A Historian Ranks US Presidents

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I mean I disagree with him on a lot too, but I enjoy watching his videos and think he’s a good youtuber.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sokol84 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the ideal tier list for me imo, I pretty much agree with everything. Especially the Wilson placement, when I clicked on that video I expected wilson to be high since most historians rank him high.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FroxyProxy1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly dude all you do is post tier lists constantly that seem designed to rile the rest of us up. It doesn't surprise me that you don't like the tier list of someone who has genuinely studied history. You think Andrew Jackson is our best president. Even if you like Jackson, placing him as our best is flat out irresponsible and just silly. I can respect your opinion as long as it doesn't seem like a troll's, but I can't help but wonder to myself after seeing you post tier lists almost daily for a week whether or not you're genuinely interested in history or whether you just want to get a rise out of Americans.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

But it's his opinion

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZealousidealPart1280 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right i'm gonna go ahead and go live but we're gonna wait about two more minutes before i actually get started with the rankings i want to get get going here in just a minute um wasn't expecting to do a stream today and i was actually expecting to do a reaction video but my uncle's been here pressure washing our deck all day and it's been crazy loud and so i haven't been able to record and i didn't know that was happening my mother-in-law called him i guess and had him come over and uh so i haven't been able to record i was able to record quick this morning a video for my other channel but i haven't been able to do anything else so i thought i would just go ahead and do a live stream and this is something i've been wanting to do for a while anyway so um yeah just a couple of reminders and i'll probably pin a comment about this i will not be ranking i have a personal rule and i use this rule on discord and i use it on my channel as well is that i don't deal with stuff from post 1992 i think it's too close to modern times and uh people get really heated and angry and make things personal when you start dealing with more modern stuff so i will not be ranking uh bill clinton george george w bush donald trump barack obama or joe biden in this i will not be doing any of those uh but i certainly welcome you to express your opinions as we go through this that's kind of the point makes for a great discussion um and uh yeah as insane said he's one of our moderators um it is a rule that we have for the channel uh that we don't get into political debates about modern politics so please save your opinions on donald trump and barack obama and all that kind of stuff like that you'll probably just get muted if you do it um we're not here to argue about that stuff we're here to talk about history and uh so i do have slow chat on just to prevent anybody from spamming you can you can type a message every 20 seconds with you know almost 200 people in here before we even get started i think that's pretty fair to do that it allows me to kind of still be able to keep up mostly on what's happening um so we're gonna go ahead and start admin don't demote me please insane is the admin so you can't really do that so we're going to start from the beginning and i don't know why some of them are showing up on here twice but uh i think i know all the presidents well enough to recognize them by sight since you don't see their names on here we're going to start from the very beginning and work our way up we do have s a b c and d i think we should probably add an f tier don't you can we add an f uh yeah let's add we need to add f there needs to be an f i will use that sparingly uh s and f as far as i'm concerned should be used sparingly and not very often woodrow wilson deserves his own tier we'll get to that um and i would and i will love to hear your opinions on each one of these uh as we get to each one flowkey awesome i was just there a couple weeks ago uh in yorktown i've still got to get my video edited from the yorktown battlefield uh so we're gonna start with george washington uh and i think george washington where is he there he is right there i think george washington is definitely gonna be one of the very few that i put in the s tier and i would love to hear your opinions as far as where you think he should be and why you got to remember when george washington takes office there has never been a president and the constitution is not incredibly specific about what the role of president looks like so a lot of what we have to this day about how the presidency looks how it operates what the president's role is um is largely thanks to george washington he set the standard so i have to put him in as an s i don't think george washington was a great general but we're ranking him on presidency he was very good at staying above the political fray uh he had two his two primary um members of his cabinet george of uh his cabinet alexander hamilton and thomas jefferson could not stand each other and they basically become the father of the two political parties uh the the political party system that we have in the united states um and he kind of stayed above that fray and kept them together uh and yeah sam's absolutely right he could have been a king if he had given even the slightest hint that he was willing to do it they would have made him a king or at the very least he would have been president for life he's the one that willingly chose to step down and i love how uh the musical hamilton puts it in his uh in the part where they're talking about his farewell address um he says the nation needs to learn to move on from from me uh they had relied on him to put the constitution together they had relied on him to lead them in the war for independence they relied on him to be the first president and what he was saying is it's time the nation needs to learn that i am not always going to be here and they need to be able to pass it on uh yeah nathan you make a good point with some of these guys that it's really difficult to judge fairly now zachary taylor was in office for a little while but yeah garfield william henry harrison did not have that long and and