Weekly Progress Log #11 : Sewing & Costumery

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel I realize it's been a little while since I posted anything and I hope to come back with making a video a rather series of medias videos which I have already filmed and have 90% edited the letter here is this awful and I haven't been able to photograph those costumes and the videos feel very incomplete without photos or clips the finished pieces so those are on hold until the weather holds up and in the meantime I got it post a weekly progress blog better coming back to the blog this is a little bit more casual so I feel like I can explain my absence I'm going to keep it relatively short but if you want to skip over as an able to time stamp here the main reason I haven't been posting on because for this year I decided that my number one priority was going to be making costumes that I was excited about and I feel like over the last two years I haven't been as happy with the projects I think completing and the quantity of things I've been completing and a large reason for that is because I've been spending so much time on social media and creating content that lends itself well for social media so that means taking on sensor projects that are easier to stone or just spending more time editing than I am actually sewing videos are so incredibly time-consuming to make especially when you're filming the entire process of making something I can't tell you're 15 hours of footage to go through and that takes me maybe 30 hours it's just such a long process and it wasn't sustainable for me that being said I have no intention of stopping making videos I'm just not going to be pushing myself to get one out on a weekly basis as I said I filmed free makeup videos and they're mostly edited I also filmed a project flag and an SD hall and I have plans for a couple more videos and I already have materials to film those videos so I think that's two months absence its longest rake you're going to see me take from YouTube video you guys to expect and weekly videos anymore because I just don't think that's the best thing for me to be doing if you want to see weekly or daily updates for me than I do just following me on Instagram or WordPress and trying to get back in this the whole blogging thing and I have been relatively consistent about uploading on Instagram with that explanation out of the way I'm going to get into the video I filmed the course of ten days and I worked on an awarding that striped casual dress as well as a few projects in the 1820s one of which is an elaborate velvet court gown and the other that is a riding costume I feel like overall it didn't accomplish as much as I'd hoped but they did manage to complete two dresses and make some headway on work-in-progress as it's been laying around for a long time so hopefully my productivity will continue in the next couple weeks and I can film some more of it and in the meantime I hope you enjoyed this video everyone so welcome to this week's progress log it's been a long time since I've done one of these this is my first time filming in the new sewing room and if you haven't heard about this then I will link a relevant video or blog post or it's very least my Instagram where I've been posting little updates basically I switched my sewing room in my bedroom because my bedroom was bigger the room isn't finished yet I'm going to have a standing height table and a bunch of things I'm going to do so cause I was getting that all together however it is currently a functional room so I'm excited to be getting back to sewing I just did family for a week and then the week before that was really getting this room sorted out so it's nice to be back to it I currently have an Edwardian striped cotton dress in progress I came up with this design yesterday morning and quickly draped the pattern transferred it to paper made a mock-up fit the mock-up and then cut it out of the top layer of fabric so I'm not quite sure what the next step is this is going to be I guess sewing the shoulder seam for it and cutting out facings and then sewing the facing bin because I don't think I'm going to fully line it just because they don't want to be that bulky so I'll try and can be posted with that if I choose to work on it today I'll just you project from 1820s in progress one is the court down made out of blue velvet that's covered in gold sequins and embroidery and then the other is a renaissance inspired piece based on a fashion plate from the 1920s and I made good progress on the bodice the bodice is almost completely finished but I had a little roadblock with the sleeves and the padded details on them which is why I have been working on this as much currently I also have this black riding jacket which is based on science in the 1920s as well they think this is going to be my priority for this week in addition to the new costume just because I've had this in progress for a while and there really isn't thumbs left to do on it the jacket is finished aside from a collar and I have to make matching hat I have to make the skirt so I guess it isn't close to being finished but finishing it feels more achievable because I know what the steps are going to look like whereas with these term a little lost so that's the current plan I would also like to finish my 17th century orange brocade dress it's been almost done for two months now and I just need to finish it and then I can photograph it and that would be great so those are the current plans and I will report back to you soon