A horror game about meeting your estranged father..

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welcome back guys today we're going to be checking out an on new horror game with a very strange and bizarre story yet inspired by the horror classics from the 80s and '90s welcome to Dad you play as Harry who receives a message from the father he never met his father wants to meet him and make amends for having abandoned him as a child after the meeting between Father and Son Harry begins to suspect that his father is hiding something we're almost there Harry are you sure about this Mary who is Mary my uncle he's my father I've always dreamed of meeting him but our uncle driving us to our father's house for 25 years he just comes back I don't trust him you're like a father to me Marky but I need to do this I just want you to be happy so is that like Mark's brother like obviously he's my uncle unless he's my mother's brother thanks Uncle I'll be fine it's probably on my mother's side seems like Mary hates this guy's guts see you later son be careful yeah that's kind of weird the house is kind of weird also Mother Nature is telling you that this ain't right it's dark raining the trees don't even have leaves the only Tree in this damn neighborhood with no leaves you ought to probably get that and say you know what this guy's probably a psycho I'm out of here thanks Dad but I got to throw up the Deuces okay these are my bags pick up my B oh we're moving it why are you you haven't even met this dude I'm so nervous I've waited many years for this moment I want to get all speechy and [ __ ] but you know I'm just not even going to say anything just going to knock on my dad's door I wanted to talk about real life fathers and but I feel like there's no there's no time right now to get sentimental right now we have to uh get to meet Dad Dad okay another bad sign that uh this is probably a terrible idea dad it's got a pretty big house all right let's go around the back yo wait a minute is this the same house we just played a game on that video we did like a couple days ago where it was like three random games and the second game out of those three games really sucked ass and this looks like the same exact neighborhood hold on my wife is calling me babe give me a second I'm playing a game called Dad I'll call you right back I love you sorry Dad I was just was my wife you know life been going good how you been father wait this is us Jesse okay so his name is Jesse son uh I don't even know what to say I've waited so long for this day now none of that matters what matters is that we we are together I'm happy to be able to meet you I have so many questions I'm happy too son can you come in it's your house thank you where can I leave my bags you can have the room upstairs it's a big old house hope you don't mind oh my god oh suddenly so quiet in here all right Dad I got to check out this pad I don't know what you've been up to these past 20 years so I got to make sure everything's good I don't know why my screen is flickering all right Dad I'm going to go upstairs just go up the stairs and turn right son leave your bags in your room okay yeah this house is disgusting dude strange I just met him but I have the impression that I've known him for a long time is this my room drop the bags oh man I don't like this dude's vibe Dad I just got here there's no need to be playing that creepy [ __ ] did you see how he just kind of like peaked over the corner to see what I was doing what a weirdo are the bulbs burnt out I don't know what happened but uh I think the fuses on the power panel blew I can take care of this for you I've worked for two years as an electrician assistant how convenient I really appreciate that my son I would even help but I have back pain don't worry dad where's the power panel this dude sucks as a [ __ ] dad like you just met this kid you're sitting on the couch he's already working for you you are a terrible go up the stairs first first door thank you my son happy to be here I'm also happy to be here by the way I just bought these new headphones and probably one of the most lucrative Investments I've done but bro you can hear everything I have never heard audio like this in my life it is ridiculous anyways I forgot what he said okay I need some pliers and some electrical tape okay so let's find some pliers I'm sorry I'm really just okay so it's got to be here this is the attic yeah this is that same house from that game this is the electric panel it does not work just got to make sure he's not spying on us again you know doing all that freaky [ __ ] all right so maybe we got the pliers I know he told me where to go but I was so like caught up in the like the audio from these headphones that or headsets but I kind of got distracted this guy's nasty but it's okay cuz same token we kind of explore the house and familiarize ourselves this is the same exact house bro what are the odds okay this is the laundry