we'll address that when we get to those ones um but yeah i give i give washington a ton yeah somebody makes a good point charles about restraint um ruling from restraint frazier washington era watson uh what part of scotland are you in that's very cool uh let's this is going to take all day if i talk this long about each one and i won't because there's not much to say about some of them let's move on to john adams there he is right here um moto zealot thank you so much woodrow wilson f tier well don't worry i am not a fan of woodrow wilson we will get to that one hello from ann arbor michigan that is a very ugly sweatshirt that i have on thank you i i'm glad you approve uh all right john adams uh gonna give him a d mostly because of the alien and sedition acts man for a guy who was so prominent and listen john adams is really underrated as a founding father he did so much for this country and i don't think he gets nearly enough credit for everything he did for this country that said oh you're in edinburgh very cool frasier hopefully i'll be there in a couple of months um yeah i could have put him c padme that's fair um so if i was judging john adams on his whole career he'd be much higher but simply on his presidency um just because the alien and sedition acts just for me for somebody who's a founding father who fought for the things that this country was fighting for to turn around and sign that act uh that just drops him to a d at best for me um hey samuel you'll have be happy to know that i am a uk basketball fan and in my closet which is only about 15 feet away there is a uk uh long sleeve t-shirt hanging up so um what am i basing these ranks on my own opinion my own opinion from history how i think they performed as president did they have a positive or a negative impact on the country did the things that they do uh that they did not necessarily on whether i agreed with them because there's going to be some presidents that i don't agree with politically but i still think did a really good job and we're actually going to get to one of those in just a minute would it be sensible to fill out the worst presidents first and go to the more challenging tiers above maybe i just kind of like doing it this way in order of history uh so let's move on to thomas jefferson uh and jefferson's one of the first real challenges for me because i don't like jefferson personally i think he was kind of a lousy human being and i don't just mean that because of the slavery stuff because washington owns slaves and uh you know a lot of these other presidents don't slave it's really more of a personal opinion based on how he treated his political opponents which i know was pretty common for that day um and i changed the color of f to not yellow um is there a way to do that yeah let's take oh yeah we could do that um i don't know let's make it blue there we go we'll make it blue how's that uh cleveland should be voted on two times i saw a bunch of them are on here twice i don't know how that happened with the pictures um brandon we're gonna get to grant when we get that far uh jackson i almost did a a tier list on the monarchs of england today that was almost what i chose to go with and holy cow we have over 500 people in there that's awesome so please subscribe if you're new to the channel um all right thomas jefferson uh based solely on his performance as president of the united states i'm gonna put him at an a like i said i'm gonna use f and s pretty sparingly but uh very cool abraham my mother lives in tucson she actually lives a couple blocks away from where congresswoman giffords was shot why no e because a b c d and f are the are the grades that are used in you know classes here and stuff like that uh char charlie i agree this community is fantastic and that's one of my favorite things about uh having a youtube channel it's not that i get a bunch of people to view my videos it's that we've created this incredible community and i get to connect with all these people who are as crazy about history as i am so thomas jefferson he doubles the size of the country with the louisiana purchase which is a huge deal he starts the um the military academy at west point which was a big big deal for our country starting out um you know so he did some really good things i think he he rolls back some of the federalist policies that happened under washington and adams so this is kind of the first time that you have a change in political party even though technically there weren't really well-defined uh parties yet what what is fantastic insane let me know we're up to 574. this is awesome this is the most people i've ever had on a stream i love it please hit like if you haven't already ben i want to go to the balls bluff battlefield i definitely that's on my list up there in uh in northeastern virginia um amg yeah more on achievement and legacy rather than character because if you judge on character it gets really dicey um appreciate that great uh jimmy thank you emil i appreciate that oh tr he's coming so yeah jefferson i think uh did a lot of really great things for the country so uh we're on now to james madison i believe yeah let's see where is he at there's madison right here so madison's another one of those guys who uh did a lot more i think for the country before he became president than most people realize he's also probably one of the most immensely qualified people that's ever been president this guy served in pretty much every place of government you can imagine and saying thank you so much 150 euros asserting dominance i appreciate all that you do for this channel and i don't just mean because you donate large sums of money from time to time um but uh just one of the most important members of this community can't wait to get to europe and meet you for the first time watching from north london in the uk um awesome i'm glad to hear that tom i can't wait to get to your country uh s is like super you know it's like above a i guess you could say uh yeah martin's got a good point if you start judging character it gets really interesting so uh madison let's talk about madison madison as president during the um during world war ii i believe he's the last president to actually lead troops in the field as commander-in-chief nothing particularly outstanding i don't think but i think he was a it was a pretty decent president i'll give him a solid b i would love to hear some of you and your opinions on these folks as we get to them so let me know who you think uh 669 now we're approaching 700 people on the stream which is fantastic that's very cool um so