I just cut out a thing for the collar which isn't really facing as much as a base for the lace because the lace is slightly sheer and I don't want you to be able to see the striped fabric to it I'm going to be using these two lace trims it is lace isn't quite what I'd envisioned but I don't have a lot of white lace in my collection so it's going to have to work and hopefully will look good I'm going to sew them together by hand and then sew them onto the spacing then so that facing onto the bodice and hopefully it will all work out well if you also have another phasing over they're just going to be sewn on afterwards and go around the entire neckline as well as the front of the pan wipe into a lace on and I'm really happy of how it looks I think it turned out better than I was expecting I won't know how it works for sure until the closures are on and it's all sewn in place but I feel like I'm off to a good start but I'm going to stop wearing canvas for the time being because I can cancel this in front of the TV later tonight and instead I'm going to work on draping V skirt for this project as well as the block riding and samples that I showed you earlier so I'll show you what that looks like when I'm done hopefully it will go well skirts riding costumes are a bit unusual since they were meant to cover two feet one riding sidesaddle I won't be using mine for actual writing so I'm going to have to try and compromise what's historically accurate with what is wearable for me for photos yet still looks convincing so finna do my best and we'll see what I come up where is this skirt I don't know when I think about it I skirt some 18:20 is really difficult to drape because they're not supposed to have a lot of volume to them but they also have a very specific shape and that shape isn't straight from the waist down so the front panel is cut for at the triangle and back panel slopes out at the sides and is straight at the back and yeah I really don't know how well it's going to work but I'm going to try setting up the sides names and hopefully we'll look okay eleska hem really long because riding skirts are supposed to have long hem but as you can see it's buckling underneath because there isn't enough volume at the hemline to support the width of this petticoat so I don't know if I'm going to wear it without the petticoat or just make it for the hem is even with the ground or what but I'm not very happy with how that looks right now and the reason I didn't cut the skirt to be wider is because I don't have very much fabric hi guys so it's been at two days since I last filmed and clearly very out of practice with this whole progress vlogging thing yesterday I wasn't feeling that well and then the day before that was my birthday and though I was productive on both of those days I was sort of mopey and not in the best mood and don't feel compelled to pick up the camera but I am happy to report that I do some tablets that came out of that birthday which is very exciting and I also got to add this lovely lady and this lovely lady to my Florence ceramic collection which is ever-growing and I did manage to make quite a bit of progress on the striped Edwardian dress as well as you can see it's grown quite a lot size and I'll include some progress pictures in this video since I didn't film those elements I ended up finishing the bodice and then drafting the sleeves and cutting out too so you use an assembling them and then sewing them onto the bodice yesterday also did a fitting unaltered some of the gathering points and the darts size just to make it a little bit more form-fitting and to get rid of some puckering I just lightly gather the back the bodice as well then I sewed on the waistband and cut out the curtain so together the skirt and gathers with Jared and then this morning I sewed it onto the waistband to the bodice so now all it really needs is to be hemmed which is what I'm working on now I've turned the front edge inwards I 1/2 inch and then inward once again and I'm just following it the direction of the stripes to keep it looking nice and clean and sewing that down put stitches then I have to repeat this on the other side do a quick fitting and figure out how short I want become of the skirt to be so this is supposed to be a functional kind of work wear inspired dress I think it's actually going to be ankle bearing but I haven't completely decided that yet so I just finished turning the front edges and where to now I'm on a search for buttons this is my pin of Cotton's along with some other things I collected so I'm going to try and find buttons that will work for this and if I can't find any I'm going to use one inch wide coverable button and cover them with either white or a maroon pinkish colors material so I'm going to have to use coverable buttons because I don't have anything else in the size I want and the quantity that will match this costume I was originally going to use this dark pinkish maroon colored Salvati fabric and it looks much more pink in person but I ended up finding this silk that I just got from my birthday and I'm going to go ahead and use this instead because it really matches very nicely so I'm going to do that and then I will have to do a proper fitting with the dress and figure out the hem for it so I just tend to hem on the dress form and then used a pencil to mark the guidelines on one side and then I laced the dress out flat and pinned it at the waistline and the front then I trimmed the bottom edge so the hem is the right length on both sides now I'm