A Game MORE Broken Than Pokemon Red/Blue? Pokemon Green Japanese Glitchfest 7! | Pokemon Glitches

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[Music] previously on green glitches thinking with portals ss antis and some name brand spaghetti hello and welcome to green glitches seven by this point we've already mastered warp travel that have two pokemon league championships under our belt so i don't really know what we're supposed to do going forward hang on i gotta take this call agent bug catcher do you read me this is colonel char bug catcher come in bug catcher why aren't you speaking in america well a single voice actor still puts us ahead of sword and shield at least listen we just got a new mission from hq we've been getting reports of paranormal activity coming from lavender tower we need you to assess the situation identify the threat then neutralize it hold your horses agent you don't know what you might be up against r d has developed some new ghost busting tech but the shipment seems to have gotten lost on routes those don't sound like words from the good old us of a cut the weeb crap and focus on the mission the last known coordinates of the truck transporting the ghostbusting tech put it in the vicinity of vermilion city that's not much to go off of but it's all we've got [Music] um we're counting on you agent bug catcher any last words you'd like us to relay to your loved ones in case the mission goes south a truck near vermilion city do you take me for some sort of filthy casual of course i know where to go to the mew truck also we uh went there last episode we can shadow clone right past the sailor hop on our surfboard and waltz up to the truck where there's nothing wait but the contents of our pocket dimension can change based on our location and this is a unique map right if we scroll down into hyperspace maybe we can find r d's secret weapon there that must be it the hayabusa badge hayabusa translates to falcon in english yes and you might be thinking i don't remember a falcon badge and that's because this is a glitch item through and through some garbage data from gen 1 would eventually be salvaged and used in gen 2 but even faulkner's eventual zephyr badge is known as the wing badge in japanese bonus fact there's an unofficial law here in japan that if something is fast you have to stuff hayabusa somewhere in the name come on bullet trains hayabusa asteroid harvesting satellites hayabusa one and two main character of ninja gaiden ninjas are fast gotta name him do you hayabusa imagine being named dragonfalcon how could you grow up to be anything other than a ninja with the secret weapon in our inventory it's time to head back to lavender town and do some ghostbusting we could easily trash our rival here but i think it's more in spirit with the area to ghost through the walls and sneak around him we ascend up to the ghostly marowak we've been tasked to cleanse and there are a few ways we can do that if you try to face the ghost without the sill scope in your inventory your pokemon will be too spooked to act and marowak will just stand there menacingly until you give up and run away you could continue the vanilla story and obtain the silk scope from giovanni and rocket hideout but i'm not showing background footage of that because come on you know i didn't do that instead of going to rocket hideout you could go to pocket hideout ho ho because in lavender tower the silph scope happens to slide its way into your pocket dimension how convenient you can actually start the battle against the ghost then move the silk scope into your inventory mid-encounter allowing you to actually damage and faint the ghost without it ever revealing itself as marowak it'll still dodge any pokewalls you throw which begs the question can you actually capture ghosts the short answer is yes and the long answer is yes asterisk we might not have a yokai watch but we do have this spiffy hayabusa badge outside of combat it does nothing but if you use it against marowak's ghost it'll reset the battle and play the text letting you know that marowak's spirit has been put to rest if you flee from the battle you'll then be able to progress as if you defeated marowak normally wait but we didn't catch marowak maybe i shouldn't have tested our secret weapon against a one-time encounter more trials are required if you use the hayabusa badge against a trainer it'll reset the battle if you use the hayabusa badge against the trainer it'll reset the battle if you use the hayabusa badge against a trainer it'll reset the battery okay so we know the hayabusa badge resets static and trainer battles but what about wild battles if used in a wild encounter you can do this we're now in some sort of glitched purgatory we're still in battle but we're also able to wander this corrupted hellscape and get into new encounters which brings us back to reality and places us in a vanilla pokemon battle we don't want that what you want to do is use the hayabusa badge to enter the overworld from within a battle then toss a pokeball while in this state which the ghost will then dodge wait alright i figured it out welcome to glitch number 31 yokai watch this step one encounter a ghost preferably near a staircase then use the hayabusa badge to yink yourself out of battle and into the cursed overworld step 2 enter a new map in our case we waddle over to a lower floor which restores the map to normal step 3 make your way to the base of the tower step 3.5 completely fail to stealth past our rival who alright that's rude well i did name the rival in this series cockroach so i guess i had this one coming step 4 once outside of lavender tower open your bag toss one of your infinite master balls and presto you've caught a ghost and the ghost's true identity is cubone huh we knew marowak was dead but was cubone also dead the whole time as you can imagine there's lots of top foolery we can get up to with a hayabusa badge if you delve into rock tunnel you can pull the same tricks we just did to catch a wild pokemon from the overworld and corrupt the map data allowing you to actually see the outline of the terrain in the darkness it might be easier to just teach a pokemon flash though i tested what would happen if you executed this glitch while surfing and as expected you don't get jc's water walking ability you're just locked in place until you hop back on your surfboard the glitch remains active from when you yank yourself out of battle until you enter a fresh encounter you can have oodles of fun seeing just how badly you can warp the background based on what map you throw the pokeball from look at the pretty colors pretty colors rainbows the rainbow badge i know what i must do get into an encounter on route 7 activate your hayabusa badge then make your way towards southern celadon this gym is great it's full of strong women see we're compromising between the creepy original quote and the new one position yourself just right and forget the pokemon league i finally truly beaten the game erica queen of the waifus is mine at last i i know it's actually a meow just let me have this for a moment and who's that oh it's mr mvp what was our mission again an exorcism in lavender tower we did that right since we're already here i guess we can goof off and sell it on city for a bit in addition to a pokemon center there's also a human center or what a normal person would call an in the layout