room we've got the uh black tape feel like I need a flashlight of sorts just like certain areas where it's just so dark oh here we go all right perfect again part of that could be cuz because of the light I've got in front let's go ahead and fix the panel up examine it does not work repair huh perfect I don't know how to explain it but I really like the vibe of this game it's it's weird I might be a sicko but maybe because it's raining and it's like Moody I should have fixed it the wiring in the house is very old all right so Dad should be downstairs on the couch now we've got some light that's good there's my dad like bro you don't have a TV anything like what the [ __ ] do you do here everything's okay Dad it was just some broken wires thanks son do you have any questions for me me I just wanted to understand why you left those were difficult times I'm sorry about that I'll never forgive myself this guy sucks dude I confess that I have lived my whole life angry with you but when I heard your voice on the phone all my hate went away I thought you would never forgive me thank you for giving me a chance it's okay Dad so happy to be with you oh now that the power is back on what do you think about watching a movie I rented some VHS tapes for us to watch Wait so he does have a TV of course it'll be incredible yo this dude sucks as a dad bro too bad for for us stab what [ __ ] oh this dude is weird I like the movies dad you have good taste but this last one was very strange poop killer n the guys who created this have to be crazy the flying poop part was a little strange but I really liked it I'm a fan of poop killer isn't that like a horror game as well now I'm going to sleep son I'm too old to stay up late good evening dad you have any anything do I if you need anything just call me free to check out the uh rest of the house just don't go in the basement that's a mess thank you see you tomorrow thank you okay I think I'll go to sleep too I'm tired okay so oh this was the entrance that's right poop killer where's he going where's he going oh we haven't been here yet oh he's got some bad loocks huh I actually hate this this dude I don't like him one bit he's done absolutely nothing to win me over after the past 25 years of misery that he's probably put this guy through so do we have a task like just don't going into the basement he said which probably means hey son go to the basement something nice is waiting for you out there I'm going close the door yeah it's too dark should I go upstairs or should I try to go to the basement let's try to go to the basement let's see if we can find oh wait this is not a big spin I'm telling you it's too dark here okay I think we probably ought to just go to sleep oh [ __ ] yeah let's just go to sleep I think I'm good I think I'll pass on the whole house exploration adventure part of this video think there's going to be plenty of time for that he's got two random doors that are locked uh that are locked with padlocks and then he's got room which is also locked and he's got that other room at the end of the hallway I hear something oh whoa what the [Music] [ __ ] you don't know what I just saw bro I saw this dude's [ __ ] schlong I'm traumatized I was not expecting this I'm going have to edit that out wow that that was brutal I will get I cannot not even a piece of it I can include what is wrong with this dude that is disgusting what bro I came here for horror not that [ __ ] the hell is wrong with you all right pick up your bags bro let's can I go pick up my let's there just's no no need to explore anymore let's just get grab them bags and get out of here what I'm kind of scared of trying to leave now like oh there he is what a weirdo he was trying to you know while I was sleeping what are you doing what are you doing oh okay [Music] Dad bro what am I playing oh it's the next day nice and sunny outside okay still doesn't you know eliminate what happened last night traumatizing event that was really weird I need to ask him uh good morning everything is well uh good morning my son everything is great did you sleep well oh so he's going to try and play it off as if it was maybe some sort of dream we had huh [ __ ] yes I slept well I need to ask you a question of course of course you can ask me anything I'm your father last night what were you doing I mean you were walking around the house naked me no my son I slept like a log I didn't leave my room at night uh it must have just been a dream do you need anything dad oh this guy's an idiot since you asked our lawn is horrible could you cut it sure Dad do you have a lawn mower around here yes it's somewhere in the Attic oh but you just told me to go to the oh he said the basement I think right where did he say the attic in the first place I don't know just go up here listen if you're a dead beat father and you've been missing for 25 years this is not how you treat your son okay making this poor dude moer lawn and oh this guy stinks