【DRAWING】 Let's Learn Krita Together!!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can you hear me hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello how are you guys doing good that's good i totally wasn't uh you know uh speed running eating cup noodles that's why i'm like a minute late nope that's not it at all i just went down to get some strawberry milk yeah i bought some strawberry milk i finished my noodles i finished my noodles yes i don't know what the world record but it was a good good like like four and a half minutes good four and a half minutes huh no actually i actually want to get a bunch of like milk from the store and there was like strawberry milk banana milk and mellow milk so i got like two packages of each i just happened to grab strawberry milk because um actually like strawberry milk i was like oh i have strawberry milk so yeah um delicious anyways um uh how are you guys doing doing good i already asked this yep ah so today today is gonna be me and you me and you learning how to use this program called krita yes we're gonna be using krita i have used this once which was earlier this morning just to get a feel for what it does and i feel like it's gonna be a long journey because uh we have a lot of like non-drawing stuff to go through and then we got uh we got some drawings i know those of you who who have been using krita for many many years are probably more used to it than i am i'm completely new completely new so uh i guess it will be helpful for anyone who uh anyone if it's your first time trying out twita you can just uh follow around yes krita is a free free i say free free and free free and open source program so anyone can download it and use it themselves it's free free 99 just kidding free free free yes it's also open source so if there's anything i'm i'm like pointing out and if you guys know how to code things you might want to ship me over and code it just letting you know i love free programs that are really really useful like obs like blender ah yes beautiful beautiful programs so powerful but free to use anyways shall we get shall we get started shall we get started so um when i usually uh start up a new program or program that i gotta use right it started off with the clip studio too but i learned cliff's video over many many years so i learned a bunch of stuff but um as for uh krita i'm gonna be going over how i go through things usually yes okay let's see first we gotta learn how to create a new canvas i realized that i i play around with a lot of the window capture stuff but it seems like it seems like um it doesn't capture the menu drop down that well so uh you guys will have to follow my voice making a new file you can click here this is a new file or you can go file new oh it doesn't show no but uh uh uh yeah it'll open up a new window um i wish obs captured the menus as well this is weird yeah control n works too yeah on the keyboard anyways you make the new canvas they have like uh something called predefined canvas sizes that's uh if you click it there's a bunch of things that come up usually i work with a4 a4 at 350 or 350 uh 300 or 350 dpi um yep but dpr doesn't matter as much um if you're working with like pixels and stuff but if you're working with actual real life uh what should i call it real live paper sizes i'll kind of explain what um what it means the dpi let's see uh a4 at since we're just learning this uh we can do this i'm doing a4 at 300 pp oh this is ppi ppi is slightly different but they basically mean the same thing yeah um if you create ah here's a new canvas yep and the first thing i want to do is actually um actually go into settings and then configure krita yes very important for me at least is to uh figure out figure out my keyboard shortcuts especially for new programs it's the same as games you know when you start new games and you gotta check out all the keybinds what it does it's the same for our programs yes so personally i like programs where i can uh you know remap the keys to what i like so what i usually use in clip studio paint for example good morning did i say good morning afternoon evening good morning afternoon evening yes welcome welcome if you're joining in just now yeah app app is for uh app is for like ipads and stuff tablets and stuff but uh right now we are working with a computer program yes i don't know if kratos has an app i don't think it does i don't know maybe anyways uh usually what i like to change what i like to change is uh wait maybe i can write this down actually is there ah i can't okay ah zoom in a little bit i downloaded twitter but i can't find the installer after i download it can you check if it's in your dishwasher my dishwasher isn't some kind of teleportation device maybe anyways um so that's uh the things that i look out for when i change uh shortcuts this is just my personal preferences personal personal preferences for changing uh changing uh keybinds okay well actually actually uh give me one second give me one second i need to talk to the ancient ones ulta can you contact in my time okay they put me on hold what okay uh give me one second i actually wanna figure out something uh figure out something so i can show you guys all the menu okay sorry one second please wait do [Music] [Music] okay we're back we're back we're back uh emma might bomb me for this later but i need to do this so you guys can see my menus so that you guys can see my menus don't tell em she will bump me so hard i won't tell you what i did but if i'm watching you on my good phone anyways uh there now you can see wow what magic settings configure krita yes now you can see yep and uh what i like to change so what i like to change is uh one is a brush size size uh shortcut [Music] and then two will be um uh what you'll call it uh two is uh changing the uh opacity opacity transparency of easy brush and then number three will be [Music] what else is there oh yeah uh wait i had this written down somewhere but i lost the sticky note i lost the sticky note ah i'll figure i'll figure it out while i'm i'll figure it out while i'm uh while i'm uh you know uh working on something i'm just like oh why isn't this button working i gotta change it but uh not the layers so here's it right here uh layers and stuff i don't really need to use i'll change but uh [Music] there was one thing i need to change oh yeah a canvas flip flip yup canvas flip and um what else what else oh that's it anyways that's it for now i'll uh i'll uh you know figure it out anyways hold on to configure yes and you search for brush size there's the decrease i know the letters are a bit small but uh