Hacksaw Ridge (2016) - Saving last survivors [1080p]

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[Dramatic intro music] [Instrumental music] [Fire crackling] [Japanese shouting] [Heavy breathing] Doss: Hey.hey Howell: Get in here! There is nips [Japanese] everywhere! [Grunt] Howell: Son of a bitch Howell: Private Cornstalk, you're nothing but full of surprises Doss: Want some morphine? Howell: Hell yes, that or a bullet Doss: There Doss: There you go [Heavy breathing] Doss: Alright Doss: Lemme see Doss: Lemme see Doss: Okay not bad Doss: Let me see Doss: It looks much worse than it is. Them girls still won't kiss you [Laughing] Doss: Sarge! Doss: You okay here for a while? Howell: Yeah i'm fine, get outta here Doss: I'm coming back [Doss to Hollywood]: You ready? Hollywood:Yeah [Grunts in pain] [Intrumental music] [Moves in pain] [Sniper shot] [Sniper shot] [Multiple sniper shots] [Gun shot] [Howell in pain] Howell: You're like gum on a shoe ain't ya? Doss: Give me this Howell: It's a bit late for target practicing now Howell: Don't you think? Doss:Jump on it Howell: You're kidding Doss: Gonna drag ya [Japanese in the background] [Japanese speaking] Howell: LET'S DO IT! [Grunts in pain] Doss: Ready? Howell: Yeah! Doss: Let's go! Howell:We got company [Japs]! [Howell is firing his M3 submachine gun] [Doss grunting] Doss: Arms up! Howell: You gotta be kidding me Cornstalk Doss: We tying a bowline, not building a bra! Doss: Come on! [Grunting in pain] Doss: Ready? Howell:Uh huh Doss:Get off! [Doss screaming from the extreme rope burn] [Japanese spotting Doss] Howell: Put me down! Soldier: Yes Sarge Captain: Sgt. Howell! Howell: Doss is still up there! Captain:What the hell? Howell: He's got Japs on his tail! [Glorious music] [Japanese feeling the full might of America] [Japanese soldier falling to his death]: AHHHH [Japanese soldier falling to his death]: AHHHHG [Medic soldiers in background]: That's good [Medic soldiers in background]: Okay, got him Soldiers:Hey it's okay Doss Soldiers: It's alright, you're safe [Doss faintly]: Okay Captain: Desmond Soldiers:Easy Captain: Are you wounded? [Doss in distress]: No Captain: Let's get this soldier to a hospital tent right now Captain: Come on, easy now Soldiers: Hey easy boys
Channel: Kimer Lorens
Views: 45,793,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hd, 1080, 1080p, 2016, movie, scene, clip, moment, full, epic, best, hacksaw, ridge, mel, gibson, oscar nominated, andrew, garfield, perfomance, saving last, one, sergant, rescue, i'll drag you, it's over, over, day end, retreating, saving, people, soldier, last one, final, run
Id: r8Tr2KLGzb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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