Glam Couples vs. First-Time Buyers - Location Location Location - S10 EP11 - Real Estate TV

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when you're dealing with property you need a  silver tongue you look great in a hairpie thanks   a sparkling wit so why have they picked  you to find it for them because i'm   more glamorous than you i don't think so and a  lot of bottles he's nicking here you're so naughty   oh dear i think it's going to  be one of those searches [Music] this week we're in london hunting for homes for  two couples if only it were as simple as that   this is the roughest toughest hardest to crack  property market in the world we're focused on   west london one of the priciest parts of a  premier league city at the top of its game   the 8 million londoners that  make up the population live in   closer proximity than in any other  european city space is at a premium we've got a huge challenge this week  two couples desperate for a dream home   in one highly desirable location our first set of house hunters  are a pair of glamorous urbanites   tony roberts-clark is a big cheese in  recruitment with a passion for djing   his aussie wife michelle is a high flower too  heading up a top marketing agency this pair liked   to party but their two-bedroom battersea flat is  cramping their style we started looking 12 months   ago in our budget 750 000 and we were shocked that  highly so we could actually get for that budget um   our situation's changed we can now fall from nine  hundred thousand plans and we can't get much more   no one would deny these two are picky they've  rejected a staggering 100 properties in the   past year clearly some sort of problem and it  can't all be blamed on london's rising market   i think the thing that's really important for  us is place that we can play in work in and   entertain and have friends and family in that  sounds an awfully big place yes it needs to be   well much bigger than this anyway so this is  kind of living playing cooking pretty much yep   so phil the challenge is if we can find  a property that will make tony happy   i'll be happy as well yeah right no  woman lets a man have all his own way   i'm intrigued and i'm also slightly worried about  this because 900 000 is a massive amount of money   and yet you've seen a hundred of  them and they haven't been right   tony really wants something pretty perfect  actually for 900 000 pounds we can't have   something that's necessarily finished and i think  that that's maybe a journey that we have to go on   you happy with that tony do you accept that as the  harsh reality of life no i've accepted that there   are going to be compromises on both sides um but  um if we find the right space in the right road   are you going to be okay to do some work on it  yeah not a lot though i think what tony's trying   to say is he's the sort of guy that prefers to lie  on the sand rather than mix it with a budget of   900 grand these guys are after a stylish four bed  property at the risk of stating the obvious space   and location are the key factors here and let's  not forget tony wants the wow without the work   our second set of house hunters communications  manager amy beeson and retail supervisor   taki udin are taking a huge risk in a bid to buy  their first property good news is they've paid   off their student loans bad news is they've  got no money left to put down as a deposit   so they've opted for 100 mortgage this gives them  a budget of 250 grand but it is five times their   combined salary and over half of their monthly  income a gamble not for the faint-hearted for us   it's a very big stretch it's a huge percentage of  our income and we won't have that much left left   over for the past 18 months they've been renting  a very nice one-bed apartment in west kensington   in my experience when people move to  their first home from somewhere like this   it can be a bit of a letdown i smell trouble  i'm on my way to meet amy and tacky and i think   their search is going to be far harder than i or  they anticipate in the area they're looking at   250 grand does not go a long way so i  hope they're not going to be too fussy   how much do you think this flat tells me about  what you're looking for i think it does a lot   actually they're looking for ideally something  that's got a similar kind of feel so something   that's quite airy nice and light coming in nothing  too boxy like something similar to this really   it's an open plan kind of lounge kitchen kind  of thing i mean interestingly this flat would   be about 300 000 pounds it's got the right feel  and it's in a good building and it's a good area   you know you can put your own kitchen and you  can put your own bathroom as long as we've got   it within our budget that's okay i think we just  need some pointers in the right direction with a   budget of 250 grand amy and tacky want a spacious  one bed flat with a separate sitting room [Music]   and they want to be in a safe and  respectable west london location time to   swap notes i think so what are they like either  staggeringly sensible or fantastically fussy   okay that's narrowed it down a lot i just  don't know which michelle and tony they're   very glamorous and i think they want a very  glamorous place in a glamorous area so why have   they picked you to find it for them because  i'm more glamorous than you i don't think so   we're