West London Property Hunt - Location Location Location - S16a EP1 - Real Estate TV

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[Music] we're back it's hello from me  and it's hello from her hello [Music]   this summer we're on the property hunt once  again doing our best to match hopeful house   hunters with their dream homes I'm Gonna Leave  the world but with the market more unpredictable   than ever I really do like it I hate it  and the wish lists are more extraordinary we're going to need to be at the top of our  game beautiful this is something else this   series will see us contemplate mediate hello Phil  Spencer would you like PPI insurance and negotiate   all in our quest to find a property match made in  heaven I think it's you're a dream house [Music]   this week we're in West London  continuing our long-term love affair   with property get a room following some  simple steps will always ensure a happy ending communication is key do you want  to live in a small tree house or   a big molehull she spoke but it was in  riddles always follow your instincts [Music] and remember beauty is only  skin deep it's just not twickening   but you know you're not Tom Cruise  I get on with it [Music] [Applause]   this week we're on home turf perusing  properties in West London with two very   different couples but the going is  hard our capital is one of the most   expensive places to live in the world  and there's often a race to the Finish session proof proof in the last 12 months  prices have risen by around 10 percent   the average house price in London is around 445  000 pounds nearly double the national average and   there just aren't enough properties on the market  this makes it extremely difficult for buyers   our first set of buyers are loved up newlyweds  key on West and Zoe Norwich social psychologist   Keon has lived in a variety of places but London  has only been his home for seven months whereas   Zoe a lecturer in comparative literature  is an old hand when it comes to the capital   I love the crowds I love the dirt I love the  variety of people I love that I can walk down   the street and I can hear 10 different languages  within 100 meters and that makes me really happy   I don't know London at all so for me being in  England is still kind of an anthropological   experiment they're currently renting a one  bed flat in Shepherd's Bush and their only   dependent is Otis the cat but the idea is  that buying their first home together will   Mark a new phase in their lives this is where our  children will be raised this is where we'll spend   this is where we'll spend most  of our adult lives [Music] by their love of dancing two bed Flats they're  looking for such as the level of their Obsession   they insist the layout of the property must  allow for spontaneous outbreaks of salsa   we'd like this big light wooden space where we  can dance cook live share our lives build things for Keon and Zoe Shepherd's first Bush their  number one location but they'll also consider   areas slightly further west like Acton as well  as south of the river in Brixton and Clapham   buying this property is an important step for them  so I'm Keen to make sure we're all dancing to the   same beat I'm Phil I'm Kiana what are we looking  for and where are we looking for it we're looking   for something with a big Central space so I call  it the turtle house because you have a big space   where everyone has to spend time together where  you cook and you eat and everyone hangs out and   then there's smaller spaces off to the side  you're both academics does that involve lots   of research and things at home yes it does so we  both would spend at least one day a week working   at home if there's a compromise to be made in  its location or space it might be location I   would have to see each individual property today  and you've been out and seen a few properties yes   how aware are you of market conditions right now  a little bit having done some looking so we're   aware of the fact that the areas we'd like are  quickly the areas that we're being priced out of   with a maximum budget of 450 Grand Zoe and Keon  wanted two or three bedroom property it must   have an open Plan central space where they can  dance cook and hang out as well as room for a   home office and a garden for Otis the cat and  any future children to play in our second set   of house hunters are Paul and Carolyn Mason  Pool Works in Eco packaging and Carolyn is an   events manager who spends her working life looking  after celebrities wax ones at Madame two swords   they too rent in Shepherd's Bush but are Keen to  buy their first property out west in Twickenham   they need space for Paul's daughter when she  comes back from University and Carolyn has a   specific requirement I absolutely want some  outside space I'm sick of putting my knickers   on the radiator they need to be hanging in the  sunshine I so know what she means they've got 330   000 pounds to spend Carolyn is a first-time  buyer but Paul has owned property before in   its hometown of Sheffield so London prices have  come as a bit of a shock it's a lot of money to   spend on two bedroom Flats in Sheffield you'll be  looking at four bedroom detached houses it's not   just the money it's the speed at which properties  are sold here that's taken them both by surprise   we're finding it really difficult because the  properties in the area they literally sell within   days of coming on the market so on a Tuesday  it will go on we haven't even had a chance to   see it by the weekend Paul is totally right the  difference in what you can get for your money   between north and south of the country is absurd  so my challenge