Something is Still Lurking Below the Moon's Surface | India's Chandrayaan 3 Moon Mission ISRO

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India’s Chandrayaan-3 Moon mission has  already proven historic. It put India   in the history books for being the 4th nation to  ever successfully land a spacecraft on the Moon,   and the very first to ever land at its south  pole. The lander Vikram and rover Pragyan   already made discoveries that could profoundly  impact our understanding of the Moon’s chemical   composition and geological history, and has given  the world vital data that will aid future return   missions to our lunar neighbour. And yet, for  all the praise – which is well deserved – it’s   what Chandrayaan-3 did not discover, but  should have, that I find the most intriguing. Have you noticed it too? India’s  NASA equivalent ISRO – the Indian   Space Research Organisation – made  press releases before the launch,   and there was always one thing they claimed  they were primarily there to find. One reason   the South Pole was picked out over all other  locations. One mystery about the Moon that   is deepening the more we investigate, and yet  needs to be solved before we can expect to start   setting up permanent bases up there. Simply put: where is all the water? I’m Alex McColgan, and you’re watching Astrum.  And today we’ll take a look at Chandrayaan-3,   explore its successes, and attempt to use its  discoveries to answer that one important question. It was India’s Chandrayaan-1 mission that helped  provide some of the clearest proof that the Moon’s   polar craters might hold water ice. Water on  the Moon had been hypothesised since the 1960’s,   and in 1971 Apollo 14 found some traces of water  vapor at the lunar surface. But water ice itself   proved difficult to pin down. Scientists thought  that if water ice was anywhere, it would be in the   craters at the North and South Lunar poles; these  craters were angled such that they never received   direct sunlight, and thus were very cold – some of  the coldest places in our entire solar system. The   perfect forming ground for ice. Sadly, images of  these crater cold-traps were too low resolution,   or simply too dark for us to know for sure, and  while there were numerous detections of hydrogen   on the Moon’s surface, it was unclear whether  this took the form of actual water ice or not. However, in 2009, signs of hydration began  to emerge. Chandrayaan-1 (carrying a NASA   Moon Minerology Mapper) found the first  definitive spectroscopic signatures of   water ice in dozens of craters congregated  around the Moon’s poles. This water map was   later confirmed by Chandrayaan-2, leaving  scientists increasingly confident that there   was potentially 600 million metric tons of water  ice to be found in the Moon’s darkened craters. Water on the Moon is a big deal. More and more  nations have goals of setting up bases on the   Moon, and being able to source your water  from the Moon’s surface saves you from having   to spend huge amounts of resources getting  it up there. Water is vital for human life,   but also could be broken down for hydrogen and  oxygen – useful ingredients for rocket fuel,   or a breathable atmosphere in your Moon base. So, it should come as no surprise that  when Chandrayaan-3 began to make its way   towards the Moon, one of the things the media  reported it was hoping to find was water ice.  Chandrayaan-3 was launched on the 14th July 2023.  It was made up of a lander module called Vikram, a   small rover called Pragyan, and an orbiter module  that carried the other two components across the   gulf of space. On the 23rd of August Vikram, with  little Pragyan tucked inside, touched down on the   Moon’s surface at the beginning of a lunar day. But time was not on their side. Chandrayaan-3 was a surprisingly cost-effective  mission. While NASA’s Artemis mission launches   will each cost on average $4.1 billion, the entire  Chanrayaan-3 mission only came to 6.15 billion   rupees, or about $75 million – ironically, less  than what many modern blockbuster space films take   to produce. Perhaps Hollywood should consider  filming their next Moon film on site. However,   with this lower budget came technological  limitations. When the lunar night fell,   Vikram and Pragyan would be subjected  to temperatures of -120°C – temperatures   they were not designed to survive. A lunar day  lasts 14 Earth days. The Chandrayaan-3 mission   would need to complete its major objectives  in that time, as their odds of surviving   to the day after that were slim. And so, Vikram lowered its ramp,   and Pragyaan the rover powered up and  headed out down onto the Moon’s surface. Pragyaan is a 27kg 6 wheeled rover that  came equipped with an Alpha Particle   X-ray Spectrometer (APXS), for analysing the  chemical composition of the moon by firing   radiation at it and seeing what wavelengths  bounced back, and a Laser-Induced Breakdown   Spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument, that does  a similar thing but this time by firing a   laser at the target of interest, and analysing  the light wavelengths that are released by the   resulting plasma. These two tools together would  be enough for Pragyaan to attempt to find water,   or any other interesting substances, confirming  their composition for scientists once and   for all. And so, it set to work deploying  both instruments on the ground next to it. Within days, the results started coming  in. Aluminium, Calcium, Iron, Chromium,   and Titanium were all found on the Moon’s surface,  along with other interesting elements like oxygen.   Indian scientists were most excited at the first  ever in-situ measurement of Sulphur at the Moon’s   pole. Sulphur is an exciting element to find,  as it helps us understand the evolution of the   Moon over time, and indicates there used  to be volcanic activity in the region. But   in spite of all these discoveries, there was one  element that was not showing up in the analysis:   the all-important hydrogen was notably absent. Pragyaan set off to explore further afield.   