going to focus our efforts in some  of the city's most upmarket boroughs   with fulham wandsworth and chizik at the centre  of both searches while our party-loving pair tony   and michelle have 900 grand to play with our  first-time buyers amy and tacky are limited to   a strict 250 000. they've got very different  requirements but for both types of property   in this area demand is going through the roof  given that tony and michelle have rejected an   incredible hundred houses i'm slightly wary about  how they're going to react to my first property   it's a great house but we're taking a flier here  because it is slightly out of their comfort zone   strictly speaking although it is a onesworth  postcode i'd have to classify it as an as an upper   tooting address that's right on the border so i  think you're getting onesworth facilities common   the bars the restaurants all the things that you  want out of once worth but you're not paying the   ones worth price right right first impressions  in terms of facade maybe not as period as   we had in mind in terms of area we know this area  quite well probably a little further to the back   of wandsworth than we had hoped for but again  we know that we're going to have to compromise   so we just want to really keep as open mind as  we possibly can see how big it is okay brilliant   i'm worried that with tony's lack of vision it  might be missing the wow factor but it more than   makes up for it with space and potential with five  bedrooms it's got one more than they've asked for   and sits can i say comfortably at 825 grand  75 under budget let me show you the kitchen   okay to start with things are a slightly different  it's like the alternative layout a kitchen in the   middle of the house yeah could it could it work  you're the cook in your house yeah i want to dig   some kitchen i already do it's really important  so in the kitchen that we've got in the current   flats is just not big enough for two people and  i'd like to teach my wife's cook at some stage but if you knocked it through you'd have all  the all the space you could ever wish for   tony's not keen on doing work but  what's the chance of him walking   into a place that suits his style  hopefully we can change his mind wow it's like a big grown-up house i  thought of you guys friends parties   decks you're dead that's all tony can see where do  the decks go there's also the small consideration   of his 14 000 records but i'm hoping this isn't  going to overly influence his decision tell me   how do you guys um react between the two of you on  viewings i walk in and i think write space i think   about could we move things around where the tony  it is about wow this is a reflection of me nelly   yeah you want to walk in the wrong open i must  have it yeah absolutely that's all well and good   but trying to figure out exactly what light's  toning up is going to be a tricky task indeed   and here you really start to  get a sort of sense of the space   so can i say at this point it all meets  the brief yes but will it meet tony's heart   that's the question a hundred properties viewed  waiting for tony to feel the love she's a patient   woman see this would be great because people could  just have their own space away from you basically room wise i love it that's of space um i don't  like the outside i don't like the kitchen in the   middle does it do it you're right okay i'm being  honest no no that's fine it's um i know it's only   825 but i think my expectation expectation's  a bit higher okay i've got a lot of positives   yeah yeah absolutely right it's not it hasn't  got disco legs for you though has it no disco this house could really work for them but  i sense tony's holding back we'll find out so what's it to be out there enough space for you  plenty of space plenty of work good well that's   what we came for isn't it yeah indeed absolutely  um it's not my ideal hat no there's quite a lot   of work that reading is done to make it look like  the sort of house that we want and i personally   think that if we spent the money we could make  this look absolutely fantastic i've absolutely no   element of doubt that you could do everything  that you wanted to to this house within budget   and you would walk in and go wow this is  just what we had in mind it's high six   not seven out of ten but it's a very high  six oh dear tony wants a perfect ten but   they've only got the money for an eight  i think i want one very big drink [Music] [Music]   this week we're in london house hunting for  two hard-working professional couples but in   the world's second most expensive city you  don't get a lot of property for your pound   a reality that our house hunters  are certainly going to have to face   amy and tacky are desperate to get a toe hold on  the property ladder even in this volatile market   they've opted for 100 mortgage opening themselves  up to a higher interest rate and a larger debt   all the more reason we pick a plum property  but finding one for 250 000 in west london is   one hell of a challenge but against the odds we've  managed to find a great flap to show them in acton   it's not essential as they've asked for but  it's an up and coming area and a safe place to   put their money we're taking a bit outside your  comfort zone but i am wildly enthusiastic about   this flat and i'll just say one thing before we  go in the guy who's