decrease brush size and increase brush size i have it bound to a different uh different layer or a different key so for decrease brush size i have it set to z d z z yep increase is an x [Music] see now you can see that the brush size i'm pressing x and z z d and i can freely change the brush size i have it set to z z and x because um when i used to only have one keyboard i couldn't you know press space and then like like move my hand all the way over to the square brackets to change the brush size i was like you know i need i need something where i can access really easily that doesn't have a really uh you know really close uh really useful shortcuts anything else and you know c and x were perfect so and um yeah uh changing the transparency of the brush this is actually kind of important especially with how i work because what i usually do is when i have a a brush and a paint and i just want to be like oh i'm gonna erase this really quickly all i do in clip studio paint is called toggle transparency i think but in this in krita i was testing it out and i realized it actually had a different name it's actually changed it's like a button right here called set eraser mode eraser mode yeah so basically use the same kind of brush but it becomes an and it's the same for if you're using like a pencil tool like this let's say you have a really really big pencil tool if you toggle that eraser mode you can erase it with the exact same brush and that's how i usually use that a lot to uh you know color pretty fast because i want to change to like change to like eraser tool and change it back to the original tool and then to the eraser tool an original tool i like that so i usually have that set to f [Music] so let's do that uh e raiser this one is set to e but changes to f okay we sign and now if i oh wait i realized one big one big thing with krita um usually a lot of programs zoom in and zoom in out of the canvas it's control uh equal sign which is control plus kind of you know you zoom in and control uh minus to zoom out but i realized the keys are kind of buggy with kratos so i had to uh remap it why did i map it to f it's the same as how uh why i remap the brush sizes when i used to have just one keyboard uh i couldn't you know i wanted to bind it to something uh something easy to reach and then f was just there so yeah if it is and then uh zoom yeah see it's like control plus but it's buggy so uh you gotta remap it so like this and like that okay let's zoom out okay reassign and now it works i have a i have a i have like a side keyboard thing that i used to do zoom in and out so uh i guess the uh zoom in and out it's kind of your preference i realized that you can you can't also uh you really can't find alt you can't bind alt to uh although krita so i don't know if anyone can fix that but alt is usually really useful in a lot of a lot of programs for the color picker but it doesn't work on krita yeah if you think about this okay krita oh wait where's that where'd the other brush go oh i lost the brush that i was using originally oh this is gonna have to do peridot uses control for color ah yeah i couldn't it uses control for color picker but but it would be nice if you could remap it to alt it'd be nice oh i don't think you can get like a copyright for all something he find anyways um what are they talking about what was i talking about oh yeah different programs so uh photoshop essay it's more of a you can paint but it's also very uh very good photo manipulation program mini variation editing program program yes whereas a clip steel paint is good for animation comics illustration duration etc i would say uh it's nice that i think you can do animation i think you can do some vectors on it too because i saw svg which is a vector vector uh file and uh in illustration etc etc yeah i think you can save a clip you can save i forget if they are [Music] i don't know if they updated yeah i think they did um [Music] anyways yes uh yeah he said right there but uh clip is also coming up with a bunch of updates like it's december 10th or something yeah but um i'm pretty sure you can save as uh vector file too i think hello i'm nervous now i'm literally literally literally just just starting to use krita thank you for a wonderful program [Music] i used it like very shortly or very briefly briefly before i start the stream but i'm surprised like how much features it has like and it's you know like it's open source so like if if someone finds something that can improve on they can add it it's like a big collaborative project yes welcome welcome i hope i hope i can do a good job promoting twitter because you know nothing sucks more than not having the tools available to you to you know create the stuff that you have in your in your head i can't talk all of a sudden i don't know anyways [Music] ah yep i'm suddenly suddenly all over my brain still just like anyways uh so krita is actually pretty good if you want to get started on uh you know digital digital painting drawing anyways um yep oh yeah one more thing to set is a canvas flip clip i like how you can search uh what you want and that like shows up that's a very nice feature by the way because i think in any other program like photoshop clip psi if you have to change uh if you have to change shortcuts you actually have to navigate through every uh every what you call it every tab to find what you need okay canvas um no i think maybe it's mirror here image horizontally i think that's it i bind this to each yes is this uh no that was wrong see trial and error trial in there maybe it's this yes see [Music] these are the basic uh coupons that i go through uh if you have trouble following it right now uh you can always watch the archive and you know there's like a play playback speed adjustment button yup yup why do artists flip part that's a good question it's because uh sometimes when you're drawing one thing you don't realize your mistakes because your eyes are really used to seeing that image so if you want like a fresh eye to the uh to that image and the easiest thing you can do is flip yep uh cradle has a bunch of uh preset um preset keyboards but i'm just changing i'm just changing it so that you know my muscle memory muscle memory from uh clip usage that i binded like many years ago yep so flipping is really useful for just getting like a quick uh view on what it is [Music] and um yeah that's uh muscle memory is hard to get rid of right off the bat anyways uh one thing one other thing i also wanted to go over is uh i forget where the uh was it here yeah it was here um there's a few things you want to go through this this