Sutton Gem: 5-Bed Home Tour - Location Location Location - S10 EP12 - Real Estate TV

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last year we took up the challenge to  help two couples make two big moves   in norwich we had some first-time  buyers who would love birds but worry and in warts cole field we were  charged with helping a young family   move in with mom would you  move in with your mother enough   no that was a tough question if i could buy the  house next door possibly 12 months on we're back   to see how they're getting on i took paper falls  i glossed i paid in a bucket we had no loops twelve months ago we took on two desperate house  hunters in two different locations with two very   different briefs they had one thing in common  though they were both in dire need of our help   our search targeted two property hotspots  saturn coalfield to the north of birmingham   and norwich at the heart of  norfolk so two search areas   both with highly competitive markets and their  own unique problems [Music] our first set of   house hunters were debs and hardy burme a happy  young family on the verge of a life-changing move   hard deep's mum was moving in so three generations  to keep happy easy right living with your mother   and living with your mother-in-law's never the  easiest thing to do but be good for the kids   um i'm sure debbie will get used to it in the end  the burmese situation is increasingly common the   only way many people can afford the right house  is to pitch in together and buy as an extended   family three generations all living under the same  roof is predicted to triple in the next 20 years   i realize it's not going to be a better  roses and i realize there's going to be   rounds etcetera that sort of thing but hopefully  we'll just have to learn to to live together   hardeep's mum lives on her own at the moment but  now needs a little more care moving with hardeep   and debs to their new home will offer her all the  support she needs and the proceeds from the sale   of her house will go towards their new and larger  all-singing all-dancing family-friendly house   so one big house for one big extended family a  piece of cake well it would be if only they could   agree where they wanted it sutton cole feels  my preferred choice i think you get value for   your money in sutton coalfield for our budget i  think we're going to get the possibly the house   of our dreams of you know touchwood debbie's  mom lives in harbor and harborne is definitely   debbie's choice to the north of the city center is  hardeep's choice sutton coalfield it offers real   value for money great schools and beautiful  houses debbie's family lived to the south in   harbor it's got a deservedly upmarket reputation  and there lies the snack the average price for   a detached house here last year was almost double  that of sutton coalfield this search boils down to   three things psychology psychology and psychology  hardeep's an accountant and he's thinking with his   head for sutton you certainly get more for your  money but poor old debs will be facing life in   an unfamiliar area living with her mother-in-law  you guys have got quite a long wish list just run   through it for me and try if possible to start  with the most important and go down um i think   the most important is the space four bedrooms yep  definitely but also where it is i've done a lot   into looked a lot into this that the schools  are pretty good there okay so size location   catchment area yes no it's not just a three-part  wish list come on no there's not the small and we   don't want to be on a busy road as well wherever  it happens to be ideally we'd like a bigger garden   we've got quite a small garden now but i don't  want to have a field at the back of the house   just because i'm going to get one well it's the  usual recipe isn't it we listen to what they want   we ignore what they want we go hunting for the  most suitable properties in their price range and   location and we brow beat them until they buy them  very nicely perhaps it's easy this job once you   know how to do it with contribution from hardeep's  mum the family budget tops out at 430 000   sounds like a lot but we're searching an expensive  territory the family are after a detached   four-bedroom house on a quiet road in either  sutton or harbour and that's just for starting   our second set of house hunters were first-time  buyers helen rackham and paul beckett   they had loved and lost three houses all because  they couldn't get over the buyer's biggest hurdle   the survey as first-time buyers they  were fragile and a bit frightened   so it was down to us to hold their hand we  started looking for a house about a year ago   first-time buyers we thought i've got no chain  of renting everything's ready to go and it's not   been like that at all it's just been a complete  nightmare from start to finish unfortunately   we know the problem for these two hasn't been  finding a home in fact they put offers in on   three houses but each time they've been scared off  by some serious sounding surveys and pulled out   i trained as a surveyor and i've been evaluating  properties for about 12 years now i've yet to come   across a problem that's completely insurmountable  you've got to remember that a surveyor's job is to   identify anything that's wrong with the property  what you've got to do is work out what's serious   and what's not and we can't afford to take  any chances with this cautious couple houses   in norwich are flying off the market and with a  working brief i need to get straight on the case   well that's gone as well you must  have something you can tell me   while phil pans the pavement i'm off to get the  finer