Dream Home Struggles - Location Location Location - S11 EP3 - Real Estate TV

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[Music] this year with more people than  ever wanting our help each week we're   going to be doubling our efforts hitting  one area from two very different directions   two sets of house hunters two different  budgets two different briefs i'm scared for anyone's maths it's gonna  be two times the struggle   okay i'm gonna have a quick look  upstairs stay there don't say a word [Music] if you're looking for a great place to raise  your family then surrey ticks all the boxes   sadly though surr is no secret this  week we're trying to help two couples   desperate to buy in guilford and goblin but  struggling to stay ahead of the pack [Music]   so we're targeting these two property hotspots  bang in the center of salubrious surrey   if you're looking for prime commuter belt  out of the capital these two towns don't get   much better with our area sorted all  we need is our house hunters [Music]   first up a technical director ben jones and  hr manager sophie wood a couple running out   of time sophie's expecting their first child in  12 weeks and they're desperate to swap the grime   and stress of the capital for a more family  friendly life amongst cafes and countryside   in their dream location of government trouble  is great schools fast train links to london and   property bling make goblin one of the prime hot  spots in the country even with that budget of   480 thousand pounds in the eight months ben and  sophie have been looking they've only managed   to see amiga five properties the gu7 postcode  so central godelman it's kind of um the first   port of call for people in your situation  looking for a change of scene get out of london   i really do think we've been original coming out  of here you know naively um unfortunately everyone   else is doing exactly the same especially for  for mothers to be it seems as though there's a   lot of prams walking around probably more prams  and there are cars in me very competitive why   we're here eight months down the road not having  found anywhere but we've kind of got our hearts   set on it i suppose and it's you know something  we want to live i think the market is against us   but i think we'll have to kind of roll with the  punches a bit yeah because there might be a few   okay okay i'm on the money this week taking  control of ben and sophie's search they've got   480 grand to spend on a three-bedroom character  property to which they can do work and add value our second set of desperados i.t consultant glenn  peters and dance teacher rachel ross have got a   smaller budget of 250 000 plans and want a house  in the more affordable city of nearby guilford   phil may have a bigger budget with ben and  sophie but my search with glenn and rachel is   going to be just as interesting eight months  ago they sold their croydon flat and moved   in with their respective folks 150 miles apart  while they tried to look for a house in guilford   but with these two living so far from their search  area house hunting has become impossible after   all this time they're still only seeing each  other at weekends in short they're desperate   if you were going to list your your priorities  what would be the number one thing which is   most important to you um somewhere fairly  quiet it doesn't have to be really remote   but not on a really busy road with lots of  traffic noise because we lived in the center   of freudian it was very noisy there so i don't  want to be in the same position yeah well that's   something i completely sympathize with is there  anything else you think i need to know about   um well we plan to get married next year so have  you set the date not yet still waiting so you you   want to find the house before you set the date  so basically there's no pressure on me then your   life's not your life's happiness does not rely on  me in any way no no no clearly not well i wouldn't   book the church just yet this search is going to  be tough for the maximum budget of 250 000 they   want period charm two bedrooms and an upstairs  bathroom is a must so one couple desperate to   be reunited and one couple with their first child  only weeks away nothing like an easy life right   now don't when you're getting all  misty-eyed this week all romantic   you've got you've got long-distance lovers i  know you love a bit of romance at least i haven't   got someone who's pregnant yeah well i know you  thought you'd finally finished with all of that   and then now you've got a pregnant client yeah  i know no i think my challenge is is the market   your challenge is goblin my challenge is the fact  that they've been looking for eight months they've   found nothing the market's gone up in that time  and they are desperate to live together with two   tough searches to crack we're going to have to  put our heads together and use every bit of our   property know-how i'll bet you any money that's  on a busy road look they've kind of hidden it so   you won't be able to see the double yellow line  yeah you're right i'm going to take charge of ben   and sophie's search in godelman while i focus on  glenn and rachel's hunt for a house in guildford   thing is in the eight months both couples  have been looking house prices have shot up   in guildford by 12 percent and because there's  a serious shortage of properties in goddamning   prices have rocketed by a massive 22 and that's  not the worst of it my clients have got a budget   of sort of four hundred and eighty thousand there  or there abouts how many people on your applicant   list might might be in the similar situation i  would have said if we took a quick glimpse at it   it would be something like 150 people probably