is actually very very useful it's the input pressure graph yes have you seen this before you know what this is basically you can adjust you can adjust the amount of pressure that your pen input puts in you can customize it so uh let's say uh i can put this to really really like this just to show you what it does so if i do that it means if i if i press really really hard it'll show up okay it doesn't show up because i put it too extreme i accidentally opened the new window hold on hold up oh no ah where is uh oh how do i close this [Music] hold up give me a second sorry [Music] we're back don't worry we're back sorry about that i accidentally opened the new window and then it like covered up like three of my monitors uh anyways uh back to where we were so if you lower this like this it means uh low pressure equals if you put uh even if you put low pressure it will like barely give you an input kind of i don't know if i'm explaining this correctly oh i have i have double monitors plus my tablet so that's technically three yeah that's technically three because the cintiq is a monitor i have one for gaming one for monitoring stuff and one for drawing anyways uh yeah what i usually do personally um if you find that uh your your pen if your hands are really it hurts a lot and you have to put a lot of pressure then you just gotta whoop up this graph a little bit and then uh you know monitoring morning yes and then it allows you to draw a lot more thicker lines easily basically with little pressure but for me i like to adjust it kind of like this gives me a lot more control over how much thin lines and thick lines i do with the amount of pressure i usually put on my pen yeah anyways um uh is this sponsored nope i just wanted to find a program that you know everyone can use because it's free you secure mirror keep on it should be set to mirror view but in review mirror view hold on here here is it m yeah but okay let me tell you the difference between what i was doing and what the other ones do my review is faster but look look it flips on an axis that's on the middle it's not centered therefore i shall mirror image vertically or horizontal and this this way it stays on where you are see yep anyways uh yeah i think that's good enough for the basic of what i do uh when i first put up our program yes that's right i'm ahead of you guys i thought about this multi-layer thinking yup yup yup okay other than that um now we get to the fun part which is not drawing yet i just have to move the windows around so it's easiest for me to reach them yep and uh do you see this this button right here where my mouse is it's kind of small but you can click that and it pops it out to new layer and if you guys like to you can oh you can drag it everywhere that you like also that is really long i don't like that yeah so usually i have my color oh stop stop snapping so early okay stop you there we go i have my color here i have my layers here this is pretty much the same for my clip too that's how you guys don't see my layers and tools because they're on floating windows like this usually and i do the same with the brushes here if i can yes and the stuff i don't need i can get rid of that two options nope i don't need that strap uh how do i okay you do that and then oh i guess we can't really get rid of that never mind maybe i can move it to this side where i'll need it right right here there you go and then just go that's good and now we can get rid of the oh usually you can have a small preview window that shows like your entire canvas usually i just pop out a new window the same file and just stick it on another monitor so it's not in my way so i'll just get rid of that now you have more space to draw wow there we go and now this is pretty much all good yep see oh it's best to uh set up your workspace that you're comfortable with you saw a preview of what i was gonna work on later so oh it's nothing to panic about don't worry don't worry i'm five steps ahead of you guys and thinking about this anyways 40 minutes per setup you know the thing is if you spend 40 minutes ahead of time to set up everything to work as you like then you know you'll be set for a long time it's a time investment yes anyways um let's see uh now we get to the fun part one part fun part which is brushes brushes i know everyone's been waiting for brushes everyone's been waiting for brushes i know i know and just to let you guys know i'll figure out how to share the brushes that i create today on on this stream and uh if you guys want to i'll ask and much down if there's like a way to share it with everyone so if you guys like the brush that i'm creating today then you guys can download it and use it on your krita as well yes anyways i'm gonna be creating uh two brushes today two brushes okay two brushes two one is my uh number one is my uh liner brush liner this is gonna be a sort of like a pencil pencil like feel to it i think this brush is actually really nice but it's too too inky inky inky to ink like for me so i'm gonna be uh using a like brush and then adjusting it so it looks like a brush that i can use that's similar to clip studio number two is gonna be my coloring brush coloring brush and a brush which is going to be uh most likely watercolor based watercolor based i like the brush with like a little bit of fringe to them like it looks like a actual like watercolor and then yeah it's like a little dark on the edges but uh i'll see if i can figure something out like that and uh watercolor what based on the watercolor watercolor based brush what ah anyways um you guys please and that's about it and so uh krita has a lot of brushes and they also have brush packs that you can download as well i know some people shared it but let's test out some brushes here um sketch ah pencil okay okay there's another pencil oh this is actually not bad this is the default brush too and oh this one's like sideways what's this one right okay it's actually pretty close to the brush that i used too [Music] oh there's also yeah oh this one ah oh really this is a good good one to test on uh let's just make a new there's a new layer yep new layer and i believe it's f5 yeah f5 pops up with the detailed brush settings whoa scary one good thing i've learned about uh krita is that they have a scribble pad on the side look at it so you can test out your brushes while you're adjusting them yep um let's see usually i start with the brush tip um auto pre-define i like a bunch of tips that you can use basically what the brush tips do is um it chews it you see what my cursor looks like right now it looks like a tiny rectangle basically that's