selling it wants to stay in   this same street okay you've been in the area  about five minutes while we're on our way here   yeah we don't really know but i think we're  quite excited it looks quite nice from what   we've seen it's got some nice shops and there's  a school and there's a church and it looks okay   okay fantastic good start let's get in i'm liking  their reaction this place is bright and spacious   but more importantly it's a chunky 20 grand  under budget at 230 000 straight in sitting room kitchen first impressions i like  it i like that we've got a separate   kitchen now which is really nice which we  haven't had but where do you have your desk do you think we probably mix around  the furniture a little bit but   compared to a lot of other  things at the price range   this flat is just it's about four foot bigger  everywhere go and have a look in the kitchen it's a good size for a small kitchen i don't  really like the work surfaces what kind of work   surface would you put in i don't know i quite like  like a wooden surface probably although i'm always   for doing work i'm only for doing work when it  really needs it not for when it's something that   you could live with okay this is the bedroom it's  got a nice feel to it i mean for us our bedroom   now when where we went is unusually large  so everything's going to feel a bit smaller   you can't think about your flat you can't compare  things to your flat you can't in any way compare   how you live there to how you're going to live  somewhere else it may seem harsh but first flats   should be treated largely as an investment a  stepping stone to something bigger and better   it's good it's tiled all the way around amy and  tacky are the most dangerous type of heart hunter   they say all the right things  and they are really enthusiastic   but every now and again flashes come  out of really really dangerous fussiness   there's no window but you don't really notice  that because they kept it quite light and white   i'm thinking they're not really sold on  this place which is a bit disappointing   it's a great price and someone is going to  snap it up probably in the next 24 hours   the same goes for our next property it's in  parsons green a really smart area next to fulham   and i didn't think for one minute we'd  find something for them in this neck of the   woods [Music] how do you feel about the area no  it's nice it's definitely sort of a mix of what we   after like a village kind of feels it yeah i mean  it's a lovely area it's got good green spaces it's   got great shops get great restaurants and bars  transport links you can't really criticize it   the flats not in one of the area's prettiest  buildings but nonetheless i hope they realize just   how lucky they are that building across the way  one beds are going to go for 375 000 okay so it's   something to bear in mind what this flat lacks in  character it makes up for in investment potential   with a bit of work this one bed could be fantastic  with a balcony and a parking space a rare treat in   london it's 10 grand over budget nearly 260 000  pounds but i've heard the vendor is keen to sell   how is this for space oh it's really nice big  face isn't it yeah and you could i mean it   needs that but you could live in it while  you're doing it totally and look at this we could do that now we can knock that down yeah  i think it would be the right way to go yeah   look at you you both look really lit up  no it's good it's a good space i mean i   mean it doesn't it's a nice block it's not  like it's some big scary high-rise no no no   they love it but before they get too attached  i need to be upfront about the finances   the price is a bit over your  budgets it's on 259 950.   but it has been under offer three times and those  offers have fallen through nothing to do with the   flats so there is absolutely nothing to be lost  through making an offer you know at 249 950.   how are you going to afford to do the work  yeah that's the difficult bit that's something   that you need to consider but i think that it  is worth it it really is they could move in   and do the work as and when they could afford it  obviously you would have to take that out yeah i think this will be the first room we  work on yeah definitely definitely with   the prospect of 100 mortgage hanging around  there next it's fantastic that they can build   equity into this place what you're hoping to do is  for every pound you put in you get two pounds back   okay but there's a threshold if you start  putting too much money in regardless   whether you can afford it or not you're not  going to get it back so what do you think   maybe a yes i think it's uh yeah i think we  really like it we really like it excellent   but so will every other bar that comes  to see it so there's no time to be wasted   well at least you've got irons in the fire which  is more than i've got so you're having a nice   time of it well 250 000 pounds in central london  in the fastest moving market since time began i   wouldn't call it a nice time just remind me  how much money you've got to play with 900   thousand pounds yeah yeah but they are  looking in all the top spots i suppose   the same was the same as your car always  nice to chat but i've gotta get on with it hi look it's the pizza delivery man whenever i'm house hunting in london i find as  much of it as possible on the