going to go ahead and mark the point where I'm going to turn the hem inward on the other side because that's only marked on the side I used as a guide I don't know if you'll be able to see it but I just marked the hemline with pencil which was stupid because that means if I ever want to make this skirt longer I'll have to use trim more pintuck or something to cover that pencil line I really should have used chalk but I didn't think of it until I was about halfway through and by that point it was a little late so that's unfortunate but it should be fine because I'm pretty sure the length is perfect I'm going to go ahead and turn this bottom edge inward by an inch then I'm going to fold it at the line which will turn it inward by two inches and the ride will be neatly tucked away hello everyone so it's a new day and I got quite a bit of work done yesterday but moisture for today is going to be as productive because I got I've got 5:30 and it's 9:30 now and I already feel like I'm ready to go to bed and it had some adventures this morning because the dog smelled awful when they came inside so I got to hunt for dead things in the woods behind her house and then give them both baths and I'm watching both dogs today since my mom we'll be out this week and I'm really just not sure how much I'm going to get done but yesterday was pretty productive and I would love for today to be productive as well I could finish this draft and then design and draft a hat to go with it that would be absolutely awesome let's hope for the hutt about the progress yesterday I lined the waistband and I also so it cooks on to one side but I haven't sown deep bars on to the side the closures for the top of the dress are in place there are two hooks there and then another hook there and then two snaps and I also hemmed the skirt fabric iron so beautifully that I didn't even have to baste the edge inward before hemming I could just iron and then pin it so I'm really happy about that much and I did do a slice fitting just to find the placement for the snaps on the top of the bodice and I was pretty happy as how that looks as well so I'm going to do another fitting now and hopefully mark the rest of the closure points and then I can get this dress finished which would be fantastic and then the I did mention is that I sewed on three of the buttons and covered the rest if I recall correctly these are the 7/8 of an inch or maybe they're like eleven thirteenth's of an inch coverable buttons and they're just a metal base with loops at the back and then you get a little plastic press mold thing to cover them with so that one really quickly nicely and then copies how they look in the first three that I sewn on up there looks very very nice so I'm excited to get the rest please excuse the messy backdrop but I just tried the dress on and then put it on my dress form while I brainstorm what the Hat should look like I'm really happy of how about fitting when I have so much mobility in this dress and I really like the way it lays it isn't the most flattering of dresses and I'm not so just how the color turned out but I really like the dress for what it is so I'm talked about that while doing the fitting I used pins to mark roughly where I wanted all the closure points to go and then I removed the pins I had marked those points of pencil instead and I have five snaps to sew on three buttons and three bars that will probably take me half an hour to spend pretty slow but I can do that on autopilot and I can do it while watching River Monsters in front of the TV so I'm going to put this on hold for now and try and figure out the Hat while I'm still conscious I'm so tired to do a really large fun shot but this job is supposed to be relatively casual and also not made for the wealthiest woman so I watching Kiki hat kind of conservatively sized I'm thinking about doing a hat that slopes downward and the crown of the hat will be covered with roses and a large silk bow and think about basing it on the woman on the right I really like that style and I'd love to be something similar to that just tone down a little bit in forms of decoration which I realize is quite unusual for me and that picture is from a butter pattern book which I had the opportunity to look through and I visited McCall's in New York City which was awesome I think I'm going to use that as the main reference and try and draft this out and I'll show you what it looks like when I'm done also I'm Tim alone so I get to listen to Irish music really loudly and I'm loving it that is the pattern sorted hopefully it will work I'm going to go ahead and cut it out if interfacing and then this afternoon I can so wire into it and start to see the shape come together I'm a little bit worried about the proportions of this it was difficult drafting a base that would be large enough to fit over the hairstyle but not too large that it would look really bulky once they added flowers to it and the same for the brim I wanted it to be relatively narrow but there needs to be enough room there for the flowers they're going to stick out almost two inches and I still want you to be able to see a little bit of the brim along with the contrast and binding that I'm going to use so it was more of a challenge than I'd expected but hopefully it will work it didn't take me that long to draft so if it fails them I've only really wasted 20 minutes and half a yard of interfacing which obviously isn't ideal but it could be I got all the pieces cut out of interfacing and I'm pretty happy how they look I'm