yeah let me know your thoughts about some of these i think madison's a solid b who's my favorite english monarch edward iii big fan of edward iii big fan of george the sixth just because of the kind of guy he was and what he overcame walberto awesome i'm glad you're enjoying it you're watching from tehran very cool amir i'm glad you're here um yeah war of 1812 did i say something else i meant war of 1812 for sure um his wife dolly uh rescues the the painting of george washington the famous painting of george washington from the white house before it gets burned but yeah madison i think was a pretty solid president why didn't hamilton become president number one because he got shot before he ever had the chance number two because of the mariah reynolds scandal uh he was kind of the first big sex scandal in american history and he really shot his chances of ever becoming president in the foot when he did that hello from south london very cool who's my favorite president uh we'll get to that you'll kind of see so all right so we're on to james monroe uh here he is right here i just visited his grave a couple weeks ago when i was in richmond uh he's buried in richmond uh monroe is another one of those guys that i think was was solid but again didn't do anything outstanding that really blows me away again a really solid background eminently qualified for president early on the best route to becoming president was secretary of state all three of these guys the third fourth and fifth presidents of the us had all been secretary of state uh that was kind of the the role to have as a stepping stone uh to becoming uh secretary of state samuel thank you so much i appreciate that and i'm grateful for your support sir um we are over 700 people watching this is very very cool um uh our tube i appreciate that everybody's got different uh opinions on this stuff um just uh andrew just to kind of burst your bubble on that i have a personal policy on the channel of not getting into post-1990s politics so i won't be ranking the four most recent presidents um monrovia is uh named after him because they created uh a colony in africa called liberia that they were hoping eventually to repopulate with freed slaves uh to send them back because they didn't feel they would ever be able to kind of be seen as equal in america um and bunker housing and anyone else please keep modern politics and opinions on people like trump and obama out of it all right let's move on we are on to who was that monroe so we're under john quincy adams i think john quincy adams is another one of those people who's insanely qualified you know some of our early presidents had a lot had some really serious uh solid background john quincy adams wins the first i shouldn't say the first one of the most difficult presidential elections there's ever been it's him versus andrew jackson um it was ugly it was a really ugly race uh ohio president's ranking unfortunately most of our ohio presidents were not great and joseph meyer i 100 percent agree you really can't fairly judge recent presidents um john quincy adams i kind of feel b but i'm going to go see uh one-term president did some decent things i think most of his achievements like john adams come before he's president as a diplomat he was a really good diplomat uh zenacity i appreciate that thank you so much we're approaching 800 people in the stream which is amazing um all right so john quincy adams there uh who we on to we're on andrew jackson okay so here again is a tough one because it would be easy to judge the man on his character uh and as far as character goes i got some real issues with andrew jackson as a human being um but yeah if you guys get into modern politics too much uh insane or somebody else is probably just going to put you in timeout we're at 8 20 now this is awesome um uh so andrew jackson i'm not a fan of but i think he did a decent job as president in some ways but then you got the whole trail of tears thing you got him just blatantly ignoring the supreme court supreme court issues an order against his administration and he basically says okay they issued their ruling now let's see them enforce it and he completely ignores it um so i'm gonna i'm gonna throw andrew jackson in at a c my heart tells me to make him lower but i'll give him a c uh obedient moss we're we're still just getting started we just hit uh number seven we're on to number eight now which i guess would be is that martin van buren yeah it would be martin van buren uh yeah we do have two pictures of john quincy adams here or right yeah that is martin van buren by the way thank you guys here's john quincy adams uh let's throw him up there uh this is van buren right here so i realized it afterwards i think madison's federalist papers opinions cause a lot of our modern political gridlock not necessarily and remember alexander hamilton wrote most of the federalist papers um it is still the number one most quoted thing by the supreme court when ruling uh the federalist papers so they do they refer to them regularly abraham thank you so much um yeah washington owned slaves as did a number of other presidents put roosevelt b for bull moose or s for shoot uh how long do i think the usa will last i'm a little concerned about that right now but um all right van buren again one of those presidents that i don't feel was outstanding but wasn't necessarily all that bad either but we're about to get into a stretch of u.s presidents that are pretty terrible some of the worst we've had unfortunately sam thank you so much there needs to be a theodore roosevelt tear above s tier because he is a legend i can't argue with that absolutely as a legend um i'm gonna throw van buren in the in the c tier because we're about to start populating the d i'm afraid um and what i'm gonna do we're actually going to i'm going to create one more tier i didn't mean to do that i'm going to add a row a new row here and we're going to call this one incomplete because there's just not enough information to be able to fairly judge and the first person who goes into that is william henry harrison the man was president for a month and he was sick for most of it he really just didn't do anything so it's impossible to fairly judge him i think uh van buren has the sexiest haircut yeah it's a pretty epic look that he's got going on there isn't he taft versus the scale who wins we're at 882. we're about to hit 900 people uh hit that like button if you haven't already and subscribe too i would appreciate that uh john michael chance i believe that the national debt was last at zero under