Guiding the rover was all done manually  by scientists back on Earth, looking   through Pragyaan’s onboard navigation  camera. This had to be carefully done,   as the signal delay between Earth and the Moon  meant that orders for the rover to halt lagged   by a little under 3 seconds – time that might  make all the difference, if the little 6-wheeled   rover was to avoid overturning. And indeed, this  nearly happened. Early on in Pragyan’s journey,   the rover had to speedily stop to avoid falling  into a large 4m crater scientists hadn’t initially   realised was there. I say speedily. Pragyan’s move  speed was 1 cm per second – hardly the fastest of   sprinters. Over the course of its two-week life,  Pragyan travelled no more than 100m from Vikram. Fortunately, the crater was detected  in time, and scientists were able   to turn around and choose another route.  However, when you look at Pragyan’s route,   you notice that there was a second moment  where Pragyan did not travel down into a   crater it came across – instead electing to  go around. No photos of this second crater   are currently available, so we are left  to conclude that no ice was spotted there. Vikram itself did not remain idle during this  time. It performed temperature readings of the   Moon’s surface, digging 10cm deep to measure the  Moon’s warmth at different depths. It measured   the plasma content of the atmosphere –  good news, there’s not much up there,   so radio communication to the Moon likely  won’t get much interference. It detected   a possible moon-quake which, given the small  two-week window, was some excellent timing. At the very end of its journey,  in a moment of final enthusiasm,   the Vikram lander even successfully performed  a 40cm high “hop”, firing its boosters to lift   itself off the ground - moving 30-40cm  along from its previous destination.   Indian scientists had wanted to test how  easy it would be for future landers to   one day propel themselves back into orbit from  the Moon, and this was a useful practice run. But none of this helped the  Chandrayaan-3 mission to find water ice. By the 4th of September, time was up. Vikram  and Pragyan were both ordered to power down.   ISRO scientists had hoped to be able to  wake them up again once the night ended,   but this hope proved to be fruitless. The two  lunar explorers had communicated with the Earth   for the last time. ISRO and the scientific  community at large lauded their efforts,   and called the mission a success. And indeed it  was, as India had gained first-hand data from the   Moon that would be extremely helpful in building  a picture of conditions at its poles, along   with furthering our understanding of the Moon’s  history. However, it definitely raises a mystery. When I first heard that water ice  had been detected on the Moon,   I envisioned in my mind frozen ice-lakes, or  possibly tall penitentes. Perhaps a light frost,   as vapor from the Moon’s atmosphere ended  up trapped in these darkened craters,   freezing over the surface and building  up over time. We know from orbiters like   Chandrayaan-1 that water ice is  indeed in these craters. And yet,   Chandrayaan-3 has joined other missions in  failing to actually see this ice for themselves.  I remember feeling similarly disappointed when  I first saw the images captured by Shadowcam,   a NASA camera carried on the South Korean Danuri  Moon orbiter. Shadowcam was so good at detecting   light, it could see into the polar craters that  hadn’t seen direct sunlight in millions of years   without issue. And yet, once again there  was nothing there. Nothing but arid dust. Given that Pragyan’s analysis of  the lunar regolith revealed no   signs of water molecules, where is the  water ice that Chandrayaan-1 detected? While this mystery is confusing, Chandrayaan-3  offers us a possible answer. Not through Pragyan’s   explorations. It’s actually Vikram,  that possibly hinted at the solution. When Vikram used its ChaSTE temperature sensor,   it was able to take 10 different readings of the  Moon’s temperature – starting at the surface,   and working its way down in 1cm increments.  What it found in the space above the Moon’s   surface was a temperature a little under 60°C  – definitely too hot for you to walk around in,   if you happened to be on the Moon and somehow  didn’t care about the lack of air. But curiously,   as ChaSTE measured deeper and deeper  beneath the surface, this sweltering   temperature dropped off fast. By 8cm deep, the  new temperature Vikram was detecting was -10°C. That’s a big drop. From this we see that lunar  regolith is a really poor heat conductor. But   that also indicates quite clearly that  the best place we’re likely to see ice   is not resting on the Moon’s surface,  but we actually need to look beneath it.  There’s much we don’t understand about the  Moon and its water cycles. There’s growing   evidence that the Moon contains quite a  lot of water – and yet extracting it will   take understanding where that water can be  found, and how it moves throughout the long   lunar days and nights. Is it affected by solar  radiation? Is it trapped in hidden deposits? Although Chandrayaan-3 only lasted 2 weeks – which  I’m sure is less time than ISRO scientists would   have liked – it has offered us vital insights  into conditions on the Moon. As far as water   is concerned, at the very least, it has given  future astronauts this one piece of advice: If you want to find a drink of water on the Moon,  you might want to start by bringing a shovel.
Channel: Astrum
Views: 2,142,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moon landing, moon mission, Chandrayaan3, india moon mission, Pragyan rover, Vikram Lander, water on the moon, solar system, space technology, moon, the moon, astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, astrum, space mission, Indian Space Research Organisation, isro, Chandrayaan-3, lunar, lunar mission, lunar south pole, lunar ice, space travel, ESA, European space agency, NASA, Chandrayaan-2, Satish Dhawan Space Centre
Id: KD0xHfFmMKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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