going to talk about the top layer of fabric to this as well which is either white cotton sateen or white cotton muslin so I have to decide between those two and then get it cut out and when that's just one more thing I can do downstairs before coming back up here everyone so it's the next day now and I got all the wire soon into pieces in my hat last night and it's really starting to take form and really happy with these shapes since I make my mock-ups for these out of paper I can't really see the shape come to life until after I've sewn the wire interfacing so when things turn out the right shape and size that I'd hoped they would be is so wonderful and I'm very very pleased I also finished the striped Edwardian dress last night I sewed in all the little hooks and bars I haven't tried it on yet but I'm fairly confident a little bit so I'm really excited about that and very happy about that and excited to get this hat finished so the entire in Samba is done that's good but it means I need to move on to a project I'm less excited about and I think that's going to be the riding costume hopefully I can make some progress on the bodice for that today I'm also going to work one hat I'm going to cut out the top layer at the fabric and hopefully get that sewed on and the lining Zone in and maybe I could even do some construction today so I'm pretty sure I have the bodice cut out for the riding costume I say I'm pretty sure because it's definitely cut out but I'm not sure if it's going to work I based the pattern on the pattern I drafted for the court dress I've been working on which has I'll be embroidery and it's made from blue velvet but bad dress closed at the back with eyelids and the bodice was fully boned and it was just a very different function and construction and I'm going to try and make this fun with just cotton and a layer suiting and then I altered the pattern to close up the sides and I had you add weight to it so it decides it overlap and it's just I made a lot of changes and I haven't seen whether or not those changes will work yet I think putting this together is going to be a kind of nerve-wracking process until it's finished and hopefully works I'm going to show a couple seams and then pinned me layers together with the right sides facing each other and sew around them so all the edges are finished when their turns right way out it should be very fast and it should come together pretty quickly my only concern as I said is whether or not it will come together and actually fit I just tried on the bodice after doing all the machine sewing and it fits really nicely the closure points are a little bit far back so I may struggle getting it on and off on my own but it fits beautifully and I did a little chest just pinning the skirt on and I'm so happy with it in case you were wondering if these skirt is attached to this bodice instead of the jacket and then the jacket is worn over top of this so you won't see this bodice at all it just serves the purpose of holding the bird up but I think I'm going to do all the top stitching my hands as you can tell these edges aren't just like firmly stuck together so normally you just top stitch around the my machine but I don't like visible talk stitching on historical costumes so I'm going to do that by hand and then I'm probably going to sew three hooks and bars onto each side I can do that a little later I think in the meantime I should focus on another one of my work in progress is specifically B sleeves on the velvet court dress because I've not moved forward with that at all and it's almost finished so I'm going to take a look at them if I can figure out what they need to be gathered down to and then lab yet another task I can watch my list for tonight or later today also I've been listening to the Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat soundtrack and I loved it so much if I pulled out these leaves that I cut out previously for the velvet course gown and I don't know why I didn't finish them earlier because there really wasn't much to do I'll be gathering points were marked I just had to gather the top edge down and then sew on the clasp which was also very easy so this looks super elaborate all the embroidery and embellishment work was done on the fabric when I purchased it so it's just fuzzy cutting it out in a way that I think looks pleasing now all I have to do is dip to size theme and tack the stitching that secures the cost to the sleeve to the gathered portion of the sleeve so it doesn't interfere it across and make my arm look bigger than it is I often do this for heavily gathered skirts well so that way instead of the bulb being in the waistline it's just beneath the waistline and causes the skirt to have a bit of volume and it's just the same process on these we use then these leaves can be sewn on but before doing that I actually sew facing into the bodice which shouldn't be very difficult but I didn't cut them out when the bodice was still flat so it might be slightly challenges a little bit later in the day now I've done quite a bit of procrastinating but I did manage to top stitch all the way around at this bodice and I also said in for hooks and for bars which will serve as the closure the other side is going to be sewn shut but after so the skirt on before doing that and see he is selling the skirt on that's going to be the next step I'm going to pin it on and hopefully have enough thread left in my bobbin to get it sewn on as well and see discourage I don't think I filmed very much to a construction