in  that same price bracket in a position to move all   in a positive emotion living in rented or their  first time right correct or under offer and that's   just one agent's books this is a market moving  faster than the thirsty phil at closing time   it's underwater already well i've only  just picked up the details this morning   we've been hard at it on both searches and drawn  up two short lists problem is they're exactly that   very short i've got a lot more work to do when's  it coming onto the market this afternoon well   yeah i'm here right now looks like you've got your  work cat out in gothaming happy to leave you to it   i'm heading just down the road with rachel and  glenn to our first house in guildford they've   been looking for eight months now with no success  i reckon they're not being clear about what they   want there has to be something wrong time to get  strict with my house rules it's me you don't have   to be polite i'm not the estate agent you can say  it as it is so politeness out the window at the   window somehow i'm not sure you two are capable  of that don't worry kirsty if anyone can stop them   being polite it'll be you this three-bedroom  neo-georgian house has all the space they've   asked for plus it's got the traditional layout  that glenn likes granted it lacks some of the   period charm that rachel wanted but at just under  250 000 pounds for this amount of space in this   location i think it's a brilliant buy out of the  cold now we've got kitchen on our left right and   main sitting room okay size wise what do you  think yeah it's not not bad size yeah it could be   rearranged much much much better it's actually a  really good sized room and again if you look up so   look from one end of the room to the other ceiling  and that really shows you what a big space it is   i have a feeling rachel that if this room were in  a victorian house you would be more enthusiastic   about its size yes probably what this house  is trying to do i mean correct me if i'm wrong   is fight against your feelings architecturally  yeah i think i just missed the the focus of having   a fireplace yes i reckon they're looking past the  potential here these guys could easily put in the   period charm thereafter and the space is fantastic  it's certainly got kirsty hopping up and down   pop and have a look at the kitchen youtube okay  yeah that's the best it's a great house i want   them to see that yeah it's light see it's  it's a good sized kitchen yeah it is right now again this garden is bigger  than it might seem at first   rachel was after a big sunny garden and this  doesn't disappoint but will it be enough   to put the house in a more positive light  give this house at points out of ten seven   seven as well go and have a look upstairs and  i will be very surprised if you don't come   downstairs and give it a bigger score because  the highest you buy has got to be a nine ok you thought seven was good okay well i'm  looking for a nine always looking to score   a few extra points in the bedroom ain't kirsty  well i would get my my clothes but not yours   rachel's bagging the wardrobe space already a girl  after my own heart it's a built-in wardrobe and   another wardrobe here so we can we can probably  fit a third wall so we have got lots of space here   so does the amount of upstairs space this  house has add to at school i think so   um definitely creeping up towards the end no we'd  say definitely right onwards not the nine i was   after i'm finding it difficult to read these  two they're good manners is blocking their   real feelings and without their real feelings  it's hard for me to develop the search [Music] this week we're house hunting in surrey and it's  a race against time for ben and sophie to find   a family house before the stalk finds them we're  also trying to bring together our modern day romeo   with his juliet before this property  performance turns into a tragedy   with so many people asking for our help this year  we're doubling our workload we're searching for   two couples with two different sets of criteria  in the same area problem is the surrey market   it's totally bonkers houses are being snapped  up before the for sale boards are nailed down   so we're pulling out all the stops to stay ahead  of the competition if you ever find yourself house   hunting in a market like this you've got to  be massively proactive over the last few days   aside from using just the estate agents i put  300 of these leaflets through people's doors   i've checked out local auction houses private  sale ads builders developers the works i've   left absolutely no stone unturned i only need  one bit of luck and i'm determined to find it what's next for you phil pizza delivery watch it  fortunately we don't need to find out because i've   hit the property bullseye with a storming house  right where ben and sophie want to be in central   godelman and since i'm waiting for a few contacts  to get back to me i may as well head up the road   to keep an eye on you um it is very very new to  the market it was actually it wasn't on the market   and it's owned by a friend of the estate  agent i've been dealing with and we managed   to persuade her that it should go on the market  and their friends have kindly put it on the market   immediate weakness is obviously yeah the busy  road we were hoping that that was in some way   made up for the fact that it's set back for the  road and you got two parking spots the end of the   day it comes down to the noise inside the house  yeah well i think you'll be pleasantly surprised   because i'm a bit of a noise freak phil yeah and i  think you'll be pleasantly surprised let's get in   have a listen this house has got tons  of the character ben and sophia craving   and more