A Million Colours | English Full Movie | Drama

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[Music] turn around slowly and keep your hands up gentlemen I'm sure we can find a mutually beneficial solution we don't negotiate with car thieves come on 500 we are new bloody charity 800 who's the car for some rich drug Lo for Nelson Mandela he's going to need a good car when he gets out of prison Get Out Boy Get Up Get get out come stand up you know in Zulu tradition a condemned man can challenge his accusers to single combat oneon-one who's up for it who the hell do you think you talking do oh come on guys three big white boys to beat up one little cfer little buger thinks he's Muhammad Ali I'll take him break his head in 3 seconds I'll whip his ass in D he's mine come on stop playing with me man not your [Music] sister beautiful I'm smiling now [Applause] huh best you do not kill him better you know who that guffer is before his Dead face appears on the Morning News maybe this is M deell before he became a thief he was the most famous actor in South Africa he was my best [Music] friend [Music] my name is Norman KNX I want to tell you a story about my friend muntu we were an unlikely pair in those days of [Music] aparte as kids we acted together in a popular form and after that we grew up together he was in almost every sense my brother the film's success kept mun and me in the spotlight through our teenage years but the magical days of Fame did end because as South Africa went through its struggle years so did we and for muntu most of the trouble had to do with love [Music] saw you back where do you get this car what's this did you B in America El lollipop just sold television and I got a beautiful bonus now all of America is going to see my movie you're the only one in the whole school who has a car now ah man listen things are going to change one day very soon everyone in Soo is going to have a car I'm serious you know what right now all you're seeing is black against white n but I'm telling you one day very soon you're going to see a million colors so ladies who wants a ride [Applause] [Music] me see who's that that that's s you all the way from zululand yeah that's fine yeah sure I'm I'm coming plus today you are receiving new Math and Science textbooks from now on you will not be taught this subjects in English they will be taught to you in the language of Africans sir sir we don't even understand Africans Africans is the language of aate it is not even a language it is a dialect of Dutch how can we learn in a language that we don't even understand not to hell with Africans I'm not going to speak it let's strike quiet it is now national government policy you have no choice going my way so you're from zululand my father just found work on their minds my name is m from IL lolipop yes I've seen it of course when years ago on the wall of our village shop the ending sure I cried so much when you died well I'm alive listen my movie Il pop is playing again at B on Saturday come with me plus you can meet my friend un know man my father he doesn't like me out late if we force to study in this Africans we will all fail we'll never get to go to college never be anybody the whites they don't want us to advance so they'll always have servants it's not that bad some things are changing I mean they thousands of whites have gone to go see my movie there's still hope my family moved here so I can have an education go to college this Africans it's not that difficult okay let me give you a first less a cat is a cat a mat is a mat Vint is exactly and minus isus it's easy as that so you're a teacher as well as an actor S I think you're the most beautiful girl in all of s second lesson tomorrow after school yes tomorrow [Music] aome man L is my man before we go the film company they gave us the grants we're going to college my brother what yes are you serious it's going to be crazy how it can we get two tickets please I said two tickets sorry what only I'm not missing this one Bruce come a no I fallen in love man this was like the best I'm sorry you're going to have to leave I just PID for ticket it's against the law this is White's only Cinema see that screen it's Mon de it's moner belly Norman Knox Norman knock I know who you are it's the law look if you don't leave I'm going to have to call the police just ignore them and forget relax they're crazy man listen do you see how they love us up there let's go somewhere where we're definitely going to have fun [Applause] [Music] bber for he why the hell is there a white face looking at me you're a racist B it's B it's snowman come on man he's cool it's cool it's cool Jo come nice car outside T ke uh no me no one D my let's go dear Lord we thank you for this food let it make us strong to do your work May it give mundu strength to do what is right always amen and let us be thankful for your blessings in Jesus name amen amen okay let's eat thanks hey mom me and M got buies to go to college I'm so proud of you boys and you buy what are you going to study a p's going to be present one day he's going to end part sure man but I'm going to need a deputy I'm Your [Music] Man [Music] all the schools in suu will march to Orlando Stadium yeah yeah and then what just get there and talk no we hand over the petition to the Board of Education we are going to March whether they like it or [Music] not [Music] Open my V for for so what's wrong let's drive somewhere [Music] anywhere what happened what's wrong s what happened he wants to tell me to be