process but I sewed the sides together with French theme then I left the top portion of the side seams open and turns the edges inward by hand then I used some of the looped cord and outlined see slit and added a little loop at the bottom which I think was really pretty and complements the jacket really nicely since this suits the same trim I used to do all of the detail work on it I also gathered the back because that's where the most volume is going to be and it helps shape the skirt no I'm going to go ahead and sew it on I just finished shying on the under dress for the Riding costume and it's just really nice clean is much easier to get in keep and I expected which is awesome however I'm still really unsure about the hem and the bodice dips down below the riding jacket when it's born just from the way to the skirt so there are some alterations and some planning was going to need to be done there and I'm going to wait until tomorrow to do that so I moved on and covered the hat pieces I covered them as a layer of padding and then a layer of white cotton sateen and they're going to be mined with PCIP fabric hopefully I can get all of these pieces covered tonight and if I have extra time leftover then I will cut out BC things for the court gown bodice and get those sewn on and hopefully finish up the sleeves but I feel like that's a bit of a long shot welcome to a new day I got quite a bit done last night but not very much done this morning I had a bunch of hand sewing work to do on hot that I didn't finish last night and I couldn't sign the Amazon TV remote so I couldn't launch American Pickers and I didn't have any TV to binge-watch really so so I wasn't as productive as I would have liked to be but I'm back to work and I've cut out the facings for the 1820s Corktown bodice and they said one of them on and pinned it and I think it looks really nice so I'm going to repeat the process on this side when I was cutting it out I forgot to add in seam allowance which is why the seams are SuperDuper tiny but there shouldn't be a lot of strain on them so hopefully they won't unravel I also cut out by findings in the Stokes haunting which I used to cover buttons on the accordion dress and I'm going to use this to finish the edge of the brim of the Hat add another decorative band on the hat and I will show you why in just a minute the exterior the Hat looks like this which is not ideal all of those divots are stitches in the top layer of material the top of this has a layered quilt batting underneath the cotton sateen because there were bumps visible through the cotton sateen once just on own so now it has almost a quilted effect but those stitches have to be there because I did ruched lining and to secure the ruched lining I need to stitch through both layers material and that was the end result so I'm thinking if I do a half inch band to finish this edge of the Silk chanting they could do another one in inch in and that might add a really neat amount of interest to pack it's going to be sort of time-consuming to do but I think it could look really nice and add a lot to the finished thing I also covered all of the other pieces to the head I just haven't lined some yet so that's going to be tasked for tonight and then I will assemble them tonight as well though I can't finish the assembly until all the bias binding sewn onto this once the crown portion is on it just makes a lot more difficult to work on the brim so my plan is to try and get this finished today as I said I've got the binding cut out so I just have to sew this together and sew it on but for now I'm focusing on the 1920's court dress and getting be facing mission accomplished I got both pacing sewn in and pinned in place so now I'm just going to hand sew about a quarter inch away from the arm opening and then I'm going to pin the Rodge of the facing inward and flip stitch that the lining so it'll take a little bit of time but it should look really nice once it's done I also it did up the side seam tube sleeves so once I finish sewing these say things and I can sew them onto the bodice so it's a good bit of hand sewing work for me to do later I also sewed all the bias cut strips haunting together so now I'm going to pin these onto the fee binding is pinned on now I just have to show it and hopefully I won't hit a wire and break a needle and potentially find myself during that process I'm going to take an hour to and do all of the hand sewing works that I just mentioned so that includes working in 1820s velvet bodice in addition to worked on this hat and folding this edge under I want to sew this band on first and see how that goes before touching and marking the placement for the next band so this is kind of number one priority since I want to get the hot finish today or at least get to face the hot finished and then I can trim it points a new day and then back upstairs with my bag of things that I was working on last night while watching TV because I managed to find the Amazon remote which has somehow fallen into the trash so there's a first world problem for you but I'm just going to pull this stuff out and I'll show you what I got done so as far as the hat goes I got these silk finding sewn onto the outer edge and then they whip stitch to the other side however I did not get the second growth silk attached which I wanted to do so it's going to be a project for this morning I also assembled it the crown and lined both the pieces so now this can be sewn together as soon as they finish sewing on the second layer binding I also