A "Completely Serious" Armor Tier List | Escape From Tarkov

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all right we are back with another 100 completely uh serious and accurate tier list that you should take completely seriously obviously and uh today we're doing armor and i apologize from the get-go if i just keep saying this armor because i don't have any notes in front of me and i don't remember the names of quite a few of the newer armors so please just bear with me on that end but with that out of the way let's get started uh first of all we have the un armor i think i have made it abundantly clear as to why i utterly despise the un stuff in tarkov but the uh the abbreviated version is that it is bright blue used in an annoying quest and it is part of the un which you know doesn't really do a whole lot so i feel it's completely justified being placed in the complete bottom of the tier list now with that out of the way we can actually begin the genuine tier list um starting off an f tier we have this armor i don't remember what it's called i think it's one of the thor armors that got added and the reason i don't know what it's called is because i have never seen one that is a lie i have seen one and it was in an air drop right before i got domed by a fellow scav who wanted it for himself you can't really i don't think you can buy it from anyone it's not on the flea market it is incredibly rare i don't think it spawns from raiders where is this thing does it spawn off gluhar because that's the only place that i even think it might be found besides air drops so mostly based on the fact that i've never even worn the bloody thing it's it's pretty bad in my opinion um and to be honest in general i don't like these super heavy armors uh the i don't remember its name but the green one that you have to turn in two for a ragman that's impossible to find that one's also pretty bad nobody wears it genuinely as an armor because it is ludicrously over overpriced the only time you ever see someone wearing it is if they are brand new and don't know what they're doing or if they were trying to get shot in the stomach by a teammate to turn it into ragman at half durability and you accidentally walked in and killed them both uh that's pretty much the only time you'll ever see this thing so i think f tier is fair and then we have the gen 4 full armor it's a direct downgrade from other options that are available and it i the only place i've ever seen is spawn is on gluhar guards and i'm gonna be honest if you wipe glue har you're not taking this thing with you it's really heavy uh it's really big it's armor so you can't do the mountain uh with red rebel and if you go into d2 then you do not want this thing weighing you down for when some little rat goblin inevitably pops around a corner with a shotgun so yeah these three heavy armors they're not great then we have um the three tier four uh ceramic armors i'm gonna make it clear from the get-go i do not like ceramic armor in this game and i'm gonna explain why right now so i can just say ceramic and then move on so i don't sound redundant later but [Music] you can take maybe one or two bullets with ceramic armor before it is rendered completely useless it completely is perforated by everything even if you get shot by a pistol it feels like it's just gone and you cannot repair it because it repairs to like two-thirds of its of the quality that it was before you repaired it and it just loses its um armor value very very fast so if it's ceramic odds are i do not like it these four will not protect you from much they will protect you from maybe two shotgun blasts before they're gone yeah ceramic armor don't recommend so f tier f tier f tier then we have the tarbank it's the tarbank it's worse than the packa i think it is the definitively worst armor in the game it's a quest item f-tier and then into each here we have i forget what this is called but the tier 4 version of this um you can only find it on raiders which isn't so bad but it's ludicrously overpriced from traders and as far as tier 4 armors go this is very much not it i have never seen anyone go out of their way to get one of these i the only time i've ever seen one used is oh my armor got completely shredded i'll take this or hey let's do a throwaway kit i'll grab this armor it's not that good people don't tend to use it that often from my own experience i've never killed anyone wearing this thing that wasn't found in raid so yeah not a very good armor etier then we have the green paca early wipe this is pretty solid even mid to late wipe if you're only trying to block scav rounds this is pretty solid um it's got more armor points than the paca it's camouflaged which is nice but it doesn't hold the esteem that apache does so i think etier is a fair place to put it um the gen 4 high mobility kit i don't know if it's still like this this thing used to have worse debuffs than the gen 4 assault kit which this is the high mobility kit that doesn't make any sense but you know it's it's just there's not a situation where i would ever really want to run one of these and they don't repair that well it's not terrible but it's also not great