A Few Good Men | Santiago's Last Letter (Jack Nicholson, Kiefer Sutherland)

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my name is PFC William T Santiago I'm a marine  station that Marine Barracks raffle security   company Windward second platoon Bravo I'm writing  to inform you of my problems with my unit here in   Cuba and to ask for your help I've fallen out of  runs before for several reasons such as feeling   dizzy or nauseated but on May 18th I've fallen  back about 20 or 30 yards going down a rocky   unstable Hill Sergeant grabbed me and pushed me  down the hill then I saw a black and the last   thing I remember is hitting the deck I was brought  to the hospital where I was told I just had heat   exhaustion I ask you to help me please sir I  just need to be transferred out of RSC sincerely   PFC William T Santiago U.S Marine Corps PS in  exchange for my transfer off the base I wanted to   provide you my information about Eagle fence line  shooting that occurred the night of August the 2nd   who the [ __ ] is PFC William T Santiago private  Santiago is a member of second platoon Bravo sir   well apparently he's not very happy down  here at Shangri-La because he's written   letters to everybody but Santa Claus  asking for a transfer and now he's   telling tales about a fence line shooting  Matthew I'm appalled her you're appalled this kid broke the chain of command and ratted  on a member of his unit to say nothing of the   fact that he is a U.S marine and it would appear  he can't run from here to there without collapsing   from heat exhaustion what the [ __ ] is going on  in Bravo Company Matthew Colonel I think perhaps   it would be better to hold this discussion  in private that won't be necessary colonel   handle this situation sir the same way you  handled the Curtis Bell Institute don't   interrupt me Lieutenant I'm still your  Superior officer and I'm Yours Matthew I want to know what we're going to do about this   I think Santiago should be transferred off  the base immediately he's that bad huh not   only that but where do this letter is bound  to get out he's going to get his ass whipped   um transfer Santiago yes sure you're  right I'm sure that's the thing to do wait I've got a better idea let's transfer  the whole Squad off the base let's on second   thought Windward let's transfer the  whole Windward division off the base   John go on out there and get those boys down off  the fence they're packing their bags Tom sir get   me the president on the phone we're surrendering  our position in Cuba yes sir Wait a Minute Tom   don't get the president just yet maybe we should  consider this for a second dismiss Tom yes sir   maybe and I'm just spitballing here maybe we have  a responsibility as officers to train Santiago   maybe we as officers have a responsibility to  this country to see that the men and women charge   with its security are trained professionals  yes I'm certain that I read that somewhere   once and now I'm thinking Colonel markinson  that your suggestion of transferring Santiago   while expeditious and certainly painless might  not be in a manner of speaking the American way   Santiago stays where he is we're going  to train the lab John you're in charge   Santiago doesn't make four six four six  on his next proficiency and conduct report   and I'm going to blame you then I'm going to  kill you yes sir I think that's a mistake colonel Matthew I think I will have that word in  private with you now John that's all why   don't we meet at the Oak club and have lunch and  we'll talk about the training of young William   I'd be delighted to hear any suggestions  that you might have sir dismissed yes sir sir Matthew sit down please what do you think of Kendrick I don't think  my opinion of Kendrick has anyone I think   he's pretty much of a weasel myself but he's an  awfully good officer and in the end we see eye to   eye on the best way to run a Marine Corps unit  we're in the business of saving lives Matthew   that is a responsibility that we have to take  pretty seriously and I believe that taking a   marine who is not quite up to the job and shipping  him off to another assignment puts lives in danger   sit down Matthew we go back a while we went to the academy  together we were commissioned together we   did our tours in Vietnam together but I've been  promoted up through the chain with greater speed   and success than you have now if that's a  source of tension or embarrassment for you   I don't give a [ __ ] we're in the business  of saving lives lieutenant colonel morgenson   don't ever question my orders  in front of another officer [Music] [Music]
Channel: Crime City
Views: 192,898
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Keywords: movie clips, clips, movie scenes, movies, hd clips, scenes, clip, movie clip, hd movie clip, movie scene, movie, film scenes, film clips, film clip, film scene, hd film scene, hd film clip, hd scene, hd clip, 4k scene, 4k clip, scene, film, tv show, television, serie, Jack Nicholson, Tom Cruise, A Few Good Men, a few good men movie, a few good men clip, a few good man scene, Kiefer Sutherland, A Few Good Men | Santiago's Last Letter, few good men santiago
Id: zSQnTGk9P5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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