made some progress on the court bodice and I'm thrilled with how it looks I think the sleeves adds so much to it i tacked feet gathered edge inward and I still be facing and and then I sewed the sleeves on and I think it looks awesome and I'm kind of hoping to get this costume finish today which might be too big of a goal but the skirt is pretty much done it just needs the back seam done up and I also have to add a modesty panel and after you sew and if you hook some bars so it should be doable but we'll see I can't finish this dress and its entirety then hopefully I'll make a bit of progress on the riding costume I don't know how much I said about the jacket or more specifically the collar but I originally drafted this ridiculous collar pattern and made it out of salt weight interfacing so it's really stiff and upright I liked it for about two minutes but then I realized it looked really really silly so I need to rework that I think I showed the new collar pattern that I drafted which is much more normal and subtle so I need to transfer that to paper and do a mock with that and hopefully finalize the design so I can finish the jacket I don't know that I'll be able to finish three projects this week but if I could that would be absolutely fantastic that's kind of the best-case scenario but I don't know if I'll get there in the meantime I'm going to work on this and I'm going to pull out the skirt and see if I forgot work that is left to be done on that and hopefully I'll have some progress to share in a little bit I just pulled out the skirt and portions of the back seam are already turned inward and pinned in place they just need to be sewn so that's what I'm going to do right now I also put the bodice on my dress form to photograph what it looks like with sleeve and I loved it so much however I am debating about removing it the gold trim around the neckline because they don't think it quite matches but I also really like how it looks so I'm conflicted about I got the back seam as a skirt set up and it went pretty nicely and then I sewed it onto the bodies and I'm leaving it the waistline unfinished which is probably an unpopular choice but just velvet / Velveteen doesn't fray that much and that means they could always adjust the length later on was your view specially helpful if I ever sold it so now I'm just going to go ahead and sew hooks and bars into the waistline and snaps into the slit to keep it closed I'm really annoyed I'm all out of this size snap or rather I've one left so I have to use these really crappy ones I brought in the garment district and they do not hold very well at all but a low stress area so hopefully it won't matter but that reminds me of any sellers you use for buying small snaps or small clips and bars in bulk that would be awesome I've seen someone eBay but their sizes or different Indies sizes I buy in store and they don't have like some measurements in millimetres anywhere the reference I use size 1 in size 2 hooks and bars and then I like using size 3 / 0 and size 4 / 0 and snap so any recommendations on where to get those in larger quantities for it less money than they charge at Joanns would be great it's finished I got all these snaps and hooks and bars done on and then we haven't done a final fitting I'm relatively confident it will fit the last one looked very promising so I'm really pleased with this and it's actually a little bit more flattering than I'd expected it to be of course I love the material and the embroidery and the sequins it's just a beautiful fabric and it wasn't nearly as difficult to work with as I'd expected if you want to figure out a headpiece to wear with this so I'm debating about just using a headband and some fake flowers and also shoes I actually started a pair of shoes to go with this like just a pair of homemade slippers and I think I might dig those out and see what they look like see if I can record with them hopefully I can make some work but I'm not super confident I also invite placement for the bias tape on the brim of the Hat and then I pinned it in place and I'm really happy how it looks and I'm going to go ahead and sew this on this afternoon here are the shoe remnants they actually looks fairly promising I just toss them up to make feet and I think they'll fit relatively nicely but I can't find the soles for them and I'm pretty sure that I cut the soles out of leather but they're not in the bag with all the other steps so I need to search around for those or potentially cut out new ones and there's going to be quite a bit of figuring out machine sewing that have to happen before it can work more on these don't you know I'm serious because I have a list and it's a very long list for me considering it's relatively late in the day it's almost twelve o'clock I spent this morning writing blog posts because I was behind on those and I find I'm a lot more alert mid morning but I am late afternoon which is when I usually try and write them so I thought I would just get them out of the way early on but now it means that I have this massive list of things to do before it gets too sunny to work in here so in this room I do have lines that can pull down which means I can work a little bit later and today some of these things like photographing my material for a haul video needs to be done well for lighting on my desk is still night I also watch to finish the hat and he quote owes my court dressed and according dress on the dress form it'd be nice to get this video edited and then I want to evaluate my writing coat