a normal day living alone in NYC as a 19 year old

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[Music] i heard that carrying a water bottle makes you more attractive so someone sent me flowers seventeen dollars you just call me and he's like a pizza and i'm like usually i would say no but obviously why not [Music] good morning it is currently 7 a.m we're gonna get ready for the gym [Music] so [Music] i just remember that aloe yoga sent me a package so let's open it okay cue a bodysuit all right sports bra some flare leggings oh period i just know that these are gonna look good okay some sweatpants oh i need a poop i have like one sip of [ __ ] coffee and all of a sudden i need to poop snap sweatpants bro i'm gonna be in the gym with my shorts on and then just i just ripped it oh no i did not do that anyways thank you to aloe i don't know if i want to wear this at the gym though to be honest maybe we're gonna try these on it's like this is the outfit okay we have this sports bra is from alphalete i'm gonna link everything down below by the way this top is from lululemon and then these shorts are from set active i tried on a bunch of different things i haven't found the vibe yet we're finally starting to take the sweatpants off because it's getting a little bit hotter out so i'm trying to figure it out but i'm going to go in with the hemps sweet pineapple honey melon herbal body butter because i don't want to be ashy time is kind of 8 a.m i should probably hurry the [ __ ] up my friend is reading atomic habits and she's like oh my god i feel like i understand you now and i'm like do you like this is what i mean if y'all haven't read the book of top my habits yeah go read it i literally just bought the physical copy because i've listened to the audiobook like three times now and i was like oh i kind of want the physical copy so i can highlight things but that book is my bible i live by atomic habits by james clear what are you hungry oh my god why the [ __ ] would i leave my bro i gotta get back into my habits my parents are here for like four days three days and she was like cleaning and doing everything for me so i wasn't doing it and now that she's gone i kind of forgot that i have to do it myself now so i have to get back into my habits and like clean up and do all this stuff so there's everywhere around my house just like random things and i don't even want to look at it look i don't even look at it like why what is this today is just going to be like a day in new york but i just want to show you guys around um i'm going to go to the gym now and then later i'm going to meet up with your mom ashley if you guys know her from youtube we're going to get some lunch i'm also gonna just you know go around the town and just like figure out things to do you know what i mean like new york city the big apple oh also we're just gonna clean up around the house and just be productive i guess today's a productive day i know i always make fun of like protective day in my life because that's what i do but like today we're gonna be doing another one oh also i wanted to show you guys like my favorites of the month but like not do a sit down video where i'm like hey guys so this is what i like link in the description um i wanted to kind of like do it a vlog style and show you guys like my favorites because i miss youtube favorite videos like i want to know what you've been [ __ ] with but these are my headphones i use them every single day a lot of people have asked me these are like the sony w i'll put them on screen i was gonna get the apple airpod pros but then i realized that those were like 600 bucks 500 bucks and i was like girl so i decided to get these instead and apparently they're some of the best headphones on the market and i fully agree i really like them and i didn't have to spend 600 and they're noise canceling and they look sleek okay let's go downstairs and let sterling out to pee i haven't said good morning to you guys yet hold on i always go on discord and on my spam account on instagram and say good morning to you guys good morning posted spam account boom you guys like my keychain it's a mask [Music] hot hoodie i need deep choker i need a henny drinker i need a weed smoker yo the fact that that song still has a chokehold on me like two years later is so funny why do i know the lyrics i heard that carrying a water bottle makes you more attractive so why do i know like dumb little psychology things yesterday wasn't yo i need to stop talking a lot yesterday i'm just being honest yesterday i was on the discord and i'm like spilling the teal in my life and one of you guys were like my please teach me your ways how to flirt with guys and i was like y'all think that i just like know like when i was when i was 17 i was sick of boys not liking me so i started reading up on a bunch of articles and books on psychology that was crazy like that's how i know just little dumb like just like carrying a little water y'all like me like my link the articles in the description box we don't care anymore though me me at 17 cared now i don't care but like it's like all this knowledge that i have you know what i mean anyways we're gonna go to the gym i'm home now okay i am so hungry i wanted to go stop by a food truck and get some mural but i thought that i need to stop eating out because i've been doing that for a week straight so eggs in a bagel it is [Music] so [Music] bone apple teeth i made some eggs with parsley and feta on top season with salt and pepper and then some dave's killer red bagels with some raspberry jam that i got from the market i have the biggest fattest urge to clean my house you know when people come over my parents were over right and it's like they put things in places that aren't supposed to be in places and now there's just random [ __ ] everywhere and i am actually like icked out right now like my hands are like and i'm just looking at my place and i'm in disgust which is so funny because i used to be the messiest [ __ ] ever but right now i'm looking around my house and it actually expands this should not be on the counter you know