space than an episode of star trek open  plan living three bedrooms and a large garden   it's got everything they've asked for the only  downside is the road but that's more than made up   for by the price and believe me for 425 000 pounds  it's not going to hang around for long straight in it's really nice it feels like a well-loved family   home and i don't mean that like it's  tatty it's not it's immaculate yeah an important question though can you hear the  road um no she's surprising because i thought we   would because it's that's a main road it's on the  market at 425 grand um which we think is very very   sensible yeah i suppose it's so central isn't it  you would expect potentially something higher than   that because maybe it's the main road which the  main road will hold it back a bit they've fallen   for the space and decor downstairs but we're not  out of the woods with the road noise just yet   you can hear the traffic in the front but i don't  think you can hear it as much well it's just can a little bit can you i don't  know how much that would annoy me   listen it's a great house if they don't want it  they don't want it well we've got other greyhounds   but i think we've had a very positive start yeah  it has been a really positive start but i have to   i want to get back to glenn and rachel you know  i'm dealing with a couple who've been looking   for eight months currently can't live together and  i've got a maximum budget of 250. okay they'd bust   something if they saw this upstairs things are  still in the balance with ben how do you like it   it seems a bit like sophie and ben scott i think  it's got really nice feel to it i have to say it   does feel quite homely but it is done and i know  they may be ready yeah talking of children go on   game football yeah sorry have to keep small  children constantly yeah feel free to carry on what do you reckon we like it the only thing is  it's been done i suppose it would be nice to be   able to come in and do a little bit to a property  but we wouldn't need to in this it's a ready-made   home which you know has lots of positivity are  you saying that because you actually want to make   your own stand as in design stamp on somewhere  or is it that you want to add value to someone a bit of both really playing devil's advocate  here but equally in the situation you are three   months due um you're going to need somewhere that  you can move into and enjoy living in because the   reality is you're not going to be doing anything  for a year no and which we could do here happily   yeah it's certainly a ready-made house yeah yeah  yeah so is it still in the melting pot definitely   yeah i think so yeah with ben and sophie's search  off to a good start i've got to stop neglecting   my babies glenn and rachel i'm heading back to  see if i can do just as well for them rachel   dismissed the last house because it lacked period  charm well our next property has it in spades and   it's in a prime location near godelman it may  not be the most spacious house in the world   but phil assures me size isn't everything with  two lovely reception rooms two sunny bedrooms   and the upstairs bathroom rachel's after i can't  believe i've found them this victorian terrace   for under 240 000 pounds but at this price it's  gonna be snapped up lots of period mm-hmm that's   the thing what you're after rachel i do like the  sort of the cottagey feel the old-style cottagey   feel to them yeah it's really homely it's quite  cozy we've not actually seen anywhere quite like   this with this much character have we yeah so  that's really nice we've been in here 11 seconds   first impressions it's a good 11 very good 11  seconds really yeah yeah it's got more of the   wow factor because of the character yes definitely  i want you to have a look around here glenn just   by yourself and take miss excitement over there  upstairs all right rachel now up here you've got your master bedroom obviously big  room lovely and sunny no that's great   there's not a downstairs bathroom which is  frankly a miracle yes in the house it is a   miracle but both bathrooms are off a bedroom it's  more downstairs bathrooms i suppose that i'm not   keen on if it's the only bathroom in the house um  i don't think this would be so much of a problem   where there is one off each room are you still  as keen having seen upstairs to be honest i can   i'm thinking now more about the space and there's  not as much space so practically to live in it   a little bit iffy now but i still do love  the the character and the charm of it so   that kind of tears me into really poor rachel she  was so positive at the beginning it's got some   lovely views out here yeah i'm not sure overall  whether practically it's going to be beginning   yeah i'm just wondering about the size he's not  ready he won't really grow with us yeah do we   want to buy a house for now and move in a few  years time i don't really want to right this is   going to be an extraordinary dilemma for these two  and i don't want to create a drama or a dilemma or   divide and rule like i usually do i just want  to hold their hand and make sure that they're   happy with the decision they've made it's a tough  one but the harsh reality is 250 000 doesn't buy   them a house they can grow into around here i'm  afraid they're going to have to be flexible right   okay guys what do you think we need to think about  you know what our strategy would be whether it be   better to buy somewhere now and possibly make  some money on it in a couple of years time and   sell up again or do we want to be somewhere  where you know we can set up here for quite   some time and not have to worry about sort of  overgrowing the space that is the dilemma that's   the problem on your budget