A Fabric Haul - 160+ Yards!

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hello everyone and welcome to a new video today's video is going to be a truly massive fabric haul then I'm filming at the request of people over on Instagram I mentioned that I was going into the garment district to do some shopping a lot of people are curious to see what I bought and then they did a poll and like 98% people voted that I should do a haul video so I couldn't say no to that and carry em today now I said a while back that I wasn't going to be filming fabric hauls anymore and I still don't plan on doing a lot of these but this was kind of a set of unique circumstances and I really wanted to share everything that I purchased and buy everything that I purchased I mean about 60 pounds of fabric which is more than a hundred and eighty yards of material now if you follow me on patreon you might be wondering why I bought so much fabric in fact even if you don't follow me on patreon you might be wondering that I know over there I recently said that I wasn't planning on purchasing any more fabric at least for a while and I really felt like I had enough fabric and enough ideas and I didn't need to add to my ever-growing stash they stopped by that for about six weeks but then I realized that one of the cuts of stuff that I purchased for a patreon project was damaged so I went into the garment district intending to just get a single 10-yard cut of red silk and unfortunately I could not find red silk but I did find out that one of my favorite stores in the garment district was closing which really really sucks I feel like a lot of my favorite stories in the garment district have been closing and this was actually the first time that I'd seen one of the stories in its early stages of shutting down so there was a lot of fabric remaining in the store but it was all discounted by a lot and I'm talking ridiculously good prices so even though on that specific trip I hadn't intended on buying any fabric I ended up walking away with about 30 yards of fabric and I shared those fabrics in my last video which was in New York City blog if you haven't seen that then I will link it down below and after I got back from that trip and I was folding the fabric I couldn't stop thinking about the store and all the fabrics that I'd left behind so I decided that I was going to go back in later in the week and make a few more purchases and buy a few more purchases I mean 130 yards of fabric yes I know that's gonna seem absolutely ridiculous to some people I think it's kind of ridiculous I'm too personal fabric but I don't regret it at all they were down to such great prices and I know I'm gonna use them someday and I'm definitely going to be happy when that day comes that I got them as a fraction of what I would pay it online or even in the garment district under normal circumstances so I hope you guys won't judge me too much I won't die just enjoy seeing all the pretty fabrics now I've actually filmed this video once before I curled my hair for it I put on a really cute outfit but the footage was basically unusable due to issues with my camera and the lighting so to save my sanity instead of holding up all the fabric and then including close-ups I just guest out of the camera so it's facing my table and then I can show you the fabric in more detail and talk about it there so you won't be seeing a lot of me in this video but I don't think that's a big loss so I'm just gonna jump right into showing off all the fabric and I really hope you enjoy so I thought I would go ahead and start by showing you the fabrics that I bolted I only have five bolts of fabric and then I have several dozen cuts of fabric that are all folded so this just seemed like a good starting point now the majority of the materials that I purchased for silks just because I find some to be the most versatile material so and I'm buying fabric without a specific project in mind I find silk is usually a safe bet so that's what I mostly stocked up on but there were a few Cotton's in there like these two along with some glitter mesh and simchah card and some brocade so I'm going to show you all of it and I'm starting off with the two Cotton's now I tenured both of these and they were both two dollars a yard if I'm correct so I thought that was a pretty good deal and certainly were stocking up on now the one on top is very similar in texture and feel she was similarly colored straight fabric that I used for an accordion in samba last year it's very thin and has a bit of stiffness and volume without being crisp so I feel like this is a really good first attack fabric the only downside about it is that it's stretchy and I didn't realize this in store because it was on a roll but it actually does stretch somewhat significantly on the horizontal grain line however that means it's going to be less prone to wrinkling it too so that might end up actually being quite convenient depending I want to use it for and they don't have a specific project for this in mind but I think it would be cool for something 1880s perhaps some sort of bustle dress that has a lot of ruffle that's what I probably like a little bit better is thank the seersucker texture too makes a little bit more interesting and I like the color palette a little bit more than this one but given the price I think they're both worth picking up and I think this would look really lovely for some sort of bustle dress as well the next one is probably one of my favorites even though it's far from the most exciting this is a very