bikes the only way   to get around in this traffic i can get in and out  of the state agent so i can see a lot more houses   cover a lot more ground which is very necessary  this week i'm on my way to fashionable fulham to   meet tony and michelle if tony wants a house  with disco legs he's going to be well chuffed   because this one could give john travolta a dance  lesson and the location is hot as well so we're   that much closer into town yeah which i'm afraid  makes it more expensive and a little smaller   i think it's perfectly big enough for  what you're looking for now but it is   certainly smaller than where we've come from how  how are you feeling about it tony i like this   eric's i drive through this all the time first  impressions i don't like the street at all i mean   it's really urban but i want to reserve judgment  so yeah let's have a look it didn't sound like she   was reserving jasmine no no but i'm not worried  because this one's got the wow factor arranged   over three levels it has great entertaining space  a high spec kitchen and four stunning bedrooms   everything's immaculate it's new to the market  at 850 grand and there's already been 15 viewings   it's a safe bet that it won't be  around for long that's much more   traditional victorian layout this one and you'll  see immediately it's been beautifully finished   absolutely knowing that tony was looking for a wow  and an immediate impression yeah did you get one   as you came in here i like it i like it um but i  like this sort of houses and obviously it's not as   big as we thought it would be but you know that's  a compromise and i'd want to knock that through   straight through to the kitchen yeah absolutely  perfect kitchen whilst i'm glad that tony's up for   a bit of manual labor this house is probably not  the place to do it you're paying for the finish   so any big alterations might even mean you could  lose money on it you're getting a period house   but it's finished in a very contemporary way  yeah my first impressions were really good   michelle what's going through your mind um it's  lovely i mean it is a lovely house and i think   the thing that's appealing is we can walk in  and it's just done we don't have to do anything   because we've got to see upstairs i don't know  i mean it doesn't seem big it doesn't seem big   at all but it's really beautifully finished as you  said and it's the trade-off isn't it i thought you   might have a glance down there i thought you might  oh no that's something i'm really interested in   wow fantastic party people want  a party house he's nicking it you're so naughty and where does he  get sent to when he's naughty i wonder   if it's the bedroom it would be  anything but a punishment in this house   and the master suite is as i say at the top oh  it's lovely oh wow uh loads of built-in storage   all these the finishes immaculate it's been very  well thought through how about that check it out   in there oh wow this is lovely really nice this  is the icing on the cake for me this is fantastic   because if you had guests you could really be up  here and they could have that whole second floor   they could have their own bathroom so yeah  that's really appealing they've done this   room really well it's really lovely isn't it  really a little girl's room yeah absolutely michelle said to me this morning that  if tony was one over it'd be job done   so i'm feeling quietly confident in here phil   you've been working with me for eight years  now when will you ever learn about women   so what do you think i like it it's a family home  yeah um but certainly not an entertaining cat yeah so you guys what's it to be when we arrived  there were lots of positivity outside yeah   from tony a bit less from michelle is that things  changed as we've gone around or how does it stand   we both really like the house and our  concern is is there enough space to end   the same people that is the concern because it  is really quite narrow in the downstairs area   for me i just think is it big enough for us to  really grow with potentially grow a family with   actually what would another 50 70 000 get us in  terms of a bit more living space i understood i   thought she might say that so we've lined up  a more expensive property over in chiswick   as far as area goes it's got the buzz the bars and  the restaurants are just a two minute walk away   perfect for our party-loving pair  from my perspective works really well   oh good good it's a very pretty street and the  house packs a punch as well open plan living four   bedrooms and three bathrooms admittedly it could  do with a bit of tlc but hopefully not too much   this one tops out at nearly 900 grand now come  in and see what you think here michelle the last   house yeah you were interested to see what an  extra 50 grand would buy you and this is it this   is it you don't necessarily get more space what  you get here is a is a better street it's a much   nicer looking street you get an extra bathroom  you get an extra utility room right but actually   the square footage the total square footage is the  same it's 1500 square feet right first impressions   for me are it's a much more functional layout in  terms of living how about you tony i'm loving it   yeah it's hitting the spot with me yeah  quite a lot it is the um the the open   layout that that you're accustomed to sure um good  for entertaining