we can't get you the  character you want for the size that you need so   the decision is do you look medium term  or long term yeah that's all we need to   yeah to make our decision onwards if they are  willing to compromise i've got just the ticket   aldershot it's only 10 miles west of guilford and  they'll definitely get more for their money here   as an army town all the shots reputation has  put buyers off in the past but the military   are playing the last post and moving out and the  money's moving in 40 million pounds of investment   is being pumped into the local infrastructure  there's a massive drive to turn this town around   no wonder it's been tipped as one of the top  five places to invest in the uk i think this   could be the perfect spot for rachel and glenn so  i'm joining them to give all the shop the big push   what are your initial thoughts of being  an older shop yeah it's not an area   we'd sort of hope to move to but it's something  we would consider yeah i mean we've heard about   all the shops we didn't know too much about it  there's going to be a ripple effect if you think   how expensive guildford and godelman have become  where are they going to ripple into yes older shop   makes sense yeah so you're not totally anti-it no  they're worth having a look and take care of that   attitude i like to see that's a nice positive  attitude okay well let's get in there okay taking glenn and rachel out of their area means  we can deliver the character features and space   thereafter at a budget they can afford currently  rented out this former coaching inn has been on   the market a week but already there's an offer i'm  not surprised at 234 950 it's a steal coming into   the sitting room yes i like it i like you i like  you that is what i like did you hear that film   yes i like it no mucking about then what's  your preference between modern and period   sort of decor and stuff uh i don't actually have a  major preference between them um i mean i like the   sort of the clean the clean lines of the modern  style but i also like the previous features so i   don't really have a but i mean that therefore this  house could could work because it is modern yeah   it's a very old building it's  not an old house it's an alberta now out here is the back garden there's a front  courtyard where the table and chairs are right   um but you've also got this as well i know the  garden was something you were quite keen to   yes it was sure that you had so it's a little bit  small but it's enough space to sit outside have   a barbecue so you property focused or are you  location focused i think we are both location   focused okay to be honest so i read from that and  correct me if i'm wrong that you would compromise   on the property in order to get the right location  yes i think we would yeah we definitely got to the   point where we would right i hope you mean that  because up till now compromise hasn't really   been an option and don't forget you are desperate  aldershot could be a great long-term investment   something these two need to think seriously about  having been out of a spiraling property market for   the last eight months right it doesn't have the  wow and in order for them to buy an all the shot   they were looking for a big welfare they're not  going to get the wow on their budget anywhere in   this neck of the woods it's ben and sophie that  get the wow that's just life this isn't right if   they if they were to find this house i would eat  your shoe this shoe yeah you would eat this yeah   it'd be brown horrible you're on i buy  this nice food just to see you eat my shoe   it's really nice it really is just the location i  think isn't it yeah i mean if it was in guildford   i'd buy it yes another one in the no pile but  at least kirsty's heels are off the menu [Music]   ben and sophie only have eyes for godelman but in  a town that consists of just over 9 000 properties   finding a house that matches their criteria and  is on the market is virtually impossible so we're   pushing their geographical boundaries as well this  time we're heading out of their comfort zone in   the direction of chiding fall it's six miles south  of godelman and still a very sought after spot   this property is on at 525 000 but i've had  a word with the agent and it sounds like a   deal could be done some people really love  open plan living i mean i think it's great   for young families so some people it doesn't  suit quite so well what do you think i'm not   sure about it it is very open this one the  only problem about having an open plan with   children is the fact that there isn't any chance  to hide away i suppose for you or for them for us   you're not supposed to say  that yet give it a year or two   there speaks the voice of experience father of two  phil this house exceeds their requirements with a   sunny playroom four lovely bedrooms and a garden  allen titchmarsh will be proud of so while ben   has a butcher's outside i'm heading upstairs with  sophie with only 12 weeks till the baby arrives   this house is the easy option that's if she can  get her head around village life oh that's really   nice so what are your sort of maternal instincts  tell you about this i could nest here i think you   know it's but yeah it is a really nice house does  finish life where are you i don't think it worries   me i just like to know there is something  out there that i'm not you know completely   isolated i suppose i think sophie could be  persuaded but what about ben hello hello   peaceful isn't it it's amazingly peaceful  amazingly if sophie was comfortable in this   house and in this area it would get the get the  vote from you would it i don't know it's a weird   one feel quite removed from from civilization  and i don't know how comfortable i am now i'm   hit now i'm here which is really strange for  me to be saying i wish you hadn't said it it's such a great house but i've heard  it said that location is everything   i think it's a house which is um perfect in  goddamn but not so much here my opinion yeah   and i really like it i think the house is lovely  but you're right it needs almost to be lifted and   put in goddamming i think i don't know chidinfold  enough i don't want to make a rash decision about   it but i'm not sure that it's the location seen  enough with her yeah yes liked it nice house   yeah it was in gothaming it would be even better  i've got one more bit of information for you   price yes yes it's on the market at 525 000 i  would not say this is worth a penny more than 500.   