60 Minutes Of Your Favorite, Craziest Cats | The Dodo

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[Music] crazy girl in the moment that I saw her it was love at first sight you ready to go home [Music] she was so tiny only 140 grams when we got her [Music] the obstacles for Eva were being sick and obviously being orphaned it's hungry and as soon as I fed her he just latched on so easily I just saw them that she had that will to survive [Music] we took her into the vet and she just has no feeling in her legs being so young she honestly just does not notice that there's any difference with her [Music] he was such a fighter her Mobility first was really really poor her muscle Tower and she was really struggling to pull just her own body weight took it very slowly good girl [Music] I just took getting her to play with toy needs to be concentrating on them and wanting them so she can move around more [Music] and then she started putting me on weight and feeling better [Music] thank you she almost buzzes she has so much energy she buzzes 11 weeks now now she runs like lightning he loves and purrs and Cuddles to eat so he does all the things normal cats do she just needs help doing some things [Music] hi cutie pie what you doing Eva he's joining when you give an animal it might even a chance to be loved and to Blossom it's amazing to see how beautiful you look development it was amazing [Music] oh my goodness I know you guys are so scared I'm so sorry two beautiful terrified kittens were in my porch there's Mom it wasn't there oh I literally have no idea how you two got up here and this little one and this little one I genuinely feel like Dr Doolittle now hi you were terrified sure what I was gonna do with them and I was like I'm gonna Foster hopefully a loving family will want to take both of them together oh you're breaking my heart they were being bought a bed every two to four hours [Music] my best friend she really wanted to be involved so it was like we almost co-parented [Music] okay it's cool it's how they were feral and they'd never really had a human interaction or contact before never pressure them for anything I let them do it on their own I'm just taking that patience and unconditional love knowing that nothing's ever going to happen to you and they're safe [Music] they are very very close first couple weeks they were basically sleeping in shifts [Music] one would stay awake and then one would sleep it took a very long time for them to finally get comfortable hi Phoebe Bubba Bowie thanks hi hi baby Bowie is still very very timid and shy [Music] she's missing it she's so happy she keeps watching She's literally just wobbling nuts [Music] they look so comfy it just took time then being comfortable enough to eat out of the bowl for them to build that trust with you it's an amazing feeling one's being started warming up and coming around it was such a great feeling because that was something I've been waiting for for so long Bowie is still a really bloody pet her just having the bond that I have with them I just like couldn't imagine giving them up for adoption I'm a bad Foster beings is extremely agile and very sassy Chloe is still very shy timid reserved it takes time for her to talk I've been struggling to build a bond with Bowie because she's terrified of everything and she just came in my lap and started loving and playing I yeah you bite me all you want I don't care give me your best shot baby [Music] I love you they're becoming their own little individual selves and it's so beautiful to watch it took a lot for them to open themselves up to me and allow me to be their human I couldn't imagine I don't know what my life would be about this thanks gat [Music] shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp stop chewing on power chords man come on no not the silverware room shrimp stop that stop it stop it I want to do a doctor cat which famous last words Ram [Music] no no dude get out of the Bush he has always had a desire for plants are you out of your mind give this to me try it just try me never ending Battle of trying to keep plants in my apartment I rent I just got this one I am don't eat that also do you know how any of this happen these plants aren't even connected anymore murderer I started to see everything that I lost face mortal Peril because he was just fascinated by it you are constantly looking to get a rise out of me oh my God shrimp's Behavior was sort of getting more intense and I think that he's bored I have a really good friend and she was the one who was like you should get another cat it will help calm her down it'll give him other stimulants and I completely agree with that sentiment but being that I lived in a studio apartment I was like if this second cat turns out to be anything like shrimp I will not make it this just will not end well for me or any of my things it will just turn into a dumpster fire so I was like putting it off the final straw came when I had been putting on Bird videos on my television when I would leave for work [Music] same home television shattered so I reached out to another friend of mine I get a text from her with a photo of coconut just being like he's ready tomorrow and I was like ah I was just thinking if I wanted to get a job but he had this with a little round pot belly and he was all fluffy and I was like I need this cat take the kitten home and I think I spent two weeks keeping them separate which was one of the most stressful points of my life it was like trying again to