is to find something special   enough to cheer up this skeptical yorkshireman and  we'll be looking in the large borough of Richmond   their favorite is Twickenham but we'll also be  searching in the upmarket in tranquil Riverside   pockets of Saint Margaret's and Teddington do you  think there's any differences between you in the   way you look for a home I will go into a house  have a look around and really give it some time   and thought and Paul will stand outside and say no  it's not right do you think you'll be able to do   anything yourself yeah absolutely I'm not a verse  to decorating pull the shock on your face you look   like I've just questioned your man I can knock  down wallpaper yes and what have you seen so far   seen uh several two bedroom places well  we actually put an offer in on one place   we lost it to a sealed bed that was into  economics yeah and that had the garden in   the two bedrooms and everything you wanted  no not only are you being tortured by London   contradicted by Sheffield but you are also loved  and lost with a budget of 330 Grand they want a   spacious two-bedroom flat for Paul it must have  Curb Appeal and plenty of storage as for Carolyn   private outside space to air her delicates they  both want to be close to public transport and   green spaces and they'd rather not be on a main  road so Carolyn and Paul now for the money they're   spending they could get a three-bed house with  a lovely Garden in Sheffield and I think they're   going to go into square footage toxic shock  you'll help them through that little process   do you think I will I of course I'm gonna have  lots in common with Zoe and Keanu and they're both   academics yeah both doctors we can communicate on  all these high levels I'm really looking forward   to it you live in your own fantasy world don't  you film your own little fantasy world [Music]   Keon and Zoe want to buy in Shepherd's Bush but  with absolutely nothing suitable on the market   within their 450 000 pound budget we've got no  choice but to start elsewhere we're heading to the   Acton Chiswick border within Striking Distance of  their favorite areas I think it's a lovely quiet it's not my favorite place in the world is it  but open mind how about the property itself   first thoughts yeah it's a lovely period  days in the front we could put a bike rack   at 624 square feet this flat has a large  open plan dancing kitchen living space two   double bedrooms a bathroom and Courtyard  Garden furotus it's on the market at 425   000 pounds 25 Grand under their budget so a bit  of cash left over for any Renovations this is   the main room open plan as you can see I don't  know how much space you need for dancing we were   imagining more something that just ran straight  through Straight with everything it had and with   the sink being right there it cuts the space  a bit in half yeah we need a moving space and   space for the sofa and the dining room table  so this is a little bit on the small side so   meaning a moving space where you can dance yeah  but does the can you push the table out of the   way we can a bit but I be able to I'd like that  that feeling that we can dance even when the day   when they take I'm not entirely on board with how  the furniture interacts with the dancing however   the bottom line is they don't feel there's  enough space but I've got an answer for that   that some properties here have extended  to the side fill in the side return that   would give you that would give us quite a  bit of extra space because what I've seen   with people doing is building out here and  then putting a wall of glass here so you've   got light coming from both skylights and from  garden doors you've got the bathroom at the   back so that's why the floor plan I think I would  have discounted it on the base of the floor pan   this is a good property and a good location  but not being one of life's private dancers   I think I might have underestimated how  much space Zoe needs for this sort of hobby   I think we'd have to make changes do you feel  like you could live here does it feel no no   that is an illustration of what the market offers  you for your money yeah around here whether or not   it's the right place for you I don't know I mean  there are some things that were perfect so the   storage in the bedroom was perfect huge bathroom  I'd go for a grittier street more of a chance   to incorporate the garden into that main living  area space I get the message gritty London here   we come you'll dance through it Phil [Music] this  week we're in West London where stock is low and   prices are high it's a mean market for Paul and  Carolyn Sheffield to London tough move tough move   I've got to find something which makes them feel  good about wanting to live in London Keon and Zoe   they want someone to dance as well as a family  homes the glass can be tough in budget between   somewhere to dance they're into salsa they do it  every day I thought salsa was for crisps ha ha   talking of hot dibs the first property I showed  Keon and Zoe wasn't as spicy as I thought I'm   determined to step up my game hopefully we'll  have more luck with Carolyn and Paul they want   to buy further west around Twickenham and have a  budget of 330 000 pounds with over a hundred Parks   21 miles of river Frontage and fast train links  into Central London it's no surprise that it's a   popular destination for House Hunters we're just  like a village it's a small village but yet we   have so much around us it's just a great place to  live you've got the rugby really close by you've   got lots of pubs great shopping everything you  want really I think it's a little hidden treasure but prices