married what why m in what I'm saying he offers very large low ball one what are you doing don't you like me I like you I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world please let me no chiefs they only want virgins yes avable but not like this you're a good man won I want to be with you look I'll think of okay don't worry I promise s everything's going to be okay just come with me and have some tea in the house and I'll take you home okay spee so you have trouble I'm in love big trouble can you help me RA maybe so what is the name of this trouble of yours beautiful sa from ah sa oh so you know her her father wants to send her to a Zulu chief he found us in my car the other night he keeps her locked up in the house and no nothing happened I swear it maybe well she wanted to but oh she's very clever this girl maybe more clever than you are are you saying that we actually should have but is it right for her to be given to a total stranger what do you see I see a Zulu Chief more powerful than mamo [Music] [Music] what are you doing here look I have to talk to to you okay wait for me by the cor okay I cannot stay a virgin it is my only hope no that's not the answer then what is I don't know Sabel I just know that that's not the answer easy for you to say you have a car a movie a baz I have nothing but a future with an old fat man that I I do not love that's it that's it the car my buzzer the cash from the movie that's all we'll need to run way when no one can find usel you would do that for me for us s oh he such a dreamer and that dream will start tomorrow tomorrow but tomorrow is the match but that's even better listen we'll leave right after the March is finished no one will notice that we're gone they'll only realize once we're far far away [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my9 [Applause] [Applause] this B is illegal you must disperse and go back to your school this March is illegal you are violation of statutary laws you must dispers [Music] immediately I'm warning [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's an order stop shooting keep fire [Music] sa sa run [Music] sa [Music] no [Music] keep your composure hold still let him come aim for the legs aim blow go go go go go go now go [Music] go sry s it's going to be okay it's going to [Music] okay please help us please I need to take it to the hospital it's a pretty young thing isn't she [Applause] a you can't try first to find enough boy I will find you you're going to be okay you're going to be okay you're going to be okay you're going to be okay erupts in the black Township of Soto hundreds are reported killed as the violence spreads across the country the bloody Uprising galvanizes the movement against South Africa's aparte [Music] regime somebody help me help my bement look at my face I'll be back I'll be back doctor doctor doctor here the willart right through she's like I'll be back I'll be [Music] back civilians are not allowed into suto I've got to get inside my friend's in there he needs my help ERS so no one goes into suto 4 out here hey hey stop now you skit L up I'll shoot you in the face I've got to get in me through listen here this bik out and [ __ ] [Music] [Music] off B what are you doing with my car your car is now property of the struggle hello you live in the country to Angola Angola y who what do you know about Angola you got going to join the ANC gorilla training camp I want out I want out are you crazy the police are looking for you and your for Capri all over a new era had begun War every young white man was called to military service and trained to do battle with those who wanted to overthrow the government welcome to the Army boys I am sergeant major vicus Vale I'm here to teach you how to kill the Communist Insurgent that is trying to destroy our country your enemy no no longer carries a spear he carries an AK-47 assault rifle and he will use it on you he's armed by Russians trained by Cubans and East Germans clothed and fed by Swedish [ __ ] for the next year you will be defending our nation against him do you understand yes sir do you understand yes sir are you de are you a liberal thought I smelled something Rifleman knock do you wear red Underpants huh try to get out of conscription didn't you I did you don't want sir I do not want to be in the Army sir well we will just have to see about that won't we right race Mandela's organization thec had created secret gorilla training camps outside South Africa trained by communist Cubans the youth who opposed theart were now very much a part of the Cold War as chairman Ma has taught us if there is no class division there is no poty now these white colonists they come to your country and they tell you Bible stories while they take your land and what of this imperialist speaks do to further their own race they poison your drinking water to make you impotent no we don't want to be impotent comrades we want to be hard but first we must make you hard we must teach you to see at night to work with explosives to fight with skill and efficiency this is nonsense you got some me to say comrade they have guns helicopter us we're not fools man if you really want us to fight get these Russians of yours to send us proper weapons this comrade will be silenced comrade that decision is ours to make we decide who is silenced comrade the black man is the laughing stock of the were you want to change that then you must exercise dis or maybe the white Mas has made you soft so like this comrade who has so much to say