A Detailed guide to the Havasupai Waterfalls in Arizona

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hi my name is Roger and I'm Ida welcome to our travels in this video we're gonna give you a guide to the Havasupai waterfalls in arizona we're gonna share with you cost what to bring what to expect and what we would have changed about our trip so let's start off with lodging and costs so there's two ways for lodging one is staying at the lodge and the second one is camping and so far the the customer campaigns are a hundred dollars per person during the week in a hundred and twenty-five dollars per person on Friday Saturday and Sunday in taxes taxes and permit fees are included okay so the cost for lodging is two hundred dollars after four people with a forty dollar deposit plus ninety dollars per person entrance fee and the reservation so far for the lodging are done by phone only so there's three ways to get to the waterfalls the first one is by helicopter for $85 per person with air West one way the second one is right in the saddle horses for two forty two round-trip and the third way is free which is hiking these prices may change over the years so just double check the website before you go they have pack mules for bag carriage which is four hundred dollars round-trip they can carry up to four bags with thirty-two pounds each and that's that weight is strictly enforced so we hike there and just to let you know we are beginners so you're gonna be able to do it so it's a miles from the Hualapai hilltop to the village of Supai and from the village is two more miles to the campground our advice is to start your hike a little bit for sunrise so now what to expect in the beginning of the hike you're gonna go downhill in kind of a zigzag way you're gonna be walking on kind of rocky sandy dry creek betting and they advise to take one gallon of water per person on this hike because there's no water along the path and no bathrooms either by the way so one mile into our hike we were asked for our reservation documents so make sure you have a printed or Harvard save on your phone because on the trail there's no phone service and also remember to bring along your car plane number because they're gonna ask for it at the office so the hike to the waterfalls was just beautiful you're gonna see horses going back and forth so just you the way for them there's also going to be a lot of horse poo on the ground which is a good thing because it gives you a guide towards the village there's no signs until you get near the village so just follow the poop everybody follow the poo once you get to the village you are expected to check-in out the office which is open 8 to 5 and here they're gonna provide a wristband a tag for your tent and a map and also here at the village they have the soup bike store in the cafe and here they have food available arriving at the campground you're going to be re-energized when you see the half with a beautiful Havasu Falls you can camp anywhere from the beginning of the river to the end of the river they got very well maintained compost toilets with toilet paper and hand sanitizer there's also a fern spring to refill your water bottle however there's no showers yep and the only shower you'll be taking will be this one and no shampoos or soaps are allowed drones aren't allowed campfires aren't allowed gas stoves and propane stoves are permitted so the monsoon season is from July through August make sure you check their website a few weeks and a few days before you go the water temperature is gonna be around 70 degrees the whole year and the beautiful water color is due to the high concentration of limestone that flows through that area to get to the second waterfall mooney Falls you're gonna go through a small cave before you go down the cliff and to get down you're gonna see chains attached to the cliff and also wooden ladder and just be careful because the sense this next to the waterfall is always wet and slippery ok you guys so I'm not gonna lie I was a bit scared or superseded going down the sketchy thing but once I made it to the bottom I was really glad I did mooney Falls is a beautiful waterfall and it's one of the main ways to get to Beaver fall which is the third waterfall that we're gonna talk to talk about next if you're liking this video go ahead and click that like button yes guys it will help us so much thank you alright so now let's talk about Beaver Falls so the Beaver Falls are located six miles from the village of Supai and four miles from the campground wrong way the trail is a little bit rocky with some beautiful green path river crossings in some small ladder climbing the views are stunning and there's shade along the way so you know you have arrived when you see the sign before you make your way down okay so now what to bring if your money savers like us just use what you already have for this trip you're gonna need a backpack we just use the regular school backpack we had you're gonna need some good shoes preferably some hiking shoes or some strong tennis shoes because the the ground is really rocky and uneven on most of the way it's advised to also get some local tape or medicine tape to wrap around your foot to prevent the blisters on your hike in and out of supply if you're camping for sure you're gonna need either a tent or a hammock and we also recommend to bring along a small safety kit with band-aids painkillers and things like that and for clothing make sure that whatever you're gonna bring you're gonna use and bring us little as possible and things are gonna be light water shoes are also recommended because inside of the waterfalls it's a bit rocky once again we just use what we already had some old shoes we have laying around and it worked just fine you might also want to bring a jacket depending on the time that you go because that night we notice it gets a little chilly so you will definitely need a cooking stove with a small cooking pan in a gas container and also if you're planning on taking pictures I'm sure you are you're gonna need a power bank to charge all your electronics we also recommend you to bring a headlight one per person and you're also gonna need a sleeping pad and we left everything on the tan while we were snoring and it was completely safe alright so now let's talk food if you're eaters like us you're gonna be even more hungry after this hike so just make sure you leave the non important things at home so you can have more room in your backpack for food for example for three days we brought two MREs two cup of noodles peanut butter jelly beef jerky Trail Mix and the list goes on and we were still hungry so why would we have done differently number one we would have brought more MREs due to the way this was our first time trying them so we didn't really know we were gonna like but we did so we would have ran more of those because of the way least 2 per person per day me personally I would have also had purchased some cheap anti slip gloves just to go down the movie fall Clift Myra was fine but I would have I just I would have felt more comfortable with them on ok we would often we would have also brought our new camping tent because it only weighs 2 pounds and it fits inside our backpack we would have left our five-gallon jug at home we didn't even use that and we would arrived at the hollow pipe parking lot the night before we were due to hike just to have you know a full night of rest before we hiked early in the morning we understand that the prices for camping are a little bit high however the good thing is that everything goes to the Havasupai people in the community yeah they're taking really good care of these waterfalls regardless of the ton of people that they receive every year all right so if you have any questions or comments please let us know below and if you're new to our channel go ahead and join us and subscribe yes and all the items are mentioned on the video are gonna be linked on the description below as well as important how about soup iPhone numbers and the official website you can follow our daily journey on Instagram are in troubles and that's it see you next time enjoy see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: R.M Travels
Views: 50,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: havasupai waterfalls, havasupai village, how to get to havasupai waterfalls, havasupai costs, waterfall in the grand canyon, waterfalls in arizona, places to visit in arizona, what to bring to havasupai waterfalls, Camping in Havasupai
Id: Ze31HB9EM28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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