andrew jackson which is one of the good things that happened during his presidency i think 9 28 oh man this is awesome um all right so yeah not a lot to say about william henry harrison uh he dies and uh the guy who replaces him as president we're on to what are we on to number ten so i guess we're under john tyler now right where's john tyler let's look around here there's john tyler right there uh john tyler i think was a decent president but again he's in that stretch of time when there's just not much that you can say good or bad uh either way about things i've got a green screen mountain dew yes i do that always happens what are your thoughts about john tyler as president those of you who are familiar john martin van buren looks like a crazy scientist i cannot disagree but uh a mad scientist yeah i i can't agree i disagree with that almost a thousand people watching bill you're right that is crazy grant johnson thank you empire tier list i am gonna get to that if these are gonna be this popular when i do these streams you can bet i'm going to do more of them for sure so did john tyler get us texas uh no that was or wait um wasn't that polk that was polk wasn't it uh yeah i i'm so torn on john tyler yeah um i'm gonna go see i know it's kind of a cop-out answer but yeah pretty mediocre uh as orange-less pulp juice says uh he's the epitome of mediocre uh texas got us texas uh the real story of this time was henry clay stanley i agree 100 uh plague of shadows thank you so much howdy from texas very cool uh i'm i'm so glad to hear you're finding some success on all that stuff it was polk that's what i thought polk was president uh during the uh the mexican-american war and polk is right here uh he's got the epic mullet going on he's he's one of the tennessee presidents him and andrew jackson both are buried in nashville so polk i'm going to give a solid b i think during this stretch the 1840s and 1850s polk was probably the best president we had in that time i am familiar with arthur saint claire a little bit polk annexes texas he wins the mexican-american war i think he did some some pretty good things for the president for the presidency for the country i don't think he did anything particularly terrible for the presidency so i'll give him a solid b and he's the only bee in this 20 year or stre or so stretch texas history we'll get into some texas history at some point um what state has made the best presidents that's interesting because i'm an ohioan and we are tied with virginia with having the most presidents but most of ohio's presidents have been mediocre at best isaac thank you appreciate that uh i'm gonna put grover cleveland on the list once uh some people have been asking about that um all right we are on now to uh we did polk so we're on a zachary taylor uh zachary taylor's again one of those people he's got a really short term in office i think he was decent but he was a pretty hands-off president um i'm gonna throw him i'm torn between c and d on taylor but i'll love to hear your thoughts on this so let me know what you guys think about zachary taylor kentucky did have lincoln but kentucky also had jefferson davis we are over a thousand that is amazing i've never had more than 600 viewers on a stream before and we are over a thousand this is fantastic i'm so excited so c c c we got a lot of c's here uh he did yeah i agree ray earth he did not abuse uh his presidential powers um uh oh you're talking about washington yeah all right uh we're gonna throw uh zachary taylor in uh at sea it's going to be downhill from here i'm afraid so zachary taylor dies in office he is succeeded by millard fillmore uh millard fillmore's another one of those people that's just like very meh for me um the great northern war will be coming uh extra history i will definitely get into that um would davis even count no he wasn't president i'm just saying that you got to blame kentucky for for jefferson davis too um millard fillmore for me who's a tier so far just uh we've got washington s and thomas jefferson a there will be more coming that way um so compromise of 1850 um yeah taylor's a tough one for me and i and i kind of agree with sexy beast i'm gonna go d for millard fillmore so uh no uh washington's s which is above a um buchanan not the to catch a predator guy we are over a thousand that's crazy i know um okay so after millard fillmore comes um franklin pierce who boy he's another one of those ones that's so tough to judge uh and i'm gonna put him at d i think he'd have done a lot better but boy franklin pierce for me is such a sad story and we've talked about this recently wellesley what i'm doing is i'm just basically ranking these on and how i think they impacted the country was their presidency good for america uh did it have a positive impact on america and on our history or a negative one um not necessarily on whether i like them personally or whether i agree with them or whether my i think they're a person of good character um pierce is on his way to becoming president he's on his way to washington to be sworn in there's a terrible train accident his uh young son is basically decapitated right in front of him in this accident and he basically just drank himself into a stupor for his entire presidency um understandably so his only son uh just brutal brutal and yeah cole uh according to most polls i've seen done franklin pierce is considered to be our hottest president um yeah secretary of state hillary was secretary of state before her presidential run um who's an s tier so far just george washington um okay so we're on to james buchanan who i will easily throw in as our first f on my list buchanan was a brutally awful president uh secession begins under him uh he was from pennsylvania up until joe biden he was the only president from pennsylvania which still fascinates me because of how important pennsylvania was to the early history especially of the united states um yeah an automatic uh talking about his wife his wife actually believed that it was the presidential election that caused the their son was it was punishment for for him becoming president um but buchanan just did everything wrong in those four years he was in office leading up to the civil war just brutal absolutely brutal all right abraham lincoln easy s for me uh and and i can understand completely why some people would not put him there and i'll be honest i lincoln's my favorite president i think as far as politicians go he he's the most brilliant politician who's ever been president of the united states sam thank you i appreciate that the transition