HOW TO KEEP MOMENTUM - Day 17 Escape from Tarkov FULL PLAYTHROUGH [Karmakut]

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hello everyone today's video is gonna be day 17 of our Skype from tarkov Standard Edition playthrough and in this video we're keeping up the momentum that we gained from last episode anyways guys before we get started just a reminder that you can get the full unedited vods and other exclusive content by checking out that blue join button down below $5 members and up could access and once again another reminder that our life so your schedule is Monday Wednesday Friday from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Pacific so make sure you subscribe and hit that Bell buttons to get notified of when we go live but that's all I've got for you guys today we're gonna be running around finishing our collection quest for our masks and to schanke's and hopefully gang out with a couple of good kills I hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you in the next one we can take it slow we do want to be kind of cautious of the that push on the left out there that I did on that poor player a couple episodes ago so I'm gonna be sound whoring listening to see if he comes up to the building oh [ __ ] voice well this is awkward hmm well now we definitely have to try to get the chains down yeah the the Vepr silencer is gonna be whack it's been 2 days since I've touched tarkov so I'm hoping that we don't run into too many issues here it's raining with the Sun out which is good and bad means at least I can see but hearing things might be a little bit more difficult gonna burn sprint all the way up this someone's throwing nades inside already stop running now alright so we need to get to generic which is usually a high-traffic area so there can be a little cause for concern because a lot of players do like going there there's a player inside the backside ollie he's in here he's heard him sprint whose parallel to me might be coming out I haven't heard him jump so I don't think he's gonna be coming up over the back there that could be wrong but I have to prioritize the threat at the main door so he was just in here sprinting around so I feel like he ran this way from the computer room and then continued in that direction that's just a gut feeling that I have I'm gonna grab this fuel tank I mean there's a very low chance that he's still back here but usually players don't do that there's not that much back here to really loot aside from some industrial spawn stuff so I'm I feel like he's gone this way it is quite dark back here so we do have to be careful just make sure we're not making too much noise picking our corners whenever possible just going to keep going okay so I think that's him you went right it's definitely a player that we saw right there I'm gonna hide behind this box a little bit so my silhouettes a little broken up I'll push at the corner and take the corner I have a feeling that this player is gonna go extract soon just because the direction he's traveling you went this way you can chill here for a sec see if we see him again okay we're gonna keep going I feel like you went down the main escalators to extract oh he's getting shot at right now I think you went underneath that side it sounds like the scab underneath us so I think you went down the main escalators and through the basement and he drew scav I wrote down there so I'm not gonna worry about that not part of my objective I am once again trying to get to that doors not supposed to be open so it's a little concerning we're not gonna go that way we're trying to get to generic so we'll go through the front of on/off they tagged him once you're not so dark we don't need to commit to this fight still up there somewhere hmm I whipped that shot should have had him there I just need to lead him a little bit more but little shaky on the aim right now not gonna lie check my back because that when that door was open I want to camp here I want to get out of here so I'm just gonna try to maintain presence on the corner while moving I were to sprint he's probably gonna go down the stairs there's no real reason for him to push me so we'll probably just both disengage at that point okay just keep going to our objective don't need to take that fight it didn't look like he had anything big on in many ways and we we lose we have more to lose in that situation I don't even think he had a backpack so I'm not really looking to die with these gold chains and stuff in my kit I don't know if this is the same guy or separate guy it's a solo player so we're gonna hurry this guy might have stuff in his pockets cuz he's hatchet running so he we're gonna check him because he might have some good stuff in his bag yeah I mean we need that I'm gonna put this out just because the founding raid is a priority for me harder to get and money so we're gonna take that and to make sure that no one continues to push this it'll load real fast check my back in case this wasn't the same player okay check this for paracord and then we're gonna move I don't want spend too much time here because we we did crack a couple rounds we're gonna keep moving generic is gonna be in this direction so we want to keep going over there just keeping my ears open while we're looting I'm gonna duck ooh good thing I ducked into the side holy [ __ ] these skips I've tucked myself into a corner this isn't necessarily the best when you stop this bleed all right so the scab path back he's not gonna push I'm more concerned about a player third partying this than the scab at this point we've kind of walked ourselves into a corner so this could be kind of bad thought dami keeps stuttering back there we go checking our back before we get the meting in case of players come up the side the two scabs to the front mean is that most likely as it's not a player up there otherwise they would have triggered this gap so most likely path the players gonna come from is behind us but it looks okay for now we're gonna keep medic said I thought I heard some shuffling on the back left which is why I'm a little hesitant to uh Matt immediately but I can start doing this now I'm gonna pop a pain next actually we should be okay to just straight up med I'm just really listening right now we're gonna do this and start packing mags as we heal multitasking all these snags topped off I'm gonna check one more times okay I'm in here one more time it's gonna load by school take the time here to double-check everything okay oh so this guy did end up coming out there's a different player this guy's just a hatchling not quite sure what's going on here with this guy it's a player right well 25 you know walking towards the