Does the Bible instruct us HOW to get married?

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it's time for wretched radio with todd frio welcome to covid free radio it's the wretched radio mail call delivery bag q a infotainment nationwide extravaganza featuring your voicemails correspondences communicators dispatches memorandums and misses any special message for all the kids watching at home what we need right now is a clear message to the people of this country you have 1200 messages that is a bit above average now here's your host todd freakishly tall free the mail is here oh not supposed to do that this is wretched radio don't worry jimmy is virus free at least for today did they shove that thing way up your nose actually i had to do it to myself no yes and did they say not did they have a little line on the stick to say it's got to go all the way up there no no they didn't they didn't okay so you just did a little tickle tickle and then turned it over that's it okay so maybe you're not covered free are you sure this test is reliable ah well i maybe i don't i don't know i thought i feel like that it is you wait a second you went to larry's covet testing shop what is that what kind of a in the back they had a garage [Laughter] please send your emails to idea if and you have questions comments conundrums or snarks don't worry if they're received by jimmy you cannot get the kovid although apparently there are all kinds of ways that you can which seem to be mysterious and ever-changing nevertheless don't worry jimmy's covered free um that's right gentlemen what have we today i have one from carl here are you covered free i'm covered for i believe i am all right all right is carl cool carl is cool he says uh this is close to home my son claims to be a christian who was who is now with a woman without any marriage ceremony or specific state license in any current cultural formality and he wants to know what's the biblical definition of marriage yeah i i don't be discouraged by what i'm about to say because it'll it'll get more encouraging and confident for you believe it or not when you study the subject of marriage throughout history it's sketchy furthermore when you study the subject of marriage in the bible it it's it's not quite as vivid as we'd probably like it to be so how do we piece this whole thing together well this is what we do know definitively in genesis right away first words recorded by man were a covenant ceremony that is why we use similar words of adam for our marriage ceremonies today this is bone of my bone flesh of my flesh two shall become one till death do us part this was all the language that was buried inside of of adam's hebrew vow to eve furthermore as we progress we see that it was an assumed thing based on adam and eve that a man shall leave his father and mother cleave to his wife so right away we're told that there is that union there is that relationship and then as you progress all the way throughout the old testament you see husband and wife clearly depicted now what you don't see is how that happened and we've got to be careful because we do have some historical narratives telling us in some cultures at some times some details how's about the picking of wives the selecting of wives how's about rachel and leah is that the way we're supposed to do it work for seven years you get the what you'd go well no that was like a deal that was cultural maybe it just seemed to happen so it's a historical narrative nevertheless what did we see though we saw that there was a wedding ceremony of some sort we also see that there is a consummation now please note there are some folks that take the consummation as the actual that's that's when the wedding is actually sealed when that act takes place do we see that definitively described in the bible i don't think we do we see it displayed but we don't see it as what makes a marriage a marriage now let's fast forward to the new testament what do we see there the betrothal of mary and joseph and we do know from history now it does get a little bit clearer in the first century jewish culture what that marriage looked like how it came about and by the way oodles of biblical illustrations regarding the second coming of jesus christ nevertheless we see a betrothal we see a ceremony we we we see a promise a commitment do we see the vows no we don't who did the vows was it the government of rome was it a rabbi was it the family how did that happen the answer i know we don't know really paul talks about marriage a lot in first corinthians he describes that there is a a ceremony that must something must have happened that brought a man and woman together and it's valid in the eyes of god even though they didn't cut if you will a biblical covenant in the eyes of god which is another theme throughout the old testament that it is a covenant relationship we know that it's an actual marriage because paul says you can't get divorced you were married as a pagan to a pagan you can't get divorced now that you're a christian because it's valid how did that ceremony go down i don't know ephesians we read about what that marriage is a picture of the gospel and we do see the relationship it's defined what the roles are what it was always tended to what intended to point toward but how did somebody get into that relationship don't know so now here's what we're left with we're left with some definitives and we're left with some sketchy