History Meme Live Stream - Let's Chat and Laugh Together!

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what's going on everybody i think we're live it's good to see everybody i'm just waiting to make sure everything's up and running here before we get started there's a bit of a delay probably about 20 seconds between what i'm broadcasting and what you guys are seeing so it gives me a little bit of a buffer in case there are some glitches in the internet so we don't have any slowdowns or things like that how is it going it's three in the philippines three a.m gab plays what are you doing awake rick says you gotta raid shadow at legends ad and i didn't even get paid for that i mean i kind of do indirectly but they didn't sponsor me or anything yeah i have glasses it's the only way i can see the the memes unless i'm wearing my contacts and i didn't feel like putting my contacts in today but i do have the light off normally i have a light on me so that the lighting's more even when i'm recording um but i don't have that on that way there's less of a glare going on but yeah i wear glasses i am pretty much blind without them the 12th doctor yes it is the 12th doctor you're right um hey clogging through history actually that never mind i can't say anything we've got april fool's day coming up in a few days here in america that just gave me a really interesting idea that's all hey cobra snaps thank you awesome i appreciate that um so is four a lot depends on the context dollars no meters gained in world war one yes so it's good to see everybody welcome thank you in advance to everyone who subscribes because we are getting ever so close to 50 000 subscribers uh probably in the next couple of days uh let me check the total where we're at right now i'm in the process of uploading a video a reaction video i just recorded we are at uh forty eight thousand six 683 right now um so we're getting close we're only about 300 subscribers away from 50 000 so that's awesome 8 p.m in germany excellent great glad to have you here and poland too natalia how's it going john nicholl i appreciate that and nickel is my great great grandmother's maiden name they were from kentucky my nichols 5 a.m in brisbane australia my goodness in india boy we are all over the place today i love it ali how's it going in england hey speaking of england before we dive into these um just want to let you know that assuming your reopening plan in the uk goes as it's going as it should i'm going to be in the uk at the end of june that's the plan june 29th i will land in london assuming that travel is reopened and these things are allowed obviously that's a lot of ifs because the world we have no idea what's going to happen in the world between now and then but that's the plan so we'll see so hello and thank you to everybody who has joined i want to let you know too before we get into some memes that there will be more frequent streams on this channel some of them will be during the week so i know that may not work as well for our friends around the world because you know i try to make these streams at a time when the most amount of people can see them but recognizing we have subscribers all over the world it's just really going to kind of depend on what works for me and what i can make work so but i am going to try to stream at least a few more times a week on average doing some more original content some things i'm working on there but continuing the reactions too in fact as soon as this stream is over i have a reaction that will be going live to alternate history hubs what if germany won world war one so be watching for that all right let's dive in and i'll try to keep up with your chats the best i can uh let's go ahead and see what's next in our list of memes here so it looks like henry viii looking at anne boleyn and catherine of aragon looking looking at him now we have anne boleyn looking while he looks at jane seymour and then we have uh let's see i guess jane seymour looking while he's looking and of cleaves that didn't really happen because jane seymour died before he even knew about anna kleefs then anne of cleves looking while she divorced him before katherine howard came along and then catherine howard and catherine parr course she was dead by the time catherine park came along but that's neither here nor there i like anything anything with a good uh henry viii meme so that's cool catching up with the chat here soviet russia high from germany i'm confused by that yeah rick says i was just noticing the number of notifications on the anton chat uh yeah 151 that is insanity when you transform the water to wine because the party was boring but in the morning you just don't want to see the consequences we got a jesus meme i usually try to shy away from talk of religion on the channel but i'll allow it i'll allow it hey eliezer i'm glad you were able to join us i noah i haven't watched that yet but it keeps getting recommended to me on netflix so i do want to check out that samurai show i don't know if anybody else has watched it the robert baratheon of real life nice gabriel hello in america's hat canada australians the anzac which is australia and new zealand uh army corps uh during the gallipoli landings in 1915 drake were at the wrong beach wow another germany hello and montenegro very cool oh you love russia but you live in germany gotcha i just declared war on germany time for you to fight yes dear it's all the commonwealth nations canada australia etc nice oh we got a sherman meme we always get the sherman memes and he's making the confederacy disappear like thanos i like it i appreciate that one let's see if my mountain dew shows up on the green screen it probably won't it probably looks like i'm drinking nothing the republic of panama very cool um i've been to costa rica and honduras but not panama chip actually uh yeah i was just talking about that my very first reaction ever on this channel was an alternate history hub video about uh what if the south won the civil war and when this stream is over my next one from them is going live it's what if germany won world war one so which is the most historically inaccurate movie you've ever seen wow i mean that's a low bar there there's a lot of really historically inaccurate movies um obviously