gunshots with no gun he's brave if if anything - scab bodies here yeah a shooting 760 or could have [ __ ] me up I do actually want this because I need it for a quest so I am gonna try to take this what's in here how do we Tetris this what do we draw up I think we draw up what's better the milk 20:30 yeah I hear crinkling there's someone above me or next to me I can't tell if it's above or next to me my face doing this pretty fast there's something here I just can't tell the verticality of it guys got an mbss to the dog menon okay we're gonna we're gonna spread across the open here just because I'll feel comfortable walking this hey Jordan thanks for the ten bucks thanks karma for showing me how to leave reds alive and start making money in this game very helpful vids and advice I'm glad you're learning indeed I'm not the best but I'm hoping there's something you can learn from me alright we're gonna keep going to generic that's a dick so generics gonna be right over there ish I start heading this way I know we're kind of taking the long roundabout way of doing this so there's two ways you do this quest you have to rush it right off the bat where you go to it slow sounds like some kind of 9 mil suppressed down the way here might be in Wrath might be a tech light if he's shooting and it's a scav it's probably in techno or not techno Holly so I do want to get behind these sandbags like ASAP so I got to kind of just commit to aside to watch we're just gonna clear the building first cuz that's close to threat okay now we can kind of turn around after this immediate area is clear see if this guy pushes out sounds like maybe an mp5 suppress got a watch for him if he comes down the hallway which he might this is a pretty high traffic area if he doesn't in a couple minutes we're gonna finish clearing this building we're just gonna use my ears to cover my back I'm gonna step back just to make sure my barrel isn't sticking around the right corner see that a little bit more actually there's no need to may be so far pressed up I don't get any advantage being closer to the sandbag no it kind of be mindful of where my barrel is okay so it doesn't sound like he's coming we're to use that wine fire trick to break our line of sight silently okay so it's he might be on the way out then if he hasn't come this direction yet doesn't take this long to loot techno and tech light unless he's like really taking his time for some reason we're just gonna continue to our quest it's not I'm getting the feeling he's not gonna come this way now there are a couple jackets in this building that you can loot in this store which could contain keys well our bags are pretty much full already and we have not cleared the entirety of this store so I'm just being a little wary especially the fact that a killer can spawn in here you scared the crap out of me quite a few times so we're gonna you know just loot a couple of things but there's a lot of things in here that you can end up looting if you want jackets and stuff like that we don't need to start spark plugs anymore so we're good with that just be very careful because this is one of the high danger areas compared to all the buildings around here this is probably one of the least occupied buildings most of the people either hit rasmussen being there that store across from me or they'll be in generic sometimes players will come to a deck but out of all the stores around here this is probably the last store that gets occupied so generics right across from us I want to check to see if Cuba's open because that could give me a little more information about the map and the status of a you know the map I don't think an see the door from here I can't okay we're gonna fast peek out here in just a step and see if the door is open okay it is not it's good and bad we're gonna keep pushing fast now I'm not gonna sprint makes too much noise and try to take jack it's just gonna be coming in on two like crosshair placement and who wins the firefight if there's someone camping in here generic usually has players cuz it's got a it's pretty close to Cuba alright so it looks like we're okay it's pretty close to Cuba and there's boxes in here for loot and it's a normal path for people from generic to come to not generic excuse me from Goshen spawn will come through generic to get to gibbehh so that's why this this room can be pretty hot sometimes all right forget where I drop these chains we got a hurry because we are making a ton of noise there we go okay there's someone in here with me holy thought I heard wood all right we're just gonna sprint out I don't I don't go through cafe unless I have to because there's wood so I'll go through the tent here now we're gonna watch your scoffs all right usually there's two or three scabs here I don't see anything we're go right that's usually safer than going left in this scenario yeah and then we're gonna head to the eMERCOM cut through which is all the way over here usually you don't run into players in this section of the map so I'm feeling kind of safe at this point is that tachanka it is very nice Gershon does have some food spawns where you can pick up you know your food quest items and stuff like that so usually if you're looking for food Goshen is a good place to look but we're gonna continue to extract at this point up the other back here okay keep pushing for extract now keep our eyes on all the bushes and stuff don't get complacent keep an eye on our sprint as well I'm gonna check the far wall as I'm moving seeing a phone if anyone is extracting at the same time I am you almost need to be like 100 percent even more on your game on your extract because the last thing you want to do is die right before you get out checking him to bomb all these bushes sometimes cheeky deeds will sit in them watching keep watching I'm in cover from long range now behind all this [ __ ] so I'm just focusing on these bushes in front of me focusing on the low ground here all right and then we just got the pence now okay pretty good pretty good not gonna stand still we should get out here oh all right pretty clean first rate of the day got a lot of stuff done didn't die played it smart took it slow so happy about that happy about that all right so killed two players who are just ratting around got a couple scab kills got a quest done picked up some quest items to to schanke's I call that a win that's a win so after a pretty decent warmup radon interchange we decide to grab an MP 9 and head to customs to drop our three gold chains in dorms so right now when I get to this point I'm looking for open doors make sheriff alot oh I'm looking for open doors I'm looking for players on the balcony I'm