all right Dad I got the the thing I'm when I cut it off well this is pretty cool though game giv me your little tasks I feel like a lot more of these uh indie horror games since they are a little bit more on the simplified side of things they should include more tasks to kind of kill time or pass time some of them could be overdone and sometimes even feel a bit uh you know over that's top but feel like it gives these indie horror games a little a little bit of a flavor I enjoy doing tasks and games this guy knows I hate him in real life but I think we're all done here you know when I was young and I was like very young and uh maybe even as young as like five or six that I was coming from Cuba one of my dreams was always to be able to have a house and mow my lawn you know like cut my grass now that I have that is like that is like the most tedious [ __ ] [ __ ] ever but can I turn this off it was kind of like uh the American dream if you will okay maybe we got to go to the [Music] backyard yes just as I suspected [Music] got one actually I'm going to leave those for the last uh the last bit just so I can keep my eyes on this weirdo okay I think I did a good job it's crazy how much better the house looks dad uh okay what I what do I do with this I better return the mower to its place okay so put it back in the attic not a problem that's actually not a problem at all as long as Dad doesn't come up here and lock me in here for whatever reason this guy's very unpredictable there he is all right Dad so what's up what what's new what what are we talking about all right Dad I mow the lawn thank you son I can barely take care of the house because my back hurts so much don't worry I'm here to help you someone knocking on the door uh if it's someone looking for me tell them that I'm not here please okay I'll see who it is let's go check this out good morning can I help you with something hello uh you must be Jesse's son he talked a lot about you yes it's me uh are you my father's friend I've known your father since I was a child I live next door cool can I do something for you i' like to talk to you uh to Jesse I haven't seen him in months is he okay he's fine unfortunately he's just not here right now now but I'll let him know that you came by okay if you need anything I'm right here okay thanks for coming okay where is he going my boys's got them broad shoulders I see so next door neighbor over there all right let's tell my dad that is next door neighbor Casey came looking for it was the neighbor dad he said he had hasn't seen you in months ah that annoying always knocking on the door any problems with them dad said they were childhood friends I don't like them always spying and intruding in fact I don't like any of these neighbors got it I told them you weren't there it's better this way do you need anything else dad I made a pie it's on the table could you put it on the oven in the oven excuse me of course welcome back to another episode of how can I help my shitty father do his chores [Music] okay is that necessary I think the the day is going to go by now let's see the pie was delicious my father is a good cook another question here is what was in that pie everything is going well but I I felt like he was hiding something from me I don't know he has two padlocks in the basement and I'm sure that wasn't a dream I need to see what's in the basement tonight going to wait for him to sleep and try to get get in there oh God that's not good into the basement we go we're so [ __ ] we're so [ __ ] all right my dad to sleep ah get a good nice stretch he's already gone to sleep I need to get in that basement but what are the codes we don't have any codes we're going to need a code right oh that door's open I hear him snoring yeah I hear him snoring oh yes this is new the door was locked he must have left it open oh if this door is open now you know this has been pre-planned right the [ __ ] lock password in case I forget 739 how convenient oh convenient 739 yo this is so creepy oh my God everything is just too convenient for us right now this is a setup 739 7 three oh all he's still snoring he's still snoring all right Dad let's see where you're hiding down here huh what are you hiding dad little son of a [ __ ] what are you hiding how many bodies you got down here got a little tool bench Undead bodies there's got to be a dead body somewhere well well well we've got blood down there the door is locked okay how do I how do we uh [ __ ] he woke up I need to hide hide where what the [ __ ] oh no bro oh my God is he coming down here dad all right bro come on show yourself what's oh I need to hide over there oh [ __ ] why would you hide here out of all places this is like the worst hiding spot oh he's going to open the door door oh he's going to let us in on his little secret what is he hiding in there oh he's naked again why why are you going in there okay I'm assuming this is the part where we leave leave and we go after