Going through Abandoned Works in Progress

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hello everyone and welcome to a new video today's video is not going to be particularly educational but hopefully it will still be entertaining I did have a tutorial that was supposed to go up today but I didn't get it finished on time and I thought this might be a fun alternative today I'm going to take you through my inactive work-in-progress thins which is basically a code word for abandoned projects that I never finished and I'm probably going to get rid of you see in my sewing room I have four bins I shall get one for new that look like this and stored projects that I'm currently working on and I usually have one or two projects in each bin but beyond these I have some bins where works in progress that I'm not progressing on go to live and eventually die I've got like four scrapbooking bins two large bins and one of these that are all filled with these projects that I really need to reevaluate and decide whether I'm ever going to finish them or not and if the answer's no than I need to get rid of them so I thought we could go through these bins together I haven't looked into some of them and probably a year's time so I'm not entirely sure what projects we're gonna come across but I will talk you through the reasons about why I stopped working on them why I'm kinda interested in restarting them or if I am interested and restarting them and if there's something you're gonna see progress on in the future so hopefully this will be entertaining and a little peek into some of the projects that I've worked on over the past couple of years that maybe haven't finished over the past couple of years so let's go I decide to start with two scrapbooking bins which usually live in the linen closet outside my sewing room so these are up high they're difficult to access and they're probably deep in sand I haven't gone through the longest so we shall see what we find in here on top we have the beginnings of a hat this is actually supposed to be for an Edward iam project based on a piece from Harper's Bazaar so there's this beautiful suit and it was paired with an adorable little take on a tricorn so I wanted to make that out of a brown and pink striped suiting which I purchased in Pennsylvania that sitting is very poor quality and I realized pretty quickly that it wasn't going to do the design justice so I never got around to drafting the actual dress but I did get started on the hat so it might be time for this to go but I do like the shape of it I remember working pretty hard on this alright so on top here as a pattern okay so this is for a 60 century costumes and I recall redrafting this for something similar quite recently so I don't think I need to keep this this pattern is all four into 20 and short ways they did end up making cuz it fit quite poorly so I think all of that can do yeah it was a very weird design I think for this one I had like 13 photos that I was inspired by and I was trying to combine them all into a single permanent it was just not happening here's the sweet pattern so down here you can see the beginnings of it like I think it has the potential to be quite pretty I really like the materials that are used for it so I might hold on to this but I don't think I need the pattern this could be a fun thing to try and revive I'll keep the raw materials together but I don't see myself using the original powder for that I can't curtain ties in here I don't need that this is what the 15th century pattern was poor so this was a lady's vest that I want to make so it's gonna be really hard to show you then that's what the front looked like see it's black so it doesn't show up but I use different materials in his exact pattern across the chest but I recall this not fitting me very well at all but that didn't stop me from attempting to beat it I don't think I'm gonna keep this one I've actually started on a project for a similar period using a lot of the same fabrics and I'm much happier how that's going so this is gonna go by in here I have oh my gosh is hold this is a wedding dress bodice that I made and the reason it looks so weird it's cuz it was modeled around these pieces of lace which are just stunning so I wanted them to go like this across the chest and then I designed a lining that would perfectly fit that would also have a corset so I've had this around for ages but I'm honestly still gonna keep it they still really like the idea I'm gonna clean these bins out and put everything back laying around but that's one been done so this was supposed to be the front of the Victorian skirt next though but the suiting I chose to do that with is just all wrong and then it's back with this jacquard fabric and then I was going to put ribbon where the pencil markings are I'm pretty sure I started the as a way to procrastinate something else and I did not give it the time it deserved to turn it into something nice I also have faith for the vast that I showed you guys that's actually not a bad piece I might keep the base but get rid of the top layer because I could use this as the foundation for something else so that can stay this is all of your project that I worked quite hard on it's this beaded velvet jacket that was meant to go with a plain black velvet skirt and I did all of this sequin work on the back of it but it ended up not fitting me properly in the waist like it's too high waisted at the back so I wasn't happy enough with it to finish it but I worked so freakin hard on this so I'm wondering if maybe I could add an extension to the shoulder it will cause it to sit farther down on my waist this is staying here are the sleeves for that project - and the way I did this as i trace the design onto interfacing