looking for players in the treeline in front of me those are where players are gonna be at this point so it does sound like there is someone inside we're gonna try to move a little fast and see if we can catch him all right so they're still fighting I want to catch them as they're fighting that's the best opportunity for me so it sounds like a scab oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm in the same [ __ ] room with him alright so that got all [ __ ] I didn't expect there to be a scav in the room Oz in and I couldn't shoot because we were hugging him so that was just completely scuffed there's a [ __ ] scab in that room oh my god so as you can see that didn't really go as planned so we grabbed another cheap kit this time grabbing a vet hunter and headed back to customs to see if we could plant our gold chains alright what kind of spawn did we get alright we got a really close custom spawn so we are gonna try to rush this we also have a cross on which should help with our movement speed a little bit so we're gonna try to blaze through this gap that spawns up here we're gonna try to go straight up the third floor external stairs go right in drop whatever scabs are in there and then start placing chain by chain sounds like someone's already pushing fast we're probably gonna have to yeah there's there's there's people going for it there's gonna get dicey yeah there's someone in there already all right we're gonna walk the rest of this gonna pop of pain he's inside I need all the bullets I can get it's a good name I was a really good name I think he crossed over to the right yeah he's big we put a lot right we put a couple rounds and do him at the end there but we didn't have the gun for it see hit him five times 210 to body $132 so he tanked a lot I was hoping we could get like a blacked limb there maybe a leg if we got a leg we would have had a lot more control over that fight we did what we needed to that that counter push right there on the stairs almost got him but he sprinted down the stairs if he'd stayed on the stairs I think we could have gotten him because I don't think you would have expected the counter push but he played it right in every aspect we just didn't have the gun for it so after getting pretty slept around with some cheap kits on the customs I decided to beef it up grab that Gen 4 that we dropped in the port-a-potty from yesterday and kid up with an m4 to try to get back in the dorms and see if we could blaze our way through didn't do this quest alright let's go we spawn kind of far we're gonna try to be the jump over never tried streaming on YouTube is it worth it yeah I I pull more viewers on YouTube than twitch I don't know what happened it only started happening recently though so we'll see got to be careful with a sniper Scout that can spawn at the top there I want to make sure I'm on full auto I'm gonna save up some stand once we get to this point for the jump pick my right so we got on the first try there oh yeah spread across the open lo all right I'm gonna want to fight this guy right now I want to get tied up trying to get them marked room as fast as possible her dorms at least it's an m4 it sounded like a possible m4 on the left that's behind me feel like there's an m4 out there on the left side keeping my eye on the stairs hi right it's closed for now which is good across the street watch your players coming against us on the front it's alright going up gonna go up loud someone in here I heard sprinting in here the scab was still up which means that he shouldn't be in here we're gonna finish planting these and jump off the balcony out of the fence someone coming up now keeping my laser on the close wall so he doesn't see it in the hallway because while crosshair placement is better without the laser if it's left of the opening okay sounds like it's just keV I'm gonna leave him up hopefully he doesn't path over to me it's good that he's in the hallway he'll serve as like an early warning system I just want to keep my eye on the door to make sure he doesn't just slow walk over it I mean [ __ ] blat me as I'm doing this but we were pretty safe with the scab they're gonna keep them up now because no players have pushed into dorms yet I'm kind of worried about slow players coming with arms which means that when I jump off the balcony I might run into one okay that's done check our mag we're good on our mag ready go you go peek it just went out I'm gonna check the low so I'm checking this first see face players out there next part you check is down below before you jump off pic and cheer no one's on the stairs and no one's down below in the bush as much as possible then you jump off then you can keep going but you want to check you don't want to just blind run off the roof because you'll get popped like that if there's someone down here they'll hear you and they'll see you and you'll be so disoriented jump it jumping down so secondary threat at this point is gonna be people to my front slow players come in a dorm still so I need to be watching the front here I'm gonna try to get away from the wall on the right because there's no cover I heard something back there I'm just gonna ditch it we don't really need to be on this map anymore make sure he's not following me and we're gonna go up and over the hill that's a Moe's into our front at the crossroads just something to be careful about scanning as much as I can I'm gonna dart right at this point gotta be careful people coming right over this line totally thought I heard a bush on the right could just be hearing things alright that scab is still up which is good means that no players been over here I want to get down to miss sloper ASAP clear this right angle okay good push to the wall and scan left I got my back covered by the wall I just need to watch left hopefully the boat is open if it's not and we're gonna have to go around to extract but it's not open all right I'm gonna load here we're gonna take a second bridge not junk bridge I want to go left to avoid getting shot at people crossing jump bridge or at least from getting spotted so I'm gonna kind of ride it high on the slope I don't really need to watch my left it's very unlikely someone charges over my left at this point in the raid so I'm more focused on the right and junk bridge entry it looks good we're gonna keep spreading I want to get across this up and fast so I'm just gonna sprint it keep in my on the right keep in my on the right looks okay mmm normally there shouldn't be any players on this bridge this is one of the late least used bridges on the map which is why I like taking it but you never know so keep your eyes up try to sprint across it if you got a sprint and