A Horse Called Hope (2021) | Full Movie | Francine Locke | Ken Arnold | Taylor Lyons

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] don't worry mayor i'll take good care of him once i get him working in the field he'll be in good shape i know you will just doesn't make it any easier to see them leave home you still have that show pony i do well if you need any help with them you let me know i'll send james over when i can and he'll keep an eye on him he's not doing too good got the vet out again he's kind of colicky hasn't been eaten i don't know what else to do it's a shame i know how you love these horses yeah well you take good care of them for me okay [Music] i understand yes monday okay that sounds great all right we'll see you then okay thanks bye lizzy if you need us all you have to do is call lizzy lizzy are you insane your mother was talking to you lizzy this visit is gonna be good for you whatever you're still abandoning me that's not true no no you'll get some fresh air clear your head spend time with grandma and the horses okay lizzy if we could stay with you we would but we have to work yeah you know it really sucks being kicked out of your own house for christmas i know sweetie i know but you'll be all right i'm very happy you made it let me see this face do i recognize it yeah thanks mom it's hard getting out of the city i know so how are you you look lovely oh thank you how's business it's good busy busy's good so where's my granddaughter she won't get out of the car until we leave really um on you i have no idea it's been rough hey want to come out and say hi to your grandma hi see what i mean ah well strong-willed moody i wonder where she gets it from it's called being a teenager she'll be fine no i hope this time away will be good for her i'm sure it will and it'll be nice to have somebody here living with me too so can i get you a cup of coffee fix your snack before you hit the road oh we have contracts we have to get in first thing in the morning that's a really long drive we wish we could though yeah i understand we'll see you later oh good to see you so good to see you if she gives you any trouble let me know i'll come pick her up if i have to i'm sure she's going to be just fine now you guys drive safe miss you hey [Music] you want something to eat no something to drink how about we go for a hike i hate nature i'm just gonna go to my room you want help on packing i'm fine your bags are in your room this is a horrible picture of me i love this picture you stupid okay let's go for a walk now [Music] didn't you guys used to have a lot of horses here yeah me and your grandpa used to have seven do you miss him what's your grandfather yeah of course i do what do you remember about him he'd give me a dollar every time i'd visit figures [Music] why don't we go take a look [Music] [Music] where are they keep going she's so cute something wrong with her he's very sick he's got colic and i had the vet out to look at him but he hasn't been eating anything at all and i don't know what else to do with him i don't have the time to sit here and just be with them all day i've tried everything i know what about the rest of them um i um i couldn't take care of them anymore so you just gave them away no lizzy it's not as easy as that it's not important not important i knew exactly how they felt nobody wants me either you are wanted and you're very much loved what's this one's name he doesn't have a bar name yet i couldn't come up with a name that i thought would fit so i thought that you might want to name him seriously yeah but you have to take care of them that's the deal you name them you take care of them i don't know anything about taking care of a horse what raising horses is in your blood he'll come to you i've never done it before but he is very sick and he needs a friend right now and frankly i think that he could use one too what do you say i don't know horace has to really really trust you and um you can't force it and for some reason this is my last one and i have not been able to contact with him so i just want you to try what do you say you got a deal hmm okay deal [Music] poor thing [Music] hey brought you some fresh towels thanks your mom got me that did you know that cool you know i love the snow i wish it snowed more here what about you if you could do anything you wanted no restrictions what do you want to do with your life i don't know i guess i guess i'd want to be somebody important and do something good like helping people i guess i just don't want to be obsessed with my job like my parents are hmm yeah it's whatever okay well i'll leave you be now you can get bored you want to read a book your grandfather's got some down the hall he used to read everything how about grilled cheese sandwich and some tomato soup sure okay [Music] [Music] wow [Music] well now what's beating you can't find any of those stupid horse books anywhere there's a white trunk in my room i bet you they're in there hopefully we give them away [Music] nope [Music] [Music] finally [Music] wow [Music] whoa where are you going i'm gonna go be in the barn do you have any carrots this book says horses like carrots what about dinner i gotta go well we eat at six don't be late okay [Music] hey boy look what i brought ya [Music] [Music] come on try it you gotta eat something babe come on [Music] why won't you eat hey there hi how's my horse doing good um he's liking his new home dad said we're