details from helen and paul but they want   a house of their own and a year of disappointments  has left them at a low end paul all this touring   and throwing the disappointment the losing of  the three properties how does that make you feel   about the process uh what really deflated to be  honest initially in the first place it was very um   exciting to find a place and sort of imagine  yourself sitting around how you'd have it laid   out and that sort of thing but one after  the other it's just sort of taking all the   excitement away from the whole process completely  so what we've got to do is put the magic back into   the search definitely but what about his better  half time for a girls chat so you longing for   your own house yeah really badly and we're just  so desperate we just want to start decorating   and showing off our house yeah and every time we  go to do that that goes wrong [Music] okay well   i promised paul that we would put the magic  back into the search yes and i think for you   i think i can guarantee that we can  find you a home to call your own   you may be confident kirsty but i'm worried helen  and paul have got a budget of 165 000 pounds   and want a three-bedroom property no more  than 20 minutes walk from norwich city centre   problem is i can't find any three-bedroom  properties in their price range   i think it's best if you show helen and paul our  first property while i continue searching right   first up is a spacious two bed terrace in a great  spot west of the city center staggering distance   from the bars and only 15 minutes walk to work but  it's inside that really sells this house not only   does it have two big bedrooms but they've made  fantastic use of the available space downstairs   and created somewhere really stylish and it's  seven grand under budget what they've done is   something that's quite clever they've used the  side return of the house often a wasted space   for a kitchen wow i love it i just absolutely love  it it works very well it's a clever use of space   it's so unusual and i think they will  be just as impressed with the upstairs   more spacious yes definitely  put your head through there this is nice isn't it yeah it's lovely i  really like it double thumbs up on the kitchen   everything downstairs great use of the space  and it's good value for money the area as well   yeah just fingers crossed there's nothing they seem to be very reassured by my  advice which is great in one way but   puts a lot of responsibility on my shoulders  i'll be glad when phil gets here tomorrow   because we have got to convince them that  they shouldn't be so cautious about surveys   but if we're wrong we can have so much  egg on our face we'll be scrambled [Music]   this week we are catching up  with not one but two couples   a year ago we took on two tricky searches one  in norwich and the other one in sutton coldfield   both couples had great expectations at a time  when neither could afford to be fussy so it was   down to us to rein them in debs and hardy are  expecting a lot of house for their money we've   got a budget of 430 000. five beds you've got to  have a family kitchen two on suites long garden   catchment area for the good schools eight seven  five five bedrooms six foot i'm not even close   with all those demands so far we've drawn a blank  in half one there's just nothing suitable within   budget so we're starting search in sutton and  straight away breaking one of their golden rules   this house is on a busy road but with its generous  frontage it's well set back from the traffic and   i think its sheer size could show them what  their budget has the potential to achieve   and you don't get views like this anywhere  else in sutton or harban for that matter   on for 439 000 pounds it's at the top of  their budget but the house has a lot to offer   right now deborah first things first what were  you just saying the road's a bit noisy you though   you chicken you said no not a great start hope  we haven't formed the first hurdle here kirsty   have a bit of faith phil i know the road's  an issue but they haven't seen the inside yet   this 1930s house has bags of character and all  the space this family could need at the back   there's a huge garden for the kids to play in and  upstairs i've got a nifty idea for hardeep's mum   giving her and the family their own space with  everything it offers they'd be daft to dismiss   this house straight away so what do you think of  this kitchen then it's gorgeous lovely floors the   original floors all stripped and polished up and  look at that garden i am mighty keen on this house   as you probably know i can't tell i'm gonna  take you straight into the master bedroom okay and straight over to the window let's address  this road issue from the top it's a summer day it's very quiet it's very quiet and that's  why i was prepared to show it to you   and this house could really work for  hardeep's mom too here lovely double bedroom   ensuite sharon for your mother-in-law connecting  to a little sitting room whilst kirsty works   on convincing debbie i want to show hardy  the kind of lifestyle this house can offer   the sheer fact that this is here is great yeah no  one sets out saying i want to live on a busy road   but quite a few people would go i  wouldn't mind living opposite a golf   course and a sailing club having a nice  big garden and walking my kids to school   sounds tempting to me but have we scored a hole in  one kirstie and i was very mindful of the fact is   you said you didn't want to live on a road and  we've taken you straight to a house on a road   reasons we hope are quite clear you were i guess  perfectly within your eyes to walk in and go   what the hell