I LOVE it when he does this. Stone House Transformation

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[Music] okay I got a plan to the [Music] the beauty of this little Stonehouse renovation project is that it is allowing us to really tap into our imaginations when it's your own build and when you're the master of its Destiny you can let creativity guide your choices entirely and another one sometimes that leads us down Paths of monumental change and sometimes there are mistakes and lessons to be learned whatever you do don't sound them but all in the name of beauty and stuff that's cool isn't it and on days like today it means that we slow down and spend some time doing a little thing that adds huge character that makes us smile and that we'll look back at in years to come and reminisce on how we got here [Music] okay um so I've got more exciting things to do today than this but what I want to do first is test test apart here basically Carlos has done such a good good job in cleaning off the tiles there's not much work to do in here but before we seal them properly properly and we've got nice oil for that now um I just want to try and clean them up a little bit and make them a bit more more even in color this corner here and actually this entire back wall eventually will just be a kitchen so there'll be kitchen cabinets coming up here we're not going to see this um so before I do the rest of the floor um I'm going to just do a test down here um and see whether we can even out or get rid of some of these garia looking bits on the tile around here and here um and yeah and if it works then we of course we'll do the whole floor to put it on and then just wait yeah so I did a fair amount of research on prepping um terra cotta tiles the research that I came up with was whatever you do don't sand them sanding terra cotta tiles basically takes away all of the hard B at the top the burnts it and makes them very vulnerable so we don't want to do that of course well that's going we go get a second bucket with clean water in it I'm going to go and get some decent gloves as well these are pretty rubbish I thought they'd do the trick but actually they're just breaking who's been watching Clarkson farm he had problems with these to me right just going to give this another quick scrub feel like that are going to be really nice [Applause] actually all right so the plan now will be to wait for that corner to dry um and then once it's dry come in oil it with the oil that we've got and take a look at it so hopefully it's looking good and we're ready to go for the rest of the floor I knowa is really Keen to start working towards getting this place feeling a bit more finished than it actually is and I'm in the same place you know I really want to get it moving along just wait for product basically to turn up what do we think folks they look pretty clean don't they all right we'll come back a bit later see how that is surf shark is a VPN which means ver fine you have it then sh as John said is a VPN which stands for virtual private Network I knew that it's 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the stairs this is the window that we've got it's not done very well with the bugs so I got a couple of quotes for Windows when we're finished we do want the costs to be reasonable we don't want them to be ridiculous and building our own Windows is part of that experience it's part of what we are expecting the price it's part of keeping the price point as low as possible so I went out to Max man yesterday I bought a few pieces of wood um and I've also gone to a glass manufacturer to get get panels of double glazing glass put together they're clear and they're going to let a whole bunch for lighting and I think that those windows instead of costing which we've been quoted for um 5600 per piece I think we're probably looking at around about 60 to70 per piece I'm sure how we're going to get this off have to cut it [Music] okay hello my darling hello my love do you want to go and push that window from the outside see whether we can push it through push it from the top and a glass it from this side is it or I can feel it moving okay do you want to come on the inside so it doesn't drop you're going to need to drop around the other side I don't think the glass is going to smash it's but we're just easing it out okay got the no window start bloody raining yay came out without any uh any break break yeah it looks it's going to be a lot lighter in there isn't it so much nicer and we're going to have that I've got that Moroccan light ready to go able to see it through there it's going to shoot fire across the and it's nice to be able to see down here through to the stones and the [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] I've compl know that Lunch is ready okay I just do you want to go and grab the glass and we can put it in before Lally all got yeah it's on the side of the car okay than good you go now Donnie if it doesn't fit who who measured it [Music] you there you go folks that is how you make a 50 window I love it as easy as that can't see you from from out here um let me come inside yeah W the difference is quite something look at that I just take table yeah that's so much cooler isn't it so much cooler I love it wow like I mean wow it's like there there yeah um are you going to put bars on it yeah I will put a couple of bars and then I think can't we leave it playing we can I think but though on the outside I just want to put one bar across here about that level okay so that if the boys sort of run towards it they don't just fly into a window okay you