which was then fused on and I used contrasting thread and basting stitches to transfer it to the right side of the fabric and then I added the sequins on top and I was planning I'm pairing that with this chiffon and using this for blouse but I don't know what that's gonna happen so I'm going to put in fist in with my other chiffon patterns in here what is it a pattern for I'm gonna get rid of the pattern for that jacket because it doesn't fit me very well I don't eat it and I'm gonna get rid of whatever this mystery pattern is that was also in here I do keep most of my patterns there in folders and they're all nicely organized but I don't feel like I need to keep all of these and this is a pattern for a large circle skirt which I actually might keep these can all go though they work for these for the moment Aquarion costume which I got rid of the suiting that I used for the front this was for a mermaid costume that I wanted to make out of some really pretty broke aids and/or Ganz's that I purchased at Joanne's I found some matching shells to go with them at Michaels and I thought I could do a mermaid inspired evening gown that would just be beautiful so I designed a mermaid fit skirt with a really jagged bottom edge so it looked almost like a tail and I purchased netting for it and it was gonna be so cool but I recently came across the project and it was not that cool I really don't like the fabrics that I originally picked for it and the way I still like the idea and the shape of the skirt I ended up getting rid of most of my progress just because I didn't envision myself coming back to that but I do still have the lining of the skirt so I could always build off of this in the future and potentially restart that project I have trapped all of these shells and thanks for it just not the materials that I originally purchased since I don't think they were the right materials for that piece this is going to be our next victim he's been there from Ikea and look at this lovely illustration they have on them don't use for baby storage all right so on top here I have more of that wool which I cut into circular shapes to create a flared edge to the part that I showed you earlier but this fabric does not have the texture required to support that so it didn't work it looked terrible and then I just kept the pieces and I'm so mad at myself for even attempting this without really considering the weight of the fabric because I wasted so much of this material that I could have used for a nice Edwardian suit and I have a mock-up okay I can get rid of this this was for the suit that the Hat goes with so I actually worked pretty hard on this but this is before I knew how to properly seal the PALS so I'm gonna end up having to redraft that anyway so that can just thinking usko I purchased all the materials for this and came up with this idea when I was in a real snowing rut a couple years ago I just want to make something fun and easy but I decided to make something really complicated it's Ted so this is a heavily beaded make a look at all of that around the neckline you know it's old because it is lined with your big steel instead of normal boning this steel has since been discontinued but anyway so it's got a bone base and I hand sewed all of this embroidery stitching around the bottom to give it texture and cause it to st. chin and it was supposed to be some sort of Renaissance thing I feel like I might keep this just so I can do a challenge with it or something I feel like I'd be cool to try and turn these into what they were intended to be turned into in the first place you might remember if you've been following my channel for a while so this is the top of a Tudor curdle and then just boomed inside and I actually need a video tutorial all about this see I don't want to get rid of this and it's black velvet so technically still the things that will match it and it should still fit me yes I'm gonna keep this it doesn't take up very much room these are ruffles that I made for an 18th century costume and these are made out of Ikea curtains and I paint the edge and then I used for a check to secure it and this was supposed to be gathered down to go in the bond with the skirt then I actually hand-stitched the top hem and I did phone doing this I don't think I have the clips anymore because that was a computer ago and I got rid of a lot of files I think you'll be seeing the top portion of that later in this video so then in here we have the reason why I abandon this project so the bodice was actually coming along pretty well but then the skirt was just a disaster and as I said I was working on this when I was in a little bit of a rut and I just I didn't want to work that hard like I was willing to do the beading I didn't want to work through this do you see all that puckering I tried sewing these velvet bands onto the skirt about eight times like I kid you not I ripped these off I set them back on I tried using seams I tried using top stitching I kept changing my needle I tried doing it by hand and no matter what I tried puckered like this these materials just do not want to me together and this was the only real vision I had for the skirt and without these that skirt was gonna be really boring compared to the bodice and I didn't have enough fabric to make this skirt long enough without using the velvet and I just kind of broke down decide it wasn't worth it also I realized I never really told you why I abandoned this I think I just lost interest I wanted to work on something a little bit more sparkly and I ended up using at the development for something else though now I can't remember what that something else was regardless I just sort of lost interest and said to decide her later and so far later has not come