like the edge edge of my brush and that's what it's going to look like it's going to drag it across and create these brush strokes and so i'm just going to switch back to that you can also adjust the density which means i don't know if you guys can see it because it's kind of not tiny let me oh there you go if you increase density it becomes fully filled and if it's less dance you can see the dots getting less and less dense opacity and density are different they're different so as you can see you can see the stroke on the top it becomes more like stringy and if i go full full density it becomes really full right that's kind of what density works how density works in krita i think and spacing means how far apart each brush tip is yeah so you can adjust it to however you like uh usually like my uh like my pencils slightly less than like around 85 90 percent and then i do like to add in a little randomness to it uh like that so it looks more organic in the way yeah i'm right-handed yes that's why the menu is on the left and then my right side of the screen is kind of free yeah and uh going back [Music] opacity is not set you know how to choose that blending mode basically you know how layers have different uh layer modes you can also do that uh with as individual brushes so every time uh every time you make a stroke for example if you set it to multiply every time you put out a new stroke it means the next stroke has the multiplied effect to whatever you've drawn already uh if that makes sense size ah this is also important um basically you've seen this graph before i've showed you guys but this one it'll show you uh how how much if you look at the stroke above you can kind of see uh adjusting this uh the graph here will let you know uh how much uh how much pressure you put on will hum that will make it will make your strokes thinner or thicker depending on depending on what you adjust so i like my strokes to be a little a little more than more than zero because i don't want it to be super pointy at the end that's just the personal preference um i do like mine to be a little more uniform and then taper off a little bit and like so see now you see that it's a little more natural looking right last time if you see here this looks the same as this yeah but if you adjust those curves to your liking uh you can adjust it so it's a lot more thinner when you start with like uh when you start with like a lower pre uh you put less pressure when you draw at the start there you go so basically all these settings just give you more control over the tools and stuff i'm teaching you guys right now or just going over uh it's the same for cliff studio paint i'm not sure about photoshop because their pen settings and stuff is really different but clip is very similar to krita when it comes to brush setting so take notes yeah anyways that's the size and we go back here you can also adjust the whole bunch of things oh yeah the texture if you guys see on the top i think it's kind of hard to see let me see if i can make it a little bigger yeah if you guys see on the top the scale of the texture basically means how how big you want the texture of the pen to be basically what these textures do is that imagine imagine there's like a piece of textured paper and then you're drawing drawing a line on it like you know those one of those like carbon paper things except imagine that as like a texture and then if you draw on it like if you draw liner on it basically the exact texture uh comes up on your on your screen it's sort of like that so in case of this if you want more bigger texture like grainy texture to show up then you make the scale really big but i usually like a good balance between the texture and the pen so it doesn't look too grainy it doesn't look too grainy but doesn't look too smooth in a way yeah so if you look f at the brush from far away it'll it doesn't look like it has a texture but if you look very closely you can see that it has kind of like a noise to it yeah and let's see you can also adjust the brightness and contrast of it so when it comes to textures too it's good to have a texture file that's kind of high resolution which which means it has like it's like a bigger bigger size because um basically it just means that even when you zoom in a lot with the scale it won't be looking like all pixely and box like at least that's what i think okay chad read the rules before uh you know chatting i know i can't read all the chat at once but try to stay on topic so i can actually answer the questions etc got it read the rules okay and you can also adjust the how much texture shows up when you put a lot of pressure etc etc so you can even change it so that if you put a lot of pressure that none of the texture come up if you put a little less texture then less comes out what oh i messed something up oh there you go [Music] and so this is actually getting sort of close to my other other brush line art brush anyways yeah but yeah you're right the best part about open source software is that if there's something you don't like you can always adjust it yourself exactly anyways let's see what other options can i tweak there's a bunch of things i can tweak but right now i think ah soft sharpness yes you see i realized that if you zoom in it's a little fuzzy like it looks a bit cloudy kind of so i wanted to be a little sharper and i realized that that cradle has a sharpness filter that you can sharpen it up a little bit i don't know if you can tell the difference but let's see then it just makes the edges and the textures a little more sharper so it looks a little cleaner oh let's see brush tip blending mold opacity usually for pencil tool i don't really use uh opacity yeah anyways this is the brush that we created the reason i'm going over the different um options and stuff for the brushes is so that you guys can you know when you get new brushes and stuff and you're just like oh i don't really i kind of wish it did this and that instead of doing this uh these options there's the stuff that you're gonna be you're gonna be tweaking to get it to your liking yep how do you learn to memorize all these brush settings uh basically you just get used to it once you tweak it around a lot it's basically trial and error and then you're just like oh yeah this setting does this and then you remember on a different program this setting does this so you kind of connect the thoughts in your head yep yep so there is my liner brush crisp pencil base fish yup uh let me just let's see if i can add this to my favorites and then save this new brush set ena pencil save now is that in a pencil no