hold back the shrimp's greatest desire from him or something he wanted everything to do with that kitten and then slowly but surely brought them together shrimp we do not eat the baby okay no eating the baby stop antagonizing him instantaneously they've matched a shrimps crazy levels came I mean it's a huge scale but they came down at least half guys love each other it's so sweet oh my God for the longest time especially I think because coconut was so little and such a kitten compared to shrimp he couldn't get up to the places the shrimp was at he couldn't do the same sort of things so I just quickly cast him as like not my favorite child but just the straight A student the one who like drinks water every day and you have this like Mountain Dew chugging monster child in the corner it's like playing fortnite and refuses to listen to you and shrimp would be doing something mischievous and coconut would just be sitting watching taking notes when coconut was around six months or so he started it up why are you in the bathtub get out I felt like I had just been sucker punched in the heart oh my God stop playing with scissors How can I just left grabbed it and drag it off the wall so excuse me meanwhile shrimp is just the calmest sweetest little man coconut [Music] stop it these are not for you what has happened to the Sweet Child that I left [Music] I had a hanging plant they used their little cat tree house which I am now going to break apart into firewood to jump into the air grab the hanging basket and rip it to the ground [Music] personal attack and don't think you're exempt from this either mister I will say though that coconut has also picked up on some of the best characteristics of shrimp too well they've just kind of taught each other to be like love bugs and super cuddly I got shrimp I was super depressed and he just brought this light into my life or a raging fire rather such a rage where it's like you have sweet docile little coconut or you can have like this Raptor troll shrimp they have honestly given me a reason for waking up they've increased my life tenfold I just I love them so much hope that everyone has the opportunity of summoning a for a demon from another realm uh you guys love each other it's so sweet such sweet children each friend we knew that something had caused him to be so sad he had an owner that he loved and didn't have them anymore so it was heartbroken we have someone waking up about Phoenix she'd seen him hanging around her apartment complex for over a year and she had noticed that he started to get sick probably someone left and knew it was kind of a gated apartment area Phoenix he was in rushing and was losing all his hair trying to show your beautiful face are we dancing he had been outside for a little while and he's definitely an older guy so he was definitely very depressed he did that give everyone how beautiful you look now oh handsome dude he would let us pet him and everything like that but he was very aloof I'm gonna go check it out all right baby peanuts and so on wanting of showing affection I just wanted to lay and be by himself he wanted nothing to do with any of the other cats Phoenix without some little friend he was like just leave me alone good morning from Phoenix we kind of just thought that's how it was going to be maybe he just doesn't want to have friends [Music] okay and then he met Ruby hey little ones oh they're tiny we have got called about some kittens that had been born in someone's backyard alrighty everyone meet our new little nuggets Ruby we're very sick and weak she wouldn't eat and she was very dehydrated one maybe doing baby girl and then one day she just decided to eat and it was the most amazing thing ever what's this movie and then she just started growing now she's a little maniac so she was running around trying to play with anyone or anything and we had Phoenix he was just laying there is that your papa [Music] I originally put my hand over Phoenix like I don't know how this guy's gonna react she's little you never know he could hurt her because of his size that's Phoenix's tail and she started playing with his tail at first he would kind of pull his foot back and kind of kick her a little bit and then he got to the point where he was like okay I'm gonna see what this is and then all of a sudden he just started bathing her and we're like what this guy doesn't pay attention to any cats and he's just gonna start bathing this tiny little kitten [Music] he really started to fall in love with her and he would follow her around and be like what is that little cat doing she brought out this like other side of him that we did not know existed he got playful and we're like oh my goodness and he got this new side to him he would play on his own too oh my God Fame movies is watching him paying attention it was like a completely different change in his personality yeah it looks like a party [Music] New Phoenix are you being a lab Kitty right now Ruby helped him get to that point where he was happy once the connection formed we knew that Phoenix needed her because he'd already suffered so much loss and we're not going to take Ruby away from him now the only one that really makes him happy so we are going to only adopt the milk together Ruby beautiful Papa we're so glad they found each other [Music] mostly we're happy for Phoenix we don't know what he'd be like now without her [Music] as soon as I got him in my arms when I looked at him amazing my heart kind of sank we were just like please someone