Historian Ranks English/British Monarchs from 1066 to Present

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all right here we go what's everybody up to how's it going so i'll give it a couple minutes until folks find their way in here and then i'm gonna kind of explain how this works it's gonna be very similar to what we did when i ranked the us presidents though this is a little bit more complicated because of the portraits and it entirely depends on who they included now i recognize most of these portraits and this one actually goes back from before 1066. i'm going to start right here with william the conqueror when we get started and i will definitely ask you guys for your input so a couple of things as we start number one uh when i do these topical streams like this please keep your topics and your questions on topic i'm also gonna enable a 30 second slow mode on the chat which means if you type a message you won't be able to type another one for 30 seconds that should help a little bit with spam issues and things like that how's it going everybody um so uh keep keep things on topic please don't ask me about henry viii when we're talking about henry ii uh so try to keep to who we're talking about the time period we're talking about um so understand that i just probably won't even respond to things that are off topic so um bauman hello from hanover very cool interesting connection to the british monarchy when we get to that point um so i am going to rank everybody starting with william the conqueror all the way up through uh elizabeth ii and uh i will talk a little bit about these each one as best i can and i'll probably rely on you guys to help me on ones where i'm kind of wavering we're going to go with s a b c d f and inconclusive so inconclusive would be for example for someone you know like edward viii who really just wasn't there long enough to have any kind of an impact on things uh that kind of stuff so um and these are just my opinion nobody else's uh so you know everybody's welcome to have their own opinion about this stuff and obviously i'm i'm viewing all of this through my 21st century american eyes um and my own understanding that obviously might be very different than other people we are skipping the anglo-saxon monarchs not because they don't matter not because they aren't incredibly important uh but just because i had to pick somewhere to start and i just decided to start here instead of going all the way back to the first king of england um so uh just a couple of things before we start the second longest reigning british monarch would probably be victoria probably followed by george the third uh and edward iii i would guess so um henry v should be d jack says so we'll get there um thank you in advance by the way uh as we are probably gonna hit 96 000 subscribers while i'm on this stream if not shortly after probably gonna hit 100k monday or tuesday i'm hoping to do a live stream i have no idea what it'll be about just kind of something fun to do i'm hoping to be live streaming when we hit 100k it's going to depend on when it happens could happen in the middle of the night so i don't know all right so welcome everybody i'm glad you're here we are gonna start with william the conqueror here's the way i'm going to judge these monarchs it's not on strictly on were they influential it's did they have a positive or negative impact on the country that they were having a you know they were reigning over or ruling over um yeah alfred the great i love him but we're not talking about him so uh so that makes william the conqueror a difficult one to judge just because he completely changed the nature of uh the the nation so uh he's gonna be one of the toughest ones for me so i'd be curious to hear excuse me um how you guys would rate william the conqueror this is going to be probably one of the more controversial ones that i do because you could argue that he had a incredibly negative impact on the anglo-saxon england but he also completely transformed the country definitely very influential but is it a positive thing yeah the doomsday book very important i think some of the things that william the conqueror did are very important he he set them up for the next couple of hundred years obviously building all the castles everywhere but he also devastated large parts of the country in the process so yes the first english king is ethelstan alfred was not king of england it was king of wessex most british people you've spoken to said he's a great conqueror but a terrible king that's an interesting way to look at it um so yeah um it's a tricky one i'm gonna put william i'm not gonna put him in s tier but i think i will put him in a uh because it's hard to ignore you know that england would not be and and britain would not be the place that it is today without william the conqueror not necessarily all positive and that but that's one i would be i would be fine with any argument that people made about william the conqueror so uh then that takes us on to uh and i want to um i'm trying to organize some things here because i want to make sure i get these portraits right i know the order of the english monarchs but that doesn't necessarily mean that like for example some of these portraits are a little tricky that they chose to use um and i'm i'm gonna set up my i'm trying to organize my my chat view and things like that so don't mind me as you see things happening on the screen here for a second um okay here we go didn't william's stomach burst for his funeral yes it did uh they tried to stuff him down and he's buried in france and they tried to stuff him down in and it burst and the smell was just absolutely ridiculously awful and olly yes the harrowing of the north is what i'm thinking about as far as uh one of the things that i would definitely bring him down a peg or two for um william rufus yeah his cheeks were red he was killed it's in hunting so it said uh so william rufus is right here uh not a good king not a good king at all um queen victoria rated h for hemophilia oh boy so uh i wouldn't put william rufus in f unless i mean i'd love to hear what you guys think we're talking about william rufus here william the second he's king for 13 years 118 or 1087 to about 1100 he may have been murdered i think you could probably make an argument that that was the case and um so that's who we're talking about here he's going to be ranked low for me but i would love to hear your arguments about how low i'm torn between d and f on william rufus i'm kind of leaning d but i'm willing to be convinced otherwise michael i don't or miguel i don't know if there's a great way to memorize them i'm sure that in england they have some way of doing it but yeah let me know what you guys think about this one seems like most folks are saying d so far i'm pretty content with with calling it a d for william rufus william ii if you will yeah we'll go d seems like everybody kind of agrees with me on that one hunting accident cersei smirking from a corner yeah he's well you can't but you can't argue steve i don't know if you can say someone who was king for 13 years could be inconclusive really um so you know inconclusive to me is someone whose reign was so short to as not had an opportunity to really do much so now we're on to henry the first henry beau clerk as he's known now he's he's king for 35 years uh so this is one who obviously has a long reign uh he's actually the fourth son of william the first so he he's there for a long time uh very influential when it comes to the laws of england uh so he ends up dying of food poisoning so that's another one of those kind of questionable things that's happening but what really was devastating early in henry's reign was the white ship disaster which killed his son and heir and really kind of hurtles england toward its first civil war post william the conqueror but i'm i'm willing to go solid b i think on henry the first um i could see arguments for maybe even putting him a a minus yeah that's probably fair um i think i'm going to go b henry the first did some really good things i think he was a solid a solid ruler i don't know that he did anything particularly negative that could be criticized in any strong way i i'm still trying to organize my my thoughts here a little bit because i've got some lists up to kind of help me think about how i want to do this as we go along yeah there's a lot of ongoing fights going on between siblings all throughout these early rulers especially yeah we're going to get to stephen here in just a minute so henry dies and his daughter matilda who i don't even see here so i guess we're not gonna really include her but she's incredibly important because it's through her that you get the plantagenets um but so we're onto steven so stephen is a pretty weak king there's civil war uh he ends up having to be um basically his line gets disinherited um oh yeah you're like my desktop background is pretty crazy all the all the things going on there uh hey michael in new york how's it going so what do you guys think about steven um i'm leaning d f on stephen but he might be our first f that we get also if you look at his image it's pretty like dude looks cross-eyed or something i don't know what's going on there yeah it does they do have cromwell in there we we're gonna skip him