why is it safe too where did it say [Music] i did not know anyways that's the final pen pencil pen yup uh the next one is gonna be the watercolor yes and there was actually a brush that i kind of liked [Music] seeing i think it was this one pretty sure it was this one yeah oh yeah so this is the basic size opacity seems like it actually this brush right now is pretty good on its own not gonna lie uh let's see what i can tweak though size this is good uh texture is only on strength i wonder if it was this one [Music] um [Music] i forget but there's another brush that gave a better uh fringe effect let me see if i can find it i think it was on all what's that this one yeah oh it was this one this one is very close to what i kind of liked a little more blendy than usual let's see was it this oh no no what's this one this one yeah this one this one this one what's it called watercolor basic round fringe yes fringe not french let's see this oh this does it pretty well actually um size is good if i cut up the up the opacity a little bit that'd be great [Music] [Music] nope i did not see it this one yeah this is basically what i go through when i make brushes i do all kinds of testing so you guys are just seeing that right now yep i guess it's uh supposed to say ah that's fine okay how do you make this no that doesn't change much i do this and then [Music] auto density yes yes yes yes spacing [Music] oh no that doesn't do much boom i see i see we might have to change this oh oh so the float see the size and flow on this brush specifically if you see the stroke preview at the top it changes the fringe at the top i think the mask brush is also similar to that yes it is so so basically in krita if you want to do uh if you want to do these effects it's basically having two different brushes overlaid on top of each other two different tips with two different uh settings so right now i have one one big brush like this and then another one kind of blended in here and this is gonna blend in a little better but basically that's what makes it like that i think yeah so and oh there's my pencil tool that's your favorite i think i can work with this you know what the base of this one is okay to work with yeah the program and the stuff that i use is on the on the screen yep oh this is not bad either basic opacity music flow yeah basically what the i say basically a lot but um all the programs especially krita cliff studio paint um it gives you there's a lot of people who made brushes already so if you guys like some uh some sort of effect that someone has and if they have a brush pack you can always download and try them out adjust it to your liking etc etc and uh yep i think we're pretty much set to start drawing let me add a few more brushes also the brushes i'm using it's gonna be uh gonna be from the oh from the actual uh default library without any edits so yeah i'll see if i can link to all the brushes that i use afterwards and so give me one second and we can get started on the the next part of this stream so i'll be back in a bit [Music] [Music] do and we're back ah i'm back to i'm back to the safe mode window capture yeah so no i didn't draw this uh right away right now i did this while i was testing krita boy this is still done krita so as i promised on the member stream they'll be working on noel senpai and player senpai's art fanart yes and i had a rough idea of what i wanted to draw so using the tools that we created let's get started [Music] new layer and there you go yeah [Music] the training card is over i don't know that was just me struggling with a bunch of brushes and settings let me zoom into [Music] and i didn't realize how long players and five years were but she is enough after all i do feel like the calibration is a little off compared to what i'm used to maybe it's just me okay see ya they're drawing like that hey how are you doing on time uh not bad not bad okay and then just draw so my favorite senpai's eyes do come a bit sharper towards the end you think about her face hot looks her nose look at here hmm yeah it was a really rough sketch so the rough is very uh what should i say a little off but that's what a rough is for i'll fix it while drawing the rest oh wait there was one setting i didn't do would just deselect i'm just gonna be ctrl e okay there you go how to change the flip the layer like that it's uh mirroring the canvas uh i know you can't see the archive right now but afterwards you can go back and see uh the option that is called it usually has a different uh oh what happened to this it usually has a different uh shortcut to it but i changed it but it's i think it's called mirror image horizontally do i rotate the canvas yes i do just not on this uh this one right now because the alt key doesn't work i usually have alt space for rotating the canvas but right now we're gonna have to deal with what we thought we have right now [Music] and so for her cage and body a little more happy birthday and thank you for the super chat and the message yeah i felt like um i felt like if i was drawing one of them i had to draw the other one too take a good pair so like so then she's holding a book so yes happy birthday happy birthday sorry if i missed any other life uh any other messages realize that when i'm doing the other capture method i can't really have chat on the same screen and then like so she's holding a book like so i think for drawing hands i'm still working on it but it's easiest if i draw like a general shape of it and then draw in the rest like that like so yeah you're drawing clear senpai and no senpai right now and just generally [Music] here oh i was the nest that got dc from the member stream yesterday just wanted to see sorry for crashing and thank you for the games ah so i knew it wasn't just the just uh leaving the game gg what's fun playing with you yep those of you who watched the uh member smash team yesterday you shouldn't always jump to conclusions quickly we gotta be pk5 pk5 yep we gotta be more understanding how many wins did i get i can count it within within one hand i can see that anyways uh back to backpack by the droid it's still the still the training mark okay and then and to draw her hair i really love flair simply's hair it's like it looks so silky smooth plastic i like papa silky smooth hair oh i feel like i am drawing i feel like i'm rusty i feel like i've been drawn in so long but i have been drawing like all day it's really rough not being able to rotate the canvas actually i didn't realize [Music] you wanna squish my hair you'll have a price to pay for that oh i was drawn with the wrong brush this entire time