from color paintings to black and white photos yeah and then color photos it is pretty cool um lincoln was a brilliant politician he was a very shrewd politician people do not realize that sometimes about him um he knew what he was doing when it came to politics and he knew how to play people i don't agree with everything he did i think he did some pretty shady things with the constitution um but you can't disagree with the results and i i i you know my only disappointment with lincoln is that we didn't get to see what he would have done for the country post-president or post uh civil war because i think the whole direction of our country especially where african americans are concerned could have been so completely different if lincoln had continued to serve [Music] okay andrew johnson another super easy f uh to me personally the worst president we've ever had in fact i almost want to create a double or triple f category just for andrew johnson um andrew johnson oh my gosh what a colossal mistake and i honestly believe out of all the presidents we've ever had did more to damage this country than anyone andrew johnson brutally awful he uh just completely botched reconstruction uh everything he did was wrong when it came to reconstruction and uh you know what do you expect when you put a southern racist democrat on the ticket when um who is basically pro-slavery uh and is going to do everything he can to undermine reconstruction um just a brute just oh i can't say enough bad things about him he was trying his best um okay yeah we we could do some uh generals and stuff at some point grant okay let's talk about grant grant usually gets ranked really badly primarily because of the corruption that took place during his administration that was not personally linked to him but the problem with grant and we have 1200 people watching so thank you that's amazing and hello everybody um grant i think as far as character goes i'd put in probably the top three as far as presidents we've ever had uh a man of incredible character incredible character um but his biggest downfall was that he was too trusting of people around him and that got him into trouble because he trusted people he shouldn't have trusted [Music] so i'm i'm going to rank grant higher than i think most people would and i would agree with a lot of people that are saying b for this because i think grant actually really did some good things he creates the justice department which we have to this day he created it specifically to put down the clan in the south probably one of our best presidents when it comes to civil rights that we've ever had he very nearly uh annexed the dominican republic uh and almost created for the u.s their first territories in uh the caribbean uh did some really good things i think uh as gra as president but it gets overshadowed by the corruption that happened uh but he did he basically destroyed the clan in the south uh and i think the only reason he couldn't do more in the south is a public opinion turned very sharply against reconstruction by the middle of his second term and it made it pretty difficult yeah there are a lot of duplicates down here i don't know why it did that but we're going in order so that won't be an issue um andrew jackson i i kind of was torn uh between putting him at c or d um all right so we are on to rutherford b hayes uh so there's this stretch here where you've got a bunch of ohio presidents in a row and unfortunately none of them were particularly outstanding um but hayes um hayes is i don't think he was awful but i don't think he was great either and he kind of got got into office through some pretty shady dealings that happened um i i think i'm gonna put hayes at d um they called him rutherfraud for a reason and it didn't have anything to do with what he did while he was president it was mostly because of how he became president the 1876 election was just an absolute mess um so okay who are we on to now we're on to garfield garfield's another incomplete and as i mentioned the other day in the video that i did and we have 300 people watching now that's that's really cool thank you to everybody who's watching um garfield i think could have been one of our greatest presidents we'll never know uh because he gets shot just a couple you know what two months into his uh term and um unfortunately we didn't get a chance but he was brilliant brilliant probably one of our smartest presidents we've ever had i think incredibly highly of garfield i think he would have been great he's another northeast ohio person like myself but let's go ahead and move on to then chester arthur chester arthur i don't think was bad he's another one of those kind of middle of the road people for me i think he did some good things like the way that he started moving away from the corruption that was existing in the federal government as far as patronage for jobs and things like that i'm going to give him a solid c i think i'll be right back guys just gotta talk to my wife for a second my wife's here say hi so there you go lean in yeah oh yeah you're in it just jumped because i got here this is behind that's why you don't see yourself at the moment here there now you'll see yourself there you are mrs vlogging through history is here we're ranking the presidents oh okay so uh we're up to um we're up to uh we just did uh chester chester arthur right there so yeah okay um how did you know that was chester arthur or just because you heard me say it i miss his history hello so we're under grover cleveland now ask my daughter what she thinks about these because at two she knew them all yeah it's true she did uh when yeah when our daughter was two years old i did flash cards with her um let me go back to the chat so i can see it uh we did flash cards with my daughter and at two years old she knew every president by everybody's saying hello to you right now she knew every president by seeing their images uh wipe reveal it says oh no we already did that uh i'm in a video yeah she hasn't she is in one of the videos already misses vlogging through history is like more history boring insane yes insane knows me well insane does know oh how cute yep okay all right back out have fun they're on their way to my son's track meet um he's got the our county championships today and he's he's running the mile for the middle school county championships so okay uh youngstown state that's your dad's alma mater yeah that's that's her alma mater as well that's where my wife went to school she's getting her masters now from malone university which is in canton uh actually it's