him something's got to come out of there oh my God he's so ugly both physically and spiritually he a very ugly IND indidual I think he's already been huh what yo what if he would have locked this door I mean he he's got to be a little suspicious there's no way wait it's locked what bro my phone is going crazy right now and it's vibrating my desk and I'm trying to play this he's going to be here this is very strange what is he hiding in the basement oh [ __ ] that just close the door door's locked door's locked okay this is getting very very sus Dad hello father are you out there [ __ ] is that the neighbor yo what up dude uh you again it's a little late to knock on the door sorry I'm just a little worried uh I haven't seen your dad yet is he okay yes he's fine already sleeping can I come in I'd like to talk to you sorry friend I'm already going to sleep I just want to make sure he's okay I mean I really haven't seen him in Mons what if he what if he's actually dead dead cuz it is the game the title of the game is Dad but then the E is scratched off I already said he's fine okay I'll leave you alone just I got to read the last part okay tomorrow I'll talk to him what if this is not even my dad okay so our task now what a crazy guy I better go to sleep he's going to be here in the bed waiting for me weirdo I'mma close the door is there a door here no okay we're good we're going to wait for the next [Music] day second day Third Day actually two nights three days sounds like the perfect itinerary for a hot town and today is going to be my last day here I met my dad after 25 5 years spent two nights and 3 days and the weirdest of shits went down I'm starting to actually doubt that he's even real this neighbor's actually making me think [ __ ] should I go to the neighbor's house that actually would have be a bad idea yeah I think I'm going to go to the neighbor's house H Dad where are you Dad dad father Pape he's not should I go let me go check his room ah not locked anymore okay that's kind of weird bro this game really builds the suspense cuz you don't I don't know what the hell to to expect at this point the basement is open and it is as clear as day that makes no sense because I know it is daytime but it's not like there's any windows down here so go figure all right I'm just going to be careful here stay vigilant uh what was that [ __ ] I need to open up the store uh okay what do I grab I need a tool I need a tool what if we're going to be set up man okay I need a tool to open up the door [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] goodness time out dude oh these headphones are just something else I was just I was not expecting him at all I thought he was in that room and that just not one not the slightest percentile of my brain percent whatever thought that that was going to happen damn dad you scared me what did I say about going in the basement I'm sorry I I was just curious this is my home you need to respect it sorry Dad I promis not to do this again I think it's really good I hope it doesn't break any more rules huh okay I promise do you need something dad that neighbor did he come here again your friend yes he came here last night wanted to know if you were okay that curious bastard I need to go downtown I'll be back at dusk okay I'll take care of the house for you and you know don't go in the basement okay I feel like he just wants me to go in the basement at this point he locked it [ __ ] [ __ ] all right so I'm going to take this opportunity to speak to the neighbor hopefully we need to speak to the neighbor oh my God [ __ ] that neighbor again what does he want I'm be I'm not scared of the neighbor he might there might be a massive plot twist here he might be the villain and all this but but just at this point in time I don't think he is but I wouldn't be surprised if he was or if he's going to be but I think he's actually on the other side of the house I've sadly mistaken his whereabouts hello th neighbor you playing hide-and-seek or the hell's going on hello should I go to his house maybe he's not here let me go see if I can actually walk to his house no I feel like the neighbor thinks that I've killed my father you know cuz he says he hasn't seen him but like I'm starting to get a little creeped out cuz now we know somebody's spying on us basement nope it's locked YooHoo [Music] neighbor why is that still in there I thought we had the pie he said my we okay I'm pretty sure this guy mentioned his father was a great cook they didn't even touch the pie okay I'm go to my what if he's in my bro if this guy's in my room I'm a freak okay he's nowhere to be seen huh this just kind of weird okay I've literally explored the entire house come on man I just had a whole mug of coffee I've got plenty of caffeine in my system if you jump scare me now I'll die right here where is this guy oh it's one of those okay all right I hate opera singers oh my God it's hilarious my father hasn't returned yet