are you doing well i did think  that when i walked up the drive i thought what   weren't you listening but yes i'd say that to fill  the hall she sends it to me all the time but um i do see exactly why you've done it and it's  it's not knowing my books i don't think it's   an annual books is it no no no it takes a lot of  boxes but not exactly brimming with enthusiasm   hardy i suspect the busy road may be a deal  breaker here hopefully we'll have more luck with   our next one this stunning four bed victorian  terrace is set bang in the middle of boldmere   hardeep's favorite area of sutton coalfield  it's perfect for schools and commuting although   not on the same scale as the last house this road  couldn't be quieter the figures add up too on the   market for 389 950 it's well under budget how does  it strike you from the outside there's no garage   maybe you should have asked deborah kirsty garage  or no go out this house is stunning hardeep's mum   could be very comfortable here with the space  it has to offer this place is being sold by two   talented artists and it shows in the imaginative  attention to detail it's got four large bedrooms   and two beautiful reception rooms but it's the  personal touches that really make this place shine   we know that bold mirror is hardeep's ideal spot  yes does it work quite as well i mean how far   is it to your family driving it's probably  going to be a good 40 minutes or so and my   mom doesn't drive so she would probably have to  get the train if she wanted to come and visit me   she can't just pop around do you know it's got  to be planned really debs may be worried that   she's too far from her family but in hardeep's  book this location's ideal and that's not all   it offers him now we thought this might be  where you and deborah might want to hide out   when the rigors of family life overcame you  you've got lovely ensuite shower there and then   this is a nice big room now at the moment  obviously it's got all the kids cluttered yeah   yeah but if you put a double bed against  that wall it's a lovely light bright room   and downstairs you've got a really big room for  your mum but size is a matter of opinion i think   downstairs is possibly too small right certainly  the two living rooms are nice try kirsty but i   don't think we won these two over quite yet  i think that old-fashioned fussy you know we   haven't come across that for a while just what  do you mean old-fashioned fuss it's just fussy hi youtube hello you had a good look around  yes we have it's no isn't it yes just tell me   i think i already know but in one sentence what  is the primary reason for the fact that it's a no   it's not big enough i thought we'd struck  gold with this house it's in hardeep's   ideal location and within budget hardeep and  deborah really need to start facing facts   i very much appreciate that space is your number  one criteria that's the motivation for the move   but you're trying to weigh in with the location  criteria as well no maybe we were being a bit too   picky i think no were you i think it's good  that we wait out for the for the right thing   but not try to get abs i don't think we're  going to get absolutely everything we want   i think we realize that i think i realize that  but i think we can get most things we want these   two have such firm views but with their budget  we're going to need a stroke of luck to find it   luck phil blood sweat and tears more like debs  and hardy for tough nuts to crack and it's no   easier ride in norwich with helen and paul the  next property i'm taking them to is one i found   in west norwich an area we know they love and  they'll be pleased to discover that the walk to   work is only 20 minutes door to door no sir i must  be mellowing in my old age you're not old darling   no seriously because previously i'd got hold of  those two and shaken them up and said right you   buy something which needs value added you left  them alone no i was sympathetic about their   survey issue i didn't accuse them of being wet  and i did a lot of nice comforting hand holding   well you're going to need a bit of hand holding  here this is the only three bed that i've found   within budget i know and it needs loads of  work they're going to be scared to death you're   not mellowing at all are you good morning guys  good morning hello this is phil he's come along   very nice to meet you with kirsty allegedly  on her best behavior let's hope we can make   them see that this house could work with a  bit of hard graft they'd kill two birds with   one stone they'd get their three bedrooms and  the opportunity to add value it's on at 157   950 pounds now helen through here you've got  your dining room lovely original nice fireplace   yeah oh tell me what you're  thinking look at your little face   it's just a bit it's obviously different  yesterday so i'm just adjusting and imagining   it is like if i had my stuff in it and i painted  it and got rid of yeah the fills yeah yeah yeah   it's not that bad you should see some of the stuff  phil and i see now this is the biggest bedroom   paul in fact something wow it's probably the  biggest bedroom on the street yeah it's massive   and the reason for that is because this area here  is above the passage right oh yeah it's a lot from   that side actually got to be a bonus huge second  bedroom there's a loo and a shower ensuite great   but in here is the third bedroom this is where  you could put bathroom you could put dressing   room yeah i really like the size of it actually i  really like the idea of just sort of having a play   and making it used to the space and that sort of  thing i'm really positive about this one great i'm   not sure what helen think but