so perhaps whilst it's not bigger   the space is is is more usable in the way that  you'd like to do so the decks would go across here   now so high just protruding all the stuff could  go in there or the amplifiers speakers around   i'm really liking it yeah yeah that's good he's  like a kid in a sweet shop now michelle i know   you're not the the cook in your household but you  are the practical one can you see this functioning   okay yeah this is fantastic and you know what  i'm really excited about this utility room   oh this is fantastic so i suppose the stuff  now that it actually ends up invading the   rest of our space in our flat can kind of be  closed away in here and we can do clothes and   food and it clears space in the in the kitchen  yeah absolutely and there's some nice storage   now tell me about tony um he seems really won over   by the from the moment almost we arrived at  the door i haven't seen him like this at all   but in all the properties properties i've seen  so this is pretty impressive well you did say   when we first met that it was tony was going  to have the sort of lead decision absolutely   and we had a really good talk about it actually  after i think we saw the first two properties um   and i think it was quite good because tony's  now starting to think more practically about   what we need um but to be honest i haven't had a  massive issue with any of the properties i've seen   the amazing thing is that 12 months ago this  property would have fetched 750 grand but in this   market it's now worth 150 000 pounds more crazy  tony you up here yes i am he's smiling as well   how's it going yeah it's going really well really  really well it does really seem to score points   for you yeah it's excellent so i love the balcony  as well i mean it's just really good yeah so yeah   your sort of house yes absolutely but it's your  sort of area isn't it yeah i love choosing we must   remember that your original need to move came out  of a desire for space this one is empty it might   look a bit bigger than it is there's plenty of  space for everything i feel and it's a good sight   to actually sort of pair dads in the jungle  that we've got as well well why don't you two   show each other around the bits you haven't  seen and um and chat it through i will thanks well there's a very happy tony which means that it'll be a very happy michelle  which means i'll get the rest of the day off   dream on pipsqueak so this  could be the guest bedroom okay   i can see myself living here you like the area  yeah do you know actually i like the area modern   house do you yeah do you know i really like the  house but it doesn't have a wow factor for me   and i'm surprised that it does for you i mean  i really like it but it doesn't have that   wow oh oh trouble ahead hi you had a good round  yes definitely well let's not forget that it is   899 950 quid right is the house big enough  yeah i think it's certainly large enough   it's more than i actually expected in four bedroom  property um so yeah i like it a lot michelle yeah   if this is the house he wants  then this is the house we can get   and if this is the house she  wants i'll eat my hat [Music]   this week we're looking for the proverbial  needle in the haystack but twice west london   may be difficult territory but at least we're  capital savvy like first-time buyers everywhere   amy and tacky are punching above their financial  weight in a bid to get on the property ladder   and we've found a clever way for them to work the  system our next flat is in hammersmith or at least   it will be when it's built now this requires more  vision than anything else we've seen so far and   it's not for everyone that i'd wear this schedule  part of this development is aimed at first time   buyers key workers and low earners successful  applicants will buy a percentage of their flat   and then pay rent on the rest of it at 345 000  pounds if these guys tried to buy this flat   outright they'd be nearly 100 grand over budget  it's the biggest property we've shown them so far   and a great long-term option the first thing  you'll notice about this one it's got two bedrooms but it's quite a big old place i really love it  it's great it's really great what you're doing   effectively is you would be borrowing about  172 000 pounds and paying back the mortgage   on that and then paying rent on the additional  money their monthly outgoings would be almost   exactly the same as a 250 grand mortgage so  there's still some pretty big expenditure going on   but the benefits are more than  obvious you've got a fantastic   big space here the open plan kitchen that you  wanted and something that i mean go to the window oh oh my gosh look how far you  can see yeah oh my gosh you can blimey it's a while since i've  seen this level of excitement   this would be our room yeah  there's a little closet   yeah but you can't add value  well they'll be here for a long   just time well my mom would come and stay with  us because she'd have somewhere to sleep i think   even if it's a bit of a gamble because we don't  know whether we'll definitely get it from from   the council i think we have to take it because  no it's definitely worth the risk we need to   jump in there and just hope for the best yeah  i'm sure finn and cursed you'll say the same   they can't do any work so they  just do they want to do work   i'm