okay so it's again top of the budget  it's way top of the budget insuring fold   just over the top of the budget  actually if my thumbs are correct   yeah and it's in chilling fold yeah so maybe  it's probably going to say that again and it's so twice we've tried to sway our house hunters  to stretch their search area and twice we've   been shot down in flames but options are tight  it's a pity because it did look right up their   street we've reached the end of our shortlist and  our tethers even the weather's turned against us   this is uh this is absolutely madness obviously  in a market like this for years i keep on saying   well bears in mind well thank you for your help  bear us in line you're being very nice to the wall   i know but i'm getting a bit sick of it i have to  say and it's not their fault and you know they're   just as miserable careful there's enough to take  us down without you actually falling over [Music] this week we're searching for rachel and glenn  who are dead fussy despite being desperate   and sophie and ben whose baby will arrive in three  months time home or no home we're in such demand   this year that we're doubling our workload we're  looking for two dream homes for two couples in   the one area the market in surrey is red hot at  the moment and we're having to fight tooth and   nail to get both couples a new home ben and sophie  didn't want to venture out of their comfort zone   so for our next property we're heading back  towards goddamn with its fantastic schools   an idyllic lifestyle this is a popular place for  families no wonder these guys want to settle here   well here's the next one i've lined up  what'd you make of that yeah it looks   very nice to me this detached cottage  has got more than its fair share of wow   owned by an interior designer it's finished off  to a tee there's plenty of reception space three   double bedrooms a big garden and a garage this  cottage is fresh on at 485 000 but as expected   there's a lot of serious interest already so  i wouldn't be surprised in this market if it   went to sealed bids it's on the market at 485  grand so okay really at the top of your budget   and since i viewed it just a few days ago  there's been 14 other viewings 14 viewers through the kitchen it's not the kitchen breakfast room  but it's still quite a nice room   kitchen aside properties like this don't come up  very often in goddamning and after eight months   of banging their heads against a wall this  place must feel like a breath of fresh air   and the main bedroom double aspect oh really nice  yeah storage is fantastic it's beautifully done   i just can't believe you've found these kind  of properties because we've been looking for   such a long time i love it i think it would suit  you brilliantly yeah but i know that you know you   you had wanted to put your stamps yeah is it  a negative or actually when you're faced with   it and you're faced with the reality of having a  family in three months time is it is it a positive   for me when you see something like this it's it's  a positive because just purely short time i'd be   so proud to be able to open the door to my parents  and my friends and say come into my house here   without a doubt and that's that's that's a huge  positive they're falling for this cottage but if   my suspicions are confirmed and this cottage does  go to sealed bids it'll be a sudden death finish   no negotiation the highest bid wins so  i must make sure they keep a level head   the only downside would be you know how  much it might get bumped up if it went to   see a bid and how tempted we might be to  push ourselves over the limit and how far   i suppose we need to think about how far we could  do that yeah we can't our top budget was 480   and now it's going 485 and then it's gonna go up  and that was it started at 400 eight months ago so   i don't think we can find much more and you know  i'm the last person that wants to put any pressure   on you but if you are gonna go for this we  need to make decisions pretty quickly well   i mean very very positive viewing they obviously  love it it's a stunning house whether they'll be   able to actually buy it or not it's an entirely  different matter there's a lot of interest it   will go to seal bits i have no idea what it'll go  for but it it could be more than they can afford   i know she's having a tough time of it with  glenn and rachel but i could really do with   some of kirsty's help i found an amazing house to  show ben and sophie it's a project so it will be   a brave step i've asked kirsty for some backup  a problem shared is a problem half phil but i   just hope we're doing the right thing hello hi i  already do the suit what i've ordered you the suit   you should have ordered me a double vodka tonic  having a happy day no actually i'm having a good   day i have to say that i think that rachel and  glenn you know they're so smiley and positive   and nice about everything i think it is disguising  and underlying