in this beautiful Borough  are high the average flat here costs 376   000 pounds nearly 50 Grand more than Carolyn  and Paul have got so fighting those plum   properties has been tricky having said that  I'm pretty chuffed with our first flat it's in   Teddington not top of their list but that's the  compromise they get most of what they want in a   smart location and their money goes a little  bit further I like an honest flat right if A   Flat's gonna break a rule that's been set by a  house Hunter I want to know immediately which   rule is broken and we know which rule has been  broken but it is set back from a main road with   a lovely Community feel first impressions of  the of the building is cute cute as a button   and slightly scruffy it's a deceased estate yeah  you're doing a lovely job of selling this yeah my job is to find property you know  that you naughty monkey when I see a   straightforward goodbye it makes me  happy and let's face it when cursed   is happy we're all happy internally this  ground floor flat is exactly what they've   asked for two double bedrooms large living  room kitchen and Conservatory on the side   the garden is shared so Carolyn might be a bit  bashful about her briefs on the washing line but   the garage could be perfect for Paul he wants a  separate area to house ski equipment bikes and all   sorts of man clutter and the positives just keep  on coming this place is 315 000 pounds which is   15 grand under their budget First Impressions oh  it's a fireplace fireplace you could do anything   you want in the Farm Place decent amount of space  this flat is very big yeah but at the moment its   layout does not make the best use of that space  right people are being confused by the layout   yeah you've got the space to do with what you need  to do it's just how you would arrange it we think   it's all about this room and how best to use it in  relation to the Garden the shared Garden that is and then out the back we have all this  brilliant yep it is shared with this   Upper Floor flat I wanted private definitely  private because um if they're sharing my garden   they will see Monica's on the line would they  um would they get quite used to them wouldn't   they well they would would they be exposed of  quite a lot yeah what are you making me blush   so it seems if the neighbors don't  mind then Carolyn definitely doesn't   hard at work are you Tweeting away I'm not  tweeting away I think this should be the bathroom   I've already got the boiler in it wouldn't it be  a lovely bathroom well it would but it's the one   that has the view of the garden I know but I think  it should have glass doors right across the boat   and be the kitchen yeah go from pan kitchen it's  basically a template so it's going through all the   different options and work out what the best would  be for us that'd be interesting yeah definitely   they would rather not be in Teddington but they  also I think appreciate that being in Teddington   you can show them places like this what's wrong  with Teddington nothing's wrong with Teddington   it's just not Twickenham yeah I know but you  know you're not Tom Cruise I get on with it well there you have it the first one  yeah that is it how does it strike you   much bigger than I thought we could get so that's  a big tick bright and Airy flat it's got a lot   of potential can I just get your sort of thoughts  on Teddington I'd like to compare it to something   why are people so obsessed [Music] back with  Keon and Zoe I haven't had a great start my   first property on the Acton chisit border  got low marks for layout and location so   I'm hoping this next place just over a mile away  in the heart of Acton is more their style it's a   multicultural area with shops and restaurants  from all corners of the world one person's   gritty is another person's groovy and I'm sure  they'll both find this location more interesting away neatly and quietly down here is a little  gated Muse okay very close to the the center   of Acton yes I don't know if it would be  wrong to say we are dead center of Acton probably bigger than the last 25 percent bigger as  it turns out and minus all the Clutter they'd have   a great communal space for cooking and dancing  downstairs there were two double bedrooms in a   bathroom and on the balcony there's just enough  room to swing a cat hopefully not their beloved   Otis got fit at just under 400 000 pounds this  this one is 50 Grand under budget yeah we've got   a kind of upside down house okay bedrooms yeah  I was expecting to walk into the main sitting   no this is good because then you've got the view  from upstairs right yeah ah yes you have indeed   this is a great size room and you've got two  nice Windows there and the ceiling's a nice high   and it's got a good feel to it it's not quite as  prestigious as where we've come from yeah I like   it more it's on the market at just under 400. wow  downstairs it's got Zoe this excited then upstairs   it might just blow her mind [Music] okay this  is a good space it is the space that we wanted a dining room table and we could still move around  here and I might I would probably get rid of that   because then we just have a sweep of it you know  yeah you've still got to have a kitchen um but   but that's that's enough um surface space there  because one of the two bedrooms here would be used   as their study space could become a problem if and  when they have children however first indications   are there's potential to extend up onto the  roof obviously we'd need to check things out   of the local planning department first and this  judge scores you a 10 for the dance space Phil right this is me in the bath looking