for the purposes of what we're doing um but yeah i do see cromwell right there and looks like his son too uh so steven's gonna be our first f i think uh i don't think you can you can say inconclusive about stephen he was king for 19 years um yes i'm gonna uh i'll rank the emperors of britannia from my crusader kings 3 campaign seems like most people are uh with me on the f chappie thank you good evening to you i guess you're over in europe huh uh thank you for that let the inbreeding begin the cro yeah look at stephen that is not a flattering portrait at all um so now uh steven gives away to the descendants of matilda so matilda mary's uh jeffrey plantagenet the countable jew now the plantagenet dynasty was not known as the plantagenets during their reign that's kind of a later thing that we've put on them i think it was probably um contemporary to call them the angevin kings uh being descendants of bonjour so good afternoon jose how you doing henry ii absolute legend yeah it's hard to argue with that uh so we are on now to henry the second so henry ii pretty pretty solid uh great soldier great king uh he extends his kingdom to where he ends up ruling most of france by the time that's done uh obviously he makes some good marriages things like that um obviously things fall apart in the next generation um is there a bug-eyed king i don't know um yeah henry ii uh he he's a possibility for s but i tell you um what holds me back from s for henry ii is number one how things go between him and his sons which obviously isn't completely in his control but it made a mess of things for a while um so that's part of it the whole thing with thomas beckett is a nightmare too so if you're not familiar with it and there's a lot to this thomas beckett was a good friend of henry ii and henry ii was having a lot of issues with the church the church is completely autonomous at this time dane thank you [Music] he's having a lot of issues with with the church and basically what it is is that the church is basically not subject to civil law they have their own law their own courts and so henry ii tries to get around this by appointing one of his bros to be the archbishop of canterbury and thomas beckett but the issue is that thomas beckett takes the job seriously which henry did not expect he starts taking on the role of archbishop of canterbury and sees himself as separate from the the king and uh that becomes an issue and as somebody already mentioned chris um you know at one point he hears about something that thomas did and and he says who will no one rid me of this turbulent priest and a couple of knights take that to mean let's rid him of this turbulent priest and they go and they murder thomas beckett spread his brains all over the floor of the church and this was a pr nightmare for henry ii to the point where he had to go and just grovel uh to the english people and he you know he did all these things to show penance for what had happened to thomas beckett builds a shrine to him and does all this stuff uh cameron awesome glad you're here with us so uh so for me for those reasons some of the messes that happen in henry ii's reign hold me back from being willing to give him an s but i'm willing to give him a solid a uh for those things so skyler thank you i appreciate that vlog coin to the moon nice hey thank you i don't typically like it this short but i got it cut short thinking that by the time i go to georgia in two weeks to shoot some videos it'll grow in a little bit so oh boy great zeus yeah we're not quite that far yet all right so we're on to richard the lionheart i guess so who's this here oh that's probably henry the young king so for a time henry's son kind of is like a co-king with him but we're gonna kind of skip him i think um so yeah should have gone anglican early would have i don't think ed edward of woodstock counts as a king no um where did i get this shirt i don't remember i've had it for years it barely fits me anymore because i've put on a few pounds but we're on to richard the lionheart uh so i guess this is him here because that looks like john right there um so i think that's gotta be richard the lionheart right right there um so richard the lionheart only spent six months in england during his entire reign which is ten or eleven eighty nine to eleven ninety nine um he's a great warrior but he's a not a good king for england he really did nothing positive for england he doesn't have an heir he may have been homosexual we don't know bisexual even doesn't have an heir he practically bankrupts the kingdom because he not only goes on this crusade but then he's on his way back and he gets uh captured and they have to pay an arm and a leg to get him ransomed uh so really honestly as great as everybody remembers richard the lionheart as being i don't think he was a good king at all um i'll keep him off of f but i think he's going to have to be a d for me um so i'm just catching up with the chat now yeah and he gets killed in battle uh there's not many good portrayals of that in film there's a decent one in the robin hood movie with russell crowe where they showed the richard the lionheart uh attacking the castle gets shot kind of in the neck right here at the base of his neck uh by a crossbow bolt that a cook a french cook fired uh they end up skinning the cook alive after they take the castle um but uh greetings in belgium awesome very cool um so but richard was friends with robin hood yes all right so we're on to john so we go from bad to worse uh as far as kings go john very nearly loses the kingdom for his dynasty in fact right at the end of his reign john ends up almost being usurped by a french prince as king um so john john's got to be an f right i mean there's a reason there hasn't been a king john since then um joined to me talking about skinning a cook yes robin hood existed for real um certainly not in the way we think but i'm sure that at some point there's somebody in reality that his character is based on f is too high for john yeah we need a layer below f loses the crown jewels causes a civil war loses london yeah there's nothing really good to say about jon i mean if if you could say anything positive it's that he was so bad as king that it brought about magna carta um yeah but yeah magna carta is because john was a terrible terrible king so louis was king just uncrowned but i don't think they have him in here because i believe uh that we are going or is that louis there because is this no this is henry iii right there because then this is edward i think this is long shanks that's edward ii that's edward the third yeah so um yeah so this is this is john which brings us to henry the third richard did forgive the god that shot him and wanted nothing to happen to him but after they took the castle yeah they played him alive so save that layer for cromwell we're gonna skip cromwell since he wasn't really a monarch um all right so we are on to henry the third he's nine years old he's the son of john he becomes king at nine years old uh long reign for him 12 16 all the way to 1272 one of the longest reigns in history for the british empire for england [Music] again rebellions are happening during this time he did some good things he he was he was raised by priests and so he's devoted to the church uh he he's all about art and learning but he's pretty weak and he gets dominated by counselors unfortunately influenced by the french quite a bit so excuse me our eli gaming you're an hour away from chattanooga in north georgia you should join us i'm going to be there if you join our discord i've actually got a channel where i've posted some stuff and if you shoot me a private message i've actually created a private channel on our discord server for the folks that are planning on connecting with me either in chattanooga in chickamauga or over in toccoa or down at andersonville in my trip that i'm taking in two weeks um yeah so civil wars um henry iii does some good things you know on this on the the side of the arts and things like that i think he does some good things he's got that big rebellion with simon de monafort uh i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and put henry iii as our first c yeah and it seems like other people tend to agree with me on that one yeah mediocre i think he's kind of the epitome of mediocre so it seems like a lot of people agree with that as well all right so now we are on to edward the first long shanks as he is known the hammer of the scots the conqueror of wales so this one's gonna be interesting i am very curious to hear you guys thoughts on this one uh edward the first really makes his mark first while his father is still king he gets captured and he manages to escape and help bail his father out more than once um i think edward is gonna be s or a for me but i would love to hear uh your thoughts on this um he forms the first the model parliament in 1295 uh that brings kind of everybody together he obviously conquers whales he has the stuff going on with scotland um he's a pretty solid solid king for england uh why is he called long shanks i i i think it's his hair but he was also pretty tall especially for that time period um seems like we're pretty torn between s and a uh but i'm that's not him what am i doing here i'm gonna go s for edward the first i i think that i think