then there's this bag so these pieces are all for a nineteen eighties nineteen eighties these pieces are all for an 1890s project and it was supposed to be a short drag based off of 1890s evening gowns so these were the sleeves I don't know if you can tell but the base it's a glittery pink satin with netting over top that was hand stitched on David doesn't light amount of poof but once I started working on this since a we purchased enough to satin to make a short dress I realized it was going to look like in 1980s prom dress with these huge sleeves and that's gathered bodice and I was just not liking how it was turning out so I decide to scrap it but I saved all the pieces and Keith I could come up with a better idea someday and I feel like I finally have I think the way to save this is to keep the sleeves as they are and to use the glittery fabric for an under section of the skirt and then make the main portion of the skirt and bodice out of black fabric and I would class it up a little bit and still let me use these I'm definitely going to draft a new bodice for it I didn't know very much about drafting at that point they're all gonna go and here we have what was the beginnings of a bustle dress and this was going to be a petticoat and then I was going to drape a red cotton sateen over top I got this Gert completely finished and I really like the shape of it but the concertina had didn't really match but I pushed through and made a bodice out of it anyway but the bodice didn't fit properly it had problems with the shoulder that was then made worse by the way I drafted the collar and it just it looked bad and then I realized that the concent team that I thought I had two cuts of so I had one cut I was using for the bodice and then another cut that is gonna use for this Gert we're actually different colors and neither of them really match the bread in this so I had to have scrapping the top and using the kansai teen for mock-up material so I'm going to rip this apart and keep the fabric and hopefully I can find something else to use it for someday it actually matches this really nicely maybe I could use those together I'd be kind of funny if that's what ended up happening all right that's another box done so here's one of the bins that I usually use for after works in progress but I have more inactive works in progress right now and as you can probably tell my usual bins for those things were filled so I ended up filling up one of these as well so I thought I'd just take you quickly up on top here we have the beginnings of a 17th century costume and I really love the pattern I drafted for this and I really love the fabric and it was supposed to fit like this but I could not get this bottom point turned out properly and I tried several times and it was just not happening so I think I really need to remake this with the entirely different construction method and I trimmed away the edges quite significantly so don't think the dais is salvageable so they're highly going to do is I'm going to take out the boning and keep the boning but scrap the actual fabric portion of this and then in this box I have more things to do with that project so I'm gonna go through this keep the pattern and put the pattern and an envelope and get rid of everything else cuz I don't need it and at the bottom here I'm not gonna go through this because this is all stuff to do with my feet a wing costume so I will link the tutorial for that down below I went through the embroidery process and I have this project probably 80% of the way done and I still really like it I just stopped working on it because the seasons changed and I kind of lost interest in working on this very light to summery dress in the middle of winter so this thing I plan on revisiting this year when you have more time it's just not something that I'm actively working on so these are these scrapbook fins that live above my closet they're supposed to be overflow storage for works in progress that are like actually in progress but it's kind of become storage for things that I've abandoned so on top here I have a striped summer 1950s inspired dress that I stirred last year and I actually filmed the process of making this though I think I've said it's gotten rid of the footage because I really wasn't happy with how the top was fitting me I did make a mock up for it it just fit very differently than it did when I actually made it from this fabric and had the weight at the skirt weighing down the waistline so I ended up being pretty unhappy with this dress it just didn't inspire me and I wasn't excited to finish it even though all I really have had left to do was add a zipper so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get rid of the PATA stand I'm gonna hold on to the skirt and that may be later this year I can try this pattern again or try my own design out of this fabric because it is really cute it is a cotton shooting that I got from Danis fabric in New York City and the colors remind me of watermelon next up I have this and I so much I could tell you this was finished I spent so much time on this so this was supposed to be a riding costume based on an example for the Met Museum and I love the details of this example and I was so eager to recreate it that I kind of jumped in before finalizing pattern I had so many problems with this it just seemed like no matter how much time I put into this I couldn't get it up to my standards and I'm still not happy with it you know I was gonna get rid of this but I just tried it on it's actually pretty great so I originally start working on this just because I came became so frustrated with trying to fix problems that didn't seem to be there the day I was working on it before like it just seemed like everything