pale seafoam that minty colored green silk shopping and I love Sean ting so much so taunting is my favorite fabric to work with by far it doesn't slip around when you cutting it it's not as prone to puckering his taffeta and I feel like the slub in the weave adds a bit of texture to a garment which makes it look more expensive even though Sean ting is typically cheaper than most other types of silk so the fabric that I really really enjoyed working with however in the garment district they never seem to have it in the colors I want in a large enough quantity so I've been looking for a silk chanting in a pale color for a long time because I really want to make a walking dress from the natural form era before the automobile made a dress like this several years back and I remember just being amazed by the beauty of it and made me really really interested in that style of dress I've never found a fabric that I actually wanted to use for that type of dress so I've never researched it very thoroughly but I feel like this is the fabric for it and I purchased everything they had left on the bolt which was just about 12 yards so that should be plenty for that style of dress or at least I hope it will be and I think it's a really lovely color and weight and texture for something like that as well so it's really excited to see this aunt you see it at such a reasonable price point I'm going to sleeve the grayish blue bolt for later because it goes with other fabrics that I want to show you but I will go ahead and introduce you to this sparkly monstrosity this was one of the three incredibly sparkly glitter meshes that I purchased and I love them all pretty much equally but this one has a special place in my heart since it's the most dramatic so this is a black mesh and it has the most beautiful glitter spray border on either edge along with all of these glitter sprayed appliques in the middle now this is a glitter spray fabric so it doesn't have any embroidery or beating or sequins or rhinestones on it which means it's a very light fabric and it's also a very inexpensive fabric at least in terms of these decorative sort of overlay materials for example a glaze where all of this is done with embroidery and beads probably be closer to 30 or $40 a yard where you can usually find this fabric for about ten however for this one that since I was a closing sale I purchased me five yards for $20 my plan for this fabric is to use it to make a very full gonna in 1950s a line inspired dress with a structured bodice that incorporates all of this gorgeous silver work and I'm going to pair it with a really obnoxious pair of shoes that match this fabric perfectly and those shoes are from a regulate choice and they have unicorns on them and I purchased them as a little reward myself for finishing in McCall's pattern and I had nothing to pair with them so I'm gonna make myself a equally obnoxious dress to go with them and the topic of glitter I did purchase two more glittery fabrics and I've actually worked with this exact fabric and purple before I made a dress out of it that I featured on my blog and it was a 1930s fantasy themed a dress and I really really loved how it turned out it was quite easy to make but it was a really flattering striking dress I think both in design and helped flatter the figure and of course the fabric I used helped so I'd really like to make another one of those dresses and potentially try and pitch it as a pattern for McCall's so when I saw that they had a couple of these materials in different colors I decided to grab them up and the one on top is pink and gold and unfortunately they only had three yards of this which isn't enough to do a lot with it but I like this fabric so much that I had to have it anyway and the thing I really really liked about this design of fabric is that it only has the border on one edge so the black fabric I just showed you had the same border on both edges of the material and then about 20 inches in the middle of these smaller glitter spray appliques that's really nice of you're making a short dress or using it as trim because you get double the amount of borders but if you want to make a full length dress then having a double border material means that you'll see part of the top border around the waistline of the garment which can make it look less flattering and less planned out and kind of less expensive and elegant in general so I tend not to buy those fabrics unless I know I'm using them for a short dress and it's very very rare to find a or lace fabric that only has a single border but this one which is part of the reason I love it on top of it just being sparkly and wonderful so as I said I purchased three yards of neat pink one which was all they had and then I also purchased five yards of this vibrant mustardy gold one so if I do end up making another one of those dresses and putting it as a pattern this is the fabric that I'd use for it and then I'd find some sort of matching satin to use this blinding now the first fabrics on the pile are actually ones I showed already in my previous video but I know not everyone saw that video and I also wasn't filming that in the best lighting conditions so I thought I would really quickly show you those fabrics again hopefully in the sheen of them and the true colors will be a little bit more visible now that I'm filming this next to a window during a period when there's actual natural sunlight so the first fabric that I picked up is this really lovely jacquard / brocade as I said my last video it's like a brocade without