A Gift Horse | Family Adventure | Full Movie

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you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay good good Misty's in a good mood today so have a good practice your um your home and raids are down there but your saddles over there nice to see you Robbie Gil ten minutes late you know what I always say I know ten minutes early is on time exactly not come on let's get started how do you start it for the last time let's get started you can't boss me around my dad pays you so technically you work for me your dad pays me because I'm in charge so you have to do what I say no I do not as a matter of fact I'm not practicing today all right great needs to be worked out anyway saddle up blue to your head son bring them down wonderful job keep working her bring him around come on misty come on come on go Avery how you doing this morning I'm all right that watch is still put okay that's definitely not a good time I know it come on Amanda take her around again one more time round manda we got some time though to work it out don't we we definitely want to try to figure something out but uh mr. Ken would definitely be upset they were very upset well thanks it look remember hey she's tall good oh no no no all right hey come on now Hey [Music] Amandla sir mr. Canton serum how are you um I'm almost done I just have to finish cleaning out the barn relax please Charlotte already told me how hard you work at the barn I'm glad that I hired you to come here and work after school you've been a delight to have around here you really have in fact you know you kind of remind me of Abigail when she was your age she was so sweet thank you abigail is on how wonderful girl yeah well she was maybe she will be again one day who she gets over her teenage years yeah you know I think that fathers secretly wake up in a cold sweat every night dreading the day that their daughters to Route 14 happen so quick they'll just just like that sometimes I wish I could find that rewind button yeah nevermind I'm just an old guy an old dad rambling rambling rambling keep doing what you're doing enjoy the rest of your night I'll see you tomorrow called gardening that brings dirts hey sugar bear you're home early how was your day was good dad I got to ride misty and think she's finally starting to settle down zone oh that's awesome sweetie I bet she's just gonna do fine at that show what do you say TIFF oh yeah uh talk of the town right what do you even know about horses Amanda that is no way to talk to miss Tiffany and you apologized a second sorry it's all right business nonsense you are part of this family dad can't go inside and wash up for dinner go [Music] what do you think every little boss to be honest I truly can't answer that that's definitive come on Avery I know you're just trying to take me for a ride you're the best trainer this side of the mason-dixon that's why I hired you now give it to me and give it to me strength well boss honestly I'm gonna just need a little more time to answer that intelligent lady okay I hate to sound stupid but I just need more time we don't have any more time Avery so one thing we don't have I know I'm the show is important to me I need I want Abigail to win it I know how much this show really means to but I always tell the truth sometimes boss the best way to stay in the truth she's not to speak at all [Music] ellaby she's just thinking I wished she had some ver daddy's blood in her yes ma'am yes ma'am cuz that are a competition at that st. cloud so it's gonna be thick I mean it's gonna be pretty tough no there's no telling how much time it'll actually take to get her ready ain't no enough time okay never enough time and what I told my wife I said uh what exactly does this have to do with anything nothing okay nothing at all but at one time office you know I wake up full day in the morning every morning and get my chops together look at that guy but uh she put superglue my toothbrush okay I didn't know nothing about I go to pick up my brush you know get my smile together like I do you see my smile anyway I go to brushing and get enough you know and I feel a little listen I give and I'm trying to man I get one another I didn't pull it out two of my premolar my front two withered a thing like [Music] this horse won't even trot for me I can't make it go anywhere every time your father buys you a new horse all you do is complain you have to have patience he'll come around patience I have had the utmost patience with this horse I didn't even get to go to the mall with my friend today because my dad wanted me to practice her father was a champion it's in her blood you gotta give it some time I've given this about as much time as I have for today did you go check my page and see if my friends are posting I'm wasted in the hole Abigail [Music] well you know my mom used to say go above what is asked and you'll be rewarded above what you expect so you know I'm thinking that rewards gonna be pretty sweet your mother sounds like she's a smart woman she wasn't smart enough to beat cancer do you see