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hello I'm Janelle and I live in a van with my pet snake Alfredo this video is going to be a day in my life so let's start from the top I'm so sorry that I did that I promise I won't do that again first I awoke from my slumber and swiftly got out of bed to perform my morning mating call no response per usual I then made room to do my morning stretches [Music] [Applause] I meditated for about 20 minutes and then proceeded to make my bed [Music] my favorite part of my morning routine is brushing my teeth I was then faced with the daunting task of picking an outfit for the day and I had to track to my bed with an objective to not twist my ankle [Music] last night I parked in front of children's pool beach in La Jolla California [Music] okay first meal of the day we have a vegan sorriso burrito and I have vanilla iced latte with oat milk and my reusable [Music] you [Music] [Music] okay so I I bought this thing for the GoPro so that when I snorkel I don't lose the GoPro because it's not mine and apparently I didn't buy the amount - so we're going to best I'm a professional [Music] after turn my smartphone mash 6:30 but that's more than enough time to enjoy this okay first struggle is getting with Matt over my hair but we made it down a cliff and I'm about to swim out my dudes [Music] [Music] and I don't have any more storage on this SD card but somehow it's still recording so we're just gonna go with it and I just scared a fuel and now I think it's like out to get my snorkel actually might not be Rock I'm gonna take you've mad at me cuz I took his rock now he's staring at me like he wants to attack me I'm sorry I don't know how to swim he pissed hey just I put myself and oh my god he's coming over basically straight oh my god he's coming club guys he just went right there I don't know where he just I'm sorry they're gonna gang up on me oh my god his bros to frickin get me alright guys was the end of the vlog I'm gonna sleep here tonight from Van life to rock life van girl what's naked jump to buy fuel is I'm like actually I'm really scared to get back in the water now like everyone said it's fine but I kind of been like on their turn so this might be it okay guys I have a nine percent left I'll just go pro and just seal first ey it sorry I get it I'm sorry I'm leaving I have to plan my escape I thought he was gonna jump on this room I'm leaving okay so I'm just gonna let the GoPro charge for a little bit cuz it died while I was filming but I noticed that when I got back there are a pair of scissors under my hood that are not mine I don't know if someone's like messing with the van or something okay so that couple behind me just said that they saw a leopard shark here and I'm gonna go try to see I can find it but it's kind of getting dark so I don't know but they said you have to dive pretty deep and I don't know how good my skills are at diving and I don't know why I have my goggles on at this moment because I can't see anything Wow okay so this should be fun let's do this I forgot that when I dive down I can't breathe and I smoke that's like common crack I just I just been filled so much water I'm gonna go back to claim my territory on that rock okay so basically what had happened was I ran out of storage on the SD card on the GoPro and so this vlog is definitely gonna be over the span of two days I have like no footage okay do I introduce yourself he's terrified of snakes and she's gonna hold Alfredo so I ended up talking to Melissa for like two hours behind schedule but I'm still gonna go to the gym to shower because I am so gross right now and then I don't know if anything's gonna be opened actually we're gonna eat first and then we're gonna go shower so let's go [Music] [Music] so I decided to have an affable for dinner come at me bro I was coming for like four hours like thank you party like that I don't only need anything heavy but then I just feel sick so apparently the 24-hour fitness here closes at 11 that's so I have to walk down the society Bowl really quickly it's 10 o'clock right now drive to the gym shower really quickly and then we'll go back find parking and sleep because I am exhausted okay we gotta go to the gym let's go now we look for a parking spot I'm probably just gonna park in the same place that I parked just so close to everything [Music] oh good morning it is currently 7 a.m. and I am ready to get back in the water we're gonna go back to that Cove that I was at yesterday with the sea lions and then after that go to La Jolla Shores and snorkel with the leopard sharks I met someone yesterday who said that he saw sharks that were not leopard sharks and that are kind of aggressive so that's a little spooky and Melissa the girl that I met yesterday said that people have been getting stung by stingrays and that kids have been bit by sea lions so there should be fun I'm just gonna make my bed and brush my teeth and then head over to that Cove I will see you guys there the thing is like wet and dirty so I'm just gonna go and a bathing suit and be cold [Music] here we go again I'm not to be so called dude [Music] those caves over there or maybe I'll just get too cold and not even go at all it's so cool I was like such a good lead because I feel over there he's like what are you doing [Music] [Music] but technically don't you all dialogue [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh okay let's see what this looks like okay it's like pretty small but it like the whole thing is just like and it looks like I'm being a big baby and because I am but also it hurts really bad am I gonna die you I knew I was going to get stuck I knew out of everyone who's at the beach something what happened since oh my god it's like I can't feel my pinky toe the lifeguards so some of the EMTs here they're probably going to [Music] that's your mild bucket behind this one's hotter than you know okay you're gonna add this to it okay that's just to let you get in some hot water that's not really really hot okay it's got to be kind of hot stingray yeah okay that's hot [Music] be good while I'm gone bye my foot still hurts really bad we should be okay I'm so excited I'm just gonna sit and enjoy my food and I will catch you guys when I'm done I'm currently editing this video and I realized that I ended it so abruptly basically after I went on to eat I just went back to the van found a parking spot and went straight to sleep because that Shake Shack put me into a food coma but while I am here I just wanted to chime in really quickly and say I freaking love you guys I know that I've been gone for like almost a month and that is because since starting my youtube channel my life has done a complete 180 and everything is just so crazy right now it's insane I'm so excited for what the future holds and I'm so excited to make more videos this is only my fourth video so I'm still learning how to film and edit but it's super cool that there's so many of you guys that are here and are watching me grow as a person and as a content creator and I'm just so stoked that this is my life now before I get too cheesy I'm just gonna stop talking now toodles [Music]
Channel: Jennelle Eliana
Views: 3,481,644
Rating: 4.8792839 out of 5
Keywords: Vanlife, Jennelle Eliana, vlog, van life vlog, Ball python, San Diego, La Jolla, California, travel blogger, tiny house on wheels, ethical, tiny home on wheels, road trip, van dwelling, adventure, van life girls, travel, a girl and her van, van tour, van conversion, solo female traveler, GMC, van life, nomad, digital nomad, alternative living, tiny home, simple living, minimalism, Vanlifer, offgrid, snorkeling, a day in my life, sustainable living
Id: 7TpfdWcmn60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
Reddit Comments

Holy fucking attention needer.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/heeyyyoouguuyys 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
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