went wrong with this but now looking at it for the first time in like a year I think is pretty cool like it's not perfect but it's pretty neat so I might try this on with the skirt I made for it and see what I think and see if it's worth completing all that's really left if I recall correctly is read humming the skirt making a hat to go with it and doing the collar so maybe I will try and revisit that later this year and I'll hold on to this for now now they've been dancing I think that project is a really classic example of me abandoning things sometimes I abandon things in pretty early stages but more often than not I get something about 80% done and then just lose interest it's not even really losing interest it's just becoming aware of all the problems that aren't being fixed as I progress on it I feel like around the 80% mark that's when I should be happy with something and be excited to put the finishing details on and with this one I was at the point where I was just frustrated and it wasn't looking the way I wanted and all the mistakes that I made earlier in the project we're just kind of catching up with me and making me even more frustrated so at that point that's when I end up quitting a lot of projects even though they're really close to being done and the bulk of the work has been made they just aren't something I'm happy enough with she'd finished so it's kind of a shame but unfortunately that happens to me quite a lot now in this bin this another scrapbook bin that looks like this I have some pieces that you may remember like this I did a tutorial for this or I did a video about making it at least but the problem was I didn't pre watch any of my material so I suspect that when I wash this it's going to be too tight for me to make it into and I'm actually not even sure if this gingham fabric is washable I made this at a point where it wasn't really interested in wearing vintage-inspired things I just liked making them for fun and you guys seem to like seeing them that's why I made this piece but realistically this is something I'm gonna add into my wardrobe or even like think I can wash and it was originally supposed to have a skirt made out of this purple fabric this fabric does not have enough body to make a skirt for a 1950's project and I don't think I even have enough of this fabric to make the type of skirt I would want to pair something like this with so I'm just gonna get rid of this project but I do have the powder somewhere and I would reattach it in the future with some pre-washed materials and here I have the bottom portion of the jacket they just showed you so this is just very very simple and that has some detail worked on the sides where it opens if you have two rehan this I think I also have to potentially remake or at least severely reevaluate the bodice because endive doing some really quick fixes on this to get it to fit me in the waist and look at how sloppy that is I think you will probably have seen this beautiful handiwork have you watched a vlog I made a year back which featured this project so I need to try the Sun and you to reevaluate this and how to finish it but now that I've tried on the jacket I do want to get this project done and then I have this which was supposed to go with those ruffles that I showed you earlier and this was based off of I can't remember if I drafted the pattern for this or if this was based on normal wah pattern I'd like to try this on and see if it still fits me I do have enough fabric to complete it if I like how it fits me so yeah that one it's gonna stay around but I don't have intentions or plans to work on it anytime soon and the reason I never finished that is simply because I decide to make it on a whim I didn't really think through the construction process and by the time I had gotten this far in it I was just burnt out and sick at the idea I know for me I have two ways of working I either think of a project and make it the next day and I finish it within a week of coming up with the idea or I plan something out pretty far in advance purchase all of materials for it do sketches collect references etc and when I work in that manner I can usually keep my enthusiasm for a project up for several months since I have a vision of the outcome so clear in my head that I really want to invest the time and working towards that whereas if I think of something and I decide to make it on a whim I need to finish that project quickly because if I do not finish it quickly then I will lose interest I haven't invested enough thought and time into it to care about finishing it and then I end up with a whole bunch of wasted fabric and it just it's not a good way of working for me but sometimes my whim projects turned out really well I made it Rapunzel inspired dress last year that was one of those I made a cotton eighteenth-century dress like that I made it out now be inspired in Samba so I definitely can work that way it can create nice garments for working that way but sometimes it backfires on me about half the time backfire on me and then we end up with boxes of unfinished projects like this and on that note let's go through this box it's the last one and this is also the box with the most recent things so this box usually lives under the table that this is currently resting on so it's actually pretty easy to access it to add to it so I'm probably gonna be familiar with most of the things in here on top I just have the hoop and the skirt for the betta wing project which as I said I am still interested in finishing and still have every intention of finishing here you can see a little bit of the handy work that has been done on that and I would have that in the bin with the rest of the materials for it it's just too big to fit in there