what i mean like everything has a place and right now nothing is in its place like why is there a pillow there i did not put a [ __ ] pillow there you know anyways we're gonna clean but this person is heading i actually could eat this all day what time is it i have to go maybe i'll set aside 15 minutes clean 15 minutes is nothing like i'll settle the toilet on tick tock for an hour 15 minutes is nothing i think it'll make me feel better because right now i'm a little bit irritated i pulled myself a glass of orange juice i'm currently texting ashley i told her to me at 12 30 because i actually will not be able to function if i don't clean my house let's get into it [Music] damn in 15 minutes i got so much done i want to keep going but i can't because i don't have time but it's like sometimes we think that it's going to take 10 years to clean a place but in reality like 15 minutes can do a lot wow kitchen is looking nice i didn't wipe down the counters or do the dishes because that's that's a lot this is the living room and then put a bunch of the shoes away i'm going to quickly get ready i'm just going to keep the eyes and eyebrows how it is maybe just like a little bit of concealer ew i kind of want to shower i'm gonna quickly take a body shower and come back two seconds later bro i'm a [ __ ] idiot sandwich i literally just by habit started washing my face and it went like this and i was like anyways let's quickly go through makeup the skin lab vitamin c brightening serum with the pharmacy honey halo ultra hydrating ceramide moisturizer this is the calendula salve got this off of amazon i kind of don't want to do foundation i'm gonna go with the charlotte tilbury hollywood flawless filter glow going in with the cosis revealer concealer in shade six 5.5 going in with the coaster sponge i'm gonna take a puff and then the nars translucent powder going with the revlon colorstay concealer but just in a darker shade and then a little stippling brush i'm gonna start with a little bit and then build it up now going in with the charlotte tilbury glowgasm high blush no now i'm going in yeah and then going in with the highlight one i'm just gonna do a little extra finish sleeping mask and then the charlotte tilbury peloton charlotte tilbury air blush setting spray this is the fit we got this shirt from christian dior but it's like vintage i think this is like different than what i usually wear it's a lot of color i think i like it i'm not sure anyways i want to thank stamford for sponsoring this video basically they come in like these little vials it's a perfume like subscription company so you know you have like netflix and you get to pick from a bunch of different shows this is like that before perfume it looks like this you can like turn it up turn it up each one of these little vials is a 30 day supply it's a lot bigger than like the travel size sample ones that you get from the stores and with this i can try a bunch of different perfumes without having to commit as you guys can see here i probably should have figured this out earlier but this is philosophy's amazing grace oh my god this one smells so clean basically if you don't know what you want you can just put in different perfumes that you've already had or like scents that you like and then bird will help you pick out different perfumes to try and they work directly with the brown by the way they're not like a sketchy brand that's going to give you fake perfume they work directly with them this is mcm damn bougie has brown this one is meow meow this one is oh cartier she bougie or whatever this one is tom ford oh i love me some tom ford and then we have catherine molandria but you guys can also upgrade so that you can get like two to three products a month anyways you guys can use my code to get it for seven dollars it's usually sixteen dollars but i'll leave it down in the description box below thank you so much to semper for sponsoring this video i'm still trying to figure out what my style is because i don't know i haven't been buying color lately though because i think that it's easier to just stick with like a black white and gray color palette so these are things that i've had for a while now i need a purse do i go with this one or do i go with this one my brain is telling me to go with this bag so we're gonna do that but i need a jacket real quick i'm gonna put on this white jacket i feel like with having a smaller closet like these are all the clothes that i have to me it's small because i used to have a whole closet room i downsized and basically only kept the things that i love and i feel like having a smaller closet it's so much easier to figure out what outfits to wear like i never have the problem of thinking oh i don't have any clothes to wear because i know exactly what i have and it's like not overwhelming to be like okay i need to pick out an outfit like i know exactly what pieces go together if that makes sense does this look good or just look like it don't know don't care this is the fit i don't have time to change anything all right let's head out could i just get an ice um oatmeal latte i'm just waiting on ashley right now for the first time ever i'm not late but i was also you why is my lens so goddamn dirty i just got an iced oat milk latte do you guys get oat milk almond milk or just like regular milk i usually get almond milk but today i decided we'll do oh my god this matches the fit also i changed my jacket because i was like why am i trying to be so color coordinated i feel like the best fits always have like different things to it so i put on like a green leatherman jacket so what is the most sexy thing about you i will say my self-discipline i i feel like i can be pretty dedicated about things and that was my answer thank you ambition i'm gonna be honest i read self-help books every single night when i go to sleep guys my favorite self-help books are like this i've actually never read a self-help book that's all in my brain thank you so much are you interested i i don't know an answer one way look at your style you say what's the most sexy thing about me oh let me think