well well it might  be the stumbling block there yeah indeed so paul's   interested in adding value good man but i'm not so  sure about helen i think she's after the finished   product for what it's on for it's on for quite a  lot and i i just don't think we've got the time to   sort of take it on that so i wouldn't mind but i  think you want someone you just want to move into   a living i'm not done but if you would never think  about it chairs were a good idea weren't they yeah   you look very comfortable well we visit so many  fake enjoying yourselves leaving it all up to me   to do the work bring the agents take the notes  can i get your lunch did you all say slave on   the back and mine says master they're not going to  go for this house you do know that don't you how   did it get you sam and who's going to make this  decision is it a joint decision was it hermes   decision is helen's decision yeah definitely  i'm gonna have to have a word with paul beef   him up a bit it's not fair on you so we'll look  well about it i think we'll um never gonna happen i'll just go off and cry in the corner  now well we've given it our best shot   three bedrooms within budget but helen's  the boss and she's knocked it on the head   if doing up houses isn't going to float helen's  boat then we've got the best finished house on   the market it's in the city centre and  came on yesterday at one five nine nine   fifty five grand under their budget  and we're the first through the door this is lovely it's really finished  and nice just the way you like you are a predictor bunny aren't you yeah but how  much is it because this is really close to work   really close to the city it came on the market  yesterday at 159 950. but there is a flood of   people who want to get in there we are holding  them off with a big stick it's a good price very   good price you haven't seen around the house yet  you've just walked in and thought yeah it's really   fun i just thought it was gonna be a fortune  from the outside and because of where it is   the owner has created a fantastic home two big  reception rooms a stylish kitchen two double   bedrooms and i've got a little surprise that's  going to enchant helen i don't know whether you'll   go for this kind of walk-in closet arrangement  oh no you are kidding yes i'm kidding oh my god   that's just so cool wow this is just to be my  dream area this is exactly what i wanted in   a house at the last house paul was eager to add  value but for a man afraid of surveys has he got   the bottle this is a joint decision you both got  to be happy and if your drive and your motivation   is to you know just climb up the ladder make some  money then we need to hear about that yeah that's   definitely i'm coming from then this is the wrong  house yeah i think it is paul seems to think that   you and he could do this in a house you could  spend 20 000 pounds and make it your own and add   the value yourself no way he's just dreaming we  like just enjoying our life and we're not in the   mood so what makes paul think that he's capable  of of this type of project testosterone i think but there's a little something in  the garden that'll keep paul sweet   come and have a look at this it's  currently being used as a beautician's um   room goes right through oh back here as well blind  could be a boys room could set your decks up there   yeah get away from helen make plenty of noise that's really good i really like that well no need to ask you too much about what you  like about that because it's written all over   your faces it's just yeah really unbelievable it's  everything we've ever wanted isn't it everything's   new and nice and clean and lovely and i want  it there's not a lot you can add to it but   it's great anyway i love that everything part of  it i think you'll get over it though won't you   yeah i don't think you're going  to give him a moment's choice   i think you'll get over it won't you but it  is important in in any house so you don't   get too emotionally involved it's not yours  you actually i'll probably cry you've been down   this road before you have been down this road  before it's not two or three times yeah i know   oh dear me we're gonna have to hold  her down with some string i think   string more like some heavy-duty cable [Music] we're headlong into a search in sutton coalfield  for the burme family they need to find a bigger   house for themselves the kids and grandma but  their differing opinions on the right location   have so far got me beat [ __ ] up phil this search  isn't over yet the key to deborah's heart is   getting her closer to her family time to give the  girl what she wants we're moving the search over   to the other side of brum to the upmarket area of  harbor it's a fantastic place to live with great   schools beautiful parks and stunning houses living  the high life doesn't come cheap but i just had a   call from an agent with some interesting news this  six period property was on the market at a cool   half a million but it seems the developer may need  some cash and it's just had a whopping 50 grand   knocked off the price tag with some clever dealing  i think this could be within the burmese reach   that could make deborah a very happy woman so  debs you're really the reason why we've why we're   here i know i know thank you very much it can't  be far from your your family no no 10 minutes   10 minutes 10 minutes god hardy you're a brave  man live with your own mom and live ten minutes   from your mom-in-law do it yeah but it all  works but many men wouldn't even consider that   i think it looks really nice okay let's  get into it it is a quarter rose yep yep compared to sutton you don't usually get  as much for your money