you can argue that yeah he he conquers whales he uh subdues scotland for a while he was very tall shanks are legs okay so yeah uh yeah so it's because he was tall and they had actually exhumed him at some point and measured him and i think he came out at like over six feet tall so um i hear screaming going on but i think it's my son playing rocket league so i don't think it's anything to worry about all right six four okay yeah so six four is like a giant uh you know in in the 1200s he was really tall he did make a huge trebuchet i think it was called warwolf and they actually in the movie with chris pine about robert the bruce on netflix they show them firing war wolf and he did like fire it one time at the castle in scotland just to kind of show it off um so now we're on to edward ii certainly one of england's weakest kings outlaw king that's the movie thank you take this i um so edward ii has got to be an f right i mean uh yeah these next ones are going to be interesting you so tommy you think c or d i mean edward ii gets deposed by his wife and her lover uh he loses scotland um yeah it's it's tough tough to argue uh anything other than f in my mind for edward ii uh especially following up if you look at the king that came before him and the king that came after him how great they both were at least in my mind uh boy yeah edward ii's got to be an f you think f's too harsh some people are saying d but man when i think f edward ii for me is one of the first people you throw up there but under f some people said but yeah he lost a lot uh man gee somebody said there's really not a lot you need to say about that he's deposed by by his wife he loses scotland at the battle of bannockburn um he he gets murdered either by yeah some people say it was a red hot poker through his anus but i i think that's probably a a later account that was pointing to his homosexuality uh rather than anything that's based in reality edward iii is one of my favorite kings i'm a descendant of edward iii um so he reigns for 50 years now there's some really good things about edward the third obviously the 100 years war breaks out during his time he's got a pretty solid claim on the kingdom of france uh and we've talked some about the hundred years war already on this channel um i would be tempted to say s and i still may the only thing that holds me back from a clear s for edward iii has to do with what happens after him i don't know how much of that is his fault though um you know the whole kind of dividing on the surface it seemed like a good idea making royal dukes having a bunch of suns um but i i think a lot of that was probably out of control so these are things that were consequences of his reign but i don't know that i blame them on edward specifically i think i'm gonna go ahead and make edward iii in s yeah the chivalry thing i mean to this day you can see the impact of edward iii the knights of the guarder for example um the fact that we have royal dukes at all that's edward iii that's responsible for those things yeah he can't be blamed for richard ii who knows what would have happened if his son edward the black prince had lived and succeeded him man england could have been a very very different place we probably never get the wars of the roses um so yeah so i'll go i'll go s all right we're under richard ii uh wow boy i'm having a lot of f's here but i feel like richard's got to be another f doesn't he why would catherine de medici be in english kings no i think the black prince probably would have been a good king um i mean i think every ruler did wrong edward the first had some things that didn't necessarily go well but yeah richard ii's got to be an f right i mean he's he gets deposed uh by his cousin he handles you know disagreements with his with his barons badly um part of that is he he comes to the throne so young and he's got powerful uncles um but yeah i mean just he's he's an extravagant guy he spends he he gets ruthless he breaks his promises he has the peasant revolt under wat tyler um probably killed by starvation after he was deposed and yeah he is kind of the cause of the wars of the roses do their actions before their reign count uh i would say only if they had an impact on the realm uh in some direct way yeah there have been a lot of bad ones unlike the presidents where i had a pretty you know typical kind of bell curve going on uh we haven't had a lot of mediocre ones but i think we're going to get to some all right rhonda henry the fourth henry iv is going to be an interesting one he usurps the throne from richard ii his cousin he's the son of john the god john of gaunt uh he's so he's a grandson of edward iii um he returns from exile in france to take the kingdom uh parliament makes him king ah boy this one's going to be interesting i'm kind of lean and see on henry iv his reign was not a good one i think most of the things he did that were decent were when he first took over um who am i skipping i haven't the only ones i've skipped have been the ones that were pre-1066 and then i think this is henry the young king and i just chose not to include him uh yeah i feel like henry iv is kind of a mediocre you could argue a d for him probably but i'll go see yeah all right so we're on to henry v so henry v um it's it's tough to put him too high because of how short his reign is he's only king for nine years uh he does great things while he's king he basically defeats france uh and and pretty much it seems that you've got a victory in the hundred years war um a lot of people i think are going to be tempted to go s for henry v and i think had he rained longer it'll be a clear s um but i'm tough on this one yeah this is where you start to get english being used in the english court instead of french you start to really kind of anglicize england so the p speak ester so far we've just got edward the first and edward iii we've got william the conqueror and uh who was the other one that i put uh henry iii uh or henry the second as a's alex we're not talking about that we're uh try to keep focused i think on what we're doing i'm going to go yeah i'll go a for henry v using english in the courts is great unless you're welsh that's fair yeah it's tough because henry v died young it makes it difficult i think balance out all the f's all right we are on to henry vi oh man henry vi he becomes king when he's a baby because he's born i think um you know like right about the time that his father dies strong issues with mental illness during his reign really had no business being king whatsoever um can't drink with the cap on that is correct yeah i mean henry vi has got to be an f right i mean i don't know how you'd make him anything but henry vi uh we're just gonna count it all as one i'm not gonna do multiple reigns i mean i see that they've got him in here twice kings of minority never go well i mean look at it you're right um some exceptions right um i mean henry iii wasn't horrible and he he became king in his minority but uh you know some of the other ones not so much henry the sex you're right was not prepared to be king and yeah the mental illness stuff's beyond his control he's dominated by his wife obviously the wars of the roses happen during his reign okay matt king henry is that for sure okay we are on to who's this here i mean this is edward the this is edward iv right here so i'm not sure who this is supposed to be and uh same here i'm looking okay i guess that's i think they may be out of order a little bit i'm not sure but this is edward iv so that's who we're going to next yeah he would have been a good priest i think you're right so edward the fourth boy this is gonna be a tough one uh yes the wars of the roses definitely inspired game of thrones i have seen the white queen uh take some liberties with some things but gets a lot of it right too um so edward iv conquers uh things uh for the house of york becomes king i think at 18 years old um but makes some pretty big mistakes most notably probably marrying elizabeth woodville which did not do himself any favors i think i don't think it was a necessarily bad rain do westeros monarchs next uh you could probably argue d i might be inclined to go c for edward iv um i'd love to hear you guys thoughts on that he did rely a lot on the woodville's i think again his early death he's in his 40s when he dies creates chaos afterwards but again is that really under his control um i'm gonna i'm gonna go c for edward iv um so then what we've got after edward iv is edward the fifth and this one's a pretty easy inconclusive he's he's like 12 years old when he becomes king he's never crowned he's only king for a couple of months before he's deposed by his uncle um why are kings so bad at picking spouses king mari i don't know the swedish monarchs enough to be able to fairly rank them um so give me a second guys i i have a message from my wife she's at a baby shower so okay so richard ii then i messed up edward the first and henry iii how did i mess them up george washington richard iii okay so he's only king for two years um but you can't give him an inconclusive because obviously has a major impact on things but i'm just not entirely sure that i can think of too much positive that richard iii does he deposes his nephews um he basically opens the door for the tudors to take over so i'm catching