of the inn is ripped straight from a pokemon center including the placement of the pc so even though there's nothing here and you can walk right over the space you can actually access the pc from the front of where the terminal would be come on you can do that in the western releases and everyone knows about that it's child's play you're not here for the kids stuff you want to know what happens behind the counter right well for that you gotta talk to the innkeeper glitch number 32 spin to win as far as i know the innkeeper of the celadon inn is an entirely unique sprite only ever used for this one npc in this one location of this one game such a shame that we only ever get to see the front of this groovy granny until today use shadow clone to hop the counter and i hope you're sitting down because for the first time in western youtube history we can see her slides and her back are sprite not entertained is this not why you were here all right so that was kind of lame how about some good old unfettered capitalism to wash away the pain the saladon department store is so huge that it actually has an elevator to help you zip between floors just choose the floor you want from the pop-up menu and oh no you already know what a new menu means we can use the select button to swap these floors around but because there are so few options things don't get too crazy i mean when i tried to read this sign my game froze and both the customers and employees started flickering in and out of existence but that's pretty tame as far as green glitches go keep the elevator thing in mind because if there happens to be a building with a few more floors we might be able to do some neat tricks speaking of neat tricks how about we close out this episode by learning a new ninjutsu we've been getting lots of mileage out of shadow clone so let's see if we can learn the next rank of this forbidden jutsu our sensei will be none other than the badge dude in cerulean city in a previous episode we learned that by swapping the marsh and volcano badges we could set our party size equal to the index number of the second pokemon in our roster we used abra back then but this time we'll use charmeleon whose index number of 178 means we have that many pokemon on our team we're looking for the 175th pokemon so to dredge them up it makes much more sense to scroll upwards four slots instead of downwards 174 slots you want to make sure that their deck's number is listed as 213. that's the key oh hey there i'm chef charizard and welcome to kanto kitchen i'm sure you have some questions for me what does this have to do with green glitches i thought you were a lawyer and why are you using a stove if you can just breathe fire all very valid concerns cooking is a lot like glitching it's both an art and a science it's a science because there's a recipe to follow but it's art because you never know what you're going to end up with you could follow the recipe down to the letter boil for two minutes pinch of salt in the water but in the end i mean this this analogy is really getting away from me um what i'm trying to say is i could not recreate this glitch on my own uh i tried i i followed the directions exactly uh i have like hundreds of pokemon on my roster but none of them are the actual pokemon that will activate the glitch so to actually show you what happens we're going to be using some footage from ganahibi's original video i'll have links to both uh gandhibi's channel and the exact video in the description and if you understand japanese i really recommend checking out the original video because you can really see uh one the actual explanation of what's happening and two how our styles really differ i think that gone heavy has a really interesting style that you will also find to be entertaining uh so i guess we have to transition back to the glitches um so how do we end the cooking show uh okay um ah this has been chef charizard thanks for tuning in to kanto kitchen and remember you can't take the heat you're not a fire type [Music] and now we're ready to pull off glitch number 33 koga ultimate ninjask storm if your game hasn't crashed by this point get into a wild encounter and send the glitch pokemon out they're a bit shy give them a moment [Music] there we go and they don't have any actual moves so you'll have to switch to a different pokemon to end the battle once you do you'll see that we've activated the advanced multi shadow clone jutsu because everyone is in here just slipping and sliding all over the place your own map coordinates are also completely borked at this point so your best bet is to just teleport away your people need you after all and here back where it all began is where i think we'll end this episode i've got some post-credit bonus content yet to come but i hope you've enjoyed the most recent serving of this madness looking forward to seeing you again next time on green glitches okay so um apparently people eat like bell peppers by choice we are we're acting for the camera oh my god oh this is gross um if you're wondering why exactly i'm eating a bell pepper like raw like this there's a really really great cooking uh competition called iron chef i'm sure you've heard of it if not the original japanese version then the american reboot which i think is iron chef america it's way worse but in the original iron chef the host of the show at the end of the intro he like always has a bell pepper he takes a big bite and then he just laughs at the camera for like a while it's absolutely hilarious definitely watch the show if you get a chance thanks for watching this episode of green glitches i hope you enjoyed it um if you enjoyed it enough maybe sacrifice 25 of your hp to set up that substitute graphics should be playing right now and if you really really like the content and you're made of pokedollars maybe consider evolving into a mighty patreon if you're a current patreon you should see all of your names on screen right now covering me up and among the benefits plural that you can get is you can force me to read lines like this which i'm gonna add in post so that it doesn't sound so bad because the audio quality is trash in this little corridor i cannot wait for league of legends arceus with arceus's face over league of legends characters faces maybe i wasn't supposed to read that part my name is cheese she's nuts that's how you're supposed to read that right i mean i remember being in high school uh and special thanks to the og patreon of 27 years my mom who translated and proofread the japanese at the beginning of this video it's still really stupid but it's not stupid because the grammar is wrong okay thanks mom and that is it from me thank you so much for watching and i hope to see you in the next video
Channel: Imported Cheese
Views: 26,658
Rating: 4.9204082 out of 5
Keywords: pokémon, pokemon glitches, pokemon red, pokemon red and blue glitches, pokemon videos, pokemon red and blue, pokemon, pokemon blue, only pokemon, missingno, glitch city, glitches, pokemon youtube channel, Pokemon green, Japanese, bugs, glitchfest, walls, shadow clone, kage bunshin, mew, mew glitch, elite 4, dokokashira, ss anne, cruise, name rater, nickname, warp, wrong warp, speedrun, mew truck, ghosts, ghostbusting, silph scope, rocket hideout, lavender town, lavender tower
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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