trying to smuggle a letter out to his Cher you know I am you know I am [Applause] stupid Mund here drink this quick [Music] R we're under attack you can't bra under attack that's all that freaking arm [Music] attacking [Music] bom heyy what the hell I do with my to what P push get [Music] B wait wait wait stop back after the student March the country was in turmoil International sanctions intensified the economy was under pressure everywhere people lost their jobs sabella's father was without work he blamed Sabella and all the students who had marched after muter escape the camp he journeyed for thousands of miles to get back to Sabella newspapers announced that there were no survivors excuse there's been some news what happened the camp was under attack and everyone was killed [Music] [Laughter] what is our mission terorist again [Applause] teror are you here to kill terrorists KN no sergeant major nox's failure is your failure you will oh run the hill until KNX learns to value your lives more than those of his terrorist friends [Music] fck F Papa sing sing for spee foreign [Music] foree [Music] I'm for who part [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] spee [Music] spe speech [Music] spe [Music] for stop stop hold it stop sh him sh [Music] him [Music] you could have gotten someone killed today noox someone did get killed well you're going to stay in here until you've sweated every last black drop out of you i c you man help get there's our names they failed everyone that marched no if they failed me then I can't use my B to go to college but maybe college is overrated man no that was our way to change things that was my way to provide for I don't know how to say this to you but sa's gone man married to that Z Chief she thought that you were dead man we all did n Sergeant ma speak phone call from Norman KN some Coffer called m so please just tell him I'm busy tell him yourself I'm not your bloody Sac Tre hello oh thank God I found you I've been calling everywhere I've called Forever uh listen I need to come see you no way no no man this is serious man Sabella has been sent to some Zulu Chief nothing is going right I this country is going to hell and you talking about your love life unbelievable no man what's wrong with you look you won't believe what I've been through nor man they failed all of us who must in Soo all right they the government is trying to steal our education don't you get it I am they the world has changed you know what it's your fault you and your lzy communist comrades no much started all this crap what the hell's wrong with you Norman don't you understand we had to we had to you going ruin your own life stay out of mine don't ever ever call me again Norman [Music] n you seem that you've had six too many six too few I lost a friend today Norman is dead dead yeah well it might as well be how could I be so wrong about someone screw him I'm your friend what will make you happy huh afford Capri and let's go get one FY I said get one not bu no no no stealing is wrong wrong when people stole everything from us our land our jobs our education man so no m- I don't think it's stealing at all just repossessing [Music] reposession let's go man let's go [Music] [Applause] so you've got to Capri now but still know position man [Music] upy hold no what the hell you doing KN better BL some knocks where am I going not going where I'm not going to kill anyone mother the [ __ ] you want to kill with do you hear me you are finished KN I will de one your liberal EAS ass and you will rock to the T for years you're what's wrong with you G5 K5 mentally unfit for service wake up look at you is it worth it they said you were dead S without you I am dead no we can't we can't sael I love you I'm married to the chief no belong to him no that was a mistake we can change it s we must be together they used still love me I will always love you uhhuh fore for I need for for Reach [Music] [Laughter] [Music] cool [Music] and now you know why the actor became the thief F man come on man they catch him up FAS faster [Applause] fire [Music] the church the church we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] put away those guns this is the house of God you have two criminals Senor two we have 200 sinners in here each and everyone seeking the Glorious mercy of God Amen [Applause] aen the two boys that you looking for I believe they've set fire to your cars to our two guests God has spared you the consequence of your foolishness repent and give your lives to him amen many times want to tried to quit crime but many times he would go back when he asked God for forgiveness he asked forgiveness for me too I I'm out of it what [Music] now [Music] bomba bombo what a place hello M the struggle needs you you will supply us with Transportation the last memory I have of you comrade with tail lights and a cloud of dust leaving me to die in Angola what makes you think I'm going to work for you your life's hanging by a thread don't make me cut it silver Mercedes the big one 350 SE the kind those Rich government YT Drive in vioria I want that one in 2 days 2,000 cash 2,000 cash yeah put it was in fact the gunshot wound Sabella suffered during the student March it caused her infertility after I was discharged from the Army I drifted hopelessly for years I couldn't get any more work as an actor my life was at a stand still why are you fighting we then one night I saw my old film and I realized what I had to do with an old projector and a few Mega positions I traveled to remote