in harbin but i   think this house is a real find it's a period  property that's just had a shiny new makeover   spread out over three floors  hardeep's mom would be spoilt   for choice with any of these generous  bedrooms and it doesn't end there who wanted space who wanted a big family kitchen   oh my god holy moly what you have here  is granny's room formal reception room   large family kitchen playroom conservatory  and downstairs laundry room this is bang on   because the kids there thank god me here no the  kids the kids are in the kids in the play room   the kids the kids aren't in the kitchen so  that sort of comfy seating area then there's a   dinosaur i was going to say you could have a sofa  there yeah and then kids kids are in here oh wow   straight to the garden biggest garden with  kung cross it is big that it is one for your   little den or something down the end this is  a bit of a wow for me but it doesn't get wowed   i don't think debs thought we'd ever find  her anything like this in harborne oh my god we're not going to afford this and  it's got everything in this house it is   the mutt's nuts if they don't  buy it i will eat your hat   so you two still impressed yes yeah very impressed  yeah really like it yeah really nice well let's   let's split up keep exploring huh boss boss boss  debs come and see the master bedroom suite with me   okay hardy we'll head up to the top okay  brilliant keep going this house let's   narrowed the garden but it's very long well  i'd rather have length to be honest than width even the accountant in hardeep is starting to  melt i think i'm definitely thinking with my   heart at the moment because i love the house i've  got to say when i walked in i didn't think i would   but i do garage with no garage it's great the  location of this house couldn't be better for   deborah what kind of difference would it make  to your life being a mile away from your mum   no really really good especially now with  hardy's mom i realize that i'm relying on   my mom a lot more hardy's mom was fully capable of  looking after the children or just helping us out   and we could just leave them there and run  off for a couple of hours and come back   but now unfortunately she's not thank god i've  got my mom because that's what i mean exactly that   she's you know she's there for me quite a  place isn't it definitely and then every   room i went into i just really loved but i  haven't seen one where i've walked in like   this and i've gone wow wow wow and i just nor  invited me fair i think i'm very much thinking   with my heart i need to think with my head  you're not are you where did you find that success at last not so fast kirsty harbour may  have been a big hit but the reality is it's still   20 grand over budget this last house is back in  sutton where you get a lot more for your money   it's a five-bedroom house on  the market for just under 420   000. 30 grand cheaper than the harbour house  and comfortably back in budget it's on a quiet   road has a huge garden and real scope to add  some value that should appeal to hard ape inside the house needs a little updating but is  in great shape and it's huge with ten thousand   pounds left in the kitty the burmese could  create the perfect home for an extended family   desperate for more space this house really  would be a sensible option and a great buy   now here we are straight into the sitting room  oh this is nice there it is it's lovely so oh   hardy look at the garden this is the bit of  the winner that garden's lovely isn't it it's   beautifully maintained and most profitable you  could somebody's with no clothes on in there and   no one would be any other ones that's really  nice being back in sutton means you get a lot   of bricks for your bucks debbie would be happy  with hardball there's no questions about that   and is that worth 10 grand more in debbie's eyes  it's definitely worth more than 10 grand more   in my eyes i would like to come back and think  about it well that's fine we're not gonna we're   not going to pull your fingernails out if you  don't make a decision that's not what you said   earlier debbie was so won over by the last house  i want to find out if her hearts even made it   through the front door if i'd seen that house in  sutton i would be a bit and something i wish it   was in harborne but i think i'd still have to  go for it because i love it therefore you're   admitting you're not actually giving this the  time of day no i just like to follow you around   thank you very much once you've known him as long  as i have debs the novelty wears off believe me   this is a great house with a real investment  potential but at the end of the day deborah is   allowing hardeep's mom to move in with them  so he is going to let her live near her mum   let's just hear your combined thoughts  on this house this is a big house   um with a big garden it's got it's  got the garage it's got the driveway   and it's on for less money i know you're  gonna kill me for saying this but i just feel   like it's too quiet here spend the evening  thinking about it you only need one house   sounds like these two have got a lot of thinking  to do in norwich we're desperately trying to   keep helen's feet on the ground she's fallen head  over heels for this two-bed city center property   they think it's their dream house  but what about that third bedroom   and with their history of bad luck with the  surveys we need to keep their options open at   last my hard work has paid off i found a fabulous  three-bedroom house in west norwich 15 minutes   walk into the city centre the only downside  is the price at 175 it's 10 000 over budget   i'm not sure the extra room is worth the money but  