A magical Goodbye..

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome to another magical Moon video this video comes with a heavy heart but full of celebration on Thursday our little Liv um passed away peacefully at home in the morning and uh yeah it's been the hardest few days because she has left behind the love of her life who is epan who is obviously pining for her but moving on and you know it is the nature of what we do we have chosen to do this as a family these horses are here at the end of their lives so this is a regular thing for us little Liv didn't suffer um she displayed signs of a bit of a tummy ache which to begin with we thought was collic but in hindsight and being with her I truly believe it was just her time and we helped her along her way in the morning you know to to go meet her best mate Cinderella who's up there waiting for her I'm sure there have been tears there have been yeah it's been very very hard the last few days but we sign up for this and but we can put our hands on our heart and tell you little Liv had me and Nick and epan by her side when she left this world and uh yeah it was it was hard it was hard I'm going to go to you now so thank you all for your very very kind words of support and your understanding which is obviously it goes without saying it means the world to us that you share with us um the high and the lows and we really really appreciate that because it isn't all plain sailing it's hard enough just doing what we do you guys have made it a lot easier with your support but more importantly just to share in the loss and understanding and knowing that she did have those brilliant years with us at the end of her life as as they all do and we're there with them at the very end so yeah that's all we can do we can just honor them and I'm very privileged to and as with Jenny with those horses in that moment so it is a very special moment it is one of those things and as Jenny said there is things to celebrate from from from all circumstances and we take with us that she had a brilliant end and she was yeah she wasn't on her own but she had those real just lovely lovely periods with the family with the children with all the other horses so she has left a hole but everyone's getting on with it all the other horses yes of course they feel it as everyone does here but um life goes on and uh we just look forward to the future so um thank you it's been um yeah I think the hardest and many of our patreons and I put a little a little uh message out on the community on YouTube for people to know because obviously we've not been about for a few days um and that is obviously this has H hit epan very very hard because you know as we say it was his wife and uh yeah he he was there when she was put to sleep and then we left him with her for about an hour um until he was ready to to say goodbye and he did that with dignity didn't he he just went to the back of the stable and you know he spent a good hour with her with his nose against her um and he let her go and then he stood at the back and and you know we and we took little Liv for her for her you know her final Journey she left here gently with Nick and Nick and the friend of ours we you know we took her from the stable and now our attentions have turned straight to epan because obviously he has um lost his best friend so it's a matter of trying to keep him happy and trying to keep him content in his time of grief ours but the good news is we think we may have found him a little friend and that is of all the horses on the yard it would be Maximus So Max has some rather big I don't you can call them big shoes little shoes but very big place to fill in EP an's heart but we've moved Max up into Little Live stable they've been grooming they've been out in the field together and EP is showing signs of smiling again but it will be hard for him and he is at the moment our priority on the yard we're watching him because he is 32 so this is a big loss at a very very old age but you know he's a warrior he always has been and we're hoping that you know he'll smile again and you know we can have some lovely videos of him and max out in the field together enjoying their retirement but he is a priority at the moment and and I think we're all feeling it so yeah and I think moving forward there's lots to look forward to um as always there's stuff happening here as you know we're carrying on with the B Renovations uh we've got plans moving forward with that we've also got plans moving forward with stuff we're going to be doing regarding the tat room uh in the house so there's a bit more development going on there um and then the general day-to-day carrying on at the moon so uh yeah we're just going to keep pushing on um and yeah hopeful um I say Max really really looks like he's uh he's taking it on and um yeah it's just good old egg is our Max so lovely to see them together um but yeah we're going to leave you it's been a a tricky few days however we have had lots going on we've had the channel before we had our visitors we've had loads of bits and pieces here at the same time that little Liv went out with a bang she decided that was the time I know when I'm going to let let this happen it's going to be right now when you've got visitors and you got Channel 4 filming so and it was Mayday so it was bank holiday it was Madness it was Madness and that was the night so a long a long Wednesday night um for for Jenny and I with little Liv but um that's just what we do so um yeah we'll uh I think someone's just heard someone coming across the the field so we'll love you and leave you thank you all and we will see you very soon [Music] for [Music] you out bu you know the names cuz I P you can see their names well we watched the video you paying up that was awesome to see so that was right right so we're out of the Dallas Fort Worth area so live in live in Texas um so we're enjoying the the the rain here because we know that soon enough we'll be like missing it um so we're we're enjoying the the the additional challenge that it brings um and so we've uh we're staying here in France for a few weeks and we have a a property in Normandy that that we're staying at and so we hope to visit again obviously we're be very welcome thank you so much we you pass the test brilliant perect you honorary moons thank you for coming just it just goes to show that um you know all across the world there are um guys like yourself who enjoy what what we do um and relate to it and uh yeah we've had some great conversations it's just been nice to to see that um yeah the Magic in full circle so thank you for coming it's again thank you for for inviting us and opening your home up to us so we really appreciate it we just you know these are one of those opportunities that you never know what what it's going to bring you it could be that I'm going to be McKing out and walking a horse around or eating at a fancy French restaurant and you recommended a great Chateau last night that we stayed at so that's it so so raag riches to rags to Full Circle full circle I think the other thing is it's just really really nice and it's heartwarming and we spoke about it before we were just are curious and we ask a question what is it what's the difference between being where you guys are and being here and it's the first feedback we've had of face Toof face cons out with the Legends um and just saying what a different experience it is for you guys because yeah you're used to watching us from the other side of the screen so uh yeah positive feedback and and an experience which hopefully you're not going to forget got to got to gr old magic didn't you yes beautiful yes he has a gorgeous coat obviously well taken care of you can tell by the coat typically so all of these animals are are super well taken care of and we clearly know how much of a big job it is cuz it was we were all mourn about it had had a taster of it but um the instructions are now in the airport wherever you go you've just got a keep going around we give you one of them big banners you know Legacy Legends the moons carry on but no it's all good and it's been it's been a really nice couple of days so um yeah we'll uh we'll hopefully see you very soon byebye bye [Music] o [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Moons
Views: 20,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eXEeM8kqR2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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