take me because it was 100 degrees too you just allowed to be picked up and he wasn't moving so that's worse than I thought thank you we thought that he was a female because he was so malnourished and he had already been neutered she has a low temperature now probably his family moved away left him outside and he was left to defend for himself and that's why he was so skinny we had the abscess on his forehead looked at we started on some antibiotics it was that feeling of finally someone's taking care of me I'm gonna get better it's okay we're gonna help now for the first day he was very weak he was very dehydrated [Music] it's okay honey we started giving him some cute fluid injections and once the hydration started it was still shaky but he would stand up to eat hi Valentin how you doing how you doing he just wanted to give everyone an update and let everyone know he's doing good responding well to the antibiotics inflammation is basically completely gone he just needs to grow some hair back now he's gaining weight he's getting stronger he's got new hair growing back as soon as that started he started to perform a connection with us on like a different level he became almost like a different cat his personality change to this I love you guys every time we pick them up and start grabbing his face on our face and really saying thank you I feel like and he likes to give kisses too so he'll kiss my nose he's a lover believe the infection on his face is completely cleared up top is good when I first saw his little baby hairs going [Music] back what are you guys doing you know okay I'm so fresh air hey Valentino when we hold on he never leaves you he'll sit on you until you have to get up Valentino that's too much [Music] he wants you to be with him 100 of the time obviously we're busy so we have a lot of other kitties to care for so he's gonna be looking for a home but it's gonna have to be obviously the perfect home for him someone that's home a lot spends a lot of time with him we'll be able to hold him a lot of the time he will love to be with someone where he gets 100 of the attention [Music] he found us and we're gonna find him a great home too let's see what volunteers do hey Val hey what are you doing what are you doing sweetie so we just adopted this little guy and we're bringing him home for the first time here's Sasha getting ready to go home this is where your house is okay you're home now Sasha I'm gonna go run around check the place out [Applause] [Music] so this is Sasha's first week home and I think he's getting pretty comfy I haven't seen Michael and Sasha in about an hour we're gonna go try to find my mom you guys having a nice nap yeah yeah it looks like you might have to sleep at the guest room okay he looks pretty comfortable there Sasha we've got mail [Music] thank you [Music] are you guys reading what are you reading are you reading Sasha is that a good article [Music] what's up bud [Music] so it's been a few weeks and these two are totally obsessed with each other and do everything together Sasha helping you with your form what you guys doing in here [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] loves belly rubs I guess at least one good brush every day it's probably sitting on the side watching TV he'll walk around the top of the sofa and then he'll come and hit clean inside and meowing and licking my face and then he'll just sort of nestle in and fall asleep [Music] working from home Eric's got a new place he likes to sleep which is my office you'll come and sleep there for much of the day he's very inquisitive he'll jump up on my desk and try and get my attention and see what I'm doing they've always been like that they're going to be very close to us Eric is the city to be nice belly rubs and tickles and he plays more of a geezer if you like he doesn't tolerate the silliness pretty much every evening they do like to watch the iPads and the iPhone you know very inquisitive to see what's going on and they do generally like to come and watch whatever I'm watching and it doesn't just have to be a typical cat video it doesn't have to be Birds designed by or mice or something like that so watch for maybe 10-15 minutes and then typically go to sleep I think they do find that soothing and relaxing Eric will start off in the cat beds and then when we sort of settle down to go to sleep he will jump up next to us [Music] he has to sleep on the pillow the times I've been woken up with his tail wagging in my face get up and work because he does it for me I've never had a cat before this is the first time where I've had cats I mean it does go against The Stereotype of a cat if you speak to a dog person they'll say oh dogs are much more loving [Music] cats are selfish they'll go and do their own thing it's not like that at all with Eric Connolly they're both very attentive and closeness all the time the main thing is to show them lots of love and attached they are just really good company they're both in clusters that's the most rewarding thing the relationship that we built [Music] Freddie would hide under the crib and we just wouldn't have any idea that he was in there when I first saw it on the camera that Freddy was in there in the middle of the night I I mean I was cracking up the whole way it happened like first he was creeping along and then she was like oh okay hey I'm giving him kisses I love the secret meetings that they had behind her back basically and now we know to always check under her crib before we close the door [Music] you're going in there the first day we brought them home she just saw the they were so tiny she already was going right into their carriers like let me in they didn't care I was like okay these are chill kittens it'll be good for them to grow together making yourself at home Freddy and Vito they were only about three months old and Sadie was only a year so they just developed this great bond from such an early age are you playing with the kitchens and the best thing was that they grew up together foreign [Music] he went into your washer dryer is the tail tickling you [Music] foreign [Music] say good morning [Music] oh you're taking Freddy for a ride [Music] foreign they fight like siblings I'm sorry ready Sadie and Freddy definitely have the closest Bond hi Freddy with me the two of them just kind of share that spunk and love of life and just want to do it all together so why not Liam is three months old and ready and Vito haven't minded Liam at all watching them all grow up together Sadie Freddie Vito and now Liam as everyone grows up I'm sure their relationship will mature and their love will grow for each other and I can't wait to continue to watch it [Music] [Music] he's so cute but she does look like little T-Rex how upbeat she is constantly and she only has two little legs she has not slowed her down one bit I think just because it happened when she was so young like she doesn't know any better somebody found her she got brought into my sister's Clinic who wanted to try to save her life and have the amp Cape her poor little legs she's probably chilling in a car engine head probably got her legs caught up and she survived that my sister wanted to bring her over to Foster and so probably been like they had just having her decided to keep her met her just fell in love immediately I ended up naming her duck she kind of waddled so she kind of take it slow she'd waddle trying to figure out her balance I mean she would trust and she bounced pretty good she picked it up almost immediately [Music] but she's getting around get used to everything different surfaces [Music] look around running around [Music] now she will book it around the house everywhere [Music] she hits a full upright like she's Usain bolts around the house yeah it's crazy just she's always a happy sort of thing a lot of energy real playful always getting into something the easiest way to catch a kitten take a bag set it on the ground [Music] shaking a little bit [Music] boom you got yourself a kitten he likes moseying around the house comes and finds you she's obsessed with our little Frenchie [Music] I got three dogs that I need my Frenchie that's kind of been third Wheeling it she just wants to include herself and she's kind of feeling left out and then I brought duck home and something a little more precise they kind of just took to each other we'll just hang out all day they lay around they play [Music] clean each other somebody's asking about how she cleans her face and she trusts do it the best she can but usually it's the little French you'll come over and clean her face and then she'll clean the Frenchy's face obsessed with each other or like vulgar line inseparable I am super happy I took her and she's been an amazing addition to the whole pack how can you not love her [Music] it's like cat yoga he likes to stretch himself all the time [Music] he approaches us he'll ask for it I call it a stretchy stretch foreign [Music] stretches so hard that he starts snorting of course he always gets a kiss at the end [Music] and you can even see him stretch his toes and his tail kind of doing his own yoga pose that's just something he started doing very young I thought it was weird because he was doing it with my husband and I was like why is he stretching like that and my husband's like he just does it when I pick him up he stretches his whole body out if I'm standing there who will expect me to scoop down and pick him up that's just one of his weird quirky things Duco is a calmer cat so perhaps he likes to stretch more of a Zen kind of cat than the other two who are a little rambunctious at times Zuko is the only cat of the three of them that will actually stretch vertically Sia and Richard Parker are both actually dislike being picked up at all they look similar to other people but I'm their mom so they look nothing alike to me they all have really distinct personalities and I think it keeps everything interesting I love that they're all so different Sia is the alpha of the entire house why don't you want to move he's very sassy and the boys will do whatever she says she yells constantly [Music] Zuko's personality so he's the middle child Zuko is just a gentle boy he just wants to be loved and he just wants to love everyone and Richard Parker is nothing but trouble what are you doing bud Richard Parker just wants to play with everybody he's a kitten in a two-year-old's body but Zuko will put up with him just because he's a good boy C is just not a fan of Richard Parker at all Richard Parker is the instigator who loves to attack Zuko but then sometimes I'll also see him giving Zuko a bath is the mediator he wants everybody to be happy [Music] they're ever close together so we'll get in the middle so that Richard Parker is not trying to pick on Sia or the other way around my cats mean the world to me I don't have children so they are my children I feel like life would be really boring without my cats oh we're having a cat fight I love them definitely a copycat situation when they're