oh boy so I'm just here I have a striped 1880s project that I began on and this is going to be disassembled I really liked the idea for this dress I do not like the way I constructed it the bodice did not get me very well for the amount of time I need to invest in finishing this it is not worth completing it with a bodice that is this ill-fitting so I'm going to take this part I'm going to keep the fabric because I only bought eight yards of this it's very narrow as I'm not sure if I will have enough for a bustle dress if I completely get rid of the material used for this bodice but I'm not moving forward with this design so that is getting torn apart I am however going to keep the front section for because I think this is really pretty I used a very cheap but interestingly textured chiffon light material for it and then I had these cute little buttons and I used them late on it then I got from my grandmother so I like that they like how that looks of the fabric but the bodice itself needs to go these are all the materials for an 1820s costume which is sort of bridging the gap between Regency fashion and Victorian fashion so it has a slimmer silhouette that you would see in the Regency period and the slightly higher waist but some of the truly tacky ridiculous details that I love so much from the 20s and 30s I got pretty far in this project will probably come across the bodice in here somewhere but I picked the wrong fabric for it and I did not do enough testing with my backup so I was not very happy with the shape of the collar and the collar is kind of the main point of the piece I think when I started on this I wasn't interested in doing a lot of drafting I want to get right into the sewing and right into the and because of that I overlooked a lot of faults with the bodice so I'm gonna keep the materials for this but I'm going to get rid of the pattern and start over I actually started making this out of a silk shoppings it really needs to be made out of a less crisp slightly thicker fabric like a silk satin and I actually recently acquired an ivory silk satin so I think that's what I'm gonna use for this dress and I'm gonna completely restart over these are all sketches for the bustle dress that I'm gonna get rid of don't need any of that the patterns act these I guess we'll go in scraps this I'm going to put somewhere else it's also going to go somewhere else it is just some lace that are used on another 1880s project which is taking up the bottom of this bin I was also being used for it and can go back with my other fabrics here's some flannel that can go in the basement I don't need that up here here are all the bits and pieces for a beige eighteen eighties dress I apparently have a big problem with straighting 1880s dresses and not finishing them I would like to finish this dress it's very close to completion I really just need to take it out and decide that I'm going to spend a week working on it but right now I have so many other things to do that I have a week to spend sewing I'm gonna start on something that is new and exciting to me instead of finishing something old and not up to my current standards but I'm gonna hold on to the extra pieces for this and I'm going to try and get that finished and here I have a whole bunch of scraps from a blue court down that I made and I still need to photograph I don't think I've ever taken more photos of that piece which is ridiculous but I have all the extra bits from it which I'm going to put somewhere else I do have my attempts I'm making the shoes in here which I might hold onto for a little while longer I said in my blog video about the youth that I throw them out and I did throw them out but then I went through my trash and fished them out because I was kind of hopeful that I could save them a lot of you suggested putting elastic in the backs of them for them to form to my feet better but that did not work however I still haven't completely given up on these as you could tell by the fact that they still have them here this was for the variety costume but it needs to go elsewhere if this can go and with normal trims - I have yarn which I was using for the Regency piece and these were the sleeves that I made for it but I don't think they're big enough they're definitely not big enough so I'm just gonna get rid of these and here I have the makings of a hat I'm gonna put these in my interfacing scrap bucket and this is all extra fabric for the riding coat that I showed you earlier and then these are all materials for in 1880's project sorry I just realized you can't see that's what it looks like so I have some pink velvet of there some green cotton as well as the pattern for this piece and then at the bottom caring of supporting that belongs elsewhere I have some strips of taffeta which I'm gonna get rid of not taffeta that's pelvis dad I don't think I need this is the mock-up this will you say I just got rid of this is the Taft I was gonna use for that project where's the actual bodice and I attempted to a hoodie thing friend bought it oh these were sleeve options for my most recent pattern with McCall's that I didn't end up going with so I'm here to that this is for the 1820 coat these are the color I didn't need but I think I'm gonna scrap this would be pattern for the front of the beige 1880 skirt which I don't think I need and these are the patterns and then I eat when he's riding habit which I will relocate elsewhere I just looked in my closet here is the Regency bodice or not Regency kind of Regency hottest I was talking about so I put a lot of time into this I don't know if you can see the detail on the front that is cord covered with pink taffeta to create lacing with a bit of puffed effect and then the center portion is heavily beaded