then once you're on the other side of this bush you're pretty tucked away you can take a second to kind of reorient and sort yourself out right here so we're gonna do that back to 60 in case we get into trouble and then we'll push for x-ray and also sort some of this out in case we die save some money but this is a pretty safe spot this early into the raid no one should really be expecting to see someone here just cuz we blaze through a lot of the map pass all right mag is loaded packed full in all right next red area is gonna be right here the crack in the wall where a big red opens up into the Train a lot of players like using that the good thing about this is that you can hear them cuz they'll walk on metal and all that stuff they're very loud if they come out of that crack I've killed a couple players in this area just just from like moving across the map you got to be fast over this cuz it makes noise check that left once again keep pushing if you want you can kind of peek into the big red courtyard right there I'm not going to do it because I don't need to we're gonna just push for extract it's I'm gonna switch over to the right to the road I feel more comfortable over there you want to always check to see if that doors open they're closed because you can tell you if the players been there or not and we're just gonna burn it here we got this extract that's good all the way down there looks good and we did the quest nice so we got lucky there didn't have to run into any players and we might should do the question get out we got to run through for killing those two scavs oh that's I don't like that that's upsetting honestly I don't know if I should have got no run through for killing two scavs but oh well I guess we gotta run through I try to avoid run there's as much as possible just because and of course the raid that we gear up and actually look for a fight we don't really see any players on the map so now it was time to move to woods gear up with our m1a and try to drop our three gold chains in the center bunkhouse in a lumberyard alright we're pretty far so we're gonna take it slow just kind of make our way there loot a couple things along the way see if we can get in the treble and then hopefully make our way to the bunkhouse we're pretty safe in this spawn there's a couple guys on the right but as soon as we get further push down here on the the big open field will separate us so unless we get really really rushed we should be fine those shots yet which is interesting the haze is gonna make it a little bit difficult to see people at range that was [ __ ] weird I I don't know how this guy didn't hear me walk up on him he should have heard me sprinting I'm sorry brother I don't know what ammo this guy's running et yeah we can take it he was just taking his time looting here and he wasn't paying attention that's unfortunate he had no idea where we were at - like we started shooting him and he spun around I like hanging around up here but it's a little obvious some shots behind me I'm gonna get my stand back some shots in front of me honestly it sounds like a lot of people are getting fights on the outskirts of the map we might try to push you to our quest fast while people are out of position in their little skirmishes so we're gonna hope that there's no one else in this in the lumber mill with me actually we're just gonna be a smart thing and check first there's gonna be hard to hear people walk up behind me that's a player wrong place wrong time see if there's a duo he didn't look like he had a friend I'm gonna check over this Ridge real fast nope go 48 trying to do his Mosin quest so take the bram it check the top of spine for anything cheeky check up here for anything cheeky keep pushing thought this rain is really being a pain right now you can see anything inside odds are most likely no visibility is garbage see if we can check sniper Rock these raindrops are making it real hard to see right now just gonna check as much as I can before I commit sounds like that's down there in the warehouse actually it's the only inside kind of shooting that good here hmmm alright one thing is we have to reload this I say we just go I can chill up here real fast I'm just gonna oh yeah there's someone in there probably a scab but you never know he was standing still so I'm guessing he was a scab got a sound horse and which is possible here that could be a fast boy in there or even scab buzz stuff going on okay I mean we're gonna try to sound war but there's literally nothing we can do about this I hear footsteps I don't want to live in any of this there's someone like right next to me what's a scab okay all right we're gonna go back the way we came I just really shouldn't challenge that there's no reason to there's this and I stopped him from following us I want to stay here I don't want to run a scam in the open I'm concerned if he runs up over the top there I don't know if there's a player or not though we're good believe it or not zig zagging does actually work in this game want to check this for the keycard real fast no key card okay I'm gonna cut through the middle here it's a pretty safe way to get across except for if you run out of sprint I'm gonna duck in here in between all we sit all right we can start pushing extract now there's some shooting back left honestly what it probably is is someone is trying to get all their Moe's in there whatever SCAP kill quests done on on woods here back there that's what it sounds like I'm gonna take it slow now get some stand back [ __ ] was that just goddamn it okay some fighting going on back here I'll kill him but I'm not gonna loot him it doesn't sound like anything biggest cracking off it sounds like people farming the scabs at scab house which is a very popular tactic to get that quest done because they all spawn back there and if it's a Mosin I know if I got the second limits to players I hit him in the back there as he is running away I'm not gonna run right at him on the trike try to take this high ground up on the top left they were looking like they're shooting something in the direction I was facing so that's gonna be secondary threat we're gonna just go for this wide flank I'm gonna create this so first and then look back towards the logs okay this all looks clear alright so the second guy lived I don't see the second body he sees me alright I'm just gonna leave there's no reason for me to actually stay there something impacted me on the ground it could have been that three six six sniper that's cracking off trying to get a long shot on me but these guys were wearing medium to locate gear I don't really need it we're just gonna do the smart thing and get out he