Dishonored The Knife of Dunwall Stealth Kills Playthrough (All Missions, Full Game)No HUD Immersive

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one more job shouldn't have mattered I'd killed Nobles before you could float a wailing ship and the Highborn blood I've spilled another Noble steps in to replace the last one all equally corrupt why should an empress be different but she was I watched her bodyguards face as they took him away dead eyes I knew I'd pay for this one maybe I deserve to a storm was coming that would Shake apart everything I'd built no get away from her corvo Mommy D my old friend it's been a long while but you've got my interest again how the years pass and the bodies fall did you know that there are only eight like you in the world bearing my Mark I'm here because you're right the empress was different this time you can't just fade away into the Shadows there will be consequences your story is close to ending and even you can't escape it but what ending will you make for yourself I'm here to give you one last gift Dow it's a mystery one that starts with a name Delila for 6 months the city wried and changed for 6 months I tried to forget what I'd done to the empress and her little girl but there was no forgetting I needed to find my next move but all I had was that name Delilah who was she a threat or an ally word came from my second in command Billy lurk in a house built on Secrets lur was especially good at uncovering them there was a ship called the Delila that hunted whales for bundry Roth wild a former deck hand who'd make good now he owned a slaughter house and he ran his workers like a prison gang a ship named Aila it could be a coincidence but it's not in Dunwall things are always tangled up like a bag of snakes Dow you're here I got bored so I started without you turns out we're here on the perfect day there's a strike at the plant and it's no wonder Roth Wild Runs this place like a prison the stupid workers can't even get in without a time card when the strike started the butcher confiscated all the cards they could find they've given the city watch free reign to use Force if you ever wondered why I wanted out of the slums here's your answer there'll be other ways in I'm sure of it you don't mind if I tag along right just to keep an old man safe one last thing I found something for you I know you collect these I'll be on the rooftops till you need me go on get off the property or will lock you up too you have to give me back my time card I can't get back in you had no right to take it go home e orders are to confiscate those cards no oh I'm going to find you at some come on whoa don't hurt me [Music] [Music] mister there's a man out on the river watching plague conditions failure to report for work at Industries deemed vital to interests has been declared treasonous by the Lord reg promotion for the man to the [Music] Hound down huh what's wrong with you [Music] they won't let you in without a time card but if you get us out of here you can take Roth Wild's got a stubborn reputation I doubt asking D is going to work to find yes but he's probably close to his off here colle rest of you I SP all striking labor my generous have pay you were working for ramsy how long how much does he know you well Dow what do you want with me I'm not here for for you I'm here to learn about a ship called the Delila did the Lord Regent send you that old fool ham burough I know all about the Delila all of it and I can give you exactly what you want please do not so fast I need something from you in exchange that's what I thought what we're both professionals Mr Dow I was hired to get these gutless workers striking which I did very nicely and then destroy the slaughter house itself that's where I got caught and that's where I need your help how the whale oil in those tanks out there is enough to destroy this entire place the important industrial bits especially just open all the valves at once to let the oil start flowing the pressure will go out of control and boom what about the people inside growing a conscience the factory workers are all already out my boss will hire them on in better conditions than they'd ever see here not The Butchers though they can die screaming for all I care don't try and con me wouldn't dream of it here's the key don't get caught you take care of the slaughterous and I'll tell you everything I know about the Delila you know I could put you in Roth Wild's interrogation chair myself why should I bargain with you because it's a long and messy solution and I'm gambling you're not the kind of man who likes that make a deal with me and I can tell you what you want and pay you for your trouble I'll consider it [Music] [Music] good why ain't stupid the power system REM there get away you hear me get over here it's done time is short now about the Delila you're sailing in mky waters assassin now they say that ship was sold to Rothwell cheap by one of his business partners a barister own theyd plann to sell a portion of the whale oil on the black market instead of giving it to the Lord regent treas would that be why you're here my reasons are my own Black Market doesn't concern me interesting because that's only half the story Arnold Tims sold that ship to Roth wild because he was afraid of its namesake temps fell in love with a painter named Del light it was a scandal of the Season that shrunken old let you're acting like a gidy school boy over a nobody a former servant girl from time let me guess you're do end well he never does but there's a mystery to this one something happened that frightened him very much he dropped her overnight and sold the ship for a quarter of what it's worth embarrass or CH is not a man who scares is if you want to know more you'll have to ask him yourself but I very much out Hotel I guess what my [Music] by the out look like he just disappeared guard warning back pressure well safe level all employees must leave the grounds immediately we're not done yet bring the alarm someone get over here come on please watch out ready go get watch [Music] out me yourself someone's down is anything bothering you D I've seen you kill a man without ruffling his hair you took out the whole neighborhood Barrister Tim lives up in the legal District I know it pretty well from what I hear the timsh family is practically at war with itself talk to his niece tal if you can I should probably tag along when you go crazy rich people are buying up a lot of that soof security technology these days keeps the weepers and looters out I might be useful let's go as a young