villages to share the only good thing I'd ever done in my [Music] life e so I see you have some uh yeah I can't I can't I can't [Music] oh see people oh my head have some coffee man crazy night hey isn't this the car we stole for bom women and [Music] children hello M where have you been uh I'm I'm working now Mom what kind of work why are you living how was looking for you no no man has abandoned me Mom it's you who doesn't want to see him or any of us because you are ashamed of what you've become you dare bring that in here it's for you for you for Lindy for the church look at you the drunken fool you've disgraced this house M change your life change it otherwise God may change it for you God God he's forsaken this whole damn country it's you who have abandoned God abandoned him and shamed us all this is no longer your home get out and don't you ever come back until you've changed your ways get out get out get out s [Music] the party leaders failed to recognize bomber's Bravada in blowing up the building in ptor his lust for power only grew deeper and deeper B I have wonderful news give me your hand a baby at last the ancestors have spoken yes you pleased I'm so clear you please get some healthy food okay fore foree let's leave so you and me away from this madness you know look we of fresh what are you talking about I love you I've always loved you and I know I can make you happy I know I can just go away do please please just listen to me go away boy it's a isn't it it's always don't talk about her M the great actor just too poor to get the girl he loves you you don't even have the gut to do the big job H when the real heroes I me hey when the real heroes when they're out there exploding bombs to free our people what do you do cry like a baby what do you want money here take it take it take it just take it I need to T your M take take it man you're a coward that's what you are Mund a coward you all coward you see you C and now you think you what huh [Laughter] Heroes it [Music] is [Music] for America of Liberty EMP stat I saw a television television is a box where people live inside [Applause] fore you wanted to see me good evening I'm major Dixon of the security police mind answering a few questions about that harom in Petoria who sold me out our Arrangement works on a need to know basis go to hell hell is a place you're going to be familiar with very soon if you don't cooperate take them away not him everybody [Music] out I have you to thank for this don't I the student March 16th of June 1976 took great courage courage to do what you did that day I respect courage for the courage that be rewarded for [Music] this I don't want to hear it f no I'm serious I don't hear about any of your schemes K bombers in prison all right I don't want to hear anything about this world of crime okay okay then I guess I won't tell you what I just heard from a cousin who just got back from zul and I have some news about Sabel what what about her the ti he took two other wives cuz Sabella wasn't giving many children are you serious so is he still married to her yeah he's married to her but now Sabella is just a servant to the other [Music] wives [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] spe [Music] what are you doing here I've come to rescue you rescue me they'll kill you I won't let them treat you like a slave SV you're coming with me right now [Music] fore put goep [Music] some for yeah sometime [Music] fore for foreign foreign speech so I'll never stop loving you is it true you sto C it's in the past no more crime promise me that you will not repair that Lola with stolen money promise me I promise obaba he would rather kill me than see me marry you I'll talk to him he's going to give us his Blessing he's going to you'll see you'll see for for for in come is 100 100s where are you going to get that kind of money I don't know I just need those cars go maybe bom can give you a loan bom's in prison for life remember ah no bomber's free man bomber's out how you don't think he sold out do you maybe after Nelson Mandela was released from prison democracy Drew nearer but secret police Poli forces were arming gangs to create a tribal war that would derail the negotiations the government was having with Mandela Mandel victoris Mom I need to borrow some cash b f i want to buy a taxi and get into the taxi business the number one car thief in Soo wants to buy a taxi it's for Lola I need to make the money legally please W do the lava okay but a third of what you make comes to good evening we need to speak privately Mandela's given up the arm struggle now your government is going to hand him the power you don't trust Mandel any more than I do bomba that makes us partners remember the deal we made that got you out of jail the blacks who support Mandela's peace process they must be attacked blacks fighting blacks Blood on the streets that's what we need can you make that happen how much are you paying these days gold it's not enough buba do it and I'll let you in on the biggest score of all you see soon a convoy of diplomatic cars will transport a fortune in Gold Krueger coins let's just say there's some in the government who don't trust Mandela's promises do it and I'll Supply you with the details of this Convoy one day you'll be working for me we shall see pleasure doing business with you vanit I know you know Mercedes-Benz electronic security systems I am not interested B Brak I'm trying to get into legitimate business I promise I'll pay back your loan what have you made enough in