braveheart comes to mind uh as being pretty off base um i can't really think of any other ones right off the top of my head that are really like obscenely inaccurate hello from peru very cool a check from poland very cool why do i have to stream when it's midnight in india sorry i actually wanted to stream earlier today but we were recording our multiplayer hearts of iron 4 on my gaming channel from 9 to 11 this morning which was uh six hours ago that started and then our gas was out in our house so we had no hot water no heat uh and i couldn't cook anything on the stove so i had to deal with that i had to get the gas company out here to fix that before i could stream so that's why we're starting a little bit later than i wanted to hey connor how's it going yeah michael we'll definitely get into some draconfell stuff he's got some great stuff um on naval history who's better sherman or grant i would say grant but i think they complemented each other well oh fury fury good choice guys fury definitely a very historically inaccurate movie i forgot about that one um i mean it's got some realistic stuff in it but i don't know the man of the high castle was excellent i love that kind of stuff i thought it was very good uh okay hot air rises obtain a box tie sack to box stand in the box fill the sack of there escape the present siege of paris yes very cool that was a legit thing that happened we were actually just talking about that the other day uh in the reaction about uh otto von bismarck so that's cool 1918 the war so terraforming i don't want to go back there 2019. 32 minutes of soothing relaxing meditating world war one sounds what hey speaking of which that looks like it's a scene from they shall not grow old which is that colorized uh film that was done by i think was done by peter jackson who made lord of the rings it's very very good i highly recommend it i do not know much about lithuanian history unfortunately hey please hit that like button guys we've got 245 people in here and 52 likes so if you hit like i would appreciate that it's hgg and hgg only that's history guy gaming all you vth guys are just weird well unfortunately vth is now the larger of the two channels abdullah in the uae very cool once upon a time a couple of years ago my sister actually her hospital where she works treated the emir of dubai he was a patient there so very cool um just catching up most overrated president franklin roosevelt most underrated um um let me think about that one for a second most underrated president who wow let me think about that i'm sure some of you guys will have some some ideas on this one um some of your own suggestions underrated president wow i'm not sure there's been an underrated president off the top of my head where were my ancestors born primarily in the uk primarily ireland the uk so ireland northern ireland scotland wales and england with just a smidge of sub-saharan african nigeria um primarily i had a great-great-great-grandmother who was born into slavery who was black born into slavery in the south in kentucky a little bit of swedish and about a quarter german calvin coolidge is a good choice general fred i'll go with that um i don't think teddy roosevelt's uh underrated though i think he's rated pretty highly already worst president buchanan i think garfield would garfield was actually the first thing that came to mind for me um but he was president for such a short time it's hard to say i think he would have been a great president had he lived what's the most underrated unit of the civil war hmm i'd have to think about that one a little bit all right let's move on to some more memes japan bombs pearl harbor america oh it's a it's an angry birds meme i like that james madison solid warning about sabaton thingy i don't know what that means uh when you said you were not attacking the front line said otherwise that was actually from our uh that's from our game today uh mr beep said he was not attacking but then he tried to attack germany and it did not go well so that's pretty funny hello serbia um and then there's germany and the ottoman empire um actually actually nazi germany uh i don't knowings we will never of knowings why is serbia reacting uh i don't know what that even is supposed to mean ah the sea bosnia croatia has this been done before because croatia's built like all along the coast somebody said there's like a mile or two there for bosnia of coast andrew johnson is brutally horrible as a president i think yeah you know what you can make a really strong argument that andrew johnson was the worst president we've ever had i don't know if there's anybody who did more damage to the country than andrew johnson as president i won't get into modern politics i intentionally avoid such things on the channel five things to do if you get rejected from art school i don't like where this is going so hitler obviously that's a reference to um yeah jack andrew johnson was an absolute train wreck um devastating to the newly freed slaves uh into their future and probably set them back a hundred years or more with his decisions yeah we'll probably get to some more what ifs like what if the axis won world war ii uh so this is from fury it looks like when it's d-day plus three and you only lose four tanks and two platoons taking the hedgerows wow yeah i don't get the laban's room just turn the c into land yeah woodrow wilson pretty awful i agree no i think nixon was actually a way better president people give him credit for uh the main issue there was his corruption with the the the bad stuff that happened give everybody the perception that the rest of his presidential was bad it really wasn't he did some great things especially in foreign policy let's see countries that have been nuked japan and other oh man wow that's harsh shalom in israel very cool isn't it the sabbath in israel should you even be on a stream right now is that i mean it's like is that okay is that allowed i don't know did the usa teach uh stuff about europe yeah uh we do definitely talk about europe mostly where it connects to american history but yeah uh english mostly for me i i can speak some french very little french and very little german but that's really about it tiny bit of spanish my favorite conspiracy theory hitler made it to argentina