machine and I really like the print of this is all the colors that are incorporated in it I found a lot of these fabrics didn't have enough contrast in them for me to find them interesting but I really liked the black paired with the reddish pinkish tone and then the lighter almost Mavi gray base so I thought this was really lovely and I picked up five yards of it and then I picked up one or two yards I have a peach haunting that goes really really nicely with it as well as three or four heads of visit art gray dupioni which goes with it really nicely as well and I'm probably gonna use that for some sort of menswear inspired Elizabethan and fumble and they purchased a couple yards of this waffle weave suiting I'd really like to make some sort of overcoat slash doublet to go with that as well so that would be a really interesting project and challenge for me I purchased another set of three silks I think go really really nicely together and all started with this multicolored chanting so this has the typical Shan ting feel of silk but what's really special about it is all the different colors of threads that weave through it but adds a lot of depth to the fabric it makes it a little bit more interesting and a little bit more textured so I thought this would be really lovely for something Renaissance themed though I now realize that this is very similar in color to the Renaissance dress they needed with the calls so perhaps they should try and think of a different use for it but I really really love this fabric and then I picked up two yards of this ivory shontayne which bring out some of the lighter open into that fabric as well as this two-tone orange one it shifts almost between orange and this greenish gold it's really striking and lovely so I think these three will look really pretty together and work really well together I must say I do regret not getting more of this when I went back I really should have purchased six or seven yards I'd have enough for an eighteenth-century under a skirt but I talked myself out of it right at the end and I'm still kicking myself for it also on that first trip I picked up this beautiful silk dupioni and I love me colored this so much I think it's showing up better in this footage that did in the previous video it's a really vibrant dark emerald green and I realized vibrant and dark aren't words that really go together but it really is a deep tone while still having a lot of vibrancy but I really really love it I can't wait to do something with it I have enough of this to make some sort of dress or robe if I want to turn into something eighteenth-century inspired and I just think I'm gonna have a lot of fun with that I really don't think that's gonna show up on camera and that kills me inside because this is the prettiest chanting I've ever seen it has almost a jewel beetle effect where it shifts from this really bright vibrant green to almost a bluish tone and it's so striking in person but since it's such a saturated neon color it really does not capture well on camera but I'm gonna use this to make some sort of it late-victorian of skirt and I'm probably going to make it glass out of this fabric to go with it this is a really really lovely delicate silk fabric and I actually already have some of this in my stash I wanted to get more sense of such a good price and so good for historical blouses and I love it so much I'm so happy to have more of this in my collection I think it for just four yards of this one and then there are five yards of this silk which should be plenty for the skirts that I have in mind for it I don't think this would be a very time-consuming project so perhaps I could do a weekend blog about it if you guys would be interested in seeing it this was an impulse buy right at the end it's polyester of some sort but it's a very lightweight feeling polyester again almost like a organza though it's certainly more opaque what I found really striking about this was the equal to design on it is woven into this diamond design and then there are fake pearls at the corners of each diamond so it creates a really cool amount of texture and paired with the sheen of the fabric I think it looks a lot more expensive that actually was this reminds me of the texture you see on sleeves in the 15 and 1600s as well as medieval armor so in probably use this for some sort of fantasy costume just as quick and dirty under sleeves I keep forgetting to show things close up I officially apologize for all of the ones I've neglected to do this for this is probably my favorite pairing / combination of fabrics that I purchased and it was one that I almost didn't end up getting I believe this jacquard / brocade was covered in plastic which means they hadn't sold any of it before and it was in a dark corner of the store where it didn't look particularly spectacular but I wanted to get a darker toned brocade from them so I asked them to take it out to the front and wrap it and when they did holy crap this fabric is gorgeous so I purchased seven and a half yards of it it has a typical kind of rectangular Paisley ish design that you see on a lot of these fabrics but it has the prettiest two-tone effect to it it shifts between teal and gold and blue and once you get it laid out in the Sun hits it it's just stunning I'm gonna use it for some sort of late 1500s or 1600s design that I haven't quite decided on yet but I think it's gonna be stunning I also purchased six yards of this fabric this was one of the weirdest fabrics I came across and it's also kind of one my favorites even