A Magical First Playthrough of Elden Ring

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So welcome to the early access preview of Elden  Ring. This area is Limgrave or the north part   of it anyway. This part has been sectioned  off for the network test, but it's still   absolutely massive. And I'm going to show you  my favorite route through this place. But yours   will be different. "Oh yes. Tarnished are we?  Come to the Lands Between for the Elden Ring.   Of course you have" in the interest of time.  I'm going to keep exploring but I'll continue   the NPC dialogueue in the background.  "But I'm afraid you're plumb out of luck.   You're maidenless. A bit player fully  divorced from the strength of runes.   Feel free to go off and die in a ditch somewhere."  So that guy's rude as hell, but he ain't wrong.   the game has just started, but you should probably  be prepared to be put straight in the dirt.   Yeah. So if you think you can beat this guy first  time, then you're a better player than I am.   Fromsoftware, I'm passing up this opportunity  to remind you what kind of game you're playing.   Luckily, there's a ruined church nearby,  and you're going to see why it's ruined   in a minute. because he can't get  in there, but he can destroy it.   Parts of the environment are destructible  now, and it has a gameplay purpose as well,   because you can actually get up there  after he destroys it. Pretty cool.   "You're a tarnished. I can see it. And I can also  see that you are not after my throat. Then why not   purchase a little something. I am Kale purveyor of  fine goods. You know, if you can spare the runes,   you should buy yourself a crafting kit. A crafting  kit allows you to make basic items on your own.   Essential, really. If you intend to  survive out here for any duration.   Goodbye. Nice to do business." So buying the  crafting kit from Kale is highly recommended.   I'm making some bone knives now from animal  bones that I found out in the world, and   that's how you craft most of the items that will  be familiar to you from Dark Souls, like firebombs   or Prism Stones. You make these things from the  materials that you farm out in the world now.   I also just equipped a spirit summon. That's  another thing I bought from Kale. Spirit   summons are items they use FP to cast, and they  summon spirit helpers. You'll see them soon.   So right there, I performed a guard counter. You  do this by blocking an attack, then following up   with R2. It does a lot of damage. It does  a ton of posture damage and allows you to   get a critical attack often. Highly  recommend getting the hang of that.   Okay, another thing I'm getting the  hang of is the range of carian Piercer.   One of the spells that the Sorcerer Knight starts  with. Sorcery's strong, It's balanced. I like it.   You see that statue on the right? That's a statue  of Marika. It's essentially another type of   checkpoint. You'll see them in difficult areas.  If I was to die in this area coming up here,   then I'll spawn back there instantly.  One thing that'll help keep you alive   is stealth. You click in the L3 button and you can  sneak around. Super important for areas like this,   because a lot of enemies here will alert nearby  enemies and it can get out of hand pretty quickly.   I'm making my way to this. This is a map fragment.   Very important. The map is just a blur without  it, so don't go past without getting this.   So, there's a reason why you're probably going  to want to stealth through this camp. That.   That horn. Most enemies here carry us,  and it alerts the entire camp to your   presence. It's for situations like this, I  think, that spirit summons were designed.   These wolves act as a distraction, allowing  me to cleave through enemies more effectively.   I'm doing some pretty good damage  here. But as soon as the wolves die and   everyone turns to face you, you kind of  realize you're hopelessly outmatched. So   spirit summons can also act as a distraction  for you to leg it, instead. Spirit summons can   be very powerful, but remember, you can only  summon them in difficult areas. Nearby, These   threads of light guide us to a third site of lost  grace. This is a really important one to visit.   Greetings. tTraveler From  beyond the fog. I am Melina.   I offer you an accord. Have you  heard of the Finger Maidens?   They serve the two fingers, offering  guidance and aid to the tarnished.   But you. I am afraid, are maidenless. I can play  the role of maiden. Turning rune fragments into   strength to aid you in your search for the Elden  Ring. You need only take me with you to the foot   of the Erdtree. Then it's settled. I bequeath to  you this ring. Use it to traverse great distances.   It will summon a spectral steed named Torrent.  Torrent has chosen you. Treat him with respect."   Now we have our mount, torrent. Who can take  us to some points of interest on the map.   I just marked three beacons. We'll head there  now. But first... mounted combat. So I could go on   for a really long time about its new  mechanics and its new control scheme.   But for now, can I just say I love it? I  think it adds so much depth to this game.   That was so much fun. My God. So make sure  you visit Melina. She also lets you level up.   "Share them with me. Your thoughts, your  ambitions, the principles you would follow."   This is Groveside cave. In my opinion, it is  perhaps the most important early game location   that you can visit. The enemies aren't too  difficult, but the rewards you get are insane.   