moving their heads in the same way or even grabbing their treats at the same time and you definitely feel like you're seeing double pickles copies every single thing peaches does anytime you see Peaches pickles is doing the exact same thing right after peaches is really nice to him he basically lets him get his way all of Peach's bad habits are nail pickles bad habits he's taught him his ways peaches loves to try and get into our bedroom so we always keep the door into the bedroom closed but peaches has figured out that if he jumps up on the handle then he can sometimes get in on his own so pickles is always waiting and watching he won't do it himself but he's waiting for his big brother to let him in they're putting I don't know what they want to find in there but they're determined to get in they plot together to get into the bedroom when Peaches jumps up on the handle the door is still closed so occasionally pickles will run up and push the door so kind of a combination of peaches pulling down on the lever and pickles pushing on the door opens it peaches took pickles under his paws they are definitely mischievous together [Music] we got pickles two years after we got peaches when we first brought pickles home peaches was definitely a little bit apprehensive [Music] that's when there was a little bit of the hissing and growling sitting off to the side kind of watching us not looking too happy [Music] but after a couple of days they became quite close at first it was kind of like peaches was a mother figure hi and pickles would just follow him around now they're a lot more like brothers [Music] their personalities are different in a way peaches is a bit more confident pickles is a little bit more shy and I guess following peaches around is kind of part of that he'll let peaches kind of try something first before he follows up behind him it's like a big brother and a little brother copying each other it's definitely Brotherly Love slash hate relationship you'll see if they're fighting each other and it's all having fun I guess that's how they get their energy out but it's funny one second they'll be curled up together and the next second they're fighting each other on the sofa [Music] there's no way she's gonna make it for the next 24 hours when I got her she was in a coma he was blind deaf she couldn't walk she was freezing cold and I thought she was dying but when I woke up she was awake hey sweetie hi hi hello I knew I had to push myself to get her whatever she needs she was starving she just nearly at the whole series out of my hand [Music] good girl unbelievably would wake up during the night and find her having a seizure and wait for the seizure to stop just rubbing her chest stroking her and you could just hear her breathing [Music] she was stumbling around ran to my partner she's trying to walk she wanted to walk that's all she wanted to do is walk good girl Penny good girl my vet recommended that we go for an MRI scan to check the brain and then he diagnosed her with the hydro syphilis which is water on the brain we only had the medical therapy option my vet said to me well if there's no improvements then we know that it's serious kind of she's probably not gonna improve she gave me signs that she was wanting to live good girl penny I'm feeling penny well done Penny Penny oh today Penny penny after we finished the seven days of medical therapy she started to eat from the plate you so full of food aren't you mate yes just keep practicing you know it was like teaching somebody to start all over again she's definitely fiery normally you know kittens understand that when you do get whacked by a bigger cat you got to back off but she doesn't she just keeps going in and in she's like a little shark she's got this angry little attitude about her but because she looks so cute and fluffy we let her get away with what she wants [Music] and she's going to be the cat of the family that gets away with anything I would describe Penny as strong feisty little but Fierce she's two months old she's eating she's running walking she can hear and her eyesight is 90 there she really inspired me not to give up she was different penny is a fighter [Music] so one day I went to the bins for our usual morning food this cat started like chasing the car running like okay I'm coming from all the stress I've dealt with over the years I've never had a stray follow me or my car anywhere it's like she knew that's my car that's my human I'm going that way she lives down there hello there what's your name are you hungry when I first met Annie she was one of the friendliest Strays I think I've ever found so we decided to bring her home with us to give her the care that she needs looks like she knows how to lay in a bed I have a small sanctuary in Greece and I got a phone call about these three cute little munchkins that needed a home they were so so teeny and their eyes had just opened I wasn't too sure whether I should take them or not because I've got my hands full at the moment but I can't say no to three cute little munchkins then I brought him back and he was just besotted straight away she sort of walked up to them and when they're in their little box when I first put them down and she was like looking like what is that you've got for me [Music] she was just like perched on my shoulder peeking over my shoulder like what what have you got there what are they they're for me is it a gift slowly slowly she got closer and closer and then she like laid down with them so carefully okay [Music] she just started licking them and cleaning them she's just got such amazing motherly instincts she picked them off from the Scruff of their neck put the baby in front of me to say Baby's hungry I haven't got any milk so can you please bottle feed this one and then I did and I've got a bottle that this baby and then I put the baby down and she went and got the other one and I was like this cat is so smart [Music] and it's just like magic it was magic she just doesn't want to leave them now even when I put them in the garden for like five minutes running around on the grass to get some sun and stuff [Music] she just sits by them [Music] Annie was never a play cat she wouldn't play with me for the first couple weeks um she didn't really know how to I'd throw toys at her and sort of just watch them go past her but now she runs around she plays with the kittens toys she has fun it's like they pull out a life in her that she'd maybe forgotten about living on the streets as the sanctuary continues to grow I truly believe that Annie's going to be our resident surrogate mum to a lot more kittens to come [Music] Monday is where I don't have to get up for any reason I don't set an alarm Milo they're like clockwork every day at 7am he gets right in my face and kind of nibbles a little bit we stay in bed for a little while so that he can have his pets but then when he's ready to get up I start getting ready for my day the bathroom if I'm in the shower he's right outside the shower waiting for me what are you doing [Music] I shower I move on to cleaning my skin and again he wants to be involved when I'm using cotton pads on my face she likes if I rub his face with some cotton pads as well and when I'm brushing my teeth after he likes when I use a toothbrush on him he's me brushing my hair he'll pull my arm closer to him so that I can brush him he loves it okay now me oh oh now you after our morning routine it's breakfast time he definitely keeps an eye on me to make sure that I'm making the food properly but he's secretly hoping I'll drop some food or sneak him a little bit of food as well when I'm working from home he'll usually sleep beside me for most of the day but periodically he'll get up and let me know that it's time to take a break from work it's time for the Milo pet Milo you're right in my way we'll usually take a break in the afternoon to go outside you think you want to go outside I don't know but he follows me around all day but I think he really just waits for me to sit down and be still for five minutes so that he can get some specified attention just for him me ant after dinner we get ready for bed in bed I'm usually reading a book and of course he's right beside me he will actually push my book away with his face so of course I'll put the book down and give Milo attention to before bed I feel pretty lucky that somehow I ended up with one of the most affectionate cats in the entire world he just got used to my daily routine and he wanted to be a part of it if he's not around it feels weird it feels unnatural oh my God they could have told me we're moving down we don't want them can you have them they didn't tell nobody they just left them I'm the neighbor that lives right across the street directly in front of their house I just didn't want to believe it especially because he was so old [Music] oh that's all they had I would look over and you can just tell if he was waiting for his owners to come home for any car movement he would look up whether it was raining windy cold he would just way out there so calm just looking back and forth you can tell that he was just so broke if I was just like oh no I can't do that I'm gonna have to go kidnap him but he would not let us hear him I just started looking up ways to get a cat to trustee at first he would run but I caught him on video where he did it and he just kind of like looked at me like he wanted to but he did it I just started finding out slowly you know what kind of foods he liked [Music] he had no issue coming over here and eating as long as it was by himself but I wanted to get close to him I wanted to get near him and touch him and talk to him I was feeding him but he was losing a lot of weight really fast that I think it was some stress so I was getting his trust so he can come live with me but also because I wanted to take him to the vet one day he wasn't hissing at me when I picked him up and so we took him to the vet that day so I told him to go ahead and just give him all the shots then I was like I don't know how long it's been since he's had him I told him do blood work too because I don't want to know what kind of stuff he needs he actually had to stay there for four days and then that day I went to go pick him up but you can tell he was in such a better State already he wasn't in pain please so his name is Rolo first when I brought him he would still kind of like forget he lives here you can tell he was just kind of like when is my babysitter gonna take me to my mom's house he still looked across the street he's like what am I doing wrong why can't he get over them already my boyfriend's like well you gotta remember we know for sure he was with him for two years at least that we lived here it's not gonna be easy [Music] I just started talking to him more I started to play with him more my boyfriend's really good at making toys for them he's so playful for his age he loves bongs if it bounces it's like he plays soccer oh get everybody get it get rid of get it kick it his favorite