alive i put that one at 60 40 that it happened general fred yeah i play lots of hearts of iron four actually we played a multiplayer this morning that just went live on my gaming channel i do know mark felton project uh projections all right let's dive into another one here um world war one the germans disguised one of their ships as a british ship the rms carmania and sent it out to ambush british specials vessels in a hilariously bad stroke of luck the first ship it encountered was the real rms carmania which probably sank them the british seeing the ship there on on attacking them visible confusion interesting oh it's after sunset there you're right uh you know i'm thinking it's the middle of the day here in the u.s you're right it is after sunset in israel already yeah you know a lot of people in other countries can speak multiple languages which kind of puts us as americans to shame because sadly very few americans can um do i play total war yes not too much on the channel but i do play it on my own i love the new order as a as a um as a mod uh it's a great mod um we're gonna skip down a few here let's see build crappy bombers the soviet union although outnumbered use your bombers to bomb iconic locations and exploit your enemies compulsive behavior as the british build bombers that fly so high it's almost impossible for the enemy to shoot them down the u.s uh japan any plane is a bomber if the pilot is brave enough wow james polk he wasn't a bad president really i mean he took a lot of territory as president is it passover now oh i guess it is because easter's coming up in a week for uh we christians i have played the new or the new order mod on hearts of iron four another sherman meme sherman in europe can't even penetrate a tiger sherman and all we're talking about tanks in the pacific i am fluent in over six million forms nice i disappeared oh my camera went out okay hold on i can fix that i will return guys don't worry you can still hear me i'm not sure why that happened i use my phone as my camera and occasionally the uh the control kind of gets screwed up so i'm fixing it now hold on i'll be right back let's see i just gotta reopen my mod or my uh my app here there we go y'all can stop telling me the camera's dead i'm aware hey somebody's in uh hungary that's cool all right we should be good now all right yes i watched the nfl now it wasn't a windows error well it was a windows air it was it was the disconnection of my phone uh that made that issue so there we go having no stream without issues since day one it's funny because i never had streaming issues before i moved my computer up to the loft and now i have much better lighting and a much better a much quieter area but i keep having issues for some reason with the streams i don't know what's going on uh but we're good here sire the peasants are revolting all right let's see where we at come to the trenches we have silly string party wagons fun puzzles and spicy air i like that one that one's pretty good i do watch the nfl i'm a cleveland browns fan rexus how's it going the return of the king what countries have i been been to in europe zero uh hoping to change that this summer uh so i'll tell you the complete list of all the countries i've been to it's not a very long list i've been to 48 or 47 of the 50 states in the united states only three i haven't been to are louisiana rhode island and utah hopefully i'll change that soon also as far as countries go i've been to canada the united states obviously um the bahamas mexico costa rica honduras and belize that's my whole list are there any abe lincoln conspiracy theories i believe uh no not really i think everything's pretty legit with that james dean how's it going yeah my camera was off it was uh my phone disconnected for some reason i don't know why i think the app crashed on the phone that i use i use my phone as my camera because it's a way better picture than my um webcam is real fact number 1470 of the 193 member nations of the united nations britain has invaded 170 one of them that sounds pretty accurate pretty accurate i can't can't argue with that oh yeah lord on hold i do um we actually haven't been on a family vacation in five years um financially just been really tight with money uh so and then of course covet happened uh so that hurt us there and we moved to a new house in 28 2018 and it took us two years to sell the old one so all of those were factors why we haven't had a vacation for a while uh but yeah this year for sure um phil lee 100 were doing that because uh my wife's grandfather was stationed in kim bolton which is really close to where that air museum is uh so where we want to go to kim bolton to see where his base was and we're going to go to the air museum in duxford actually the plan is that'll be our last full day in the uk before we fly home from london the next day do i believe in a jfk conspiracies not really i believe oswald did it i i believe it's possible that there were people who helped him do it but i definitely believe he did it uh the pings yellow hd has a hidden message but i can see it that's because we have this chat going uh from our hearts of iron game that we played this morning and so um and that's only probably in the last hour that number all right let's skip down to some more here i don't you guys that submit these this constant stream adrian of bosnian and croatian memes that i don't get i just don't get them so um sherman tank exists all allied countries i'll take your entire stock what's my favorite hearts of iron four mod um black ice heart gr great war would probably be second after black ice uh yes i have a green screen that's what's behind me right now it's hanging from the ceiling what's my favorite state of the us ohio the one i live in dark phoenix nice you've been to way more than i have uh in terms of countries uh phil lee yeah i know that's why where kim bolton flew from because my wife's grandfather was in the 379th bomb group which was the same bomb group as yield pub so they all flew that's actually how i figured out the yield public was from the 379th because i was watching a video about them and i saw the k on the tail which i knew was the same tail uh insignia that my wife's uh grandfather's plane flew um so that's kind of how i figured