the top section is created out of mesh which I used bias cut strips of shontayne to cover the were all hand stitched into position that was a huge pain to do and then main tabs which are quite ugly looking we're all covered by hand and it was a lot of effort into this but it's gonna be a lot more effort to finish it and I'm not gonna be able to finish this up to my standards and it's not worth wasting more time and material on this so I'm gonna reattempt this someday but I'm not going to keep this bodice once again I kind of forgot to tell you why I stopped working on things so for the beige 1880s project I stopped working on it because there were other things I wanted to finish before the new year and this took up a lot of space my sewing room a lot of space my dress form so I put it away after convenience sake and then I just never got back to it these scraps for the Edwardian pot I remember filming this so going to do an accordion hot tutorial out of this but I've actually filmed a new burning hat tutorial which is going to be the next video on this channel so I don't need this one and I've erased the footage of me making it so it is not helpful for me to keep it and then the green 18 ities costume but I don't think you've even seen unless you keep up with my Instagram stories I really love this piece but I wasn't super happy with the weight of the skirt and how that was coming along I also didn't get around to drafting the bodice and I wasn't super excited to draft the bodice it was also another project where the colors really worked well with spring and I was working on it kind of towards the beginning of fall so once the leaves started changing and falling I just lost the motivation to work on it so it had been contributing bunch of factors I've made such a mess but I'm gonna take awhile and I'm gonna reorganize these and then I will show you the finished product and hopefully I will be able to fit everything into a single what have you spins and maybe some of the scrapbooking bins but we will have to see i man she will consolidate Maya banded works-in-progress into one of these bins and one of these bins I've also decided that the black riding costume can cohabitate with the Eagle wing project since there was some extra room in this bin these are all the materials that need to find new homes elsewhere in my sewing room this is all a beach trash this is all of the recycling and then I do have some boxes with boning and beads and patterns and other things that I'm going to distribute around my sewing room and put into the rightful places I'm really happy with how this went I realize it's very wasteful to start this many projects and to not end up finishing them it's something I've definitely gotten better at over time none of these projects were from 2018 most of them were from mid 2017 if not earlier I have projects from 2016 and even 2015 that were shown in this video so these are bins that have very much filled up over time and my habits of finishing things have gotten much better over the years but it was really nice going through these and clearing them out I feel quite relieved to be getting rid of some of those project and also it's really nice to go through and realize her projects that I abandoned that maybe I shouldn't have but maybe I can finish and turn to something really great as well as projects that didn't turn out particularly well but I would still like to reattempt in the future it's nice to remind myself with those pieces and it kind of inspires me moving forward so I'm really glad I did this I'm glad I have some free bins now did I will probably fill with fabric or just costume so I can reclaim a tiny bit of hanging space in my closet whatever I end up doing with it it takes to have that space available so I hope this video was interesting I realized that probably didn't appeal to everyone but it was fun for me to film and I know I am nosy I like seeing what people are up to I like seeing what people have finished and I also like seeing what they didn't finish and what the reasons for abandoning something were if you have a box of abandoned projects or project you recently decided not to finish I would love to hear about it in the comment section and I will try to respond to some of them I also want to give a shout out and thank you to my $36 patrons I do not have them memorized yet so I'm going to have to look at my computer but I want to give a huge thank you to Jordan Heidi Jennifer Tabitha Steffi ashley dot cosplay Moe Rachel and Sharon I really really appreciate the support it means so much to me and I'm really excited about the content that can create in the future any way that I've managed to upgrade my setup I'm not sure if you'll be able to tell what this was filmed on your camera I can actually see myself so hopefully I've been kind of in focus and also I have a microphone so hopefully the audio is better I'm doing what I can to upgrade my setup and to make my videos a little bit more professional even if I'm not getting any more professional I also want to give a thank you to Christina and there was someone called Steve Smith on cofee who was incredibly generous as well and told me that I should get a new iron so I'm gonna look into new irons and I really appreciate the recommendation thank you in general to anyone who has supported me on patreon or any other websites even if you're just leaving a comment and a like it really helps me out I really really appreciate it and I shall talk to all of you very soon
Channel: Angela Clayton
Views: 85,333
Rating: 4.9554424 out of 5
Keywords: sewing, costumery, diy, wip, costume, vintage, retro, works in progress, ufo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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