gonna start training them tomorrow oh that's great yeah how's everything else at home pretty good it's uh just busy there's a lot of people coming over for christmas that should be nice yeah it's just hectic what not a fan no i like it nice and quiet i get a lot more work done that way did you get my little project finished thank you oh my gosh perfect absolutely perfect thank you cool smells good by the way well we'll have to sit down and have some dinner no no no i i can't i didn't expect you to make dinner for me just come on i told lizzy dinner was at six and it is it is almost 6 30 so let's eat your heavenly father thank you for this food for wonderful neighbors for this day for my granddaughter and help us to use this food to nourish our bodies amen amen so lizzy staying for christmas mm-hmm your parents have to work real estate is a tough business we got a couple of really big deals closing at the end of the year oh lizzy this is james james my granddaughter lizzy hi is that my dinner um my said dinner was at 6 and it's 6 30 now so what am i supposed to do starve no i'm sure that there's more carrots in the fridge [Laughter] i sure probably go don't worry about it james she's gonna be fine she's just a little bit frustrated right now will i see you tomorrow tomorrow yeah i think that she's gonna need a little bit of help with that pony i mean yeah yeah i'll have to uh check with dad if he needs me to work on the farm but sure you tell phil i said he works you too hard oh that reminds me i promised not helping uh set up the tree i gotta go okay thanks for dinner thank you [Music] none of these stupid books are telling me anything about taking care of a horse how am i supposed to know what i'm doing you told me to take care of him let's go inside i'll make you something to eat not until i figure out how to feed him why don't we give him a blanket and we'll get you warmed up how am i supposed to know what i'm supposed to do you told me to take care of him i don't know anything about taking care of his stupid horse it's enough okay inside the house dinnertime fine this is for you what is it open it i had a friend of mine make you something the boy who ate my dinner [Music] a horse not just a horse he was my horse and his name was hercules hercules yeah and he was the best show jumper around did you give him a way to i have to go check on the pony [Music] lunch at noon [Music] grandma i've got a name for him for the pony hope hope yeah that sounds good it fits [Music] i know you know why my parents sent me here [Music] but i'm not a bad kid [Music] i know you're not i didn't mean for it to happen [Music] i just got so tired of everything then everything got bad why don't you show them you can do something good what do you mean let them know they can trust you see the good in you do you think i could do that with hope maybe [Music] thanks for this yeah [Music] once you clean out the stall it gets a little bit cold and wet nighttime okay [Music] we're gonna be all nice and warm tonight aren't you [Music] good boy you're actually eating it [Music] yeah good boy [Music] i can't believe we're actually eating it [Music] good job boy [Music] i'm gonna get stronger in no time oh he hasn't eaten in days i've got to see this to believe it man that thing's heavy yeah it's heavy this is a farm let's go show me your stuff all right hey there you go now he's been eating hay and carrots all night haven't you boy i don't believe this you're amazing all right i'm gonna go make breakfast okay be up in ten okay would you pick up the meal in a while please sure good boy [Music] [Music] so [Music] perfect timing breakfast is ready you're gonna lose the ranch what this letter says the bank's gonna take the ranch from you you open my mail so it's true then you shouldn't open other people's mails you knew this was gonna happen didn't you all the money how much a lot that is none of your business how did this even happen ever since your grandfather died i have had to run this place on my own putting my horses in shows winning some money i've gone through my savings all just to try and make ends meet you have no idea what it cost to keep a place like this running it would have been so bad but last couple of years some early frost some of the neighbors just about lost everything don had a stroke and eileen she broke her hip so i finally took out a loan on the property to help them out why would you do that if you didn't even have money for yourself these people are like family to me ever since your grandfather died they have been there for me checking in on me taking care of me and fixing things up around the ranch and what about the horses i had to sell them to stay current with loan just like that you sold them i did what i had to so you're just gonna let the bank take the branch from you yes can't those neighbors help you can't mom and dad help you at least there's gotta be a way grandma i won't ask your parents and i can't ask the neighbors they're still struggling trying to keep their own heads above water i don't understand the thing is nobody knows these farms like the people that are already farming the land but what really boils my bones are those vultures the bankers and the developers are just sitting around waiting for a late payment so they can snatch up the property and knock down the barns get rid of all the animals [Music] put up a subdivision and that's what they want to do to my ranch [Music] charles