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good morning guys welcome back to my channel today I'm going to show you what a day in the life of a 3rd grade teacher is like enjoy ok so it is a little bit before 6:30 this morning and upended into school I think I'll probably get there about 6:45 so I typically get to school between 6:30 and 7:15 I try to get there at least before 7:15 but there are days that I don't get there until 7:30 so we aren't required to be there until 7:30 anyways I just usually take a day or two each week just to get there a little bit early so that I can get everything ready and organized for the [Music] you Wow that Suns coming in so bright this morning oh my goodness my eyes are watering but I love it it's so beautiful it just makes it nice and refreshing when I step into the classroom okay so typically the first thing that I do in the morning when I come in is I go ahead and turn on all of my lights and lamps just to kind of create a really nice ambience sort of kids when they walk into the classroom first thing in the morning I actually go ahead and check my email you will notice that I always have some things laid out for today these are actually the kids new math chapters for unit 7 so we are going to switch out the math chapters that are in their binders right now with the new ones today so that's why I have the huge stack of papers right next to it I have all of my math materials my manual we have our unit 6 test today oops and then I have my teacher math binder over here these are some things that I have to take care of this morning so these are kind of like the things that I'm going to spend kids to run to different teachers so I'm going to send the kids on errands this morning to drop off some of this stuff I also have my lesson planning calendar my behavior sheets and my attendance right here ready to go over up to decide I have my materials for our scholars showcase which is a family night that's coming up on Friday what the kids are doing is they are going to show off some of their work so every morning I just like to have everything laid out I either do this after school on the day before or I come in really really early and I do it that morning so it really kind of just depends we actually had yesterday off because it was technically her spring break we had last Friday and this Monday and so I actually came up to school on Monday and I set everything out for today so it does make it easier when you just kind of put in a little bit of extra time if you have it so that everything feels super smooth and I actually look like a zebra right now oh my goodness what's that story a bad case of stripes oh my goodness I love it all right so I'm going to go ahead and close the blinds a little bit and then check my email and we will get started with the day [Music] also any reminders that I need throughout the day I just write down on a little sticky note and I put it right on my computer so that if I'm over here taking attendance or checking my emails or anything like that it's right here in front of me so that I don't forget so at our school we actually have to take attendance twice we do it on paper because this is actually the lunch count and then we have our attendance online okay so I have my email pulled up I have classdojo pulled up I have my attendance pulled up and then I always pull up some kind of soft music because the kids do eat breakfast and do their morning works as soon as they come in in the morning so I like to have just a very calm environment for when they walk into the classroom once I get everything pulled up in my computer I go through the daunting teacher bag it's actually pretty stuffed today it's typically not this stuffed but I took home a bunch of curriculum books over spring break and all kinds of things papers to grade and to file and all kinds of things so that is why it is so stuck today typically it's only probably this full but it's about three or four times the width today just because I did take home a lot of things over the break so that I could get some stuff done and so that I could get caught up so let's dive into it I was wondering why it was so dark in here I only had one light on you'll notice that my focus well is there right now and that's number one because we had testing the past couple of weeks so I did take everything down and number two I actually have to switch it out with the new content that we will be learning this week so as I introduce our new reading writing and math concepts I will put those up on the focus wall you will also notice that I need to change my learning goals for today reading and writing and our math one is staying the same we are still finishing up fractions this is my lovely lovely planner it is not their encounter teacher planner but it is very similar only it doesn't have a lesson planning part of it I've seen my lessons using a lesson planning binder this is just a regular planner but it is from Michaels it's a recollections planner and it is the horizontal layout which I absolutely love I don't know if you guys can see that if you want more details on this please drop a comment down below and I'll show you over the summer [Music] so I'm going to go make some copies and pull a few books [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hongki top of our prediction correction [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so I just dropped the kiddos off at the playground they have recess every day before lunch so there are eight on the playground with the kids and then they actually walk the students to lunch and then I just go pick them up at the end of lunch this is the time where I usually go up to the office I check my teacher mailbox I go to the bathroom I just kind of run my little errands wherever I need to go during this time and then I come back to the classroom and eat my lunch typically I eat in my classroom anyway you notice that the lights are off and I just like to kind of have this time to kind of calm down rejuvenate this is kind of like my me time I do not eat in the teachers lounge number one because I just I feel like I've been talking all day so I feel like this is just the one point in the day where I can just kind of relax and take a few moments just to veg out and not really have to do a whole lot of talking not that I don't love my teacher friends because you really really do but typically a lot of them leave for lunch anyways or they just eat in their own classrooms as it is so I'm going to go ahead and eat my lunch and then I will pick the kids up at 12:30 we'll do a quick real loud a bathroom break and then it will be time for intervention ai ai ai ai ai [Music] I'm sorry I didn't get to film right after school for you guys but basically I just tidied up my classroom and then I actually did something that I never ever ever do I stopped at Dairy Queen guys I have not had Dairy Queen for probably six to eight years like I haven't had Dairy Queen in about six to eight years so that is crazy that I just randomly decided to stop at Dairy Queen and get a hot fudge sundae I did bring home the math test that we took today so that I can grade those honestly I don't mind grading at home I actually would rather be in my PJs comfy on the couch and grading papers rather than having to stay late or go in early just to grade papers if I'm going to be in the classroom early or late I would much rather be doing something else besides just grading papers thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up also click that subscribe button so that you don't miss any future videos bye teacher friends
Channel: A Classroom Diva
Views: 846,599
Rating: 4.9034853 out of 5
Keywords: day in the life of a teacher, day in the life of a third grade teacher, a day in the life of a third grade teacher, day in the life, classroom diva, a classroom diva, teacher, teacher tips, third grade, 3rd grade
Id: YzYvubTLBj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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