so honestly they're just not a very notable armor so i think e tier is perfectly fair um then we have the ule rigs first we have the green ule that's tier four pretty sure they're called ulays um or ules or however you pronounce it um this one is slightly better than the other ceramic rigs solely because the fact that you can find them on scavs a lot more often with full durability um for whatever reason one of the uh i for it's i think it's called the 6b13 i think it's called i might be wrong on that but this armor for whatever reason this often spawns on scavs with like 36 out of 47 durability why i have no idea but the ula you can actually find 50 out of 50 and you can find it reasonably often on scavs you just have to make sure you head shot them if you do want that armor but you know as far as cheap armors go it's not terrible but it's ceramic so i don't like that very much i think eter is a fair place to put it same goes for this one this one's slightly better because it's made of titanium uh it's only tier three armor but it's pretty sought after early wipe it's used i think it's almost always sold out early wipe actually so for that i have to give it credit you can put this one in d tier if you want i'm just going to leave it in e tier solely because [Music] i don't know i think it's it's really good early wipe but immediate like two weeks into the wipe and immediately drops off so yeah i i think that uh i think that etier is a very fair place to put it all right and then starting off deter we have the other one of these you in my experience you rarely find this version which is the tier 5 version it's slightly better than the tier 4 version so because it it offers more it's more in line with some of the debuffs that you can expect from tier 5 armor and how slow you move but overall it's just pretty unremarkable and it's very expensive from traders and it's loyalty level 4 so once again never have i ever seen anybody actually go after these it's much more of a oh i'm going to use a throwaway kit i just have this thing why not so i think d tier is fair then we have the the new thor um concealable armor or whatever it's called this thing is saved solely by the fact that it looks good other than that it's pretty overpriced for only being 35 out of 35. you can sometimes find them on scavs but they're often damaged really this just it doesn't add anything and it's 52 000 rubles i think so it's just really not worth that price continuing onward we have the gazelle or the gel however it's pronounced once again it's ceramic armor but i'll give this armor a bit more credit considering you can sometimes find full health ones on scabs and the fact that it will block two decent quality rounds before it completely is perforated into non-existence then we have the kerasa uh it's just a tier three armor like it's just one of the higher end tier three armors that you will see people using during those first three weeks of the wipe uh it's there's not much more to say about it then we have the juke 6a uh ceramic so all the problems that come with that and the fact that you can only get it from hunting sherman and his guards makes this armor in my opinion pretty not worth wearing if you get it sell it that's my personal advice as someone who does not have much faith in this armor then we have the i think it's called the redux this used to be a very very good armor and then it became really really hard or impossible to really find and get access to commonly and it is also made completely redundant by the fact that the defender 2 is in the game so yeah all of these just belong in d tier and then we have seat here these rigs are perfectly good so just hear me out why they're here because i'm sure a few of you are going to be very angry by some of these placements um this tagulo armor forget what it's called this is the tier four one that he has the only reason it's in c tier is because the fact that you're disappointed when you kill to gilla and this is what he has it's a perfectly fine armor for all intents and purposes but it's not the tier 6 armor that you wanted so solely for the disappointment factor i'm gonna have to put it in seats here but it is a perfectly functional armor piece then we have the m2 rig the m1 rig exists and they tend to be pretty similarly priced nowadays there used to be this used to be higher solely because it used to be like half the price of the m1 rig but nowadays from what i've seen they tend to be around the same price so just buy an m1 rig otherwise if you have one use it it's a decent piece of armor here is where i get absolutely hated on the slick and the hex grid [Music] if you are an absolute gamer chad who runs around and has 84 million rubles or more and is just can constantly have access to these or you just completely lack gear fear then yes these are completely fine armors for myself however whenever i wear these i swear to you the putting one of these on just exponentially increases my chance of getting head-eyes by a buckshot scav [Music] and you might say just wear a face mask i'm going to give you a little anecdote one time i killed a mega chat me and my team were celebrating we had wiped a team