fussiness which i didn't pick up   on in the first place because i couldn't imagine  anyone with such a desperate situation could be   time to be fussy exactly um have we got time to  have something to eat we're going to see that   amazing house they said it be quick it's it's  a project and it looks fascinating but there's   people calling all over arguably we shouldn't show  it to them we've got to show it to them we just   we cannot not search them ben has been talking  about wanting a project adding value most of the   time i reckon i've hit the nail on the head with  this house it's the renovation project ben's been   banging on about and it's in gothaming exactly  where they wanted it to be time to see whether   ben's all mouth and no overalls now knowing  that um particularly you ben can't quite get   a project out of your mind the next house  which is this one really is a project   but it does need a complete renovation i'm  scared i'm scared i've always wanted one of   the renovation projects and then you said it's  a full renovation project and it's maybe don't   tell me you're backing out now this is such a rare  opportunity a detached house with heaps of space   inside and out but its potential is no secret  there's house hunters and developers crawling   all over it it's bound to go for more than 450  000 with 31 viewings and four offers already   it's going to seal bids in a week come in  see what you think big reception here it's   got everything to do yeah structurally i think the  property is excellent but it needs wiring plumbing   redecorating it's retro isn't it  the wallpaper you like though so   yeah it's my favorite what we've got here  is two rooms reception room and kitchen   i think it is essential to knock them through  yes yeah but potentially not something for ben to   undertake okay good could you and would you yeah  live through the work could you buy it and afford   to rent somewhere else if you didn't want to live  through and invest in doing the work and have   we've got a realistic chance of actually getting  it anyway let us worry about that you concentrate   on exactly my feeling in is on this house is think  about the other house decide of the other houses   which you want make an offer on it proceed with  it put in your top possible offer next friday when   it comes to sealed bids and if you get it  pull out of the other house that you're buying   you're allowed to do that there's no rules against  it stop you doing it can they what you're doing   is hedging your bets some people  would think it was morally a bit dodgy   but my feeling is that you have to worry about  you and your baby yes if you got this and you   made an offer on something else and you pulled  out it's going to really upset those people   someone's weak is going to be wrecked well  then again that's the amount of people going   for this house or the other house anyway  it's not they're not going to lose out   very aggressive marketplace and people are using  all sorts of tricks sometimes when the market's   against you you have to play hardball the garden  not only is the biggest garden that we've seen   uh it also looks straight out onto the playing  fields absolutely amazing i think it's from back   here you really get a perspective of quite much  space around the property there is yeah it has got   a real sense of space out here the most excited  i've been though of all the houses well we're back   right in gothenburg where you wanted to be and  it's a project i reckon there's a 75 chance you're   going to be disappointed on this one yeah go and  have a look upstairs get a feel for it get a feel   for how you have to live if you moved in and had  to wait two or three years to save up the money to   do the work taking on a house like this is such a  huge commitment especially with the birth of their   baby only 12 weeks away how big that's a good  thing about these older houses we've got they   are so large room yeah they're really large rooms  when you start to think about living living here   you realize how much work yeah you do i don't know  whether he's going to get a bonus this year but   he'd need it buying this it'll go for all of their  money absolutely had to show it to them it's just   where they wanted to live it's a detached house  with opportunities been banging on about having   a project i was not going to ignore it i bang  on about things all the time and you ignore me   that's because it's constant i really like  the potential of the house i really do   i mean it's it's it's but the work is there's so  much work everywhere everything needs doing yeah   this is my reality check i suppose the reality is  that it's definitely going to seal bids in a week   and with such interest from every corner there's  no guarantee they'll get it the good news is   they've liked two other houses as well so at least  we've got options while i'm with ben and sophie i   get a call from an agent with a hot tip about a  new property for glenn and rachel in guildford   with me and goleming helping fill out and  nighttime creeping up i don't want us to miss our   chance on this one so i'm sending glenn and rachel  off to view it on their own i've seen the brochure   and i've got a few reservations i just hope i can  trust them oh this is lovely i love the fireplace   they're all these sort of period features it's  good that you know it's still got the star that we   like this house may be beautifully finished inside  but the rooms are smaller than the other houses   we've seen and that's not the only compromise  its downstairs bathroom and position sandwich   between two busy roads make me feel uneasy about  its budget busting price tag of 267 950 but   rachel and glenn are desperate and in this market  it's important that