yeah using a new program is always difficult but it's a learning curve i can't you all of a sudden good at all the programs i try right it's like when you play games and then you play a similar genre of game and you have a general good feel for how it how how you play it because of different games but then like you gotta learn the ins and outs of the new game this is the this is definitely not the tool that we hmm oh there it is there are rotate options by some the rotate options that i'm i'm looking for maybe chat is going fast uh it's the usual speed maybe i don't know don't have references if i do it's on a separate screen let's see i just wanna see her the back of her hair there's the braids that go behind [Music] so this is and then her hair comes down to her shoulders so yeah this is a fair senpai and no senpai in their new costumes outfits hmm used to be a little more like salt yes and then she has a chopper did you know there's senpai and no senpai have like matching chokers that's so adorable and then close like so it's so tedious yes come out like this so kind of imagining what her body looks like in 3d space as i draw it [Music] but sometimes i uh fix it later and then has failed at the end how many layers is it right now uh four much less than how much i use on clip for sure cut here here so when do i continue later when i feel like i need a clarification on uh what i'm drawing especially with roughs otherwise it's usually when i need to color something differently etc oh i am drawing a flare shaft this is kind of hard to tell at this point baby and then she has a belt on her waist like so yeah layers use as many as you feel like you need that's basically the rule of using layers use as many as you feel like you need um so [Music] yeah yep and the basic rough seas uh finished for foreign layers instead of drawing all in one piece uh it's just the way i work i find it easier to have line art on one layer and then colors on different layers so that i don't always have to redraw my layers if i draw over them et cetera and so love it like that and then on the other side we have an oil senpai yes okay just zooming in so i get the details correctly and it's actually mostly senpai over a little bit just for now and then start drawing [Music] yeah a4 how about i write it in the corner [Music] 10 yes oh you can't see it well it's flipped but you guys can read backwards right you guys can read backwards it's fine you'll just learn to read backwards the ancient text yes really quick and then i was looking at the reference picture for no sense i didn't realize how i didn't realize how big k-cup was yep i'm not jealous i'm just saying i didn't realize it was i wish i could rotate the canvas right now it's okay then she has her hands on her tummy [Music] like so natural dynamics um them together like this so okay and this is where we go into the details and the hair yeah she has glasses on i can have the glasses later no i really love no senpai's hair in her new costume it's like they both both flares and fly no senpai has braids on their ears it's like glasses are very versatile yes just add in i feel like my calibration at least on at least on critical is a little off it's like my my pen would be my pen would be pointing like right here but this the cursor is like right there on the screen so it does look a little off i should have adjusted this before i started um i think for free program it's very very very good yes you guys uh you guys want to try it out i think it's really it's worth it definitely this is her oh so it's not like a it's not like a uh all the way to the back but it's like a double ribbon on this side will you be adjusting it ah i don't know at the moment i don't know how to at the moment and since i already got started on drawing senpai's i'll just continue on it's fine is there an ipad version i do not think so but a good program for a great app app good app for ipad is actually procreate actually funny story um i bought procreate uh when it like first came out first came out ish on my tiny tiny uh ipod i don't know i thought touch was it called it was like 299 back in the day it was definitely 299 back in the day and uh i didn't i didn't use it for a really long time and then uh and then when i got an ipad and i was like i need a drawing program i saw procreate i was like oh i don't need to buy it why and i realized i bought it many many many years ago i think it's like what 11 1999 i forget what the price was it was like 5.99 for a while for or from what i remember then uh with the new features and updates and stuff they upped the price but yes i bought it very early 9.99 anyways uh yes i really love how loose her hair is lose her his my hair is so cute so cute now let's go ah move this over a little bit i think i'm gonna need to do major adjustments on the final version of this piece it's because i can't i can't turn the canvas i'm turning my head shift space it's shift space not alt space okay that changes things thanks time that is so useful okay it has to be a little lower so yeah i don't know if this is this stream is relatively okay i guess uh i'll see if i can try different uh free programs as well or like pretty cheap programs in hawaii shift space i remember its shift space and then she has her skirt like so then and i just realized there uh their sweater design is similar too because their senpai has these x's on her on the jacket and then noel senpai also has those x laces on her sweater you're so cute it's like kt to the maximum that they get matching clothes and then she has a watch on her left hand yes and then belt like that yes ah good morning so shift space okay remind myself what the keyboard is or what the shortcut is otherwise i press the wrong buttons [Music] um good night [Music] i wish i can sneeze but i can't i can't at the moment i don't know i haven't been able to sneeze while i'm streaming it's a weird weird phenomenon i wish i could sneeze that girl anxiety i don't know wait so hmm that should be okay yes okay talk about the three uh sneezes [Music] do i ever leave easter eggs in each drawing sometimes if i feel like it sometimes ah all right i need to really fix a little senpai's face did a really bad job shift shift ah check space like so yep okay not too bad not too bad just gotta draw her glasses i guess it's one of those glasses that's uh let's see a really rough outline of the glasses rims um not bad last is their very first time yes so i remember the patterns on her sweater and then fix layers and eyes eyes a little bit ah yeah the roof is kind of done and let's see i kind of want the same brush but