This is the first reason we're  here. The twinblade. My weapon   of choice in this network test. You'll see why.   So that was a jumping attack. You can do jumping  R2s and jumping R1s as well. They are very good   for breaking enemy posture and also  knocking some enemies out of the air.   You can also do running R1s and running  R2s. So fire grease is one of the better   craftable items I've found. It just requires two  things. It requires root resin from the trees   and smoldering butterflies found near wildfires.  It's very good against this Bloodborne-esque boss.   So you're probably starting to  understand why I like the Twinblade.   Its default weapon art is very strong,  and it even stun locks this boss.   On the left side of the screen you can see what  weapon art is currently active. The twinblades   default art is called Spinning Slash, and it's  active because on two handing the weapon. If I   was to one hand it and have my shield in the left  hand, I would use my shields weapon art instead.   Beastman drops the Viridian Amber medallion, which  increases your maximum stamina. But that that in   the chest is why we're here. The Flask of Wondrous  Physick. So let's return to a site of grace and   check it out. Conveniently, this beam of light  will appear at the end of every dungeon, allowing   you to easily warp to the surface. Hopefully,  this frees up a little bit of design space for   Fromsoftware, allowing them to design deeper  dungeons that don't need to loop back around.   Anyway, now we have the ability to mix wondrous  physick at a site of lost grace. Here you combine   tears that you find out in the world to create a  potion with custom effects. Now we only have one   of these flasks, but you know the best bit. These  replenish when you sit at a site of lost grace.   So you'll get a ton of use out of these. Here,  I'm picking up some ruin fragments. These shards   of stone are believed to have once been a part of  a temple in the sky. These hollow enemies, digging   in the ground and wandering the lands between are  former nobles. According to an item description,   they seem to have forgotten what they were  searching for, and now wander aimlessly.   Elden ring has this unparalleled gameplay flow to  it, where you go seamlessly from the open world   into these tightly designed dungeons. This second  one, we're exploring the stormfoot catacombs.   It feels a lot like a chalice  dungeon from Bloodborne.   These heavy doors require you to go  deeper into the dungeon and unlock them.   These dungeons are full of traps and ambushes.  You're going to want to keep your shield up, but   there's some things that your shield can't really  protect you against. The stressful thing is,   you can hear the enemy chasing me. But the good  thing is, I think he gets burnt to a crisp here.   We're in this dungeon specifically to  find one of my favorite ashes of war.   An ash of war is essentially a skill that  you can assign to your weapon, shield,   catalyst, or talisman. The Twinblade has a  really good weapon, but as you can see. But   I believe there's one in here that's even  better. And it really suits the sorcerer build.   As you can probably expect, every dungeon has a  main boss at the end, and sometimes in the middle   of it. That last boss looked like it was inspired  by Bloodborne, but this one is the nightmare fuel.   Oh, yeah. So the Flask of Wondrous Physick that  we mixed does two things. First, it restores my   health, but then it also gets rid of it because  I explode. But the explosion does way more to   the enemy than it does to us. So on the left side  of the screen, there's a little symbol. It looks   like a gravestone. This lets you know that you can  summon help. And once again, these wolf boys are   a very powerful tool. Maybe too powerful. I'm not  really sure where I stand on spirits summons yet.   Bosses clearly have a lot of AoE attacks  now, and some bosses do just obliterate your   summons instantly. But the fact remains,  if you want to be at your most powerful,   it is going to almost always be a good idea to  summon your spirits when you can, because they   don't cost that much FP and they distract the  boss long enough for you to do a ton of damage.   This one didn't even die. It just dodged out of  the way all the time. I'll be interested to see   how Fromsoftware decides to balance these.  In my opinion, they should be careful about   making these too strong. But hey, that's the Dark  Souls formula, right? Like there's no easy mode,   but there are in-game ways to make your character  more powerful, and there are in-game ways   to find solutions to difficult encounters. And  that is the best way to do an easy mode. So   they are cool additions in that regard. So  anyway, what we just got is an ash of war,   which you can designate to a weapon here at the  bonfire. They're really interesting. Ashes of war   add a different weapon art or skill to your  weapon. That's what this one is. It summons   four homing missiles that stay with you even  on horseback. Look at this. This is powerful.   Maybe too powerful... You'll see  what I mean later on in the video.   But the other interesting thing about Ashes  of War is that they can also be used to easily   assign scaling to your weapon. This ash  of war, the glintsword arc. For example,   let me choose between keeping standard scaling  or intelligence scaling. Every ash of war is like   this. And the best thing about it is it lets  you be more flexible with your build. Whereas   in Dark Souls you had to go to Andre and smith  your weapon appropriately. The worst part is that   now your scaling, and your ideal scaling might be  locked behind a weapon art You don't want to use.   