girl Delilah was a Baker's Apprentice in Dunwall Tower years later a painter in soof circle Barr Arnold Tims paid her to paint portraits him I knew a nobleman born rich and now he was making a second Fortune seizing the assets of plade victims for the Lord Regent but Barrister Tims was also fighting a private war with his own niece something to do with the family fortune lurk was probably right we needed to speak with the niece first her Feud with the old Barrister was something we could use use I got a message to the Barrister's niece and she claimed to know things about Delila that no one else did but the knowledge would have a price I wasn't surprised I went to meet [Music] her out here like a different city guard the [Music] alarm enemies of the state have sabotaged w slaughter house while those were responsible have been in CI should remain if I were you look at you the master assassin so you want to know about Delila well my uncle is Bewitched by her so we won't tell you anything I require only only two things get rid of my uncle and bring me his last will in Testament in exchange I'll tell you what you want to know about Delila copper spoon and I'll pay you cold hard coin for your trouble come back to me when it's done let's meet it the docks when you return founder of the Roth wild slaughter house has been come on let's get [Music] thisy suspicious persons to the city one Captain locked up the D see something to keep your eyes open oh disappear sir what is it I just wanted to say congratulations Scout up ahead try to find out where Tim is there's an equipment stash on the rooftops nearby we've been anticipating doing a hit on timsh for some time I know half the city wants him dead we'll earn some gold on this one I'll meet you up ahead I caught him snooping around near someone help me out watch out firing where'd he go witchcraft guards to me heard some someone help me out where'd he go impossible down where do you suppose bar huh fight that shrew of a nie what I hear you [Music] I can't find the me up you're going down you disappear fast there you are I find you it's going to be bad got you now belong thank you for coming Melissa [Music] someone get over here [Music] what is this it's a blood bath where's Tim dead sir I'm sorry we were unable to repel the attack we lost good men Master down your uncle is dead this is his will as a greed uncle's dead I've killed now haven't I my how odd that feels but you were promised information well my uncle came under Delilah's spell he was obsessed with her everyone knew she'd been a servant at the tower before she studied under soov she was a painter an artist beneath my family's class for certain my uncle became infatuated but he looked older made us keep candles lit all night he was afraid of the dark one night we all went to Waverly boils for a seance it was an amusement we didn't know what we were doing I thought Only The Dead appeared at seances but suddenly Delilah was in the room with us my uncle nearly died of Terror she was there but not there we saw her as if she was very far away standing in the old brigmore Manor painting at an easel painting a name it was your name Dow that's all I know I hope you find what you're looking for so much for the good barister he had a coming though men like him can never trust anyone his own niece turned on him are you ready to go let's go home Jessamine caln's hands were all that was holding this city together with her dead the city was a fast disintegrating web of Guardsmen overseers Nobles Reapers maybe this was the world The Outsider was trying to show me all along for years I'd held together a shadowy band of ex- mercenaries Street kids and refugees through discipline and a bit of black magic on the fringes of a city that ate up innocence and weakness maybe today was the end of that small world I thought of Jessamine calin's hands shuttering as she lost her grip on life whatever Doom was coming I deserved it my people didn't Master Dow we've been attacked by overseers the base is lost the men are scattered some captured by the overseers and the leader is in your Chambers as we speak if we can regroup and take out their leader I believe we can still drive them back I want to know how the bastards found us in the first [Music] place brother you took the initiative I need more men damn it someone's de when I [Music] got the blood and de this a waste one down okay [Music] I this one's there isn't any fight left in what the guard a man blood coin it look like he [Music] it's you I thought your never saw you so much firing watch out you're going down where'd he go stand clear what is your will cut them down Master Dow give me a report the overseer leader is dead we gave his body to the river crusts after you freed our men they routed the remaining overseers we control the Commerce building again they were planning a larger assault but this group of overseers attacked early without the others from The Abbey where's lurk I'm here I was held up the overseers had us trapped they oh you yes me everything is falling into place though I'd hop the overseers would be capable of finishing you in one try overseer Hume was just a little too ambitious fortunately I still have one card left to play lur sorry Dow but you knew this was coming even if you didn't think it was so soon you've been slipping ever since the empress died it's my time now your little Empires fall into bits your men are dead in the streets and our Dark Eyed friend has lost interest in helping you quiet Delilah you're right but I'm going to show respect Dow blades out we'll do this properly Master down I will come to this D it's our nature you once told me Billy lurk was your finest pupil fast and strong with a sharp mind it's no accident she was the only woman you ever trained and she proved even more ruthless and deceptive than you thought but she was no match for you this is why in a city of Horrors parents will scare their children with a legend of doubt the knife of Dunwall who never chose sides who prayed on the city's Lords who never swore falty who brought down overseers once even an empress I wonder what the Final Chapter will be what happens to scary monsters in the end [Music]
Channel: StealthGamerBR ™
Views: 33,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stealth, high, chaos, full, game, mission, dishonored, awesome, blink, bend, time, daud, master, assassin, powers, combo, fantastic, corvo, billy, no, damage, Playthrough
Id: _HXmkhm86sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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