of absolutely stacked people i picked up his slick i put it on full health because i legged the dude i picked up his uh x-fil helmet with the face shield full health full health face shield we were set literally we were in crack house and we were going to the um whatever that extract is called i forget that's right next to it and i ran outside crack house and instantly got head earsed by a scav this little goblin this ai goblin managed to perfectly needle some buckshot into the one place that wasn't defended and the best part is is he was standing in front of me so for that reason i do not like wearing these things because whenever i wear them i feel as though i am baiting every scav into just shooting my face from a million yards away and defying all laws of physics and science so i do not like these i tend to just sell them or they sit in my stash for extended periods of time but that's much more of a personal thing so play some more of the hell you want for me though they will go and see to you [Music] and then rounding off seats here we have the almighty paca it's the paca there's not much to say about it it offers decent protection against scav projectiles i think the only scav round that can really hurt you if you got one of these on is 762x39ps and 366 tkm ap why can scavs have that i'm this is a genuine question why can they have that it is scary i hate that please pull that away from them but yes it's the packa it offers fine protection for its price it's the packa there's really not much more to say about it so i think c-tier is a perfectly fine place for it getting into beach here the very fine armors we have the uh this absolute gem of an armor piece i forgot its name but it used to be the go-to armor for myself and a lot of other people slowly because it was inexpensive it was a decent rig and it's tier 4 armor for not too expensive 50 000 rubles so this used to be probably ars tier but there was another armor introduced that literally everyone started using so this one has been downgraded a little bit but it is still an absolutely fine armor piece then we have the press armor the standard wear for every tarkov geographic cameraman um if you wear this with the aviators and the mustache and the panama hat and you wiggle vigorously especially with voip nowadays people just might have pity on you so yeah i like the press armor and to be honest it's a fine armor for what it is a b-tier is a good place for it this one's interesting i don't like this armor very much but if you do happen to come by it this is like the ultimate rat running rig for reserve you put this thing on you vacuum up as much stuff as you can into its absolutely ridiculous storage space like how the hell does this have so much room i'm genuinely confused this is the tardis apparently but yeah absolutely jack storage space within it tier 4 armor which is decent and the only problem is is they tend to be pretty hard to come by i don't really know where to get these consistently but if i ever do have one i just use it to do a quick little rat run on reserve and then sewer man hold my butt out of there until i get red rebel so yes beats here solely for rat capabilities then we have the gen 4 assault armor i'm putting it higher solely because it's it's much more common to find on raiders and the fact that i love to just put on a rig and then stomp through factory with this thing using a saiga 12. so pretty solid armor um not great it definitely does not deserve any higher than a b maybe it even gets dropped down to a c for most people because ultimately these armors just aren't that great but for factory it is pretty darn good um and i will happily run it with even a pretty stacked gun on factory so yeah i think bt is a fair place for it then we have my favorite tier three armor in the game this thing just it repairs super easily it's not that expensive it's available relatively early and it camouflages really nicely so if i'm going for a completely green loadout this tends to be what i bring it's you get it back all the time because nobody takes it it's it's a good armor it's a good armor it's not great it's not bad it's good so i beat here is a perfectly fine place to put it uh then eights here we have teguila's rig i really really like to gilla's rig um the only reason it's not s tier is because s tier is reserved for some of the more special pieces but yes taguilo's rig is very very nice and i like it quite a bit um and it's pretty easy to find since you only have to go through um factory a couple of times to find him and he has recently for myself had a pretty high spawn chance so yeah to go this rig as far as ease of obtaining it and what it provides i think it's a solid a tier then we have his brother's armor the killer armor i have not seen once this entire wipe and to be fair i don't go on interchange i hate that map um but with the way killa is moving all over the place now and you can't really flea market it you can't flea market at all that's why it's not asked here in fact the only reason it's a tier is because i feel like that i could get away with the slick and the hex grid being down low but if i put this any lower i would definitely be