at you in  the shower gorgeous man I could get used to this   and if you want you could grow gooseberries  on the balcony hello I'm still smiling yeah good I like it a lot it really does feel like  a dance studio that's what we want we want to   live in a dance studio if we put in huge mirrors  and make a little bit more space then it would be   perfect whilst the Memorial Garden here is  highly protected there is a proposal for a   quite a large development that would be noisy  I could see why it would annoy you a lot the   building and the building works it wouldn't be  nice watching it being built however having been   built with shops offices car parking Cinemas  that works it would add value to the prices   we add value to the properties around it but if  you work from home building work nearby is your   big fear so a setback setback  but not necessarily a no back with Carolyn and Paul I've lined  up a second very different property   this time in Saint Margaret's it's not Twickenham  but it's as close as their current budget will   allow and they like the area it sits near to  the River Thames with independent shops and   fast transport links into the city Paul's got a  reputation for walking away from ugly buildings   without even looking inside so I have to say I'm  a tad apprehensive here's a question and do you   stand on the street looking at your home not very  often not very often which is why we are going to   see a flat in this building does the look of the  house fill you with horror it doesn't fill me with   horror I mean it's not the most appealing property  that I've seen well at least Paul hasn't done a   runner which is a huge relief because I think once  you're inside this is a cracking property arranged   over two levels the living room and kitchen are  on the ground floor and on the first floor two   double bedrooms and the bathroom marketed at  just under 330 000 pounds it's bang on budget   the vendor has already had an offer for 319 but  it's waiting to see if anything higher comes in   I like this open bit I mean I know it's a bit  sad on a rainy day but see washing lines yes oh   yes there are there's public washing lines which  you could use but you you don't have to because   you have a space for your own washing right any  come so we've got kitchen all mod cons straight   into your sitting room little balcony room  to very privately hang knickers there yeah   I know Paul was interested in proving  himself with a bit of DIY no walls is a bit no it's fine I mean if  if the location's right yeah   um and it's in good condition then then  that's fine if it's if it's cosmetic work Carolyn um what's your feeling on this flat I think it  was quite grown up it because obviously it has   stairs so it's you know it feels like a house  it does feel like a house yeah and yeah I like   it has got it's really Airy I didn't think it  was going to be this lighting area outside and   it's you know it's proved me wrong as I always  say you can't view a flat on a flat screen it's the master yeah this is a turn up for the  books they genuinely wouldn't have come to see   this flat before now so I think they feel  that there's new possibilities opening up   big enough for the king-sized bed down here oh hello wake up who's the Gooseberry now Kirsty hello boys and girls hello what what are we  thinking I've got smiley faces yeah I'm very   pleasantly surprised apart from the initial  sort of visual uh perception of it it is   ticks everything wow surprise no not surprised  not surprised because I think it's very strong   I think there's a good chance they might  go for this place but not before we've   exhausted the possibility of finding a  flat in their beloved Twickenham [Music] we're pounding the Pavements of West London where  I'm on the hunt for Intrepid intellectuals looking   for a long-term home and I'm with Carolyn  and Paul who wanted two bed flat close to   the river in London far our search is going  well they love the property in Saint Margaret's   Keel and Zoe have got warm feelings for  the Acton flat but at the moment it's   uncertain whether it'll give them the room  they need long term but I think our third   property south of the river in Brixton  could be a match made in heaven it's out   of their comfort zone of West London but you  do get so much more house for your money here   in an equally diverse area to where we certainly  ended yesterday yeah we think so you get top two   floors of what is a very handsome property I've  got access to outside space there is outside space   you actually have to come out of the platform  around the corner come around the corner to get   to it yeah okay they have no objection to you  putting a cat flap in the front door this is a   great property spread across two floors it's the  biggest we've seen so far there are three good   sized bedrooms so space to work from home and for  any new additions a proper long-term family home   but at 450 000 pounds it is top of their budget  so it needs to sweep them off their feet [Music]   come on in up the first flight of stairs into what  is a very big flat 915 square feet and what is the   one thing that strikes you about this flat as you  can light yeah this is a really big and a really   nice space which way are we facing when we're  going out there let's just work this Compass   interference it's probably you move away from  any interference that'll be it'll work you see   when he steps away I work this place does have  options of rearranging the space but it's not   something they'd want to embark on lightly oh and  for the record the sitting room is North facing   would it be possible to knock down this wall  totally yeah going all the way through with the   light and with two windows you get one light there  one right there oh well I'm going to have lots of   ideas changing the kitchen and we wouldn't  want to do too much because this is at 4 50.   