A Lap Around VIRginia International Raceway

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[Music] hi I'm Zachary Robichaud driver of the number nine faff Porsche and here's a lap around vir all rights are coming down here start/finish line nice hard breaking into the first turn use those visual reference markers on the left-hand side got a cheat the car in here into the apex and try to roll on the throttle nice and easy hard to see the exit through here so you really got to trust the track know where you're going into coming into turn three at fast corner just a short little downshift try to get the car into the apex but use all the road on the exit slow section here getting ready get the car all the way over the left back over to the right and then setting up for the s is really important to get a good exit out of here because this is your speed and all up through the esses see here using all the curbs nice fast portion here yes is flat in our car so you're just looking to be as smooth as possible use the kerb but don't want to use too much to upset the balance of the car as you're coming through this right-hander you got to start thinking about turn ten flick left hander you see here fighting the car a little bit but all that track on the exit and using it as much as you can coming into what used to be oak tree but there's no more tree a little bit of a difficult corner because no visual references and it seems like it takes forever so it kind of never ends but the exit there of course leads us onto our back straight through here you're thinking about rollercoaster because you got to get your braking right it's kind of tests you're very very here so you got to be calm get your eyes up you see use those brake reference markers as they're coming break deep here get that car use a little bit of the curve you see will be fighting the car a little bit through here coming down the hill a little bit less traction because of that and then finally into hog spend another corner where you gonna use all that curve and fight the cars probably a little bit too much that time but that's alright and that's a complete lap around vir you
Channel: IMSA Official
Views: 15,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IMSA, International Motor Sports Association, Porsche, WeatherTech Championship, VIR, VIRginia International Raceway, Zacharie Robichon
Id: aTlX3rdI0to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 59sec (119 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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