though I think it feels and looks a little bit like really cheaply made that you would get print jo-ann's though it has silk in it so it's more expensive than that though not by much given the discount I was getting on these the reason I like this fabric so much is because I feel like it's a bit different than traditional brocade a lot of the gold brocade you see in the garment district use the gold to create a floral design on the fabric or they just have the gold fibers woven and throughout but with this one the gold threads are woven into a pinstripe design that goes over top of a floral pattern that is made from green threads so it's a little bit of a twist on that design and it gives it the most beautiful Sheen like when the Sun hits this it literally lights up so I thought this was a really pretty and that actually works really really well with this fabric so I'm hoping to use this for an underskirt and then this for an over dress but I love that pairing and I can't wait to figure out what to do with those and to get to working with them another two-tone fabric that I purchased is a soaked haunting and I just six yards of this which was probably less than I should have purchased I usually try and buy 8 yards of fabric if I don't know what to do with it since that is enough to make a full length through us from pretty much every era however since this is wider I can probably do something out of it anyway so it has a base color of this mustardy goldish shade but has a really strong green shift to it I don't know how much it's gonna show up on camera but in person it's really striking and pretty I know once this is cut and gathered opt into some sort of historical ensemble that shifting effect is really going to shine in the folds of the skirt and make it look really elaborate and interesting even if it's a relatively simple dress Wow look it's another tone shifting silk however this one is a silk taffeta and it has a reddish base to it but it shines the most vibrant shade of teal like it is seriously so pretty and again I don't know how much it's gonna show up on camera but when this is turned into a dress all of those different colors are really going to shine so again I can't wait to work with this one I purchased 10 whole yards of it because it's quite narrow and they actually had this in a few different colors which I didn't pick up because I wasn't sure how I would like working with this way to fabric silk taffeta is kind of a mystery to me because some silk top and it feels like cardboard like this is just so stiff and difficult to work with and then there are other so chaff it is like this one that feel almost like cleaner or so fine and slightly stiff but also see through and just weird I've never made a dress out of silk that is that consistency so I wasn't sure everybody's gonna like it and I didn't want to you invest another $40 into another cut of it but I did think it was worth getting this one because I love the tone of it so much and I am curious to try out this weight of silk I purchased two yards of this really lovely silk satin trim mousse and they face that in trim use because this is a lot thicker than your typical silk charmeuse I hate saying that word why do I just say that word like eight times it feels almost like a satin but it's much more silky I guess feeling and softer and it's the prettiest peach shade kind of a pale coral color and I have some that lace that is slightly deeper than this that I'm going to pair this way and I'm probably going to attempt a 1920s dress since that's what I originally purchased that lace for you I don't particularly like how the 1920s silhouette looks on me I think it would be a fun test for me and this would work really well signing for that piece so I got two yards of it which is all they had if they'd had more I probably would have purchased three yards just to provide myself with some wiggle room I finally reached the two fabrics that go with Miss bolt so I can show it to you this is another tone shifting material but it's a lot more subtle you don't really see it until it's crumpled up and then you notice all of the different tones that pull out of this fabric but it is primarily a pale gray Jewish color and then it has a lighter fleur-de-lis pattern woven into it and I came across and start with my mistake when I was looking for a silk to go with this jacquard so this is what originally caught my eye as I said I was looking through their entire selection of these and a lot of them didn't have much contrast to them so I ended up putting most of them back but I really liked the palest gray color of this one against the brighter coral colored flowers so I was looking through all of their silks trying to find a grayish tone silk that would go well with this so I could get enough materials that go together to actually make something out of it and I couldn't find any silks but I did find this jacquard actually I'm sorry I've been calling this such a card it's really more of a damask fabric I would say but anyway it's really really pretty and it's got a wonderful crisp texture to it almost like a high-quality taffeta and I thought it paired really well with this one it doesn't quite look like they go together in this lighting but in person I think they do and they really pull out kind of the best toes within each other then it all zipper just a yard of this dupioni to pull out the Coralie tones in this brocade fabric anyway I love how this trio looks together I'm still looking forward to you figuring out what to make out of it and in making