A Knight's Tale : Edward, The Black Prince of Wales

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Colville is Edward the black prince of Wales and Future King of England oh he's in Disguise like me so you can compete he has never met an enemy without victory he has never attacked a town he could not defeat we're English Jeff we know who he is you must withdraw will go tell him to they're about to drop the phone absolutely give me the Lance [Music] [Music] all right oh my kitty aunt [Music] [Applause] as you imagine knowing the endangered remember the Royal Family he knowingly endangers himself so little Rick as it wasn't Rua and you also Prince Edward you knew me still you rode it's not in me to withdraw know me well it happens yes it does good luck with the tournament and you also [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what a pair will you make both trying to hide Who We Are both unable to do so your men love you if I knew nothing else about you that would be enough but you also tilt when you should withdraw and that is nightly too release him you may appear to be of humble Origins but my personal historians have discovered that he is descendant from an ancient Royal Line is my word and as such is beyond contestation if I may repay the kindness you once showed me take a knee by the power vested in me by my father King Edward and by all the witnesses here I dump thee Sir William [Music] thank you [Applause] arise Sir William can you joust a tournament to finish now are you fit to compete or child a forfeit stand I shall have your opponent informed of it for his shield on the lists at once [Applause]
Channel: GMG_86
Views: 1,781,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmg_86, A Knight's Tale
Id: A_BN__oO7nA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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