know just a piece of wood across okay it look funny no I don't think so I think it's fairly common to see stuff like that how much space have we got on the top of that window okay so now what you do you just 10 and it well we put the frame on the inside okay another frame on the inside that's it and that's it yeah andic STI it in place oh and silicon okay another frame in place another frame on the inside some silicon see those like outside this window we've got the most beautiful cors that like you know that one that twists its way over yeah and to be able to come up and see that from the stairs it's like it's framing the cor Coke beautiful it's amazing that was definitely the right Co we've siliconed that in quite nicely um it's ready to go there's one thing I want to do um before we call it with this window and that's put a bar here just across something from here um you know really simple nothing too Mega just so that if the boys are running around you know they hit they hit a piece of wood before they hit the the before they hit the um the window and I think we can actually do something pretty interesting with that so let's uh let's see maybe there's something I can use this came from the tiny house was the windows of the tiny house before we dive into this next bit let's rewind when we arrived on this Farm we were the unsuspecting owners of a whole lot of stuff that we hadn't expected and although it was a Monumental task to sip through it and get rid of so much of it it also provided us with loads of treasures that we found new lives for keep piles definitely a hell of a lot smaller than the DCH pile it began with a wine press that we turned into a [Music] table an old olive oil container that we fashioned into a lamp about get into let's go put it in location a glass lampshade that now lights our way to the tiny house and wine bottles that became beds side LS these window frames were from an old damp store room which is now our tiny house and home office when we removed them so many of you commented to say please find a home for them and since then they've adorned our temporary bootroom extension and today perhaps they'll finally be finding their forever hope if you've been here for all of it please say hi in the comments and from the bottom of our hearts thank you [Music] okay I got it plan um I love it already I think we can do something with that darling I love it that I was just thinking I was going to hang them on this side wall here um because I wanted to break the whiteness of that wall but it's perfect I love it that's to stop you boys running through the window don't touch it see the new window put more glue on this not just yet so we have another one of those attached to a piece of conrete from the tiny house and if you don't know where these came from have you already explained yeah they're tiny they were in the wood of tiny house anyway um the second one what do you think if it goes on the um that window but portrait way around okay rather than landscape like that yeah and then both the windows have new like bars but they're not bars isn't it yeah darling I love it okay well this is going to need some bashing around a little bit of work doing to it and wooden frame on it but leave it with me um and I'll give it to you you can paint it a little bit later today cool cool you're amazing yeah why this big why is what big well you got to get a roof on it haven't we whyle up B [Music] put it here Mom put it here right where are you going to sail to in your boat boys in the puddle let's leave it out of the puddle you put in the puddle a little disintegrate there you go children entertained for the afternoon some crayons all right let me um start off with this I'm interested to see how this is going to work out look at that mess if I told you we can just run away so come my darling let me help you we can follow the Sun and leave the rain for somebody else that help ourselves leave our trouble on the shell don't you worry we're going to find all we need in our [Music] sunet okay so we have got 5 cm there difference so the Gap is 5 cm I'm going to need 2 and 1/2 CM each side across the top and across the bottom the sidewalks and the highways they will turn into dust nature the wooden frame of course goes all the way around the outside of it yeah you're usually 100% right on these things though but I think it would look lovely if it was just floating it looks a lot more elegant okay I got to go and find something else then pipe I need pipe okay metal pipe you know one thing is for sure um Tara is going to know how to create a challenge um almost certainly so challenge accepted is what they say it's going to be the right height right there this is going to be really challenging folks really really challenging the reason why it's going to be challenging is how on Earth are we going to get a screw in there of course it would have been super simple before I put the window in that might be a game changer I really love that we found a home for those bars because they have just been kind of lying around and when we took them out the tiny house you guys were all like please make sure you recycle those um and you were quite right cuz they're beautiful they're just and they you know they're a part of this property's history so I love that when we find these kind of places for the old bits and Bobs that we inherited when we find them new homes I have been looking for the second one and I can't find it it's uh it's around somewhere I think it is yeah we didn't lob it into the back of a truck at some point I hope not I think it was down here by the tiny