something please beautiful how'd you find it born and raised round these parts it's not a corner of this wilderness I don't know like the back of my hand how did you remember which way to go my daddy taught me told me the first rule it's not getting lost was to pay attention know your steps you taught me how to use a compass it's pretty tough to get lost don't you learn how to use it properly yeah it does a lot of people are common but not everybody has sense Amanda what I'm trying to say is that I believe God is our compass and with him in our hearts pretty hard to get lost even when you feel like you're holding my daddy taught me that he's great man cancer took him from me just you know I feel here this is my daddy's compass I can't take this yes you can't I want you to it make me more than happy to pass his love on to an angel like you thank you thank you the pure love you show these voices reminds me to love without restraint with a young heart come on let's get you back to the ranch your daddy I'll be here soon thank you [Music] so nervous I feel like it's my kid going out there she's a great horse hey got a prepped up pretty nice yes sir get everything just like you asked Hey [Music] quit opening the door for me I can do it myself sweetheart one of these days you're gonna meet a boy who opens the door for you and you will appreciate it believe me I can't fix it myself I'm not five years old anymore Abigail we represent our family name our family name represents impeccable impeccable taste let me see you yes okay you are now ready to compete go compete [Music] you wouldn't want to get that over your shirt now would you you spilled it all over me what's your problem my name is Thomas [Music] all right see how she's keeping her hands down she's got our elbows in always in front of her nice and relaxed here comes a job I hate this animal what are you doing get back on that horse you don't quit Abbi you get on that horse I know she can do better never know sometimes you're just wrong about a horse you know Charlotte I know she can do better she just needs a little TLC mr. Canton isn't exactly known for his patience could you just talk to him for me please Charlotte I don't know how much it's gonna help Abigail's already sworn off this horse she deserves another chance Amanda please don't get attached there's just not much we can do just please try to talk to okay thanks I'll speak with them [Music] don't thank me yet you expect to have good news you Charlotte you of all people know how much time and effort goes into these horses not to mention how much money no I refuse to carry the dead weight I dunno I just need a little more time you've had as much time as you could possibly use Charlotte the horses are dud get rid of her cut my losses that's just it why take a loss if you don't have to I think we can make this horse a winner you think I didn't build this place on I think I built this place on I know I don't lose I win okay well then with all due respect why would you concede defeat I'm asking you for a little more time I can make this horse of winner for you Avery says he thinks she might have just had a virus Avery he's willing to work with her some more I don't know I don't know Amanda said she'll work off what it costs to feed her extra hours around the stable tell me something Charlotte why this horse what's so special about this horse make it good you got one shot there's just something about her there's just something about her yes [Music] lord help me I trust your judgment but you have until Prairieville young lady prayer evil if this horse is not performing by prayer evil she's out of here I have a taxidermist on retainer don't worry thank you you won't be disappointed Kenton I better not be disappointed Charlotte [Music] yeah don't thank me too much it's just until the parade will show and you have to pick up a Saturday shift to pay for her feed okay I know she'll do wonderful I'm absolutely positive I'm in more money this alimony payment isn't narrow enough I have responsibility failure I have been ordered to pay you a certain amount of money every month I pay you a certain amount of money every month and every month you blow right through it now I am NOT your personal atm you need to focus on your needs Canton I'm the mother of your child how dare you talk to me so mean and disrespectful maybe I need to call my attorney no please no no more attorneys I've had enough attorneys they last me a lifetime affiliate would you please try and spend this money responsibly like I said things are on an economic downturn I don't mean any disrespect but would you please leave I need to get some rest I've had a heck of a day hey hey what do you think about miracles what marigolds Oh your dad asked me to paint something for the front of the house so we needed more color I prefer roses me too do you know your dad yeah he likes weird things I guess that's true nevermind I just want to keep him happy is he happy I sure hope so so you're decorating the house what's next you moving in no no plans to move in yeah that'd be a pretty big step yeah