dress I'd also like to transfer the collar to paper though I don't think I'll get around to making it today and I want to evaluate the slippers that I showed in the last clip and see if I can progress with those that's the plan for today but I'm going to start off with trimming the Hat as you can see it's all sewn together and it's all nicely lined I think I actually prefer the lining to the exterior so I'm going to do my best to fix up with the addition of a large silk bow and some fake flowers I just finished trimming the Hat does anyone remember a couple days ago when I said that I wanted the decorations to be subtle and simple to match the dress I was totally lying because I went absolutely crazy with this but I love how it looks I added like a whole bush of flowers I'm not even kidding or so many and also use this cool spring sprig that I got at Joanne's a couple years ago that had steak ivy and ferns and just a lot of texture to it that you wouldn't usually see in fake flowers and then I added a feather to the back I liked seeing kind of unique with my feather placement I think it looks better when it's draped over the Hat rather than sticking out of it and then I cut the feather and used what was left on this side just to belt it out the way it is now you see these father's in silhouette and you have a little bit of movement with the feathers but they aren't front and center you focus is definitely on the shape of the brim and all of the flowers which I love my one regret is that I used quite a few yellow flowers in this and I can go shoe too just stuck to pink but I didn't have very many small pink flowers so some sacrifices had to be made now I have to clean this up and then I'm going to photograph all of my fabric for haul video and a blog post also I think I spent an equal amount of time dancing around in the Hat if they did actually putting stuff on it but now a time for it to go away so I can clean up or I could wear it while I clean so I got quite a bit done I managed to finish the hat which I showed you and then I photographed and filmed a little clips of all the fabric I got for my birthday I also photographed the cork down and my gordium project on a dress form now I'm going to take a break and get some food and left the dogs out and try and finish up blog post essentially right entirely new one maybe edit the vlog and also take care of some emails and then I can come back up and evaluate these slippers and the riding costume later today but before I go look at how nice this all looks together I love how it turned out and how it really complements it so well I can't wait to wear it and get photos of it I'm thinking about buying a pair of white board and style shoes to go with that but I'm not sure if it's worth the investment so we'll see but I am very tempted I know everyone so it's the next day I know I said it was going to work on stuff last night but I ended up working on a puzzle instead because I'm an expert at procrastinating so I did manage to get a couple blog posts done as well as editing but I filmed this video so far which was good this morning I've been working on the shoes or attempting to work on the shoes they're just not working so I think I'm going to scrap this idea I don't know what shoes I'm going to wear the with because they are kind of pitbull when the dresses Lawrence is still a little short in the front but these just aren't looking good the tops are canvas cotton and then the velvet then the bottoms are leather with a slight interfacing frame this wasn't part of the original plan it just really needed something to help it keep its shape but the back portion of it really does not fit and it dates away from my foot and it just looks bad if you compare it to this - which is like a real shoe it curves inwards at the top to cut the foot and this fabric just doesn't have the stiffness to do that even though it is patterned very similarly to this so I think it's just time to call it quits I don't see this working in a way that I'm happy with so I don't really feel like moving forward with it instead I'm going to work on the riding costume and see Falak oohs now I need to lift the waistline slightly so the bodice isn't visible underneath the riding jacket I also to work on the collar and figure out the hem so once I figure out exactly how I'm going to accomplish all of those things I will be back I just did a fitting with this and I think I managed to fix the length problem I just have to take the bodice up at this portion by about the inch so I'm debating between taking the skirt off and then sewing it on higher or just sewing across where 10 pretty much and how can I manage to fix that but I forgot the Rope engine it when I tried it on so while I was doing it up and managed to scrape up my fingers not as bad as you could do with anything other than a pin but it's quite uncomfortable and bleeding a bit so I think I'm going to take a break and let the dogs out I realized it doesn't seem like I've worked very much today but I spent well over an hour and a half on the shoes that ended up failing so I have put in quite a bit of time already today and though I do have to take this in the next step is I'm going to be figuring out the hem and I don't have access to select mirror right now so I think you're going to wait in - my dad wakes up in the night before with the one that's in his room there's much later in the day now but I finally got around to making the alterations in the bodice for the Riding costume and then I did a fitting and figured out