A Good Day To Die - Flying an ultralight with no training.

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so what do you think harrison are you ready for the flight or what are we tomorrow looks like a good day for dying a good day to die good day that's a bit of a kind of a negative attitude you got going here oh it's just realistic is it realistic so what are you planning on your first flight you're just going to run it up how high or what's going on well i usually find on on these ventures that the more distance you can put between yourself and the ground the more room you've got to make mistakes i hear you definitely the last time i did it the mistake happened at about two or three hundred feet and i came straight down into the sea you obviously survived oh yeah well let's just hope this flight is a little more successful shall we say than the first one i'll prepare will where was that phuket i'll give you a verbal real testament before i fly okay right now phuket i crashed from about 300 feet when i stalled almost went into a tumble but went straight down like a kamikaze pilot full power into the into the andaman sea the plane ended up like a pretzel and i was fine well that's really good to hear you like that like that bad movie that bruce will is unbreakable well you've had your share of uh breaking situations i know very well having been involved most of myself a few of them i won't say most i've got about 26 pages each one with at least four or five paragraphs on describing another near fatal collision of some sort i'd like to read that sometimes yeah accidents the injuries i've experienced in the search for the meaning of life you just like pushing the envelope or just from the envelope away [Music] what am i going to talk about is a good day to die so how do you feel about this your first time out here well first time i've flown one of these things in 20 years and the last time it crashed from about four or 500 feet so we're going to try and not reproduce that today try my best if something happens give my love to my children and my wife but i'll take it easy should be like riding a bicycle straight downhill winds wind seems to be down now so i trust the engine is all going to hold together and the plane will stay in one piece and i just remember there's one thing i forgot to do i forgot to attach the jesus strap that's a very important thing wing separates from the plane the jesus strap will actually keep the two of you loosely connected [Music] so [Applause] [Music] you just turn around harrison [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey holy [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] amazing run for harrison [Music] he survived yet another day that wind was howling up there [Music] that was amazing harrison that's awesome yeah that that's when i hit the wind when i suddenly yeah i was like this and i uh i was holding my breath for you for like 30 seconds i'm like oh no please keep going [Music] it's very difficult to track you up there it's just a little dot yeah we got quickly became a little daunting oh here you were gone over over the horizon surprise even here you can feel it gusty but once i get above the trees once i got there above the trees bang it just just like a break and just knife like this and i it was like i had the the bar right forward but i didn't i had it back like this and then it just tipped me over and then i counter balanced counterbalancing first against it came over this way i pushed against it yeah were you nervous at any point there you go well that did seem a bit extreme that that take out there should we get you some fresh underwear i think yeah i never have time to fear i just have time to react yeah yeah you kind of think well this is going to be interesting after the first rather tenuous take off when we realized that one of the struts hadn't been placed in crashing down i thought i was gonna i thought i was gonna buy it on that one actually but it landed got back here fix the wing but the second time boy once i got above that tree line the wind was howling all directions and the thermals were blowing me straight up so it was a at first it was just a fight for one's life uh count trying to counter everything that was coming at me eventually i got got high enough that it didn't really matter so as long as it didn't stall out and i was pretty well flat on the gas all the time don't back off the gas don't back off the gas [Music] and uh when i wanted to come down of course i always thought that the throttle was stuck on that would have been an interesting [Music] did you have any scares up there well it was um a constant battle and split it like that i never relaxed and said oh this is nice nice flying i was either going up or going down or going being thrown sideways without me moving the wing i was at an angle like this so i was having to counter everything that was coming at me but uh finally by the time i was coming back it seemed a little more in control as i got lower down towards the landing and the landing was excellent yeah nice soft landing and we knew we were alive [Music] you
Channel: Hugh Harrison
Views: 38,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1sIChCh391o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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