they'd be a huge step look Amanda I'm trying here can you give me a chance next thing you should buy a painting my wrist oh my god what did I say about coming in like that I know I'm a Charlotte slow around the horses exactly didn't want to get her upset do we of course not she's my favorite horse in the whole entire universe I bet she is he's your treat her that way punch better Amanda much better just a little more work and she'll be ready I think you might be right hmm you've done a fabulous job you should be very proud Thanks hey thank you so you know my grandmother always used to saying success is the results not an event we say such poetic things you should have been alright always just be a country horse girl I think and that's all I really want I love these animals I mean don't you want a family of course one day I guess when the time is right I miss being a family doc commanded just because she's gone doesn't mean she's not still your mother definitely doesn't mean you're not still a family okay just because she's gone from out here she's definitely still in here okay yeah yeah come on skip misty inside you might have some time for some lemonade by the lake [Music] working long hours at those stables honey I know dad I'm gonna get my score to him promise you know what our deal was only a few hours a week I don't want your schoolwork to suffer okay hey I know you love horses and you know that's what you and your mom used to love to do but but what you want me to forget about her too just like you did you know I mean it just move on to the next person like she never even existed well I can't hey listen to me I miss her too Amanda I miss her too but right now we have to be strong for each other try you you are everything to me please promise me that you'll never forget that [Music] I have seen a lot of horse and I know a winner when I see one I see you being stuck no you can do it got it but you just like my ex-wife stop are you going to show me something because I know you do [Music] dig your heels in what's wrong everything okay something's wrong are you talking about she kept limping I think it's a right foot it's okay mister you're alright sorry I pulled you so hard let's take her back to the stable get her looked at she done doc I can't say for sure it looks like she's sprained my ankle pretty bad I mean this could possibly require surgery not something you would normally do for a horse at this value however with some cold ice compresses and a few injections she might bounce back to just fine I'll make sure she gets the good care she needs just let me know doc fair enough I'll be back in a week to check up on her don't forget ice compresses three times daily okay we won't forget hey I want you to know no matter what happens you did a terrific job young lady thanks mr. Canton but don't worry she'll be okay you know [Music] [Music] I'm gonna make it all better well you're here late don't you have somewhere to be yeah I'll be leaving soon I just wanted to make sure misty got this I saw you packing before I left oh that's sweet but you can't always tend to others and forget about yourself Amanda I know you do that you end up like me thank you what do you mean you're beautiful what I mean is you end up alone you're not alone you've got me and you've got misty Thanks that makes it so much better Charlotte hmm do you sometimes just get scared of being a disappointment I think everybody does Amanda but the way I deal with that is to just make sure I do my very best and everything that makes sense [Music] I figured I can find you here it's almost time for dinner I'm not too hungry what's wrong I thought you loved it here I do I just I think I pulled Misty's reins too hard then I might have hurt her foot just I feel terrible seems like you picked that gene up from your mama she always blamed herself for everything you know but I think you give yourself way too much credit could've been a weakness she already had it could have been anything don't blame yourself I know dad I just I feel like you're wanting to win so bad that I'm pushing her too hard I don't know what else to do well winning is good but I think having fun is a lot better it's not one mr. candy says mr. Canton is a different kind of guy successful nonetheless but at the same time money isn't everything and winning isn't everything I know it doesn't sound like the truth Amanda but it really is if you say so you know Amanda I'm not sure if I really want you jumping your mother loved it so much they caused her so much pain and heartache she was just like you she blamed herself for everything you know maybe we should sit the show out and next year when you're a little older yeah it's not fair you can't keep me from jumping Amanda I don't know if I want you jump please understand that [Music] Wow somebody's sure working late Amanda I want to make sure that you also focus on all of your schoolwork okay believe me I understand how horses can be I can take over your whole life Amanda I know you love that horse I do Amanda if that horse doesn't get better in a few days I'm gonna have