would be heartbroken so you're just going to give up no that pony was my last hope i was going to train him for show jumping win some competitions sell him and get back on top of things again and now he's too weak and i'm too tired i don't have any more time so that's it then [Music] we have this last christmas together you and me and i'm glad to spend it here with you [Music] there was nobody at the house so uh i figured i'd come down here what do you want well uh mary said you might need my help did she yeah i know a lot about horses well i got hope eating again so i don't need you leave look i'm sorry i ate your dinner you know it's hard to say no to your grandma she asked me to eat with her all right she's like a family friend you're friends with my grandma yeah we've been neighbors since i was born she's pretty much family to us did my grandma give your family money yeah last year after the bad frost why then why don't you guys just pay her back what my grandma doesn't have enough money to keep this place going and your family owes her money so if you guys don't pay her back she's gonna lose this place i swear i didn't know if my family could afford that to help her we would but i know we don't have that kind of money so my grandma's just gonna lose everything and everyone while you guys just watch i'm sorry i don't know what to do just leave [Music] wait do anything about training horses for show jumping i mean me and my brother used to ride in competitions when i was younger well yeah go with me [Music] i don't want this meal as christmas here grandma oh lizzy i have sweethearts you can't lose this ranch what else am i gonna do you have hope hope yes i'm too tired and i don't have the time to train a horse well i'm here now and and i'm going to train him for show jumping and we will win you the money to save the ranch sweetheart you don't know how to train a horse for show jumping with james and a little help from you i will you're you're serious you really want to do this it takes a lot of time and a lot of patience i know and i do want to do this and you know how stubborn i am yeah what have we got to lose awesome come on what [Music] grandma's in look at this place there's no tree there's no lights there's no garland this place looks horrible for christmas you need to go home get as many spare decorations as you can visit other farms if you have to and ask them for some too go now you better do it like she says and hurry up hope's training starts now i'm gonna go change my shirt [Music] okay the first thing you're gonna have hope do is walk over these poles now he's gotta walk over them he's gonna be a little bit hesitant but that's your job after that you will run over it and he will drop behind you after a while he'll actually like to do it so it's going to work on his confidence his gait and his rhythm it's really important for him to develop that okay all right what else over here what happens here is these two poles get put in the cups on either side it's called an x why don't you hold them for a minute someone goes in this cup one in the other cup any pony can jump this but you gotta wait until hope gets stronger to handle the fences okay how long do you think it'll take him to do that when he's ready but you can't push him i don't want him or you to get hurt i'd never hurt hope i know you wouldn't hurt him you just have to be careful i know my parents think i'm a total screw-up that doesn't care about anything or anybody but i'm in this grandma i'm not gonna screw it up i know i can do this i believe you can ready to get started yeah come on come on [Music] what do you got for us this is all the stuff my parents aren't using your leftovers well it's all still good stuff here let's take a look what do you think good enough i guess go ahead and take it on up to the house and come back out and help me with hope we'll back in later grandma come on oh that girl oh i guess i've got my work cut out for me this afternoon i haven't put up decorations in a long time how come kind of lost the enthusiasm once charles died i mean you don't have to decorate if you don't want to no it's for lizzy yeah how come uh her parents brought her here just getting in a little bit of trouble at home she doesn't seem that bad to me well i don't think she is why don't you go help her wanna take this up to the house maybe even take a little nap [Music] he worked really hard today yeah it's getting a lot stronger too yeah i think i'm gonna have him run the x's tomorrow when did you find out you were coming here to your grandma's a couple days ago do you like it here i mean it like must be so different than the city yeah do you feel different out here what do you mean out in the country like does it make you feel different i mean mary told me that your parents brought you here because of something bad you did and i don't know you don't seem so bad to me why not i don't know i guess i just don't believe it well you should you don't know me so don't act like you do what'd you do i got in trouble with a couple of my friends it was an accident stupid i had a couple of drinks and we all fell asleep the curtains must have caught on fire because i woke up to flames and screaming was anybody hurt we were all rushed to the hospital because of all the smoke we were breathing in it was pretty bad your parents must have freaked yeah what about your house it's fine the firefighters got there in time so only