right by where president mckinley is buried but and she went to mc william she went to mckinley high school in niles which is where william mckinney was born we're going to get to him in just a minute aaron thank you tell us something embarrassing about him he says well too bad she's already gone we'll we'll do it another time though um all right grover cleveland uh another one of those we're gonna have a lot of c's um she no she's not really into history all that much although she has her moments where she'll get into some things that we do with history so um but uh grover cleveland is gonna be one of those middle of the road for me but i would love to hear everyone else's thoughts on grover cleveland your family's from masoline awesome i was in canal fulton and canton on saturday for a soccer tournament tournament for my son random german guy says i'm really hgg that's my my gaming channel history guy gaming cleveland is s tier cleveland's responsible for giving us the baby ruth candy bar because his uh his daughter was baby ruth dan thank you appreciate that david thank you very much the soda goes invisible the wife becomes visible yes we call it pop here in northeast ohio but yes a lot of people say in b um i'm gonna go c for grover cleveland good good first term not so much second term i agree um all right we're under benjamin harrison uh benjamin harrison again you know another ohio guy although he was from indiana when he got elected president he's buried in indiana i think he was governor of indiana um but uh it's soda he says benjamin harrison i don't think was a bad president um cleveland is f08 the president um harrison yeah i think harrison's gonna have to be another c for me i'm going chronologically mcmaster uh torsk has arrived what's up torsk um so we're up uh we're about halfway in now as far as the uh presidents go uh harrison's what 23 see 23 no he's 24 because mckinley is 25. um mckinley i'm going to give a solid b too um and and i might be a little biased there because mckinley is my local guy i grew up five minutes from where mckinley was born my great great great uncle built the house he was born in my wife went to mckinley high school um so i'm a little torn on that one but i'm i'm probably a little biased in ranking mckinley a little higher than maybe he should be who's my favorite president uh probably lincoln but uh mckinley probably more likely is a c i would guess he does win the spanish-american war um gains hawaii for the united states the philippines things like that kanye west a tier of course um which president has been to the most foreign countries i don't know that's a good question um all right we're on theodore roosevelt uh gonna go a that's gonna disappoint some people that i know would very much like to put him in that s tier i am not quite as high on theodore roosevelt as a lot of people are but i'll give him a solid solid a and i would definitely put him above thomas jefferson but i would not i would not dispute people who put him in the s tier s or a i think would be appropriate for tr i think tr did a lot of good things uh really cool dude uh fascinating one of my favorite presidents uh easily um you know which is funny because i've got him and jefferson jefferson's one of my least favorite presidents but i have them both ranked equally so i think that shows that i've got a little bit of willingness to be objective about this but um but yeah i'll go i'll go a um for mustache alone i have some crazy white teeth well thank you i i don't think they're quite that white but i i won't argue with that um all right we're on to william howard taft another ohio guy uh another one of those very meh presidents for me um yeah yeah teddy roosevelt gives us the food and drug administration national parks both solid things i think was he the manliest president um you probably could argue that he was yeah uh where would you put william howard taft why is taft taft the last president with facial hair uh excellent question he ruined teddy's plans see see i've been throwing so many in c i almost hate to do it again but that's kind of where i'm leaning with taft a lot of people saying anywhere from a to d i'm going to throw taft in at c b because of the mustache how is zack power hungry huh um all right woodrow wilson our third entry into the f category uh first of all we got to remember that woodrow wilson's last two years as president he really wasn't president mrs wilson was he had had a stroke at the end of his uh second term and uh he is the the bringer of the income tax to the united states uh just an obscenely racist individual born in virginia i believe our last president to be born in virginia uh to this point um oh just uh him and him and johnson are my least favorite presidents uh wilson the wannabe peacemaker the guy he had a messiah complex um yeah just uh stay out of wood world war one wilson um okay warren harding our last ohio president and i'm convinced the reason we haven't had an ohio president since is because warren harding was so bad i would not put him at f but i will put him at d which you know it's painful to me that we've got two ohio presidents in the d category but that's just kind of the way it is um warren harding and my my mother-in-law went to warren harding high school in warren ohio um edith wilson was a better president yeah yeah i'll put warren harding at d um some big scandals in his presidency teapot dome absolutely um i i wouldn't argue with people who put him at f um but yeah i'll give him a a low d uh for harding all right we're on to calvin coolidge uh calvin coolidge is an interesting one and i'll be curious to see uh where you guys would put calvin coolidge i'm kind of uh yeah and luke davies i'm not showing your your your chat isn't showing up because of the language but um yeah he did uh woodrow wilson did screen birth of a nation at the white house which is about the clan cool bones thank you i am not going to include uh recent presidents i'm going to stop with george h.w bush i don't think we can objectively judge recent presidents anyway plus i want to avoid the argument with that we're over 1500 people now watching thank you everybody make sure you subscribe and like if you haven't already check out some of the links in the description i have a gaming channel it's called history guy gaming daily content on there as well as on here uh i'm i'm torn a a minus to b plus on coolidge uh but i'm going to go ahead and give coolidge a solid b i think i would not argue with someone who put him at a silent cal was i think a very underestimated president he comes