41 Ink BRUSHES in Krita 5 for #inktober and MUCH MORE

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hello everybody today I'm going to show you  the two new bundles I have created during a   lot of time. Wow a real challenge but the result  is here!. Even better Inktober is here and you're   going to be really fast with these brushes I'm  going to show you like a showcase wow! so stay   with me until the end and you will discover how  powerful Krita is with the ink technique. are   you ready? because here we go! ...see you at the  conclusion. okay! now it's time for loading the   bundles so go to the settings manage resource  libraries and go to the import button located   here press import and look for the bundles so we  can load this we have loaded already the bundles   close and then we have all the brushes located  here so you can see how easy is to load bundles   in Krita you have all the power isn't it cool as  you can see we have all the brushes loaded each   bundle has his own tag so I can go to Ink P if  I want to explore one by one to make myself more   familiar with the brushes or I can go to Ink T to  play with the textures or I can go to the ink tag   and that way you can see all the brushes that K  has combined it with these two bundles okay also   we we can be on the all tag and right here ink  and we can select what do we want to go to the   ink to inkp inkt so you choose I personally as  a fan of brushes I work like this and I design   these bundles to be in the upper part of the  watercolor brushes do you like the this okay   if you want to have this type of Vanishing or  fading effect you need to go to the settings   configure CR and be sure that you are using  the maximum BR speed at lower rates I don't   know what device you are using you need to play  a bit with these values because maybe it will be   five six s but here Works uh pretty well with my  arm speed and the type of The Strokes I like to do   I have compared with the real Strokes so I think  it's okay as this but if your device behaves in   another way just change it and test it and done  okay if I move this and put to 41 for example   look at what happens now I don't have this effect  don't be worri about your another brusher that are   not using the speed because this only affect  when a brush is using uh this sensor here to   control options here okay let's recover things  and continue he now really fast showcase this is   a generic pen it works much better with this blue  you can create the Swatch just clicking here the   right Val you have here and click and you give it  a name okay and then gentic pen is very useful if   you create this type of buildup effect using  multiply and a color maybe blue is better than   black but you can use also black the next one one  out gpen is very useful because can create little   little sketches uh that you can detail pretty  fast and you have even texture you can create   a lot of detail also you have these two ones this  is the little brother and the big brother and you   have to create this deep pen effect thin to thick  and then the bigger one this one was created for   bigger drawings I like this one a lot because  it gives me this flat feeling and it's very   useful to create expressive Strokes you can go  really fast and then I have this which is pretty   much the same but if I keep the brush to I get  deluded effect now we enter in the area of the   special ones because it will be more like retro  effect blobs would creates this type of inking   this is the shaky or tremble and creates these  good for C photography the tremble soft which is   this one but with this effect reduce and you see  how the heater in is more controll so maybe for   this one is very interesting because it doesn't  have anti alasin effect so it's very good for   printing proposes and now we have this which is  different if I use with this til position or the   til position so I can create these gaps or I can  create this this type of line and in the markers   is very important to follow the letter uh you can  see how they are affected by speed I like this   because I can create a noton sketches really fast  then we have these which will be part of this ones   that's the reason why is jell it is brush and is  more depend ment on size and you can see type of   stroke from thin to thick with a bit of texture  here and flat and if I make fast brush Strokes   I get this if you know the tool you recognize  this Strokes same with this fud pen and creates   this effect if I control with low pressure  thick lines flat effect and if you know the   tool you know how this is produced I can create a  really fast a good stroke effect yeah I love this one okay now I go to the brush section normal  brush it has a bit of fiber effect here but   it's very uh traditional very thin if you want so  you can create this super thin effect and then I   go to this which is the flat brush and with the  speed I get this effect and if I use with without   speed I get this effect it's very useful to feel  uh blank areas and now we have this and I love   this because uh I love this brush because it's  really useful for uh writing effect can create   really fast letters but also I can control with  uh low pressure as you can see the stroke is not   as black as this with a maximum pressure but with  low pressure I see how the stroke is produced and   now you have the pen poock which is very useful  to create Thin and Thick and also texture in the   same brush stroke this this one is also one of  my favorites because it's really expressive I can   create this type of things I'm going to create a  new layer because I can create this type of brush   stroke don't be worry about the size because you  can increase a bit and you can produce Strokes   like this if you have something that you want a  shade you can use this one it's a dry brush it's   ink but it's try and using the te so here I have  small brush stroke but if I use with the te and I   can control the effect with the flow less flow  more flow not so dry it's more like and if you   want to create uh maybe a blend between this tonal  values you can use the blender it's like dropping   uh water in your stroke and you can create this  type of effect small pressure you will achieve   this blending effect I like a lot destroy your  drawings it's really fun all right let's go for   the texture the first one is texture powder it's  very useful if you want to create a bit of texture   on drawings uh maybe for the backgrounds also you  can blend with the blend water and then we have   the texture Splats uses the airbrush effect so  you can create this with a couple of seconds but   this one is like making just this little touches  and create this effect and also you have the big   brother of this one you can combine also you  can combine with this and then and this so   don't think these brushes work alone this brushes  work better if we use the Eraser and then we add   another brush and combining them together the  next one will be this which is a random and it   creates this beautiful splattering effect in real  life this will be a real mess in your desktop but   in digital don't worry about splattering a lot if  you like this technique the next one is is this   which I use a lot for drawing and it's special  because it it is useful for drawing things but   also creates this scrunchy effect and the next  one it will be something to create texture like   this points a lot of points that you can combine  with lines later and this especially is really   good to create tree structures so if you want  to create a trees you can do with this this   brush and then refine with your with a deep pen  or food pen or this type of brushes if you need   to create a lot of lines for a hatching or cross  hatching this brush will help you to create this   type of effect can go from this to this and can  be used also with eraser to erase certain parts   and create the texture you want cross-hatching  is really fun and the only thing that I have   to say about this is that you can control the  spacing and control how much dense this is okay   I can create dance or by default is lighter and  this brush is to create a textural effect it's a   signed to create a textural effect um use a lot  the Eraser because they will produce this type   of shading which I think is interesting play with  it and let me know if you like it the next one is   this one which goes from cross hatching to pure  black so you can create uh this tape of shading   in your objects and if you need to create a  black area you do with big pressure also we   have the inverted so you can also the erasing and  you get the the idea then we have fingerprints and   I use this like stabbing my paper little touches  not just this type of stroke I prefer maybe for   adding to Black area and create fading effect and  now we have the vegetation If This Were useful to   create a trunk this is useful to create uh leaves  so if you need to create a lot of leaves you can   do it that way and if you need to detail you can  use this one and create this time this type of   drawing effect right and this will be for bigger  shapes affected by light and you can see how we   can play with uh the negative space and create  this type of of shading and that's all that's is   what we have for creating impressive drawings  in Krita already available for you and I hope   you like it and that's the end for now and  if you think this work deserve your support   please remember you can donate CR and K will be  bringing you the best and creating new features   activate the notification Bell share with your  friends and show the people how you can use CR   and create amazing results that are not possible  even in other software so stay tuned for more [Music] content [Music]
Channel: Krita
Views: 34,910
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Keywords: ink brushes, how to ink in Krita, inktober 2023, inktober, resources for Krita, Ramon miranda, Ramon, Krita 5 ink brushes, lineart fr comics
Id: nI_DFuSftK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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