that out he was a a ball turret gunner out of kim bolton from the 379th insane is uh keying me out as he goes all right let's see here french tank approaching the front line 1917 colorized it's a baguette nice what's one asian country i would like to visit oh um china yeah i think china japan too do i think the assassination of patton was an inside job no but i can understand why people think that maryland has a cool flag but i hate the ravens and they have that flag on their logo so no who was the best monarch uh when the medieval age was on the decline um i don't know if this counts within what you're saying with me to medieval age on the decline but i got to go with edward iii as my favorite monarch from that time period nice drew pam and good for you lots of travel in there sire the peasants took over ohio who would win german soldiers who have held this trench for months a parallelogram shaped metal boy nice how old am i since i'm kind of like a geek i am 43. i live in northeast ohio for those that were asking where in ohio i would love to visit israel israel and egypt both would be fantastic would love to get the chance to do that if i visited you 505 in chicago no i've been to chicago a few times but i've never been downtown and i haven't really visited a whole lot there well it makes sense the real baby jesus that spanish flu is not very known in spain and called the spanish blue because it didn't originate spain originated in kansas in the united states so have i heard coat of arms from sabaton i have not uh your co your dad got coveted oh i hope he's okay i hope he recovers my grandma got it she's in a nursing home she almost died but she survived where'd i go to college two places teal college in northeastern uh or northwest pennsylvania and then ohio christian university uh discovers gold on mars spanish i like that that's good if i were stuck on a desert island with two historical generals which two would i choose grant and patton i know a little american focused but those would be my my two for sure uh which state should you visit if you come to the u.s virginia it's got a little bit of everything a ton of history um and a lot of cool stuff to see mountains rivers so it's kind of got a good mix of everything um if you want natural beauty go out west northern california arizona montana alaska are all gorgeous do i play eu4 yes i do reject modernity embrace tradition hey speaking of this have you guys seen what's going on with the suez canal with that ship that's sideways and stuck and costing the world's economy billions of dollars a day that's crazy henry viii's wife gives birth to a girl henry viii your free trial of living has ended which is ironic because when he finally did get the son the legitimate son that wife died so i love to meet the older molt key very cold what's my favorite time in history the american civil war and british medieval history specifically the um the wars of the roses very fascinating of course that's a civil war too so my favorite sabaton song i have two and they both take place uh they're both about events taking place at the exact same time um the lost battalion and 82nd all the way are my two favorite so far um red baron's really good though too i think that might be my third favorite do i have a discord yeah link's in the description uh that's what you can see here is um a bunch of links this is my discord right here history guy gaming and blogging through history do i recommend ohio i recommend ohio where where would the country or the world be without ohio we had the three highest ranking generals to come out of the american civil war we've had more presidents than any other state in america we had the first man on the moon we had the guy who invented the the uh the brothers who got credit for inventing flight um the first american to orbit the earth we have thomas edison not that he necessarily did anything more than steal from other people um but yeah we've done all right for ourselves oh man this is brutal here nazis beating up on poland the warsaw uprising the red army taking pictures of it not funny but super accurate do i know anything about belgian history just a little bit really not a whole lot who's better lincoln or washington lincoln different reasons what made lincoln such a good wrestler he had really long arms he was taller than almost everybody he met i think those are the things main things without ohio there would be no seven years of war yeah ohio didn't exist yet so you can't blame us for that i have not been to germany i haven't been to europe yet but i'm hoping to change that very soon where would the electoral college be without ohio oh man all right let's see dying from gunshot wounds in the stomach and groin during the second bower war dying from two gunshot wounds to the face in africa during world war one dying from gunshot wounds to his hands on the western front dying from gunshot wounds to the ankle and skull at the battle of the somme dying from gunshot wounds to the hip leg or ear during the rest of the war dying from a plane crash in poland or pow camps dying from your own plane being shot down of the mediterranean or italian pow camps dying peacefully in his sleep in the irish countryside at the age of 83 i have no idea who that is somebody help me out here with that one one fact about me i am 50 death in my right ear i have very little hearing in that ear there you go um and i've never met my father but my wife has that's that's one bit of trivia i like to throw around my wife has met my father and i never have so that's kind of a crazy fact that i'm guessing very very few people in the world can say what's the first thing that i think about with the netherlands um i don't know i think of lots of things being legal there i don't know and that might just be a false impression that i have but i feel like a lot more things are legal there than are here in the u.s didn't belgians invent french toast um so that's kind of awesome who's my favorite roman emperor um i don't think uh i don't know if i have a favorite but caesar's always been the one and he's not really an emperor i guess so let's go more of a real emperor um uh i'm marcus aurelius kind of guy i guess i'm getting a lot of questions so i'm not going to be able to answer every single