here's the sketchy part we don't know in every custom in every chapter of the bible where marriage is discussed how they got into that relationship here's the overwhelming message though of the bible there is a relationship and there must be something formal to it and what i would do in harmonizing the two is say if god didn't make it clear how you get into it there's some room for fudging on this and that throughout generations and societies and cultures but nevertheless we do see this definitively there is some sort of covenant making ceremony that must take place in order for god to see a man and a woman as being of one flesh there's a contract that is cut it's oral it's typically codified we used to do it in the front of our bibles now we have a marriage ceremony and and state license from the state nevertheless there is something contractual about it throughout the bible throughout cultures even the pagan cultures had divorce why because there must have been some sort of an agreement that had to have been broken in order for there to be a divorce how it happens debatable fair enough but it must happen if you do not want to be living in sin and so i would share that with your son and with the with the young lady that this is what the bible teaches about the subject and if you are not in that sort of relationship and you are sleeping with that woman you're sinning and therefore you're in danger your soul is in danger you're in danger of judgment church level and eternal level so please get married now here's the one that i hear regularly but we are because you know everything i have is hers and you know after and and it's it's we've been married for so long and we love each other and we love it and the state recognizes it anyway so it's not a big deal and then if that's the case then do the formal ceremony and whether it is in the eyes of god or not god's eyes are on it and it's valid so if they want to do something secular fine but if you want your son who may or may not be a christian to not be willfully sinning against god they don't need to get married idea idea former covent patient what have you got i got an easy one from you from uh for you from vicky you were never coveted no what did you eat what did you get into i don't have any are you here were you drinking something in the garage that didn't have a label on it i've been hanging out at mike's house an awful lot that could explain some stuff uh vicki says or she wants to know is it wrong to decide to switch churches if you don't have a much of a reason to leave the one that you're currently part of yeah what do you mean much of a see a little sketchy on the details was was just reading through i believe we shared that on air if not we just did it on wretched tv it was a fellow named ian clary i believe who did a study it happened to have been of john calvin's attitude of ah i've got it i've got it ill advised righteousness there's a lot of people now this this may or may not apply to this particular situation but there there's many of us who desire perfection in a church we do and that's a good desire frankly but it becomes ill-advised our zeal for righteousness ill advice zeal for righteousness you google that you'll find the article calvin really said ultimately because god so desires unity and because his understanding of holiness was very practical he understood that even though we're called as saints we're not yet and therefore an assembling of people who are not yet holy you are going to have unholy results and that means no church is going to be perfect and it is a process not just in your personal sanctification but in sanctification as a group in the local body then calvin went on to say as long as the essentials there of word and sacrament church discipline as long as the word is rightly preached no heresy sacraments of baptism lord supper they're being administered and there's church discipline that occasionally takes place when necessary you don't have any great reason to leave that church now doesn't mean you can't but if it's because you're looking for perfection you've got a false understanding could it be because of your circumstances your zip code you don't have a lot of options or any options at all if those three criteria are being met not only should you stay thought calvin you throw yourself into the work of that church you commit to it oh but no i i don't want people to know i go there throw yourself into it and serve that is the only way anybody is going to start getting healthier is if you contribute to it so can there ever be some reasons of programs and those issues yes but they should be worked out with your pastor and if the baton can't be handed off to another pastor gracefully then you're probably doing something wrongly this is wretched radio i'll be needing to see some identification young man why because you my friend are a law breaker no i'm not you are according to this video from ray comfort production i need the clips on time [Music] 9-1-1 what's your emergency he asked me to become a gospel partner and he took my credit card [Music]
Channel: Wretched
Views: 23,727
Rating: 4.9214144 out of 5
Keywords: Todd Friel, Wretched TV, Wretched Radio, Evangelism, Gospel, Christian, Jesus, Theology, Bible, Christianmedia, Witnessing, Religion, Preaching, God, Teaching, Media, Openair
Id: yABsrVeoAiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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