harassed by more than a few people so [Music] yeah i think a tier is a fine place for it but nowadays it's just harder to get and i don't see them at all then we have the tactic there's not too much to say about the tactic it's just the tactic i really liked this armor before i don't see them that often but it's still a solid armor so and there's the tier four ragman trade or is it tier three i don't remember what what bart what level that barter is but it's a way of getting them and they're they're they're solid armor so i think eightier uh the defender two if you love to run shoreline and are able to kill sanitar decently often then yeah you have a supply to this absolutely gorgeous piece of armor um other than that it's just hard to get which i think is really just the plan for a lot of these armors this wipe so yeah when you do come by it pretty solid chunk of armor i really really like this armor i think a tier is a nice place for it uh the avs it doesn't repair as good as some other items in my opinion but you can find them pretty often off of raiders and it has two two by two slots which are very nice first fitting sega 12 drum mags so yeah it's a solid armor i think a tier is once again just a good place to put it uh the trooper armor it's just a solid armor i don't want to keep repeating myself with this it's a good armor a tier is fine then we have the co-runned pretty easily pretty easily accessible because it's tier three proper i think for the barter and then tier four proper just to buy it outright but the barter is pretty much the same price as buying it out right anyways so very solid piece of armor repairs decently well easy to get a tier um finally we are going to estier the mmac just was introduced and then everyone started using it it's a good looking piece of armor it offers good protection it's inexpensive um yeah it's just an abs it's just a good piece of armor and i was gonna put in a tier but then i considered how literally every single person was using this so yeah i think it's a nest here armor then we have my absolute favorite armor in the game was the i forget his name it's the rs arma something basically the russian tactec i like this armor a lot i like that it has the option for a grizzly or if you want to put in a um like a drum mag of some kind you can i like the storage space on it it's just a really good piece of armor and that's why i'm so sad that i am not able to just grab these as easily as i used to be able to but that's probably a good thing anyways i really like it so i think it's an s-tier armor then we have the m1 rig inexpensive very good as far as a saiga chad goes because it has two two by two slots or two four slots however you want to call them a really good piece of armor and it blends in well if you're going for a camouflage look i really like this armor s tier then we have the ultimate um saga 12 chad chest rig slowly because you can carry both 10 round magazines and to 20 round magazines so yeah the the tv 110 is a very nice piece of armor and i very much like it which is once again why i'm so disappointed that this is one of the very few tier four items you are not able to buy on the flea market again why but why i don't want to grind out ragman he's a bully i hate interchange so much but [Music] alas it is what it is um i really like this armor and once i get it i will definitely be rocking saiga 12s with it so yes i believe that the tv 110 is ester and then we have the uh the tegilla before tegilla was cool um the factory samurai armor if you ever see somebody running at you wearing this there is roughly a 95 chance they are also wearing some kind of very durable helmet or they're just wearing a ronin to complete the look and have a sword that they are ready to plunge into your skull so my recommendation is you shoot them as much as possible because this doesn't protect them that much considering they're just going to be trying to absorb bullets but oh if you're a timion factory with just a pistol there ain't a damn thing anyone can do to help you this guy will kill you so yeah s tier solely because of how beautiful the play style that this thing accompanies is and uh yeah that is the complete uh s to f to un uh completely serious absolutely should be taken so tier list uh i really hope you enjoyed next week i will be doing a video similar to this as to why you should use the adar so be on the lookout for that but honestly just thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of the video i hope you enjoyed it i did this one without any notes in front of me um or any script so we'll have to see how it goes but if you like that style of video please let me know or if you would prefer that i kind of write a few jokes into the script then also please do let me know but once again massive thank you to for watching all the way to the end of the video that really does mean a lot to me and i really hope you enjoyed ah one of these days i should flash one frame of my face right at the end but you guys would share that so it kind of ruins the idea
Channel: Leviticus
Views: 451,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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