it but I do think this is going to be so assertive medieval ensemble so this is a very similar fabric to that last blue and I showed you again it's from the same collection except this one has a lilac II Mavi toned paste and then these really bright gold flowers woven into it and this has a very fine weave so I really liked that and it almost shifts gold when the light hits it because there are cold threads woven into it to create those flowers I thought this is a really pretty fabric and I purchased three yards of it I purchased six yards of this silk blend at least I think it's a silk blend there's definitely silk in it I don't know what it's blended with I described this fabric it's feeling like what you would expect silk broadcloth to feel like when you think about really cheap broad cloth that has that kind of stiffness to this but this has a much finer weave and a softness that you associate with silk however actual soaked broadcloth doesn't have any stiffness to it it feels almost like a lightweight Breann it's incredibly drapey and silky and smooth so this isn't so broad cloth but it reminds me of what I would think soaked broadcloth would feel like if I hadn't actually felt chilled broadcloth are you with me anyway I thought this is a really interesting fabric it almost looks like linen when you get up close to it it has a similar weep to it and then incorporates a lot of different materials which give it a lot of texture and almost a two-tone effect when the light hits it so it's really really subtle but it's more interesting than a lot of comparable fabrics I've seen out there so I thought I would get six yards of this which is enough to make a skirt of some sort and I have no idea what this is going to be for but I liked them and I liked them together so I bought them and I actually liked that material enough that I purchased it in a different color as well this one is brown and it has some reddish and ivory and yellowy tones woven into it as well so again it has more texture to it it looks a little bit more interesting than a plain brown fabric night and I think I'm gonna use this for some sort of casual 18th century in Samba this is very similar to those other two fabrics but it's narrower and fills a little bit more like silk dupioni it's a little bit less crisp and has a bit of a softer drape I don't quite know how to describe this color I guess like a muted copper maybe but I thought this would be really pretty for the bottom half of some project that I haven't decided on just yet and it would definitely be something pretty 1800s it's a lower half for a more casual ensemble since this isn't a texture that you would usually see a more expensive garments I do kind of want to make another pair of jumps and maybe I could use this to make a skirt to go with them that's another project I would really love to pitch to McCall's and I feel like it's quite easy to make and it's quite practical as a historical costume I purchased three yards of this silk for a eighteenth-century shanise and silk wasn't traditionally used for chemises since it is quite like it and couldn't hold out to the washing that was required but I recently went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art or the Versailles exhibit and they had one garment displayed with the prettiest most delicate she means I've ever seen and it looked like the cuffs of it were made from chiffon and they almost had a braided effect with how they were gathered and I really want to do something similar and I don't think I could pull something similar off with cotton so when I saw this I decided it was the perfect fabric it feels like chiffon but even more delicate however it's also textured with a straight pattern so I think this is going to be perfect for pulling that off and maybe if I have enough left I could use it for decorative sleeves or something because it's a really really cool fabric and I'd like to incorporate it into it as many different projects as I can but I picked this one up right at the end and I was getting towards the end of the amount of money I'd budgeted for that trip so I just picked up three yards of this which should be an operation ease another fabric I wish I got more of is this silk linen material and the reason I like this so much is because it has silver threads woven through it so this has both that visual interest that you get with traditional linen while also incorporating metallic threads and this fabric is usually eight to ten dollars in the garment district since it does have silk in it but this was less than half of that price so I purchased two yards of it and again I kind of wish I purchase more if I bought six yards of this I could use it as an underskirt for something I don't know if I'm likely to reach for a fabric like this for an underskirt so it's probably a good call on my purchase getting the two yards but I'd be happy to get more of this Sunday because it is really really lovely we are nearing the end so I'm gonna save a more exciting fabric combination for last and then the meantime I'll show you this cotton so I purchased four yards of this and it was $2.00 a yard if I recall correctly and I just like this because it's very lightweight and it is white so it is accurate for some sort of historical foundation but it does have a bit of a texture to it so it has squares woven into it and then there's a little floral design poking into each square and though the print on this probably isn't historically accurate I like using fabric with a little bit more texture for every part of