will they the last thing that coach and i want to   do is stretch your budget but this is kind of  what you asked us to find yeah no no that's   fair enough that's promising from the outside yep  definitely inside is lovely it was renovated two   years ago so all the work has been done which will  keep helen happy in fact it's everything they've   asked us to find but will it wow them do you  get that same feeling you got in the last house   no well no feeling at all i'm quite loyal to the  last house yeah i feel like i'm cheating on it   if i compliment this one too much why didn't you  go upstairs and cheat on paul with phil come on   upstairs are you running away from me i'm  left on my own i thought my luck was in   despite phil's best efforts helen's heart really  does belong to the last house but does paul feel   the pull so seeing this has confirmed your  feelings about the previous one definitely   comparing the prices i'm not really sure i would  i'd pay the extra for the third bedroom when like   i say we've got the shed at the other place  which will handle our storage needs yeah so   paul doesn't think the third bedroom is worth the  extra cash will helen this is the third bedroom   right which is small yeah it is very small  but bear in mind this is actually what you   asked us to find this is the three bedroom  oh yeah that's fair enough and i think i'd   rather stick with the two generous sized  bedrooms good call that's all you need this   is a nice house but it's not for them um  i'm worried because we've got to make sure   that there is nothing wrong with that house  tomorrow no i don't think that's right there's   something wrong with every house what we have  to do is educate them that no house is perfect next morning we return to the city center  house that helen's got her heart set on   we may be first through the door but with a  bottleneck of viewings we need to work hard to   get it before anyone else crosses the threshold  i've spotted a potentially serious problem with   the house that would go beyond minor survey  quibbles they've had more than their fair share   of survey scares and we've got to make absolutely  sure this one's going to pass so i'm getting a   second opinion i've arranged to meet a surveyor  here to have a bit of a cast around the structure   excellent you you go on in favor's  not depressing well cross your fingers helen and paul need to have a good scout around  and make a list of what fixtures and fittings   they'd like to be included in their offer oh  it still looks nice yeah yeah you want to make   your name that blind do you still like it oh  yeah definitely i hope it's going okay with   that surveyor i really do because it's gonna break  their hearts if there's a problem with this house   unfortunately it's not looking good there's  a big crack in the gable end which could be   a major problem it may be that previous owners  have uh information from engineers or it may be   that there's been insurance claims that sort  of paperwork would be helpful hi that's not   happy face it's not happy news either there's  been structural movement down the side wall   how do houses of this age move about most of this  terrorist has actually moved when i've looked up   and down the front this is not what we needed for  this couple potentially it's quite a serious issue   trying to stay calm i just want to get  excited but every time i get excited i just   think it was all gonna go wrong it'll be a miracle  if this is all right because it's too perfect at   the minute they love this house can we just run  now do we have to be the ones that tell them this   this could be the fourth time no no no don't say  that no hello hi there um we've got something we   need to show you okay all right it's not it's  not it's not a big worry it's a little concern   and it's something we think we can overcome the  vendors have lived here for six years right and   they had it surveyed when they bought it and  just before they bought it there'd been some   movement in the house the bricks from here  had been taken out of these new ones you   can see the new bricks oh yeah yeah yes okay  my worry is that within the last six years   there's been additional movement you see how that  brick has cracked straight through the middle yeah   that's not a good sign what we need to establish  is who the existing insurance company are okay   and whether they would be happy to continue cover  okay if it's not insurable it's not mortgageable   oh helen don't it it's gonna be okay it's gonna be  fine it's gonna be fine don't cry i still wanna go   ahead on it though yeah i do definitely yeah it's  a setback but nothing is insurmountable and we're   determined to make this house work for them we  need to gather together any paperwork related to   the crack and get guarantees from their mortgage  company that they'll insure it i've spoken to the   vendor and i've got some paperwork from when they  bought the property and going back actually going   back 14 or 15 years it's been insured by actually  the place where you work since then and they've   been happy to continue cover the whole way that's  a huge relief but our job's not done now we need   to focus on securing the property let's talk about  the money it's on the market at one five nine nine   fifty one five nine feels expensive but it it also  feels that someone's gonna pay for pay within the   not too distant future i don't know what you're  saying it does feel a little expensive but   for the quality of the fitness pictures  inside i think i think would happily pay   that now to be honest i'd rather go in asking  advice and then get a load of stuff thrown in i do have an offer for you it would most  definitely