A Hard Drive for PSP!?

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the PSP my favorite handheld of all time one of the reasons for that is because it had some absolutely insane accessories and I found one recently that was still sold on Amazon for a whopping $10 it's a 4 GB hard drive it a hard drive not solid state hard drive so we're going to play with it today somehow this thing is still brand new it has not one but two seals that were still perfectly intact I'm going I'm going to see for myself before I show you guys oo that's that's some packaging okay just gonna we're going to go for a glorious little dump here okay manual lovely oh it came with software I confess I didn't read anything on this before I bought it I just saw 4 GB hard drive and that was enough for me to just pull the trigger on it okay I just quickly went through and read the manual the only interesting thing of not in this is that it has absolutely no mention of playing games off of this drive it is all solely just pictures music and uh movies no mention of playing games off it but that that's exactly what we're going to do in a little bit okay okay let's let's get take a look at the rest of this so we've got a this micro USB cable yep just a soll micro USB cable nice love that that's a cat toy now and then we have okay so this is the this is the hard drive Max it's really lightweight now going through the manual I also saw that it comes with a open boy yeah so it comes with a massive battery and when I say massive oh boy it's it's only 3600 milliamp hours which I mean it is it's heavy maybe that'll work it comes with its own special look at how thick these are sorry this it's too dark to see look at how thick these are these are going on the back of my PSP I guess step one will be turning this thing off so I guess first we'll do the battery see this incredible third party one that I have in here [Music] now oh that does not feel good in any way is this bulging okay I don't have have high hopes for the battery it does have a little bit of a bulge that you can only really feel you can't really see it but we're going to going try this anyway that was a good click I think maybe probably not this is ridiculous oh man I feel so bad does this have any charge whatsoever no of course it wouldn't okay hold on let's is it even going to charge uh oh what's what's blinking orange me I don't think I've ever seen that before let turn on oh boy okay so far it doesn't even want to charge with the the battery let's try taking this off real quick quick a that feels so terrible to put in okay let's try that again okay it doesn't want to work with the battery okay yeah so that battery is cooked who would have thought who would have thought that this ancient dead stock didn't really work properly okay so batteries and noo okay we're back and uh so what I've done is I've I put my battery back in and then I just crammed a tissue behind it cuz it is just an empty cavity and I didn't want it to fall out but we need to have the full fat thick experience so that's on there that's secure but yeah this this battery is cooked there there was no realistically there was no way that this was going to work anyway so now let's get to the moment I've all been waiting for and let's install this 4 GB hard drive I didn't I didn't read the instructions very well so we're just going to okay so that that's going in I think this is what it told me to do so we apologize you can't see very well I mean it's it's installing a really finicky this is not this is not ideal okay so that's that's in there now and then we'll just does this does this get to does this little memory card flap get to click back down answer appears to be no oh God so it just lives like that oh well it kind of locked into place I heard a I heard a click oh that's really not this isn't this isn't whole holding very well it is on there though oh that's horrible oh no surely I'm doing something wrong we're going to consult this again okay the instructions make no sense in theory I've done this correctly but it just doesn't want to uh lock into place on this this bottom part so it's is a little bit loose but it's in there Ian it's plugged in and everything okay let's let's turn it on and see what happens oh I think I heard hard drive noises oh yeah it is making hard drive noises it's just kind of a high pitched wine oh y that is shows his 4 gab hard drive oh and you can see yourselves in there look at you it's currently copying at a whopping 1 Megabyte a second ooh it's dipping yeah it's maxing out at about one megabyte a second but constantly going to only like 500 kilobytes 15 minutes ah I have to find something to do for 15 minutes I guess I could clean up all of the stuff that I threw on the floor right cleaned my floor I still has 12 minutes no what am I going to do for 12 minutes I got bored a cookie clicker darn do you want to say hi to the people she does this thing where she tries to steal rubber bands from me but as soon as she gets the rubber band she doesn't know what to do with it so she just drops it and then screams at me oh my goodness oh it finished the transfer and it's warm a hard drive is so warm it's like noticeably warm who it definitely copied it still says there's no games oh no okay we're back I managed to get game to work before we launch this I thought it might be fun to drag race it to see if uh a copy of the game loading off of the actual memory card instead of a hard drive would load faster so 3 2 1 oh boy okay so the hard drive does seem to slow it down quite a bit oh wow okay so it definitely takes much longer to even get into to the game so let's see how about loading a map just go to instant action yield classic Hoth all right and 3 2 1 launch oh boy oh oh okay well all right so the uh yeah the hard drive seems to be a bit slow still thinking about it oh my there we go okay yeah so this is H by far not a uh a great way to experience PSP games but something of note is that thickness wise it's almost just about double the thick and this is a this is a 3,000 so it's the slimmest one here's it compared to another 1,000 so yeah it's about it's about double the thickness manual does make a point of saying that it's more ergonomic because it's got these extra bumps now that might actually be true if it wasn't for this if it wasn't for this stupid little Loop thing that has to feed the memory card in there it might actually be more comfortable to hold but this is incredibly uncomfortable all right with all that being said would I recommend the 4 GB hard drive for the PSP absolutely not it's slow it's really bulky and dumb it doesn't seem to fix in place and the two times Battery that it's supposed to come with is dead out of the box odds are if you bought this yourself the same thing would happen I I said earlier this is on Amazon this was $10 it not prime shipping not prime but it was only $10 and the shipping I believe was still free but it did take a little over a week to get here but you shouldn't buy this just don't okay well that's that's going to do it for this video uh if you enjoyed it this isn't content that I'm I'm not going to make this type of content very often um it's primarily going to be gameplay and stuff on this channel but I thought this was really interesting so uh like comment subscribe I guess I don't know see you
Channel: Schnell_Things
Views: 8,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PSP, PSP 1000, Playstation Portable, PSP accessories, wierd psp, wierd tech, accessories, HDD, Hard Drive, Hard disk drive, hard disc drive, odd tech, strange tech, odd, strange
Id: nxuE6qiPDGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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