house let's go and have a look and see um if it's still down here somewhere I found it I knew we hadn't lobed it away cuz we have been looking after these knowing that they would be used at some point but there it is it does need to be cut off of that piece of concrete um so this one looks a bit more hardcore though I think we need a bit more of like a that to get that out rather than the angle grinder that John's using but obviously he would know more anyway we found it that's good news and then that can go in the other window and everything finds a home from this window to that window oh by the way we think our chicks have fledged well there's nothing in there now um um this is obviously the window in front of the desk in the tiny house which is where we do all of our editing and all of our work um and we so loved sitting there watching those little um great tits going in and out in and out and we could hear the little chicks um in the in the nesting box and we had another pair nesting in the other nesting box which you've got just above the lawn and it was amazing and the one day I went in and did some work and I looked and looked and looked I didn't see the birds going in and out and I got really worried the next time I went and sat again and I was like oh gosh I think they're gone they're really gone anyway I thought coming from Africa I'm always like oh snakes got them or something's happened and they've been eaten but John was like no I reckon they fledged they're off so we are keeping an eye out to see if another set comes um because I think those little guys can have two or three batches of chicks in a year um so fingers crossed we have another lot I'm still desperately hoping they take home make home in our um bird Fe nesting box which got the fancy cameras cuz it would be epic to watch them and so hopefully one of them takes a fancy to that but anyway just such a joy to have things kind of nesting and thriving on our property makes me really happy and I hope those little chicks live long happy lives it's not working okay the grinder disc I've got for this pipe is just too hectic right so it's really just smashing it up so I go have a look if I've got a hexa this pipe here um I'm fairly confident there a piece of pipe that cruso used to take out of one of the Jack chairs some lots of you will no doubt remember when John's mom was here last she sat down in said Jack chair without said pipe and fell through it [Music] [Laughter] I might start filming for a little bit [Music] you did no chance for that this year granny John chopped it up put it on the [Music] window El leave a TR on the sh so don't you worry we're going to find all we [Music] need okay we're going to have to do something a little bit more creative with those holes cuz they're Breeze book Holes okay I've been fiddling around I've done two things there I've um taken out the old um plastic uh wool plugs and I put new plastic wool plugs in these screws here they've got a shorter blank space at the top of them and more thread so that means that they'll they'll get the the the wall plug going quicker um I think that should really yeah it should solve the problem so we'll try again smash the window John in trying to protect the window John smashed the window [Music] leave it all for somebody else to help themselves leave TR upon the sh don't you wor all we need in [Music] our okay just in time D hello last screw oh I do know when to time my visits don't I yeah you like me to it and take all the credit yeah why not it's often these little finishing touches though isn't it that kind of bring it to life and we look at that [Music] sunshine I know your beer getting warm yeah I didn't open it there you go done yay oh it looks so cool nice and solid the boys aren't going to run through that glass wall are they no it's absolutely perfect do you know what happened when you went away earlier saw picked up this piece of wood and started walking immediately towards the window really I was like oh gosh things come hello everyone yeah that's Fab really pretty yeah cute all right then is that it for today it might be let's have a look do you know I'm I'm excited to start painting as well I know that's going to make a big difference and some cream around the cement and just make it all up again that'll be a day for a job for a sunny day which we've got plenty of coming tomorrow you know you say let's paint this I quite like it like there is this feeling that we should just let it maybe go a bit Rusty yeah um but let's see I mean it can come off if we if we changed our mind it shouldn't come off but there's something very rustic about that actually when we've painted everything bright white again we might look at it and go that looks bit look it looks really nice right now though I like the kind of like you say rustic slightly paint peeled yeah there you go cool so next job is to cut the other one off the concrete yeah not today Pig not today [Music]
Channel: TheNewbys
Views: 79,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thenewbys, Portugal homestead youtube, move to portugal from usa, Portugal homestead, homesteading family, homesteading off the grid, homesteading, renovating house in central portugal, off grid portugal, portuguese homestead, renovating home, diy renovations on a budget, renovating a ruin, buy a farm in portugal, building a dream home, diy renovation on a budget, the newbys sons, Why you should move to portugal, farm life, living in portugal as a foreigner
Id: 6BrzdHxJlkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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