one scho so you wouldn't have to get alone enough to buy a fleet of taxis enough to pay Lolo and get your wife one time the secret police put their plan to divide and conquer into motion rival gangs were armed and paid to terrorize the [Music] streets the path to Freedom was in jeopardy as it's pretty crazy out there I don't think it's a good idea for you to be out nothing's going to stop you from having a good time tonight this music always makes me feel good and what about your baby he's with his uncle SEO but I thought that we could spend some time together oh hey [Music] [Music] R fores peace but much blood will flow before maybe one last big score after the squ have enough money to pay for S La this gold was stolen by government officials why can't I take it back then you will also be guilty I lost her once before I don't want to lose her [Applause] again hey come TR fun fun I'm not going to be a part of bomber's Med hey you they sell out imp huh look I don't want trouble don't you understand this is what Dix want one they are all in sellout just like that abiii what are you talking about who do you think told the V about the kab bomb you crazy Obi don't worry we will sort her out tonight no you [Applause] can't [Music] [Music] we were just um leave there alone you have much important business [Music] booy how much did Dixon pay you to sell me out it's not true now it's your girlfriend remember you can still be a girlfriend anything you want anything give her a real [Music] necklace my baby my [Music] [Music] baby stop it stop it don't want me don't do this don't do this you please no no come on please please please [Music] please I'm begging you please come on bu no no bu bu let me go let me go we go tomorrow to get the Krueger gold you're driving if not your whole family gets the necklace she's dead SE killed the busy I'm going to go get that gold SEO and then I'm going to do this whole country of favor I'm going to kill that son of a [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] where do we need to Convoy shut up drive 10 left at the next Road crazy man no one has going to drive go through here stop here B what is this insurance what picking up his wife whose wife bom bomba don't mess with Dixon they are gold coins just sitting there waiting for us man why you want to screw this up come on take this things off of me right now bomba come back here bomba bumber bumba Dixie shouldn't you be meeting a certain Convoy yes but I needed some insurance you were out of it no damn it away me Let Go Let Her Go I should have used this gun a long time ago when I had the [Music] chance tell your fools to drop their guns do it okay J I'm going to go get that gold and is and nothing is going to stop us where's the Convoy where's that [Music] Convoy [Music] whatever hope MTU had to get the money he needed for Sabella was gone he saw no way out he just [Music] disappeared no yeah I just saw the film my name is sa I'm a friend of M M he always said that two of you were like brothers do you know where he is I don't been looking for him for years you are the saan yeah when he once asked for my help he came here a few years ago he promised to come back he never [Music] did he [Music] these were the dark days before the election before Mandela would take power The Hope was great but so was the fear some of the Zulus wanted the power for themselves and M supporters had to be stopped but many Zulu women favored Mandela [Music] Mand foree [Music] no [Music] fore speech fore [Music] NOS shut up shut up shut up shut [Music] up [Music] so BN no Mama no man M has not been here for years SEO told me that he was still in crime and tracks maybe he's dead I searched for M far and wide but he was nowhere to be found I placed an ad in the seden newspaper offering a reward for his whereabouts a tip finally led me to the notorious drug Den of the city go one two open up go I'm sleeping go one two [Music] who are you it's me it's Norman it's okay just give me the gun it's okay go get out get up just go crazy bustard shoot me shoot me you are coming with me no oh no forget how you abandoned me Norman let's just go just go okay okay I'm gone I'm gone want to I'm sorry my [Music] [Music] brother [Music] oh help me [Music] [Music] [Music] Lord oh God [Music] you [Music] [Music] hallelu [Music] and Lord for Hector Peterson and all the other young Heroes who gave their lives and their future for the cause of Freedom Lord we We Praise You for their courage amen May the grace of God be with you all go in peace [Music] e s I'm so sorry no you could not give me what I needed I had to find it for myself just look at how God has blessed me I'm free Mund free the chief gave me my freedom I have my own home you no longer have to anything but but how I don't understand I have so much to tell you but first you must meet someone this is busy's child he was given to me what's his name t his name is t he's your son Wonder [Music] come what something [Music] meet your Uncle [Music] Norman so want I'm fine [Music] you come let's get some ice cream [Music] man [Music] to [Music] hallelu
Channel: GEM: Film Library
Views: 278,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, DramaMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, A Million Colours, Drama, Peter Bishai, Wandile Molebatsi, Jason Hartman, Masello Motana
Id: hHsTlh13M1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 31sec (6931 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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