for a second there's a lot the sexiest thing about me is the fact that i have a pinky toenail because you know some people don't have one i do have one that's the sexiest thing about me i love that our answers were so different that's hilarious thank you [Music] fire [Music] thank you okay what the [ __ ] someone sent me flowers i think it's from a brand because i know for a [ __ ] fact i don't got no secret admirer bro my pants these are gorgeous wait coco kind hi mai thank you so much for partnering with us and being a supporter of coco kind no freaking way coco kind is like a skincare brand oh this is so cute i need to put it in a vase asap rocky one eternity later the issue is i went on my phone for too long and started posting my stories and like like i've said before it's just like a cycle you know i post on my story and then i get in the cycle of checking my dms posting checking my dm's posting and then after i finish the instagram cycle i go oh onto discord and start talking to y'all which i'm doing right now but it's like i can't get off my phone and then after i do that i forget what i need to do for the day and then i get unproductive so i result to eating and then i'm gonna meditate to reset journal and figure out what i need to do even though i did that in the morning but i just forgot recap what i need to do and then figure it out because right now i'm like oh there's too much to do and then i don't want to do anything but it's only five o'clock also i just talked to y'all on the instagram and i came to the realization that people see things from different perspectives like at different heights i didn't realize that not everybody's [ __ ] five foot one and a half so like when taller people talk to me they see me at like this angle and i'm like whoa fun fact by the way put on my story and then a lot of you guys were like what i thought you were like five four five six and i'm like no anyways currently eating and talking all on discord y'all are about to be in the vlog beautiful it is the next day it's currently three o'clock and i've done nothing nothing all day absolutely nothing i bait food i've gone out to the store to go buy cookie dough but other than that nothing why is it so hard to be productive for like more than two hours at a time i'm thinking that i should shower and like get ready because i feel like when i look like [ __ ] i feel like so should we trick our brain into thinking i have no pants on right now yo i can't be the only one that scratches my hair my scalp and then just a bunch of like dandruff comes out i don't know if it's dandruff or just like my dry ass scalp but you know that massaging your hair will make it grow faster i'm not like weird am i i don't know why but i hate moisturizing like i've been trying to get in the habit of moisturizing my body but i just can't do it i mean like i will be able to because you know it can put my mind to anything we love a self-affirmation queen but it's just difficult i don't know why i don't like it it's not like i don't like it it's just like it just feels so unnecessary to me but i know that i need to this is the hemp sweet pineapple and honey melon by the way this smells so good it's like a body butter didn't i get ready for this video [Music] i swear i did oh my god why am i doing this again i actually have a pee brain the fact that i don't remember is such an owl never mind you guys don't need to see this every single night before i go to bed what i do is i put on the lineage sleeping mask this is good but i don't think it's as good as everyone says you have to layer it with calendula salt this is the best gloss ever and it's like a little layer of like oil and this keeps your lips so moisturized and when i wake up in the morning my lips are like plump looking anyways i think i'm done getting ready one eternity later so i went and i started meditating right and then that meditation ended up in me taking a two-hour nap anyways i was just down the dog park and i had a missed call and it was from this dude in my building and like a week ago when i was with my mom at the dog park i was talking to this dude and this dude asked for my instagram and i gave him my number because i don't want people to know me for my youtube so he just called me and he's like let's go get pizza and i'm like usually i would say no but i'm just like why not but i told him that i has to be quick like i'm not staying out past 10 o'clock because i'm bad that's my bedtime but if you don't know what's going on i put on this family account if you follow this yamaha you'd be up to date but that same day that he asked for my instagram another guy also asked for my instagram within the span of like an hour and it's just been really weird lately so i'm gonna go and then i'm gonna update you okay update we're back um i'm glad i went you know like usually i would just say no but like i'm glad i went um am i answering him no i mean like i knew i wasn't into him now i know a lot of y'all can be like why'd you go it's because like there's no harm in going you know might as well leave the house and like just like make conversation with somebody and just like get to know somebody you know i'm trying to say yes to more opportunities even though i do say yes to a lot of opportunities already like i'm just trying to go into things just super open-minded and just be like oh whatever like just go for an hour whatever you aren't expected to do anything there's no obligation just go have fun for an hour and then come home you know what i mean and it was good like i'm glad i left the house he was cool and all we went and got pizza he opened the car door for me and everything like that but i'm not into here but it was fun like i laughed out loud a lot but yeah that's the update anyways i'm currently cleaning my house and sweating my ass off [Music]
Channel: Mai Pham
Views: 1,315,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: relatable, cleaning clean my room at 2am, mai pham phammy vlog highschool
Id: A5zDqyWgQEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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