in in the middle of harding's term and i think does a really good job uh and does a good job with his second term as well you love crusader kings yeah a lot of fun with that one um all right so herbert hoover obviously the stock market crash happens during his presidency um but honestly i don't think hoover was as bad as some people think um he was a very intelligent guy i had been secretary of commerce before he was president um uh i might rank him a little higher than other people um i'm kind of torn between c and d but i'm going to put hoover in as a c um d plus c minus if we had such a thing is probably where i'd throw him only president born on july 4th and we did have two presidents to three presidents i think who died on july 4th two of them on the same july 4th john adams and thomas jefferson died on july 4th 1826. he tried but he failed he tried yeah that's fair um well i react to more sabaton songs absolutely i'm going to be doing the royal guard here pretty soon i have merch uh obedient moss um there's merch on the channel i want to design some new merch some specific stuff for vlogging through history right now just kind of some generic stuff that i've done but um i don't know about lincoln nearly fighting a duel with broadswords that's the first time hearing about that that doesn't mean it's not true um s tier vlogging through history mr terry thank you um all right franklin roosevelt um all right whoo this is going to be a a tough one because i know a lot of people would love to put him in the s tier i am not so inclined is my family from glasgow scotland uh yeah kinda part of my family is my great great great grandfather owned a pub in glasgow called the old toll that is still there today and they've actually filmed some scenes for peaky blinders there they were originally from the west midlands in england but they lived in glasgow for 20 years before they came to america i do not believe franklin roosevelt responsible for getting us out of the depression world war ii did that that said i think roosevelt his leadership during world war ii was outstanding and that's probably one of the most difficult crises we've ever faced as president uh anybody's ever faced as president i'm gonna give him an a because i'm not a huge fan of the some of the new deal stuff and oscar mcintyre thank you i appreciate that not a huge fan of some of the new deal stuff i think some of it was good like the you know the public works administration and the things where they gave people jobs and things like that some of the entitlement programs i don't know so i'm hedging him back from s tier because of some of that but his leader yeah in the japanese internment camps obviously not a good thing at all um the the fireside chats were a great thing overcoming a handicap as he did i think is outstanding um but i'll give him an a because based completely on his leadership for world war ii that in and of itself for me gives him an a um okay harry truman another tough one i think for me um yeah and gallo i would agree his intentions were good uh franklin roosevelt um truman ah interesting have i ever been to europe no but i'm hoping that this summer that's gonna change and it looks like it might uh the the travel may be allowed from the u.s to europe i haven't gotten a covid vaccine i'm a relatively healthy 43 year old man that i believe i've already had kovid i think i got it pretty early on when i was in boston when it broke out there but that said if i have to get the vaccine to be able to travel i'm willing to do that i don't know if everybody in my family is but i'm going to give truman a solid b i kind of an a minus b plus kind of thing for me smith uh thank you appreciate that but yeah i'll go with i'll go with b for truman i think solid tough to follow world war ii uh it kind of comes in at the end of world war ii imagine that job imagine coming in right as we're about to achieve victory over uh germany um and as a and and and time to find out about the bomb and having to make a decision about that franco thank you appreciate that i will definitely be doing some more latin american history i'm excited to learn more about that um some philippine history yeah at some point we will definitely get to some things that pick is left here paul jimenez thank you very much you're from barcelona very cool um all right eisenhower solid a i think eisenhower was a good president uh i think he did some really good things the interstate highway system's fantastic his warnings and his farewell address about the military industrial complex were solid things uh good leader um did some good things in dealing with communism the marshall plan um well the aftermath of the marshall plan kind of coming in after korea um not a perfect president but i think a good a um expanded yeah excellent point mikalami i hope i'm pronouncing that right um i think he was a good president when it came to civil rights comes in in the 50s when we're dealing with stuff in the south kind of coming to a head and i think handled that fairly well um alucard thank you akron awesome very cool just 40 minutes down the road from me just right down i-76 from here have i ever been to ireland no but i very much hope to um even though it hurts you as a socialist titus well i thank you for that kennedy i think kennedy is one of those people that um it's tough to judge because i think he gets judged at least partially because of the fact he got assassinated uh i think he was a solid leader i think his leadership during the cuban missile crisis was very very good adam thank you another northeast ohio and very cool appreciate that we're over 1600 people now kennedy i don't want to rank him high just because everybody else does i think i'm going to put him be like i said i think his his leadership the way he maneuvered and handled the cuban missile crisis was good some other stuff that he handled not so good um but yeah it's it's kind of an incomplete and i think a lot of times when people die prematurely we judge them higher than we ought to based on that but um well you know emil if we're going to talk about womanizers you're going to be dealing with half the people on this list thomas jefferson uh you know has children with a slave uh warren harding big time womanizer uh franklin roosevelt was a womanizer obviously kennedy and clinton and you know a lot of these people were not judging based on character if we did this list would look different for me you'd have grant at the top you'd have andrew jackson at the bottom you know things like that we're not just judging on character lbj um