they see everything possible okay this is the second bedroom yes good size  yeah really good size but overall the house   inside is just gorgeous it is i can't fault it  can't fault it at all it is well presented but   they could create this look in any of the houses  we've seen oh wow that's nice this has lovely   views onto the riverway isn't it yeah that's  really beautiful just a little bit noisy though with the a3 virtually at the bottom of the garden   it's certainly not the mousy  quiet location rachel was after next morning i'm straight over  to meet glenn and rachel at the   mid terrace in guildford they fell for last night   this is the only house they want to revisit so  i can't wait to see what all the fuss is about you too you have fallen for the lifestyle i'm  going to say that yeah i knew that was coming   it's lovely i cannot blame you i totally cannot  blame you but you two can do this to something   else which is bigger you've got it in you i've  got it in you i know you have got it in you to   do this yourselves i'm gonna have a quick  look upstairs stay there don't say a word   come on kirsty you found the mouse they love  calm down oh they're in trouble now rachel   yes you are in so much trouble young lady  yeah what is that i know it's the a3 i know   where's the bathroom it's downstairs that's the  other issue you have gone against this is a house   sandwiched between the a3 and the stashen road  with a downstairs bathroom and two bedrooms yes these guys have been blinded by the decor  and for once in my life i'm speechless   they've picked a house which goes against  everything they've talked about of course it's   their decision but i'm here to make sure they make  the right choice and i don't think this is [Music]   these things these lovely details which  are so winning are going and you could   buy this house and you could come in  the front door and you could find that   all that you had was the carpet and  the white walls i'm genuinely confused   now i've got sort of quite mixed feelings  i understand where cursey's coming from   but do you feel confused as well um yes not saying  no but glenn whenever i've had conversations   with glenn he does want to start all your life  together if he sees any house which is appeals   he's going to say yeah this one come on rich let's  it move in let's set the date for the wedding this   is what let's let's begin our life together that's  true isn't it you want to start your life without   absolutely just want to get you know  get things moving you want to get things   back on track as soon as possible this is  the only house that has set their hearts   on fire but with their heads in a spin glenn and  rachel need time to decide what's best for them   down the road in godelman ben's desperate to take  a second look at the huge renovation project and   get some costings together so i've had a local  builder price up the work to give them a clearer   idea of what they'd be taking on we all recognize  this as a massive opportunity but i think today is   about facing up to the sort of realities the  practicalities of pulling off a project yeah   i know you know you've you've talked about it but  you've wanted to do it you got excited about this   but we've really got to consider how  you're going to pull it off yeah yes   how much it really entails yeah what's  the reality yeah instead of ben's fantasy whatever floats your boat ben well the  kitchen's the the obvious starting point   of any work that you're going to do just to to  get things livable for for you and the baby yeah   absolutely definitely that's number one priority  yeah i had a builder man here earlier today   i've just spoken to him on the phone  and he said knocking through this wall   would cost about two and a half to three grand  you'll have quite a space to fill which i mean   how long's a piece of string how much you want to  spend on the kitchen i think you're going to spend   10 12 grand on a kitchen yeah yeah we budgeted for  about twenty bring this up to where we thought we   could it could be a livable nice space yeah  and that is doable is it depends on whether   we got the property and for how much and if they  got it would they want to take on all this work   what do you think matey well i still really  like it and i'm reassured that having come back   and looked around it's not as bad as i thought it  was in terms of condition so i think you know as   people mad as people might think i am i think we  could do it if we got it in time and we could get   it up to a living standard then i think we could  do it for a while i think we've got we've got full   back position with the first house we've got the  second house which is amazing and lovely if we   get it for that then great but it is at the top  of the top top of the market and then you've got   this house which is the one we really want i think  it's worth it i i christ imagine that owning that   but when it comes to the crunch will they  get any of them [Music] we've shown both   our house hunters the best properties we  can it's time to get down to brass tacks   ben and sophie are interested in three of  the four houses we've shown them in godelman   the stunning victorian semi the baby ready  cottage and the huge renovation project   their number one favorite is the  renovation project but it's not   going to seal bids for another week so  we can put it to the back of our minds   for now our priority has to be the cottage with  another asking price offer on the table the   agents are going to seal bids at noon tomorrow  so we need to move fast to be in with a chance   the cottage goes to a sealed bid tomorrow it's  on the market at 485 000 there were two people   bidding at that level have you thought  about and agreed a