to get rid of her what you heard me no mr. kit please you can't do that I'll do whatever's necessary I know how you feel I understand but sometimes in life we have to learn how to let things go Oh mr. Kent please just give her one more week I promise you'll get better okay you got one week that's seven days if that horse is not better in seven days I am going to get rid of her now you go home and get your schoolwork done you [Music] you [Music] okay misty you're gonna be alright I promise I'm sorry I pushed you so hard it won't let mr. Canton get rid of you I promise okay what's wrong I'm lady heard you crying outside the door mr. Kant said he's gonna make me get rid of this deer she does better in a week dad that's true you know it's all my fault I pulled her reins too hard now her foots hurt well maybe she'll get better you have to have faith Amanda so we're good I don't want Amanda to find out I'm really trying to help her out here it just she loves that horse I don't know if I can take this though I mean come on this is three times what I paid for the animal plus all the vet bills I mean look it's not for you it's for her just make sure that the horse stays and that she's happy tell me something why are you jumping through all these hoops to win this little girl's affections it's not like that it's not no look when Amanda's happy her dad is happy when her dad is happy I'm happy you can understand that right yeah yeah that makes sense family's the most important thing of course I learned that far too late in life too late it's never too late you know what they say folks you have breath in the lungs right right right I guess so Kenton thank you so much for your time I'm gonna get out of here and you let me know if anything changes with the worst I will sure will do thank you thank you for this [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing Abigail please how many times have I asked you not to be on your phone while we're working I'm getting an important message from chuck an important message from Chuck yeah Chuck is not gonna help you win this competition last year you won by the skin of your teeth and you know how your father feels about losing I don't need to practice anymore I've been doing since I was six years old and getting one text message is not gonna keep me from a winning Abigail I need you to concentrate and let me do my job I need you to stop time to be my mom how much more time do we have left anyway tighten up your lunge line and take them a couple more rounds [Music] you [Music] hi Amanda how are you what are you doing here well I was just stopping by because I heard that you were here during the week and wanted to know if I could help you out with help me out what do you even know about purses I don't know much but I know that I really love them maybe if I learn enough mr. Canton will give me a job here right there keep the ice pack on for at least 10 minutes and whatever you do don't stand behind her unless you want to get kicked do you understand okay you say so you live far from here how about you two miles down did someone drop you off got here on my own two feet the old-fashioned way I would appreciate a nice cool glass of water sure I made that for you that hold that on for at least 10 more minutes okay good [Music] yes my boss you know I've seen many awesome but I got to be honest with you this horse is making a great improvement well come on Avery who you're talking to you're pulling my leg she's looking pretty good I found about another week or two she'll be ready to get back to doing Shawn looks like that little girl just might pull this off after all yeah maybe you know boss long sometimes women they have the potential to see into the future being yellow and some don't but uh my wife had that potential she could fit in a few Avery yes you miss her tell the truth well she made the best sweet potato pie I've been here for three straight days you're starting to annoy me I'm sorry I didn't mean to annoy you I just like being around the horses yeah well and they mean to go have dinner soon do you want to come then right your house yeah I mean why not he's always by my dad's girlfriends actually pretty good cause I'd love to come okay well hurry up she's cooking beef brisket it's my favorite sounds good best delicious you'll see and better not trying to kiss me either looks like someone appreciates my cooking I think he's doing more than appreciating and I think he's loving it wouldn't be disrespectful on that bachelor not ask one more no there's a whole pot left in there help yourself son told you it was good yeah but you never told me it was this good you guys know that Thomas walks two miles all the way in the hundreds we eat just to help me out at the bar two miles it's a long walk by yourself and that's nothing how old everywhere I go the last time you had something good to eat well believe something to do median he just depends though my dad he's been in and out of work lately so sometimes you have to make sure that my little brothers history because they were leo well most of the time but I'm not