might have bled out I don't know I hit him like two or three times so we'll see in the end game stats if we did manage to put that last player down but I doubt it cuz I didn't see the second body alright nope yeah we didn't get that last player so that last player is probably meting up somewhere in a bush and they didn't look like they had anything big not not enough that I would want to die for it so we got our quest got a couple of player kills got an aka I'm happy with it so with our gold chain quest done our next objective was to finally finish the last masks and two shockers for collection quest and what better map to do that then interchange so we grabbed our m1 a upgraded it with a suppressor and loaded up interchange to try to get us some loot alright got a good spot for Olly I gotta watch out for the closed one on my right and got a watch for people entering Olly from the left we're gonna try to punch you the corner see if we can catch anyone you always get into a fight here we always get into a fight right here and they're usually really good fights too so I'm excited we'll go deep because we have the magnification this time both good and bad that the scabs they're bad because we had to shoot him good means that no one's in front of us the second Skov all right so got the two scabs that spawn back there we can start setting up here for if players pushing I kind of break my silhouette and wash I'm peeking on my right to see the front door it sounds like they're already up though okay yeah they're already up I saw the flash they need to fix that we check these scabs because uh they might have masks oh yeah baby yeah that's above oh hell yeah brother go check this other scab nope I rarely go up that uh those stairs right there that escalator goddamn someone's angry I'm gonna go up here I feel more comfortable going up these mainly because this is off it's hard to rush to this spot right here usually players don't do that so usually coming up here you just have to worry about the front you can always back check it like this before you come to the top - yeah doors are closed we're fine so what's up there he's walking oh I just saw much walk in there ass he's an detect like tech like tech like he's in that building over there on the right Bush logically it's gonna go up it's a [ __ ] hatchling it's an arrest right now there's another player nollie just stay here see if we can pick the Olly player yes guys just going for loot so I'm not too worried about him probably doesn't even have a gun oh I saw that there's some [ __ ] boys up in Olly right now let's see if we can make something work hopefully they don't see me from where I'm at she'd be able to get a good pic from here this is a pretty good spot I'll hear anyone coming on my back from brass with the wood the only thing if someone does a chichi play coming up the way I came with that direction from the double doors that we saw closed I'm not really looking that direction so we're kind of just chancing it on seeing someone to the front and it's pretty likely that that we're gonna see someone because of all the shots you just gotta be patient they're probably looking around in the back side of the mall so we're gonna see if we can catch anything here I get bearing on the right here yeah so I'm only gonna dive someone slow walks to quietly moves on me from the left and gets me looking this way well I should hear anything coming down the right hall cuz no one slow walks that right because it's a hallway and you don't want to slow off down the hall I always say the light we see the flash suppressors over here on the right they're coming up the main stairs that's where they're coming up from so scavenger the main only thing is engaging players coming up the stairway this is probably the best thing I'm gonna get for this fight so we're gonna hold it just be patient there are they gonna sprint right to left they're slow walk right to left of the body because I'm assuming they just dropped in that's what it sounded like just yep there he goes he's sprinting he's big he's got a fast empty him once he's big yeah I don't think I made he's gonna get long I mean if he sits there if he peaks and made he might go through his helmet he's gonna move goddamnit I wish she tried to peek over the top of that dad that better [ __ ] killed him got him we're gonna do this fast because we made a [ __ ] denoise any solo it's probably got 90 95 maybe I'm not gonna check anything else he's not gonna have anything else he hasn't been on the map long enough and take this off up a pain kill first Oh stutter so uh I don't know why he decided to charge right into us that was probably one of the worst mate plays he could have made but he did and gave us a free kill pretty good nades he had a good night on us which got us to displace to the right but luckily we had a bookshelf on the right that would cover us he when we threw Nate's at him he was against a pillar so when he at the displace he had to displace into the open so if you were the Nate on the left which I knew would flush him on the right went to take an angle on the right and dropped him as he came out for to avoid the Nate so it just came down to placement for that last fight it just really helped me that I had more cover than he did because every time he tried to nade me out of cover I would just rotate to the next piece of cover whereas like he tried to when I tried to nade him because he's against the pillar he can't go left or right because it's open so he really put himself in a weird spot someone running around now Oh God hunk okay well it's gonna go that's new I work on we just get cut through the hole here and let's push out I saw the fast MT I knew this guy was gonna be huge I was really wondering if ma Dee was gonna be enough to drop him and I guess it was what is that what the [ __ ] is that a [ __ ] player the [ __ ] happened to you I scanned it right there because I wanted to know if there's a player or a scav here's me a little information but all right it doesn't look like there's a sniper up there [ __ ] this angle is hard because scav respawn extra campers can be in the woods here and there's no cover so I'm gonna try to get lower down on the ground follow the railing just for the little bit of cover that I could possibly get using the defilade here only thing is if we walk directly into him and he gets a good shot so I'm gonna scan it real fast see if there's anyone sitting in the bush up there it doesn't look like it I take this low ground all the way in and smudge safer than hugging the wall on the right save sprint like my right one last time get over this and wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle let me out boom alright nice big turd dank dank yeah he ate a lot of [ __ ] damage 200 damage for your armor so a pretty respectable firefight right there he did make that Chad move of trying to push us but he put himself in a really awkward spot and we were just able to take advantage of the situation so now these next two raids are pretty much going to be a little bit longer they're gonna be full interchange rates to kind of show you how I play interchange what I'm looking for loot specifically the masks and to shakhas so hopefully we can find these last items and finally knock out this is annoying collection quest oh we got close to Goshen spawn so we'll just pop up and see if there's any schanke's in there us getting this spawn means that Oh stutter we should be one of the few people here at the start which means you have a little time to look around and loot so long as we do it fast there are some scabs that will spawn in the center of goshen here so we do want to be careful but we are going to see if we need to pick some loot up here there's a gun that can spawn on these barrels there's an MPF second spawn up there check all the tops of these counters there's literally nothing lovely all right there's a crate here we can check there's also crate back on the right there but we're not gonna go in that direction we're gonna start pushing to ollie now so sometimes scabs will be to the front here we're gonna check the back shelves really fast where is all the loot boys where is all the loot literally nothing I see here's someone shooting from the front of the store sounds like someone's coming in direct in the front not gonna worry about that too much not our our objective here don't see a scavs so pretty safe here I'm gonna check these back shelves see if we can find any schanke's where's all my loop ooh thank you yeah so as you can see you can you can kind of find the shotgun semi reliably here all right that's enough we're gonna go to Ollie this will take us to the escalators that we popped up at earlier she's a pretty safe spot to be at the start of the map so like I said like it's very unlikely that a player will make a devious escalators immediately so usually safe to go up them and not watch it yeah well not watch your back because takes time for a player to make it at this site from Goshen these are the double doors we saw earlier right so you got a lot of time to get up those escalators now I'm kind of we kind of took our time so someone probably ran up the escalators to grab loot we're going to ollie anyways so we could you stay here well we probably will do is is hover here or back in furniture looking into ollie and then if we don't get anything we'll probably either we shouldn't ollie from this side or double back and go into Ollie from the loading dock side because that's that's usually safer as you go into the loading dock side see if I can get a cheeky angle up here kind of can talk off is all about looking for weird interesting spots to kill people with it's quite a few of them on each map actually requires some creative thinking but it can be quite effective I haven't heard anything on this side of the map which is a little interesting usually you hear some kind of fire fight going on so a lot of people ask me why I aim down sight and then bring the reticle lower so I can have a better sight line over the reticle and get that zoom because if you go like this and try to look sometimes you can't see but this lets you get a little bit more zoom and like you you can scan with your reticle up but you won't see some things sometimes especially if you're using certain sites like hollows really thick so I hear a scav I can't tell if it's I know there's one to my back right through all the walls but there might be one of my front right somewhere it sounds like maybe underneath so all he's really quiet right now so most likely we're gonna double back and go in through the loading side just to be safe because there might still be a player in that area and walking through this open side is extremely dangerous because you're there's like very little cover it's a huge open ground I want to try to avoid open ground as much as possible as a solo player or even as a player in general so we'll just play it safe we're in no rush anyways just go back double around to the back of ollie and then come with your loading dock side we close this behind us I can't remember we closed this behind us or for another player closed it so I'm might have spooked myself here maybe I did close it behind me I can't remember for the life of me so we're just gonna act like I didn't close it and that there might be someone here all right just pie it off as you're walking to it but they shouldn't really be too much here go out the back here we can see if we can pick up our second two chakra here usually there's like no one back here it's usually because there's like no loop back here you're like they should fill out these shelves a little bit more there's so much of the map that's like just not used because there's no reason for people to come back here so we're gonna go cut through where all the crates are and enter Ollie from the back side this is a really quiet raid I haven't heard anything except for those initial shots at the front of the mall so not really too much information to go off of here we're just gonna you know pick her out stick to it and see if we run into anything you know there might be someone camping extract because it's so quiet the player might have just ran up there that is a possibility so we'll check it we'll see if there's someone on the awning there is not hmm we can do some detective work here and see if there's a dead scavs don't see any all right oh this looks pretty empty it is so quiet oh there we go that's an ollie all right someone with an aka nalli I'm gonna run see if we can get third part of this someone walked into someone I guess someone was just taking their time looting gonna go to my cheek spot and then just camp them out someone am i right in the computer rooms that's underneath all right so there's a player in the computer rooms he's loading the computers there's no fast way we can get to him so we kind of got to let him do whatever he's doing and see if he comes out this way or the left side too nice calves I don't know how this due date so many [ __ ] around she might be wearing armor it's friend might pop out this side now no he's gonna come out the same way he's just one into a computer he's loading computer hands he doesn't even give a [ __ ] that his friend died oh [ __ ] this guy's gonna mask oh wait this isn't even a player SCAF so I'm concerned holy [ __ ] there is someone else there