the living room was ruined wow yeah so that's why they brought you here they're never gonna trust me again but it was just an accident yeah it was but they're also mad at me for my grades oh are you doing bad in school yeah i got suspended hmm why i skipped too much but my parents didn't notice until the principal called to tell them that i got suspended i've never even had a detention well good for you my parents had me on lockdown for a week after i was suspended that's when the fire happened so that's why they brought you here it was stupid i get that but i'm not a bad kid and i hate that i think i am they're never gonna trust me again they always look so sad when they look at me now you can't be all that bad hope still trusts you yeah i know that's why i can't let him down [Music] you need this for me yeah it was a gift for you your grandma asked me to [Music] thanks [Music] wow what do you think looks great i was hoping to surprise you i forgot what a chore this was a lot of hard work it's been a lot of years since i did all this christmas decorating i like being here for christmas i like having you here for christmas hope's training is going really well yup i think you're doing a great job with him thanks okay i think that's about it could you help me with this box over here sure [Music] this place is starting to look pretty incredible it is you know when your dad was little grandpa charles used to decorate for every holiday every single room in this ranch and then he got sick and he became more of a chore so i kind of stopped how long has it been since he passed it's been eight years time flies do you think about him a lot sometimes i do mother time's not as much i tell you when he died i sure was mad at god at first but not anymore no i forgave him besides i know i'm gonna see charles again one day and i've got so much to be grateful for right here grandma i'm not gonna be able to give you a present for christmas this year that's okay sweetie i was in such a bad mood when i left i didn't think about getting anything for anybody i tell you what you get hope fit and healthy and that will be the best christmas present you could give me okay okay [Music] amen well i'm pooped i couldn't pick up another ornament thanks for your help today yeah oh fun you must be tired too i don't know who's working hard or you were hope oh no it's so much fun for me i love him so have you heard from your parents lately have you called them no why not i don't see the point have they tried to call you i don't know i haven't checked my phone because it's been off what if they're trying to get a hold of you i don't want to talk to them besides they dumped me here for christmas anyway so they don't have to talk to me that's not true then why because they were worried about you whatever you know lizzy if you can handle raising a horse i think you can handle a phone call can i go now [Music] hey boy i missed you too all right let's get you out and do some training today [Music] did you have a good night's sleep hope [Music] i'm hoping you at least did seems like you did [Music] grandma's mad at me for me not wanting to call my parents last night i don't see why i should i've got nothing to say to them [Music] hey not cool did you know your mom and dad hope but they were great show jumpers [Music] and i bet grandma knew them she trained them into something great [Music] you can trust me hope you're going to be something great too [Music] all right here's your [Music] carrot memory that fights to take me under every obstacle that stands against my way every heart that learns to breathe a hard reality needs to believe [Music] one more time [Music] if i dare to put one foot in front of the other if i speak the words that i cannot yet see [Music] so please believe cause i need this thing to happen need to know it's true [Music] it's really great today hope and i think when i first got here you could barely walk you're gonna save grandma's ranch [Music] hey mary hey james brought more christmas decorations careful thank you want me to just leave him here that's a good place what are you making christmas chocolate pecan pie yum is it um is it hard to make pies not too hard oh are you gonna ask me where lizzy is what what no i was just bringing uh more decorations just in case you're curious she may be in the barn oh i should have known she'd be with hope mm-hmm dinner's at 6. yeah uh what are we eating james you came here to see lizzy right go see her don't be late [Music] hey lizzy shh he's resting another hard day of training [Music] i could get used to this you mean the ranch i've lived on a farm my whole life really yeah i want to go to college in the city but dad won't let me go why not well he wants me to help run the farm and you don't want to not really but uh i don't really have a choice i'm the only one left at home oh you're an only kid too no no my uh older sister samantha about two years ago she eloped with some guy from california and uh they ran off together so she doesn't talk to us anymore uh-huh then my brother zach joined the navy i want to go visit him but you can't no we don't have that kind of money so dad wants me to help take over the farm well if you could go to school what would you study my mom always says that i'd do great at an art school really art yeah she thinks i've got talent but uh i'm not so sure no you do have talent you made me that horse it was beautiful nah that that's that's easy