thing to do is to roll in the dirt he will look for the spot that has the most dirt and just roll in it oh you're getting so dirty [Music] she likes peanut butter [Music] too much unless it's really cold or windy or too hot he's not just being picked up no you're not used to being picked up you don't want to go outside right now it's ugly you hear that we moved out the dryer and washer we put in the kitchen and we made that room for him that Ruby could come in and go as he pleases good morning and that's when he's kind of started getting the idea like hey that's my room right there that's my house whenever he comes back home I'll be like where were you like how was your day Rolo I became his best friend yo follow me every time he sees me yo give me the little he's just so loyal he's like a perfect cat [Music] so the best part about it is that we gave him not only like a new family but a new life oh nice [Music] okay come on show me the way I'm coming I'm coming let's go [Music] hello what do you want you want to watch a movie my husband was a cat person but I've always grown up with dogs we would go to the shelters and he could see every cat be like I want it for a couple months we were looking and I kept feeling really bad because I kept telling my husband I don't feel a connection finally one day we went and we saw Ella she was a senior cat when I first saw her she came up to me and immediately licked me I feel like I love this cat already I was like I'm gonna bring her home hello I was kind of trying to still figure out her personality then about a week after having her that's when the voice really started coming out below yes what that's a little feisty she would always climb on us and want to be near us I thought it was interesting how fast she acclimated to us at the time I was working multiple jobs it was around the holiday season and I was exhausted so I always put on the TV just for myself because I like having some sort of white noise in the background then this movie that was coming on was the Grinch and she paused she just stared at it the entire time and I was like what is happening she's obsessed Ella I have paused it I'm so sorry I'll put it back on it's only the Grinch with Benedict Cumberbatch we've tried the Jim Carrey version and we've tried like the original cartoon and she will not watch it [Music] what are you doing there was one night where I was making dinner she was screaming her head off stop yelling silly [Music] the Grinch was the one thing that made her calm down watching movies has definitely become part of our routine which I can say is not daily but it really is I'm like okay are you ready you should come get us and lead us to the couch you put the TV on please don't watch it bye hello I have to go okay I'm coming let's go stitches all situated I'm sorry I'll pick one do you want to pick what you watch oh oh my God we're not watching toothless again before any movie she's interested in the loading screen [Music] so we'll kind of be like okay she's interested to see where this is gonna go and if she's interested in a movie she will definitely sit down and look at it the other day she was walking with the animals and the live action Jungle Book boobies brought us closer together I think it just has made her love on us more because like even if I have the TV on but it's not what she wants she'll at least come and sit next to us when you adopt a senior cat you don't know what you're gonna get not to vote Forrest Gump or anything and it's fun that she was getting to know us but we're also getting to know her everyone gets so nervous about seeing your cats or just seeing your animals in general but it's completely worth it like I wouldn't trade her for the world I just love her with everything I have foreign [Music] cat abandoned him because he was so weak and Tiny we had to feed him every three hours so my husband and I would rotate I would take the day sure that he would take the night for about a month or two in the very beginning he was really vocals foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] your toes and stuff like that he likes being pushed on the ground like a bulldozer too [Music] looks like this hate her hairbrushes started really randomly I'll be blow drying my hair I walk over he's just staring at me when he showed interest so I just threw it at him and then I guess that's when he thought it was another creature at first we thought toast was the crazy cap and then we bought Bruno and we're like whoa this one's a whole new level Brunello was about three months old when we found him he was a stray kitten roaming around a local seafood market [Music] his first few days we didn't want him to see toast until we were sure that he was healthy when they actually met they were pretty friendly she's not because Bruno's he likes to copy whatever just does all right come check this out come check it out in the morning after he eats he goes on his morning Rampage where he tries to get underneath the sink we put a blockade there with books like he's strong so most of the books out slowly slowly they both have their own works and stuff they're both a little bit crazy when we look we quite a lot more interesting [Music]
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 1,043,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals
Id: c4O3wvA2GcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 14sec (3674 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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