one of them absolutely the plan is to visit after we go to the uk hopefully this summer the next trip is gonna be uh france belgium the netherlands western germany um and that will definitely include eep it'll include the battle most of the major battlefields of world war one it's gonna include waterloo a lot of the uh western front battles of world war ii that's all in the plans romer greece rome germany oh so this is a game of thrones meme here germany after seeing an austrian painter after world war one you'll be der fuhrer all right nero was fire quite literally sebastian yes i think diocletian was a decent emperor who's my favorite holy roman emperor ah charles v man that dude had an epic chin that didn't quit best general in history is impossible to say because you can't compare eras um welcome to france we surrender now listen that's a fair a fair thing to hit them with for world war ii but other than that well and you know what for that matter the franco-prussian war ii okay i get why they've earned that aura about themselves but they did pretty well for themselves in world war one not gonna lie they they were impressive in world war one um history books i would recommend if you like world war one a world undone is fantastic and i've been watching the uh the world undone or the um the great war um week by week series with indy neidel and he quotes a world undone constantly in that series it's a great book it's the best one about world war one that i've ever done it's super long but worth it team of rivals about lincoln's very good ron chernow's biographies of hamilton and grant are fantastic grant's autobiography is fantastic um d-day by uh by ambrose is very good stephen ambrose so his band of brothers uh let's see bigger assassination caesar or gandhi um caesar i think that had a greater impact on on history and what was going on in the world and gandhi's did uh me and mr terry should do a collaboration yeah i think it'll probably happen at some point he has been showing up in some of my streams i've been showing up in some of his so we are well aware of each other i think we're subscribed to each other um i would imagine that'll probably happen at some point we just got to find a good idea to make that happen but i can definitely see that happening that would be a lot of fun i would love to collaborate with mr terry sometime he's a great guy i highly recommend his channel 10k not a single beep must be my lucky day oh the battery was just dead oh not cool not cool at all oh here's a grant meme nice bayonet charge losers us grant us grant's one of my favorite people in history uh i have such an incredible respect for him after going through not only the biography by churnow about him but also grant's autobiography i think he was a fantastic human being you know some people in history are great men of history but lousy human beings some people are not very good in history like i don't think that jimmy carter was a great president for the us but he is a phenomenal human being he is an outstanding guy like one of my favorite people in the world some people are like that grant did some great things in history and was also a phenomenal human being so he's kind of got both going for him and there's not many like that um muhib susie no i am not a teacher i did go to college to be a history teacher but i've never actually worked as a history teacher i subbed a few times but that's been about it i'm actually a speaker for an organization called rachel's challenge i work for the family of one of the victims of the columbine shooting and we travel around the country speaking in schools promoting kindness and compassion and uh just encouraging kids just to treat each other better and of course i haven't done in any events for a year my last event was in march of 2020 in boston right before covet hit in fact coveted hit while i was in boston so i haven't traveled for that since um let's see catching up on chat here what's my only wish um my main wish and this is kind of selfish for me but as a dad i want my kids to be healthy and have good lives that's really it i mean if you're a parent you you get that your greatest fear is something happening to one of your kids and your greatest hope is that your kids do well and have great lives and things work out well for them if that happens i'll be happy i don't care what happens for me so um athens are sparta sparta well i visit auschwitz i very much want to visit auschwitz and also as of yet i want to visit there as well liquid royale on my discord server which there's a link in the description if you go to history guy gaming slash vlogging through history you'll see under suggestion box there's a history meme submission and that's where all of these are how hitler came to join the nazis in a nutshell agent hitler fbi oh man that's actually pretty accurate because what happened is that hitler was sent by the army to spy on the german workers party which was the precursor of the national socialist party that uh became the we call the nazis uh and he he was sent to spy on him he liked what they were doing and started speaking for them and became part of it so um pierogies my wife loves them but i don't are my kids interested in history uh my my daughter is my son's not so much in fact my daughter in english class they just told her she has to write a essay on a historic topic and she chose the attack of the dead men so i thought that was pretty awesome um what historical event if changed would cancel the modern wars in africa oh um maybe if the napoleonic wars came out differently because i think kind of the aftermath of that was when everybody started colonizing in africa i could be wrong about that it's my opinion of rommel um good general i think um certainly not completely innocent of what was happening in germany but probably more one of the few people in germany i think that is still kind of viewed as someone that people can look up to i could be wrong maybe my german viewers can speak to that but i know by and large in germany things are kind of hush-hush about world war ii but it seems like rommel is still at least able to be acknowledged a little bit um yeah i will be checking out some of simple history's videos um let's see how we're at on subs let's take a look at