up on the chat here henry viii chad s tier yes i will include elizabeth ii i will go all the way um take this you can't be a descendant of richard iii i don't think he has any living descendants unless there's some illegitimate child that i'm not thinking of um did i do that did i put did i did i switch them by accident let me take a look at this real quick let me go back to um you said i have let me catch up with where that chat is we'll get back to that in just a second here he said i have henry iii and s and edward the first in c where's henry the third's picture i'm looking at that here so this yeah this is henry iii here no that's edward iii right there that's long shanks isn't it where's edward the third this is edward iii right here 95k we should be at almost 96k let's check and see where we're at 95 848. so you could be related to richard iii um but you can't be a descendant of richard iii that's henry iii next to edward the third i don't know it was the i went in the order that they were listed so we'll just go with what i said rather than necessarily what it looks like um i'm gonna pull up my my look at the uh at the monarchs here real quick i'm just looking at the portraits to see if i can try and figure out the uh the portrait so i can get this right anyway you know what i meant regardless of how it looks here we go i've got the porches i was looking for now so this is henry iii right there i'm looking at the portrait that is a portrait of henry iii all right so that's done let's continue on all right yeah that's a definite portrait of henry iii right there okay so we are on to we're on richard the the uh the third um yeah richard iii might have been illegitimate but that could have happened at any point in the line it could have happened later on too so um all right so richard iii i'm just going to go f he he kind of blows everything up and doesn't really do himself any favors with how he came to the throne in the first place opens the door for the tudors let me pull my chat back up okay we are on to henry tudor henry vii and guys right now please do not ask me about doing other things like other videos about other things we are talking about this i want to keep the chat focused on what we're talking about so i'm just going to ignore if you ask me to do german monarchs or ask me my opinion of a world war ii general i'm just going to ignore it right now so be aware of that um okay so we're on to henry tudor now henry tudor conquers england from richard iii putting an end to the plantagenet dynasty starting the tudor dynasty henry tudor is very miserly when it comes to his spending he obviously does a good thing for the kingdom by uniting the houses of lancaster and york he marries the daughter of edward iv so that pretty much puts an end to the wars of the roses there are still some plantagenet claimants out there that are going to be systematically dealt with during his reign and then during the reign of his son henry viii but henry vii um boy this is it's interesting it's wild here i got people saying a and people saying d for henry vii which to me says he's the epitome of a c right um well john i think you can probably understand why henry vii thought that about you know people wanting to take the throne i mean think about how he came to the throne in the first place and how there are kind of those plantagenets out there still you've got um you've got a son of the brother or actually it's it's basically it's um a cousin to his his wife that's still out there there's claimants there's people to worry about i'm gonna go c for henry the seventh because you know everybody's all over the map we got people saying a b c d uh so i to me that says good place to put a c all right this one's going to be interesting henry viii so henry viii is one of many examples in history where the second son who has made the duke of york ends up becoming king in fact every single time going back for most of i think i think it's probably always been the case every time that the duke of york has been created as a title for a second son of a monarch that monarch has either that person has either become the monarch or died without children so the duchy the dukedom of york has never been passed down from one generation to the next now that's about to change because prince andrew is the duke of york well no because he's got only daughters so i don't know how that works um so it's going to happen again so henry's the duke of york his older brother arthur dies as a teenager and of course everybody knows the story with what happened with him marrying his brother's widow catherine of aragon for that alliance with spain um this one's gonna be controversial because you know obviously you're tempted to rank him really high or really low because he's henry viii and obviously he had a huge impact on england but was it all positive s for cavs she palpatine says yeah a lot of people uh contemporaries of henry talk about his calves and what great calves he had he was actually considered to be a very handsome man in his younger years it was only later in his life that he got fat and he got came to look like what he did later on sutton explorer you grew up new is non-such park where non-such palace was uh that was the palace that he ran uh he built uh when he i think when he was married to catherine howard as a king see as a human being below f right and that's the thing we um uh phil lee i've seen that documentary um yeah character is one thing but that doesn't necessarily mean a person's a bad king s because he's one of the few that you've heard of it was a handsome and fierce warrior then got fat and lazy after coming to power um oh yeah king robert from game of thrones yeah pretty much um all right i gotta decide he's gonna be a bee for me i feel pretty solid with b tremendous influence he did a lot of good things i i not all of henry viii's reign was beheadings and uh marrying wives uh there are some pretty solid things that happened during his reign too he was just obsessed with this whole male heir thing which is interesting because one of the greatest monarchs that england ever has is his daughter of all people he did demolish the monasteries and that bothers me a lot um but he also gives england independence from uh the church in rome which i think is probably a good thing um he was one of many kings who bankrupted the country at different times all right let's go ahead and okay my son had to come in and tell me that he got his xbox working because we were having trouble with it okay we are on to um so now we're on to edward the sixth who is henry's son this may make like an an and cleave wow um christian i'm sorry it took so long for you to get to notification i'm not sure what that's about um all right so edward the sixth i'm torn on how how to go about him i'm almost torn and want to say inconclusive but he was king for six years so it's hard to say inconclusive for edward vi but again he's one of those guys that comes to the throne as a minority he's only nine years old he had always been you know henry the henry viii finally gets his son that he's always wanted and so he's really protective of him and kind of tucks him away somewhere um and that doesn't do him any favors uh i don't want to put him at f but i think you could probably say d for him so who do we got here is this yeah this is going to be lady jane gray um he tried to disinherit his sisters yes that's true so um when it was clear that edward vi was dying probably tuberculosis could have been something else when it was clear he was dying they get him to write a will which bypasses his sisters mary and elizabeth his half-sisters in favor of his cousin lady jane gray who is the granddaughter of charles brandon and henry viii's sister um so that doesn't go well they put jane on the throne briefly she's obviously another one of those inconclusives because she's on the throne for like nine days she's never crowned or anything it was contested some people don't even count her as one of the queens so the two inconclusive right now are edward the fifth uh who was the son of edward iv and then lady jane gray yeah poor girl she initially gets deposed by mary but is imprisoned but because people keep trying to overthrow mary for jane finally they have to execute jane when you've got a a strong claimant to the throne or even someone who's an ex monarch sitting around that's a constant threat to your rule and unfortunately they have to be dealt with in that way no robert the bruce now we're only doing english monarchs and then british once they merge the crowns here in just a minute throne deposition speed run record yeah nine days all right so we're on the bloody mary and it looks like they've got mary and philip together in this picture i'm not necessarily inclined to include philip in this philip is the king of spain and he marries mary um so some people argue that he's technically kind of a joint monarch but boy think about that the king of spain married to the king of the queen of england imagine had they had a son and you know what that might have meant but mary the first boy is there can anybody convince me why she shouldn't be an f um i just i can't think of anything good to say about her reign maybe somebody can give me a reason why somebody tell me why it shouldn't be an f if she