complaining though I'm a strong boy I didn't do it's good for my family well Thomas anytime you want you can come over here and have some of Tiffany's delicious cooking how's that you know what mr. Norman I might just have to take you up on that offer well here we are Thomas home sweet home I really appreciate the ride miss Tiffany they're these really big right things out hearing can't scare me sometimes at night yeah they can be pretty vicious thanks for you dinner with us are you going to the barn tomorrow yeah thanks so much for the beef biscuit he's this weekend he's ok have a really good heart Amanda [Music] [Music] thank you so much for coming out we appreciate it had a problem Amanda's been such an amazing job I mean you really need to congratulate her she'll do it for herself she was here every day did exactly what you said lit shows I mean this horse is just a few days away from a full recovery Ava really yeah really yeah thank you that's all cuz he you can you know if you ever need a job as a vet's assistant you just give me a call because I might just have to steal you from mr. Canton miss okay and that's all I care about well it's wonderful news and we'll have to tell mr. Campbell this horse is a dud no matter what she's never gonna make it I don't know what you guys are celebrating for this horse is a loser Abigail she's all right that's what's important come on we'll go tell Canton I don't know if I've pointed this out before but that third ribbon right there was my fourth championship wanted barely even trying might have told me once or twice yeah listen I know abigail is defending this year but I have a request you do sit down make your request I would like Amanda to ride misting the st. Francisville show you would like Amanda to ride misty in st. Francisville mm-hmm that is about the toughest competition that there is you realize that right I trow feed barely even tried look I think she should get a shot she's been working really hard I'm not saying I think she's gonna win but it would be a great experience for her she's the only one who nursed that horse back to health she deserves a chance Charlotte she's a little girl okay the competition is too tough she's only gonna get her feelings hurt I can't let that happen she's tougher than she looks I've been working with her a lot I think she can at least compete [Music] you really think so okay all right fine I'll let her do it because you really think so thank you you're welcome you're a good man Canton yeah well tell that to my friend my ex family they seem to forgotten and we go Amanda great nice job [Music] very nice hey girl [Music] I'm not surprised that little girl's got a heart of Steel more like a heart of gold if you ask me nicely put angry they bring it back around couple more laps brings you around these parts oh just just stopping in to say hi and make sure she's all right Wow I can tell you one thing there's no place you gotta be come on get it going misty hey hey Amanda hey I'm gonna wait till you get done and then give you a ride home all right hey don't worry about it just give it a little time come on alright one last round then we're putting her up so out there today pretty good posture is amazing what do you know about posture I guess now is a good time to tell you I was a world champion in the 90s yeah I don't know anything about the nineties so let's just say you've come a long way since the first practice I've been working really hard a minute shows yeah well don't know what for dance doesn't even want me to compete in the show you know that is it's pretty protective and there's only daughter yeah well he got to live his life so I should get to live mine too right it sounds fair maybe I could talk to him I made up I know you miss her but please why are you still trying don't you understand you don't have a shot I disagreed I think she's doing quite well whose side are you on anyway and you you'll never make it and you'll never be anything that's why you're here working for my father Abigail that's enough I don't know what's wrong with you but I have never heard anyone he is ugly to someone else as you just were your father will certainly be hearing about it wait please I'm sorry apologize do it now I'm sorry go saddle up you've got a lot of work to do [Music] [Music] [Music] each Arliss young lady you trying to hurt this off you don't understand look I don't have to understand I can tell you about to do something horrible I'm gonna have to tell your father wait no he's forcing me to win I don't even want to do this anymore why don't you want to do this anymore because it's not funny I've worked at it so hard ever since I was a little girl this is all I've ever done but nobody asked me if this is what I really want to do it's just like I'm supposed to do it I look your father's worked very hard and put a lot of money into you doing well are you one grief I'm not being ungrateful I'm very grateful but why is nobody listening to me this is my life isn't it it is it is your life what kind of lesson is a teaching you just give up on something you've worked