what killed this guy there's someone with a gun back there I want my [ __ ] flashlight hi I'm speak now let's guy got laid the [ __ ] out by someone with an EI k back there it's too dark for me to see I need a flashlight alright we're gonna we're gonna move I don't know what's going on over there it's getting so dark in here and I didn't bring a goddamn flashlight Oh stutter if I had a light I'd check it out a little bit more but I'm not about to get clapped from the absolute dark that doesn't sound like any fun it's kind of try to distance ourselves from that fight I don't know if we might have made it and we got that nade out pretty quick but if that player was on his feet he probably ducted ducked into the computer rooms so that's probably where you when it is so [ __ ] dark this looks like it's all been looted that's the same guy honestly we might catch him through the big big cages that big player ran into the second player or the third player that was in the computer rooms he's probably good you might come out that entrance there so we'll camp it for a sec see if we can get something cheeky on officiating at me or you're shooting at someone else might have been shooting at someone else so I'm kind of concerned about the center of the mall now uh doesn't miss that I shouldn't have dropped that scab [ __ ] kept him up that's a Miss play right there might cost me of a feeling like this guy's gonna come out right here then I got to worry about what the Scout was shooting at if it wasn't me and there's someone else in the center here that could be an issue she's gonna play this back corner I'm down one nade so after I remember that don't hear anything might hear someone creeping on the right I can't tell if it's the rain or if it's someone creeping on the right really concerned about my left I'm just gonna tuck my body in here and kind of commit to the right side make sure he can't get seen from the left this stared stares might walk my soul out a little bit but this is still pretty open I think there's like a 30% chance this guy comes through this door for this opening depends on the route he's going he went in there yeah he's either gonna come out here or he's gonna come out and just go extract at the loading dock side so or he could double back I don't know why you would though he's probably on his way to extract check ours railway so we have to go the opposite direction okay well we'll chill here for like another minute and then spin this is a pretty good spot because we have lighting advantage in the dark I'm gonna spin slowly so my feet don't doesn't make that like sound that shuffle sound and push back this way yeah I should have kept that scab up just a little longer to see what direction he was shooting at maybe turned at me that I should have killed him then that was that would be the better play but whatever got a little twitchy there I thought it was a player yeah you really need a flashlight for interchange sometimes I think that's below me sounds like a hunter below me yes probably below me such a cheeky spot right here I just see something move yeah I'm wigging out I'm wigging out alright let's get off this dark mat before I go insane fill my pockets on the way out here doesn't look like anyone's been here and looted this stuff which is good yep very good alright yeah this is good enough for me to just be satisfied and leave alright so this is probably the guy that died early just take his stuff to sell wear your clout yeah that's the first guy that fought which means that if the player was coming from this way moved over there to the computers he's probably extracting cuz he probably came from this side so I probably won't see him again just go sprint this open part I want to be a little cautious to my front because there were shots down here just kind of concerning alright let's get out of here it's behind me you're not gonna worry about it we're gonna hit the statues on the way out sound think we have that much loot okie-dokie just checking things as we make our way out trying to keep some stem nothing really too much going on in my head right now let me use this low ground save up my stand because it's gonna take a little bit to cross I'm gonna wiggle because I don't want to be walking in a straight line someone in front of me or behind me might get a really easy head or a chest shot god this rain spooks me like when it distorts the vision it looks like there's a player sometimes oh no one's hit these very nice some kind of gun here sure ah no one's hit these sure these are full they'd stream really should always hit these for money free money black all right well I mean kind of an uneventful raid don't really know what happened to all the players oh another survive red uh wait what wait who are these two people I totally don't remember shooting two people I killed two players who did I kill I guess that scab was a player and I guess I needed someone I think I need Oso okay so I killed the SCAF I killed the player the hatchling and then I guess that second that second guy with a shotgun those walking was actually a player okay so I guess they were players I was really weird really confusing but okay all right guys one more to shunka and one more Laura mask and we can finally move on to the next quest in the chain so let's hope we can do it on this interchange your honor taking the same kit back in as it's been some really good luck and let's see what kind of trouble we get into a cave thanks for the two all right one two shock one mask we're gonna roam the map until we get our [ __ ] second mask you gonna roam the map cachaca please 2-shot good yeah yeah the show why do I have this in here question mark question worker it's like we brought in a pack of cigs boys all right we're gonna kill the scab here where's the scab there's almost always a scab here there's two scabs outside whoa holy [ __ ] I thought open the other door I totally thought I open the left door but apparently I open the right door how's a little scuffed or did he go in the room oh we did masks nope I totally opened the wrong door there and that's hilarious no I'm asking there are you wearing our wear that's what happened there magnet on it was this G phone X mask Oh stutter Oh mask aha you triggered all right let's finish getting blue out of here and get far away from this just never mask where's got a pilgrim and we need that for a quest from front or back I can't tell I need to break this angle it's a player player from the front or back we're gonna punch out and live around this fast can tell if that came from the front I'm inclined to believe that their shots came from the front [ __ ] lighting maybe they came from behind me then