barely yeah it's philip the second yes if she barely acted on her own accord doesn't that make her an f for that reason alone she scared you as a kid bloody mary yeah all right yeah we're gonna go f for mary boy there's a lot of f's boy will you make a fair point you know you can't complain about mary killing protestants when there were a bunch of monarchs that killed catholics you're right she did a lot to improve anglo-spanish relations why didn't she have kids and they got elizabeth or when she died she didn't have kids that's right she had what was called a phantom pregnancy she actually probably had ovarian cancer and she was convinced she was pregnant but she wasn't she even had all the symptoms of being pregnant all right we're on to elizabeth boy i feel like elizabeth's got to be an s right i mean elizabeth's one of the greats of all time um why'd she kill so many people because she um her brother had been protestant uh and she wanted to bring you know she's the daughter of catherine of aragon mary the first is she wants to bring catholicism back to england and uh so she basically does what you do to heretics as you see them is to burn them at the stake i mean elizabeth's gotta be s right i can't think of any good reason not uh to be s for elizabeth the first and it's amazing to me that if henry the fir if henry had known that his daughter with anne boleyn would end up being one of the all-time greats in the history of of the monarchy boy i wonder how he would have felt about that an s for kate blanchett yes kate blanchett if you haven't seen the two movies where she plays elizabeth they're fantastic so that brings us now to james the first let me kind of skip ahead to get to my uh pictures here that's not james there is it this is james here right because yeah because this is charles right there so this is james the first she did kill mary queen of scots well technically she i mean she signed off on it right did she throw shoes at people maybe uh james i i think is a solid king i'm kind of leaning a for james the first so first of all let's talk about how james comes to the throne elizabeth dies and that's the end of the tudors because there's no more descendants known i mean there's no legitimate descendants of henry viii left at this point so now you've got to go all the way back to the sister of henry viii who was married to king james iv who i'm descended from i'm descending from james the fourth but not through mary tudor i'm descended through or was it margaret toot or was margaret um i'm descended through one of his many illegitimate children that he had um so uh through james iv you get james the fifth you get married queen of scots you get james the sixth of scotland uh who is then a cousin of queen elizabeth and so then when queen elizabeth dies james of scotland is the heir to the english throne and that merges scotland and england into a union of the crowns they're not united as one nation but they're both under the same monarch at that point um have i seen the horrible histories monarch song i have so james could be a b i could i could be convinced of a for james so boy you want to talk about a dis functional family there's some great books out there about the stewards and i'm descended from the stewards and i'm the first one to say that my ancestors were messed up and we're going to talk a lot about them when i go to the uk because i'm going to be spending some time in scotland talking about the stewards visiting some of the locations associated with them and if you want to help with that there's a link in the description to the gofundme or you can sign up as a patron the money from patreon all goes to my travel fund for me to go create original content by traveling but yeah the stewart's boy there's a lot of messed up almost every one of those stuart kings for a while there dies uh kind of a a tragic or unforeseen death you know death's in battle being murdered uh and james iv was killed with battle flood and field james the you know james vi his father was murdered possibly at the on the order of his mother which is kind of crazy um the stewards were nuts yeah i i would agree with that um okay i got to make a decision about james the first so james the first we're gonna go b uh good things he's uh you know he does some good things as far as authorizing an english bible which is important i think for the kingdom the king james bible used to this day had some issues with the puritans things like that um exploration is is in full swing while he's king uh in one word how would you describe the stuart's ruling timeline chaos chaos um okay we are on to charles the first yeah the gun gunpowder plot takes place during james the first reign which is obviously a fascinating time uh in the history of of england remember remember the 5th of november the gunpowder treason and plot um so charles the first i have another connection here because one of my ancestors was one of the regicides who signed the death warrant of charles the first and was one of the generals during the english civil war under cromwell's name was edward wally w-h-a-l-l-e-y he actually came to america hid in a cave for a while in new england when they started hunting down the regicides when when the monarchy was restored under charles ii but uh boy charles the first is an easy f right i mean he's got to be f boy we get a lot of f's i know cromwell is your ancestor very cool and we're going to skip oliver and richard cromwell who you have right here just because they're not monarchs though they were monarchs in everything but name they don't make no mistake about it oliver cromwell was a monarch he just didn't have the title um who was king for 49 years i mean that's just a d based on length [Music] who are you talking about zachary who's king for 49 years that you're talking about a lot of monarchies will have a lot of f's that's fair okay well i won't i'm not going to place them in inconclusive because they're not monarchs to me um so i'm just not going to count them because they're not kings um so charles ii here we go this is an interesting one uh this one i think is going to be one of these ones they're all over the map i think we're going to get a lot of different opinions from you guys on this one so i'd be curious to hear what you think he's known as the mary monarch he restores the monarchy after the cromwells uh dude had 13 mistresses but he was he was popular with the people but he was a weak king obviously the great plague and the great fire of london take place during his reign which are certainly bad things going against him but of course st paul's cathedral and a lot of the rebuilding of london take place there's a movie i can't remember what it's called but they actually show uh what's happening with the fire in london and how charles ii got involved in that late late on um yeah i think c's probably a fair place to put him uh we're not talking about anything besides the english monarchy so please don't ask me thoughts on other topics right now for being a player all right we're gonna go c for charles ii i think any time you have opinions all over the map it's a good indication that there that sees probably the safe place to go charles the first is buried with henry viii um in st george's chapel in windsor castle which i cannot wait to go visit hopefully they open up us uk travel um there there's different vaults down there um and in one of the vaults you've got henry viii jane seymour charles the first and i believe an infant child of queen anne that are all buried in there and they actually at one point opened the vault and opened the casket of charles the first and they could see that his head had been sewed back on and his eyes were open and i guess the minute they opened it up they disintegrated it's i'm always fascinated by that kind of stuff um so all right so where are we we're on james the james ii right um he gets deposed in the glorious revolution feel like he's got to be an f right why do i have royal high in my search bar because my daughter is a royal high youtuber that has like 170 some thousand subscribers so that's why i am not the only one in my family that uses this computer all right yeah so we gotta go um i almost put him a d for his awesome hair but no we're gonna go we're gonna go there just william and mary right here i guess it would have to be right so william and mary come to the throne uh james so let's talk about james ii for a second um he's the younger brother of charles ii so he takes over even though charles ii had a bazillion kids through his mistresses he had no legitimate heirs uh we got another f coming someone said uh my favorite british dynasty would have to be the plantagenets it's my fame my favorite time during all of that um so you know he has an illegitimate son of charles ii uh the duke of monmouth who rises against him i think the duke of monmouth was executed at the tower of london during all of that um roxanna we'll get to elizabeth the second when we get to that time um who are the best back-to-back monarchs that's an interesting uh question if they have great good hair they rank higher um all right so william and mary uh william of orange uh he he's actually dutch but he's he's william and mary are first cousins they're both grandchildren of uh who were they grandchildren of their