Hitting that total gave me one of the few frame  drops I think I've ever seen while playing this   game. I mean, you guys can see for yourselves.  It looks and plays great on PlayStation five   and roaming the open world. Man, I'm just...  The amount of content in here is staggering.   So many bosses and places and NPCs. "Ah, you must  be the new tarnished. You do well to steer clear   of Agheel lake, fledgling. A dragon roosts  there, and its fearsome as it is majestic."   Mounted combat is really fun, and it's one of  the places where I feel like sorcery shines   quite well, specifically because you can target  the horse and knock them off that way, and then   fight them with the advantage of you being on  your horse. But the really fun way to fight is   by doing jousts, and you can tell the enemy AI is  coded to engage in jousting with you. Because you   can charge attacks, The timing aspect is just  as important as your reflexes and also your   creativity while you fight. You know different  weapons have different timings and different   charge attacks, and you can use a variety of  spells, some of which knock them off. Or you   can use a bow and arrow while you ride, and even  sleep arrows to put them to sleep while they're on   horseback and win that way, there's just a lot of  flexibility and creativity in the ways you prefer   to do combat. This is a carriage that has some  really good loot at the back, if you can steal   it or take out that huge group of enemies. But for  now, we're going to go to the post town remains,   and this is where the horses  double jump really shines.   Sometimes it's surprisingly useful to get on  top of a tall structure so that you can see   everything that's below you. This lets us see  the remains of the town, and it reveals that   there is a staircase in the little room that  cannot be accessed unless you jump that direction,   or you jump over these fences. If you were  on foot, you might never have found it.   Pumpkinhead, he's aptly named, and his head  is actually completely immune to damage,   which can definitely screw you over depending on  the weapons you're using. He also make short work   of our summons, so you'll see that  summons aren't always super useful.   One thing it took me a while to remember is  that, you know, like Dark Souls shields are very,   very effective. Rolling through everything might  get you killed more often than not. Interestingly,   though, a lot of bosses now inflict a bleed  effect i've noticed, so you can't just rely   on hiding behind your shield all the time. Well,  that bleed effect is going to get out of control.   Another advantage of two handing weapons I found  is that it deals significantly more posture   damage. Posture is now this weird blend of dark  Souls, and Sekiro where it's this invisible meter   that you build up, like in Dark Souls, I guess.  But unlike Dark Souls, it builds up on them,   regardless of whether they're blocking. So,  for example, any boss that you're hitting   is probably taking posture damage. And  depending on the weapon you're using   and the nature of the attacks you're doing,  you might open them up to a critical attack.   It doesn't happen against this boss, but  it's definitely worth keeping in mind.   "Tarnished, are we? A wonder you should turn  up here." This is Sorceress Sellen, an NPC who   appears here in the network test, but I guess  it's unlikely she'll be here in the full game.   She sells a few decent sorceries, but the real  reason we're here is for that lore. And she tells   you some good stuff about Glintstone sorceries  and how it differs from sorcery in the souls   games. "Our art draws upon the powers embedded in  Glintstone, but what is the nature of such power?   Glintstone is the Ember of the cosmos. Golden  Ember contains the remnants of ancient life   and houses its vitality, while  Glintstone contains residual life   and thus the vitality of the stars. It should  not be forgotten that Glintstone sorcery is the   study of the stars and the life they're in." While  roaming this way, you might come across the Black   Knight guarding the bridge. He only appears here  at nighttime. He is also very difficult, so we'll   continue. But we have time to look at this. It's  a sort of dung beetle, a sparkling one that gives   items, and they can be found all across the  lands between. "Oi! You, you there. Could you   help us out, cully?" Make sure you visit that  grove of trees when you finally play this game.   For us now, though, it's time to breach the  storm gate and head towards Stormveil Castle.   Stormveil Castle is the first legacy  dungeon in Elden Ring. It blocks your   access to the next section of the open world,  and it's sort of like a traditional Dark Souls   dungeon in the sense that it's this big, tightly  designed space where you can't use your horse.   Breaking through here can be very  difficult if you take the time to fight,   and even if you take the time to loot, it can  quickly become a really epic, a chase sequence.   There are so many curiosities and points  of interest hidden around the place.   You'll miss a lot if you just follow the main  path. This isn't really an open world, like Ghost   of Tsushima or The Witcher or Skyrim, where it's  a lot of really vast distance for the sake of it   feeling vast and making the world feel huge. So  far, I'm impressed with how densely populated the   area is with intriguing things like these One-Eyed  snake statues and the evergaol that they guard.   