oh and much of the reason for showing you  this was to demonstrate the family space   and the genuine long-term home south of the river  that you can afford three bedrooms means we don't   have to build anything or add anything even  if we could still cram the children into one   room yeah we can have two kids sharing your  room that's the idea if those kids share a   room with a bunk beds children need to learn  share it they often like to share they do so   yeah so potentially if kian's up for it we  could get four children in here how sweet so three bedrooms take your pick lovely floor  bedroom one these are lovely sizes they're lovely   sizes and it's beautifully light obviously there's  now a flat in your mind which is quite fixed   how does this compare when you walk in I think the  three bedrooms here is fantastic the living space   in the other one I think could work better for us  because we would have a bit more flow we'd all be   able to be in the same space that would just feel  like us there's nothing wrong with Zoe sticking to   her guns with the whole dance studio feel but I  hope it's not at the expense of other brilliant   stuff for showing them so it's coming around the  side here so what is a very Charming Garden it's   a lot of space I think this house has made me  realize that we could get quite a lot more for   almost the same money but at the same time that  doesn't make me feel more at ease it somehow makes   me feel less at ease it's a good house at clever  grown-ups pay for and to raise children in that   was unsettling you that I may have to then be a  clever sensible grown-up who raises two children   you're a doctor you eat you're halfway there yeah  he never did answer that question one for later me   thinks I guess the previous flat felt a bit more  quirky and than usual in us and this feels like   a more normal house where more normal versions  of us would live we don't need to be more known   I don't know if it's just me but I'm finding them  slightly difficult to read what's certain though   is there's a bit of conflict between how they  see themselves now and how they see themselves   in the future and that will affect what they buy  so what's the feeling mixed feelings I guess it's   our vision of who we want to be in the next  10 years that's going to govern where we go   that's a heavy responsibility how do you feel  about it there are things that I love there   are things I like less I can't quite see  the whole picture at the moment right okay um intelligent couple intelligent attitude  has bye it doesn't actually make it any easier a new day and Carolyn and Paul have been  looking at their finances they're happy to   stump up another five grand if it means living  in Twickenham and we've found the only available   property within their price range this is  a basement flat but could we be in a better   location you absolutely couldn't it's beautiful  perfect okay will you hold on to that I will in its current state it's not the coziest  flat in the world but it is spacious the two   bedrooms are doubles the kitchen has room for  a table and the living room is a decent size   at 345 000 pounds it is 10 grand over their new  raised budget but we've heard that 330 would   secure it buying this plant would use up all of  their money leaving them without a renovation fund   so what you have here is a huge front room I might  be inclined to get rid of that glass wall yeah the difference between this flat and the first  flat is that this flat is a similar size it's   also a big flat it's in a better location but  you really can't change the layout of this flat   for that amount of money I want every box ticked  I mean this is the first time I've actually ever   been in a basement flat yeah it does kind of feel  a bit oppressive we wouldn't have the money to   be able to update anything exactly the biggest  concern that's right which is the fact that it's   already over budget number two property was was  you know I was very pleasantly surprised yeah how   good it was my feeling is that this is a really  really nice street it's absolutely beautiful   but do you want to live in a small tree house  or a big molehull I would always pick a small   tree house yeah yeah or in plain English that's  a no to Twickenham back with Keon and Zoe and   there's some news about the Acton flat after a  bit of careful digging we found a covenant in   the property Deeds that rules out any extension  closes like this can restrict the height and size   of buildings a good solicitor will pick up these  things but for a small fee you can check them out   in advance with the land registry Keon and Zoe  are undecided about whether they can match the   maturity of the grown-up flat in Brixton so while  they're mulling that one over I've found them   an amazing place in their preferred West London  area of Acton I think this is the best one so far   that's a very old adage for House Hunters that  you should try and buy the worst house on the best   streets yes it's true that it's not the prettiest  house on the street it's fine it's completely fine get in get a room you need a flat that's what  you need isn't it this flat selling point is   the huge open plan kitchen which has always  been top of their priority list the living   room is also a good size as are the bedrooms  there are two of them the garden is on the   small side but it's Charming it's also five  grand under budget at 445 000 pounds [Music] you