sure you've completely say they want to do  work but i think they're very inexperienced there   is a little tiny bit of ditziness which comes out  and you just think oh yeah you look great in a   hat by the way thanks i think it suits me yes yes  we love it it's really good no we really love it i mean i think this is definitely where we want  to be i think passing screen is what we go for   is like if we if we didn't get this one yeah  there's a sort of word of warning this undoubtedly   will be a popular scheme you might not get this  in waiting for this you might lose passing screen   that's tough we're going to stay on top of it  phil i can stay on top of this situation no   one's losing anything yes you can register  interest but unless you're there actually   negotiating with a deal on the table they can  always sell it to somebody else my weapon that's   your weapon it's your very noisy mouth it only  seems noisy to you phil because you don't listen   well if you don't need my assistance anymore i'm  going to burn rubber back to tony and michelle i've got one final property to show  them back in hustle and bustle of fulham   and it's a good one pleased to be here yeah yeah  no i really like it i like i i suppose i like form   definitely heart's not left in chiswick no no not  at all that's all gonna give it an open very open   mind okay yeah good yeah oh tony you might want to  know the house next door owned by a model agency and it's absolutely round  full of the world's top models   i've already got my name  down for the house warming   i think the house has the wow these glamour pushes  are after arranged over three floors there are   five stunning bedrooms and three reception rooms  and it's just come on at 875 grand like all the   properties we've seen today this one's leptin  value recently 250 grand in 18 months not bad now against all odds i found another five bed  house oh my heavens above and it's really large   it's come on the market at 875 grand right  unsurprisingly it's attracting quite a bit   of interest there have been 15 viewings how many  offers uh there's a third viewing tonight right   um they are expecting two people to offer right  time is against us so it's important to view the   house and reach a decision quickly i think you've  got great square footage i question whether it's   arranged in the right way yeah um there's a  very wide side returned and yet they've put   the extension on the back it feels like it's  just being bolted on the back yes right um   not the way i would have done it sure  i would have filled in the side return   and kicked the guard i kept the garden sure  i think phil's idea is probably the best   so that might be something that we need to  look at understanding what that would cost   for us to do that let's go upstairs if they  can make the finances work this single story   extension would create a hell of a space  and help to push up the value of the house there's five bedrooms two bathrooms up here  excellent great all pretty well proportioned yeah   with the big master bedroom here it's got tons of  storage oh wow it has indeed really nice this is   the last one that i've got to show you take some  time together have a wander around and really   we have to work it out between the two of you is  this the right house is it in the right location i   think it's between chisholm here okay okay there's  another two bedrooms and a bathroom up there they're making all the right signals they're  making all the right buying noises but they're   making them almost too often so i'm not yet  convinced about which way this is going to pan out oh this is lovely okay so how does it stack up for you  cheesy fulham i could happily live in both   but where would you prefer to live where would  you prefer to live no but which area would you   which area would you prefer to live in and  he said and she said and see this is it   we both want each other to be happy  and we'd both equally be happy   is this the sort of area that you want to live in  yes is this the source of how she wants to live   but can you see yourself living here without a  doubt looks like michelle's going to get her way   after all who'd have predicted that so then  is it the right house in the right location   i love it it's the right house  and it is in the right location   um i'd certainly give up choose it for this  place would you yeah i think it stands to the   finances um i think we need to establish how much  it would cost to put aside return you know extend   this space out and remove this extension  and i think that's going to really dictate   whether or not we put an offer in or not that's  michelle is really keen and i'm keeping myself   at last a decision but if we're going to  make this one count i need to sort out a   builder as soon as possible and hope that the  house doesn't sell in the meantime [Music]   a new day brings some tough  decisions for both couples   amy and tacky want the shared ownership flat  in chiswick but there's a detailed application   process to go through which we're helping them  to navigate properties are generally given to the   most needy so we can't afford to pin all our hopes  on this flat with that in mind i'm taking taki and   amy back to that great flat in parsons green it  is 10 grand over their 250 000 budget and needs   updating so it's important they don't get too  carried away i must