GHOST ARMY* Summoned to Fight- Lord of the Rings

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our enemy is ready his full strengths gathered but only orcs as well legions of herodin from the south [Music] you will not be our end but his you right to war but not to victory sauron's armies march on minister this you know but in secret he sends another force which will attack from the river a fleet of corsair ships sails from the south they'll be in the city in two days you're outnumbered you need more men there are none there are those who dwell in the mountain murderers traitors you will call upon them to fight they believe in nothing they answer to no one they will answer to the king of gondor the flame of the west forged from the shards of nazi the blade that was broken shall return where's he going lord aragon [Music] one who will have your allegiance the dead do not suffer the living to pass you will suffer me the way is shut now you must die i summon you to fulfill your oath none but the king of god that line was broken um fight for us and regain your honor [Music] miami do there fight for me and i will hold your oaths [Music] fulfilled [Music] stun your treasures [Music] we fight you may go no further you will not enter gondo who are you to deny us passage legolas fire a warning shot past the person's ear injury [Music] as usual there's nice work here needs to do it come on you see rex get off your ships [Music] uh oh my gosh [Music] release us bad idea very handy in a tight spot these lads despite the fact that dead you gave us your word i hold your oath fulfilled go be at peace you
Channel: BOSS Productions
Views: 9,335,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minas tirith, Corsair ships, Aragorn, Army of the dead, Lord of the rings, Pelennor fields, Gothmog, Dunharrow, Oathbreakers, Corsair, Ghost army, Gimli, Legolas, Narsil, Anduril, Flame of the west, Lord of the Rings, Elrond, You will suffer me
Id: TjzQ8VXqJ6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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