Foolishly, I think I forgot to sit at a Grace  before I fought Bloodhound Knight T Darriwil   and I'm low on crimson tears. And I'm very low  on FP. And FP is kind of what I'm relying on to   do most of my damage with. Since I haven't  taken the time to upgrade my weapon.   Interestingly, this is a boss fight where you  can't use spirit summons, so there are going to be   boss fights where you can't use that as a crutch.  Not that I could summon them anyway, with no FP.   Feeling a bit desperate, I decide to play this  really, really defensively as I have basically   no health left. But he is doing only physical  damage. The thing I forget is that he's also doing   bleeding damage. Of course, when you die, your  runes are left behind and your point of death.   They even show up on the compass, which  helps you to find your way back to them,   as are in the evergaol with the bloodhound. I  wonder why he's locked away in here. Luckily,   we can choose to respawn at a statue of Marika. At  first I thought I would be against these, but when   you realize how vast the open world is and how  tedious it would be to ride back to everything,   they are a nice convenience to have sometimes.  This time we go in with full FP and I can show   you why Glintstone Arch is such a good weapon art.  Yeah. So weapon arts or skills or Ashes of War,   whatever you call them. They're powerful.  Especially the magical ones. And especially   when you consider that they get more powerful when  you upgrade your weapon. And I haven't upgraded   my weapon yet. You can get weapons to +3 in this  beta. Weapon arts need to be powerful if they're   going to be used by players. I feel like a lot  of the weapon arts in Dark Souls three and Sekiro   just weren't used because they weren't powerful.  It's a difficult line for FromSoftware to walk.   If I had to give one recommendation, it's  that Weapon arts should cost a lot more FP.   That way, they're still powerful and people will  use them. But there is a drawback right now why   would I use sorcery or faith If a weapon art can  do the same thing? and a weapon art doesn't even   require me to invest stats into it necessarily.  But I'm curious to hear what you guys think.   According to the Elden Ring Twitter, long  ago, in the time before, the shattering   wolves dared not roam the lands between, but now  they're everywhere, apparently appearing out of   gusts of wind. There is a lot of lore  in the network test, but the thing is,   I think enemy drops have been tweaked so that  they don't drop, you know, their related items   and weapons and equipment. So there is a lot  of lore in the network test in the items, but   getting lore for a specific enemy has proven quite  difficult. You might have noticed. Now, sitting at   this grace, there's a new option that says about  Grace. With this, you can ask Melina a little bit   more about graces and sometimes a little bit more  about herself. "Me, I'm searching for my purpose   given to me by my mother inside the Erdtree  long ago, for the reason that I yet live   burned and bodiless. There is something for which  I must apologize. I've acted the finger maiden   yet can offer no guidance.  I am no maiden. my purpose,   Was long ago lost" when nearing the end of  Elden Rings first open world and the start of   its legacy dungeon marking, this transition  is our first mandatory boss. The difficulty   of this boss is what drove me to create such a  powerful character this time. "Foul tarnished,   In search of the Elden Ring.  Emboldened by the flame of ambition.   Someone must extinguish thy flame  Let it be Margit, The Fell."   Margit, the Fell is tough. He has a lot of  attacks that come out at a moment's notice.   And a lot of gap closes that can  catch you while you're trying to heal.   When I finally beat him for the first time,  it was with way weaker greatsword build and   no summons. The only way I could manage it was  by delaying his second phase as much as possible,   and making sure I broke his posture  within it. Have a look. Well, thou'rt   of passing skill. warrior blood must  truly run in thy veins, tarnished.   I shall remember thee, tarnished.  Smouldering with thy meagre flame.   Cower in fear of the night. The hands of  the Fell Omen shall brook thee no quarter"   That's the end of this first preview. But  there's a lot more Elden Ring content to come,   so subscribe for that. But beyond that,  there's a lot more content in this test   that we weren't allowed to access, so that's  something to get truly excited about. Thank you   to FromSoftware and Namco for helping me get  access to this. And thank you for watching.
Channel: VaatiVidya
Views: 4,206,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark souls, bloodborne, sekiro, elden ring, from software, demon's souls, demi human boc, merchant kale, bloody finger hunter yura, sorceress seleen, gatekeeper gostoc, limgrave, open world, network test, beta, early access, preview, trailer, bandai namco, queen marika, melina, malenia, church of elleh, groveside cave, stormfoot cave, stormveil castle, legacy dungeon, twinblade, flask of wondrous physick, grace, torrent, map fragment, margit the fell omen, bloodhound knight darriwil
Id: R9DWTt37khU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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