say i i love this flat i think   it's streaks ahead of some of the other options  um if you didn't buy this i might from an investor   i'm not joking from an investment point of  view it's an absolute winner yeah for a long   term investment definitely um well let's let's  talk it through uh decoration something you can   do yourselves the floors are fine the windows  are fine um personally i think this kitchen's   great i wouldn't be opening the wall up i know  that's something that that kirstie suggested   but in my opinion that's a great room this is a  great kitchen if you remove the wall you're gonna   lose quite a lot if not the majority of your  storage space and you then shrink your options   of where you can put your furniture in that  room okay so personally i'd leave things just   as they are i know we can't agree all the time  phil but you're wrong i think we get a really   nice clean simple white suite that most people are  going to like take off all the tiling yeah choose   something maybe black and white because not many  people are going to dislike black and white rather   than going with like a fashion because that could  look quite dated top marks for being practical   i've been massively impressed by these two right  from the start they'd done their research they   were fully prepared fully organized they knew what  they wanted they worked very well together as a   team and that means they've been able to reach  clear confident decisions right the way through   and their best decision of the day is to ask me to  put in an offer of 250 grand on this place [Music]   with the agent contacted all we  can do is bite our nails and wipe with kirsty sorting out the details i leg it  round the corner to meet tony and michelle well   here we are it's all about finances with them as  well we're just dealing with larger numbers at   875 grand the five bed fulham house they want  is near the top of their 900 grand budget and   they've got big plans they want to knock down  the rear extension build into the side return   and create a massive entertaining space so much  for not doing any work i am mindful that when   we started this little exercise taking  on structural work wasn't even an option   and now we're talking about quite some quite  serious works here yeah i think it'd be worth   it i think it'd be really exciting we can really  stamp our thing on this now i agree with you it it   will be stressful and difficult and it'll probably  take longer and costs more than than you imagine   yeah but the satisfaction of having pulled  off every time you walk in the door yeah i   did it this is my space so now the answer we're  all waiting for how much is it going to cost   while tony and michelle have another look around  i'm going to talk figures with a local builder   what do you make of it then that's the bit they  want to take out yeah not too complicated i mean   you've done it loads of times no no i mean you  know it's very straightforward you know everyone's   doing this in london just to give more room into  the kitchen living area so yeah can you just give   me a ballpark figure for what the main structural  works can cost for the shell itself probably   something around 30 to 40 000 something like that  for the structural works to a plastered finish   with finishes on top of that they'd need planning  permission for all this but quite a lot of similar   work has been done up and down the street so  they're in with a good chance it's all going to   come down to money i know i mean that's worrying  me quite a lot how much is it going to cost   i think it's all pretty cosmetic i think  downstairs the big thing because that's the   deal breaker for you you want that downstairs  area to be amazing and so do i to be honest   yeah it's fair enough so we just need to  go and start chinese burning fields alarm   water torture to see what you can get it for  yeah here you are how's it going yeah good yeah   still happy tony's still smiling i'm still  smiling there's a constant grin on his face yeah   it's good to see how about himself yeah i'm really  happy as well i love it so this is the one yep   subject to cost yes so have you gotten used to  well yeah i think i've got good news downstairs   right um not a complicated piece of work you  should allow three months right and for the main   body of the structural work 35 to 40 000 right  right yeah that sounds good um what you then   spend on finished fittings in a kitchen is  up to you i have to control but i thought   that was quite a reasonable yeah absolutely  yes that's good we can do that terrific we've i know there was the third viewing last night  there are other viewings lined up over the   next couple of days so it's a bit tense  okay all right thanks he's not smiling no 12 months of searching 100 properties discounted   i wasn't very confident of pulling this  off i think it's going our way [Music] [Music]   first-time buyers amy and tacky are hedging  their bets with two fantastic properties the   shared ownership flat in hammersmith and the one  bedder that needs work in swish pass and screen   i've got news on both fronts so i've asked  them to meet me let's start with the bad   stuff okay personal screen an architect  has been to see it who has a 50 deposit   and has made an offer at the asking price at  the moment they're in the process of judging   whose offer is most acceptable