require complete exclusivity so   it is it is strictly under those terms that  they will pay the asking thank you very much we can't we can't say further than that they've  offered the price we've given it to them   sadly we couldn't get an immediate answer  but the agent promises to call in the morning   hi phil how are you have you had a sleepless night  yes we're getting quite stressed out at the moment   it's yours probably is off the  market who accepted the offer what a result let's see if we can do the  same in sutton coalfield finding a house   to fit three generations hasn't been easy debs  and hardy have had the evening to think and next   morning you'll never guess what here we are  back in harborne surprise surprise everyone   thoughts overnight debbie won clearly yeah of  course i won it's not a war phil it's not a matter   of who wins and who loses we agreed together  didn't we yep whatever you say debra this house   is 20 grand over budget but we think we could get  it for less debs's happiness has got to be worth   the extra money one of the main reasons for the  move was to bring hardeep's mother into the family   and hardeep's already got ideas so we're only  coming up one flight of stairs we're only coming   up one flight of stairs i think we probably  said that you know we tried trying to give her   her own space but at the same time we're trying  to get her integrated into in with us and she's   already a big part of the family and she it's  important for the kids that they grow up with her   and i don't want her to sort of be there and make  out like she's in the way she's not in the way   and that really is a main goal great and i think  that this has achieved that yeah whenever you   buy a newly developed property it's important to  draw up a good snagging list any serious problems   must be sorted out before exchange i noticed the  first time we came there were a couple of cracks   up there cracks like that wouldn't bother me girl  after my own heart it's quite normal that is quite   normal i think you just want to make sure that  they've got the documentation which says that's   properly supported yeah okay so we'll just put one  beam on window after a thorough inspection devs   and i head off to find the boys we're done and  dusted no problems at all we've been talking about   numbers and well we've been doing a very detailed  snagging list we've been talking about cracks   yes i'm not sure we want to know about that  but okay i think it's time that um we went and   found somewhere a bit warmer maybe the glass  or two in front of us phil making a beeline   for the bar so surprising we came up here  not too confident that we could find it but   we've surpassed ourselves cursed he's a smug guest  isn't he no you didn't you did great finding the   house in harbor would you like to go ahead and  make an offer on the hogan house i think that goes   without saying yeah i did want to make an offer  their top limit is and thirty thousand pounds   they're prepared to offer their max okay  bye i feel like i'm gonna go and set an exam   it's difficult to wait we're trying to buy this  house from a couple of developers they're going   to be after the cold hard cash even though we  put in a firm offer at 20 grand under the asking   price they're going to play a tough game it's  impossible to tell which way this is going to go [Music] debs and hardeep have fallen in love with  the six bedroom period home in harbon   and they are desperate to secure it  we've put in an offer of 20 grand   under the asking price and the  waiting's been unbearable james hi yeah yeah james can you just do this for me i've had  another offer can you leave the offer on the table   okie doke thanks james the vendor has said you  won't accept less than 440. what we have to pin   our hopes on is that they're calling our bluff  yeah and when we don't move and we legally offer   that that guy actually 4 30 is not bad let's take  it i know debbie feels gutted right now tomorrow   promise me i know i know but we've been looking  so long i know it's been taken away it hasn't it   hasn't been taken away we found it and we're gonna  get it yeah it's gonna be fine all right a week on   and with no word from the vendors hardeep and debs  make one last attempt to secure the harbin house   they stretched their offer by another eight  thousand pounds and i'm delighted to say the   developer accepts their offer but just  when we thought it was in the bag debs   and hardy were dealt a vicious blow we got a  survey done and everything and there was just   lots lots of things wrong weren't there there was  a huge snag list which i had to complete basically   and they wouldn't do a snag list they wouldn't  turn up to talk to us nobody would communicate   with us and in frustration we gave up with the  harbin house fallen through they were forced back   to the search it took them a further five months  to finally find a house that they were happy with   well at least one of them was 12 months on there  in sutton cole field hardeep's favorite location   but not deb's first choice throughout the search  she was adamant she didn't want to live in sutton   and for a while there she got her way but it looks  like the tables are turned and it's this four bed   victorian semi that's won her round and who could  blame her it's absolutely stunning it's gorgeous   for the park it's really close the schools are  really close for us as well and both the boys   thankfully have settled in really  really well my mum's further away   um but to be honest i still drive over and see  every weekend so in a way and i hate to say   hardy was right it has got everything really that  we need with two reception rooms four bedrooms   