subscribers here um so 48 693 very soon going to get to 50 000. can't wait to do that to be able to say that the future of my country um uh i'm not real optimistic i think we're headed to a breakup a civil war something like that maybe not in my lifetime but eventually very soon unfortunately hey gaming dweebs hello you had a great grandfather in world war ii and d-day awesome uh great britain nazi germany usa what is this stalin execute order 227 wow man is refusing to stand when the fascists have taken over germany interesting what do i think of guderian i think darion was a solid general i don't know much about his books don't be a sub chaser is there really a point to having a youtube channel if you don't want it to grow i don't know it seems a little weird to me am i on a rick roll server no don't tread on me listen let me tell you a little bit about my life if you're if you're feeling down uh because your father was arrested and your mother left i've never met my father i found out who he was because of an ancestry dna test about 10 years ago i talked to him once on the phone just for him to tell me he wanted nothing to do with me um my mother when i was eight years old i woke up one morning and she was gone just gone i woke up in the back of a police car and they were taking me to live with my grandparents didn't see my mom again until i was 17. i am 43 years old and in the last 20 years i have seen my mom exactly twice uh i've been there i know what that's like you can't control what you can't control all you do is you make the best of your own life [Music] my father being a jerk and my mom not being in my life are things i can't control but i can control who i am i can control being the best dad to my kids so that they never have to know what it's like to not have their dad and mom around i can be the best human being that i can be um and help the people around me be a kind person treat people well even if they think differently than me even if they look different than me even if they don't like me i can still be kind to them those are things i can control and the other stuff you know i just don't worry about i get how that feels i really do um yeah james dean you're right sub chasing is literally just having a youtube channel and making content for it um and i you know i don't think i do too some too much sub chasing um i had a thousand subscribers in december so i feel like the channel's doing all right on its own um i'll let the content speak for itself if people like it great if they don't that's fine too who would win a suicide dog or a russian tank i feel like i'd have to go with the russian tank but i don't know time travel to which time oh wow um let's see i think probably the civil war just because i'd like to meet some of those people that i've learned so much about and get to know them a little bit um just catching up on the chat here a little bit what do i think about fidel castro um oh i don't know i mean it seemed at least from the outside looking in as an american that it seemed like the country was not doing too well under him maybe i'm wrong about that um but i didn't get the impression that he was doing well for his people so i don't know how many presidents am i related to probably most of them as are everybody else in america that's just the reality if you do enough research you can probably find connections to most of them [Music] bush and obama are the two i'm most closely related to that i'm aware of which historical figure would i recommend you learn about depends on what you're into uh honestly i mean there's so many um the entire world how are you not dead israel after war every war i have no idea a lot of support that's why um 1938 france held the world cup 1939 australia brushfire 1940 cancellation of tokyo olympics 41 at japan attack pearl harbor 2018 french won the world cup france won the world cup 2019 australia brushfire 2020 cancellation of tokyo olympics i don't like where this is going me neither vinnie i think i already answered that one about where i'd time travel to well i visit the netherlands absolutely insane who's one of the mods on our discord and on this uh uh stream is uh in the netherlands he lives around the border of netherlands and belgium and i very much i'm hoping to connect with him when i'm over there random german guy yeah um no last meme stream we actually were we're pushing 300 then too i think um it's been pretty big the last few times thomas's grumpier german cousin gustav the railway gun that's fantastic how am i related to bush and obama i'm actually ninth cousins to bush and obama through the same ancestor that all three of us descend from why general george s patton defeated the wrong said american defeated wrong enemy because he knew uh what i think everybody knew by that point which was that the soviet union was going to be our enemy when the war was over watching the stream while your parents are listening to sabaton nice you live in belgium too so listen let me say this about my travels and that goes for domestic travel here in the u.s but also overseas whenever i'm going to be taking a trip and going to specific historic sites i will let you guys know not only on discord but i will post on youtube so make sure you have your notifications turned on if you turn on your notifications when you subscribe i will post and let you guys know where i'm going to be and when so if you want to connect with me on a battlefield at a historic site and be a part of making videos then you can do that so like when i do get to travel to europe i'll let you guys know when i'm going to be at waterloo when i'm going to be at 9 again when i'm going to be at the psalm next month i'm going to or actually in may i'm going to chickamauga chattanooga toccoa georgia probably andersonville so i'll let you people know in the south when i'm doing that so if you want to connect with me you can i would love to meet some of the viewers in person and tour the battlefields together i think that would be a lot of fun yeah thank you random german guy for reminding everybody of that yes patton was incredibly racist that is absolutely 100 right i think we have other central eastern europeans here we get a lot of them on discord all right let's take a look at the next one here uh is that