historical costumes than I can just because I think it makes them read a little bit better in camera and it makes them a little bit more interesting to work on and you avoid having a garment look really flat and expensive just because the material itself doesn't have a lot of life to it so I like using textured fabrics when I can even if they aren't super historically accurate so picked up four yards of that and I'm sure I will find it she needs to make out of it someday I also purchased this teeny-tiny cut of silk there is about one in three quarters be right there and they gave it to me for the price of one yard and I have a caller for the 1930s that matches the ivory tones in this perfectly so I'm hoping I've enough here to scrape some sort of dress together but I'm not feeling super confident about that because I'm a relatively large person and I don't think you are and a half the material will go a long way but I liked it too much to leave it behind despite the small quantity and it's kind of a traditional toil print so there are trees and farmers and people on boats and little houses it's just a very delicate lovely print and I think it would look nice for a dress if I can scrape together enough to make one out of it now the final fabric I want to show you is actually a combination of four fabrics tada so I'm going to show you being mesh first this is what spurred on all of these other purchases so I just thought this fabric when I first walked in the door and I knew right away that I wanted it it reminds me a lot of the beadwork that you see on in ordi and dresses or 1920s projects it is actually beaded so unlike the mash that I showed you earlier that had the glitter spray on it the detailing on this is all embroidered and that has seed beads outlining patent broidery and the embroidery is kind of a mafia purple color and then the base of the fabric is a more reddish kind of pale raise me tone all the beads are a very light purple with a opal ish blueish Shwetha shipped to them it's just a lovely fabric and I feel like the design is just dense enough to look elaborate without being too dense that's overpowering so I really really liked this they ended up getting the cut of six yards of it for $40 so it was by far the most expensive fabric that I purchased that day but I think it was worth it and the six yards should be enough to make something early nineteen hundred's out of it as well as something 1920s themed out of it I got fabric so I could use under this for both of those pieces so the first fabric I purchased six yards of and this is a Chinese silk China silk is one of my least favorite of these so family to work with it does work really nicely underneath they since its stiffen up and opaque enough to hold its own as a slip it's also very very thin so it doesn't add volume to your body and make you appear larger underneath whatever you put over top of it so I really like it as a base fabric even if I don't really like it as a fabric on its own so I purchased six yards of it in this purpley tone which I think works really really nicely with this fabric I really love those together as a pairing and I'm going to use this for the Edwardian address I purchased three eyes of this one which is a much lighter fabric and kind of has those same purplish-pinkish uted Mavi undertones that's obviously a much much paler version and I think this looks really nice underneath it as well it creates a different effect but it's still a very expensive looking effect so I'd like to use this fabric for the 1920s dress and this one for the 1910s dress then they also had this really pretty silky crocheted fabric which I thought might be kind of cool for the edoardo and dress maybe is detailing around the neckline and it goes really well with the China silk so that is the final purchase that I made I might have a couple other fabrics from the shopping trip hiding out somewhere but you've certainly seen the majority of it and my camera is flashing at me now so I'm just going to go ahead and cut to the outro so that is the end of my massive haul I really hope you guys enjoyed this video I know it's a little different than my other fabric hauls because instead of sharing specific plans for all of the materials I was kind of just showing off all of my purchases which isn't how I really like to film these but I do also think it makes a little bit more interesting in some ways because then you guys can suggest things for the fabric since they don't necessarily have them already attached to a project and on that note I would really love to hear any ideas you might have for these materials what you would bank out of them which one was your favorite which one was your least favorite was there one that you think I should have gotten more of or one that you don't think I should have purchased at all or if you don't have any opinions about the fabrics that I purchased maybe you can tell me about your most recent purchases I know I love to hear about that too regardless I really hope you enjoyed this video and if you did then giving it a like and a comment really helps me out and if you just like to see more of my content in general then you can always subscribe and I think that is the entire spiel again I really hope you enjoyed this video and I will talk to all of you very soon
Channel: Angela Clayton
Views: 82,858
Rating: 4.9276695 out of 5
Keywords: sewing, costumery, diy, fabric, haul, nyc, shopping
Id: 5lf2hidqMzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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