think of that that is nice I was really pleased  with this because it's so big and   so open something's bothering me about  it and I'm not quite sure what it is   it's not bothering me this is actually  the big space that we want the light   doesn't work for me here maybe it's because the  blinds are done but this is a bigger space and   that is something that I find a bit confusing  about your action to this versus a bricks inside   but it's okay let's look around okay you've  only seen half of it of course okay I hope so flunked I thought this flat would blow them away  but if you don't get a feeling you don't get it   but I think Keon might have got the feeling  I want to see what our bedroom looks like I feel a bit sorry for Keon because I  think he really likes this place but   it's just not clear why Zoe doesn't it's  it doesn't have the kind of Center focus   that I think we were looking for I think dancing  is not just dancing dancing it holds within it   all other things so dancing holds within it  high ceilings wooden floor space light fine   we better find out what he thinks yeah that's fine  off to you thank you I really am quite confused   how you going on it's all right uh I think it's  this is a prettier house I think that kitchen was   what I was looking for I like the look of it  it was the space it had the window but it was   the kitchen it didn't do it for Zoe yeah she  does have a more emotionally intuitive sense   so she can pick up very quickly there's going to  be something that would make us unhappy and it   might take me a few weeks to figure out that this  layout doesn't work for this reason or that reason   so I do trust her judgment on that but I can't  figure out what it is yet I can't think of that I think I need an interpreter so what Tim [Music]   perhaps are more intelligent than the other  staring at an intelligent woman all of whom   have English as their mother tongue and none of  you are unable to understand what she's saying   spoke but it was in riddles well okay well if you  desperately need a second translator okay thank   you I might be in touch okay see you later bye but  enough of all this with four properties viewed we   need to establish where to go from here well I  really like this one ah yeah and we both really   like the bricks in one so we should probably  go back and see that one yeah if that's okay   of course it's okay delighted okay let's do that  come on let's go for it no time like present okay   I'm in second viewing Paul and Carolyn we're  back at this Margaret's flat not a looker   on at just below 330 000 pounds so Paul yep we  spent a lot of time focused on Carolyn Cesar to   get her knickers dried privately yeah but your  storage I feel has been ignored it has in here   each flat has their own individual storage  unit right okay and the one for your flat   is here at the end so you've got the light from  the window oh wow you could fit a lot in there   okay guys it's all yours  have an explore we're back in second viewings are all about the details a lot  of it's checking out the boring functional stuff   I think that's quite good I have to say  finding out what works and what doesn't   start to think about where your furniture  is going so you can plan ahead because   this is a nice space for a really it's  a really good sofa bed on there yeah and   something people often don't think  of have a natter with the neighbors   this is especially important in a big block like  this have a look around do you see any neglected   flats and is the garden well maintained if you  have a little table in like Bistro hotel or Jersey   out here hahaha they want it but then so does  someone else question is can I get it for them [Music]   search wise it's all good on the Western Front  Carolyn and Paul have decided they do want to buy   the Saint Margaret's Flats [Music] Zoe they want  to revisit the Brixton prop s fresh in their minds   and they're Keen to weigh up the options leave the  emotions at the door let's be objective I'll try do you think you would knock that wall down I  couldn't afford that to begin with but we would   want to and how much would it cost a thousand but  yeah it's not just removing of the wall it's how   would you then Resort the kitchen and the floor  and the mess that you would make there are the   things here that we could do to add a little bit  of value aren't there in terms of the bathroom   I don't think you'd be adding value okay you'd be  making it nicer this property won't outperform the   mark the market in Brixton but there was a chance  that Brixton as an area will outperform The Wider   Market but enough of all that money stuff the time  is approaching for them to decide whether they are   psychologically ready to take on the proper Family  Home and everything that comes with it this is the   long-term option yeah yeah you think is this for  you more long-term than actually well definitely   this is a well that's another it's the step  towards the 10 years rather than the five years if you're really scared no I'm excited they are a process of trying to forecast  what their life is going to be like   in many years to come and that's a very  difficult thing to do you could have this   is one room that's another children's room and in  the garden you've got space for two work office   space sheds so it could be a 20-year house be  a forever house I think we're finally there for me this is when I really start helping  Carolyn and Paul this Margaret's flat is on at 330   000 pounds but with an offer of 319 already  on the table we're going to have to better   that they've already loved and lost in the  past and this time I want to make sure they   don't miss