Galloway Faces Off Against Jessep Scene - A Few Good Men (1992) Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson

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[Music] Nathan Jess come on in thank you sir Daniel Cy I'm the attorney for Dawson and County this is uh Lieutenant Commander Joanne Galloway your meeting you Commander observing and evaluating sir Lieutenant Sam Weinberg he'll be assisting this is my EXO Colonel markinson and platoon leader Lieutenant Kendrick I've asked them to join us sit down please Cathy Colonel markinson I uh had the pleasure of meeting your father once I was a teenager he spoke at my high school Lionel Cathy yes sir well what do you know John this man's dad once made a lot of enemies down in your neck of the woods Jefferson versus Madison County School District folks down there said a little black girl couldn't go to an all-white School Lionel Cathy said well we'll just see about that how the hell is your dad Danny he passed away 7 years ago sir don't I feel like the not El sir well what can we do for you Danny uh not much sir this is really uh formality more than anything else jagore insists that we interview all the relevant Witnesses the jagore can be demanding that way John will take you out and show you what you want to see after that we can all hook up for lunch how does that sound than thank you I understand you had a meeting with your men that afternoon yes I did what did you guys talk about I told the men that we had an Informer among us and that despite any desire they might have to seek retribution private Santiago was not to be harmed in anyway what time is that meeting 1600 it's 4:00 [Music] [Music] Sam we should make sure somebody gets this to his parents we don't need it anymore right Lieutenant Kendrick may I call you John no you may not have I done something to offend you no I like all you Navy boys every time we got to go someplace to fight you fellas always give us a ride Lieutenant Kendrick do you think Santiago was murdered Commander I believe in God and his son Jesus Christ because I do I can say this private Santiago is dead and that is a tragedy but he is dead because he had no code he is dead because he had no honor and God was watching how do you feel about that theory sounds good let's move on are you planning on doing any investigating or you just going to take the guided tour I'm pacing myself they running around for 3 hours looking for anything white they could wave in the air some of these people surrendered to a crew from CNN well walk softly and carry an armored tank Division I always say that was delicious thank you my pleasure sir col I do have to ask you couple of questions about September 6th shoot on the morning the 6th you were contacted by an NIS agent who said that Santiago had tipped him off to an illegal fence line shooting yes Santiago is going to reveal the person's name exchange for a transfer yes if you feel there are any details that I'm missing you should feel free to speak up thank you now at this point you call Lieutenant Colonel markinson and Lieutenant Kendrick into your office is that right yes what happened then we agreed that for his own safety Santiago should be transferred off the base Santiago was set to be transferred on the first available flight to the states 0600 the next morning 5 hours too late as it turned out yeah all right that's all I have thanks very much for your time corporal's waiting outside with a Jeep for you he'll take you back to the flight line thank you sir wait a minute I've got some questions no you don't I I do no you don't Colonel on the morning that Santiago died did you meet with Dr Stone between 300 and 5 Joe of course I met with the doctor but one of my men was dead see the man was dead let's go I just wondering if you've ever heard the term code red I've heard the term yes this past February Colonel you received a cautionary Memo from the commander-in-chief of the Atlantic Fleet warning that the practice of enlisted men disciplining their own wasn't to be condoned by officers well I submit to you that whoever wrote that memo has never faced the working end of a Soviet made Cuban AK47 assault rifle however the directive having come from the commander I gave it its due attention what is your point Joe she has no point she often has no point sir it's part of her charm we're out of here thank you my point is that I think code Red's still go on down here do code red still happen on this base Joe the colonel doesn't need to answer that yes he does no he really doesn't yeah he really does Colonel you know it just hit me she outranks you Danny L want to tell you something and listen up cuz I really mean this you're the luckiest man in the world there is nothing on this Earth sexier believe me gentlemen than a woman that you have to salute in the morning promote them all I say cuz this is true if you haven't gotten a blow job from a superior officer well you're just letting the best in life pass you by Colonel the practice of code Reds is still condemned by officers is I'm a colonel so I'll just have to go on taking cold showers until they elect some gal president I didn't answer to my question sir take caution in your tone Commander I'm a fair guy but this heat is making me absolutely crazy you want to ask me about code Reds on the record I tell you I discourage the practice in accordance with the Commander's directive off the record I tell you it is an invaluable part of close infantry training and if it happens to go on without my knowledge so be it I run my unit how I run my unit you want to investigate me roll the dice and take your chances I eat break 300 yard from 4,000 Cubans who are trained to kill me so don't think for one second that you can come down here flash a badge and make me nervous let's go Colonel I just need a copy of Santiago's transfer order what's that Santiago's transor you guys have paperwork on that kind of thing I I just need it for the phone for the file yeah where she can have a copy of the transfer order for the file Danny I'm here to help in any way I can thank you you believe that don't you Danny that I'm here to help you in any way I can of course Corporal will take you by Personnel on your way out to the flight line and you can have all the transfer orders that you want you have to ask me nicely I beg your pardon you have to ask me nicely you see Danny I can deal with the bullets and the bombs and the blood I don't want money and I don't want medals what I do want is for you to stand there in that white uniform and with your Harvard mouth extend me some courtesy you got to ask me nicely Colonel Jessup if it's not too much trouble I'd like a copy of the transfer order sir no [Music] problem [Music]
Channel: Clip
Views: 143,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1992, A Few Good Men, A Few Good Men clip, Demi Moore, Drama, Good, Jack Nicholson, KinoCheck, Men, Movie, Murder, Soldiers, Tom Cruise, comrade, film clips, movie clip, movie clips, movie scene, opponent
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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