grandchildren of charles ii right no of um yeah i've dr i can't remember but they're both cut their cousins their first cousins and so they are joint rulers they're both they're like co-king you know typically when you have a king the queen is the consort she's not really the queen right she's queen consort so she's not a monarch in her own right um so ah boy uh william and mary i don't know if i want to put them s but um i feel like they were pretty good what do you guys think about william and mary so they they come across in what's called the glorious revolution so it's an overthrow of the king but it's a bloodless overthrow of the king um yeah i feel like a right i mean a is kind of where i was leaning with william and mary and since they've got them linked together here uh mary's the daughter of charles the first okay i was thinking she was granddaughter of charles the first i think they're grandchildren of charles the first all right so that takes us then to queen anne so this is all so this is william by himself then right but we've already got william and mary there in a um so we're on to queen anne now and boy there's a lot of i feel terrible for ann ann has like 17 children and none of them survive to adulthood uh just a really sad time yeah i shouldn't say i i said relatively bloodless it wasn't completely bloodless uh the glorious revolution mary the second is james ii's daughter okay that's it um so anne yeah is she the first british monarchy i believe the union of the crowns happens uh during ann's uh reign so maybe for that would give her some points um matt you make a fair point about does it make sense to rank monarchs after victoria no we just use different criteria to rank them i think um yeah the act of union is passed during her reign that's pretty solid but yeah i feel terribly for anne's story it is a pretty sad story uh the glencoe massacre yeah which i will also be covering when i go to the uk i'm planning on visiting glencoe and talking about that maraschino cherries double s so let me know your thoughts um about anne i i'm a feeling b for anne but i'm not sure some people say s some people saying c yeah i think i'm gonna go b because we're kind of all over the map but i can't think of anything awful that ann did to warrant being lower than a b how much money do you make per 30k views on a reaction video not much actually i don't make anything on most reaction videos because the reaction videos for the most part especially the more popular ones like oversimplified get monetized for the content creator so if you see me making an oversimplified video i'm not making a dime on that because all the ad revenue from my reaction goes to oversimplified i don't get any of that does boudicca count as a monarch i don't know but we're only doing 1066 anyway um who's the best out of the s tier so far i say elizabeth all the women are going to be top tier yeah so far they are uh well no not really because we've got uh mary down here in f now the georgians yeah so here come the hannover hanover in kings so here's where it gets really nuts and this is when the british royal family basil basically becomes german from here on out um when anne dies they've passed an act that bars catholics from succeeding to the throne and that's the case to this time i think um they've loosened that somewhat um but they have to go all the way to hanover to the the son of um sophia of hanover to get george the first georg the first george the first didn't speak a word of english and really didn't spend much time in england he's the great grandson of james the first he arrives in england at the age of 54 and he only knows a few words of english he arrives with 18 cooks and two mistresses when he comes to england he never did learn english and this is when you get robert walpole becoming the first prime minister of england so you have a significant transfer of governing power from the crown to a prime minister for the first time so pretty interesting time uh in english history i i'm having a hard time seeing how george the first is higher than c and i'm rather inclined to make him a d of course he deals with the jacobite rebellion right after he takes over and the jacobites are the catholic uh heirs to the throne who actually are much closer in line to the throne but because they're catholic they've been bypassed um george is a d for not learning english he was pretty lazy um yeah you could argue not real kings anymore but i but i think we'll still do it and we'll just we'll we'll judge them on different criteria really so here's georg the first right here i think i'm gonna go d for george uh so interesting story some of you heard me mention this i was engaged once before i met my wife uh to my kind of junior high and high school sweetheart uh from the time i was 13 i wanted to marry this girl her name was lisa walpole and i can remember her brother was in my class she was a year younger than me her brother was in my class and we were good friends when we were little and i remember when we talked about robert walpole um hold on one second um i remember when we talked about robert walpole in history class lisa's brother saying that he was a descendant of robert walpole and i thought oh come on that's crazy just because you have the same last name doesn't make you his descendant but then when i was engaged to lisa and i started researching her family tree sure enough she is a direct descendant of robert walpole my kids could have been direct descendants of the first prime minister of england but she broke up with me and married someone else on our wedding day so that's that um george the second the only son of robert or of george the first a little more english than his father but still kind of relies on robert walpole to run the country um he's the last english king to lead an army into battle in 1743 once again he has a jacobite rebellion in 1745 that's bonnie prince charlie uh when he lands in scotland that's where you get the battle of cullidan if you're familiar with uh outlander i think that's the story that's told there so he had dumped at the altar yeah not quite it wasn't quite like that she broke up with me about a year before we would have gotten married so it wasn't quite like that um but yeah it did happen a year but it worked out for me i met my wife a couple years later and all's well that ends well right um so i appreciate all your kind words about that guys things did always do work out i have no complaints obviously at the time it was brutal and heartbreaking and all of that but we're cool all is well um all right so uh george the second is this a c i don't know what do you guys think i i feel like this is a solid sea here but i'm willing to be convinced otherwise well yeah william iii was dutch but george the first was was german i mean either way he was still a king in england so jacked up truck 1991 thank you for signing up as a member i appreciate your support i kind of feel like george the second to see yeah he's kind of just meh you know i mean nothing great nothing bad just kind of there right because you're from georgia yeah yeah i think i'm gonna go c for george the second goosey we're actually almost at 96. let's see where we're at on subs i'm going to refresh to get the latest number 95 901 subscribers right now so thank you guys that is amazing i never in a million years thought that would happen this fast um we'll probably hit 100k monday or tuesday why don't i put henry the eighth and b tier again uh we already talked about him we're moving on now um all right here we go we're on to george iii oh yeah when i think of george iii i i i can't help but think of hamilton and the song you'll be back soon you'll see you'll remember you belong to me if you haven't seen hamilton and you're the least bit interested in musical theater you have to check it out it's fantastic we saw it in theater a couple years ago uh the tour when it came to cleveland it was so so good um if you love history and love musical theater you'll absolutely love it so george iii i don't think he's as awful as a lot of people think he was [Music] he did lose the colonies but i'm not entirely sure anybody else would have done any better i'm not sure anybody else wouldn't have lost the colonies first english-speaking monarch sense queen anne um there's some really great things that happened during his reign in england obviously it's all overshadowed by his mental illness and by the loss of the colonies but it's also during his reign that the british empire outlaws the slave trade um and then eventually under uh his son william they'll outlaw slavery itself in the british empire i i think he's better than people realize i'm kind of leaning towards sea because he did pre did take a pretty hard line with the colonies but then again how much of that was really up to him uh and how much that's really on lord north and the folks in parliament um he'll send i will send fully armed battalion to remind you of my love um so brits are saying more like a or s uh napoleonic wars yeah i mean he he's basically checked out by the time of the napoleonic wars ah boy george the third the two in the inconclusive section are edward v and um jane um oh what's her name queen jane uh i'm drawing a blank on her last name all of a sudden for some reason um george iii [Music] oh b we're gonna go b i think he was better than people think i think he was a decent king thank you for that compliment on my singing [Music] especially because we're about to get some more bad ones here coming up um lady jane gray thank you very much i don't know why i was john john a blank on her george the fourth so first of all we didn't mention that george iii is actually the grandson of george the second not the sun i think george iii's father was frederick uh he dies before his son that's why george iii inherits the throne so um so we're on to george the fourth so the first of two sons of george the third george iv was actually prince regent for a while uh during the later years of his father's reign king george iii was on the throne for 60 years but he for the last decade or more had pretty much lost his his mind it was some kind of a blood disease i want to say it was called porphyria or something like that um george iv um he's called he was called the first gentleman of europe uh great love for art and architecture and things like that but boy a mess in his life right he's married twice uh he married a catholic secretly first and that was a no-no because you couldn't inherit the throne if you were meredith catholic i think they just changed that rule in england um but then he marries uh carolina brunswick um this one's tough he did hate his wife you're right ah boy let me know your thoughts about this one we give him a d for buckingham palace yeah he is the one that's responsible for turning a house into a palace basically greedy fat and expensive never asleep thank you welcome to membership i appreciate that so three thirds says d what does everybody else say i'm kind of leaning c slash d some people say an f yeah george iv is king from 1820 to 1830. we are almost at victoria he banned his way from his coronation yeah i think we'll go d for george iv i think that's probably fair william iv he's king from 1830 to 1837. uh he gets married to try and keep the succession going he had two daughters that both died young um he was kind of a very unpretentious guy didn't like all the pomp and circumstance of royalty um they passed the reform act during his uh his reign or yeah reign i guess it is which enfranchises the middle class property owners they ban they abolish slavery in 1833 during his reign so there's some solid things happening during william the fourth's reign um he's a d only because the f's are so bad um yeah william iv is you can't really argue he outlawed slavery but it happened during his reign um so there's some decent things you could say about william iv what do you guys think i'd be curious to know about william iv i don't think he was bad i'm kind of in that bc range for him we're hey we're at 95 920 we're 80 subs away from 96 000. pretty crazy best hairline s ah i'm gonna go see i think we should have a lot of seas my sons are going outside okay queen victoria queen victoria is a granddaughter of george iii she comes to the throne because her two uncles who were kings died without legitimate heirs and so the king or so the kingdom passes then to the daughter of the fourth son in that family which is victoria she comes i think her name was alexandrina victoria she comes to the throne as a teenager she's i think 18. um everybody's saying s for queen victoria right [Music] i'm not sure how you could argue anything else she marries albert of saxa coburg and gota who is her first cousin um so there's you know here comes the hemophilia and kind of the inbreeding and everything empress of india indeed i'm a big fan of victoria so it's it's pretty cool that two of the four that we've got at the s tier right now are uh are females but uh f for marrying her first cousin uh arctic revolver thank you appreciate that uh so let's talk a little bit about her um some great things happening during her reign this is really when england kind of goes the final way toward constitutional monarchy victoria is probably the first monarch that really has hardly any real power to speak of um but solid solid head of state for the british empire i think zombie guy hello um she still had an uncle why did she not become king because that's not how the inheritance works um you know for example the same thing's true with elizabeth ii elizabeth ii her father is king when he dies he still had a younger brother who was alive um but his younger brother doesn't become king it passes down through his line if he has legitimate descendants so had um william iv for example had had one of his daughters survived they would have inherited the throne rather than victoria um so uh yeah this is the height of the british empire during victoria's reign it is primogeniture that's right so it passes to the next in line male or female whoever's the the heir to that person if that person has children it passes to their children if they have no children it goes to the next sibling and their children uh hi from michigan i love your videos ohio sucks uh i'll forgive you for that um yeah i don't know how you can say anything else for victoria uh saxa coburg and gota uh it's a german family that's where albert is from the um the british monarchy is very very german at this point uh from ger from george the first on it's basically a german family for the most part so she's again on the throne for 64 years longest serving longest reigning monarch until the current queen [Music] so yeah victoria is the end of the hannover dynasty starting with her son it's the house of saxa coburg and gota which we know today is the house of windsor because they changed the name uh during the uh the reign of george v but we'll get to that jack the ripper is during her time and some people have tried to argue that her grandson was jack the ripper there's no evidence of that and he's got an alibi for some of the murders but here again is a situation where you have a potential heir to the throne who dies before becoming prince of wales and later king so her eldest son is edward vii her eldest daughter i think her name was victoria marries into the hohenzollern family queen victoria's eldest grandchild was kaiser wilhelm ii of germany so this is queen victoria is known as the grandmother of europe because basically every royal family in europe is descended from queen victoria they're all also descended fr pretty much for the most part from christian the ninth of denmark those two are pretty much ancestors of all the royal families in europe uh i will do you uk prime ministers at some point dark pit greetings in wales one of my favorite countries um victoria was not uh related directly to nicholas ii i believe nicholas's wife was a grandchild of victoria no i don't think nicholas ii was a grandson nicholas ii and um george v were first cousins through their mothers but i don't think nicholas ii was related to victoria i think his wife was somebody can correct me on that and look that up if they want to um yeah so victoria to me clear clear s now we're on to edward the seventh who is her eldest son um he he's a pretty popular king cool story about edward vii by the way he had a mistress named alice keppel atlas keppel is the great grandmother of camilla the wife of prince charles so prince charles had an affair with the the great-granddaughter of the woman that his great-grandfather had an affair with her great-great-grandfather which is kind of crazy the house of hanover have any mailed mail line descendants they might i'm not sure that's a good question snick snick kitty thank you i appreciate that yeah edward vii was a ladies man um so edward vii had an older brother albert the duke of clarence named after their father or his uh edward the seven's father albert uh queen victoria's husband um duke of clearance dies he was kind of a ladies man too slept around got a got sick from disease and died uh so then edward vii is another one of those dukes of york who inherits the throne as the second son so they called us the edwardian age edward vii is an interesting king he marries his brother's uh betrothed he marries uh princess mary of tech who is supposed to marry albert um interesting uh i'm reading here when edward died in 1910 it was said that queen alexandra brought his current mistress mrs keppel to his bedside to make her farewell which is kind of fascinating edward vii yeah i feel like this is gonna be a c right um bernie was solid didn't get much time but has done well with what he had i yeah i feel like edward the seventh is probably a c it's midnight there gunther um okay we're on to george the fifth george the fifth is the guy that in pictures looks like the twin of tsar nicholas ii they were first cousins through their mothers um and yeah you can see they actually would they switched uniforms in the picture they were wearing each other's uniforms which is pretty pretty crazy um ernest august von hanover is actually holding the title prince of great britain and ireland today so yeah he's probably a direct mail line to senate because yeah when when victoria inherited the throne of england a cousin of hers took the throne of hanover because that had to be through a direct mail line women could not inherit the throne of hanover george v should have sorted out with his cousins yeah i'm very disappointed that they didn't give asylum to the romanovs um that does tend to make