A Day In The Life Of A Plumber: Learning From Mistakes And Making Repairs

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I had a massive bang all the way back I know what it is how's your day [Music] going so welcome back YouTube as you can see not the best start tomor week but we are back job in so the first one we are back at the install that we did we got Rectify a mistake we all make mistakes but we are back there rectifying that got a couple of plumbing repairs in there one of them might cause a bit of controversy let me know your thoughts in the comments and we've got a border break there thrown in there for good measure so good royy this week want you do me a massive favor though if you seen one of more more videos please look at subscribing we are so close to 10K now and I want to do the 10K giveaway so hit that subscribe button you got any questions drop me in the comments I'll do my best to answer them like the video yeah let's take a look at this week's joban episode yes right not fitted um in the winter um yeah there nothing wrong with the ball it's working absolutely fine eats outside so with the boiler boiler working fine hot water heating bang on problem is the flu is dripping this side there a enough of an angle on the flu I thought it was it was pretty tight I thought there's nothing of an angle there isn't it say he gets dripping from the flu so yeah got to make the the flu oil so let me show you it's well today is absolutely lashing it down yesterday beautiful I'm showing today in absolutely typical when you got a drob out but yeah let me show I did this I thought got enough of an angle on it but obviously not so I'm going have to knock some that cement out and get the flu up a bit I don't know why but and I going to the very top I'm sure I'll put this to the very top but this is that um cement in the tube I had a few comments on some J saying try it I've tried it it's gone rock to be fair but it's kind look shrunken oh well well let's get this knocked out I'm going to try and Stitch through little I think above here and uh try and get it back in I've got all that M you can see where I did try and raise it I've stitched drill but there's a bit left I can't get it on camera but there is a bit left right at the back of there if I can just knock that out that'll get that flu right to the top of here then that should be plenty cuz that's need enough Square it should just get the uplift to get it so I'm going have to stitch drill in there knock some of this out it's going to make a big hole the whole idea was that the color would yeah I'm trying to be too perfect here um the whole idea was that the Colwood H any Gap but you're going I think you're going to see some of the water line there but it needs to be done okay so I stretched all that that brick end up coming out I knew it this I was trying to avoid that brick coming out but okay we to R it now the problem is it's a double brick wall like two skin wall there's no cavity and what they've done inside when they built the kitchen is there's a void like that between the plaster board and the brick so inside I couldn't get to this brick to knock it out so taking this brick out I've managed to get in there now get that raised up let's just see that's an angle that looks better that looks better uh so yeah should go get the brick back in there now and sort that mess out there you go so we finished up now it would have been very easy for me to put the collar on that and not show you what a mess it looks like then that will draw it a lot lot darker it's the same stuff that same color honestly it's the same color as what you saw that was took out it just looks really really long um so yeah let's get the collar on there you can see now that's going up at an angle that's probably a better angle sure it's going up at an angle now and but yeah that's it all done that's it with the col on not the prettiest but it's working so just doing the flu gas analer now just make sure we haven't our SS doing the flu Integrity got to charge my battery it's dead again um but yeah mistake all rectified now we do make we can't all be perfect all the time you I'm going to make little mistakes like that it's just important you Rectify them there you go job take off the list all right so this one we got toilet that keeps getting stuck so when flushing it it's like nothing's there but I bet you it will probably work now yep first one what's happening is when they're pushing it it's just lock is there or when they do flush it it's just constantly filling up so let's take a look it should be able to that luck the I looking around it and uh take a look ins so I managed to get that panel off it was a bit awkward because the sink actually hasn't been put in square it's supposed to come out about 2 mm that way so it does stop this coming out far enough but man to get screw dri and wedge it get it out and this is what we got got access to it so I'm going have to do is pretty sure if I want to do that not take off the flexy I should be able to if that up and out I'm open him cuz if they put any more screws in it oh yeah getting that out this shouldn't have thisly so it's accessible to get out in case of inst what this so let's disconnect the inlet and disconnect the flush pipe and see if we can get it it's called disconnected flush pipe disconnected see now yeah I can lift that up bring it I'm need two hands but yeah that will come out there perfect got manag get out you see the back the on just hooks in at the back here um it's going to be the s s is going to be knacked but because I've got it out I'm going to do s fill Val have all new internals um yeah I've got it out there's no point in just imagine if I did that couple months L that went have to do it all again so have all new internals in this let's see if we go on the I think I have so we've had to go and get one and we got the flow master one it's the flush and fill valve keep the side entry 10 years that really mean anything the manufactur can it doesn't it'll just they'll just give you need one of these if you register 20 DB nice and quiet um decent voice as well really EAS um lot stuff some of that stuff is good so yeah um got one of them and it's always readily available it's only Ro screw fix from me and yeah I've always got the stock so let's get these good s and get the news in Big N on the bottom big pair of grips I'm do that we should be able to get the AL off now now have they used silicon or not that is the question see find out that silicon some Miracles that's the old one and for the Fel valve don't do the