I feel like if they came right behind me I should have taken shots while I was running back you just punch out here and wait we've kind of got the better angle now assuming they didn't rotate as well I could go up to the balcony but the chances I get stuck up there pretty high I could also completely disengage for that guy's kilogram ready juicy this is an OK spot this did I think would be like right here yeah my rights my race pretty much cover it if I do this I figure out where that came from let me turn off the light to my room so I can actually see freaking glare enough okay why are you buddy he's got control over that area now I'm just gonna wait from the booze looting or whatever he's trying to do and then come this way feel like I'm gonna see him come out the front there there's a lot for me to be watching right now he doesn't pop up in like a minute we'll move all right he might have just backed out yeah I don't know where you went oh wow go not gonna walk here this is really open and it's bad lighting for me am I right all right we're moving to Goshen now to try to get our goose honk daddy open shame I could use that pilgrim for my quest I'm not gonna let these side rooms probably should have closed the door behind me button sorry that ever practice would have been to close the door so that people don't know that I'm in here or that someone's been doing here this guy's got my mask I think that was one hell of a stutter all right we're gonna go cuz this cabbage that means that there's most likely not other players there might be other scabs though you made noise I just wanna grab this mask and get out fast looks like this guy in a mask someone in there oh [ __ ] you baited it's a moment all right well while we're here we can look for uh Bianca I think they heard someone from cafe so we do want to be a little careful is this it no being debated voice what about this one is this one it no oh another opportunity for a mask where are you ruff to hunt that guy down sounds like they're shooting out in your power station Oh oh this looks like it yes all right hell yeah boys that quest is done see if we just got find scabs now okay know for a fact there's one over here we'd have to be careful because we are out of bullets there's someone here he's got a bunny bag god damn it where's my masks alright times they keep looking for scabs I guess we might not get it might not get it stores open which is a little spooky there's usually a lot of scabs in the center of the map so we could check that hello spinning we can go upstairs see if we can find any scabs upstairs - that's probably safer honestly and then go to the center of the map and see if we can kill any scabs in the center sometimes some scouts spun up here as well trade has been pretty freakin quiet put on food and water so we're just gonna keep trolling around looking for these scabs my extract you so I can start planning better never come welcome so if we're going ever come extract we will most likely go to underground this is a really quiet raid I check the rafters up ahead like up top here cuz players can get on top of those but here we should start seeing a lot more scavs check to see if there's a sniper's here nope alright scabs can be all over this floor at this point really she ever can see any bodies or scabs down here I'm gonna try not to take any window fights because I'm absolutely completely unlucky with windows huh let's check and see if this guy is a mask hopefully does usually there can be like two scabs up here puts bullets on the table like that so I want to be careful for the second scab but I don't know this rate is hella quiet oh oh oh yeah in the [ __ ] out we did it both of the quests done today oh yeah brother we did it let's get some Oh steps in chat spam up your karma emojis I should accomplish boys and girls we got them we're gonna go down this way I don't know where anyone is on this map is just [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that's gonna [ __ ] to me had you have been a scav I'm not gonna worry about it too much that that I got a little to complaints complacent there boys that's good the [ __ ] out of me someone here my left but still gunshots outside in your power station did I come this way someone else came this way concerning or did I loop I can't even [ __ ] remember we're gonna that point in the day where all the raids are kind of just melding together watch for extract cameras huh God why is it so [ __ ] rainy today why right looks clear you're just gonna take the low ground approaching save up stam here where i've got the most cover save us to walk I am actually gonna switch sides of the roads here let's do a void having a deal with the whole tree line check our back continue on the low ground watch the bushes watch the tents goddammit I didn't get close enough damn alright successful day we finally got it to schanke's and mass quest done and we can move on to the next part of punished here I'm very happy about that very very happy about that and that is gonna wrap up day 17 of this escape from tarkov a standard edition playthrough we actually ended with a 40% survival rating so still trending upwards really riding that momentum and this just shows that you got to stick with it even though you go through some really really hard slumps we were taking really heavy losses earlier on and now we're finally turning it around so just stick with it keep learning keep trying your best take a break if you have to but times will change and you will get that good streak if you keep putting in the effort but anyways guys I hope you did enjoyed today's video just a reminder that your fear looking for the full unedited vaad check out that blue join button down below $5 members and up get access to that exclusive content and as always make sure you subscribe and hit that Bell button so you get notified of when our next live stream goes up thanks so much for watching guys I hope you did enjoy learn something and smiled I'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Karmakut
Views: 152,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karmakut, escape from tarkov, tarkov, eft, escape, from, tarkov gameplay, escape from tarkov gameplay, escape from tarkov playthrough, full playthrough, playthrough, eft playthrough, tarkov full playthrough, escape from tarkov full playthrough, day 3, day 3 in tarkov, rough raids, tarkov raids, escape from tarkov raids, full play through series, play through, beginners guide, how to, how to tarkov
Id: SyRU8XbUuFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 26sec (5966 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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