besides that's not real art i mean i can't like draw or paint that well or anything well i think it's real art yeah you know i've got like probably about 100 more of those at home you should really start showing people those i know they think it's art too you should definitely look into selling them you think so yeah i'll think about it i just love this view yeah [Music] hey i need to see how hope's doing i just put him up i need to see how he is progressing now but he's resting let's go i know you worked hard you still got more work to do i may have to put hope on the training circuit sooner than i thought i'm not gonna rush him let's get him out is everything okay i don't know i got a call from the bank and i just have to see how he's doing okay yeah good boy [Music] see how strong he's gotten yeah you're looking great he's looking great yeah he's not sick at all anymore are you boy i need to sam tackle that fence i don't want to rush him lizzy if you want me to keep the ranch he's got to be able to handle that yeah don't worry lizzy that's what all this training has been for [Music] okay boy this is it [Music] good job good job boy you did it good job you've done such a great job with him i couldn't have done better myself really yeah seriously so what happens now you keep training him he's not quite ready to compete and in the meantime i'm going to start looking up some show-jumping competitions to enter him into the beginning of the year he's not too young no he's just going to be competing against other ponies his age she'll be fine good [Music] i want to stay here till he's done with training here on the ranch yeah i would love that [Music] hope you're both hungry i know i am lizzy there's a woman with a group of people down at the barn [Music] what are you doing here this is private property if you'd like to take a step inside go ahead on in mrs evans i don't know if you remember me i'm aaron cooper yeah from the bank yes who are those people what are you doing here they're here to see the ranch what for we are choosing a realtor to list the property what mrs evans the bank has been more than fair you haven't made a payment in six months i had some unexpected expenses but i'm i'm working on rebuilding right now i have a show pony this ranch is the only reason that the bank gave you this loan of this magnitude in the first place i'm sorry that you're having personal difficulties okay so now what now the bank sets out to search for a new owner for the ranch and its surrounding land you can't do that this is my ranch it's my home we can and we are you signed a note you're six months delinquent the bank is merely trying to get back its investment i'm sorry it's just business business no this is my life you were warned that failure to pay would result in loss of property i just need a little bit more time to get him into competition and get him trained and then i will be current on on the loan payments there is no more time but the show season starts in a month if you can begin to make payments for the debt that you owe in a matter that will satisfy the bank you'll get more time to get current on your loan in what manner would that be a slight bump to 3 500 a month okay okay your next payment's on the 24th of december that's in a few days i know on christmas eve the bank is open till one o'clock look it's simple make the payments or we foreclose [Music] who were they it was a banker with a bunch of realtors what were they doing here they came to look at the ranch she wants me to make a payment by monday i think it's over no you said i had enough time to finish training hope i thought i'd have at least a couple more months they have to give you more time hope's almost ready they don't care about that they want 3 500 on christmas eve then just give them the money pay them i don't have that much money this is stupid what if there was a horse show between now and then we could win the money by monday there's no shows until the new year so what are you gonna do just give up and sit back and watch them take the ranch from you what else can i do i'm not gonna lose this rant i refuse to let that happen lizzy please go see if she's okay [Music] [Music] are you all right lizzy would you just leave me alone i wish i never came to this place hey it's gonna be okay don't say that it's gonna be okay nothing is gonna be okay all this is gonna be gone and it's partly your family's fault your pathetic poor family no wonder your stupid siblings left i just want to leave this place would you think about someone else for a change what all you care about is yourself how do you think mary feels how do you think i feel okay yeah i know my family is partly responsible i can't help that i wish i could you don't even realize how mean you're being we were becoming good friends you were finally starting to get along with your grandma and now because of because of your temper you're ruining everything i was happy here i was bringing hope back to life and saving this rant but now now what now that your plan to redeem yourself is over what are you gonna do your grandma is in there right now alone she's having to deal with this by herself because you're in here [Music] just go be with her just go home james i never want to see you again i'm gone lizzy [Music] james i'm sorry i can't stay for dinner mary how's lizzy [Music] lizzy are you back there [Music] i'm so sorry [Music] what's gonna happen to hope i don't know