10 Best Places to Visit in Arizona - Travel Video

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With a dazzling array of amazing sights, Arizona’s  desert climate is home to some astounding   geological formations and canyons that are well  worth exploring. The Grand Canyon, for example,   is one of the United States’ most famous sights,   while the impressive Monument Valley  certainly gives it a run for its money.   With Indian reservations making up  almost a quarter of Arizona’s area,   there are lots of interesting archaeological,  historical and cultural sites relating to Native   American culture for tourists to enjoy. The state  cities are fun and friendly places to stop by   and there is some great nightlife to boot. Here’s  a look at the best places to visit in Arizona: Number 10. Antelope Canyon. The winding, twisting cracks of Antelope Canyon  are mesmerizing to wander around, as sunbeams   enchantingly snake their way along the sandstone  walls, illuminating and bathing the soft red   tones in resplendent light. A beautiful sight to  behold, the two different parts of Antelope Canyon   are both well worth visiting; their distinctive  features have led them to be respectively   nicknamed ‘The Crack’ and ‘The Corkscrew’. While  they each have their own unique look, in both   parts the rock appears to be flowing, thanks to  the shapes created by the erosion of the rock. Number 9. Horseshoe Bend.
 Located just outside of Page,   the awe-inspiring Horseshoe Bend lies within  Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in the   north of Arizona. Formed over the millennia by the  Colorado River, it is named for its distinctive   horseshoe-shape, which sees craggy cliffs curve  around the roaring river below. Horseshoe Bend is   very popular among tourists and many people hike  the short distance to its prominent viewpoint.   Towering more than 300 metres above the river,  this offers stunning views of the natural marvel,   with sunset being the best time of day  to view Horseshoe Bend in all its glory. Number 8. Meteor Crater. Set just 37 miles to the east of Flagstaff is  the massive and majestic Meteor Crater Natural   Landmark. Billed as the ‘best-preserved meteorite  crater on Earth,’ it’s now a popular attraction,   with sightseeing tours, a discovery center,  and 4D experience room. Stretching over 4,000   feet in diameter and reaching a depth  of 570 feet, the captivating crater   certainly makes for an impressive sight. Formed  around 50,000 years ago by a mighty meteorite,   its rugged rim towers above the arid plains  of the Arizona desert that lie around it. Number 7. Flagstaff. Lying alongside Route 66 with the splendid  San Francisco Peaks looking out over it,   Flagstaff is a charming and laid-back  place that has many different aspects.   While wandering around town, you’ll find lots  of old architecture that dates back to when   the city was an important railroad town, as  well as atmospheric coffee shops and bars   catering to Flagstaff’s  large university population.   With some great hiking and skiing in the country's  largest ponderosa pine forest. Combining nature,   this college town is well worth stopping by when  in Arizona or on your way to the Grand Canyon. Number 6. Canyon de Chelly. One of the most visited national monuments in the  country, Canyon De Chelly has been inhabited for   over five thousand years. The canyon walls protect  and shelter some amazing old buildings that date   back to the days of the Ancestral Puebloans. Since  the Navajos began calling it home in the 1700’s,   the canyon has tragically been the site of  numerous massacres, with both the Spanish and   US Army having persecuted the Native Americans.  Nowadays, the site is owned and run by the Navajo   and there are a number of great trails  and horseback tours available to visitors. Number 5. Monument Valley. Iconic in look, Monument Valley’s incredible  geological features have starred in TV   commercials, featured in films and appeared  in magazine ads. As such, they are instantly   recognizable around the world. Surrounded by a  desolate and featureless desert that stretches   almost interminably, the massive sandstone buttes  rear impressively towards the heavens, their vivid   reds, and oranges standing out against the blue  sky. Beautiful to behold, the ‘Valley Between   the Rocks’ – as it was dubbed by the Navajo  – is a must-see place when visiting Arizona. Number 4. Petrified Forest National Park. Famed for its amazing scenery, Petrified Forest  National Park can be found in eastern Arizona,   not far from the New Mexico border. Founded in  1906, the park preserves the remarkable remains   of the ancient trees and logs after which it  is named. Dating back a scarcely believable   225 million years, the kaleidoscopic colors of  the petrified trees are bewitchingly beautiful,   particularly when they shimmer in the sun.  While they are the park’s standout sight,   there are also the beguiling badlands,  home to incredible archaeological sites and   pretty petroglyphs. At the Painted Desert  Visitor Center and Rainbow Forest Museum,   visitors can learn about the area’s  interesting history, geology, and nature. Number 3. Havasu Falls. Appearing in television shows  and magazines, Havasu Falls   ranks as one of Arizona’s most photographed  attractions. Owned by the Havasupai Tribe,   this stunning waterfall consists of one cataract  that plunges 120 feet into a natural swimming   pool of blue-green water that stands in striking  contrast against a background of red canyon wall.   Shady cottonwood trees and picnic tables surround  the waterfall where visitors can relax and   picnic. The experience of getting to the site is  every bit as fantastic as the waterfall itself.   To reach it, visitors can opt for an 8 mile  hike or take a helicopter ride to Supai village. Number 2. Sedona. While the jaw-dropping red sandstone formations  are the undoubted highlight of what Sedona has   to offer, there is lots more to see and do.  Nestled amid the beautiful rock formations,   Sedona is considered sacred by Native Americans  and people come here to heal themselves and   seek spiritual enlightenment. There are  many shops selling alternative medicines   and lots of spas for visitors to relax  in. With lots of great restaurants,   as well as numerous art galleries to explore,  the town can get a bit busy during summer,   although the stunning scenery  more than makes up for it. Number 1. Grand Canyon. Renowned throughout the world, the Grand Canyon is  awe-inspiring to visit and the beautiful panoramas   are simply breathtaking. Gigantic in size and  scale, the views from the edge of the canyon are   incredible, as you look out over the rock face  dropping away below you and the dramatic vista   stretches towards the horizon. The arid and  desolate terrain is peaceful yet picturesque   and indeed a powerful place to  explore. A simply incredible place,   the Grand Canyon is undoubtedly the  highlight of what Arizona has to offer.
Channel: touropia
Views: 1,466,369
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Keywords: arizona, arizona travel, arizona tourism, phoenix, grand canyon, sedona, Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, meteor crater, Flagstaff, Canyon de Chelly, Monument Valley, Petrified Forest National Park, Havasu Falls
Id: Wt4XODPm4hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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