A hitman encounters a group of obnoxious YouTubers. And they ruin everything. | Sergey's Fortune

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] not the viewership debris has already it's just like very few guys we do use children resume the understand some raspberries cherries we do P the very man was shot away Castelli [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how could this happen how the [ __ ] did you let this happen sorry boss but this was a most unusual circumstance it is not a usual business [Music] so what now surely you didn't come all the way to ask for forgiveness give me a second chance I know where he will be able to track around him I find him tonight no more problem after today I shouldn't give you two necks to walk out from here [Music] oh I promise you it was no ordinary mishap I cannot work with someone who I cannot trust with simple tasks most I swear on my mother's soul what happened today was beyond comprehension beyond comprehension dr. Erica [Music] Mosby's just hear me out I promise you will come to see things differently okay so yeah let's hear of you miracle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I did everything by the book I worked quickly kept my head down I felt fortune was on my side but I was wrong [Music] [Music] so pokey was on like I'd love Chinese food I don't get it because he was in Japan that's yeah excuse me gentlemen I mean that rather difficult situation so check it out I think we just found the guy who hacked the election sorry Drago we don't have any money not after the strip club last night am i right no I'm having trouble with my car battery I was hoping you fellows could give me a jump yes sir comrade we can help you out on one condition we want to vlog that [ __ ] bro I don't understand vlog dude you know who we are we're gonna get froze oh my god it's only like one of the biggest channels on YouTube 13 million subscribers and Counting you've seriously never heard of dgaf whatever let's just do this yo yo check it out decaffeination I'm Kristen Hoffman and I'm Kyle John Hoffer and we're the dude that bro yo Chris why do they call us together cuz we don't give a [ __ ] all right check it out D gap nation so we're out here in the desert on our way back from Vegas and this around the new Russian walks up to us and he asked for our help yeah federally homeboys car is me after working [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're about to light off that limp-dick battery with a sick booze from the decaf movie wow do you get mobile Wow blackberry make sure you smash that subscribe button yo yo check it out check it out yo how is that can you step back just a little bit as you're bombing the spring yeah maybe give us five I really must insist over going go it's really important we get these shots in first we're professionals okay we do this all the time you've got nothing to worry about all right what do you say man you help us we help you [Music] I've always been a man of action the man who takes control now control was arrested from me and placed into the hands of these man children imagine my humiliation so I began to do something a handed down since I was a small child hey that's right now [Music] yep why you up [Music] I don't care how rich you're famous your [ __ ] are I can make one call and have your body parts scattered in four different time zones [Music] you're going to get back in that car of yours turn the ignition and forget this day like your mother forgot the pill [Music] [Music] [Music] guys get in the car let's go [Music] [Music] that is the most ridiculous story I ever heard how dare you insulting my intelligence Rinat take care of kolinsky needs are tough start rather boss please let me make it up to you you're not there what did I tell you boss amiracle look at the bright side Sergey at least you're gonna die famous [Music] in entertainment news today popular vloggers Chris and Kyle Dunn Hoffer known by their fans as the dgaf bros have been banned from YouTube following a controversial video that authorities say compromised an ongoing investigation into a Ukrainian criminal gang the clip titled our sickest adventure yet must watch unwittingly outed Andrew kolinsky who was a confidential informant for the FBI that in addition to a recent video clip depicting the borough's graffitiing over a swastika has landed the dumb hoppers in some serious trouble and there you have it we just made a swastika into two dudes doing 69 they uploaded this apology video to Facebook yo I'm Chris Dunn - I'm copter and we're indeed afros and we just wanted to say that we are so so sorry about what happened and right now this has been just a huge learning experience for all of us here at the definition and to Mister kolinsky especially we want to apologize to the fans we apologize we love you and we encourage you to go follow our page on patreon because we actually don't have any sponsors anymore and we're not racists definitely nothing total support victims from the Holocaust and we're we're not homophobic yep we love Gay Pride weekend you second dick all the way [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 283,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sergey's fortune, comedy short film, omeleto
Id: 9E7pXW7zOkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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