uh a little bit more much more a little more opacity hmm i don't want to see how how good line art could be it's like i want to mix between this brush and this brush let me [Music] i think i found the answer kind of i know is this it yes i think this will do yes okay let's see if i can line art here is the very rough at the bottom [Music] ring is folder function new [Music] new group layer oh there is it's called group layer not folder i'm just going to make this supposedly a lot lower yes and then there you go now we go to line art see how far it can go and so is there any drawings in your book uh maybe but if you guys try to comprehend it you might lose all your sanity points this is what i've been told soundcheck and yeah usually with uh when i feel like there's like a um a gap between what i'm drawing and like uh what the tablet is calibrated to i kind of get used to it by the time i get to the liner yeah can you lose sanity points if you didn't have any to begin with yup she has the hat her senpai has the hat i just didn't draw it i feel like i need to make this a little thicker [Music] wow here's the thing with um i think like krita at the moment feels like when you pre-transform it blurs stuff quite a bit it feels like i wonder if there's an option for that because um how big is the canvas oh there it is okay um transferring quality there probably is isn't there yeah because um when it comes to transform tools on different uh different programs they use a different they usually have different options like uh bicubic bilinear and stuff like that and you can adjust to adjust it so uh it's a little less blurry it's a little more sharp when you transform stuff but ah there is i see i see it's on the top ah okay so there it is see the thing with like open source program is that whatever you wish for whatever you think of you can kind of tell that someone else has already thought of it and it's already or about it like so [Music] i feel like i should have worked on a slightly bigger canvas though i do feel like my brushes are getting a little pixely like this is 100 that's kind of tiny i didn't realize [Music] oh i mean if i spend more time if i spent more time with the with the program i feel like i could have done a better job teaching but a lot to improve on it's fun learning together i'm glad i'm glad yeah it's my first time actually like teaching someone how to use the program because usually i'm just like uh read the manual so it's fun kind of figuring out how to um go about like showing you guys what my thought process is when i turn on a new art program kind of yes reading the manual unheard of yeah but when it comes to stuff like clip studio paint where there's a lot of a lot a lot and a lot of functions and when people uh ask like the most basic questions i'm just like but it's written in the manual yeah sometimes i feel like teaching sometimes i don't i'm telling you number one skill that you need as an artist is to learn to google learn to google if you know the ways of google you have the world in your ponds the same for a lot of things honestly [Music] programming is 95 googling yes when it comes to art it's like um when you're looking for references if you want to look for certain references there's some keywords you could search for um or if there's a certain function you're looking for especially when you're studying new programs and stuff if there's something you don't know then uh then you can search it up that's the case with um when i'm learning how to uh how to use blender recently there's a function i don't know how to do google and there's usually a youtube tutorial along with it too yep yeah youtube tutorials these days so many of them so useful a blender stream next oh i feel like i'm gonna make the 3d artist community face palm all at once so maybe after i learned a little more youtube university basically they'll be like you're not supposed to do that that's not how you do this i'll just be like i'm learning yeah i need to watch more watch more videos on how to make how to make 3d models because right now what i do is uh i put squares i put some lighting i just use it as a reference yep i had nothing wrong with that yeah there's nothing wrong with that it's just that i wanna learn how to properly pick three models and stuff and you know use them i think there's definitely a learning curve when it comes to 3d because uh like different programs have such different shortcuts and stuff like i i tried learning zbrush and blender at the same time i realized like the shortcuts are all different i just gave up and just went to blender for now but blender is a pretty good like basis for a lot of stuff so it's free it's free now when you get used to a certain shortcut and then you go to another program and then you use the same shortcut it doesn't work and you're just like here we go again i feel like there was an option to [Music] change ah there we go stabilizer that's what i needed wait okay that's real slow let me see what the option is like what hold on he's waited wait it is better ah well that feels so much better oh my goodness [Music] did i tell you guys how about how uh how uh i did um ring fit before i start the stream and uh yeah my hands are shaking my hands are shaking i'm ring fit that's why i need a stabilizer on my liner my arms are aching my knees are weak i feel like i can't really go into details and like that's also because i didn't use the correct uh which may call it resolution for this picture oh wow look how much smoother my line is now look at this oops it's so much better oh great oh yeah but i must it's not a question about if ring fit is a good exercise or not it's a question about how little exercise i got before that gotta ask the real questions here [Music] through [Music] three and then so i worked hard on my workout i did you guys wanna know how long the workout was i don't know if you guys want to know it was 7 minutes and 30 seconds [Music] and you know you know what's sad that's including the tutorial i tried i wasn't kidding when i say i don't exercise at all i have no stamina i have no stamina i think i think i would i wouldn't even last as long as zuna simply i'd probably just die not gonna lie when i was doing the exercises today i saw kelly's kelly's face flash before my eyes and i i knew it was my time to stop it was time to stop ah but i'm gonna i'm gonna start i'm gonna start i'm gonna start playing it every day so so yeah maybe maybe i can actually say it long enough that i can stream it one day so right now if i were to stream it's just gonna be uh it's just gonna be like a 20-minute stream [Music] it's gonna be 20 minute stream and it's gonna be uh it's gonna be 10 minutes hello no five minutes loading uh and it's gonna be like uh five minutes loading 10 minutes uh hellos and then wait that doesn't add up and then uh 15 minutes of no that's 30 minutes that's hard but it's gonna be very little exercise time five minute exercise uh my brain is a little lacking right now i think like brain sugar just ran out my brain sugar ran not trying to explain how to use this program unfortunately ah yeah biggest mystery is how am i bad at such basic math but how did i how did i almost face very difficult calculus courses i do not know that's my biggest mystery till till right now but then back then i actually used my brains a lot more but these days i don't use my mouth brain so not too much that's the thing if i need to calculate something i just ask google [Music] you're like sub google what's what's this what's this do i have a ruler i do have a ruler hold on my ruler stuck to the ground or desk rather all right lower time wow straight lines amazing i'm actually using a ruler uh straight line wow this is great technology yes impossible indeed [Music] oh boy i'm getting a little sleepy like i want to finish this but i feel like using a new program makes me really really slow yeah it's really slow and sleepy if i were to finish it probably end up finishing it off stream i just want to focus go into focus mode and then finish drawing [Music] as long as i finish your boing boing dude you guys only care about the boy boys you care about the boys you shouldn't be here it's okay my my uh my boing boings are covered by the uh puppet yes they're covered by my topic you just can't see it today you know what you doubt me okay fine i'll give you guys another another ted talk the the advantages of being hydrodynamic part two the advantages of being hydrodynamic part two you can run fast and it doesn't hurt thank you for coming to my ted talk see there's advantages to being hydrogenated you can't run enough what i can run i just run very short distances after being tired but back in my day i used to run a lot longer but nowadays the indoors they call to me outside scary oh wait ah i'll do this backwards i knew it i had to delete everything yes a ted talk on hydrodynamics yes i know the content that you guys are waiting for oh [Music] oh oh okay oh i forgot to draw the pages [Music] maybe maybe i'll take a break for today after i finish flares and buzz line art oh dear i didn't mean to be yawning so much i've been awake since uh anya turns anita's debut i stand around to wake up wake up so i can watch your debut yep this is flare nelson flight yeah i know sleepy was so cute did you guys watch it hmm yeah i think amir kiara and i are watching it on discord and then i stayed with carol to [Music] while i was doing a bunch of other stuff while she was drawing or something yeah her scream for fuki senpai was amazing i was definitely awake after that oh though the yawning is starting to set it yeah it's the weekend but i have i guess i'm a little behind on a bunch of things so weekends are usually for catching up on sleep but now i'm catching off on other stuff but at least i was entertained this is a bunch of exciting streams this week usually when i have to do animation that's all made for me i forgot their username but it was really cool porkora getting impede that's really well made i can't i think in the comments or somewhere someone was someone asked what my cards would be and they were like all arts i laughed a little bit all art surfing full stall all arts team i'll be an interesting servant for sure yeah actually she sent me a dm um the other time and she was like in the same fight i heard you like fg02 i also like after you i was like one of us okay i i'm losing focus i'm losing focus and i'm gonna have to fix a bunch of things when i wake up my brain sugar ran out is it i think it's what's it is it glucose that your brain needs in order to function i forget what but i realized the reason i probably crave so much sugary stuff is because my brain just goes overdrive when i'm drawing and then just like you know where's my brain sugar i need my brain sugar yeah so i always need to replenish replenish the sugar from time to time when i draw otherwise i get really sleepy like right now or i can't even focus and or i like start drawing six fingers yeah it happens it happens that's why i had um that's why i had uh sorry i'm bumping i'm always bumbling that's why i had strawberry milk at the beginning just to replenish a little bit of a little bit of sugar but obviously not enough for many hours let's try my principles are slowly falling asleep okay i'm almost done i could totally use some marshmallows right now you guys want to sacrifice yourself marshmallow tacos delicious your sacrifice will not be in vain maybe [Music] yummy uh-huh and let's see am i done [Music] yes yes okay i'm reaching my limit for today i'm reaching my limit for today hallelujah yeah i'm gonna say you know it's not too bad i think i'm getting used to the lineart feeling of this uh of krita yeah i what program do i usually use clip studio paint yes what's everyone what's going on they're so sleepy yeah i should have probably taken a nap i should have taken a nap before before the stream maybe yeah but uh yeah maybe i'll finish this off when i wake up i have coffee well i spilled like half of it but i had coffee anyways thanks so much for watching uh thank you for all the super chats welcome to all the new members of the tent cult make sure you guys check out the uh any new members you can check out the member uh member only playlist where i have the previous member stream safe especially the latest smash bros stream i quite enjoyed i want to do more smash uh smash throughs uh stream someday okay okay my brain is actually shutting down so i need to go sleep thanks again i hope you enjoyed it maybe i hope uh i hope you learned something today uh and i'll see if i can save and share this uh brush with you guys the brush well i guess we didn't get to use the uh use the coloring brush but i'll see if i can share the liner brush at least i'll ask at my channel uh what's a good way to share brushes or files is okay thank you bye now bye bye bye [Music] bye you
Channel: Ninomae Ina'nis Ch. hololive-EN
Views: 492,452
Rating: 4.9839578 out of 5
Keywords: ninomae, inanis, ina, takotime, hololive english, hololiveEN, holomyth
Id: rEMllwFvzgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 16sec (8536 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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