figure that you want   to offer because this is a a one shot chance  there's no negotiation there's no going back   497 okay okay i'm just going to round i'm going  to knock that up a little bit just so it's an   odd figure in case somebody else puts 497 so let's  say 497 300. okay thank you very much waiting with   baited breath yes we'll give it our best shot  but with sealed bids there are no guarantees   having had time to think about the houses they've  seen will rachel and glenn be any less confused   at the end of the day whatever i say about any  house i'm here to do what you want me to do   so what are you thinking now we've had a  lot to take on boardwalk haven't we yeah um   we haven't totally discounted the house  that we went to see um that we liked but   you've given us a lot of good advice i'm  perfectly happy to make an offer on that house   and see if we can get them to accept it  i am very good at negotiating on property   effectively even when my heart isn't 100 in it  if i'm only saying that so that you know okay   without sounding way too touchy feely that  i'm there for you okay i think you know just   now being a little bit more detached from how it  all looks and being sucked in by the glamour of it   we need to just sit down and discuss things these  two have got a horrible decision to make they   may be desperate but i really don't think they  should jump into anything they'll regret later   next morning ben and sophie drop off their  sealed bid letter for the cottage thank you   very much cool we've got three bids i'll  be speaking to the vendor this afternoon   they will have an answer for you this afternoon  they've stretched their finances to the limit   all they can do now is wait thank  you look forward to hearing from you   after a nail-biting wait the news is in and i get  straight on the blower to bend come on hello phil we didn't get it now hi bidder you're  joking thank you very much anyway cheers bye didn't get it at the top must  have paid loads then yeah another week to wait then yeah sorry dude  the painful thing is they don't know how   much they've lost out by it could be a tenner  or 10k the consolation is that two houses that   they love the stunning victorian semi and the  huge renovation project are still on the market   we're still looking okay we're really happy with  either of those aren't we yeah absolutely and i   think we're both quite realistic about how stiff  the competition is here in goldman so fingers   crossed things are up in the air for ben and  sophie but fate has taken glenn and rachel in a   new and unexpected direction for once i'm relieved  that we didn't find them a house two weeks after   we leave them glenn's offered a job in rachel's  hometown bournemouth the recruitment agent just   rang me out the blue was looking to fill a  position in bournemouth and i thought why not   they're having to rent for the time being but at  least they're together in a beautiful flat close   to the sea and to rachel's family we're just so  happy to be living together again it's fantastic   somewhere we can definitely see ourselves  settling down and staying now for a long   time so we're really happy that we've ended up  here in a roundabout way it's all worked out for   the best i think it's funny how things work out  a few weeks ago glenn and rachel were struggling   to find their feet in guildford today they're  looking forward to a new life together in dorset back in godelman ben and sophie have had  some more bad news even though they added   a whopping 40 000 to the 450 000 pound  asking price they've been outbid again with two houses down and these two under pressure  to exchange we're hoping it's third time lucky   with the victorian semi on the road or they  may end up homeless they've asked me to put   in an offer at the full asking price of 425  000. well if you keep in touch that'd be great   cheers and after a short wait i get a call  from the agent and i'm straight on the blower   to break the news they've got it you'll be  in before the baby arrives so that really is   fantastic ben and sophie are in before baby  jacob arrives but only just from moving into   the house through to sophie having jacob it  was six days so um yeah it's certainly tight   all in all he's an absolute sweetheart  here's a little poppet it's been perfect   with so much on their plate i bet they're glad  they're not living on a building site we are far   from being disappointed about not doing the  renovation project i mean it would have been   way too much with your diy skills i think  retrospectively it's good that we're in a   house that doesn't need too much doing to it  godelman was always where they wanted to be and   it certainly lived up to their expectations i feel  really really content here we love the house we   love the location it's perfect for me to be able  to just wheel the push chair into town it's great   but i think that just goes to show that  hedging your bets can really pay off   by keeping calm in the face of what was a  frightening property market ben and sophie   have not only secured a great house they've also  got it at a fantastic price job done [Music] you
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 167,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all homes home and garden, diy, diy projects, dream home dilemma, home decor, home decor ideas, home design, home restoration, house design, house hunting, interior, interior design, living room makeover, location, location location location, phil spencer, real estate help, restoration, surrey, surrey home search
Id: sx1shzVsqjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 49sec (2869 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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