okay oh [ __ ] that's the neighbor you again my dad isn't home you need to listen to me you are in danger what are you talking about is this a threat no pay attention you need to trust me I don't even know you how can I trust you and do you know your father damn hey that's pretty a hey not even going to lie that's do you trust him just say what you want I don't understand let me in I'm sure he's in the basement huh who's in the basement it's scaring me I will show you the truth just let me in okay okay [ __ ] oh boy [Music] going to KN yo what what if my father is using this guy as some sort of distraction and this guy ends up killing me here oh he's walking down here like like he's the damn Terminator oh [ __ ] you doing tell me straight away what do you want to show me I already suspected something was wrong Jesse is a good man I always talked to all the neighbors I still don't understand don't you realize you're not a child anymore what I do not know what what don't I know that man is not your father oh [ __ ] [Applause] son son please wake up no wonder it says Dad and dead to this guy was pretending to be our father [ __ ] what is it is some sort of s that's my real father damn who the hell are you I am your father my father wait I'm confused that Maniac kidnapped me I've been trapped here for months he tricked me I thought he was my father I'm sorry son this wasn't the way I wanted to meet you who is he why did he keep you here I don't know he offered his Services as a gardener HED me on the head I woke up here and since then he tortures me every night what the [ __ ] we need to get out of here we could scream for help I already tried no one can hear us from here and it only makes him angrier damn Dad you're a wimp I wish I had to made you another way I'm sorry son I think he's coming don't say anything what the yo this is weird bro I need some water I ran out of juice I need some hydration there he is bro don't show me your privates bro just yo come on this dude's [ __ ] is all over the air right now man I'm going to look up cuz I can't I can't he's going to kill my father he's going to kill him he's going to kill him hold on I got to edit out oh chill dude let me edit this first Dad I'm so what a bastard ah there's going to be some heavy editing here now let's start our game damn he did my dad dirty he's going to bring neighbor huh is he going to bring the neighbor's body what huh oh I'm sorry Dad I will avenge you start the game oh Wonder oh God come here little [ __ ] oh there's a little aha look at him trying to set booby traps little did you know I'm a master for your games I don't fall for that nonsense come here see another one right there predictable and you border up the entire house Yoo when the Killer wait when the hunted becomes the hunter okay I'm sorry there are bear traps everywhere yeah okay so what oh this some [ __ ] we got to go to his room right Cut the Rope yo chill bro what Rope Where's the rope ass wipe okay I should have lifted up the is the pie still in the oven oh man that's ridiculous that's been lifted come here come here boy oh there a bunch of knives what okay that's a trap there's no damn way oh oh I was about to say not from the beginning okay all right what is this should I just run straight over there just go straight for it okay that doesn't work take the key what the [ __ ] man this guys a sick off where are you f ass oh my God all right so we got to do the same thing we did this guy is actually insane and I just died did I make it thank god oh [ __ ] he locked me in here oh God all right no damn wait I have a lighter in my pocket come on bro light it up let's go he's in there he's got to be there come on come on come on oh whoa whoa whoa no not get get away from me I got to look up I got to I got got to look up he's got his his schlong all over the screen the [ __ ] is wrong with this game bro what the hell is why is so much like nudity just crazy at least blur that [ __ ] out damn that sucks this dude met his father who wasn't really his father he had his actual father kidnapped in the basement captured in the basement but then he met his father yet he died 10 minutes later then he had to kill the guy that was pretending to be his father I'm waiting for the police to arrive my uncle is also on his way his uncle's going to get he's just going to be like I told you so I'm glad I survived and I killed that bastard h promise to be a good person father I promise to honor our name your father was still a shitty person he didn't see for 25 years it's not like we got any sort of closure as to why so it's best to just assume he was e
Channel: Hollow
Views: 71,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dad, dad game, dad horror game, dad indie horrro game, horror game, horror games, horror games 2024, scary game, scary games, scary games 2024
Id: CUOUKi5_O78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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