out but what price do we start  at three three two three will be our sort   of Maximum if so I think that three three  two two is I think that's three two I think   that's three two to it and absolutely  cross our fingers and stick to our guns hello Jay is Kirsty what do you think  your client would feel about putting   an extra three grand between  um 319 and and three two two right because he's very keen on the circumstances  of the other people okido I'm gonna discuss that   with my clients and I'm going to get  back to you okay thanks Jay okay bye   the people who are interested in buying the  property their advantage over you is there's   no mortgage involved the dreaded scenario is  319 coming back with a cancer offer yes that   is the dreaded tutorial yeah it's all  about the right offer at the right time   as for Keon and Zoe I think I know what they're  going to say next think I think we'd like to put   in an offer on breakfast when they bought it  two years about two years ago they paid 334   000 pounds the market in the air as far as I can  establish it's definitely climbed by 15 percent   has it climbed by 25 or 30 no it hasn't and  that's what they're asking and that's they're   asking that and probably a little bit more  it wouldn't be the first time that agents and   sellers have got ambitious in a bullish Market  but I'm on to them we could go in at 390 then   aim at 400 rather than going in at 400 only at  45. you must not think you're being cheeky with   an offer okay we're talking about Fair what  is fair and right in the Market at the time it's good afternoon Phil Spencer here yeah  very well thank you very well I'm pleased to   say kionazoi do very much like flat um which is  terrific we are somewhat struggling at this end   to justify the price so the figure that we've  come up with at this end is 395. thanks so much   cheers although low it is a fair offer and  I just hope we can pull it off at this price   after chatting everything Paul I know that we  would all prefer not to get into a bidding war   that they may lose the preferred scenario would  be best and final offers but it's not just about   the winning bid the agent needs to believe that  the winning bid has the money to follow through   one thing I've got to reassure you of is that we  check out our clients very carefully before we   take them on you know it's not a fantasy scenario  here at all early indications are that they are   going to go with this look at each other and  say what is the maximum amount of money that   we want to pay for that flat I think we'd  Circle up to three probably three to five oh that's Jay yes yeah great that's fantastic Jay you have been amazing  bye very straight he said my clan wants to be   completely Fair absolutely best and final offers  by midday tomorrow we must get all our ducks in   a row back with Keon and Zoe and sadly we've had  our offer of 395 000 rejected and been informed   that a similar property has recently gone for  411. now it's our turn to figure out what our   very best offer should be my suggestion at this  point is we go back at 402. yeah four or two   yeah the offer goes in and from this point  on it's a waiting game the following day and   stress reached the maximum in the Mason  household as we receive news on their sealed bid [Music] well um [Music] that's brilliant thank you thank you Cassie thank  you bye hey okay Keon and Zoe's maximum offer of   402 000 for the Brixton flat was rejected they  decided not to raise it and to carry on hunting in   West London it turns out fate may have lent a hand  as Kian was offered a new job in South East London we changed our search all around took a day off  work went down saw 10 houses in a day and fell in   love with one of them here in hither green they  made an offer which was accepted and now can't   wait to pick up the keys and put their new floor  space to good use there is room to dance in the   house there are actually two separate rooms in  which you can dance so you could actually have   a setup where we're dancing where other people  strangers are dancing in our sitting room and   you wouldn't even know about it yeah it's a good  sociable lovely house it's going to be a home   yeah and things have really progressed for Carolyn  and Paul just six weeks after having that offer   accepted they're already settling into their  new home the first thing that we focused on was   actually the balcony the outside space my dad came  around with some trellis we put a little folding   table being sort of buying pieces of furniture and  we've been putting pictures up we just wallpapered   a while and I've put lots of washing on the line  a slightly obsessive washer yes Carolyn's finally   found outdoor space for drying her delicates  myself and my underwear are very happy here   and although they didn't know the area that well  I had a feeling they'd fall for it and they have   St Margaret's is just beautiful we've got Marble  Hill Park we're five minutes away from the river   four and a half minutes away from some really good  pubs we couldn't have asked for a better location [Music]   oh [Music]   foreign [Music]
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 133,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acton, acton property market, all homes home and garden, diy, diy projects, home decor, home decor ideas, home design, home restoration, house design, house hunting, interior, interior design, living room makeover, location, location location location, phil spencer, real estate help, restoration, west london house search
Id: evRahrN-WLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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