n and that'll come out the only problem with a 4 SE is that is an angle connector do that not [Music] can't get that let no door come off there have to have to drop it off have to drop it off to get the new one you in a minute um in through the hole get yeah back not and connect one see back not on one handed yeah iig it out there you go you saying on screen just don't screw it yeah that's [Music] it shers decent for the money uh yeah let's get that put in so is all tightened in now use myit to tighten the back in now silicon don't use um yeah let's get that you you got washer then the rubber washer you tighten your and you'll see as you start tightening the nut up that washer will compress into there it does overflow for some reason well it suar down the Overflow but that'll make it water tight there so I'm just going to tighten that in there we go ones out one's in get hook back on got one be there get it back in Connected we go back in there tightened up the push pipe give it a good pull make sure it's all located in place now that should reach yeah that reach po the connector that was on here you can see it's okay there cuz you don't kink in the PO but that P was too short now you can't get the flexes the elbow so it comes down I should put some on the van I the first don't come short with this um so I'm just going to use a bit of P to extend it from there to there make sure connects on there so just put an extension bit of pipe in between speed Al and the flexing now I know what people going to say you should get a viid connector on there put it down there yeah Flex are the best speedit ain't the best the way part ain't the best so where do I stop so I take all that part workout Bring It Back Against The Wall here clip it all along here and straight into there well the custom payment is that custom wants to pay me to sort the toilet out this toilet has been in years and years and years so you know the custom I could say oh yeah the part work don't look the best and yeah it's be on a toilet customer wants the toilet fix not the all the plumbing in the house where do you draw the line This is there's no point I could have easily got some clips off the van put all Clips in it read on the part work made it look pretty and everything go that's how you do the real world when you in the real world you're going to come across installations where they P block and there the siphon or whatever you just got to leave it as what it is unless C wants to pay you to put that part work right it need what it is it's been in there years been fine so there's no case for it to be replaced other than it looks crap anyway Let's uh let's get this W back on and tested and make sure it all works no leaks hopefully all fill back off no leaks Happy Days not overflowing even happier days FL now legs always check this one as well see back here you can dis Lodge in that looks fine yeah Happ guys now that is the button that come with it um yeah I think the older button leave the older button on cuz it does look better it's what the customers used to so we'll leave that in there good thing about these kits as well Spar for you there I mean I've got a D washer spare in there I've got brass screws assistance always good and them plastic ones nice B rubers on rubers that e really good value really might ch's mind ch um but yeah let's get this front panel back on and make this now and make sure it all works so I want a bit of only Ste for you guys now would you vot the part differently or just left what's there there like I have and H I'll let you know in the comments once a few people com be honest though don't there's no V one ground so the really there's nothing too low nothing to it's what you happy with and should charge for a drop including materials so whatever you think the materials cost plus your labor let me know in the comments it be good to get like a good variety of how much people charge for that Plum job it's took me about an hour including you're going to get the material so yeah let me know in the comments All Back Together tested it all fine um I did have to place the flush button now because it wouldn't go on to the old one but that's okay new FL button toilet all sorted Happy Days got this radiator to reang just had the wall plaster painted then they want it reang but the plaster didn't take any measurements of the bracket so we don't know where the bracket SC go to line up with the pipe I'm going to show you how to find exactly where you need to put the bottom of your bracket so that just goes back on Bob on perfect first thing going to do just like any other radiator just put it where you want it with the valves where your brackets am what I normally do is put little Mark top of the radiator where the bracket is put against the wall there we go that's where we want the bracket there do the same that side so I've just got the radiat on the floor now now we got our marks on the wall what you want to do is take a measurement from the bottom of the bracket to the center of the inlet for the valve which about 60 mil 60 mil on there then we know that measurement let's get this out the way and I'll show you how to put down the wall so what you want to do now is take the measurement from the floor to the center to the valve should about 150 it straight it's 150 + 60 210 so from the floor to 210 and be where we want the bottom of the bracket and that will line Bob on perfect with valves so it's very hard to see on this wall but that's a line coming down not good across now CU a single panel radiator what you're supposed to do is put the thin soil to the wall so the fat soil comes out it's for convection so it get underneath the radiator and convect into the room however theyve put it fat soid against the wall so it prudes smaller so it ain't as far off the wall so we're just going to put it back as it was so yeah not a lot we can do there so what you do put the bracket on the wall and wear that line it with the bottom line it with where it goes up then we normally mark it through that hole there like an anchor point then in need just went at the bottom don't need two fixings on this one it's only a small radiator it ain't going to go nowhere with a couple of 2 in t on that so yeah let's get that marked up drilled out and uh let's see if we got it about there we go that's all marked up uh I had to scrape these brackets out it looks like the plaster left them on then took them off plas everywhere but we're going now drill these holes get plugs in get the bracket on then that should line up with our valves bracks of w on let's just