bismarck looks like bismarck me i promise i won't get all political three drinks later i must unite germany under one flag nice new zealand or australia would be fantastic new zealand looks absolutely gorgeous i have a friend who lives on the gold coast in australia she's actually one of my fellow speakers with rachel's challenge she moved to australia on the gold coast i'm out of mountain dew so i'm going to have to end the stream before too long it's only been 47 minutes though what do i think of georgie zhukov fantastic general probably the best one the soviets had during the war certainly one of the best on the allied side what would i do if i ever met an ex-president i'd be very cordial i'd be very civil i'd be very friendly i think it would be exciting no matter whether they were somebody i voted for or not i think it's a privilege to meet someone like that even people i don't necessarily like or agree with how many countries have i visited let's see canada belize mexico honduras costa rica the bahamas six um one i'm gonna be in georgia and tennessee in may we love to visit sweden sometime i've been to pearl harbor um but it was long long ago before i made videos um and this is this is mountain dew zero um but uh and i was at pearl harbor my wife and i went to hawaii for our honeymoon in 2002 so we went to pearl harbor then gaming dweebs don't spam you're going to get your posts deleted that is not a good way to get me to see something what year is it it's 1918. we just won the great war you mean world war one american soldier say psych right now wow yeah i would love to go to sarajevo someday actually my wife and i were just looking at um someday we would like to do a river cruise on the danube river now that wouldn't take us to sarajevo but it goes germany austria and hungary and i think a little bit of slovakia so that would kind of take us in that general area but um how many u.s presidents have i ever seen live only one george w bush only one i've seen live favorite show or movie from historic perspective band of brothers without a doubt not even close reuben awkins one of the places i want to visit because i want to visit um the cathedral where charlemagne is buried um and and when i'm i'm planning i'm already planning my western europe trip which the gofundme there's a link in the description for the gofundme the mod setup so if you choose to donate to the channel i'd prefer you did it through the gofundme because that's going to go to that european trip that's going to include all the western european battlefields and hawking is on the list of places i'm going to go don't tread on me i appreciate that thank you would i visit north korea no not right now i i'm too unsafe i think all right let's take a look at another one here is that shrek with stalin's face or is that saddam hussein i can yeah i can't really tell adrian was another uh croatian meme that i won't understand for sale french world war ii rifle never fired dropped once wow harsh harsh thank you zack appreciate that sir as always how are things in houston right now my throat's getting sore i think we'll probably end this one in an hour so probably another 10 minutes or so favored us vice president a lot of my favorite vice presidents became president um hmm wow i gotta think about that one a little bit i don't know if i have one how do i feel about john brown a little on the crazy side noble intentions but too much crazy mixed in i'm afraid you know his uh family used to live next door to the grant family in ohio for a while northeast ohio i think actually what's this here when you spend centuries fighting each other and then realize the jews now own jerusalem that's awesome yes christians and muslims sitting next to each other favorite asian historical figure hmm does genghis khan count he's really fascinating to me extreme world of warships sometimes i played world of warships a few times mostly because i wanted to be able to control the uss wyoming because my great-grandfather was on the wyoming favored u.s president quote or speech i have a couple washington's farewell speech was fantastic abraham lincoln's second inaugural is probably my other favorite presidential speech in my lifetime there are two that stand out to me that i thought were very good um ronald reagan's address to the nation the night that the challenger exploded i was a kid most of americans most most american kids watched that launch live on television because there was a teacher on board and it was this big deal and so they gathered everybody in the auditorium to watch on the tv and it exploded in front of you know millions of american kids watching live on tv and so that was part of what ronald reagan did in that address was to talk to american kids and i thought to this day that's the the best presidential speech i've ever seen live on tv uh was that one i just thought it was so so good um and then the other moment for me that i i will always remember that i just love is george w bush at ground zero after 9 11 when he off the cuff um said to the firefighters and all the people gathered there uh he said i hear you the rest of the world hears you and the people who knock these buildings down will hear all of us soon now i'm not getting political and i'm that's not a endorsement of everything that happened after that in george w bush's presidency but i think for that moment for how we americans were feeling after 9 11 it felt really good so those are the two for me what would i want to be my last words um see you soon yeah because i would get i would guess it's my family around me and i believe very much that death is not the end so that's what it would be it would be hey i'll see you soon it's not goodbye it's just so long for now that's how i feel that's what i believe i know it's what my family believes so that would i think that would be good the infamy speech of fdr is very good um you know yesterday december 7th 1941 a date which will live in infamy the united states of america was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the empire of japan yeah great speech cressie would be a fantastic battlefield to visit i don't really know much about georgian kings unfortunately united 93 memorial is about two hours from me and i was there when they were first building it