the length of the hem that I want as you can see I'm taking off quite a lot of fabric I've decided to make it more of a walking length but I'm going to leave room in the hem so we could make it longer in the future I just think that's what's going to look best in the photos so I pinned to him then I tried it on nature I liked it and now I'm just marking the hemline with chalk and I'm going to measure three or four inches away from this line and cut the skirt there and then I'm going to transfer those markings on to the other half of the skirt and trim it all which is the exact same process I did on the Edwardian skirt early and weep at the time using chalk which were lost instead of pencil which is permanent so I learned my lesson there I just got the hem trimmed it was really difficult to lay the skirt out evenly because I didn't have the center front or the center back marked and there are teams at the center front or center back to line up so it's completely dependent on the side seams and just arranged things until I thought they looked right so hopefully it won't be an even now I'm going to go ahead and turn the bottom edge inward by half-inch and baste it down then I'm going to turn it in at the chalk marking and pin it down and sew it down properly probably with what stitches clicking that will be fastest so I have to hem pinned and I'm going to go downstairs and so this I think I have an episode of your house drag race recorded so that'll be what I spend the next 42 minutes doing I also finally transferred the color that I draped for the riding jacket onto newsprint and added seam allowances and all that stuff so I to make the mock-up for that tomorrow and hopefully get the jacket finished tomorrow as well but this is the last day that I'm officially filming for this video so I think the next clip you're going to see is probably a wrap-up list and photos of all the things I finished and my thoughts on everything that I finished and done this week so I hope you enjoy that and that's it for me for now so that's it as I said in the beginning when I looked back through this video I wasn't as thrilled by my progress as I was in the moment those two of the projects were already almost finished it doesn't feel satisfying to have actually finished them but they are both at a point where I tend to get really stuck which is where they're almost done but they're working curdles you have to jump over to actually finish them that's when I tend to abandon project because the fun part is over with and I just to move on to something new I found the writing costume especially frustrating because I couldn't make it stores the accurate notes of how's it look good in photos and be more work on it the less inviting materials that I paid for it I feel like it looks quite inexpensive especially compared to the excellent garment that expires me so I'm still not thrilled about us coming out but I'm glad that I'm taking steps towards finishing it as you saw I made the bodice and the skirt to go underneath it I also sewed please onto the jacket and then I'll check two cups of the sleeves which I don't think I filmed but I had to do because the cuffs would not fit over my hands and the sleeves were just basted in place which I didn't realize when I started the video for the court gown I sow discord on and I added closures to the skirt and I figured out the sleeves and goes to sleeves on unfortunately the shoes to go with that dress did not work out but the dress looks very pretty and I'm very happy with it I'm also absolutely thrilled with the aborting costume I worked on I think it turned out really nicely it's very different from anything I've done before but it's something that I've wanted to do for a long time I love how light it is and how much movement I have in it it's just a really fun nice dress to wear and of course I absolutely adore the Hat I've it sitting right over there and I cannot tell you how much I want to put it on and just wear it there's just something about hats that make me smile and this one is no exception I'm half of sewing progress a Szymanski up fourth blog post written and edited which is more than I've done this year so to get back on the week is a big achievement for me and of course I managed to get this video filmed and edited which hasn't happened in a while sometimes I didn't get you that I wanted you include the 17th century orange rotate dress which I already have a blog post about but it has a few finishing touches that need to be made and unfortunately I didn't get around to them this week I also didn't work at all on the 1820 pink and white dress which I wanted to improve upon so that's kind of disappointing but there's always time for next week and I think that's it for this video but as per usual there will be tons of extra information in the description box a lot of links to everything that I mentioned in this videos if you want to learn more you should definitely check that out and as I said earlier in the video if you want more frequent updates for me then you should check out my blog and Instagram better at updating those than I am updating this channel thank you so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed and I shall talk to all of you very soon or at least sooner in two months
Channel: Angela Clayton
Views: 151,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sewing, costumery, diy, historical fashion, tutorial
Id: olgkvefpeR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2017
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