman's perspective I don't know four or five days later he wrote back we started to exchange a few ideas on the subject and then later on she she flew to Paris to meet me this was a man who was just very open and presented himself exactly as he was and I thought that was a really an honest approach there's a woman from Georgia that you see and immediately is like the sky is opening for both of us and we say that's it we have to move forward together so via his term from daughter of a preacher she's coming from a very intense Christian family I'm an intellectual you understand I'm a writer Bible was too simple for me in the parents you know I was too simple for me because I I didn't really we French you know French we still believe we invented pretty much everything and these people like we call them the Lumiere the lights there are the people who were against the church you know Voltaire indeed hope we created the Encyclopedia who made the French Revolution so we believe we are we are the best people who still believe we can say Google what if story about Jesus Christ and the guy who turns water into wine wine every day in France we don't you know I'm joking but that was the way I was looking at those things and our main struggle was about the nature of Jesus for me it was a a great guy but just like many other great guys and she's been you know pushing me to understand that he was not just a fad he was the son of God and makes the whole difference [Music] we were in Milan I was already working in my next book so we entered this flat who were grunting with my wife Sonia and that was a Neely dance in front of us like an antique and then a few days after I came to Sonia and I said I found on the internet something called the sinner's prayer can we say this prayer out loud we used this bench and I did this I read his sinner's prayer out loud few weeks later I decided to buy my first Bible and from that moment we started to read the New Testament out loud every day as I needed her guidance and her advice to really understand I started to change deeply inside you surrender to to switch from my intellectual way of reading things and to the more let them work inside inside myself I came to America for the first time in 2013 to meet my new family her sister Sharon she's a member of the Church of the Apostles she has been talking to so many times about this egyptian-born preacher dr. Youcef I've never been in a protesting show do you understand to an end to this huh it's like entering the Madison Square Garden information what is that living generously means that your ultimate hope and the ultimate confidence and your ultimate trust is not in these but in the Lord your provider when you totally trust in him alone you will never be disappointed you know why because he never fails you the first sermon I heard from Yousef was about something I could relate to hello my friends welcome to the Church of the Apostles being less selfish this is talking to me on a deep sense my brother-in-law is a very crafty guy and we had a good relation immediately and he said to me all people have a project we have a small pond in our family place in blue Regent Roger I said have this project to build the dog on the small pond we recuperated some old telephone poles that can wait probably I would say 400 pounds maybe more and we put this inside the water I have never built anything with my hands my whole life everybody was laughing I fell in the pond and during all these moments we were just him and me and he talked to me about the time he was born again so he explained to me the things in 20 yrs of yourself and to make room for the Holy Spirit and Jesus it wasn't about religion it's really just about Christ transforming his life and he did it in a very soft and mild way and I guess he planted more seeds you know to grow with a new go spirit I wanted to deep dive so I asked to go to another service and that was a more tough one for me because I was speaking about the cross how can a secular mind accept that the only way to save your life is by surrendering it in order to be great must humble yourself how can the God of limitless power hung helplessly on the coach so Joshua did something for you go that had never been done for him before he prayed specifically for you go and what he was going through in this life and in that moment I began to address God his father and I prayed a specific prayer over Hugo he saw someone communicating to God with intimacy that he hadn't seen before I didn't realize the impact that that prayer had on him having that never experienced with somebody praying out loud putting your name in front of for you guys it might sound so simple so usual you do this on a daily basis and I immediately felt the power of pray we thank you that there is an inward reality where your Holy Spirit has taken up residence in his heart I've converted at this very moment the light came through I knew I was on this way forever and from this moment I started to go to the church as much as I could because I was living in Europe so I was just a couple of month in Atlanta and then I started to listen to dr. Youcef everything I could grab from him I was grabbing I found series that changed my life the twelve evident for faced is a recent one that was a strong one the master manifestos were probably my favorite of all of the attitudes and sin that our business and our life has totally changed in Proverbs a that says those who diligently seek me who will find me the Lord so struck him that the evidence of his faith was undeniable Yugos acceptance of Christ changed everything I found and he found peace recently you go told me that he wanted to be baptized we are believing that we have died to ourselves and we are alive in Christ you go do you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins in atone for your sins is Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior yes my Hugo by that profession of faith and in front of these witnesses i baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen was like the death of the old you go and the and the Renaissance under the new birth of the new Hulu emptying might myself of myself to to make some room for the Holy Spirit and for Christ to work through me it was just like oxygen and I know it was the Spirit of God Joshua spoke to you though and he asked him if he was willing to suffer for Christ and I think that just must have been a holy spirit-inspired question I live in a country which is secular it's written in the Constitution that you don't have the right to speak openly about your religion in my area when you say you're a Buddhist you cool when you say you're a Christian people step back physically I think that all that had happened to me during these last five years this Parisian gentleman was for a good reason that I had to do what I'm doing now in front of people and I'm very proud to do this and I'm very happy and I feel blessed to have the opportunity to talk to my fellow friends and to say that God is the way the responsibility and the influence is another meaning for me now I feel the call to minister to by community even if some people will not understand what I say I want to serve today in the presence of our Heavenly Father and these family and friends we affirm your continued commitment both now and forevermore amen the Lord was faithful in revealing himself to Hugo it's never too late at 52 years old he gave his life to the Lord the gospel transcends culture language country it doesn't matter the gospel cuts through all of that the Bible says in Ephesians 2 but God who is rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead and in trespasses made us alive together with Christ for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them that resonates a lot in me it's on I love your book Orthodox well here we are talking in the disco quarrel about creating something unique when you encounter an artisan those people who are working so hard to create masterpieces that is very close to what is written here this suit has been made for me by a by a craftsmen and there's only one and I'll only be one exactly like that now I can connect this very clearly with the Bible and Jesus Christ the Lord created us one by one in the ready-to-wear industry when there's a stitch which is not totally straight the product is rejected in bespoke something that is made by hand will not be straight the artisan who creates this is doing it by hand because he knows exactly who is doing this form this imperfection becomes part of our identity as if we have been taken this subject of style and craftsmanship as a pretext to say something else [Music] God is master autism he's an autism of each of us individually it took me over 52 years to realize always and to just surrender the whole thing is not to be happy whole thing is to receive grace and to be thankful and to work each day in the light of Jesus Christ [Music] you you
Channel: The Church Of The Apostles
Views: 98,634
Rating: 4.7797875 out of 5
Keywords: the church of the apostles, is, testimonies of jesus christ, christ, jesus, dr michael youssef, who, testimonies of christians, sermons on faith, leading the way, sermons by great preachers
Id: 4RqG31G6phI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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