it's been ein berliner yes um thoughts on the warren commission yeah i'm indifferent about that i think as with everything it was probably at least partially political we are in vietnam baby yes we are um react to adam ruins history i'll have to check that out lee harvey oswald not on here i don't see leah herbie as well um i think johnson was was decent uh i'm gonna throw him in c because i think the the good and the bad kind of offset each other with johnson uh steve i can't argue with that uh jfk's handling of cuban missile crisis he was dealing with some really polarizing factions some who just wanted nuclear war and some who wanted to capitulate completely um so i i didn't even catch the the chat's going so fast uh f4 ze1 thank you for that i appreciate that all right we've got just a couple more because we're not going to get into the modern ones uh nixon's another really interesting one oh lee harvey oswald there you are i see okay um yeah see i think johnson did some good things but some bad things and i think they kind of offset each other um okay so uh nixon's another really tough one because i think he did some really solid things as president but you can't ignore the corruption uh that goes on as well um so uh boy this is a tough one uh and i know we've got a lot of them but honestly yeah it is looking like a bell curve and i think that's probably how it should be right um you know i'm probably gonna go c for nixon um foreign foreign policy pretty good domestic policy not so good uh and i think it offsets again kind of like with nixon um they're kind of like with johnson uh gerald ford um i don't know i'm gonna go d this is tough for me uh i just you know ford didn't do a lot either way honestly uh and he's from michigan so that drops him down a little bit you know what i mean um but uh i i think i'm just gonna go d for gerald ford sam rosenberg thank you unlike grant nixon's corruption was personally directed you're absolutely right about that uh there is a difference for sure um jimmy carter uh i almost want to put him at f but when i look at who i have in f i just can't in good conscience put him at f and jimmy carter when we're talking about character he's off the charts s jimmy carter is a phenomenal human being um when i when i said that i thought that grant would be like in my top two or three as far as the character of people who have been president carter's right there too jimmy carter is a really really good dude the man's in his what mid to late 90s now and he's still out there building homes for habitat for humanity the man he just had brain cancer he's still out there serving people uh lousy president phenomenal human being i think his post-presidency has been great so you know i'm gonna throw him in at d but uh all right last two presidents that we're gonna go to um and this is going to be pretty polarizing i think because now we're getting close enough to modern times that everybody's going to have really strong opinions on these next two um that hostage crisis though yeah and i figured somebody to talk about that um yeah mr b the oh i don't i know ohio and michigan fought over toledo and the joke here in ohio is that ohio and michigan fought a war over toledo and ohio lost because we got toledo that's the joke that we usually tell um i'm gonna give reagan an a and i know not everybody's gonna like that um and i am conscious of the fact that there does seem to be a little bit of a political bent to who i have sna and i'll acknowledge that i am center right leaning in my politics a little bit i'm not a registered republican but i am center right and i can see that we've got one two you know three four republicans in the top two i get that um but in my lifetime just from personal experience i feel like reagan's been one of the better presidents we've had uh certainly was one of the better communicators we've had i was an eight-year-old kid that had just watched a uh shuttle explode with a teacher on board and like hundreds of thousands of other kids we were watching that live on tv right and that night the speech that reagan gave on tv especially when he got to the part where he spoke directly to the children of america 88 thank you appreciate that was just for me one of the most memorable presidential moments i've ever experienced just i'll never forget that but i understand why people rank him lower and i will not argue with that i don't have a solid argument against that [Music] so that's just really kind of a personal feeling on that one but uh all right george h.w bush um i think i'm gonna go see with him one term president uh did some pretty decent things uh again i think he's a pretty good guy um i think the the good and the the bad kind of outweigh each other um sandra when it comes to age with reagan i'm not sure that any other president would have done any better with that when it comes to the aids crisis i think that probably most presidents would have dealt poorly with that but um yeah i do think reagan that was kind of poorly dealt with during his administration iran contra not great um but uh so i'll put george h.w bush c i think that's a decent uh place to put him um and again i think people could make an argument to put him lower but i'll go ahead and put him right there um i appreciate all of you and your thoughts and the time that you've taken to express your opinions on all of that um and uh i i will be very curious to see the comments that come after i'm sure there's going to be a lot of them but this is my personal list and i know plenty of people will disagree with it it's just the way i see things we're gonna do more of these i definitely would love to do one of the english monarchs i think that would be very interesting uh james thank you so much um scottish history tours i think i've seen some of that but i'll have to check and see um but thank you guys so much make sure you hit like on the way out subscribe if you're new to the channel we'll be back again maybe later this week to do another one of these rankings seems to be pretty popular but we'll see you again soon i'm going to stop right there
Channel: Vlogging Through History
Views: 886,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: president of the united states, us president, american presidents, s tier, tier ranking, top 10 worst american presidents, worst presidents, mr. beat, historian ranks presidents, presidential ranking
Id: zzvokaQk9YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 30sec (3630 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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