and  i think we will be kidding ourselves   if we thought that it was going to be our offer  so that one's as good as gone which brings us back   to hammersmith success here depends on them  proving that they're needy enough to have it   now we have discovered that in the list of  priorities for housing need you come fifth   okay yeah again not the world's best piece of need  the the decisions will be made next week and i   think you just have to cross your fingers for that  the application's in that's out of our hands now   so fingers crossed in that sense it's tense  at both ends of the financial spectrum tony   and michelle really want the fulham house even  though they've got a huge nine hundred thousand   pounds to spend it doesn't make the process any  less nerve-wracking so i don't think there's any   doubt that you like the house love it and you want  to try and buy it now of course is the crunch time it's on the market at 8.75 and  indeed there has been an offer today we need to come up with a strategy based on  what you can afford based on what we feel the   house is worth and based on the work that you  want to do to it sure we got into our heads it   was going to be 875 i mean i've got no problem  offering 875 uh just to secure the property i   mean that's going to be the most important  thing we don't want to lose it here we go uh james hi phil spencer here   we've uh just been talking about things and uh  they are very committed to the property um and   in a good position to uh to proceed on it if  the vendor would be motivated to um exchange   contracts within say three weeks a month then they  would pay the full asking price at 875 thousand okay if you give me you let me know either  way that'll be to a foot okay thanks james   good luck cheers mike he said he didn't think  that there would be an answer for me to then   i love this part this is the worst part even  though we've offered the full asking price   i'm worried that with another offer on the  table we could easily get into a bidding war but by the morning phil's worries are over  their offer of 875 000 is accepted and it's   all systems go it was just such a relief to  find out we got the property we can't afford   to do anything for the rest of our lives but  we're eating baked beans but we got the house   tacky and amy had their names down and their  hearts set on the shared ownership house in   hammersmith but the wait to hear back from the  council was too much for them to bear so we didn't   want to waste time we really wanted something  there's progress with our move and thought right   if it's ain't working where we're looking  now is all right let's look further afield   and further afield turned out to be wimbledon an  area of london they hadn't even considered before   and it wasn't long before they found a  gem of a flat bang on the high street   it's great space yeah lots of light great  location roof terrace ready to move straight   in but the shared ownership flat hadn't finished  with them yet a day after we decided to buy this   and we'd sign the mortgage papers hammersmith and  fulham council called us up and said do you want   it and it was just like and i was really stared up  and i thought oh my god do i want it do i pull out   you know but tacky was really staunch and  said no i like the wheels and flat more   than the shirt only [ __ ] flat and i was  thinking oh but it's too bad and it's on   the river and it's just gorgeous and but  it's a smaller flat in terms of bedrooms   but it's the fact that you know we own it whereas  the shared ownership one it would take us a long   time for us to fully outrightly own it so i know  meeting phil and kirsty was really great because   i think they gave us the confidence to actually  you know handle the market better kirsty's last   one of her last things that she said to us was i  guarantee you two will be property owners within   the month and i think we just thought we know we  know we can do it we've got to do it we've got to as for tony and michelle everything's  worked out really well for them too   they move in in a couple of weeks but true to  form they're each planning to get something   quite different out of their new place  the thing that's really exciting me is   i've always dreamed of having a big proper  grown-up house and this is it it's going   to be just absolutely perfect for me one of  the important facts of buying this property   is the next door neighbor owns a marvel agency and  i'm really looking forward to that i think he's   going to try and starve the cat so the cat goes  next door makes friends with the people next door   and tony can be over the fence hello hello is my  cat over there and i'll get discovered as well in your dreams tony [Music]   so [Music] you
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 166,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all homes home and garden, chiswick real estate, diy, diy projects, glamorous home preferences, home decor, home decor ideas, home design, home restoration, house design, house hunting, interior, interior design, living room makeover, location, location location location, london property hunt, phil spencer, real estate help, restoration
Id: UAF90DJh8kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 44sec (2864 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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