see if we can get this on and it lines up perfect little bit tight on them B There we go bit of an angle but push it across yeah I'll get that on beautiful beautiful I love the uh cap end that the plaster put on that'll stop anything like that whoa that is loose that is really loose okay I'm going to get this tape off and get it connected yeah never Lo back on spot on there you go so that's how you get Lin up so I'm going to tighten that up tighten that up tighten up off the valve that's see it's done about 105 minute job sorted CL BL point up I knew that would be left open there we go open up the TV got it's full of plaster there you go get that filled back up there you go radiator all on all filled up all done now the bag that I'm using at the moment for jobs like this is lery R 7.0 I did show this on the previous video it has been amazing for little jobs like this the only thing I do find is sometimes going have all it it's got my drill my impact screwdrivers spanners spirit level yeah just got everything I need in there for little jobs like this I constantly there van G me Dr so that I love that bag at the moment it's been really good yeah that is that job all done right so we got this veent it's giving us intermittent F75 on it I don't think it will do it now but the customer found a s late on when was it on the Friday it's Monday today saying that the uh the Border come up will go 74 it's long pressure now so I've just started trying it but if these got intimate f74 I'll tell you what the problem is so what we've done isolated the FL turn open up the drain off 8 mil spanner let's get the boil drained then I'll open it up and I'll show you right so the boiler is drained believe it or not if I take that off that is open stop draining but look pressure is still saying it's got half bar in it which we know it hasn't so let's get this off look inside here just down here it's going to be that pressure sensor there so we going to take that out and get it replaced so what these vs do is the pump will s to pulse five times um and that pressure sensor will be looking for a jumping pressure if it doesn't get it the ball get to F75 and that's what's happened here the sensor going to be knackered now there is something called a canoe filter at the back of there more that's going to be blocked up as well so we'll whip it out and we'll take a look so it's drain it down I've just recharge the expansion vessel you haven't seen this before this is more little expansion vessel pump it's called up boost I think that's 20 quid off Amazon I'm going to put a link in the description CU lots of people ask about these someone actually said get a magnet for the back so I am going to get one cuz imagine I on a magnet boss yeah best 20 that was um you can kind of charge it from the bottom there as well but I charge that since I had it and well you can tell batter's L but yeah well worth getting one them so what I'm going to do now is just going to open the dry off on this side we working on that side of the boiler so that drain off get some more water out PA off to the boiler and there a little bit there pop that out there we [Music] go get that out the way and that sets up just come out give it a wiggle and jiggle or you get your flat behind it and just try and get in there one [Music] handed come on get that way let's go there we go the Jo started trying off yeah that's working properly and just be there can you see that's the new filter then can get pretty blocked up that one actually looks Prett pretty clear to be honest with you fter yeah absolutely T new one new ring bit greas on there maybe just get that pushed in there there we go that's it go get clip on there and just push it down there we go all I do give it a talk just make it's c in there we go that's s swapped over let me get the electrics back on now what I'm going to do I'm just going to pop the boiler on with not pressure in you'll seen there before it's sh 0.5 cuz the blocked up sensor there we go showing no pressure there so we know the sensor is reading right pop that back off Clos bar for drying offs get some pressure back in the B let's put some pressure in there we go that should be enough P back on see what pressure we got you the pump pulse that just be sending the check see how it jumped up then pressure that's checking that the B's got pressure while for now there you go that is all done but it's a bit alarming now blocked up that is they have got a filter for what's missing magnet magnet BR [Music] up I broke off it just fell off hold oh well I've that magnet supposed to be on there um yeah that might help there but feel going to be quite a lot of build up of magnetite in that boiling there but we'll do our 26.9 checks and the customer but yeah that one is all done near enough there you go all tested up temperature pressure sping filter's actually got a magnet on it now we w't question the condense and the prv right but yeah but yeah let's see how long we can get out this V they have said is it time said let's see how we going let's see how we get on see if we can keep it going a few more years they got some Jobing jobs in there the toilet one let me know your thoughts on that one would you have altered that point work or not I'd love to know and the cting that's just to help everybody get a good Spectrum from up and down in the country see what everyone charges now if you do have problems working out your price I have done a video on how to work your prices out you can use that that might help you out a few comments have said that really helps out so check that one out and I said earlier if you haven't subscribed already please look at subscribing I'm s close 10K I really wanted to get to 10K before install that and at the time pass this video about 5 6 weeks away so yeah hit that subscribe button make sure you subscribed thank you for your support catch you on the next one
Channel: Blue Bulldog Plumbing
Views: 5,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plumbing apprenticeship, apprentice plumber, plumbing apprentice, plumbing apprentice tips, day in the life of a plumber uk, how to be a plumber, how to become a plumber, day in the life of a plumber, a day in the life of a plumber, day in the life of a plumber apprentice uk, how to do plumbing, career plumber, plumbers apprentice, day in the life of a jobbing plumber, life of a jobbing plumber, how to, how to plumbing, plumbing advice, blue bulldog plumbing, plumbing, plumber
Id: zljw2RU3dqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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