i haven't been back since in fact i've got some video somewhere when i visited there and there wasn't even a memorial yet they just had a building set up with a bunch of stuff hung on the walls because they hadn't even built anything i was in washington dc a week after 9 11. there was still smoke rising from the pentagon when i was there it was a pre-planned trip that i took anyway hey in lithuania lucas very cool welcome juan thank you simon bolivar yes um a couple of people have suggested that to me i would definitely love to get into some south american history it's a a part of history i don't know nearly enough about and i think there's a lot i could learn there so definitely do i know something about the history of transcarpathia region um not really i don't know nearly enough about eastern european northeast us gaming dweebs i was in maine and massachusetts last year and i loved it and i would love to go back someday rhode island is one of the only states i haven't been to yet oh i know georgia has a lot of fantastic history um a rare christian nation in the midst of a lot of non-christian nations um burning soldier welcome i'm glad you're here uh with malice toward none and charity for all with firmness in the right as god gives us to see the right let us strive forward i think to continue the work in which we are in to bind the nation's wounds to care for him who shall have borne the burden uh and for his widow and for his orphan and to achieve for ourselves a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations i love lincoln's second inaugural i think it's better than the gettysburg address when you go to lincoln the lincoln memorial in washington they have the gettysburg address on one side and the second inaugural on the other and i think those are both some of the greatest speeches ever given in american history do i know the musical hamilton uh i did an entire stream about that on this channel back before anybody knew about this channel back when i had 300 subscribers but it's still on the channel if you just do a search for hamilton vlogging through history you'll find it it was like a two-hour stream where i talked through the entire musical and the history of hamilton's life based on the musical i've been to washington state yes a couple of times okay i appreciate that i hope i get to 10 million subs i'm the political leader of a country that must fight a defensive war what general would you choose to run your military a defensive war oh um george thomas i know that's not what you expect to hear but george thomas was a phenomenal defensive uh fighter for the americans uh one of the best defensive warriors we've had i i wouldn't choose someone like patton or eisenhower because i think they'd want to be too aggressive and go on the offensive same with napoleon same with zhukov i don't know what do you guys think about that worst strategic error in history wow there's so many to choose from um gosh i'd have to think about that a little bit i don't really know off the top of my head have i been to wisconsin yes i liked wisconsin i um i spoke in manitowoc two rivers high school outside of green bay it was very cool there the rock of chickamauga that's right i'm gonna be at chickamauga in may all right let's do a couple more memes here i'm going to skip ahead a bit to show the power of flex tape i cut pickets division in half wow that's a 12-pound napoleon must be firing canister fire very cool offense is the best defense and a lot of people feel that way a lot of generals had that uh mcclellan i don't know i think maybe he'd do all right defensively do i know much of ireland's history not as much as i should but i do know some great northern war yeah we'll get to that in extra credits i get a lot of people requesting that one what's my favorite u.s city and why oh um i like indianapolis a lot i like nashville um let me think about what else new york city is not bad i don't like driving in boston boston traffic and la traffic are horrible eastern western philosophers will definitely get to that one have i been to michigan yeah i spoke at a school in grand rapids a couple years ago have i been to the state above you yeah actually believe it or not that was the first time i had been to 40 states before i was ever in michigan which is only two and a half hours away from me worst monarchy of europe oh wow um i don't know if there's a worst one a lot of questions i'm gonna probably have to start wrapping up the questions because i'll never get to all of them we're gonna be wrapping up here in a few minutes the population of the soviet union why can't you just feed us screams and sends a dog to space wow so true and the dog died people forget that part they had no plans to bring the dog back alive instead of running away you're coming right at me it's bismarck i can't beat you without getting closer nice austria it's broken out temporarily closed ooh ouch i'll just skip on by that one wilhelm the first ottoman bismarck if you forgot that it wasn't important villain the first yeah you're right austria nice have i been to new hampshire yes i have i visited franklin pierce's grave when i was in new hampshire minnesota's nice i like minnesota best monarchy of all time i gotta go with the british i like the british i got a soft spot in my heart for the british uk is my second favorite country after my own uh where was the atom first split i'm actually not sure yi shin's another one you said sunshine's another one i get a lot of requests for all right i'm gonna wrap it up guys it's been a long day i recorded for two hours this morning uh i have a video going live a reaction video as soon as this stream's over um but thank you guys so much for joining please subscribe if you haven't already join us over on discord there's a lot going on even when we're not doing videos so i'll see you again soon i'll schedule some more streams in the very near future but thank you guys for watching we'll see you again soon
Channel: Vlogging Through History
Views: 24,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try not to laugh, history meme
Id: PhKIVmwrxPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 25sec (3685 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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