i just don't know you're gonna get rid of him aren't you you don't understand it's not that simple this ranch and these horses have been my whole life and when your grandpa died i had to make some really hard decisions i don't regret it i'd still do it all over again how can you say that it cost you everything it cost me a lot but i helped some very dear friends save their farms and it's only money yeah but you ended up screwing yourself over and all of your horses including hope no i took care of my horses and i'll take care of hope if i have to find him a home i will you mean sell him maybe but i don't want you to i don't want anybody else to have him i don't have too many options left lizzie what else am i supposed to do i can't lose him it's not the end of the world life goes on whatever i'm going inside now i don't care where you go a lot of things to think about a lot of decisions to be made come inside when you're ready [Music] [Music] yeah everything no no it's all for sale whatever you want oh you're helping me out mm-hmm so this afternoon that would be great first come first serve give beth and mike a call too for me all right appreciate it thanks [Music] [Music] do [Music] grandma grandma grandma i know what to do i know how to save the ranch i'm already making them no grandma listen to me you have to trust me what is it come on follow me we don't have any time to lose what are you doing i am calling my parents what for i don't want you to involve them we're gonna either help if this is gonna work if what's going to work it's ringing hey mom it's me you and dad get to grandma's ranch as soon as possible i'll explain it when you get here all right bye okay let's go downstairs bring your phone lizzy just stop you've got tell me what is going on in that brain of yours call every person that you know and call in every favor that you can what for we're gonna turn the range to a christmas market a christmas market yes call all the farms that you saves and have them bring vegetables fruits food drinks crafts anything and everything what if they can't you saved them grandma and now you need their help they owe you a christmas market yes we'll have the tables all set up in the barn with the merchandise we'll have christmas music playing and hopefully will be one of the attractions i don't think something like that will work trust me grandma it will you really believe it i do now get calling we need as much help as we can get everybody yes okay i don't need you over my shoulder go okay [Music] lizzy are you all right you guys came we kept trying to call you back but you didn't pick up and your grandmother's not answering what's going on are you okay i'm sorry my phone was off and then out of the blue you tell us to get here as quickly as you can you've got us really worried lizzy i'm gonna save grandma's ranch save it did you guys know grandma was in a lot of debt yeah well you shouldn't know that well we need to raise 3 500 or else the bank's gonna take the ranch from her lizzy where's your grandmother she's in the house probably making phone calls all right i i i've got to go talk to her i just need you guys to help me out here what do you need i have some more of these tables in the back of the house so we just need to bring him out here to the barn and set him up but we need to move fast okay come on let's go okay charlie that's great thank you all right i'll see you tomorrow then bright and early okay merry christmas what's going on mom are you really in that much trouble apparently i am a lady from the bank came by and has given me until christmas eve to come up with a very inflated loan payment you should have asked me if you needed help i don't want you to lose this place david you and susan have enough problems of your own wasn't going to burden you with this too besides all things happen for a reason there's got to be something we can do lizzy's doing something what'd she do now apparently she's saving the ranch um she's a 16 year old girl how's she gonna be able to do that she's smart and she's very creative and so determined i'm listening to her now go i've got things to do um all right but what do you need me to do go see lizzy i'm sure she's got a list for you too she's in charge yes she's in charge she wants to be trusted with this do you do you trust her she really cares about this place give her a chance to show it rhoda hi it's mary listen something has come up and well i've got a big favor to ask you i'd really like it if you and dad would stay for market tomorrow lizzy we have to work figures i'll call into the office and we have to ask your grandma if it's okay she won't mind you really think this is gonna work yeah it's gonna be a beautiful market mom what are we selling whatever people bring us i think it should be coming in any minute now well what else do we have to do to set up for tomorrow i can't think of anything right now so i think we're good but i'll let you know if anything comes up okay sounds great oh my goodness [Music] it's beautiful [Music] thank you you're welcome hi lizzy hey thank you all of this is from the mcdougalls part of that money from alone and save their ranch and it's all a gift that's so amazing i know well where did we put them oh that's the boss hey mom dad can you come help us put some of these over there we're gonna be selling them for tomorrow morning are they gonna be okay overnight yeah they should be fine the barn gets really