me kind of put him down a little bit uh also i i hate how it was a sign of the time so i don't want to blame george v too much for what happens with his son john who was who had epilepsy i think it was and was basically hidden away from view until he died the house of windsor no they they're they're the line of well it's saxa coburg and gota um when prince charles takes the throne he's a direct mail-line descendant of christian the ninth of denmark her uncle took the hand over throne okay that's it yeah technically it should be a new dynasty it should be mountbatten i guess you could argue um or battenberg the house of battenberg um but ron george v let me know your thoughts about george george v thank you josh see how close we are to 96 000 here a decent king but terrible father that's a fair way to put it 95 9 30. all right i got to make a decision about george v he's another one of those guys that isn't supposed to be king right um yeah so he's the one uh who yeah i was confusing him and edward the seventh it's george v whose brother was albert the duke of clarence so i i got that all uh kind of thrown off and somebody mentioned that already it's george v who marries um his uh his brother's fiancee i'm going to give them a b edward viii i feel like this is gonna be another inconclusive but at the same time unlike the other inconclusives edward viii had it within his power to stay on the throne okay it wasn't like edward v and lady jane grey who both were deposed by relatives before they really had a chance to do anything edward viii this was by his own making um he's very popular yeah he's uh innis makes a great point edward the eighth is pretty pro nazi germany um so i'm gonna give edward the eighth i'm gonna i'm gonna put him on f um he he he made his bed and he lied in it so that's all on him yeah i feel like that's got to be an f house of oldenburg uh yeah i mean i guess the house of oldenburg it will but no it's not going to they're going to stay windsor i believe the house name is going to stay windsor when queen elizabeth dies but that's never going to happen because she's going to live forever so abdication plus nazi equals f that's fair he was popular but being popular doesn't make you a good king edward vii was popular um doesn't make he was a good king so um yeah i i got really very little good to say about edward vii or edward viii george vi is one of my favorite monarchs one of my favorite historical figures of all time i have such an respect for that man he was a good man i think he was a good king overcame a debilitating stammer at a time when being able to speak was pretty much the most important thing you could do as a monarch the thing he had to be the best at was completely out of his control um birdie yeah i'm a huge fan of george vi um what he overcame and how he did it just blows me away i highly recommend you guys check out the king's speech what a great movie i know it's not all 100 historically accurate but i think colin firth gave one of the all-time great acting performances uh as uh george vi i'm also a really big fan of how um oh gosh what's the name of the guy who played him in the crown um he's the son of a famous actor um and his name's drawing a blank on me right now um somebody help me out and it'll take a few seconds for for this to catch up with you guys in the chat um but his dad was a famous actor he played him in the crown somebody help me out sherry's thank you jared harris thank you i love jared harris he's one of my favorite actors and though he didn't necessarily look neither did colin firth look like uh george vi i i loved his portrayal of george vi in the crown um he is moriad moriarty in the robert downey jr sherlock holmes movies um so man i'm a i'm a big big fan of george the sixth had no no expectation he was going to inherit the threat of the throne except for the fact that his brother abdicated um george stopped he did you're right george stopped churchill from going to normandy by saying he would go too um refused to leave london during the blitz um yeah some people argue he was killed by his brother's abdication because he you know basically put himself into an early grave um he is also in chernobyl you're right um if you could meet one historical figure it would be georgia sixth i i'm right up there too i don't know if he'd be first on my list but he'd be right up there um if you can't already tell from my gushing praise of the man i i i love george vi i love everything about the man i have such admiration for him um i'm gonna put him s because he he's the king during world war ii one of the most critical hours in the history of the british monarchy uh he's debilitated by this stammer in a time when he's got to be able to speak to reassure the public and he overcomes that and and of course he's the father of elizabeth ii and unlike his father george vi was also a good father i think he was a good king and he was a good man and that's rare to see that and all these people you see on this list there aren't many who can can both say they're good people and good monarchs um no george vi wasn't in chernobyl but the actor who plays george the sixth in the crown is also in chernobyl s for a little bit and so there's a quote um before we get to this uh george v was quoted as saying that his son edward would basically be you know give up the throne within a year and he said i pray god that nothing comes between birdie and lillabet and the crown he called his granddaughter elizabeth a little bit and he was right see george the fifth even recognized that um birdie was the one who really had what it made it took to be king um yeah and you know what honestly i'm gonna go s for elizabeth ii as well i admire the woman perfect no um certainly has fumbled over some things but look at what has happened during her lifetime look how the monarchy has changed look how the world has changed look at everything that has gone down and by and large i think she's handled it pretty well um but being immortal yeah um you know i'm not saying she's perfect none of these people are but boy you know i mean and look at this three of the sixth are women so uh kudos on them uh yeah decolonization uh i didn't put edward viii and inconclusive because he gave up the throne um so george the fifth we put um in b putting queen elizabeth the second and s adds another hundred years to her lifespan so cool story um the church that we go to is like 50 minutes away so it takes us a while to get there there's a town we drive through called lisbon ohio on the way and in lisbon there's a house that has an american flag and a union jack flying in front of the house every day when we drive to and from church i say god save the queen as we go past it and my kids joke that i just added another two months to her life every time i say that so she's basically immortal predictions for charles i think charles is going to be solid i know not everybody's going to agree with that but i actually like charles i think he's a good guy i think he um i think he's going to be a nice bridge between elizabeth and william it'll be interesting to see if he takes the name charles i think if he had come to the throne 20 years ago it might have been more likely that he was george vii but i think as long as people have known him as prince charles now he's you know what in his early 70s i think he'll probably just go with charles iii um but yeah i could see him going to be george vii as well but i like him no he's not going to pass it on to william he will take the throne he's going to be like edward vii he's going to be one of those like 10-year guys or something um the queen's mother lived quite long the queen's aunt also lived over a hundred years i think um you know and honestly i'm not a huge fan of diana um i think charles didn't treat her very well but i think diana also did a lot of things to hurt herself um but i love william i think william's great i think he's going to be one of those he could end up being one of those s-tier types he seems to do everything right i think charles would be solid but not outstanding but you know it's hard to say um yeah and i agree other than how charles treated diana for the most part you know pretty good but i'm going to wrap it up right there um i'm sure a lot of people going to be watching this after the fact so let me know your thoughts in the comments section below thank you guys everyone who joined us uh for this stream i hope you enjoyed it i appreciate everyone's input thank you to those of you who joined uh as supporters uh through membership or patreon uh we are at 95 940 on subscribers i'm gonna try to live stream as we get close to 100k if possible if not i'll do a live stream as soon as possible after we hit a hundred thousand we're going to be doing some big giveaways for that so i'm excited all right i'm out guys thank you so much have a great weekend
Channel: Vlogging Through History
Views: 173,614
Rating: 4.884892 out of 5
Keywords: united kingdom, tier list, war of the roses, british history, english history, british monarchy, english kings and queens, history of britain, kings of england, great britain
Id: RcPyquA7WOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 24sec (5904 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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