so hard for now listen I agree your father's pushing you way too hard and winning isn't everything but you have to have some fun while you're doing this I need you to dig deep in go back and try to find that passion and that love you used to have in the beginning this is a long long family tradition I mean I love being around the horses and I love to ride them but I really don't think I want to compete anymore why don't you just sit down with your father one-on-one and really tell him how you feel [Music] are you going to tell on me I'll tell you what I'll make a deal with you just once one time only you have to promise me you won't hurt this horse or any of the other horses in the world okay I agree promise I promise secondly you have to work hard every day and lease up until the next show and then you'll sit down sit down with your father have a one-on-one heart-to-heart okay okay okay I promise promise another thing you get upstairs you get in that bed I want you to pray to God you got action for some insight on some of these things I don't need you internet blackmax Wang that woman is lost confuse disgusting you don't get me started on my wife [Music] drop there we go focus on keeping your hands down close to your saddle [Music] come on Amanda he could do it she's a sweet little girl man to my mind she's not a true writer excuse me I'm gonna have to disagree with you this girl can do anything she puts her mind to oh I agree I agree but in order to do that it'll take skill and skill will take time did you know there's a study says it takes roughly 9,000 hours to get to be an expert at anything 9,000 hours interesting statistic hmm small caveat really humor me every single human being is different some statistics don't even apply certainly you can think of at least one human being who's an anomaly anomaly I smell an educated woman where'd you go to school kick down a few calendars at Yale Yale my parents could never afford to send me there I got a full ride scholarship soccer I don't like to brag I certainly wouldn't have pegged you for a Yale graduate I went to Harvard myself we are not supposed to like each other very much no we are not but like you say people are different statistics and stereotypes you can't pin them on everybody mister mm-hmm so what brings you down here around these parts Yale um after college I got into Investment Banking for a couple years hmm a ton of money but it just it wasn't for me you know breaking up all those companies and people losing their jobs it just didn't sit well so came back to a horse country more time to relax and paint wet paint oh yeah painting is my passion so you were you went from investment banking and breaking up companies to painting that's quite a trip yeah why don't you talk her out of it hmm she'd go to a couple of the other shows participating them but st. Francisville it's big with all due respect sir from a person who's given up a lot for her own passion I enjoy seeing someone who will fight for what they believe in no matter what I agree with that I do you see that you should save her the embarrassment what do you say to a Harvard versus Yale wager are you a betting man well I don't like to brag but I have been known to go all-in on a poker hand or two what are you talking about I don't know it's something simple what do you say something simple okay simple Yale math I will bet you $1,000 that she does not win the show I don't want to take any more than that from you of you being retired all right painting starving artists thousand dollars awfully small throw tycoon like yourself Wow look at this huge ranch you have well double it 2,000 bucks you got yourself a bet shall we shake on it absolutely by the way Yale should you ever decide to come back into the business world I want you to call me I like having sharp people around I appreciate the offer sir but I think I'll stick to painting any good oh yeah yeah I'll bring some stuff over you don't like the bright it's okay misty we're gonna have a great show tomorrow okay win or lose we're gonna have fun hey how's it going Oh ma'am I was but uh isn't about time for you to go yeah I'll be leaving soon hmm just want to make sure I got to spend the last little bit of time I could with Miss Tate before I left the big shows tomorrow oh yes are you excited yeah I mean I'm nervous but I'm ready I don't think I'll sleep a wink tonight I look you have to get you some rest all champions rest well and they play hard okay you know just to remind me a lot of my loca she's tenacious just like you and she's determined just like that you got to remember to put a smile on your face and have fun as long as you do the best that you can do you'll be happy with knobby Hey look what you've done with this horse I haven't seen anyone else doing remember you have the hands of God yeah God yeah Hey look God you know he got big hands so you got the whole world in his hand well let me get on Adi all right no my ex-wife been calling me for 45 minutes on me preaching to the choir hands of God just thought we'd get a chance to talk before your big day you're gonna