and three bathrooms there is heaps of space for  burmese young and old and the figures add up too   they bought the house for 398 000 pounds 32 grand  under budget but just as well because this wasn't   the finished project they were after this house  did have to have a lot more work done it compared   to the harbour house we've decorated it from  top to bottom we've made a lot of changes to the   first and second floor in the master bedroom  they have knocked through a wall into what   used to be an office and created their own  ensuite bathroom and they have also made   some major changes to hardeep's mom's room we've  changed the roof so the ceilings have been raised   and we've put in an ensuite as well it just makes  it feel like a big room and my mom's got you know   everything she needs here but with all they  had going on i can't imagine it's been easy   it was a bit of a bind because to be honest we  had to move out of our we had to sell two houses   we had to move into a rented house and it was  a nightmare all the hard work all the stress   all of us being cramped together in a little  house it was worth it because now they've   each got their own fantastic room hardy's mom's  got her own bathroom and her own lovely bedroom   and we've got a great big  house and everything's cool   they've worked their socks off and turned this  house into a home for themselves the kids and   hardeep's mom that's three generations under  one roof it looks like everyone's a winner   here they spent 16 000 on the renovations and  in the six months since they bought the house   they've increased its value to 425 000 pounds  that's 27 grand more than they bought it for they accepted the offer [Music] but what about helen and paul last time we saw  them they were skipping over rainbows but just   when we thought we'd secured them the house of  their dreams the unimaginable happened the vendors   of the property pulled out the day before they  were due to exchange leaving the deal and helen   and paul in tatters it was an absolute disaster  and their fourth house to have gone wrong reeling   from the blow they were forced to move on but i'm  delighted to say this tenacious duo wouldn't be   beaten and it's this cracking two-bed terrace that  set their hearts a flutter just 15 minutes walk   into town and still staggering distance from  the bars and restaurants that they love they   bought the house for 131 grand which seems pretty  inexpensive to me what's the catch so after that   deal bit the dust how long did it take to find  this we sort of looked at hundreds more houses but   we just nothing seemed to do it for us and then  i got a text about this one and we came round and   it was yeah just instant basically you thought  well okay we case of stripping off the paper   then putting the bathroom upstairs what i know  yeah yeah it has to do a bit more than just paint   moving bathrooms yeah yeah yeah i think about  kitchens and things yeah we extended the kitchen   helen i know yeah call me diy expert now what went  on here i'm impressed and amazed in equal measure   this house is stunning with cool contemporary  colors and a stylish new kitchen helen's   decorative touches have worked wonders upstairs  there are two double bedrooms and a huge bathroom   how long does it all take took about six months  in the end when you agreed to buy it what did   you think it was going to be a couple of weeks  work whilst delivering it yeah literally that   naive all these projects come down to planning  yeah proper planning before you actually set out   yeah there wasn't a lot of that to be honest  a year ago i had no chance of getting helen   upstairs with me it looks like she really has  changed and in more ways than one but i remember   kirsty and i saying that you can do this you can  you can make a house nice and clean and lovely   but you wouldn't have it i know and  everyone keeps reminding me of that but   so you genuinely did get your hands dirty then  you were there putting in the grout yeah i put   in the grout i took paper off walls i glossed i  paid in a bucket we had no loop i did the works you really you really are a changed woman right  now it was it was pretty horrible at some points   as ever i've been doing my research and i've got  some interesting news for them so you paid 131   for it 10 months on if that went on the market  today i'm told by the local agents it would go   on about 163. oh lovely that's good that's great  news actually so you made a bit of profit yeah 70p   no you didn't spend that much 70p  i guess the drinks are on me then   it's been terrific coming back to see  you happy settled great home i'm still   kind of shocked but also dead proud particularly  of you helen would you do it all again no no no   yeah i don't know i don't know i don't  think so not not to that extent not without   well i don't know no no we wouldn't yeah  right that's what he said the first time   both couples have proved when house  hunting if you can be sure of one thing   it's that you can't be sure of anything  but but if you're prepared to adapt   and to persevere you might just end up  with the home of your dreams [Music] you
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 106,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all homes home and garden, diy, diy projects, family house hunt, home decor, home decor ideas, home design, home restoration, house design, house hunting, interior, interior design, living room makeover, location, location location location, norwich house search, phil spencer, property hotspots, real estate help, restoration
Id: OOKJbwyWvCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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