Why can't social media plumbers install hand held bidet sprays,Is your douche breaking uk water regs

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now I've been watching more Plumbing videos on social media again maybe I should get out more anyway seing loads more Shenanigans going on this time on the installation of douches now if you don't know what a douche is it's a uh special shower for washing your body instead of using toilet paper I believe it's quite common in Asia and the Middle East anyway I've Got My World War II helmet to protect me from The Fallout and the BS comments because if my last video on the installation of the garden tap is out to go by there's going to be plenty of them anyway let's get on with it and find out exactly what did I find while watching these videos on social media now then what videos were I actually watch watch in well basically it was the installation of these douches in the UK and pretty much every video I saw on social media they were not installing these douches to the water regulations now the water regulations changed in 1999 from the bylaws and then since then we've had to comply with them now if you have had a douche fitted and you have got a Combi boiler and they have taken the feed for the douche off the combi boiler or off your wash basin or your bath then you have broken the water regulations and you're open to a massive fine so the reason you've broken the regulations is the shower head or the douche head has to go where your bottom is into the top toilet and a toilet is classed as a fluid Category 5 that means it is a serious health hazard basically because of your number twos so if they haven't put protection against back siphonage into the douche then you're open to prosecution because one you've broken the regulation and two you could make yourself quite poly as well that's not breaking the RS though but anyway so if they have put double check vowels onto the douche thinking they are protecting you from fluid Category 5 then that plumber who's installed it has got no clue whatsoever about the water regulations and fluid categories because you can not protect against fluid Category 5 with check vowels now between fluid category 1 and two so wholesome drinking water and your hot water you need a single check valve in up to fluid Category 3 which could be your uh wash basin water your bath water your central heating water we can protect with double check vales in four and five very 9 5 is a serious health hazard we need to use AEG gaps so now you know you're breaking the law and you're open to a massive fine let's actually get to the board in the workshop next door and find out exactly how you're breaking these regulations and how these douches should be installed anywhere in the UK let's get on with it then now there are two ways of doing this installing a douche in the UK and this is the first one now what I've got here is a thermostatic douche with hot and cold water running to it this could just have cold water going to it but in the UK would you really want just cold water going up your body anyway that's another story so first of all you can see there is an orange circle around the the toilet so if this hose is anywhere in this orange circle it needs protection from back siphonage and technically back pressure as well so if it was installed over here and that hose couldn't get into the toilet then one it wouldn't be a douche would it and two you wouldn't need to go through all this so that's the first thing can that hose get in that toilet because if it does go in the toil toilet it's fluid Category 5 now the air gap within a toilet is an auk air gap one an a air gap 2 is in a wash basin and an au an A3 air gap is in a kitchen sink the easiest way of remembering those is when you get up in the morning what's the first thing you do I'll probably go to the toilet so that's an a air gap one then what you do after you into the toilet you wash your hands in the wash basin so that's an auk air gap to and then when you go downstairs what's the first thing you do well if you're British you put the cattle on another a brew don't you so your kitchen sink is an a air gap 3 that's the easiest way of remembering It Anyway back to the douches so you can see this douche is fed indirectly from a feed system because you cannot install a douche on the direct cold in the UK you might be able to do in Europe you might be able to do in Asia and you might be able to do in the Middle East but in the UK cuz we drink our water you are not allowed to put a douche on your cold Mains also if we have a Combi boiler like we've got here we cannot in install a douche on the comi boiler so if we look at the installation here you can see we have an indirect cold feed going into the douche we have an indirect cold feed going to a water heater so this could be something like you know those little arist under sink water heaters so that's what that could be then we've got a single Supply then going to the WC and then we've got a single Supply then go into the wash basin because if you've got a douche you cannot connect all these together on the same distribution pipe they have to be separately fed like we've got here so you can see the combi boiler is also feeding into the wash basin remember wash basin bath shower tray we protect from fluid Category 3 but a WC we need to protect from fluid Category 5 so we can't use check valves we have to use air gaps so and the air gap in a feed system is an ARB air gap so that's how you have to install a douche in the UK well one of the ways the other way is like this so this is the second way of doing it now even the water EGS guide says this really isn't practicable to do so let's have a look so what do we have to do then what's so hard so first of all the water still come in from an indirect way of feeding the water we're then coming into a thermostatic blender mixer we've then got a single pipe then feeding the shower hose or the bday douche H whatever you want to call it now what it says is we need to have an air gap and the air gap has to be more than 300 mil above the height of where the hose can go now this air gap can be as you can see here A type AA air gap AB a d or an A1 air gap and it says with or without Blended water in a system or we can use a type DC backflow prevention device which is one of these things so that is really not a very good way of doing it because it even says to give you the pressure in the water eggs you might have to take this even higher and the pipe can't go within this area also so that's not a way you're going to do it is it now my advice if it's worth anything is why are we bunding with douches when we have Beday with overspray units we don't want to an underpray one where it shoots water your bottom you can't have that one but we can have an overspray unit where it's fed via a tap so you fill it up like you would do with a wash basin and you plunk your bottom in and give it a good scrub so if you want to do that and not use toilet paper that would be my advice for you to comply with the water eggs get a bday installed with an overs spray so a tap rather than the underpray unit anyway hopefully that makes sense hopefully you've liked the video and I'll catch you on the next one and don't forget I have got my American World War II helmet to protect me from this Avalanche of BS comments I'm sure I'm going to get so don't hold back let me it even though I've copied all this from the water Rex
Channel: Tomkat Gas Training
Views: 7,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install a douche, installing a wc douche in the uk
Id: EgcVA15bC68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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