cold at night so they'll be good especially how do you know that let me stay there overnight you let lizzy sleep in the barn i may have how come you wouldn't when i was a kid he's pretty special [Music] hey hey thanks for coming back yeah mary asked me to she did yeah i'm sorry for yelling at you you have an anger problem i might so uh are you guys setting up for market day here yeah did mary tell you yeah she asked me to bring some things to sell too oh can i see only if you promise not to start screaming crying or uh hitting me okay okay i'm sorry i had to wow you think these are good enough to sell they're perfect thank you are you sure you want to sell them i want to save this ranch just as much as you do oh do you know anybody who has a santa costume yeah i think i just might awesome i'll need it tomorrow morning can't do all right let's start setting these up [Music] and hope here is going to be the center attraction do we have enough are we going to be able to make enough money yeah i think so i called in all the favors i could all we can do now is just wait i think it looks beautiful honey thanks mom you guys can have my bed tonight if you want where are you gonna sleep i'm gonna take the sofa besides i got a lot of stuff to think about so i probably won't be getting much sleep anyway you know what i'm really proud of you but let's see how tomorrow goes first [Music] happy market day lizzy what what time is it what is this is this a joke lizzy who is this oh i'm i'm james we haven't officially met yet nice to meet you both nice to meet you pleasure this is perfect what's that for it's for you to wear dad you're kidding right no i'm not we're gonna be taking pictures at market of kids and families with santa and hope it'll be santa anna's pony i came up with the idea yesterday i love it it's a great idea but santa doesn't have a pony well ours will but i'm not fat enough to be santa am i close enough oh whoa whoa oh mom i'm gonna need to be in charge of all the money stuff okay i'm gonna go downstairs and start helping out grandma setting up everything so you guys hurry up and get dressed [Music] this is it those people really didn't let you down they brought a lot of good stuff i am surrounded by really good people i feel really blessed now i just have to see who's gonna show up oh they'll come you sure absolutely thank you for what what being the best granddaughter ever [Music] it's been a special couple of weeks what is that people are coming that's good it's great come on light up there going up there oh come on oh this is so exciting let's open up yeah before they get here [Music] how much you got [Music] oh my gosh [Music] but i didn't say i'd give you a horse no i'm just kidding you can have it [Music] hey how's it going people like them good i told you they would [Music] and next come on in merry christmas [Music] feels good to take pictures it's been a while good i'm glad good job hope good boy good job boy you too dad thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] we did good how good enough to cover at least a few months of payments is that enough time to finish hope's training for shows yes absolutely yes you did you did it no no we all did it none of this could have happened if everybody hadn't helped this guy's art made most of the money you chase you're welcome i'm so happy for you mom this place belongs to you thank you thank you oh so much mom dad can i stay with grandma [Music] [Laughter] [Music] she'll be fine you drive careful absolutely and go bye mom you know we're really glad you call i'm very proud of you honey thanks mom we'll drop this off at the bank first thing mom thanks for doing that dad sure i love you you did an amazing job honey thanks no you guys let us know as soon as you drop that off okay grandma's still in denial she gets to keep this place hey it's all because of you bye oh you did it no grandma hope did it none of this would have happened if it wasn't for hope hope uh you've taught me something what hope it's believing i guess it is come on tomorrow i think i'm gonna raise tomorrow every fiber of my being needs an answer every ounce of blood that's running through my veins every hollow broken piece every hidden part of me needs to be every memory that fights to take me under every obstacle that stands against my way every heart that learns to breathe [Music] is [Music] hope [Music] is secure if i dare to put one foot in front of the other if i speak the words that i cannot yet see will you meet me straight ahead turn this fear to face instead i'm on my knees so please [Music] for you cause i need this thing to happen need to know it's true hope is believing [Music] hope is secure blessed are those who have not seen yet but somehow still believe [Music] please [Music] you hope is believing hope [Music] is [Music] believing [Music] you
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 485,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, A Horse Called Hope full movie, A Horse Called Hope full film, A Horse Called Hope 2016, A Horse Called Hope 2016 full movie, A Horse Called Hope 2016 full film, Christmas Ranch, Douglas B. Maddox, Francine Locke, Ken Arnold, Taylor Lyons, Michelle Norton, Simon K. Parker, horse movie, horse, financial struggle
Id: XqZePypj3vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 55sec (4915 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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