just imagine how I feel my baby girl out there on front of all those people and judges it's okay dad got the hands of God no I was really against this until miss Tiffany asked me to let you compete she asked you well she basically told me no man I think you really like her listen I want you to know that I'm gonna lose you are everything to me no matter what I'm always here for you you don't need money and you don't need trophies all we need is us okay kiddo all you need is dad alright let's go we got a big day tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Lena Thomas you came yeah it's only gonna put on miles from the house you know I wouldn't miss this for the world Thanks Oh could you please tell my Stephanie that my mom and dad said thanks so much for the food food yeah so went over to Walmart and bought enough food for us we have enough food now to last until I'm about yeah 15 years old Wow really yeah she did there's a wonderful woman right there god bless I had no idea she didn't tell you No all right you two we gotta get moving judges it get Nancy so misty well sure go get him [Music] [Music] [Music] Abigail no Abigail not again you get back on that horse right narrow he will not have a home to come to Canton you will back off right now and apologize to your daughter she's doing the best that she can and even if she messes up we love her we don't quit in this family Ophelia well you quit on our marriage oh no this is not the place yes it is no we're not gonna have this discussion here or now no we'll discuss this now I loved you to the ends of the earth it looked what you did to us mom was a good mom yes mom is a good mom it was me maybe but things are much more complicated when you're an adult yes I look it's all I ever wanted to hear okay maybe I was too tough on you okay if you don't want to ride anymore than you don't have to I love to ride the worst stuff but I don't want to do the shows anymore I wouldn't live my life for once [Music] it's Amanda [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well congratulations you such a great dog sorry for being so horrible to you it's okay I know you're going through a bad phase I believe this belongs to you Yale Thank You Harvard Amanda I don't know if you realize this or not but it's actually miss Tiffany responsible for buying your horse for you really you did that for me it was worth every penny sweetie you look really good out there you did a fantastic job I'm proud of you [Music] why do you say we go home and have some like famous beef brisket that I love oh okay made by someone that you have no idea how long I've waited to hear that [Laughter] hey guys wait up dad hurry Oh what are you doing come on can't wait for that beef brisket I mean [Music] hello Hey look at now you've been calling me for two days what do you want what child support well it wouldn't want to talk about this childhood photo okay this girl is 27 years old I don't even work at the rationale if the can let me go yeah that's none of your business huh Geraldine let me go let me go Jordie bye [Music] another slate for Sarah boom you know your mother loved it so much she always blamed herself for everything [Music] I ain't never enough okay never enough time and what I told my ex-wife I said a thousand years and enough time to get me through the aggravation you didn't put me through for Danielle you hit me I said that woman I was a professional never your nagging with a profession okay she was the Michael Jordan of neck yeah if they gave out of a championship trophy for the nagging championship if there was such a thing Oh she'd have been like a magic and a tease okay all the balls in the night all right yes [Music] unbelievable Amanda no I'm manda shoot that's not your name wonder I'm so terrible you know man I really don't know if I want you to your mother [Laughter] [Music] [Music] one morning on superglue okay I know nothing about it so I'll go and I'm trying to get my chops together cuz I I got tyreel it goes okay boom I go to brushing kid not you know and I feel all over this I give and I'm trying to and I give one a name I didn't pull it out two of my three more than my front two withered even my canine hey what you say for the nading you can do it [Music] no man I really don't know if I want you to the bird does it one more time he's going in the oven gimme gimme his shotgun [Music] I trust the goddess we will make it through and look into your eyes I know your heart is true once [Music] everything I feel all that I am is my gift to you [Music] every step I take is closer to [Music] every time I go to talking to telling a story they walk away from me I can't figure that out for the devil boom man do you know why [Music] come on now it's good gonna drive it on up what else it says put it on back ease on down the road he's gonna ease on down awesome [Music] you
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Id: AwyNQenGeBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 50sec (4970 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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